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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI- Published in "Ohrlstma,toum Sheltn Washin Thursday, &amp;,11,I, nLp ,\\;,, r 4"t11,4 4 ,i,, i i FOR SALE WILL TRADE 21 fL inboard boat with 25 b,p. Waukashaw motor for pit!k-up, Phone 6-8767 after 5 p,nl. D1/1-15 hund pups. Phone HA 6-6451. GI/1 tin set, table, six chairs and buffet, good condition. Phone HA 6-6190. FOR SALE FOR SALE: large lon of - conditioned ranges, refrigerator washers, dryers.Eells & ValleY/AisstJ pliaace Center. FOR SALE. dry heavy or light Idnb wood, $I0 a cord. HA, 6,6657. Ol/12ttn TRAVEL IS: OUR BUSINESS! At- FOR RENT FOR RENT--)ne bedroom home on Mt. View, Unfurnished except for _t(2X%__Ph2£HA - 6--37o. - .... FLU)- 1 SMALL HOUSE for one or two adults. $30 per month, 610zA Pine. Phone HA 6-6336. D1/1-8 FOR RENT--Small house on .Angle- side. Phone HA 6,080 after 6 p.m. D10/23 tin FOR RlNT--Jbedroom duplex fur- nished $37.50, Phone HA 6-4719. FOR RENT FOR RENT--3-bedroom house down- town, water and garbage paid, stoves, . $50 me. Phone HA 6-8837. Gll/8 tin FOR RENT: light hoekeeplng room& 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6,4679. R4/18tin FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt, 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6,4548 after 5 p.m. D10/11tin FOR RENT; 1 bedroom furnished B10/13 tin if'OR RENT: i-room apL. completely furnshed. Phone HA S-60. F 1/9 t 3-ROOM APT and bath, downtown. Us- furnished except for range. RrefriE- erator If desired. Phone HA. 6,. Mrs. Beekwith. 6/20--7/fn S1/1 tin rangements for all tours, transpof 3"t,'r,'fS/Ti'/-v---6"-¥Iii--fl  ttlon and reservations, at no addi- *' "n' rl"ll ,*''v.l wh ''''' "4" san tlonal cost to yot Clara Bell Angle, "-.""7-'1 "XI".;=.'".L.-/,"'&7,a-,; phons HA. 6-£t84 or HA. 6,1L72. • reon, phome HA. 6-a89. John's ..... reek Sand and Gravel, Ba'shore. B]IS BUY IN ,TOWu! l . Hesv 7/95tin pack ,ssz. clrlonl i cents, gaz-  on,? If.79, 2-gallons $8.97. Fess- ume.r.F.H.A. rmq on lui uqi. First. 5ASia {$lpplle Jump It all tmaer one D_!i. ton Lumber. 420  lift; BL  WE BUY YOUR UITY. or will 11 HA- 60. " 6/gtin on comflgnmL'our beats,_ motor, FOR BALM: used Steel, Plates, plPll, trailers, et tllert llardwar.+._ pulleys and shafta. All tp. : ,v=u vtge. Shelton Jtmk Co., ]Irt d Mill, phone HA.  9/St I DOITS FOR 6KIJ: 15" Revlon Dolls .==--- =7:'----=--.--- ......... t-------Ho_l and hand mde elothu to fit. 10 to ,Uil I+AL,buIeo, guarantees 1 m -I t,, *..!... .a v..., ilollltr IRe power aws. gaoler Motor Shop, I all.''.'u'nll r Hlllcrest. lllll-l/l ................... "" ................ I dolls, Also honittiilliiii,'T.nne HA. FOR SAISplnnlng reels, epinningl isTia Opal Clay. BI1/litfn rods  off, 2-man rubber life I--=-'-'- ..... ' ...... - ......... . t# ef eio value fthrel °" J'ltUU OUTBOAIgU Iwuri.til llies .....  .... "" " +'---- -nl service -" "'----+" '--'=---- boat $75. Verle's Sporting Gooda, ii ,tim n+ z*,;_ 2(}0 Olympic Highway South, phone */tu HA 6,4105. 12/18-1/1 equipment. Certified Air. eerie s 8184. LI0/0 tin Sporting Goods, 200 Olympic HISS- _<_ ..... - -0 way South, phone HA 6-4105. U.UI lil,al( pretzel, dim m- 12/18-1/1 .ier, fter, more eff/elent. JUno -- hour note tllhin, ry u& e TREm:m,00i.+ m. let', Ill +<o HA and 8pray. Stark Nu.rr t none |/lttM ,HA 6-1, Fredaon Roa4 ana lYm- ph. _ 10/1  z.-u ., spices and i!avorlngs. CommettCe. ky,  +X0 evenl Rgbluoj household prooueta. Phone HA. 6- /hifl Wqka, 10 E. 01ymm 2(8. Cll/13tin ive., Olympia. If/ heated ap Adults only. Purdy Apts. 811 N. let St., phone HA. 6,S02. P1/lSttn <N'I-I+,.I(J" S-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child, lO0 Railroad. La12/4 tin F()Tt--R--EN-----()r-gi+na ' Apt-,-on t. View. Furnished, electric beat. In- quire 101 Drive-In- Phone HA 6-2262. K12/ll-1/1 FOR R2NT'C0inplstoly turnllflie''-6ne'- bedroom apt. downtown, 1 Alder. Adults. No pete. Phone HA .8M5. W'' If no answer Phone HA 9-$450. . , O8/7. tin WE BUY scrap Iron, batteries, rad-I FO.R.RNT--Bumn .eM. space. +ront on tors, copier, aaxvngv of all ] highway, easy parg acrosa street] ShaRon Junk Co., zrst no utl from Timber Bowl. See or call Bob [ rte. Phone HA. 6-. /Tt] Kesnan at L M. 10/2-tin l --_-=+.=  .__ .+ . l,lrLUt AcULd.JIt JtUldt It co8 Cal M - FOR.. RlSNT--FUa_ed cottae_._%. I via L. Arnold, HA 6,20f. AI0/20 tin traner spaces. The ne LXU/¥ unl .......... --J--x+d Jt =-bedroom---lW+'-ZmV: Do ,m. prompt, €, ..laoa .e4 lo, ....__ altor I courteous service. ?none us eolll ,., ..... Id' m a. ^. , _aoa l ms IL Oras :Harbor Rend rhllg, 10/9-11/13 tin I GOLDSBOROUGH 2W, AIIR PXR| W4NTD:_ .e_oe nU t.r.  Convanlent to mills and downtoWn] umner.  urumsx. &vme .al s.. City sewll and water. At I our e.+Xlm_ JO.ill Tl.e D llUllDr highway, bride. B4/4tta | GO,, IF.O, Box i=i, uiymp a, 9--" R--l;l.=.O/ae bedroom furnished J  v/mJm house• One bedroom unfurnlehedlRABy AND CHILD  any time. house, and two bedroom modern du-[ Certlfled home. I.nqulre 21111 Wimli- p,ex =..rn,....+none =,..o-+ THREE ROOM UNFURNISHED apt. WANTED: 1000 reePlble Uree. O, w for rent, close to downtown. Phone Rubber Welders, ML View. 1/10tfs HA. 6-S5. . MS/Sttn SAW ILINO -- xed- MA-L-L--FI-iD---n-= Laurel. Phone HA 6-10. 9/25 tin MT, VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1801 Im,- el. Phone 6,a187. Dolls of all klm repaired. Do It now! Come in and see. my collection of new dolls ami fancy,york. Also original inserted tterns Ju pillow cases. M. Ann wardowskL 11/6 tin MeMO CHAIN SAWS, 3 h.P v direct drive. 