January 1, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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's',dn Januar 1, 1959
II .................................. II I|[ ...................... II .... I[ I) iiilllll III IIr'l ....... I I i i I
Reduced to '39"
Mr. & Mrs. Shop
Our hearty thanks to
you, friends and
patrons, for your
loyalty and good will.
Here's hoping you
have a grand New Nm'.
Open 'til Noon Saturdays
iiii I l i i
Music Study Club
Hears Member's
Christmas Blessing
The Shelton Music Stuffy Club,
affiliated with the State and Na-
tional Federations of Music Clubs,
held its Christmas meeting at the
home of Mrs. O. Aho on Angle-
"The Benediction of Christmas'"
written by Mrs. Florence Orvadahl
was presented by Mrs. Orvadahl
assisted by several members of the
club. Two lovely solos were sung
by Mrs. Harold Johnson and Mrs.
R. Citroen, accompanied on the pi-
ano by Mrs. Aho. The group sang
several Christmas songs. Tile pr0.
gram was excellent and enjoyed
by the entire group.
Following the program, gifts
were exchanged arid refreshments
served by lrs. Aho and co-host-
eases, Mrs. Charles Lentz and
Mrs. Freeman Felt.
Pinochle Players
Hold Yule Party
Prize winners at the Christmas
party at the last meeting of the
Pinochle Club were Mrs. Ivor But-
let' and AI Butler, high scores;
Lee Carlson and Mrs. Fred Zent.
ner, low scores.
A traveling pinochle was award-
ed to Mrs. Frank Smith and Mar-
Jorle Wilson. Walt Austin and
Mrs. Alex Smith, Jr., held a 1500
trump hand.
The next meeting of the pi-
nochle enthusiasts will be held
8 p.rn Tuesday, Jan. 13. in the
Shelton Armory.
Vern Nelson Attends
Scientific Meeting.
Vern Nelson, h)cal Soft Conser-
vationist for the Soil Conserva-
tion, Svice, attended the North-
wes¢ ctentific Association meet-
ing at Corvallis, Ore. on Decem-
ber 29 and 30. He presented a
technical paper on the "Farm Con-
servation Plan" dt the meeting.
Technicmns from the seven
western states attended the meet-
Mason Co. Salon 40 et 8
Hold Dinner Meeting
Partners of Mason County Sa-
lon g et 40 met for dinner nd
Christmas party in Dec£mbcr at
the Memorial Hall. The dinner
was in charge of Mrs. Ernest
Campbell assisted by Mrs. Start
White. A short business meeting
preceeded the gift exchange. Mrs.
R E. Johnson played carols to
complete the ewming.
• s
Y iacemly hope that you
will hold the Iey to
much happiness and
health in the New
Year ahead.
Mrs. WUllam MeHz
Miss Adrienne McCutcheon be-
came the bride of Mr. William
Mertz in a recent wedding in Al-
hambra, Calif. The Rev. Sorenson
officiated ,t the candlelight single
ring ceremnny.
The bride in the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McCutcheon
and Mertz, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Mertz, Elsinore, Calif•
The newly.weds are making
their home at 1309% Main
Apartment 21, Jklhambra,
The new Mrs. lertz wa
ated from Irene S.
school and attended Humboldt
State Colege, Arcata, Calif. Mr. Yellow and whit chrysanthe-
Mertz was graduated from Elsi- mums decorated the home of Mr.
note high school and is an IBM and Mrs. Sivert Remmen for the
operator with General Petroleum recent wedding of their son,
Co., Los Angeles, Calif. George, to Miss Mary Stone of
.......... Tacoma. The Rev. Charles T.'Hat-
Moose Members to
Celebrate Now Year
Local members of the Loyal Or-
der of Moose are reminded of the
annual New Year'S Eve dance and
party in the Moose hall this eve-
ning, announced John Howe, gov-
ernor of the lodge.
Music for the occasion will be
by the Archie Burfoot. Jr., trio.
Dancing will begin at 9 p.m. until
2 a.m. Members are invited to
bring guests.
Chitter b " Chatter
ltOIADAY GUESTS at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Davidson
for Christmas Eve and Christmas
Day were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wal-
drip, Mrs. Leslie Muller. Miss Car-
tie Hansen, Seattle, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Davidson and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Davldson. Jr., and
daughter; Mr. and Mrs, Nat Wal-
drip and family.
