January 1, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 1, 1959 |
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in Wasnin Thursday, Januai'V 1.
Geal00 de w ws
GRAPEVIEW Christmas bells
and wedding bells rang very close
together for Dean Cook. Jr., ast
Saturday evening' at the Methodist
Ciaurch in Shell.on when lm wed
the former Patricia Edwards,
daughter o£ Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Edards of Shelton The kvedding
vows were read with only the wed-
dlng party and the immediate
fvmlily present The receptibn was
held later at tile Hood Canal Wom-
f " . ,
en S Cltlb H)use where tmerds and
relatives gathered to extend their
best wishes to the young couple.
Dean's best m.' as David Ends-
ey of Manchester and Mrs: Bdb
lawbush of McCleary, sister of
the bride, served as her matron of
honor, tZollowing* t le receLatioa,
the 'oung cotiple lft for' MaI$-
l-chester' where'fhY, Will, . .make. the.r
mine Guest. attendg frorq
Grapeview were 'Mrs. Lbslie ftice
anti daughter Leslie, Mrs. Joe
Tschida, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hell,
Mr. and MrD. ]twt Benson, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwar 0konel¢, Mr. and
Mrs. Webb Ether(on, son Larry
an4 dgughter BaL'bar with'hus-
band'DaIlas 'smith, Mr. hnd Mrs.
/9'd myq and Mr. and Mrs..
Walter Cltydn, Jr. Further de-
t of t.h wedding will glear
lea later ihsup' dr' 'the Journal.
P4EIIN 2e e;citemoat of
the; }/61iddy edding, ]Wigs Bty
Cook, sister of the groom, took
part iv a natea3ale event at. the
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard,
namely the Annual Coronation Ball
lleld at the Recreation Center,
wherein she W@S a pX]e| to " 1s
1uget Sound'R959 'wHb /,'as ]iSS
Metric Christmas previous to the
Coronation. This event took place
er ti and W' a Ipvely
ght to el Te 011,0ving
day the royal party presideci over
te Shipyard Children s Christmas
Rarty held for all ghildrg4! o$ t
area. Wonder what'Cle0 and How-
ard will do lth temse|yes uzi|
the 4th of July?..
Arriving in the waters of this
unusual visitorsnaely six ]axge
blackfish who apotRed and ca-
vorted off the nprtla end o Treas-
ure 'Island. Q]tt¢ a spectacular
Sight consideritag the size of thSe
Fourt.een fire-eat/rs corgrgat-
ed at 'the Grapeview Fire Hall
Tuesday, Dec. 23, fr the 'annual
V.F.D. Yuletide arty. In t busi-
ness meeting prc dtg the'festiy:
ties the nien :e:d*their annual
election of officers with the fol-
lo'ing results: Ed Okonek, pr#si-
dent; Gp0r/e Lewis, yi#-presi-
dert; Rtmse, Wdlls, secr#tary; and
Joe lagen, trea'sdrer) F#d Lhtz
rWho holds an honoray llfe mem-
bership} was re-ected to regu-
lr hzembership, difs were then
ech'anged, and sqme of th9 best
rfrshments on: Eecord were
served by-a-committee of four,
Louise Okonek, Ruth Wells, Ruby
Lewis and Doris Stock,
NOT ONLY SANTA arrived at
Bill Stoudt's home Christmas Eve,
but also his youngest son Dave,
wife Pat: and til¥.ga I!mnttl otl
Leslie Ann. Da,e, wh0 iEa acond
year student at the School of En-
gineering at Washington State
College, arri'' l " $mil
Christmas Eve. jl st,.@,ye n un:
'ti, the 28th.
'k2hristmas dinner at the Ted
Rauscherts included Millie's broth-
er Ed Okonek with wife ,Louise,
Mr. Joseph Okonek, and their sis-
ter, Mrs. Max'), Nelson. Highspot
,of tlt d for ica@d Okonek
Was antR' entrlbtti6n a radio
for his snappy gray Plymuth.
Russell and Ruth Wells extended
" ' l,sit to the
es' ": " g|ens and
)deaon's" on" 'C'ristmas
Day, the four couples enjoying a
9,1icios Irbgr )ogetr and later
0n to" arods drOlY-hf Halters. Son
.Ceat ¢Pt flY lth Ruth's
mt? reveny Thompson en
friend Connie Holden in Seattle.
