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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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................. &apos; ............... Junior, Banlam Bowling ,€t'q1)l'lkllirllILi Oh.halis Comes Here I ,,., L,I :  i AcfivitiesHeavY During  )jL'q[Fll.1.  GI Tuesday for Climbers '  / - 1" .LIJJ'"I"P. :  Chris|mas Holidays - -+ ......................................................................................................  .......... 2nd Home G.L. Scrap /,/')GZ' "I u " t!::i   ....... -.. ........ ., .+,:. . / "'/ II E'  acre captured tt:e boys donbles I M .......... TY /)A..,#.. I feren<'e ame with Raym(md, the we I1ot the lew xear  :>9 t jurtior bowling tour,mment d the il_.:_'r.-a • I]   l' I' Jlll  '/ crack ;tt a Central Lea,taut rival in holds for you a future ,*'. ..... Timber Bowl wil.h Iheil' 11,)2 ag- ]. "' 11'1' FILI I lrlnlllll <. :":'. the friendly confines uf Sheltol • -- -- - '. .. "::::.. :! gleg,ale .... while. Joan Faulk, .and , *' g3,na, n 7,xt ..... Tt +.s tar. n ,,t wh 'n+ the bright and cheery! Nancy Wilson topped the girls' Chehalts 13ee.rcats trek up from J .... To you, all best wishes, field *with 996 total. ,;,rEEIJIEAi) G()IN(; BI(; wilh a 10-6 out of the (;+d(lsbor- Iewis county, lllally tlllngs may change The team totals: McC, ee-l,ong- Chistmas season steelhead seek- ouKh I)ec. 2+;, ]uc.k At'mstr(mg Tim B,4u'¢mts are omr of the title during the New acre 1152; Larry Neal-Bill Slosh ers found stone mighty brag'gable with a (.t-4, Hal Nordeng and F, ob favm'itc, with Ehn. for this 1079; Willard Kessel-Stan Ahlquist prizes in their creels this past Alin 7-pounders each out of the year's C('niral I,eagtle flown, hay- Ye]r, but Ilot olr 1061; Dave Kntltzen-Bill I)odds :week. Duckabush Dec. 24, Roger 13g- ing a potent lineal) of returning 1038; Dick I,'isher-George Ahlqutst Heaviest of an impressive list den and Chuck Jackson with 5].: - l(!ttermen frmn last year's second, hopethatit 1033; R, ich Watson-Joe VCallers of ('.atches fell to Howard Hatha- pounders ()tit of lhe Sl¢.okmnish l)l:ce finishers. 1024; Bryan .lohnson-lqxerett Me- way, who fought a 17-1b. o-oz. and l)ick Angle with a 6.z-poun<t - Sp'ed, height and scoring t)unch proves t0 be a Coy 102,'1; Jerry Malh)ry-Don Hart- giant out of the. Chehalis two cars er from the Duckabush, all on the what more do you need for a happy and successful ..... :,: son 1012; Wayne Carlson-Gary after Christmas. Next behind this 23rd, ,lack Mallory with a 6t, title contender are lhe main in- : Clark 1007; Tom Rat-Jerry John- one was Jerry Christie's 15-12 \\;Varren Richard with a 7, both gredients the t3earcats boast in one for you ...... " son 970 monster from the Skokomish two from the Duckabush. and Bill Sny- tlais year's club. and yours, GIRLS--Joan Faulk-Nancy Wil-" days prior to Christmas. He also dot one at 8 from the Satsop, all Even so. the Bearcats c()uld be a • ;*, son 996; Pat Archer-Linda Ken- claimed 4'.,. and 9 pounders from on the 26th, Sam Hansen with a beaten club when they appear in dall 938; Bonnie Baxter-Judy Hyer the Chehalis on the 26th. 9-12 from the Harem:, Harems on Shelt,m gym T{esday, for they 933 ' Bob Sallee, the week's most pro- lhe 27th, John Cormier and Art meet their co-favorites for the , l MIXED--Ginny Hyer-Mike Lee lific producer, had No. 3 for size, IPalmer with 8 pounders from the crown in the bandbox Elms gym JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 948. a, 15 pc,ruder from the Goldsbor-.Chehalis and Stan A,'mst,'ong with this F,'iday. Elms has w,m six straight llt*n-conferellCP gtt llleS, HALVOR EN • ough Dec. 29. It was one of five a. 7 from the Duckabush all on --JOHN S -- Bob punched from his card dm'ingJthe 28th, and Archie Yotmg with ill be