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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 SHrELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chvistmastown, U.q.A.y ShelteR, Mode O'Oay W', hesy 1 and yours -- ,, , Happy New Y(,ar. Start the New Year Right -- SAVE Dress Special - $3.99 Defter Dresses Limited Number Flannel Robes $3.99 MANY OTHER REDUCED ITEMS MODE O'DAY FR00K SHOP EVERGREEN SQUARE - HA 6-8293 i Ivii ii i _ m i i ......... , ........... /,,,, .......... ,,,;7 ..................... , i accoi'dion; Don Bearden, the gll- Hoodsport- Potlatch News I DAYTON COMMUNITY sonl t'ine talent among the young- s ms n(1 Vir inS.( W'allin tr.-ivel 'd Carol Kinnit. will be hostess d sons. ste. The l d,dergarten c',hildren t0 5eatr,'dia m' 'Christmas 'dinm:;. Saturday dinner guests of '[r. Mr. a n,l. Mrs. Willia,!2.M.,Broxyn. iiii:ii:i!ii)ni:iiiitii';::il ::T::(t!,7ird:li:::ie,ily l(i(:Che/i;iI! aY !'t:iitie;i:tli!:::ii:::l! I i!::iii2!MHdrii!)Ti/7:i;rVgil played by aeanpe Peters(m, Beth day wlth dancing: The Van Laal:: Sunday dinner guests of Nh'. and, Mrs. Ray Dillenberg's brother, holidays from Alaska. On Christ, Longmire and daughters of Olym- The Ernest Maynard family of RITNER'S Fob'fOe BROILER • CORRAL • ROUND-UP ROOM .... , , , 1 i i i H / BEN JOHN BANNER & BURNETT CHEVRON SERVlOE tar; and Richard Peterson0 the trumpet..Of course, Santa Claus made his appearance to top off the program. Miss Anna' Lourene Bingley made her entrance on Saturday, Dee. 20, and was welcomed home by her brother and sister to help celebrate Christmas. 'The Bing:- Leys spent.Chriltmas Eve in Brem- erton with Mrs. Doglaa Burbar and had Clrlana dinner in the he,me of "Mr. and :Mrs. its Vest in Union. On Sunday relatives from Seattle, Auburn, Tacoma and Bremerton dropped in at the Bing- leys to greet the new baby. Mrs. Elsie Seymmlr 15 spending her Christmas vacation with her brothers, Charles and Bob Cobine in" Indepenilence, Ore. A pre-Cchristmaa party was held in the horffe of Mr. and Mrs. Harold MillO where she was host- ess to six cduples with one of her lovely Chinese dinners. The Don Henrys spent the Clristms/ holidays with relatives in Seattle and Bellingham. Mrs. George Ferris and son, Dick, wele visitor# la the Emery Winter home. Dick is on fur- lough and is Mrs. Winters' teph- ew. Donna Brown is home from Kent and will be attending chool in Shelter for the spring term. Other visitbrs in the Winters home for Christmas were Mr. and rs. John Winters from Port Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Winters and Carla of Seattle. Johnna Winter from Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winter& Jr., of ShelteR. The Emery Jrs. left for a belated honeymoon trip to California and ar visit with his mother there. Mr, and Mrs. I. J. Evans and Steve and Mrs. Dorothy Swanson are spending the vacation holi- days in Port Angeles with rel tires. Mrs. Georgia Rudd of Portland is spending some time visiting with her daughter and family, the Earl Crumbs. Earl has been" one of the lucky steelhead fishermen this week. Cla|'ida Bearden attended Job- biv installations in Seattle and Ab- berdeen Callers in the Bill Bear- den home this weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson and boys of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rishel and children. The Bearden family all gathered at the home of the Mel Beardens for Christmas Eve. There were the Bob Beardens, the Bill Beardens and the Bill Essex families to open presents together. Judy Hale had a sad accident on Christmas Eve when she fell and re-cracked her collarbone, and had to make a hurried trip to the doc- tor. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Visser and Frances and Mrs. Anna Johnson arrived at the Robert Smiths on Tuesday evening to spend the Christmas time. The Vissers re- turned to their home in Arcata, Calif., on Friday but Mrs. Johnsor will spend some time here and in May it bring us the power to scale new heights of achieve. ment and the wisdom to use that power wisely and well to open up a bright new era of better living for everyone. And to all our friends: best wishes for health and happineml PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 "" County, JACK COLE, TOM WEIB, ED TAYLOR --- COMMISSIONERS CLAUDE DANIELSON, MANAGER mas Eve guests in the Larsen home were M. and Mrs. Dave t-brag of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williamson of Ellensbuvg, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Larsen of helton and Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Donell of Hoquiam. Ou Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Lar- Sen wll;h Gloria and Nadene trav- eh,d to Hoqulara to the O'Donells and had dinner tlmre with their arents, Mr. and Mrs. Ared Bit- ey. Sdnday they Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dtmcan at Aberdeen. ;Mr. and Mrs. Merle Connolly and four boys from Seattle spent the the Ken Connolly home in Hoodsport. Christmas dinner guests in the Ray Peterson home were Mrs. Nola Hagen and Brent and Gene Maynard, all of Tacoma. The Robert SmitIls also visited with the Petersons. The Nell Simmons fatally spent a wonderful Christmas with all of her sisters and brothers at a Christmas Eve party ,in the home Of Mrs. Frank Marsh in PuyaIlup. On Saturday the Simmons at- tended an open house in the home of Mrs. Robert Johnson in Seattle. Cheri Cook of Tacoma returned home with the Simmons on Sun- day for a visit here. Mr. and Mrs, Andy Scott en- tertained their children and fami- lies for Christmas Eve, There were Roger and Margaret Parmelee o Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scott and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Rodman. Christmas morning Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Kirk received telephone calls from their sons. Wayne and Mike, who were spending Christmas with Wayne's aun in Lnng Beach, Calif. Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Pierce had their family all together for Christmas Eve and then Christmas dinner. There were 21 for the celebration and they were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Radtke from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pierce and family of Union Mrs. Darrel Rod- gers and children of Sheltnn, and Mrs. William Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dillon had a,Ohristmas dinner guests, Mrs. Genevieve McEvoy and Mrs. Lulah Hunting. No, you weren't seeing thbags Sunday, it was Eddie Kneeland, Mick Simmons and Ron Goes wa- ter skiing. The purpose was to test Eddie's new motor, which, needless to say is the envy of the younger set along the Potlatch Beach. The George Clark family trav- eled to Seattle to spend Christmas with Mrs. G. R. Clark. They also spent some time visiting in Red- mend with the Dick Jacobsens. They returned home a tired group after accommodations were made for the four adults, seven kids, three dogs, and a cat. No fights, the. Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgberg and "Cindy" were callers in the Rob- eft Smith home on Stmday dve- Ring. The D.S.C. met in the home of Mrs. Wesley Johnson for their an- ual Christmas potluck dinner. Thit is the one time of the year the h'tmbnds are invited to share in the club's activities. The mem- bers exchanged gifts avid revealed their sdc'ret lbals, m.ntertainment for the evening was furnished by Mrs. Jlson who showed sltde of the costun}e clmces. Hostesse assisting With arra'ngenents were Mr. Norman Gry, Mrs, Ray Pe- terson arid Mrs. HarIT Pozorski. pin. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman and sons motored to Seat- tle to have dinner with his aunt, Mrs. Sue Wieting and visit with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wieting and children of Stockton, Calif. Sunday drop-in guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeOarde were Mr. and Mrs. Don Valley and Steve of Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Valley of Shelton. Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hilson and daugh- ter,, Sharon, of Olympia. MR. AND MRS. A. S. Dyson of Tenino spent Wednesday and Thursday with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kidd. Wednesday evening, Mrs. Dyson was honored with a birthday din- ner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. [Stanley Dyson, Ray and Ricky l of Shelton. They were also guests l for Christmas dinner. Christmas Eve guests at the  home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillen- berg were Mr. and Mz:s. W'alt Bloomfield and family, Mrs. Ma- 'mie Clark of Shelton and Raymond Clark of Oregon. The Walter Chappell family had Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Mary Chappell. Lucite. Lorri. Dani and Craig Maynard were Saturday overnight guests of their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf. The Rehort Lemans had as Christmas guests her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evers of Matlock. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy were Mr. and Mrs, A V. Puderbaugh of Agate, Mrs. Gladys Zoyer and Mr. Fred Johnson of Lilliwaup and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and son, Jake. Sunday drop-in callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Le- Garde were Mr, and Mrs. Claude Legacy and children of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. George Ralston and son of Shelton. Gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs Cliffprd Combs on Christ- mas day for dinner were Mrs. Mozelle Pearson and sons of Seat- tle, George Russell who is with " , ii , ,, Too Lale To Classify CI,EARANCE. Bit: roduction on all itictr(,[i llld iso, (.()1 Ill' in :tlld })Ft)II/" H'Oll]ld.,)n Eh>('tri¢., 'if9 Rail- rmd. 1/1 FOR RENT--7 "Ti(r:(,_t.,dr(,n h.nlse iI¢lwntown $;')0 In(ml|l rofervllct,,, PlionP _I-IA 6-3218. Bill tfn ()NE" BEDROOM t'i(:i(iil-]i'lT//Sii flil' I'l'lll. ]I t'lit ftll'iliShl,d. ]I)qUiFt  1110 14'l'anklin. Apt. NIL 5. Phme H A 6-649.6. .............................. FH/1 _!!'n HAY I'OR SALE---Never been w,,t. $25 I)'r t(m, - Pl(nu' ttA 6-3722, .. 