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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Alln News Betty Young and Mrs. Leslie and daughter, Carol, trav- P Puyallup on Christmas Eve tle night at the home relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Christmas day they With Mr. and Mrs. R. John- Mrs. Baltuff. Chri.tmas Eve and at the home of his par- and Mrs. Harold Clcve- W.el,e Mr. and Mrs. l:)uane and children, Tommy, Christine and Janet of They also visited ,.,and Mrs. Roy Fraism&apos;e of Duane's wife's parents. |CENT visitor at the home and Mrs. Harold Cleveland Don Gardner, who just from :Honolulu, Hawaii, husband is stationed ue United States armed Harold Brown and L. spent Christmas at the I Mz.. and Mrs. James Huff- lfalv. :. "[ld Mrs. Johtmy Valley of • /'or and their three girls o ulday visitors at the home e ; and Mrs. Vernon Beeson. *o,|,:Dorothy Clark and her m'., Mrs. Boyer, spent Christ- U]t"the home of friends, Mr. Ip$: Roger Scott of Bremer- Ashton Watson enjoyed all of her children and ildre n home for Christmas. d Mr. Yernon Beeson and -[Ughters spent Christmas !i ft t't!e home of Mrs. Beeson's q a,  Mr. an'd Mrs. R. Baker,  , riatmas day at the home of Mrs. Elmer Beeson along #-' rn0n's brothers and sisters |0 eir' familieS, Mr. and Mrs. | &lley and five children from | t City Calif., Mr. and Mrs. --!dridge and daughter, Mr. .:it re: Dave Beeson and seven -.::t' from Olympia and Mr. . Don Bee$o.n and d augh- ..QMMUfITY was shocked ened by the sudden death ;;;_'led F, dman. Mr. Edman pl a stroke on Christmas t]med away early the next g. We express our deepest I rY t°Mrs' Edman'and her ! [;d r.. Micky oore and _bl!dren from Canyonville, B [tad Mrs. Amacher of Ray- d | sited with Mr. and Mrs. ' [_Amacher and family on _r.ln'd Mrs. Bill Morgan had W Lughters home for Christ- ltnr; they are Gloria, Mr, r .-Earl Anderson and chil- . Dd Mr. and m's Leonard =. [b and children. [ Wilber MeKean of Long ., [spent Christmas eve and * tas at the home of his son t :ly, Mr. and Mrs. Harris '-i ] eorge Rice home in Shel- | the gathering place on as for members of their -- |. and other members of the | [aMilies. Mr. and Mrs. Harve . l)ent the day with them en- Fthe grandchildren opening Iifts. Land Mrs. Lee Nelson and i,  spet Cilriatmas at Lee's P[lh Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson r ton. i |mas eve guests at the • L.  Mr. and Mrs. 1,ed Stock , die were Mr. and Mrs. Jul- ek, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P2 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wes- and Mrs. Don Young and son, Wes, and K'nutson. Christ- guests were Mr. and Financial Report Shows Continued Growth Here NEW YORK--Fiffurcs recently released by the government show lh'tt taxable payrolln in Mason Comity, in industry and commerce have risen 23.1 per cent in a pe- riod of five years. Tills PROGI[E,:4 report, which follows similar findings going back over a llumber of years, indicates a nteady, upward patte,'n locally. The story is told in the current issue of County Business Patterns released jointly by the Department of tlealth, Ecimation and Welfare and the Deparlnmnt of Commerce. It is a national study based on reports submitted by employers Ior 1956 and 1951. In Mason County, it showS, total payrolls subject to tax rose from $9,548,000 to $11,760,000 in the five year period. This covers all except self-em- ployed people, domestics, raih'oad and agricultural workers and pub- lic employees. Average taxable wages went up also, according to the repo,'t, for: a gain of 19.5 per ccitt. THIN PROGRENN, somewhat di- luted by inflation, was