Joining the group for Christmas
dinner were Mrs. Davidson's broth-
er. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dares.
Friday guests in the Davidaon
home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Gray, Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. James
Hey and family, Bellingham, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Dares, Alger,
Ned Daves. Alger, Mr. and Mrs.
John Daves Seattle, and Satur-
day guests were Mr and. Mrs.
Dolph Davidson and son of Long-
CIIRISTMAS EVE guests in the
Glenn Butler home were Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Kelly and daughter of
Bellingham. Mr. and Mrs. Butler
entertained their son, Jack and
Mr. and Mrs. Dean O. Smith and
daughter. Nancy, Everett.
and Mrs. John Dallum and family
are spending the holidays visiting
friends and relatives in and near
Omaha. Nob.
and Mrs. Spriggs Washer attended
the recent Western Forestry con-
ference in San Francisco. Repre-
sentatives from all western states
attended. The Washers visited
friends and relatives on the re-
turn trip.
Men who are industrious, sin-
cere. and honest will have easy
sledding on theh" way to success.
I i
i ii i ii I
Roller Skat, g
8:30 p.m. 'tii 1959
BPW Club Holds
Christmas Party
Members of the Business and
Professional Women's Club held
their Chr|stmas party at the Co-
lonial HoUse December I7th. Fol-
lowing the 7 o'clock dinner, the
packages were wrapped ,for the
Cnriptmas project with MrS.:Ma-
bel Burk and Mrs, Agatha Norby
Several holiday readings were !
given arid members Joined in sing. I
ing carols accompanied by Mrs.
The next business meeting of the
club will be Wednesday, Jan. 7,
at th e PUD building, at whiel
time plans will be iade for the
coming visit of the District direC-
Navy Mothers Fete
Member's Birthday
Mrs, Helen Pearce's birthday
was honored at the Christmas par.
ty of the Mason County Navy
Mothers Club Dec. 18 in the Me-
morial hall. A short business meet,
tng preceeded the birthday party
and Christmas exchange of gifts.
' The next meeting of the club
will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday,
Jan. 8. in the home of Mrs. Don
Aitken, 642 Arcadia.
ten officiated at the single ring
For her wedding Miss Stone
chose a pale blue lace street length
gown and corsage of rose buds and
gardenias. Mr. Martin Remmen,
brother of the bridegroom, gave
the bride in marriage.
The couple s only attendants
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Remmen,
brother of the bridegroom, of Shel-
A four tiered wedding cake, top-
ped with a miniature bridal couple,
attractively graced the reception
table, for the reception following
the nuptials. Mrs. Fred Remmen
cut the cake and Mrs. Martin
Remmen poured. In charge of the
guest book was Miss Janet Bor-
den, niece of the bridegroom, and
Mrs. Delmar Borden, the bride-
groom's sister, the gift table.
The couple are making thei
home at 2804 East R Street, Ta-
coma. Mr. Remmen is employed as
a 10ng shoreman in Tacoma.
inson, nieces of the bride served
The new Mr. and Mrs. Catto
will make their permanent home
on Hood Canal.
Middle Skokomish
Valley was a busy place during
the Christmas holidays. Mr. and
Mrs. Start Johnson entertained
with a dinner last Saturday ew.-
ning for several of their college
friends. Coming from Seattle for
the event were Rcv. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mil-
ler, and Mr and Mrs. Roy Deffen-
baugh, from Port Angeles were
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson. Mr.
and Mrs. Rodney Millet', and Mr.
and Mrs. James Hunter.
Mrs. Arthur Johnson entertained
with a buffet dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Burnett and son Bob of
Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Gendereau of Tenino, Mr. and Mrs.
Avene Richert of Island Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. John Laramie and
family of Hoodsport, and Arlen.
Ron and Mary Lot[ Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson
had Christmas dinner with Mr'.
and Mrs. Alvin Peterson of Shel-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson and
family of Seattle, and Mr. and
Mrs. George Barkley spent Christ-
mas day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Hunter at their beach home at
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crapser
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Vir-
gil Crapser and Eugene wish to
express their deepest thanks to
all their neighbors and friends for
their expressions of sympathy in
their recent bereavement.
Mr and MrS. Drake and family
of Renton and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Homan and family of Shelton
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
CIaude Dugger. Mrs. Drake and
Mrs. Homan are daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Dugger.