1(1729 CLEAIANCE. Big l'(,(iuctim on all ]ll(,r'chall(lJso. Coil](" ill il]l(i I 1'( 1liNe llround. Shelton Eb,ctri( 419 Rail- r.a(i. 1,'1 '()R-sXLE-:=:TiYiti:--ci:.i;i;iF-;7£t,./i " $125. Aisl l.l-ft. Sears boal $125. P|lonl, HA fi-4315, FI/I-15 WANTED ::: Baby..,i-li;-i,]-in :g;;-d condition, reasonable. PIII)Ii" I-IA 6- 3552. Wl/1-8 FOR RENT --- Attractive waterfront iloilil' 1 !,'j bedrooms, city i,on¢e n - i('nct's, 10 lililt's fl'l)ll] town. Call HA 6-36.ii. (H/I-8 C"LE-A]tAtCE'-B]g reduction on all lllercilllndtle. COll)O in an(] bvouse ilrotlnd, Sh,qtu Electric, 419 Rail- road. 111 NOTICE TO ]E,ENT CLAIMS Notice is hereby giVell thai all t'lailil$ against Mason County for the y'ar 1958. must be Presented to the. Audi- tor (if Ma,qon Cotlflty. not later than January 15th, 19fMJ, for allowance by the Board of County Comnlissioners. The law Provides that delinquent : claims be held until the following year t960. Mason County Auditor SUSIE E. PAULEY !II It Shelton had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf and family. In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Duffey and son, Michael dropped in. Christmas Eve visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Walter l Chappell were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson and Steve of Cloqual- lure. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Munson and sons of RenteR, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hall and children of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons gathered at the home of Mrs. Nena Roberts of Shelter for Christmas dinner. GUESTS ENJOYING the holi- day dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams were Mrs. Esther Kidd of Shelton and Mr. William Kidd and daughter, ffoyce. Dropping in during the eve- ning for refreshments were Mr. Archie Kidd and daughter, Shar- on. On Tuesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf motored to Olympia and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilmoth Sr. They brought Alfred Rietdorf home with them to spend the holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. George Ahlquist' of Shelter spent Monday evening visiting Mr, and Mrs. Harold Le- Garde. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gold,,, and son called on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown- field of Kamilche. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke were Mr. and Mrs. A. H Wolden and daughter of Se- attle and Pamela Lemke of Port Angeles.. The Henry Warnes family spent Wednesday and Thursday in Oak- ville at the Arnold Warnes home. CIIRISTMAS NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Needham and chil- dren of East Olympia and her brother, Ron Francken of San Francisco visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson. They had spent the day with their mother, Mrs. Katherin Francken of ShelteR. Doris Hickson is spending this week in Shelton with the John Nunamaker family. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and Cindy called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl MacMillan of Pickering Thursday afternoon. Larry, Leslie and Maurice Pear- son are spending their vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs, while their mother, Mrs. Mozelle Pearson, re- turned to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Riclmrd Harmon of Santa Clara, Calif., (nee Sharon Vaughn) are the parents of a ba- by girl, Lynette Gayle born Dec. 16. Mr. Archie Vaughn of Shel- ter is a proud grandparent. Mr. and Mrs Fred Phillips St. spent Christmas at the home of their son, Fred Jr. of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson and girls called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred err Friday evening. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Killeen and Johnny of San Diego, formerly of ShelteR, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes. Mrs. A. E. Lemke and Mrs Ce- .cil McLain and children called on Mr and Mrs Charles Loitz of Ar- cadia on Tuesday. Mard00o L00ses Applying for marriage license in the Mason county auditor's of- rice this past week were: James H. Tobin, 22, Olympia, and Charlotte :Miller, 18, Shelt0n. Gerald Olson, 24, Seattle, and Janet Horn, 17, Seattle. William O. Ware, 38, Montesano, and Phyllis Nichols, 28, Elma. Lloyd D. Smith, 47, Tacoma, and Ada McVicker, 30, Tacoma. Ray E. Mason, 33, Shelton, and Shirley Beatty, 23, Shelton. HOMI FOR CHRISTMAS: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Walton and fam*, Sly of Arcata, Calif., spent the Christmas holidays with her par, ents, Mr and Mrs. Marvin Carter. The Waltons left Saturday for their retmt trip home. Thursday, January 1.1959 THE DAIRY QUEEN RAY MONCER 1ST AND CEDAR rrlm elte New Year llvl$ us the @p0mni te wish iii our mn frieMl tv propomus, healthy, and happy 'St! / ANGLE HERB DICK CAROL INSURANGE for Auld Lan! Syno, our New Year's thouiht! turn to our many valued friends an d patrons, with warm appreciation for the opportunity of serving such wonderful people. We're looking forwarl il 10nilnlinll tesl i0n$$ lelli!i0.n!hi D i 1951 Lunsford's T| IPe $/1'0111@i OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW LOCATION • . . 321 RAILROAD tlI'r YOUR HOMI RIAIY NOW! All Types of INSULATION @ POURING • BLANKET • FOIL All Standard Sizes New, Fancy WEATHER STRIPPIN(I Superior to the excellent types we've had before. STORH WINDOW KITS AND OTHER MATERIALS MOR6AH & EACRETT LUHSER COHPANY 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6-4522