registered by workers in lVlason County des- pite a leveling off of jobs in man- ufacturing. The trend toward automation has been making itself felt, by slow degrees, compelling many ad- justments. More goods have been pouring out of the nation's fac- tories year after year with only a 'small increase in the number of people needed to produce them. The net result is that today only one=fourth of the nation' labor force works in factories. The rest of it has Shifted into the boom- h,g service industries, the retail field, finance, construction and the lie. Yet, the figures show, antoma- tion led to anincrease rather than a decrease in number of jobs in the country. Since the war, the increase is 7,300,000. Only ten per cent of the new ones are for the production of goods, however. NEARLY HALF our jobs did not exist in their present forms 25 years ago. They developed be- cause of new products, new indus- tries and new wants expressed by a raPidly-growing nation. Mrs. Julius Stock. Saturday night Wesley left for California where he is stationed with the Army. SPENDING CHRISTMAS at th home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weckhorst were Mr. and Mrs. Vic Matson of College Place and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Young and Barbara of Shelton. Also visiting during the day were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Taylor of Bremerton and nephew, Harris Watson of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Izett couldn't have been happier or more plea@eI when around 40 guests vlsited%.vith them at their house- warming party Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Izett recently moved into their lovely new home and were, very anxious to have the ac- quaintance of their new neighbors and town folk. Mrs. Elton Cleveland and Mrs. Harold Cleveland assisted Mrs. Izett in serving Christmas cookies, punch and coffee to their new friends. Visitors were from Al- lyn, GraI)eview and Shelton. Most of us are beginning to learn that the cost of experience has gone up like everything else. fAdure m we enter 1959. and let's+ ag (esolye that we wgl make every day of this New Year count toward our goals. Joining with you in hoping and acting fcr a haPPY, successful, prosperous Year, w( extend our best wishes to you and yours. TNURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS Z LOAN ASSOGIATION Security Bldg., Olympia, Wash. I. Sears, President Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pres. Walmer, Secretary-'Press. Do, an, Axst. Secy.-Treas. Vice President D I R E CTO R 8-- ARNOLD KOUToNEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. V. R. LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEARS CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 3% PER ANNUM-- C I %, ,IIELTON-MA,,ON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Ckristmn.qtown, U.g,A•," Shelton, Waahin. Band Due Here Feb. 2 Considered Among the Best I Tam WEEK IN Cortege, Janu.ry 'a =rid ,'etu,'nsll Washington History J,'e,',+,ar_++.,: ............................... " Ti, .veaU..7 .,';,n ,+.,, .,p.+: +, Burglary Reported + +P,%cw'i,:.:',L":i hI+;7'++"; ,?