MR. AND MRS. Walter Nelson
,and daughters of Seattle were din-
er guests last Sunday of Mr. and
re. Arthur Johnson. Other vis-
ltor$ at. the Johno home were
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hells of
Mrs. Fred Ferris Sr. of Shelton
spent Christmas at the home of
her daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Kelsey Tanner.
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson had
as their guests for :dinner on
Chrlstma Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
ley Jonson and children of Se-
attle and Mr. and Mrs. Rol Burg
and ftmlly. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Chester Valley
were pleasantly surprised on
Christmas morning by a telephone
call from Mr. VaIley's sister in
Presque Isle, Maine. She said
there they had sixteen inches of
snow and it was eleven below
zero. Quite different from the
weather here on Christmas day.
There will be a watch night ser-
vice at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Rebman, starting at 9 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crapser
and family were dinner guests at
:he home of Rev. and Mrs. Itol
Burg last Sunday.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Hunter was buzzing with ex-
citement on Christmas Eve. Those
who came to join in were their
daughter Doris, her husband and
family from Africa, Mr. and Mrs.
Justin Taylor and children of Oy-
ster Bay, Bob and Stanley Hunt-
er, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tay-
lor of Kamtlche. The Hunters
spent Christmas Day at he home
of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor.
MR. AND MRS. Chester Valley,
Mr. and Mrs. George Valley and
dauglter spent Christmas Day
with tim Chef Valgys in Seattle.
Steve returned with these.t0 visit
[or a few days.
and Alaska, Order of Rahtbow
for (ilHs. She is a sophomore
at the University of Washington
majoring In English and speech.
giegter photo. )
enjoyed the Christmas program at
the school Tuesday evening, De-
cember 23rd First. was a song
"Santa Claus Is Coming Soon";
second, solo "I Ain't Gettin' Nut-
tm for Christmas" by Joe Wal-
drip; tlird, a play, "A Christmas
Dream" by the 4th. 5th and 6tt}
grades; fourth, "Christmas at the
Manger" by the 1st. 2nd and 3rd
grades; Recitation "A Precious
Story," by Vickie Alverson; "Chil-
dren Who Tell the Christmas
Story" from Luke 2: to Luke
2:16 and Matthew 2:12. by a group
of ten youngsters; Recitati()n, "The
Sheplmrds" by Mary Ann Henry;
solo, "I Wonder," by Juanita E1-
lison; Recitation. "An Olden
Story," by Kathy Petty
Angel, Sharon McHenry; shep-
herds. Jimmie Kelley, Stoves
James, Arthur Morrow. Keith Gra-
ham; Wise Men, Joe Whitencr,
Debbie Haney, Genie Mom'-w :
Mary, Carolyn Rau; Joseph, Jerry
Clary; Benediction, Arlene EllS-
. The chorus included all the
fourth, "fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth grades. Richard Endicott
led the singing and provided the
music. A group of girls played
"Silent Night" on their accordions.
MR. AND MRS. Oliver Petty
had Christmas dinner Thursday
with her parents, the Lawrence La
Monts at Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Coady Craddick of
Crescent City, Calif.. spent the
past week with the M. H. Lam-
berts and others in the valley.
Christmas day guests of the Ed-
win Pettys were the J. W. Jor-
dana and Dianne of Olympia, the
Robert Petty family, formerly of
Oakridge, Ore., and the Roy Pet-
tys and Florence of the Arcadia
Mrs. Effie Brownfield, and Mrs',
Gladys Nelson attended a wed-
ding at the Gloria Dee Lutheran
Chm'ch in Olympia Sunday.
Christmas day dinner guests of
the Art Nelsons were the Wes
Raus, Tony Nelsons and the L.
J. Browns of Olympia.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood re-
turned to their home in Venture,
Calif., having spent the past two
weeks visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Barbara Haney took Mary
Ann to a clinic in Seattle Satur-
day for eye checkup. They ex-
pect to return Wednesday.
the Charles Wagners were Mrs.
Teke Lsrson and two children of
Bend, Ore., Mr and Mrs. Lewis
Brinkley and children of Hoquiam,
Mr. and Mrs. James Cockran of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs, Ken-
neth Sieglar of Olympia.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Gahan of Elma,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Madsen of
McCleary and the Lyle Alverson
family were Friday evening guests
of the Charles Wagners.