makingits first conference , . . BANTAM TOURNEY HONORS the week, others running from J a 7t., Norm Knight with an 8, start aKatnst Chehalis Friday. ' ' ..... WON BY KEITll SAVAGE 5)/. to 11 lbs., two each from the lboth' from the Goldsborough on The Bearcats gave Montesano a " '--" Keith Savage had a hand in two Skokomish on the 24th and the. the 29th. 71-48 waxing in their first Central championship pies in the bantam Duekabush on the 26th." I ua'n'"t N .,,,** ,wo  league Christmas holidays bowl- Floyd Lord also had five fish Other Conference contests slated I ing tournament, winning tile 8i11-on three jaunts, his best a 9-4, POST 3 600 SERIES for next Tuesday find North gles crown with a 318 series and ahmg with a 7-2, from the Harems Thurston at St. Martins and Elma teaming with Larry Ziegler to Hamma on the 27th. He hit the at. Montesano. take the doubles title, same waters for a 7/z pounder MIEN+ INDU+TRLa+V" " HERLANDS SE +++- ---------+-7-E Keith hit 324 and Larry 320 the 29th and got lais first °f the °SUT SALE fox' a 656 doubles total (inchtding week, 4 and 4t& pounders, from Lumbermen's Mere .......... 4 a 12-pin spot) with Reid Prepper- the Chehalis on the 23rd. Waterfront Realty ............ 3 ] nat and Eddie Keenan second at Ed Hillberg led two parties to Wilson's Leftys .................. 3 EAST WEST GAME 593. Van Phillips ran second to the Duckabush which returned 20th Century'Thriftway .. 2 2 Savage in the singles at. 308, while with three fish to six pounds on Cole & Myhl'e Service i .... 2 2 Glowing with praise of the pag- p GerrYfemtnineWilson'Sfield and283 retainedt°pped thethe 26Lh.the 27th and four to 6!z on the Morgan Transfer .......... 1 3 i eantry, and entertainment they. had title she had won last year Hank Polda took a limit °at I Pant°ritmGrant LumberCleaners. ................ ........... 01 43 i experieneed,sutherland returnedMr' andtoMrS.theirHaroldShel_ Fall and Winter Clearance • of the Chehalis on the 26th lain- High game---Bob Turner 230 ton home Slmday night after see- ning to 9 lbs., Fern and Chet High series +-+ L. L. Mclnelly 629, ing the annual Shrine East-West SHOES AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR H1EI,TON BANTAM WIN Rosenberg had three t.o 7 Ibs. from Joe Holt 602, Bob Turner 601 f,,t)tball game in San Francisco / FROM OI,YMPIA RIVALS the Duckabush on the 28th, El- . ................... Sat:urday. Shelton's bantam bowlers, en- mer Meek two to 9 lba. from the Three 600 series marred open- Act:ompanied by Mr. and Mrs. gaging in their first inter-city same waters on the 29th. ing matches of the second half Jack Sutherland of Tacoma, they competition of the season, out- That takes care of the bigs and schedule---and final action of 1958 made the trip on the Shrine char- * PUMPS • cored Olympia rivals bY a slender the multiple& Single catches of in the men,s industrial boy€ling tered plane whLch carried 87pass- ...... 070 l 36 pins Saturday on the Timber the week fotmd Dim Osterberg league, engers to SIC fr<m Sea-Tac air- • FLATS lanes. L.L. McInelly topped the trium- port. It was the fifth time the • STRAPS Shelton boys "carried" their The net score was 3327-3291 edge virate with a 629 which spurred Shelton couple have seen the an- feminine teammales to the victory for Shelton. the L.M. to a shutout win over nual East-West game. .SANDALS YUI €11|1|I11 tO I by beating the Olympia boys, 1899 A return match will be rolled the first half champion (]rant The East won this year's con- OFP! to 1743, while the girls took the at Olympia on the Capital Lanes Lumber in spite of Bob Tamer's test, 26-14. • RUBBER BOOTS We Wtlhy0U't belt o| short end of a 1548-1428 cotlnt. January 11. 