199,50• 16,inch bar ann ehal. Hillerost Hardware. 11/18 tin SEATS, PILERS. and outboard me- .... +t¼+ =.L13!c.rt mK/_=t USED AUTOMATIC and wringer wash- cr, electric move, treadle sewing ms, chine, throw rugs. cbairi, 8 It, hy, droplanc, 14 ft, skiff, 10 ft, and 1: It, flbreglass runabouts, 25 bp, else. trio artlng 1955 Evinrude, 1950 Chevrolet stetion wagon, t950 Hill- man Minx+ wood heating stove, gas- oline camp stpve, camp ice boy Phone HA 6-6877 after 5'.30 p.m. M12/ll-1/1 N)R SALE ++- All steel Youngstown kitchen cabinet with double sink eomplcto with fittings, $50. HA 6- 3?1o ....................... ff_.!/l_S.:_Z_ ]OR SALE~-OII floor furnace. 5-room capacity, good condition. Reason- abb,. Phone tiA 6-T278, M12/18-3/1 ROOFING and all other bullding ma- tertals, nothing down, 36 months to pay under FHA terms now available at Lawte Lumber, 4 S. lat St,, phone HA. 6-41L 811$tfn "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.8.A," rubber stamps for sale at the Journal, $L00 ch. 107 So, 4tl 12/1tin FOR SAI-One Hereford-Guernsey cow, 2nd calf. Bred--white fac. Cell HA 6-4120. Lll/20 tin F. li;X7 'iF-iiiii--KJW--v a-'fl'b-iF-6fi-'ii ! building materials allows you to lump construction costs under one bill For information inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S, Ist St. Phone FOR SALE -- Neilsen grinders for sharpening p o w e r ehaln saws, Smedy, accurate, precision grlndlng. NOw at: Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone }t,A 6-4ff12, 1/4 tin derlzing, Free bonle, demonstration, Stauffer Home Plan of Mason Coun- ty. Phone HA 8-9. HI0/30 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, .eqdip- men at Walt's Marine uppiy, on betuuul lloou uanal. Phone lloods- _.0rt TR. 7-5244. 1/19tfn LOCKER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings [gffound-i cents per pound. Don W[I- llama, 604 Dearhorn- Phone HA 6,2040. 9/25 tin DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-61113 C-11-20tfn .U:;L o.. J ......  ........ • UL , +  IITI -EL-][ Custom Tractor Work RotovaUng or regular plowing) diing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, gxmd gravel. Well-aged sawdusL Work by hour stngo-hande Jerome Burke, HA 3675. _I 1 l I _J d L E ............ F0R IgEN00 i i FOR RYNT--Large one-bedroom house for rent, Fenced yard, son)e Iurni- ture, Water paid, $30. Phone HA 6-2259. 812/16,1/1 FOR RENT -- Unfurnlshed 2-bedroom house $55. Phone HA 9-4000. S12/11 tin CLEAN ND QUIET rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/$tfn 5-ROOM FURNISHED APT. 2-bed- room, washer, dryer• refrigerator, electric range, trash burner. Oil beater, water and lights included. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 5th at Pine. B12/4 tin SMALL HOUSE, furnished, electric range and wood heater, Nice bath. No children, no pets. Phone HA 8-6336. D12/4 tin ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished apartments, hot water heal range, refrigerator included. Holt .Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. J Hat-tough. mana4ger. Ant. & Phone HA. 6-8i or H. 6,65911. BB/98tfn TR-- r  T Ld ":;; O   O'e V "8  and hot. water tank furnished, Close in. Phone HA 6,L R21/27 tin SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mare Days and Evenings Ph. HA. 6-305 Rt. 1, Box 476 ijll .  . . ., BOOTH CONS'IUCWION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tin ii i i ..... i t FIR00KING Fire Bombs & Sprays --- DWARF ' STARK NURSERY Fredson Road & Olympia Highway Phone HA 6-8851 II _ I APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Inloor Sanders Sterling lectrlc Portable Hud Sanders Regina lectrlc Floor Pollhere House Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. lt Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10t2n L I ! He ty noerity ! I good service are remem I I bered long after price I '= FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers - also For Expert, Economical, Effi0ient Appliance ,,,,,, IV Service TELEPIIONE HA. 6-811 M [ ii CAMTILI[ town. for rent. Phone HA 8-8104, W12/18 tin plex. Electric heat. garage, utility room. Phone HA 6,8150. 12/18 Lfn nlshed, close to town, 3 acre& $30/mo. Call Walter George HA 6,6642. G12/18-1/1 .OR---i.TT--Sportemen's Apt. Mote, low winter rates, heat furnished, newly redecorated, clean aa a pln. Owner managed, VeIT desirable place to flee, located at Sbelton Air- irt, 3 miles north of town. Call A 6-3772. A12115 tn Mr. View. Stove, garage, water and garbage furnished. Phone HA 6,3218. B12/25-1/8 FOR RENT--Small furnished apart- ment suitable for single person. 722 Pine. P9/25 tin ('l B----0"-apartment foF t with fireplace, unfurnished except for refrigerator and stove, down- tOWn. UtiHtie paid except lights. Phone HA 6,44555. 