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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrstmastown S*O "0 • e • -.;,,. Smooth Rich SYRUP s.op "" 35 c ' Sunny ' .%. Jim - 24z ....... PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 31 - JAN. 2 - 3 Right to Limit Reserved L RALPH'S A-G MARKET has a New Year's resolution -- "MORE AND BETTER." You want more -- "service that is" and llph's wants more---"cus. tomers, that is." So with this in mind we are going ahead in "59" with more and better service. Rlph% has done their best in the past, we'll do better in the future -- MAKE "59" A RALPH'S A-G YEAR FOR YOU. CAT F00D.,.. C 0 F F E E 00'*'-"'Shurfine--Reg"Drip 69 € I-OUNCE , . " ....... PUREX € € o,,. 57Y,'°a'35 D |''D&'Jl r A Ikl € l I:BABY HEATS 11 =o, ..... . Ii ' 9/00T' ........ '/"'; v., OC [ MAYONNAISE D I N N" "r Swanson's T-V Frozen K RJ Turkey' Chicken Beef .... 4 m l=::::r. .... 49' ..... = omato u ce .... ii MODESS I IVORY SOAP Large ..... 15’ 2/89* Medium... 3/29€ e,, Personal... 4/27’ 0LEANER SPIC 4. SPAN GIANT CLEANE.. 89 € Ste ve "s MEATS Le4,n Brisket Boiling BEEF 3 isl Ief Cube STEAKS * U.S. Choice .89' Large Chunk Style Bologna .49 c End Cut Pork CHOPS Rib or Loin ,59' PRODUCE LETTUCE Solid, Green Fresh Heads g Ib 'Potatoes U.S. No. 1 Gems IO-LB. PLIO 3 BAG Bananas Golden, Ripe, Firm $ Avocados Jumbo Size IVORY 1 IVORY FLAKES SNOW :: . 35e 35e UNCLE BEN'S 10E .. R..47 e OUNCE KAMILCHE POINT MEDIUM AA dz I € SHURFINE JELLIED & WHOLE Cranberries NO. 300 CAN On Hillcrest " Shelton Little Skookum Bay News !temso By MANETTE ,IOOR , H 'ng  'istma. din r t ,he Now that the gay, but exhaust- John Sells home were Mr. and ing Christmas season is once again Mrs. Howard Robinson, Dianne behind us. we can sit back, catch Sells anti Don Lorentson. our breaths and await the coming Spending Christmas Eve at the to a bright new year. Larry Oliver home were Robin A family gathering was staged Oliver of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. H. C. Cham- Orvil Greenwood and son Garry of hers Christmas day and I would Bainbridge Island; Mrs. Clover say there was a very rewarding Freshner of Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. turnout, as there were 16 of Mrs. Walter Kullrich, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Chambers' grandchildren present, an Whittakers and Mrs. India besides the grownups. Present Sells. Dropping in for refresh- were Mr. gad Mrs. Vernon Chain- meats later in the evening were hers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Sells and fam- 1Porrest Beerbower, and children, tly and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carpenter and Robinson. children, Herbert Chamber, Mrs. Christmas day dinner guests at Phillips and Mr. Phillips. the Oliver hence included every- Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Col- one mentioned above except the lins orove to Olympm to meet John Sells, Whittakers and Robin- their daughter, Sandra Collins, who sons. Ills home from college for the hol- Saturday visitors at the home I[ idays of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan Christmas Eve guests of the Ray were Mr and Mrs Fred Magness Collins were Mr. and Mrs. Harry of Seattie. Dittman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill John- Sunday guests at the Ryans ° son and children Brook, Nancy and were Dr. and Mrs Lauerman and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dirt- family of Montetno man and children Lary, Bobby, Mrs. Frank Bishop entertained Jane and Joan. friends Christmas day. flaying Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs Alfred Rolavs the Collins were Mrs. Grace Col- spent" Christmas "Eve with friends llns and Lea Collins. in Olympia." ............. Weekend guests of Ray Jr. at the Collins home were Wesley Preb and Don Baum. Opening gifts together Christ- mas Eve at the Joe Silva home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Braz, and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore and Cheri Dropping in later in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Da- vis Chappell and daughter. Christmas day the same group gathered at the Silva home for Christmas dinner, the Prior to opening gifts at Silvas Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore and Cheri en- Joyed dinner and the opening of gifts at the home of LeRoy's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smart of Skokomish Valley. Driving to Portland this week- end and visiting friends there, were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marcy. The boys, Bob and Jerry, spent the weekend with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Har- die. Christmas day the Marcy family drove to Puyallup to spend the day with Mrs. Marcy's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bouker. Guests at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shmlm Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Hembroff and children, Mrs. Nellie Palmer of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Charlson. Spending Saturday night and Sunday with the Shrums were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jescllke and Lam\\;v of Ashford. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynch Satur- day were Mrs. John Blanton and girls and her sister Norabelle and children of Seattle. Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodwin and family were entertained at the Nolnan Trotzer home. Christmas day things were ']nst visa versa, as the Trotzers were guests at the Goodwin home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallin and Miss Marcia Wallin spent Christ- mas in Seattle at the home of Mr and Mrs. Richard Bennett. Mr. Wallin returned home and Mrs. i Wallin and Marcia remained the rest of the week and retuz-ned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zeitler of Ala- meda, Calif., were here for a week spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney and returned to Cali- fornia Friday. iIrs, Zeitler is the frowner Jean' Herron and is Mrs. Carney's sister. Weekend gtests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Allen were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Leyde of Forks. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson: spent Wednesday through Friday in Everett enjoying the Christ- mas holidays at the home of Mrs. i Hudson's daughter and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Currie. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price were Mr .and Mrs. Fred Springer i and Eileen and Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Springer, all of Brinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer of Mat- lock and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomas of Shelton. Spending Christmas Eve at the Price home were Mr .and Mrs. Dave Price. The Cliff Roundtree family drove to Olympia Saturday where the boys saw their dentist. While in Olympia they visited Mr. Roundtree's cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Roundtree. Sunday, David Roundtree mot- ored to the ocean with the S. W. Atwood family. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gilman of Sliver Lake spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bush. Mrs. Gilman is Seth's sister. Spending Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bruce Wil- lianm were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Silva and Sharon. Christmas day gmsts at the Silvas' were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams and children Debbie and Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams. ,Ralph Adair rving . With Marines in Hawaii Marine Cpl. Ralph D. Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs., Vincent Adair of Shelton is serving with the Fourth Regiment of the First Marine Bri- gade at the Kaneohe Bay Marine Cm'ps Air Station, Oahu, T.H. The regiment conducted a ma- jor field exercise Dec. ]5-19 on the northeatern tip of the Island of Oahu. Terrain in the nttfleuver area ranges from rugged mountains to insh valleys covered with dense sub-tropical growth. The regi- ment's mobile capabilities were put to the test sice the lava soil is soft, often muddy and the hills steep with footing uncertain. Main purpose of tim exercise was to allow Marines to employ all their tactical weapons includ-: ing artillery, light crew-crved weapons, and helicopters. Too many people who save for a rainy day work on the assump- tion that it will be a lght ehowe Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. AI Wolfe were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teagle of Arcadia Point. Mrs. Tragic is Mr. Wolfe's sister, The Wolfes drove to Hoquiam Christmas day and dined with Mrs. Wolfe's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bland. Sunday the AI Wolfes visited the Bill Wolfes of Hoodsport. Mr. and Mrs. John ]. Bowen of Bremerton were visited MOnday by Mrs. Bowen's parentS, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wells 5f" Little Sk0o- kum. The Wells spent Christmas with another daughter her family, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Van Ackeren and son Davd. Now don't forget those new year resolutions. Paper Pruciion For 19H Higher Than '57 According to the American Pa- per and Pulp Association. the ratio of the United States paper produc- tion to mill capacity for the week ending IYecember 13, 1958, was 92.0 per cent. compared with 92.7 )er cent. revised for the preceding week. The ratio was 9L3 pet" cent for the corresponding week a year ago. According to the National "Pa- perboard Association, the paper- board production ratio for the week ending December 13, 1958 was 94 pet' cent. compared with 84 per cent, for the preceding week and 92 per cent for the cor- responding week a year ago. i N0.1 Farm Chain Saw a8 low oo S169uo" NlW HOMELITIIi qm d SAEQER Phone HA 6-4602 i ,, ,, ,. You Should Knew Clint Willour.., AS YOU START A NEW YEAR wouldn't you feel better if you knew that no matter what haDpened to you, your wife snd children would be ade- quately oared for by LIFE IN. SURANCE? If so, why not see me today about a program of Insurance tailored to your per- sonal and family needsl This is the finest way we know to say to you . . . HAPPY NEW YEAR 522 South 14h St.