601 and 230 top sing|e game for For the boys Shelton scoring the losers. Joe Holt's 602 also .................... i ............................................. RUBBER PAG$ everything in 1959. May you went like this: Billy Kneeland 355, came in a losing cause. Pantori- • m. LO00AL OR.00a OF K00o,,00o ,,m+ ,h,, ,+o+ Sale Starts Jan 2 367, Larry Ziegler +13+, and Keith the first half last place Ware,'- Lillle & Big Sh ppe MOOSE Savage 456 with Olympia counter- front, Realty tl)ick Moulton 514). 0 • + °+'° + ,n++++ +, ++ ,+ + ++ +0, ++Y ---- ,....o,.., ,+.,,,,o+,++, +,+***,,+ Jo,+. Ho+,00 +,0, +..v SALE MEETINGS HELD EACH 318, Bob Slein 367, and Don Hihten drew with Cole & Myhre M<t:)ile 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 40 s(,,,,,i, (Ben XVilliams ,,0:, , while In the girls' nmtch, Shelion \\;VitsoVs Lefty's (Joe Anderson Assortment of Coats, Sno-Sults of the Month s(m'ed this way Gerry Wilson 5L5) hung a 3-1 loss on Mo)'ga) and Jackets from 1-14 8 p.m. Airport '297, J,+,axl Schl+eJtler 326. Barb Transfer (Ed Ends 41:,), I S(hneid+.r 245, Janet Johnson 272, ................................... and Sub-teen John Howe, Governor and Alice Pearson 288 as against PREI" BASKETBAI,I, SCORES "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES Phone HA 6-4743 Olympia's tallying of Susan Dildy Elms 51, Valley 47 See our Table of 114 SO. SECOND ]PHONE ItA. 6-4638 Walter Tyynismaa, Scy. 354, Judy Townsend 336, Leanna Aberdeen 44, Mtmtesano 2S Bargaills Phone HA 6-3122 125 Railroad Ave. Phone HA* 6-3292 St.cord 30(;, Bonnie Armstrong 305, Longview 4.t, H)quiam 42 and l<athy Marris 247. Kent 39, t'ort Angeles 31 i I i i 1 Merchandise ,Reduced In Every Deparlment JANUARY 2 9:30 A. M. Store Open Until 8:30 P.M. This Friday and Every Friday Evening SO MANY ITEMS ON SALE WE COULDN'T POSSIBLY LIST THEM ALL -- JUST .COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF No Refunds--Returns or Exchanges of Sale Merchandise tile Ask Us About These CREDIT PLANS • Regular 30-Day Accounts • Revolving Credit Plan • Regular 30-Day Accounts • Contracts | i ................. ' ............... Junior, Banlam Bowling ,€t'q1)l'lkllirllILi Oh.halis Comes Here I ,,., L,I :  i AcfivitiesHeavY During  )jL'q[Fll.1.  GI Tuesday for Climbers '  / - 1" .LIJJ'"I"P. :  Chris|mas Holidays - -+ ......................................................................................................  .......... 2nd Home G.L. Scrap /,/')GZ' "I u " t!::i   ....... -.. ........ ., .+,:. . / "'/ II E'  acre captured tt:e boys donbles I M .......... TY /)A..,#.. I feren<'e ame with Raym(md, the we I1ot the lew xear  :>9 t jurtior bowling tour,mment d the il_.:_'r.-a • I]   l' I' Jlll  '/ crack ;tt a Central Lea,taut rival in holds for you a future ,*'. ..... Timber Bowl wil.h Iheil' 11,)2 ag- ]. "' 11'1' FILI I lrlnlllll <. :":'. the friendly confines uf Sheltol • -- -- - '. .. "::::.. :! gleg,ale .... while. Joan Faulk, .and , *' g3,na, n 7,xt ..... Tt +.s tar. n ,,t wh 'n+ the bright and cheery! Nancy Wilson topped the girls' Chehalts 13ee.rcats trek up from J .... To you, all best wishes, field *with 996 total. ,;,rEEIJIEAi) G()IN(; BI(; wilh a 10-6 out of the (;+d(lsbor- Iewis county, lllally tlllngs may change The team totals: McC, ee-l,ong- Chistmas season steelhead seek- ouKh I)ec. 2+;, ]uc.k At'mstr(mg Tim B,4u'¢mts are omr of the title during the New acre 1152; Larry Neal-Bill Slosh ers found stone mighty brag'gable with a (.t-4, Hal Nordeng and F, ob favm'itc, with Ehn. for this 1079; Willard Kessel-Stan Ahlquist prizes in their creels this past Alin 7-pounders each out of the year's C('niral I,eagtle flown, hay- Ye]r, but Ilot olr 1061; Dave Kntltzen-Bill I)odds :week. Duckabush Dec. 24, Roger 13g- ing a potent lineal) of returning 1038; Dick I,'isher-George Ahlqutst Heaviest of an impressive list den and Chuck Jackson with 5].: - l(!ttermen frmn last year's second, hopethatit 1033; R, ich Watson-Joe VCallers of ('.atches fell to Howard Hatha- pounders ()tit of lhe Sl¢.okmnish l)l:ce finishers. 