Bonnie and Joan Wagner had
their tonsils out last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Alverson and
family returned Mrs. Teke Larson
and children to their home in
Bend, Ore.. Sunday. David stayed
to spend the week there.
Mr. and Mrs. John Akin and
two boys of Salem, Ore., spent
Wednesday with the R. F. Key-
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Keyzens had
Christmas dinner with the Johnnie
Keyzer family.
THE EXECUTIVE meeting of
the Degree of Honor lodge will be
Tuesday vening, January the 6th,
8 p.m., at the Al.zt=.V]J2ts.. home,
1028 Railroad in Shelton.
Christmas Customs
Explained by Toccata
M us,c Club Members
Christmas decor and a festive
mood marked the December meet-
ing of the Toccata Music Club
:held in the home of Johanna Gold-
schmid. Her co-hostess was Aria
During the evening's program,
based on Christmas customs and
music around the world, Coralie
Anderson told of the Mexican cele-
bration of Christmas. Johanna
Goldschmid related how Christmas
is celebrated in Germany and Su-
san Norvold described the holiday
observances in the Scandinavian
The origin of the Christnas tree,
the mistletoe and the yvle log as
sjmbols of Christmas xas given
by RendS Tuson, Gall Dreger and
Nancy Wilson. Carols from many
lands were played and sung by
members of the club.
In observance of the National
Federation of Music Clubs "Mac-
Dowell Festival Month" Wendy
Brickert gave a report on the life
and music of the American com-
poser, Edward MacDowell• Su-
san Norvold played MacDowell's
"To A Wild Rose" as a flute solo.
Caroling at the hospitals and at
the homes of shut-ins followed by
refreshments at the Goldscmid
home, concluded the evening's ac-
VFW Post and Aux.
Meet Friday Nite
The next regular business meet-
ing of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post and Auxiliary will be
held at 8 p.m. Friday in the Mem-
orial hall. Auxiliary hostesses for
the evening will be Ellinor Gosser,
Dorothy Kelsey, Florence Hamil-
ton and Amy Frank. Lucy Edtnis-
Ion will briig the prize.
The ways and means committee,
Lucille Speece, ehairnmn, Jessie
Cox and Florence Hamilton, wish
to thank all the members and
friends that helped to make the
auxiliary's rummage sale a suc-
II t 12 I
7 5 5
1958 Hillmn Minx Deluxe 4-Door
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1956 Ford F-IO0 ½-Ten Pickup
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We have a W,.HOLE LOT of
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707 So. First St. HA
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good health, good
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Soci I Events
"",",' ' ,'" W"I, ',"
Robinson Home. Wedding Unites
Mrs. Frances Hill,e John L. Catto _
Mrs. Frances R. Hill became th close friends.
Catto in the home of her brother, bandeau hat and pink and Mack
and Mrs. John Robinson, Ta- accessories and corsage of roses !
coma, rest Sunaay. and violets. :*?'i:' ': ' " L '
The Robinson home festively Mr. John A. Catto, Seattle, son ,
docked with holiday decoratlons of the bridegroom, and Mrs.. Mack
took on a special effect for the Knutsen, Steilacoom, daughter of
occasion The Rev. Harold J, Bass the bride, were the couple's only
of the Hillside Community church, attendants. Mrs. Kntsen chose
ceremony bbfoe members Of the blue accessories and white carna-
couple' immediate families and ties corsage.
.... Mrs. Frank Robinson, mother of ::i
ly T the bride, Lllliwaup and Tacoma,
evea[ vows In chose a bh,e lace gown *,ith a
w a TT corsage of pink carnations. - I1
Hmmon Hnm A lace cloth graced the re- MISS PAT PRICE wll be J ,"
v,ffi,ffi.-. ,- ...... ception table where the four tiered ored at a public reception giw n
wedding cake was attractively set. I)3' lh,, Shelton Ralinbotv As-
Mrs. Alma Catto, sister-in-law of sembly thi Frhlay evening at
the bridegroom, cut the. cake while even o'clock In the Masonic
Mrs. Vic Robinson and Mrs. John Temph. Mis Price Is the daugh-
Robinson, sisters-in-law of the ter of Mr, and Mrs. S. W. Pries,
bride, poured. Misses Sharon. Jo, and Grand Faith to the Graml
Elizabeth. Frances and Vicki Rob- Assembly of Washington, hlaho