--Sheltll Phone, HA 6-8139 Northwestern National Life Insuranca Campany Minneapolis, Mlnnwohl 20 Years Ago McConkey's Pharmacy, serving Mason County residents tot more than 20 years, brings you this column taken from the filee of yesteryear. We hope it is of Interest to you. BULLETIN I DECEMBER 37, 1938.--Albert I . AuXin and his son, Emery, 1937 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, returned thi week after spending the past: six months and traveling 10,000 miles in the Bering Sea with a 32-man fishing crew seeking lant Bering Sea king crab. It was the first American fishing vessel to enter these waters, where the Japanese heretofore have had the field to themselves, the Austins related. Mrs. Nellie Storts received one of the most pleasant Christ- mtm gifts of her life yesterday with the arrival from Honolulu of a record made by her daughter, Helen Smiley, singing two beautiful songs and wishing her a Merry Christmas. With little Bill Taylor tallying 19 points, the Shelton High- climbers upset the touted Bremerton Wildcats, 31-29, for 'the second time this season last night, DECEMBER 29, 1938.-.Three Shelton skiiers; Bob Allen, Jim Hillier and Chuck Runacres, considered themeeJves fortu* hate to ecape as lightly as they did when caught in an avalanche of snow on ML Gladys above Flapjack Lke Tuelay. Htilier, jm]ior high .football player, grabbed a tree and eca.ped withL the least difficulty, hut Runacres Was conpleteiy buried and had to be dug out of his snow prison while .Allen was mauled and bruised evere]y when he hit several trees on his slide. Judge William J. Millard acted as installing master as Bernhard Winiecki was seated as Worshipful Maser of Mt. Moriah Idge Tuesday. He succeed Dr. M, C. Kexm'txly, Sheriff-elect Gene Martin named Fred Hickson ss hie chief deputy and Mrs. Gertrude Howard moed from the treasurer's office to deputy assessor with Mrs. Lydia; Tower becoming deputy treasurer in appointments announced today hy Mason County public officers just before the beginning of new office term& Warren Lincoln is assessor, Omer b. DiSh is treasurer. For Over 23 Years It Has Been , McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 306 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6.4456 li II 1, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrstmastown S*O "0 • e • -.;,,. Smooth Rich SYRUP s.op "" 35 c ' Sunny ' .%. Jim - 24z ....... PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 31 - JAN. 2 - 3 Right to Limit Reserved L RALPH'S A-G MARKET has a New Year's resolution -- "MORE AND BETTER." You want more -- "service that is" and llph's wants more---"cus. tomers, that is." So with this in mind we are going ahead in "59" with more and better service. Rlph% has done their best in the past, we'll do better in the future -- MAKE "59" A RALPH'S A-G YEAR FOR YOU. CAT F00D.,.. C 0 F F E E 00'*'-"'Shurfine--Reg"Drip 69 € I-OUNCE , . " ....... PUREX € € o,,. 57Y,'°a'35 D |''D&'Jl r A Ikl € l I:BABY HEATS 11 =o, ..... . Ii ' 9/00T' ........ '/"'; v., OC [ MAYONNAISE D I N N" "r Swanson's T-V Frozen K RJ Turkey' Chicken Beef .... 4 m l=::::r. .... 49' ..... = omato u ce .... ii MODESS I IVORY SOAP Large ..... 15’ 2/89* Medium... 3/29€ e,, Personal... 4/27’ 0LEANER SPIC 4. SPAN GIANT CLEANE.. 89 € Ste ve "s MEATS Le4,n Brisket Boiling BEEF 3 isl Ief Cube STEAKS * U.S. Choice .89' Large Chunk Style Bologna .49 c End Cut Pork CHOPS Rib or Loin ,59' PRODUCE LETTUCE Solid, Green Fresh Heads g Ib 'Potatoes U.S. No. 1 Gems IO-LB. PLIO 3 BAG Bananas Golden, Ripe, Firm $ Avocados Jumbo Size IVORY 1 IVORY FLAKES SNOW :: . 35e 35e UNCLE BEN'S 10E .. R..47 e OUNCE KAMILCHE POINT MEDIUM AA dz I € SHURFINE JELLIED & WHOLE Cranberries NO. 300 CAN On Hillcrest " Shelton Little Skookum Bay News !temso By MANETTE ,IOOR , H 'ng  'istma. din r t ,he Now that the gay, but exhaust- John Sells home were Mr. and ing Christmas season is once again Mrs. Howard Robinson, Dianne behind us. we can sit back, catch Sells anti Don Lorentson. our breaths and await the coming Spending Christmas Eve at the to a bright new year. Larry Oliver home were Robin A family gathering was staged Oliver of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. H. C. Cham- Orvil Greenwood and son Garry of hers Christmas day and I would Bainbridge Island; Mrs. Clover say there was a very rewarding Freshner of Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. turnout, as there were 16 of Mrs. Walter Kullrich, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Chambers' grandchildren present, an Whittakers and Mrs. India besides the grownups. Present Sells. Dropping in for refresh- were Mr. gad Mrs. Vernon Chain- meats later in the evening were hers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Sells