1024; Bryan .lohnson-lqxerett Me- way, who fought a 17-1b. o-oz. and l)ick Angle with a 6.z-poun<t - Sp'ed, height and scoring t)unch proves t0 be a Coy 102,'1; Jerry Malh)ry-Don Hart- giant out of the. Chehalis two cars er from the Duckabush, all on the what more do you need for a happy and successful ..... :,: son 1012; Wayne Carlson-Gary after Christmas. Next behind this 23rd, ,lack Mallory with a 6t, title contender are lhe main in- : Clark 1007; Tom Rat-Jerry John- one was Jerry Christie's 15-12 \\;Varren Richard with a 7, both gredients the t3earcats boast in one for you ...... " son 970 monster from the Skokomish two from the Duckabush. and Bill Sny- tlais year's club. and yours, GIRLS--Joan Faulk-Nancy Wil-" days prior to Christmas. He also dot one at 8 from the Satsop, all Even so. the Bearcats c()uld be a • ;*, son 996; Pat Archer-Linda Ken- claimed 4'.,. and 9 pounders from on the 26th, Sam Hansen with a beaten club when they appear in dall 938; Bonnie Baxter-Judy Hyer the Chehalis on the 26th. 9-12 from the Harem:, Harems on Shelt,m gym T{esday, for they 933 ' Bob Sallee, the week's most pro- lhe 27th, John Cormier and Art meet their co-favorites for the , l MIXED--Ginny Hyer-Mike Lee lific producer, had No. 3 for size, IPalmer with 8 pounders from the crown in the bandbox Elms gym JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 948. a, 15 pc,ruder from the Goldsbor-.Chehalis and Stan A,'mst,'ong with this F,'iday. Elms has w,m six straight llt*n-conferellCP gtt llleS, HALVOR EN • ough Dec. 29. It was one of five a. 7 from the Duckabush all on --JOHN S -- Bob punched from his card dm'ingJthe 28th, and Archie Yotmg with ill be makingits first conference , . . BANTAM TOURNEY HONORS the week, others running from J a 7t., Norm Knight with an 8, start aKatnst Chehalis Friday. ' ' ..... WON BY KEITll SAVAGE 5)/. to 11 lbs., two each from the lboth' from the Goldsborough on The Bearcats gave Montesano a " '--" Keith Savage had a hand in two Skokomish on the 24th and the. the 29th. 71-48 waxing in their first Central championship pies in the bantam Duekabush on the 26th." I ua'n'"t N .,,,** ,wo  league Christmas holidays bowl- Floyd Lord also had five fish Other Conference contests slated I ing tournament, winning tile 8i11-on three jaunts, his best a 9-4, POST 3 600 SERIES for next Tuesday find North gles crown with a 318 series and ahmg with a 7-2, from the Harems Thurston at St. Martins and Elma teaming with Larry Ziegler to Hamma on the 27th. He hit the at. Montesano. take the doubles title, same waters for a 7/z pounder MIEN+ INDU+TRLa+V" " HERLANDS SE +++- ---------+-7-E Keith hit 324 and Larry 320 the 29th and got lais first °f the °SUT SALE fox' a 656 doubles total (inchtding week, 4 and 4t& pounders, from Lumbermen's Mere .......... 4 a 12-pin spot) with Reid Prepper- the Chehalis on the 23rd. Waterfront Realty ............ 3 ] nat and Eddie Keenan second at Ed Hillberg led two parties to Wilson's Leftys .................. 3 EAST WEST GAME 593. Van Phillips ran second to the Duckabush which returned 20th Century'Thriftway .. 2 2 Savage in the singles at. 308, while with three fish to six pounds on Cole & Myhl'e Service i .... 2 2 Glowing with praise of the pag- p GerrYfemtnineWilson'Sfield and283 retainedt°pped thethe 26Lh.the 27th and four to 6!z on the Morgan Transfer .......... 1 3 i eantry, and entertainment they. had title she had won last year Hank Polda took a limit °at I Pant°ritmGrant LumberCleaners. ................ ........... 