89/18 tin )-IiA-I--}"D APARTMI!i ' available At Gldsborough Apts. S414tfn FOI REfiT: fu--U']s-h apartment, fi' floor, downtown, fireplace. Washing facilities. Phone HA 6-46. $4/4t unita ideal for inKIe men or worn. en. Also attractivew furnished on bed)om apartments. All utllftlel furnished except lights. Reasonable Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177, 1/4 tfi )----E-+- ---r-'F-oom "/iT- apartment n]so three-room partly furnished house, $25 per month. Sub* urban location. Phone HA 6-6976, Dll/8 tin Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tin Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and R00modeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton. Washington 11-20 tin Immediate Delivery on popular sized BA2ERIES and .IREB Free Tlre-Munting Service CATALOG SALES OIfl"/CE Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 6-8101 Shelton 10-21t BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Days or Nights Phone HA 6-4150 5-21tin J t t1 t I lltU I J L INSULATION! Fiberglass and Rockwool home blown L, mulation. Special elec- • tric heat and floor inmlaUons, No down payment and 36 months to pay. FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiam, Wash. Phone Hoquiam 312 10-31tfn "t+ L U ]I[T I I J Jl SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Low winter rates Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean a a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Loca ted at She] ton Airport, 3 miles north of town, HA 6-37?2 12-18-tin WlI2h DO IRONING in my home. Call HA 8-2070, lI East Cots. L10/80 tin stallauons, oU conwrsl0ns. nelton Furnace C, 1  Third. Dial HA. 6-61gL 5/1tin LOST AND FOUND' t_ LOST--13 ft. boat on Arcadia Point, blue. Call HA 6-679. H12/18-1/1 LOST--Man's 4ocket wec--'-. Please return to Journal officel/1 USED GAITS FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories. 25.000 miles, Don Johnson at Den's Flying A Service. 12/18 tin speaker, heater top condition, low mile.ago, W.S.W. Call HA 6,2292 days. R12/18-1/1 MISCELLANEOUS , CARD OF TH&NKS We wish t0 express our heartfelt Talitude for the sylnpathy, kindness and assistance also lhe beautiful flor- al offerings given us during the loss of our loved Nels Morken. Mrs. Nels Morken Everett Morken Helen Brown On and afb'r thts date. Dec. 29, 1958, I will not | responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than nlysclf,--Peul S. Challender. 1/1-15 REAL ESTATE f6---gdRN-sT--i--.-iFfTF6iiy-6ii-s+8.[--67(; butldlnls, at Dayton, $3500. Needs handyman. Artesian well, HA 6-8882. Mci2/ll tin FOR SALE: 4-room Hlnerest home, ,e fenced lot, 6-8159900" Phone HA. 6- da. HA. after 8 p.m. ES/27tfn FOR SAL: the H. W Skeleey prop- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone Unlon 411, S6/5tfn F-'0-R--SA_L--TI-im- sized 1  story I I home in town: economical electric II baseboard heat, partial basement, I | large yard with private stream pro-I I tooted by water right. Reasonable|| term to responsible party. Phone || HA 6-3898. Mc8/28 tin I I NEW and USED Furniture Appliances STUDENT DESKS Complete with clocks, pen sets, lamp, and desk pads, with chair $44.95 to $59.95 Full Assortment of HASSOCKS $3.95 to $15.95 Mahogany, Glass-Front BOOK CASES New Coppertone fully automatic BUILT-IN OVEN, was $219.50 NOW $159,50 New Foam Rubber DAVENPORT & CHAIR was $189.95, NOW $159.50 New Armless DAVNNO, $70.50 New 5-Piece CHROME SET, $40,95 Apartment size NEW RANGE, $124.50 New 27-inch RANGE, $154.50 Heavyweight 9x12 Print LINOLEUM, $1,09 q. yd. New 3-Pc Foam Rubber SECTIONAL - Was $349.50 NOW $259.5O New 2-Pc. Flexsteel Construction DAVENPORT & CHAIR was $399 . . , NOW $259 Bedroom Furniture ODDS and ENDS Chests, Night Stands, Beds, Head Boards ALL DISCONTINUED SANDRAN. $1.59 sq. yd. CONGOWALL, 49¢ ft. WOOD STOVES Norwester . . . Ashley Rite-Way . . Franklin . . Montag USED ELECTRIC RANGES, All cleaned and checked $59.50 and $69.50 Ued Frigidaire Refrigerator $69.50 2 b-Pc, CHROME SETS $39.50 BUDGET SHOP ;;21 Railroad Avenue i ............................... Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in* sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request. Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone ,must be paid before the ed of the month. An extra elmrge of 10 i w00rtm when billing let i necemsary. ! - REAL EgTATE FOR SM: Five , mern hote, electrm hot water tank. Skokomish Valley, Phone HA 8-8888. Bll/14 tin IF 8-BEDROOM modern home. 2 baths, all electri Attached garage. I 8 miles from town. Phone HA 6-6574. [ /14 tin i i iii I HOLIDAY SPECIAL A Real Bargain In a ) Fine Home 7-ROOM HOME with 3 bedrooms. also large room upstairs suitable for bed rooms or rumpus room. Ha dining room and breakfast room. Living and dining rooms newly carpeted and newly rebuilt fireplace and hearth. Has full basement with laundry facilities, excellent furnace and walled-in garage, Home has been refinished and is in top condition. Well lo- cated on Hillcrest close to school. Owner has been transferred and wishes to sell. Must be inspected to be appreciated. Priced at $13,500. $ $ $ 5-ROOM MODERN log home with about 5 acres of excellent land. Lmated close-in and a good value at $7500.00. Herbert G. Angle Phone HA 6-8272 m REAL ESTATE TO SETTLE ESTATE, 6-unit motel, 3-room house, outbuildings. Contact his M. ltunlphrcy, 8228 Xavier Way, Everett. H1/1-15 CLASSIFIED SERVICE ACCORDION private lessons in your honle. Stancato National School of Accordion. Mrs. Canada, phone HA 6-8229. 1/1 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool Insula- tion- Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/20tin MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my rest- donee near the Lower Skokomish school. Mondays, Wednelays and Thursdays. Phone Hoedsp, lrt TR 7- 5438. A. F. Oppelt. 8/6tin ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service for both dairy and beef, $7,00 cash. ,- ergreen Northwest Breeders. Inc. Call William Turner. Olympia, col- lect. FL. 2-2118. tin JUITAR LESSONS in private home. Phone HA. 8-8709. L9/25tfn MARGIE SPFCK DANCE School. Tap ballet, acrobatic, ballroom. Regis- tratlon Wednesdays at She Memorial Hall or phone HA 6-3548. 7/31 tin SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone HA. 6-4412. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Olympia. 11/2tin PIANO TUNING and repair. All work guaranteed. Lowell Hart. HA 6- 080. H9/4 tie JES TOPPED, trirmmea, removed. " Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 8-4825. 3/13tin SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS 150-gal., 250-ga1., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tin *'May you Hvo Happily ,vor still  An old wish and • sincere o for modern brides; and Just to I your friends know the happy new and where the event took pl and when, we suggegt Inexpensive hut attractive announcements Cell at the office of this paper; R will be a pleasure to show you sgmpl of the latest styles. Let our SmteW Edit lmo Fw lan You don't heal' so much about the man in the street snice auto- mobiles have become so numerous. SPEC/Aff/ COZY 2 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME • . • Excellent residential area, within walking dLs "tace to work and stores. You'll also like the large playroom and new garage with workshop. $8500. A CHEAP ONE Small one bedroom home on Angleside, Including gas stove and water heater. Only $2250 with $200 down and $25/month. SMALL FARM ON MILL CREEK ROAD . , . Here's an ideal place to live--close to town, yet in the coun- try. 5 acres with barn, chicken houses, parlous outbuildings, and vcT comfortable 3 bedroom home. Only $8250 with $1000 down and $50/month. 3 BEDROOM HOME WITH SPACIOUS GROUNDS • • • This' older home is situated in excellent district on 4 lots. You'll like the large living-dining area., fireplace, hobby room, and the new redecorating. $7950 with $1000 down. AND WE ALL WISH YOU AND YOURS A HAPPY NWV YEAR Virginia Charrier • A. Roy Dunn • Shirley Kreifels A. ROY DUNN REALTOB Phone HA 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bids In 195 9- a Horn • Firs t ATTENTION RENTERS .... Start the aew year right by investigating this one. The owrbr now has 4 children and must sacri- fice his 5-yeal old 2-bedroom home at a $1000 loss. Located on & acre of cleared property within the city limits, lflly plastered, inmtlated and electric- ally heated. Call Kurt Mann today. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID .... Look into this one. A 2 bedroom home near downtown, on a huge lot. Living room with fire- plaes, dining room, large kitchen, partial base,sent and garage. $500 down and $50 per month includ- ing interest, With a full price of only $7,500. IS VOUR HOUSE TOO LARGE? .... We have a number of 1 and 2 bedroom homes whose owners want to trade up to 3 and 4 bcdroom homes, If yours is now too large for you, why not consider the possibility of a trade and call us today. $500 DOWN, THREE BEDROOMS .... Save c]ong costs by buying on contrtct carried by owner at $50 per month, See this older home close to downtown SCllools. Full price $4,950.00, 1 YEAR OLD, SUBURBAN .... Everything a family could want in this 6 on 1 modern home. Lovely birch kitchen wilh built-in appliances• two fireplaces, wall to wall carpeting, 1 r,', baths, electric heat, work shop. Call Mrs. Chris- topherson for further details and appointmetlt. GROCERy STORE, GAS STATION, 5 CABINS .... The former owner, nuw deceased, made a very comfortablc living from this businc¢s for 18 years. Has nice living quartera with it and is idea] for 1 person to operate. Look into it today and be in(le. pendent in I959. WATERFRONT REALTY CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First Legal Publications NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 6th day of January, 1959, conunencing at Ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said coun- ty, the following described state tide lands, together with the improvements situated thereon, will be sold at pub. lie auction to the highest bidder there- /or. to-wit: NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become uch, can purchase state lands. Application No. 13111 The tidelands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, :situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- tins po the East 100 feet of the West Us00 n feet of Government Lot 4, Section 22, Township 22 North, Range NOTICE OF SALE OF ON STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that on day, the 6th day of commencing at ten o'clock in noon of said day. in front of the entrance door to the c)unty house in the City of Shelton, of Mason, State of Washington, County Auditor of said coun! thnber on the following land will be sold at p the highest bidder therefore, Application No. F-5263 Trees marked with yellow paper tags, 4(}0,000 bd. ft, of on EVa NW and NW Uon 21, Township "..2 North, West, W,M., containing 120 acreS, I or less. [ Timber will be sold oh a cash [ Mininunn acceptable bid: I At time of sae the pur,'.h Ipay $11,300.00, plus a $2,0{) bl tree, or a total of $11,202.00, in I of cash, money order, or bank draft. The balance the appraised price and the bid West, W.M., with a frontage of I.M lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $75.00 per lineal chain or $114.00. if any, may be paid by personal Excepting. however, any tidelands oil Purchaser must also furnish a the second class conveyed for the cul-bond of $2,000.00 to guarantee tivation of oysters under the provisions Iance with all terms of the bill of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895, through l Time for removal will be one deed issued by the State of Washing- Located approximately 17 ton. to J. A. Hoshor, August 