The A. Hall Shepards spent
rea for a brief visit on Decem.
er 24 (harbingers of the holiday first family Christm. t'Y
ason perhaps) were some rather l frc ) Rd) '|¥ W: IO_
:..I tb( ght t' '_¢k °d
.|I a little t( a .li}e. 'appmg paper
I/to pitck ' w(tyf
Mual bY
Lod Jld Faye lchey had
DANCING Lloyd s brother Meivtn and family
over from Seattle for Christmas.
S day Jan, 8 uoo,0 gtlgat was Lloyd axed Mel-
" vtn)s mother, Mrs. C. D. Richey
alur _., of Neosho, Me., WhO is visiting
for an indefinite length of time
on the west coast. Melvln's chil-
Richey St. stayed on for a longer
visit before their return to So-
€ NeW Year ardv...and new horizons stretch before u,. We
look to [959With confidence that it will prove abundantly rewarding in
=o1 aghtevement, steadfast progress, enduring peace and.plenty for all
'o arl of our good friends and neighbor=, we extend New Year's
greetings, with the wish that your personal universe may b filled wjt the
ric.he ol heItl% ¢oatentenh love and good fellowship. Happy New Vrl
Kitsap-Mason Daiffmen's Association
Third tad Grove Stres, S1)eltoa Ppe 73
t t i t
w ' • .
Hprstine Island
IIARSTINE L_. It w's a very
pleasant surprise to come home
Christmas night along the low
road and see the 01d Carnes place
all lit up like a Christmas tree.
Tha, t is such a lonely stretch of
road along there and the house
poleed So ,wonderful just knowing
D eople we€ there. I dropped in
9n the new owners for a fe* min-
}.hes Sundsy afternoon. Their
ame [ Mr: and Mrs. John Budd
from Sekia. They have a boy thir-
teen and in the seventh grade.
Th.e.y hpe to spend some time here
l#tdr 0n.and do' sbme building.
tgUlt l)' AI, E, Idaho on
Christmas Eve Was the set'ring for
the marrlage ofMrs. Marie Jacob-
son to Mr. Ernie Croucl. They
w%re mavrid.at a small informal
celeraoy .before 'the. Justice qf
the PeaSe. ' After a 'short * Wedding
trip the, couple returned to the
Island where they were greeted
by an old fashioned shivaree
Some forty friends of the couple
to wish them well. Congratula-
ons tO you Emir and best wishes
o you Marie from the whole Is.
The Meeks and Mrs. Smally got
their biggest and best Christnm.s
preent qn Tuesday with the arri-
,al' of Mrs. Mek's sister and
Mrs. Smalley' dughter and her
family of Redondo Beach. Calif.
They are Mr. and Mrs. Clay Chap-
ep and son Brian. Anyone knowing
Iois knows she was on pins and
eedles wondering if they were
ging to come. So all we can say
15 that they all had a very merry
MR. AND [l.. L J. Jerr¢lls
are spending t hptiday o the
I@land working on" tlieir home at
Roint Wilson. Their son Harlan
ip spending the holidays in Los
Angeles, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lohrer ltad
the good luck to have two Christ-
qranaSes, one with James'. folks and
e with Naomi's folks..Spending
few days wi'th the Lohrers is
.r. Bucky Christopher of Olym-
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gosser
Julie and,Doris Stock celebrated
ith two Christmas dinners .-the
rst being with brother Fred Stock
and family of Allyn on Christmas
lay. Highlight 'of th dinner was
he presence of"Fred s' s6n, NVes
[Stock, who is stationed at the
]Presidio at San Francisco. Ve'
Will be released from the servicc'
[his February.) This past Sunday
Doris's daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Nutter, visited
from Seattle Tora second Christ-
mas dinner, the rarity of the oc-
casion being Glenn's concurrent
0verseaa duty with UnCle Sam.
Duty calls him again in January
when he must he back in Franc.