01 43 i experieneed,sutherland returnedMr' andtoMrS.theirHaroldShel_ Fall and Winter Clearance • of the Chehalis on the 26th lain- High game---Bob Turner 230 ton home Slmday night after see- ning to 9 lbs., Fern and Chet High series +-+ L. L. Mclnelly 629, ing the annual Shrine East-West SHOES AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR H1EI,TON BANTAM WIN Rosenberg had three t.o 7 Ibs. from Joe Holt 602, Bob Turner 601 f,,t)tball game in San Francisco / FROM OI,YMPIA RIVALS the Duckabush on the 28th, El- . ................... Sat:urday. Shelton's bantam bowlers, en- mer Meek two to 9 lba. from the Three 600 series marred open- Act:ompanied by Mr. and Mrs. gaging in their first inter-city same waters on the 29th. ing matches of the second half Jack Sutherland of Tacoma, they competition of the season, out- That takes care of the bigs and schedule---and final action of 1958 made the trip on the Shrine char- * PUMPS • cored Olympia rivals bY a slender the multiple& Single catches of in the men,s industrial boy€ling tered plane whLch carried 87pass- ...... 070 l 36 pins Saturday on the Timber the week fotmd Dim Osterberg league, engers to SIC fr<m Sea-Tac air- • FLATS lanes. L.L. McInelly topped the trium- port. It was the fifth time the • STRAPS Shelton boys "carried" their The net score was 3327-3291 edge virate with a 629 which spurred Shelton couple have seen the an- feminine teammales to the victory for Shelton. the L.M. to a shutout win over nual East-West game. .SANDALS YUI €11|1|I11 tO I by beating the Olympia boys, 1899 A return match will be rolled the first half champion (]rant The East won this year's con- OFP! to 1743, while the girls took the at Olympia on the Capital Lanes Lumber in spite of Bob Tamer's test, 26-14. • RUBBER BOOTS We Wtlhy0U't belt o| short end of a 1548-1428 cotlnt. January 11. 601 and 230 top sing|e game for For the boys Shelton scoring the losers. Joe Holt's 602 also .................... i ............................................. RUBBER PAG$ everything in 1959. May you went like this: Billy Kneeland 355, came in a losing cause. Pantori- • m. LO00AL OR.00a OF K00o,,00o ,,m+ ,h,, ,+o+ Sale Starts Jan 2 367, Larry Ziegler +13+, and Keith the first half last place Ware,'- Lillle & Big Sh ppe MOOSE Savage 456 with Olympia counter- front, Realty tl)ick Moulton 514). 0 • + °+'° + ,n++++ +, ++ ,+ + ++ +0, ++Y ---- ,....o,.., ,+.,,,,o+,++, +,+***,,+ Jo,+. Ho+,00 +,0, +..v SALE MEETINGS HELD EACH 318, Bob Slein 367, and Don Hihten drew with Cole & Myhre M<t:)ile 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 40 s(,,,,,i, (Ben XVilliams ,,0:, , while In the girls' nmtch, Shelion \\;VitsoVs Lefty's (Joe Anderson Assortment of Coats, Sno-Sults of the Month s(m'ed this way Gerry Wilson 5L5) hung a 3-1 loss on Mo)'ga) and Jackets from 1-14 8 p.m. Airport '297, J,+,axl Schl+eJtler 326. Barb Transfer (Ed Ends 41:,), I S(hneid+.r 245, Janet Johnson 272, ................................... and Sub-teen John Howe, Governor and Alice Pearson 288 as against PREI" BASKETBAI,I, SCORES "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES Phone HA 6-4743 Olympia's tallying of Susan Dildy Elms 51, Valley 47 See our Table of 114 SO. SECOND ]PHONE ItA. 6-4638 Walter Tyynismaa, Scy. 354, Judy Townsend 336, Leanna Aberdeen 44, Mtmtesano 2S Bargaills Phone HA 6-3122 125 Railroad Ave. Phone HA* 6-3292 St.cord 30(;, Bonnie Armstrong 305, Longview 4.t, H)quiam 42 and l<athy Marris 247. Kent 39, t'ort Angeles 31 i I i i 1 Merchandise ,Reduced In Every Deparlment JANUARY 2 9:30 A. M. Store Open Until 8:30 P.M. This Friday and Every Friday Evening SO MANY ITEMS ON SALE WE COULDN'T POSSIBLY LIST THEM ALL -- JUST .COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF No Refunds--Returns or Exchanges of Sale Merchandise tile Ask Us About These CREDIT PLANS • Regular 30-Day Accounts • Revolving Credit Plan • Regular 30-Day Accounts • Contracts | i