33, 1910, of Belfair. Accessible via public road. under application No. 2583. Application No. 13116 Completo contract The tidelands of the second class, be examined at Pol owned by the State of Washington, Headquarters, County Auditor's situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- and Commissioner of Public tins upon that portion of Government Oiympia Lot 5, Section 24, Township 20 North, pplication No. 59g Range 3 West, W.M., lying West oil All Douglas fir marked with I the East 547,80 feet, as measured along["C," comprising approximately the north line thereof, with a frontage I bd. ft.. located on part NW% of 6.71 lineal chains, more or less, ap-ISW%, Section 32, Township 21 praised at $55.00 per lineal chain or [Range 5 West, W,M., conrail $369.05. |acres, more or less. Annlleation No. 15124 I Timber wii be sold on a 1o The tidclnds of the second class, i bai?nimum acceptable bid per owned by the State of Washington  hd *"-2 o €or Doul situate in front of. adjacent to or abut- -'At tlme-of ee  the urcas-e tins upon the East 120 feet of the -,ak - densit af lfl/- f tJ West 920 feet of Government Lot 4, ,q;.cl {,..'i+." 7-'.t/',m Section 22, Town. hip 22 North, Range $1,372,50 of this deposit, plus West, W.M,, with a frontage of 1.82 bill of sale leo or a tectal of .€I lineal chains, more or less, appraised ..... • e - *e form "€ o at $75.00 per lineal, chain or $I3650, • .'.t'., e '.;'' l,';+.  .t" .'. .:b. Excepting, however, any tidelands of .he "balance'of the "required the second class conveyed for the cul- le on .. h .aid h "  ,¢ tivatlon of oysters under the provi- Pm'cnaer must also furnish ! slons of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895 bond of $500.00 to guarantee through deed Issued by the State of ance with all terms of the bill Washington to J. A. Hoshor, August Time for removal will be six 23, 1910, under Application No. 2883. Appllcat/on No. 13237 The tidelands of the second c]ass owned by the State of Washington. lying west of the west line of a tract of tideland conveyed by the State of Washington for the cultivation of oys- ters, under provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895, through deed issued July 19, 1904. to Andrew Getty under Application No. 2958 and said west llne produced south, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that part of Government Lot 3, Sectmn 23, Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., lying east of the west 252.5 feet there- of, with a frontage of 7.74 lineal chains, n|orc or less, appraised at $55.00 per lineal chain or $425.70. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions following : Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, ,must forthwith pay to the officer making the. sale the full amount of" the ap- praised vahle of the improvements, as above s|sted. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred )ayments at the rate of six per ce.ntum per annum: Provided, That any pur- chaser rosy mako full Payment of principal, interest, and statutory fees at any time ald obtain deed. The mrchaser of land containing timber or other valuable materials is prohib- ited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Com- missioner of Public Lands, until the full am(rant of the purchase price has bccn paid and d,,.cl t-mind. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and condi- tions prescribed in section 3 of chap. ter 256 of the Laws o? 1,907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations o chapter 312 of the Session Laws el 1927, relating to easements for rlglrts, of-way end the carrying of timber stone, mineram ann other product over the same. BERT I., COLE Commissioner of Public Lands. I2/4-I1-18-25-1/1 5t NO. :961 NOTICk: OF HEARING FINAL |] REPORT AND PETITION I I FOR DISTILIBUTION i i IN Tile SUPERIOR COURT OF THE |I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR II MASON COUNTY II ,. Probate II In the Matter of the Estate of AN- I!NIE R. KING, Deceased. II NOT/CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARGARET KING WOLPERT and VICTOR B. KING, as executrix and executor of the estate of Annie R. King hae filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court the|r final Re- p)rt and Peiitlon fro" Distribution, ask- lng the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the per- anus thereto cnlitlcd and to uischarge said executrix and executor: and that said Report and Petition will be. heard on the 23rd day of January, 1959, at 10:00 A.M, at the Court Room of the Probate Depa*tment of said Court, at whteh time and p|ace auy person in- tere.ted in said Estatc may appear and file objections thereto and con- test lhe same, DATED this 191h day of December, 1958. (SEAL) ItAH }lY DEYETTE, Clerk of ,said Court By IRENE McGUIRE, Deput LEWIS & CORREA Attorneys for Estale Bell Building 121 South Fourl Street Shcltou, Washington 12/35--1/I-8-15--411, No. 7488 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT oIe THE STATE OF WASHINGTOM FOR MASON COUNTY KATI1ERINE M. STUFFLEBEAN, Plaint iff. ..... vs.