The Arthur Zehes. spent Chriato
mas day with ArUs folks, the Rev.
and Mrs. Fredrick Zehe, in Everett
ad also with Art's brother an8
sister and their families. This
past Sunday they attended the 1
Wanke family reunion, (Elsie's
family) held at the Eagles Hall in
Battleground, Wash., the Zehes
spending th¢ previous night vith
Elsie's aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Krause.
WEBB AND Ruth Etheon
were kept busy Christmas day ei-
teVcaining daughtex, Baxbara, and
her husband, Dallas Smith, and
Ruth's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Parks. Barbara andDal, who are
now living in Snohomish, stayect
on until the 29th before their re-
turn home.
The grapevine has it that the
C. W. Walkers' daughter, Beverly,
Christmased at home while on
leave from her stewardship with
the Pan American Air Lines in
San Francisco.
The joy of the holiday season
was shadowed for two families in
th[/ d6/iiiififftty.- "Riiby"l'diirn6d
Saturday. morning of the death of
her father .and left immediately
for Riverside, Calif. Jerry Phil-
tips was notified early Sunday
morning that his fther eras m
critical Condition ad lft as soml
aS poeskble f0r Go0dland: ganges.
UPON, THE completion of their
lovely home' on Benson's Cove, the
arl Izetls held an open hpps this
past SUda'. Friends arid ' iew
neighbors .Were served delicious re-
freshmev.ts-'of homemade cookies
and coffee, The Izes lave aurar
mered her( ,eel f. their
former residdice lff Iortlard, Oid.,
and now their dream of retirement
has materialized. Incidentally,
Mm. Izett is the ,sister qf Iton
Cleveland of Allyn. •
Mra. Ingg Cronquist of Stadium
spent a pleasant Chriatmas holiday
visiting "tomer, Grapeview resi-
dents, Mr. and Mrs. ClrlesIm-
bard at
Disabled Vets
Asked To Re00rt
Yearly Ea "p
• rnln
Approximately 17,000 dmabled
veterans and widows of veterans
in Washington who receive month-
ly pension payments are being re-
ninded by the Veterans Adminis-
tration to report their annual in-
come promptly and thus avoid the
risk of having their payments
L H. Hall, manager of the VA
regional office at Seattle, said that
VA is now mailing to all pension
recipienls a tabulating card upon
which the income report may be
made. Pensions cease if the in-
coffie of a single individual ex-
ceeds $1400. or $2700 if the reci-
pient has dependents. Regflations
require payment to be stopped if
the income report is not received
within 30 days.
He wazaed that the tabulating
card will be processed mechanically
when it is returned and that cut-
ting, folding or otherwise mutil-
0tLg it will delay the recording
of the information and risk a cut-
off in payments.
No income questionnaire is sent
to veterans or dependents receiv-
mg service-connected compensa-
had as their guest over Christmas
Mr. Pat Doherty.
We are sorry to have to report
that lIrs, Righard Knauf had to
enter the hospital this past Stm-
da, for further surgery. Sure
hope by now Cherry that you are
up and about and feeling fine.
Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons
spoDt the holidays with their
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sil Arata
and family of Corvallis, Ore. They
were jQ.ined there by their son,
Mr. Jim Simmons of Wenatchee.
MR. AND MRS. Hugo Glaser
had part of their family home for
Christmas. Mr, and Mrs. Stephan
Franich and family and Mr.
Adolph Schmitz of Fife. Mr, and
Mrs. Richard Glaser and family of
Shelton and Mz:: Vester Farrell of
Coulee City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hitchcock
spent Christmas in Olympia with
their' daughter Paulene and Mel
arid the children. They were joined
there by Mel's parents and former
lald residents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Carnes of Tacoma. Returning with
them to the Island was their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Hitchcock of Olympia.
THERE WILL fie a potluck
New Year's dance at the hall Wed-
nesday ght. People are asked
tb bring 'their own records and
alease mark them. The record
la,er will play any Size so any
)f your old favorites will do. Come
one. come all.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peugh had
astheir guests over the holidays
Mr. and Mrs. Mary Benglesdorf
and little Suzie of Tacoma and
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Yates.
The Martin Goetsches and Jus-
tins and Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Simons spent Christmas Eve with
HeIen's and Esther's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Carlson. A won-
derful lutefisk dinner was enjoyed
by all.