+',,°:7 When the Augsburg College standing college concert bands in Band comes to Shelton for a c<)n- ('eri l,'eb. 2, it will be mder the l)aloFI of olle of America's nlosl. dynamic cnllcge ban(I (liveclors, May. Sav<)ld. b'nvold grew up in Maddock, N. l)., and received his instru- FII('II1.;(I an( c(Hl(hlc|ing expclience during (()liege yearn tinder the lLll'Opeall aUd Alllel,icltn band vet- eran. Speralli of Luther College. l:Ie later directe(l lnilsi(! organiza- tionn at Ceneral I)ouglan McArth- ur's tIea(lq||arters in the l:'hilip- pines during the Secmd Wovhl War. ,'qavold's Augsburg College F, and has been acclaimed one of the ()tit- America. The style and quality of music presented by this high- ly trained group has been com- pared to that of the country's lea(l- ing I)rofessJonal bands rather than the other college groups. Saw)hi is sought as adjudicator at school contents throughout the Northwestern Staten. Often his ban(I in presented in the climactic final con(e)'( at such gatierings. The Augsburg College Band pre- senls thin concel't as ()tie Of a se- rien on itn three-week tollr fFo1n Minneapolis to Sealtle. The 5G- member organization, which trav- els in two large buses, leave. Min- neapolis, the home of Augsburg iMills were Stnl:>'uhd und Saturday at lamil©he The Mason county Sheriff's of- flee received a call lasl Saturday morning concerning a bnrglary at the home of HalTy Simmons ill Kamilche. A .38 calibre revolver, a wrist wal:ch and an expensive pair of binoculars were stolen from his house Friday or Saturday mor- ning. The Sheriff's office suspects that juveniles were responsible for the theft. I hel'tl WItS 110 Ill+Ill. \\;,Veeks thel'€ Wei'e reportn of a lllll'ltbcr of ship- wrecks on the coast. The bal"k Sarah Warren, comrnanded by Capt.. A. B. (:ove, arrived at Olynt- pia January 1, 1;d53, having left San Francisco 23 (tars before with a large quantity of merchandise valued at $15,000, for its owner the Kendall Cbmpany. Two pas- sengers were on board. The ship encountered strong head winds up the coast with six clays of a heavy snow storm off Cape Flattery. CHUCK WILLIAMS" TIRES AT WHOLESALE Next to Elms Fairgrounds SAW.DUST- WINTER TREADS 307 DISCOUNT NEW - USED RETREADS & REPAIRS TRACTOR * TRUCK . CAR Phone - Elms 131 i i i HAPPY NEW YEAR from NEEDHAM'S Carsten's Hy-Grade "Fiesta"... Bone- less, skinless, fully cooked. Whole, half or quartered ham. We will gladly slice them for you. ROR|T BONELESS CHUCK ROAST • . . VNF "CHOICE" BEEF Ib [ORH BOLOI00nH Carlten's Hy- Grade Bone- les Brisket or Liver Sausage• Carsten's Hy-Grade Ib Ib WHOLE KERNEL CORN MIRACLE WHiP [HIPS 12-OZ. NIBLET8 , . TINS KRAFT'S ...................................... QUART NbkLLEY'S DIPPER CHIPS -BACJ PKG ........ HORMEL'S LUNCH MEAT... HANDY FOR THE HOLIDAYS 12-OZ. TIN .... 35 S9 SPRY 3LB 79 TIN. PUNCH ..w.. o, 39 GOLDEN .......................................................... 4G-OZ. PINEAPPLE oo.00 33 SLICED ............................... NO. 2 TIN DEVILED HAM o00o_ooo .... .... 2 41 CHEESE c..,, 45 SHARP ......................................... 8-OZ. WEDGE DILLS 39 KOSHER .................................................... 24-0Z. JAR WAX PAPER zoo ............................ 21 i ii ii n l ii i ii I i i i, GRRPEFRUII FANCY ARIZONA WHITE 8-LB, BzdkG ...... LEMONS SUNKIST s APPLES Ex FANCY DELICIOUS Tuna-,,o+,..o-, 29 Butter o.+,o c.., ,.,.,. 69 00rup -,.. ...... +o. 39 i AA LARGE, LOCAL FRESH RANCH 2 i*1 i i ii i Soup "-'"'++ 2/37 room .......... No, 1 tin i i i INST. COFFEE ...w.,, 1.1S House . , 6-oz. Jar Inst. S anka . . . 89, 10€ Off • . 4-oz. Jar l I IIII  , I I|IIII ii iiiiii i JUI(E LIBBY'S TOMATO 46-OZ. TINS BERnS --'2 45 CAK+E MIX SWANSDOWN ANGEL FOOD SHRIMP PACIFIC PEARL EXTRA SMALL 4½-oz. Tin ... NEW TASTE THRILL PINEAPPLE.GRAPEFRUIT DRINK HI-C's Newest Flavor... Try some New Year's Eve! $ Boxes Dial ,,H +o+ ............ 2/33 00B00PHAM S 'OH ON Prices Effective through Saturday, January 3. We reserve the right to limit quantities, L . 