-. RICHARD L. STU*LEBEAN. DcfendaeL STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID RICtIARD L. STUIeFLEBEAN. DEFENDANT : You arc hereby sninnloncd to appear i wilhtn sixty (60) days aft+:]" the date of the tirst: publication of this sum- mons, to-wit, within sixty [61t) days after the 4th day of Decemher, 1958, and defend" th above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, snd answcr the complaint of the plaintiff, and SCI'VC a ,'opy of yellr answer npon lhe undersigld attorney ;it his of five be- low 81at.ed: nd tn *mc of yonr failure so Io do, ju(lgn]cnt will be rendersd against YoU a( :ord ng In |he denmnd of the complatut, which has been filed with ihc clerk of said court, Located approximately 16 northwest of Sholton. Accesslbillty: Purchaser must into road use agreements with sou Logging Company and Lwis, copras of which are,on the District and Olympia Conlplete contract be examined at quarters, County Auditor's Commissioner of Public Lands, pta. Said timber on said land will for not less than the as appraised by the Fubtm Lands in the manner by law, a statement of on file In the office of the said county. BERT L. COLE Commissioncr of Public NOTICE OF srt, CIAL Allyn Fire Protection District Mason County, Tuesdayl Jaaugry NOTICE IS HEREBY on Tuesday, January 13, 1959, a ,lection will be h,hl in the nanied Firc Dislrict for the stun to the qualified electors 'irc District th( Iollowing lion : PROPOSITION NO. 1 Fire District Bonds, Shall general obligation of the l,'ire Proteetmn District Mason County. Washington, be in the amomlt of $15,500.00 lesser amount as can be sued undcr the statute ltmitaiions of tal purposes only, other plttccnlcllt of equipment, to rtdlund %500.(}0 pax value of ing Coupon Warrants of the dated May 1, 1957, issued tot l>urposes onJy. other than the ment of equipment, and to new fire truck and nec . nicn thereforc, authorizln ancc of general obllgatiol dancing, suel indebtedness, the pal ann interest thereof to be from annual tax levies in the 40 mill tax limitation; and ing Resolution No. 5, adopted bee 18. 1958, all as more provided for in a resolution the Board of Director trict No. 5 on the bcr, 1958, BONDS ............................... YE BONDS ................................. NO The, polling place for said election shall be at the Alyn tlousc. Said polling places shall be 8:00 o'clock A.M. to 8:00 BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTORS: SUSIE E. Auditor of Masnn Ex-Offlcio Director of tions." No. 3016 NOTICE OF IIEtltlNG ON REPORT AND PETI' FOR DISTRIBUTION [N THE SUPERIOR.COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY In be Matter )f the COIl tstes 6f HENRY RAYMOND SIE RAYMOND, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI' William H. Raymond, Adminl of said combined estates, has lhe Clerk of said Court bls port and petition for dist ng the Court to settle and the same and lo distribute the ty to the persons thereto to discharge the Adm: NOTICI IS FURTHER said final report trlbutJon will be 80th day of January. hour of 10 a.m., at the the Mason County Courthouse ton, Washington. DAT'.D THIS 29tb day of 1958. ItARRY DEYETTE C]erk of Said Court By: Irene MeGuire, Deputy RORERT L, SNYDER Govey Building Shtlt on, Washington Attorney for said cstates, i/l-3-1| No. 3073 NOTICE TO CRED IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OY WAStIINGTON MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Mat of the MOSES J. ceesed. NOTICE IS HEREBy lhe undersigncd has been and has qaalifled as the E the Estate of Moscs J. Dul de,:eaed, that all persons claims against said deceased by required to serve the sa Verified, €,11 the undersigned tri× ,)r hm" alhlrncy of record ddress bel(w stated and file That lhe cause of sction bcrehl is with tbo Clerk of lhe said fl)r a divorce hctween the parties abovo gelhPr w/th proof of such P.anled wherein Plaintiff alleges (lulol in SiX lllolllhl 8fief the date treatinent (n tile pert •,f lho defen- firsl puhlieslioe of this n0tce dani. siiie will be barred, II // GLENN E. CORREA Yirst publicetion: I) e c e m b Attorney for Plaintiff 1958, Office slid Post-Office Address: /s/ tfatlie E. Dul Bell Building Executrix 121 South Fonrth Street Shclton, Washington IGLENN E. CORREA t2,/<1-11-18-25-1/1-8 6f [Att°rnc'Y for Estate ........ Officc and Post Office Address I Bell Rldg,. 121 South 4th Slreet r /Lreaming is all right a,s long tShulton, Wauhington a you keep wide awake doh it. 14 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI- Published in "Ohrlstma,toum Sheltn Washin Thursday, &,11,I, nLp ,\\;,, r 4"t11,4 4 ,i,, i i FOR SALE WILL TRADE 21 fL inboard boat with 25 b,p. Waukashaw motor for pit!k-up, Phone 6-8767 after 5 p,nl. D1/1-15 hund pups. Phone HA 6-6451. GI/1 tin set, table, six chairs and buffet, good condition. Phone HA 6-6190. FOR SALE FOR SALE: large lon of - conditioned ranges, refrigerator washers, dryers.Eells & ValleY/AisstJ pliaace Center. FOR SALE. dry heavy or light Idnb wood, $I0 a cord. HA, 6,6657. Ol/12ttn TRAVEL IS: OUR BUSINESS! At- FOR RENT FOR RENT--)ne bedroom home on Mt. View, Unfurnished except for _t(2X%__Ph2£HA - 6--37o. - .... FLU)- 1 SMALL HOUSE for one or two adults. $30 per month, 610zA Pine. Phone HA 6-6336. D1/1-8 FOR RENT--Small house on .Angle- side. Phone HA 6,080 after 6 p.m. D10/23 tin FOR RlNT--Jbedroom duplex fur- nished $37.50, Phone HA 6-4719. FOR RENT FOR RENT--3-bedroom house down- town, water and garbage paid, stoves, . $50 me. Phone HA 6-8837. Gll/8 tin FOR RENT: light hoekeeplng room& 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6,4679. R4/18tin FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt, 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6,4548 after 5 p.m. D10/11tin FOR RENT; 1 bedroom furnished B10/13 tin if'OR RENT: i-room apL. completely furnshed. Phone HA S-60. F 1/9 t 3-ROOM APT and bath, downtown. Us- furnished except for range. RrefriE- erator If desired. Phone HA. 6,. Mrs. Beekwith. 