The AI Pridhams and the If-
vie Wingerts were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimbel.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chaffee spent
Christmas Day with Odeyne's
brother, Mr. Ernest Byers of Se-
attle. The Chaffee's son and ram-
fly, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chaf-
fee of Rio Dell, Calif., spent sev-
eral days here before the holiday.
THE GUNNER Jolmsons were
really tickled that their son Ron-
nie could come home from Los
Angeles, Calif. House guests were
vr. anl MFs. Thor ohnson of
Eugene, Ore. Christmas Eve they
went to Emil Andersons for din-
ner. Joining them there was Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Mattus and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderson
all of'Bgifalr as well as Mr. and
Mrs'. Sundius Johnson of Olym-
Mr and Mrs. Stan Yates had
the_ r daughter and family of Seat-
tle home for the holidays. Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Freshour and son
Mr. and Mrs, C. yv'. Strecken-
bach spent Christmas in Shelton
with their" daughter 'and family
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone.
Rem.emler in 1959 you can have
a record of all your happy times
md family reunions if you have
a copy of the Journal on hand.
So if there is any news you treas.
ure just give a call to Donette
4?off out )0 Iarrel fr thp Hew yepro
and make it e good, big bnml..big Imough tO h01d
all the w0rm =iSb fllt we to, to y0g
and ,your #,i f J btpp, tWafp119
Good News for Two-Car Families!
• bodily injury and
property damage
• collision coverage
• medical payments
1.5 N. 5th Street
l'hone IIA (;-30(;1
* if no unnlarricd male drivers under 25 years.
# @"
%::¸.¸¸ :
.Here comes 1.959! And
here's hoping it rings in
a full measure of good luck,
health and happiness for you and yews.
o,re's hopingthat 1959,
is an out-of-this-world year for
you, bringing you all the good luck, success and
happiness that there is this side of the milky way.
As the world prepares to
rlng in another Now
Year, we take pleasure in
thanking ag out
good friends for their loyal
patronage and wishing them
lots Of good luck and happiness
for every day of 'fg,
in Wasnin Thursday, Januai'V 1.
Geal00 de w ws
GRAPEVIEW Christmas bells
and wedding bells rang very close
together for Dean Cook. Jr., ast
Saturday evening' at the Methodist
Ciaurch in Shell.on when lm wed
the former Patricia Edwards,
daughter o£ Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Edards of Shelton The kvedding
vows were read with only the wed-
dlng party and the immediate
fvmlily present The receptibn was
held later at tile Hood Canal Wom-
f " . ,
en S Cltlb H)use where tmerds and
relatives gathered to extend their
best wishes to the young couple.
Dean's best m.' as David Ends-
ey of Manchester and Mrs: Bdb
lawbush of McCleary, sister of
the bride, served as her matron of
honor, tZollowing* t le receLatioa,
the 'oung cotiple lft for' MaI$-
l-chester' where'fhY, Will, . .make. the.r
mine Guest. attendg frorq
Grapeview were 'Mrs. Lbslie ftice
anti daughter Leslie, Mrs. Joe
Tschida, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hell,
Mr. and MrD. ]twt Benson, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwar 0konel¢, Mr. and
Mrs. Webb Ether(on, son Larry
an4 dgughter BaL'bar with'hus-
band'DaIlas 'smith, Mr. hnd Mrs.
/9'd myq and Mr. and Mrs..
Walter Cltydn, Jr. Further de-
t of t.h wedding will glear
lea later ihsup' dr' 'the Journal.
P4EIIN 2e e;citemoat of
the; }/61iddy edding, ]Wigs Bty
Cook, sister of the groom, took
part iv a natea3ale event at. the
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard,
namely the Annual Coronation Ball
lleld at the Recreation Center,
wherein she W@S a pX]e| to " 1s
1uget Sound'R959 'wHb /,'as ]iSS
Metric Christmas previous to the
Coronation. This event took place
er ti and W' a Ipvely
ght to el Te 011,0ving
day the royal party presideci over
te Shipyard Children s Christmas
Rarty held for all ghildrg4! o$ t
area. Wonder what'Cle0 and How-
ard will do lth temse|yes uzi|
the 4th of July?..