1 v Janurx 1" ]959' IIELTON:MA?,ON COUNTV JOURNAL- Published in "CkriM:mrsfow?, U.g,A.," Slelton, Washington Page :--'-" "'- " - "- "" "" -" "' "" "' " " I' Washme:ton''S WEEK. INHmlorv""I, !:.. d,:d,Zt,,e.. . , .... ......... ....... .... N IFinanclal Report, Band gue Her e Feb: Z Gonsldered Among the Best I THI ] ............. ++"", .......... ' ....... "+' ..... '"' I11--- A. -, _ _a ,:,l,,,,, uc Auosb,,'g Co,,e++e .+tondin+. coi,ege c,mce,'t bands in Coiiege, Januar.+ 2.+ nd ,'etm'ns CtlUCK WILLIAMS iLYgTs• Leslie lRA0 i=.nnflnllDfl m,,, comes to Silelton for ,L c,m- Ameri,.a. The style and quality February 15. ' ......... v ........ " ..'l ill,-i;v:lllV4 MUllUUUvv ce,. I,'eb 2 it will be nnder the of music presented by this high ............................................... ...,,e.,,eaL[le,; ,,'?:. p,e u,p,: m] InPA lq IllllAI PAml P Pu allu on Christmas Eve batm at am of Amemeas n ).L ly tram d gr p ,+ . ) " ' . • . ." . ,. I ., .._ ._ dv,.,.,ie ,.+,liege t),.,, ,,,'ec,+s p,,r,.+ io*hatofthe,o,,nt,'y'.led-Burn:larv eenorled o!!owo,t b,,,,o od.,.,, ,,:,,+,. lUitCb AI WOOL[ Vnmmal t tn mh , th • . ' " r +  ..  v m ig 2vl llJ, vel e L sp+'l(l (I  I I 1 lel',,, i[;l-£;;tlPwfn aprp M,. ,vo, d ,. p,o(+, bn,, ,the, ,ha,, . . . ... ,, . : .. : .. . , " • * ' ' . . VEILS nO nltll. '%'Ct+KS Lal,eF Lnel'e i Ll+ dy they |NklRVII II B BIV .'.avold grew tip in Maddock the othel college gl,)ups. 5alurnav al umllcno wo, e 'enorts o+ , m tuber ,f shi,- Newt tn Im- IP.+iPrPemnds P [With. Mr and. Mrs. R. horn- NEW+ YORK--Fi'ures_ +. recently. . N. J),, and received. Ins mstru- ,+lvohi is s<mght as adjuchcator ' The Mason, county+ ,+Sheriff's., of- wrecks on the coast,. Ti]e+ bark:+ dMzs Bfltuff o znment show nu ltl ind (n(t,(img (xl)e en(( t s(hool (ontests throughout the  pd Mrs. Baltuff. rehmse(I by the g ve' + ." ' .> , t r : '" '  :"  ":  "" " ' ... !. flee received a call last Saturday Sirrah Warren, Colnrttalld(.d b_V. A 1| IM ][ [[ tson (ll I I1 ( o| € g( ( 11.'4 tin(It I th INol t|l,%et4tt 1 it St It,s (Jil.n his m m lding Chri.tmas Eve and that taxable pavrolls in M++"  ' g + ':+ .'+ " +' " ' ' :';>' +i  +":._  * morning concerning a burgl'rv ;{t Capt A. B Gave arrived at Olvnt- 1| UUOI 111111"111 /nz=auo [a his par- Cotmty, in industliy and commerce, Ellropc[tn an<l A!mrica.n bln( [).an( iv prcsente(t in .the ¢![matctm the home of Harry Sinmu)n. in pin January 1, 1853, haviT]g 'left oa¢,7 nlo'T,rnn e etJn )el illl )I LllIII() Olltge ilntl €ontelL ,It su(n gatnv]mgs - , c r. and Mrs. Harold Cleve- have 'isen 23 1 her cent in a p.- " , ,I " : +. ' e • .  : ' ' ' ' : '' • Kamilche + San Francisco 2o (h's before with O'/ lIl-",,UJl,II |r. and Mrs. Duane riod of five years. F!€ later d[tette(i nu|'c toga.area- The Augsburg College Band pre- A .38 calibre revolver, a wrist a large quantity of merchandise, d and children, Tommy, 'ties POGI{F rental hich xonsjt (!ener[d I)ouglas M!.A!:th- senls this concert am one of a se- watch and an expensive pair of valued at $15,0()0 for ts owner N+W IJ.t=n lql+Tl:Ignm x. ml¢aAlag Chrmtme and Janet at f,m ...... ;,,il,,.fin,i,,s +oingback u+ s tit:a(tqila}lf+s ] tile. l+Ltnl)  rms on +l:s three-week tour tram bmoculars were stolen from his the Kendall Company. Two pas- + ................ ........................... o  o o plt'H)S ('ll l rin." [ne ec()tl(| VV OI+I(I /M lklU M • /  J t* %. • . . fl Phone - Elms 131 lrisda'l'e: They also visited :,and Mrs. Roy Fraisure of n, Duane's wife's parents. C.ENT visitor at the home and Mrs. Harold Cleveland rs. Don Gardner, who just e¢l from Honolulu, Hawaii, --. h'er husband is stationed ---t---"lhe United States armed alld Mrs. Harold Brown and . spent Christmas at the W. ,0f.a Mr. and Mrs. James Huff- Ik+ ++)fai,'. ::" "[mad Mrs. Joh,my Valley of ,})x)r and their thi'ee girls Otmday visitors at the home @; and Mrs. Vernon Beeson. A%:'Dorothy Clark and her i Mrs. Boyer, spent Christ- tit'!the home of friends, Mr. P:Roger Scott of Bremer- i Ashton Watson enjoyed i. all of her children and ihildren home for christmas.  