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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
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mrdav. January 1, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{stmastown U;S.A.," Shelton, Washington Pae 3 HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates NO DELAY t . Iason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. ,r!!i!: " I i ri!'i': ......... i --ver1daq fine in '59 ... that's what we wLsh tot you and €fll those dear to you. MeW the New Yem" bring you qood hecdt suGcess cmd hcrpplaess. HEINIE'S BROILER DOT and HEINIE HILDERMAN Evergreen Square Southside News By Mrs. Ray Krateha SOUTHSIDE--Southside Grange meets January 2 for a regular meeting. Southside Auxiliary meets at Mrs. Pauline Emsley's on January 8 for a sack hmch. MR. AND MRS. Claude Daniel- son entertained all the relatives Christmas morning and had a smorgasbord. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Danielson Christmas Day in the afternoon were Mrs. Bill Kimbel's mother, father and brother; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Batstone. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Braumbaugh for the Christmas holidays were Eleanor Braum- baugh of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Braumbaugh and family, of Port Angeles, and Mr. Harold Schilling of Seattle. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Braumbaugh" Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Einar Kjesbu, of Bandon, Ore., and Mr. Fred Rondvedt of Kalamath Falls, Ore. GUESTS OF MR. and Mrs. Tony Kriefels Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kriefels and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Freeman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ellis and family, of Sumner; Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kriefels Jr. and Shells, Mike and Sheryl Kriefels. Mrs. Rose Cruickshank, of Bremerton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kriefels and family Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Archer received word that they have a new grandson, Michael Allen, born December 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Du- ane Archer, of Seattle• Duane spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archer. The Petticoats 4-H Club held their last meeting December 22 at Virginia Clerks. This was their last meeting of the year. They fin- ished up their project of making toys for the needy children and then held a social meeting the rest of the evening. Sharon Clark, Bob Brewer, and Mr. VanValken o burg were the guests for the eve- ning. MR. AND MRS. Henry Boysen and granddaughter, Terrl, spent :Christmas dinner and the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janice. Arlene Putvin, who is attending Concordia College in Portland, is spending two weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Putvin and family. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Putvin for the Christmas holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Don Hansen and family, of Tacoma, and Le- roy gellElmlan. Mrs. Myrtle Brobeck attended the wedding of her granddaughter, Donna Mac Leslie, to Charles Lu- gar, of Bremerton. The wedding was held Christmas eve , Spending Christmas day evening with Mr and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janice was June Kratcha, of Island Lake• Also the Walt Ks- deans and Terry and Linda visited the Ray Kratchas Saturday eve- ning. i Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swayzel 'afid'family, Augusta Rollins and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton, of Oakville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Swayze Sunday. INVENTORY L A R A N TABLE up A To V 25% off INBUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 1ST & PINE ST. PHONE HA. 6-4393 NEWS ITEMS FROM UNION By Vivian Jones UNION.---To start the bright shiny new year off right, Happy New Year to all of you. Mrs. Dorothy Jessup had a won- derful Christmas with her family all home with her for dinner. Her mother, Mrs. James Russell of Se- attle, Mr. and Mrs. William Judah and family of Shelton and Mrs. Jean Moore and son, Michael, of Tacoma. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Close and sons, Bob and Albert, of Aberdeen enjoyed din- ner at Mrs. Jessups. Mrs. Close is a daughter of Mrs. Albert Shaf- er of the charming and lovely home "The Castle" where the John Closes have been staying during the holidays. It was a no host, pay your own way dinner at Alderbrook for Can- alites, Saturday evening, Dec. 27, at 9 o'ch)ck. A really bang up time was had by a good turnout. We hear the dinner of turkey, ham and all the fine fixin's was simply delicious. After feasting, dancing was enjoyed in the lobby, by a brilliant fire, so things were really cozy. Later, some fun was had by forming a few squares, with Otto Wojohn calling. We under- stand Nell Anderson was, shall we say, "Belle of the Ball," in fact she was the only gal there to have four different fellows cut in dur- ing one dance. Hurrah for our Nell. Those enjoying this gala affair were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buechel, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barley, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wojohn, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. Randal Updyke, Mr. and Mrs. Niles, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coles, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ross, M. and Mrs. A. C. Mer- cier, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Richard- son, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Puter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rotter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton, Bud Wyatt, Phillip Johnson, Jean Morrow and Wands Wyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith are the proud parents of a brand new baby boy, Floyd Lee, born Mon- day, Dec. 22, at Shelton General Hospital. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Blake and family spent Christmas and the holidays in Seattle with the J. M. Porters. Mrs. Porter is Lucy's sister. Norm Richardson's mother, Mrs. A. T. Lindland of Oregon City, Ore., enjoyed the Christmas holi- days with her son and daughter-in- law, from Olympia, Norm's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bergland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Heimis and family from Shelton. Many Union friend and relatives came visiting at the Richardsons too, during the Christmas holidays. George Carlisle and daughter, Marjorie, from Seattle, spent the Christmas holidays with the Frank Carlisles of Sportsman's Haven. George is Frank's brother. Mrs. Carlisle telli me there are lots of ducks around, but too much holi- days for the hunters, so the ducks are really having a re. Duck season is over Jan 14. The Robert Deans' nephew and wife from Anacortes, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore, were Christmas holi- daying and all had a family din- ner at the Leo Pearces. Mrs. Mary Trager had Christ- mas dinner at the Bob Gwins. Mrs. Trager is Bob's mother. Sunday, Mrs. Elizabeth Beihler and son, Ray, and wife from Shelton, en- Joyed the day visiting with Bob and Clara Gwin. Jim and Ruth Nutt and family of Shelton enjoyed Sunday with the Jhn Kimbals and family on Elf hill. M:r. and Mrs. W. T. Crecy from Shelton had Christmas dinner with the Ed Hamiltons and Mr. and Mrs. Neal PutEr. The 4-H "Cooking Cuties" were very bu., making cookies for Christmas last Tuesday at the home of Tula Kimball, their lead- er. Later the girls joined the 4-H boys' group, "Busy Beavers" car- oling around Union, then to Ted Bailey's house for cookies, cake and punch, games and fun. Ira Morse, Carol McHenry, Laurence and George Morris went elk hunting. They left Sunday morning and will return the middle of the week. We hear they are over by Copalis beach. Good luck to you guys, and bring home an elk. We are all so sorry to hear that Mrs. Maud Egger had to go to the Shelton General Hospital Sun- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawaon spent three days over Christmas at their daughter and son-in-law'a, the Douglas Keyes, in Olympia. Lad and Nell Anderson spent Christmas day in Seattle with Lud's sisters, Betty and Hilda An- derson. They all had a delicious dinner at the home of Mrs. Pat Page. Mrs. Page is with the Se- attle Post Intelligencer. The Union woman's bowling team sponsored by Dick Buechel and bowling in the "Housewives League" in Shelton, have come up, since last writing. They now in fifth place and here they are already at the mid-term play-off. They won fifteen dollars and for- ty-one cents. Plans for spending the large amount of dough come later. The Curt Grouts and family spent Christmas day in Tacoma. There was Mrs. Douglas Grout, Major and Mrs. Jack Oller, and relatives from Alaska and Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mawby, former Union residents, are now living in Belfair. Saturday eve- ning the Curt and Douglas Grouts, and Larry Scheel paid them a visit. The Augsburg College band, one of America's outstanding concert bands, will present a concert in Shelton Monday, Feb. 2, Junior High Auditorium. Directing the band will be Mr. Mayo Savold. The band is a 56 member organization, on tour from Minneapolis to eat- tle. We understand this to nEa very fine concert, so mark your calendars and plan to attend. Travel Reservation Center Air - Rail - Ship - Bus TOURS • CRUISES • HOTEL HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue SH ELTON, WASH. NGLE FIRST Kimbel Logging Company Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR • LAND CLEARING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • DITCHING BULKHEADING • BULLDOZING • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILEDRIVING For Land or Water • PILING AND LOGS For Sale PHONE HA. 6-6203 The "'RUMPUS ROOM" ) ) ) ) • • • • What? Where? When? Watch these columns for announcement of opening of this new Shelton center for Teen-age entertainment. VFW to Hold CIIRISTMAS DIN- NER: On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. T*   ¢  [W. S. Hickman entertained Mrs. Plrst at# vleet Aes Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack --^__ ,_. _,. x,, r^., ,aalFenton and son, John of Seattle will hold its first 959 meeting m • . , , , . • 1 • • Lee Yung of Kobe Japan and amnri,l lall at 9, n n rf I Henry 14.11Tl of Seoul Korea, uoth the M ................. . ........ - _. _ , . . . v stunents at tne Umvermty oz day. ...... ]Washington, Mrs. Mildred Wickiz- .vine onmancler u: M. teen Ier and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pynch wm presme cue o uommanaer of Stayton, Ore., at a belated Malloy being on a vacation trip Christmas dinner. in California. At this meeting plans will be made for attending the VFW state wide mid-winter conference at Port Angeles on Jan. 24 and 25. Quartermaster Godwin announ- ces that this will be the last op- portunity for members to pay their 1959 dues, thus continuing to keep their families eligible to receive VFV cash benefits. Ordi- narily December 31st would be the last date on which this could be done. All men are created equal--and endowed by their creator with an insatiable urge to become other- wise. i i ii ill THE Assortment of Coats, Sno-Suits and Jackets from %14 and Sub-teen See our Table of Bargains The source of Olympia's consistent good taste... FRIDAY! rl on all ney Sheets! WHY SPEND MORE? Compare any brand! There are none finer than Penney's Sheets! America's top mills make all Penney Sheets to top specifications--No Seconds Are Ever Sold In a Penney Store! Dollar for Dollar you can't buy better! Why spend more? MUSUNS! WHITES! I PERCALES! FLATS[ FITTED! COLORS! NOVELTIES! EVERYTHING[ SAVE ON NATION-WIDE MUSUNS! You get full value plus big savings on these all-perfect laboratory tested Nation-Wides •.. the muslins that families for genera- tions have counted on for long-wearing satisfaction. Compare: strong staple cotton in a firm, balanced weave (no weak spots here !) sturdy tape selvages (take countless washings), smooth finish with minimum sizing (no gluey starches that wash out) l Double Bed Tops, $2.39 Twin BedTops, $2.19 i I LOWER SHEET PRICESI Multi.Color Stripe Nation Wide Muslin 97 72 x 108 Flat or Sanforized Twin Bottom 81 x 108 Flat or Sanforized Double Bottom $2 47 42x36 Cases 2 for $1.17 More proof that the best sheet buys in America are at Pen- ney's in Shclton. Even woven, smooth, strong selvedges that are tested and re-tested by the PennEy laboratory. You will find they last longer, wash bet- ter. But look, did you expect such a low price! 72 x 108 Flat or San- forized Double Fitted 77 81 x 108 Flat or San- ' forized Double Fitted Cases, 2 for 77¢ January Spedl Price! Bought for January! IN FITTED STYLE Mattress Pad & Cover Twin Bed Double Bed Save! Stock up now on the best mattress pad bargain you ever saw. Soft, quilted pad and cover combination that will .I1 out in a hurry! SPECIAL PRICE! Unhemmed 30 x 30 DISH TOWELS F 0 R NEW SPRING STYLES! Brentwood Wash Frocks, 4.Yd. Skirls! Embossed Cottons Everglazed Prints! $ 79 In sies 12 to 20, 14 , to 24&. Button front, so easy to get rote, wash and iron. PrEtty spring shades in both solid col- or embossed or evergiazcd prints. Little or no ironing and no starching. New material, never printed or sewn. No holes. Absorbent, washed, bleached, ready to use. Stock up now. Shop Pcnney's Ready 'to Wear for the "New" Styles! Compare! You'll Save! OPEN FRIDAY NITE 'TIL 8:30 More Time to Save! NEW LOW PRICES! 79 72 x 108 flat or Sanforlzed fitted bottom FAMOUS LONG WEARING MUSLINS 99 81 x 108 Flat or Double Sanforixed Fitted Sanforized Double Top Sanforized Twin Top 42x36 Cases--2 for 88¢ Incredible . . .the highest count muslin made and see what you save! Check what goes to make Pences the aristocrats of mus- lins, then compare: Extra smooth---special finish for soft luxurious feeling', extra-strong, carefully carded selected cot- ton; extra long wearing! Com- pare and veI :NEW LOW PRIGESI 93 72 x 108 Flat or Sanforized Bottom Fitted SILKEN COMBED YARN PERCALES 81 x 108 Flat or Sanforlzed Double Bottom 42x38½ Percale Cases 2 for 99¢ Silken smooth luxury r--'' only percales can give ytnl. But Penney's Percales give you more; a fine balanced weave that means luxury with no weak spots . . . sheets with wear built in. Made by the finest sheet mills and yet leer at the low, low price! Compare! MORE LOW PRICES! Pastel Percale Sheets 81 x 108 Flat 47 42 x 38V Cases 2 for $1,09 Mn'c luxury at: low, low Jan- uary prices, Silken percales in dainty pastels. Add color to your bedroom. Buy an Extra sheet and nmke matching cur ° tains,