Arriving in the waters of this
unusual visitorsnaely six ]axge
blackfish who apotRed and ca-
vorted off the nprtla end o Treas-
ure 'Island. Q]tt¢ a spectacular
Sight consideritag the size of thSe
Fourt.een fire-eat/rs corgrgat-
ed at 'the Grapeview Fire Hall
Tuesday, Dec. 23, fr the 'annual
V.F.D. Yuletide arty. In t busi-
ness meeting prc dtg the'festiy:
ties the nien :e:d*their annual
election of officers with the fol-
lo'ing results: Ed Okonek, pr#si-
dent; Gp0r/e Lewis, yi#-presi-
dert; Rtmse, Wdlls, secr#tary; and
Joe lagen, trea'sdrer) F#d Lhtz
rWho holds an honoray llfe mem-
bership} was re-ected to regu-
lr hzembership, difs were then
ech'anged, and sqme of th9 best
rfrshments on: Eecord were
served by-a-committee of four,
Louise Okonek, Ruth Wells, Ruby
Lewis and Doris Stock,
NOT ONLY SANTA arrived at
Bill Stoudt's home Christmas Eve,
but also his youngest son Dave,
wife Pat: and til¥.ga I!mnttl otl
Leslie Ann. Da,e, wh0 iEa acond
year student at the School of En-
gineering at Washington State
College, arri'' l " $mil
Christmas Eve. jl st,.@,ye n un:
'ti, the 28th.
'k2hristmas dinner at the Ted
Rauscherts included Millie's broth-
er Ed Okonek with wife ,Louise,
Mr. Joseph Okonek, and their sis-
ter, Mrs. Max'), Nelson. Highspot
,of tlt d for ica@d Okonek
Was antR' entrlbtti6n a radio
for his snappy gray Plymuth.
Russell and Ruth Wells extended
" ' l,sit to the
es' ": " g|ens and
)deaon's" on" 'C'ristmas
Day, the four couples enjoying a
9,1icios Irbgr )ogetr and later
0n to" arods drOlY-hf Halters. Son
.Ceat ¢Pt flY lth Ruth's
mt? reveny Thompson en
friend Connie Holden in Seattle.
The A. Hall Shepards spent
rea for a brief visit on Decem.
er 24 (harbingers of the holiday first family Christm. t'Y
ason perhaps) were some rather l frc ) Rd) '|¥ W: IO_
:..I tb( ght t' '_¢k °d
.|I a little t( a .li}e. 'appmg paper
I/to pitck ' w(tyf
Mual bY
Lod Jld Faye lchey had
DANCING Lloyd s brother Meivtn and family
over from Seattle for Christmas.
S day Jan, 8 uoo,0 gtlgat was Lloyd axed Mel-
" vtn)s mother, Mrs. C. D. Richey
alur _., of Neosho, Me., WhO is visiting
for an indefinite length of time
on the west coast. Melvln's chil-
Richey St. stayed on for a longer
visit before their return to So-
€ NeW Year ardv...and new horizons stretch before u,. We
look to [959With confidence that it will prove abundantly rewarding in
=o1 aghtevement, steadfast progress, enduring peace and.plenty for all
'o arl of our good friends and neighbor=, we extend New Year's
greetings, with the wish that your personal universe may b filled wjt the
ric.he ol heItl% ¢oatentenh love and good fellowship. Happy New Vrl
Kitsap-Mason Daiffmen's Association
Third tad Grove Stres, S1)eltoa Ppe 73
t t i t
w ' • .
Hprstine Island
IIARSTINE L_. It w's a very
pleasant surprise to come home
Christmas night along the low
road and see the 01d Carnes place
all lit up like a Christmas tree.
Tha, t is such a lonely stretch of
road along there and the house
poleed So ,wonderful just knowing
D eople we€ there. I dropped in
9n the new owners for a fe* min-
}.hes Sundsy afternoon. Their
ame [ Mr: and Mrs. John Budd
from Sekia. They have a boy thir-
teen and in the seventh grade.