d Mrs. Vernon Beeon and +.t]ghters spent Christmas i:1 a 'tlle home o Mrs. meson's  a,++Mr. an'd Mrs. R. Baker, [,a.riatmas day at the home of |, [ Mrs. Elmer Beeson along l" [rn0n's brothers and sisters |1 their' familie' Mr. and :}Irs. I [galley and five children from [t City, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. 4ridg'e and dau'ghter, Mr. <l. Dave Beeson and seven from Olympia and Mr. Don Bee@o. and d.augh- IITY was shocked sudden death red Edman. Mr. Edman a stroke on Christmas away early the next We express our deepest to Mrs. Edman,and her Mrs. Micky Moore and from Canyonville, Mrs. Amacher Of Ray- leited with Mr. and Mrs. Amacher and family on Mrs. Bill Morgan had home for Christ- they are Gloria, Mr. . Earl Anderson and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and children. iilber MeKean of Long Christmas eve and at the home of his son Mr. and Mz's. Harris Rice home in Shel- thv gathering place on for members of their and other members of the lilies. Mr. and Mrs. Harve the day with them en- e grandchildren opening and Mrs. Lee Nelson and , l apet{t Christmas at ice's a, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson lion. mas eve guests at the ' .f Mr. and Mrs. -h'ed toek die " • _ were Mr. and Mrs. Jul- Ok, Mr. and Mrs. Charles le., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wes- and Mrs. Don Young and son, Wes, and K'nutson. Christ- guests were Mr. and over a number of years, indicates a steady, upward pattern h)cally. , The story is told in .the current issue of Connty Business Patterns, released jointly by the l)epartment of ttealth Edtmation and Welfare and the Departnmnt of Commerce. War, F, avohl's Augsburg College F, and has been acclaimed one of the ()tit- Minnelpolis to Seattle. The 56- member organization, which trav- els in two large buses, leaves Min- neapolis, the home of Augsburg house Friday or Saturday mar ning. The Sheriff's office suspects that juveniles were responsible for the theft. sengers were on board. The ship encountered strong head winds up the coast with six days of a, heavy ' snow storm off Cape Flattery. i i i i i i ii i • i iiiiiiiiiiii i It is a national study based on reports submitted by employers tar 1956 and 1951. In Mason County, iL showS, total payrolls subject to tax rose from $9,548,000 to $11.760,000 in the five year period. This covers all except self-em- ployed peopte, domestics, raih'oad and agricultural workers and pub- lic employees. Average taxable wages went up also. according to the report, for a gain of 19.5 per ccitt. THIS PItOGRES,, somewhat di- luted by inflation was registered by workers in Mason Cotmty des- pite a leveling off of jobs in man- ufactu!'ing. The trend toward automation has been making itself felt, by Mow degzees, compelling many ad- justments. More goods have been pouring out of the nation's fac- tories year after year with only a 'small increase in the number of people needed to produce them. The net result is that today only one-fout'th of the nation' labor force works in faciories. The rest of it has Shifted into the boom- ins service+industries, the retail field, finance, constrmtion and the lllke. Yet, the figures show, automa- tion led to anincrease rather than a decrease in number of jobs in the country. Since the wax, the increase is 7,300,000. Only ten per