and fam- 1Porrest Beerbower, and children, tly and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carpenter and Robinson. children, Herbert Chamber, Mrs. Christmas day dinner guests at Phillips and Mr. Phillips. the Oliver hence included every- Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Col- one mentioned above except the lins orove to Olympm to meet John Sells, Whittakers and Robin- their daughter, Sandra Collins, who sons. Ills home from college for the hol- Saturday visitors at the home I[ idays of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan Christmas Eve guests of the Ray were Mr and Mrs Fred Magness Collins were Mr. and Mrs. Harry of Seattie. Dittman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill John- Sunday guests at the Ryans ° son and children Brook, Nancy and were Dr. and Mrs Lauerman and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dirt- family of Montetno man and children Lary, Bobby, Mrs. Frank Bishop entertained Jane and Joan. friends Christmas day. flaying Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs Alfred Rolavs the Collins were Mrs. Grace Col- spent" Christmas "Eve with friends llns and Lea Collins. in Olympia." ............. Weekend guests of Ray Jr. at the Collins home were Wesley Preb and Don Baum. Opening gifts together Christ- mas Eve at the Joe Silva home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Braz, and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore and Cheri Dropping in later in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Da- vis Chappell and daughter. Christmas day the same group gathered at the Silva home for Christmas dinner, the Prior to opening gifts at Silvas Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore and Cheri en- Joyed dinner and the opening of gifts at the home of LeRoy's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smart of Skokomish Valley. Driving to Portland this week- end and visiting friends there, were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marcy. The boys, Bob and Jerry, spent the weekend with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Har- die. Christmas day the Marcy family drove to Puyallup to spend the day with Mrs. Marcy's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bouker. Guests at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shmlm Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Hembroff and children, Mrs. Nellie Palmer of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Charlson. Spending Saturday night and Sunday with the Shrums were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jescllke and Lam\\;v of Ashford. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynch Satur- day were Mrs. John Blanton and girls and her sister Norabelle and children of Seattle. Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodwin and family were entertained at the Nolnan Trotzer home. Christmas day things were ']nst visa versa, as the Trotzers were guests at the Goodwin home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallin and Miss Marcia Wallin spent Christ- mas in Seattle at the home of Mr and Mrs. Richard Bennett. Mr. Wallin returned home and Mrs. i Wallin and Marcia remained the rest of the week and retuz-ned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zeitler of Ala- meda, Calif., were here for a week spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney and returned to Cali- fornia Friday. iIrs, Zeitler is the frowner Jean' Herron and is Mrs. Carney's sister. Weekend gtests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Allen were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Leyde of Forks. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson: spent Wednesday through Friday in Everett enjoying the Christ- mas holidays at the home of Mrs. i Hudson's daughter and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Currie. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price were Mr .and Mrs. Fred Springer i and Eileen and Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Springer, all of Brinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer of Mat- lock and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomas of Shelton. Spending Christmas Eve at the Price home were Mr .and Mrs. Dave Price. The Cliff Roundtree family drove to Olympia Saturday where the boys saw their dentist. While in Olympia they visited Mr. Roundtree's cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Roundtree. Sunday, David Roundtree mot- ored to the ocean with the S. W. Atwood family. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gilman of Sliver Lake spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bush. Mrs. Gilman is Seth's sister. Spending Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bruce Wil- lianm were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Silva and Sharon. Christmas day gmsts at the Silvas' were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams and children Debbie and Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams. ,Ralph Adair rving . With Marines in Hawaii Marine Cpl. Ralph D. Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs., Vincent Adair of Shelton is serving with the Fourth Regiment of the First Marine Bri- gade at the Kaneohe Bay Marine Cm'ps Air Station, Oahu, T.H. The regiment conducted a ma- jor field exercise Dec. ]5-19 on the northeatern tip of the Island of Oahu. Terrain in the nttfleuver area ranges from rugged mountains to insh valleys covered with dense sub-tropical growth. The regi- ment's mobile capabilities were put to the test sice the lava soil is soft, often muddy and the hills steep with footing uncertain. Main purpose of tim exercise was to allow Marines to employ all their tactical weapons includ-: ing artillery, light crew-crved weapons, and helicopters. Too many people who save for a rainy day work on the assump- tion that it will be a lght ehowe Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. AI Wolfe were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teagle of Arcadia Point. Mrs. Tragic is Mr. Wolfe's sister, The Wolfes drove to Hoquiam Christmas day and dined with Mrs. Wolfe's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bland. Sunday the AI Wolfes visited the Bill Wolfes of Hoodsport. Mr. and Mrs. John ]. Bowen of Bremerton were visited MOnday by Mrs. Bowen's parentS, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wells 5f" Little Sk0o- kum. The Wells spent Christmas with another daughter her family, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Van Ackeren and son Davd. Now don't forget those new year resolutions. Paper Pruciion For 19H Higher Than '57 According to the American Pa- per and Pulp Association. the ratio of the United States paper produc- tion to mill capacity for the week ending IYecember 13, 1958, was 92.0 per cent. compared with 92.7 )er cent. revised for the preceding week. The ratio was 9L3 pet" cent for the corresponding week a year ago. According to the National "Pa- perboard Association, the paper- board production ratio for the week ending December 13, 1958 was 94 pet' cent. compared with 84 per cent, for the preceding week and 92 per cent for the cor- responding week a year ago. i N0.1 Farm Chain Saw a8 low oo S169uo" NlW HOMELITIIi qm d SAEQER Phone HA 6-4602 i ,, ,, ,. You Should Knew Clint Willour.., AS YOU START A NEW YEAR wouldn't you feel better if you knew that no matter what haDpened to you, your wife snd children would be ade- quately oared for by LIFE IN. SURANCE? If so, why not see me today about a program of Insurance tailored to your per- sonal and family needsl This is the finest way we know to say to you . . . HAPPY NEW YEAR 522 South 14h St.--Sheltll Phone, HA 6-8139 Northwestern National Life Insuranca Campany Minneapolis, Mlnnwohl 20 Years Ago McConkey's Pharmacy, serving Mason County residents tot more than 20 years, brings you this column taken from the filee of yesteryear. We hope it is of Interest to you. BULLETIN I DECEMBER 37, 1938.--Albert I . AuXin and his son, Emery, 1937 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, returned thi week after spending the past: six months and traveling 10,000 miles in the Bering Sea with a 32-man fishing crew seeking lant Bering Sea king crab. It was the first American fishing vessel to enter these waters, where the Japanese heretofore have had the field to themselves, the Austins related. Mrs. Nellie Storts received one of the most pleasant Christ- mtm gifts of her life yesterday with the arrival from Honolulu of a record made by her daughter, Helen Smiley, singing two beautiful songs and wishing her a Merry Christmas. With little Bill Taylor tallying 19 points, the Shelton High- climbers upset the touted Bremerton Wildcats, 31-29, for 'the second time this season last night, DECEMBER 29, 1938.-.Three Shelton skiiers; Bob Allen, Jim Hillier and Chuck Runacres, considered themeeJves fortu* hate to ecape as lightly as they did when caught in an avalanche of snow on ML Gladys above Flapjack Lke Tuelay. Htilier, jm]ior high .football player, grabbed a tree and eca.ped withL the least difficulty, hut Runacres Was conpleteiy buried and had to be dug out of his snow prison while .Allen was mauled and bruised evere]y when he hit several trees on his slide. Judge William J. Millard acted as installing master as Bernhard Winiecki was seated as Worshipful Maser of Mt. Moriah Idge Tuesday. He succeed Dr. M, C. Kexm'txly, Sheriff-elect Gene Martin named Fred Hickson ss hie chief deputy and Mrs. Gertrude Howard moed from the treasurer's office to deputy assessor with Mrs. Lydia; Tower becoming deputy treasurer in appointments announced today hy Mason County public officers just before the beginning of new office term& Warren Lincoln is assessor, Omer b. DiSh is treasurer. For Over 23 Years It Has Been , McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 306 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6.4456 li II