Th.e.y hpe to spend some time here
l#tdr 0n.and do' sbme building.
tgUlt l)' AI, E, Idaho on
Christmas Eve Was the set'ring for
the marrlage ofMrs. Marie Jacob-
son to Mr. Ernie Croucl. They
w%re mavrid.at a small informal
celeraoy .before 'the. Justice qf
the PeaSe. ' After a 'short * Wedding
trip the, couple returned to the
Island where they were greeted
by an old fashioned shivaree
Some forty friends of the couple
to wish them well. Congratula-
ons tO you Emir and best wishes
o you Marie from the whole Is.
The Meeks and Mrs. Smally got
their biggest and best Christnm.s
preent qn Tuesday with the arri-
,al' of Mrs. Mek's sister and
Mrs. Smalley' dughter and her
family of Redondo Beach. Calif.
They are Mr. and Mrs. Clay Chap-
ep and son Brian. Anyone knowing
Iois knows she was on pins and
eedles wondering if they were
ging to come. So all we can say
15 that they all had a very merry
MR. AND [l.. L J. Jerr¢lls
are spending t hptiday o the
I@land working on" tlieir home at
Roint Wilson. Their son Harlan
ip spending the holidays in Los
Angeles, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lohrer ltad
the good luck to have two Christ-
qranaSes, one with James'. folks and
e with Naomi's folks..Spending
few days wi'th the Lohrers is
.r. Bucky Christopher of Olym-
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gosser
Julie and,Doris Stock celebrated
ith two Christmas dinners .-the
rst being with brother Fred Stock
and family of Allyn on Christmas
lay. Highlight 'of th dinner was
he presence of"Fred s' s6n, NVes
[Stock, who is stationed at the
]Presidio at San Francisco. Ve'
Will be released from the servicc'
[his February.) This past Sunday
Doris's daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Nutter, visited
from Seattle Tor a second Christ-
mas dinner, the rarity of the oc-
casion being Glenn's concurrent
0verseaa duty with UnCle Sam.
Duty calls him again in January
when he must he back in Franc.
The Arthur Zehes. spent Chriato
mas day with ArUs folks, the Rev.
and Mrs. Fredrick Zehe, in Everett
ad also with Art's brother an8
sister and their families. This
past Sunday they attended the 1
Wanke family reunion, (Elsie's
family) held at the Eagles Hall in
Battleground, Wash., the Zehes
spending th¢ previous night vith
Elsie's aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Krause.
WEBB AND Ruth Etheon
were kept busy Christmas day ei-
teVcaining daughtex, Baxbara, and
her husband, Dallas Smith, and
Ruth's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Parks. Barbara andDal, who are
now living in Snohomish, stayect
on until the 29th before their re-
turn home.
The grapevine has it that the
C. W. Walkers' daughter, Beverly,
Christmased at home while on
leave from her stewardship with
the Pan American Air Lines in
San Francisco.
The joy of the holiday season
was shadowed for two families in
th[/ d6/iiiififftty.- "Riiby"l'diirn6d
Saturday. morning of the death of
her father .and left immediately
for Riverside, Calif. Jerry Phil-
tips was notified early Sunday
morning that his fther eras m
critical Condition ad lft as soml
aS poeskble f0r Go0dland: ganges.
UPON, THE completion of their
lovely home' on Benson's Cove, the
arl Izetls held an open hpps this
past SUda'. Friends arid ' iew
neighbors .Were served delicious re-
freshmev.ts-'of homemade cookies
and coffee, The Izes lave aurar
mered her( ,eel f. their
former residdice lff Iortlard, Oid.,
and now their dream of retirement
has materialized. Incidentally,
Mm. Izett is the ,sister qf Iton
Cleveland of Allyn. •
Mra. Ingg Cronquist of Stadium
spent a pleasant Chriatmas holiday
visiting "tomer, Grapeview resi-
dents, Mr. and Mrs. ClrlesIm-
bard at
Disabled Vets
Asked To Re00rt
Yearly Ea "p
• rnln
Approximately 17,000 dmabled
veterans and widows of veterans
in Washington who receive month-
ly pension payments are being re-
ninded by the Veterans Adminis-
tration to report their annual in-
come promptly and thus avoid the
risk of having their payments
L H. Hall, manager of the VA
regional office at Seattle, said that
VA is now mailing to all pension
recipienls a tabulating card upon
which the income report may be
made. Pensions cease if the in-
coffie of a single individual ex-
ceeds $1400. or $2700 if the reci-
pient has dependents. Regflations
require payment to be stopped if
the income report is not received
within 30 days.