6/20--7/fn S1/1 tin rangements for all tours, transpof 3"t,'r,'fS/Ti'/-v---6"-¥Iii--fl  ttlon and reservations, at no addi- *' "n' rl"ll ,*''v.l wh ''''' "4" san tlonal cost to yot Clara Bell Angle, "-.""7-'1 "XI".;=.'".L.-/,"'&7,a-,; phons HA. 6-£t84 or HA. 6,1L72. • reon, phome HA. 6-a89. John's ..... reek Sand and Gravel, Ba'shore. B]IS BUY IN ,TOWu! l . Hesv 7/95tin pack ,ssz. clrlonl i cents, gaz-  on,? If.79, 2-gallons $8.97. Fess- ume.r.F.H.A. rmq on lui uqi. First. 5ASia {$lpplle Jump It all tmaer one D_!i. ton Lumber. 420  lift; BL  WE BUY YOUR UITY. or will 11 HA- 60. " 6/gtin on comflgnmL'our beats,_ motor, FOR BALM: used Steel, Plates, plPll, trailers, et tllert llardwar.+._ pulleys and shafta. All tp. : ,v=u vtge. Shelton Jtmk Co., ]Irt d Mill, phone HA.  9/St I DOITS FOR 6KIJ: 15" Revlon Dolls .==--- =7:'----=--.--- ......... t-------Ho_l and hand mde elothu to fit. 10 to ,Uil I+AL,buIeo, guarantees 1 m -I t,, *..!... .a v..., ilollltr IRe power aws. gaoler Motor Shop, I all.''.'u'nll r Hlllcrest. lllll-l/l ................... "" ................ I dolls, Also honittiilliiii,'T.nne HA. FOR SAISplnnlng reels, epinningl isTia Opal Clay. BI1/litfn rods  off, 2-man rubber life I--=-'-'- ..... ' ...... - ......... . t# ef eio value fthrel °" J'ltUU OUTBOAIgU Iwuri.til llies .....  .... "" " +'---- -nl service -" "'----+" '--'=---- boat $75. Verle's Sporting Gooda, ii ,tim n+ z*,;_ 2(}0 Olympic Highway South, phone */tu HA 6,4105. 12/18-1/1 equipment. Certified Air. eerie s 8184. LI0/0 tin Sporting Goods, 200 Olympic HISS- _<_ ..... - -0 way South, phone HA 6-4105. U.UI lil,al( pretzel, dim m- 12/18-1/1 .ier, fter, more eff/elent. JUno -- hour note tllhin, ry u& e TREm:m,00i.+ m. let', Ill +<o HA and 8pray. Stark Nu.rr t none |/lttM ,HA 6-1, Fredaon Roa4 ana lYm- ph. _ 10/1  z.-u ., spices and i!avorlngs. CommettCe. ky,  +X0 evenl Rgbluoj household prooueta. Phone HA. 6- /hifl Wqka, 10 E. 01ymm 2(8. Cll/13tin ive., Olympia. If/ heated ap Adults only. Purdy Apts. 811 N. let St., phone HA. 6,S02. P1/lSttn <N'I-I+,.I(J" S-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child, lO0 Railroad. La12/4 tin F()Tt--R--EN-----()r-gi+na ' Apt-,-on t. View. Furnished, electric beat. In- quire 101 Drive-In- Phone HA 6-2262. K12/ll-1/1 FOR R2NT'C0inplstoly turnllflie''-6ne'- bedroom apt. downtown, 1 Alder. Adults. No pete. Phone HA .8M5. W'' If no answer Phone HA 9-$450. . , O8/7. tin WE BUY scrap Iron, batteries, rad-I FO.R.RNT--Bumn .eM. space. +ront on tors, copier, aaxvngv of all ] highway, easy parg acrosa street] ShaRon Junk Co., zrst no utl from Timber Bowl. See or call Bob [ rte. Phone HA. 6-. /Tt] Kesnan at L M. 10/2-tin l --_-=+.=  .__ .+ . l,lrLUt AcULd.JIt JtUldt It co8 Cal M - FOR.. RlSNT--FUa_ed cottae_._%. I via L. Arnold, HA 6,20f. AI0/20 tin traner spaces. The ne LXU/¥ unl .......... --J--x+d Jt =-bedroom---lW+'-ZmV: Do ,m. prompt, €, ..laoa .e4 lo, ....__ altor I courteous service. ?none us eolll ,., ..... Id' m a. ^. , _aoa l ms IL Oras :Harbor Rend rhllg, 10/9-11/13 tin I GOLDSBOROUGH 2W, AIIR PXR| W4NTD:_ .e_oe nU t.r.  Convanlent to mills and downtoWn] umner.  urumsx. &vme .al s.. City sewll and water. At I our e.+Xlm_ JO.ill Tl.e D llUllDr highway, bride. B4/4tta | GO,, IF.O, Box i=i, uiymp a, 9--" R--l;l.=.O/ae bedroom furnished J  v/mJm house• One bedroom unfurnlehedlRABy AND CHILD  any time. house, and two bedroom modern du-[ Certlfled home. I.nqulre 21111 Wimli- p,ex =..rn,....+none =,..o-+ THREE ROOM UNFURNISHED apt. WANTED: 1000 reePlble Uree. O, w for rent, close to downtown. Phone Rubber Welders, ML View. 1/10tfs HA. 6-S5. . MS/Sttn SAW ILINO -- xed- MA-L-L--FI-iD---n-= Laurel. Phone HA 6-10. 9/25 tin MT, VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1801 Im,- el. Phone 6,a187. Dolls of all klm repaired. Do It now! Come in and see. my collection of new dolls ami fancy,york. Also original inserted tterns Ju pillow cases. M. Ann wardowskL 11/6 tin MeMO CHAIN SAWS, 3 h.P v direct drive. 199,50• 16,inch bar ann ehal. Hillerost Hardware. 11/18 tin SEATS, PILERS. and outboard me- .... +t¼+ =.L13!c.rt mK/_=t USED AUTOMATIC and wringer wash- cr, electric move, treadle sewing ms, chine, throw rugs. cbairi, 8 It, hy, droplanc, 14 ft, skiff, 10 ft, and 1: It, flbreglass runabouts, 25 bp, else. trio artlng 1955 Evinrude, 1950 Chevrolet stetion wagon, t950 Hill- man Minx+ wood heating stove, gas- oline camp stpve, camp ice boy Phone HA 6-6877 after 5'.30 p.m. M12/ll-1/1 N)R SALE ++- All steel Youngstown kitchen cabinet with double sink eomplcto with fittings, $50. HA 6- 3?1o ....................... ff_.!/l_S.:_Z_ ]OR SALE~-OII floor furnace. 5-room capacity, good condition. Reason- abb,. Phone tiA 6-T278, M12/18-3/1 ROOFING and all other bullding ma- tertals, nothing down, 36 months to pay under FHA terms now available at Lawte Lumber, 4 S. lat St,, phone HA. 6-41L 811$tfn "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.8.A," rubber stamps for sale at the Journal, $L00 ch. 107 So, 4tl 12/1tin FOR SAI-One Hereford-Guernsey cow, 2nd calf. Bred--white fac. Cell HA 6-4120. Lll/20 tin F. li;X7 'iF-iiiii--KJW--v a-'fl'b-iF-6fi-'ii ! building materials allows you to lump construction costs under one bill For information inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S, Ist St. Phone FOR SALE -- Neilsen grinders for sharpening p o w e r ehaln saws, Smedy, accurate, precision grlndlng. NOw at: Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone }t,A 6-4ff12, 1/4 tin derlzing, Free bonle, demonstration, Stauffer Home Plan of Mason Coun- ty. Phone HA 8-9. HI0/30 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, .eqdip- men at Walt's Marine uppiy, on betuuul lloou uanal. Phone lloods- _.0rt TR. 7-5244. 