cent of the new ones are for the production of goods, however. NEARLY HALF our jobs did not exist in their present forms 25 years ago. They developed be- cause of new products, new indus- tries and new wants expressed by a raPidly-growing nation. Mrs. Julius Stock. Saturday night Wesley left for California where he ix stationed with the Army. SPENDING CHRISTMAS at th home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weekhorst were lr. and Mrs. Vic Matson of College Place and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Young and Barbara of Shelton. Also visiting dmqng the day were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Taylor of Bremerton and nephew, Harris Watson of Seattle• Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Izett couldn't have been happier or more plea$el when around 40 guests vlsited+vith'them at their house- warming party Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Izett recently moved into their lovely new home and were very anxious to have the ac- quaintance of their new neighbors and town folk. Mrs. Elton Cleveland and Mrs. Harold Cleveland assisted Mrs. Izett in servhg Christmas cookies, punch and coffee to their new friends. Visitors were from Al- lyn, Grapeview and Shelton. } Mo.t of us are beginning to learn that the cost of experience has gone up like everything else• HAPPY NEW YEAR from N Carsten's Hy-Grade "Fiesta"... Bone- less, skinless, fully cooked. Whole, half or quartered ham. We will gladly slice them for you. ROn|T BONELESS CHUCK ROAST • . . VNF "CHOICE" BEEF Ib (ORn BOLOBnH Carlten's Hy- Grade Bone- les= Brisket Ib or Liver Sausage• Carsten's Hy-Grade Ib WHOLE KERNEL CORN ,:;o:; MIRACLE WHIP ...................................... oo..+ (HIPS 3-BAG PKG ........ 35 59 HORMEL'S LUNCH MEAT... HANDY FOR THE HOLIDAYS 12-OZ. TIN .... iii ii i i i, i i GRnPEFRUll FANCY ARIZONA WHITE " LEMONS SUNKIST 20025 APPLES.x FANCY OELICIOUS de  we #nt 1959, aM let's p+g molye that we wl make every day ef this New Year count toward our goals. Joinin6 with .you in hoping and acting fpr a. happy, successful, prosperous year, w extend our best wishes to you and yours. THURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAl. SAVINBS & LOAN ASSIATION Security Bldg., Olympia, Wash. I. Sears, President Lwrence, Exec. Vice Pres. Watmer, Secretary-Treas. Do, an, Aut. Secy.-Treas. lnshull, Vice President DIRECTORS-- ARNOLD KOUTONEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. V. R. LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEARS cURRENT 01VlDZND RATES 3% PER ANNUM-- Tuna 29 wtte Star €un V=-TN Bulter o.+,, c+.. Prints 69 +Syrup 39 Nalley's ...... 22-OZ, JAR i i , i AA LARGE, LOCAL FRESH RANCH i i INST. COFFEE 1.19 House.. 6-oz. Jar Inst. S+anka . . . 89  10€ Off • . 4-OZ. Jar iiii ii iii i Soup Campbe]l's Mush- 2/37 room .......... No, 1 tin Dial BATH SOAP ............ 2/33 DHAM'S SPRY +LB 79 TIN. PUNCH .,w, o. 39 GOLDEN ........................................................ 46-OZ. PINEAPPLE OOL00 33 SLICED ................................ NO, 2 TIN DEVILED HAM o00o00.wooo ..... 2 41 ++. CHEESE 45 SHARP .......................................... 8-OZ. WEDGE DILLS KOSHER .................................................... 24-0Z. JAR 39 WAX PAPER z. ............................ 21 JUI(E LIBBY'S TOMATO 46-OZ. TINS BEnns VAN CAMP PORK 'N BEANS 2 4S TINS CAK+E MIX SWANSDOWN ANGEL FOOD |HRImP PACIFIC PEARL EXTRA SMALL 4½-oz. ']['in ... NEW TASTE $ THRILL PINEAPPLE,6RAPEFRUIT DRINK HI-C's Newest Flavor... Try some New Year's Eve! Boxes Prices Effective through Saturday, January 3. We reervethe right to limit quantiti=,