He wazaed that the tabulating
card will be processed mechanically
when it is returned and that cut-
ting, folding or otherwise mutil-
0tLg it will delay the recording
of the information and risk a cut-
off in payments.
No income questionnaire is sent
to veterans or dependents receiv-
mg service-connected compensa-
had as their guest over Christmas
Mr. Pat Doherty.
We are sorry to have to report
that lIrs, Righard Knauf had to
enter the hospital this past Stm-
da, for further surgery. Sure
hope by now Cherry that you are
up and about and feeling fine.
Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons
spoDt the holidays with their
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sil Arata
and family of Corvallis, Ore. They
were jQ.ined there by their son,
Mr. Jim Simmons of Wenatchee.
MR. AND MRS. Hugo Glaser
had part of their family home for
Christmas. Mr, and Mrs. Stephan
Franich and family and Mr.
Adolph Schmitz of Fife. Mr, and
Mrs. Richard Glaser and family of
Shelton and Mz:: Vester Farrell of
Coulee City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hitchcock
spent Christmas in Olympia with
their' daughter Paulene and Mel
arid the children. They were joined
there by Mel's parents and former
lald residents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Carnes of Tacoma. Returning with
them to the Island was their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Hitchcock of Olympia.
THERE WILL fie a potluck
New Year's dance at the hall Wed-
nesday ght. People are asked
tb bring 'their own records and
alease mark them. The record
la,er will play any Size so any
)f your old favorites will do. Come
one. come all.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peugh had
astheir guests over the holidays
Mr. and Mrs. Mary Benglesdorf
and little Suzie of Tacoma and
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Yates.
The Martin Goetsches and Jus-
tins and Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Simons spent Christmas Eve with
HeIen's and Esther's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Carlson. A won-
derful lutefisk dinner was enjoyed
by all.
The AI Pridhams and the If-
vie Wingerts were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimbel.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chaffee spent
Christmas Day with Odeyne's
brother, Mr. Ernest Byers of Se-
attle. The Chaffee's son and ram-
fly, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chaf-
fee of Rio Dell, Calif., spent sev-
eral days here before the holiday.
THE GUNNER Jolmsons were
really tickled that their son Ron-
nie could come home from Los
Angeles, Calif. House guests were
vr. anl MFs. Thor ohnson of
Eugene, Ore. Christmas Eve they
went to Emil Andersons for din-
ner. Joining them there was Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Mattus and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderson
all of'Bgifalr as well as Mr. and
Mrs'. Sundius Johnson of Olym-
Mr and Mrs. Stan Yates had
the_ r daughter and family of Seat-
tle home for the holidays. Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Freshour and son
Mr. and Mrs, C. yv'. Strecken-
bach spent Christmas in Shelton
with their" daughter 'and family
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone.
Rem.emler in 1959 you can have
a record of all your happy times
md family reunions if you have
a copy of the Journal on hand.
So if there is any news you treas.
ure just give a call to Donette
4?off out )0 Iarrel fr thp Hew yepro
and make it e good, big bnml..big Imough tO h01d
all the w0rm =iSb fllt we to, to y0g
and ,your #,i f J btpp, tWafp119
Good News for Two-Car Families!
• bodily injury and
property damage
• collision coverage
• medical payments
1.5 N. 5th Street
l'hone IIA (;-30(;1
* if no unnlarricd male drivers under 25 years.
# @"
%::¸.¸¸ :
.Here comes 1.959! And
here's hoping it rings in
a full measure of good luck,
health and happiness for you and yews.
o,re's hopingthat 1959,
is an out-of-this-world year for
you, bringing you all the good luck, success and
happiness that there is this side of the milky way.
As the world prepares to
rlng in another Now
Year, we take pleasure in
thanking ag out
good friends for their loyal
patronage and wishing them
lots Of good luck and happiness
for every day of 'fg,