1/19tfn LOCKER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings [gffound-i cents per pound. Don W[I- llama, 604 Dearhorn- Phone HA 6,2040. 9/25 tin DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-61113 C-11-20tfn .U:;L o.. J ......  ........ • UL , +  IITI -EL-][ Custom Tractor Work RotovaUng or regular plowing) diing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, gxmd gravel. Well-aged sawdusL Work by hour stngo-hande Jerome Burke, HA 3675. _I 1 l I _J d L E ............ F0R IgEN00 i i FOR RYNT--Large one-bedroom house for rent, Fenced yard, son)e Iurni- ture, Water paid, $30. Phone HA 6-2259. 812/16,1/1 FOR RENT -- Unfurnlshed 2-bedroom house $55. Phone HA 9-4000. S12/11 tin CLEAN ND QUIET rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/$tfn 5-ROOM FURNISHED APT. 2-bed- room, washer, dryer• refrigerator, electric range, trash burner. Oil beater, water and lights included. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 5th at Pine. B12/4 tin SMALL HOUSE, furnished, electric range and wood heater, Nice bath. No children, no pets. Phone HA 8-6336. D12/4 tin ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished apartments, hot water heal range, refrigerator included. Holt .Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. J Hat-tough. mana4ger. Ant. & Phone HA. 6-8i or H. 6,65911. BB/98tfn TR-- r  T Ld ":;; O   O'e V "8  and hot. water tank furnished, Close in. Phone HA 6,L R21/27 tin SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mare Days and Evenings Ph. HA. 6-305 Rt. 1, Box 476 ijll .  . . ., BOOTH CONS'IUCWION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tin ii i i ..... i t FIR00KING Fire Bombs & Sprays --- DWARF ' STARK NURSERY Fredson Road & Olympia Highway Phone HA 6-8851 II _ I APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Inloor Sanders Sterling lectrlc Portable Hud Sanders Regina lectrlc Floor Pollhere House Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. lt Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10t2n L I ! He ty noerity ! I good service are remem I I bered long after price I '= FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers - also For Expert, Economical, Effi0ient Appliance ,,,,,, IV Service TELEPIIONE HA. 6-811 M [ ii CAMTILI[ town. for rent. Phone HA 8-8104, W12/18 tin plex. Electric heat. garage, utility room. Phone HA 6,8150. 12/18 Lfn nlshed, close to town, 3 acre& $30/mo. Call Walter George HA 6,6642. G12/18-1/1 .OR---i.TT--Sportemen's Apt. Mote, low winter rates, heat furnished, newly redecorated, clean aa a pln. Owner managed, VeIT desirable place to flee, located at Sbelton Air- irt, 3 miles north of town. Call A 6-3772. A12115 tn Mr. View. Stove, garage, water and garbage furnished. Phone HA 6,3218. B12/25-1/8 FOR RENT--Small furnished apart- ment suitable for single person. 722 Pine. P9/25 tin ('l B----0"-apartment foF t with fireplace, unfurnished except for refrigerator and stove, down- tOWn. UtiHtie paid except lights. Phone HA 6,44555. 89/18 tin )-IiA-I--}"D APARTMI!i ' available At Gldsborough Apts. S414tfn FOI REfiT: fu--U']s-h apartment, fi' floor, downtown, fireplace. Washing facilities. Phone HA 6-46. $4/4t unita ideal for inKIe men or worn. en. Also attractivew furnished on bed)om apartments. All utllftlel furnished except lights. Reasonable Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177, 1/4 tfi )----E-+- ---r-'F-oom "/iT- apartment n]so three-room partly furnished house, $25 per month. Sub* urban location. Phone HA 6-6976, Dll/8 tin Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tin Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and R00modeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton. Washington 11-20 tin Immediate Delivery on popular sized BA2ERIES and .IREB Free Tlre-Munting Service CATALOG SALES OIfl"/CE Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 6-8101 Shelton 10-21t BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Days or Nights Phone HA 6-4150 5-21tin J t t1 t I lltU I J L INSULATION! Fiberglass and Rockwool home blown L, mulation. Special elec- • tric heat and floor inmlaUons, No down payment and 36 months to pay. FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiam, Wash. Phone Hoquiam 312 10-31tfn "t+ L U ]I[T I I J Jl SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Low winter rates Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean a a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Loca ted at She] ton Airport, 3 miles north of town, HA 6-37?2 12-18-tin WlI2h DO IRONING in my home. Call HA 8-2070, lI East Cots. L10/80 tin stallauons, oU conwrsl0ns. nelton Furnace C, 1  Third. Dial HA. 6-61gL 5/1tin LOST AND FOUND' t_ LOST--13 ft. boat on Arcadia Point, blue. Call HA 6-679. H12/18-1/1 LOST--Man's 4ocket wec--'-. Please return to Journal officel/1 USED GAITS FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories. 25.000 miles, Don Johnson at Den's Flying A Service. 12/18 tin speaker, heater top condition, low mile.ago, W.S.W. Call HA 6,2292 days. R12/18-1/1 MISCELLANEOUS , CARD OF TH&NKS We wish t0 express our heartfelt Talitude for the sylnpathy, kindness and assistance also lhe beautiful flor- al offerings given us during the loss of our loved Nels Morken. Mrs. Nels Morken Everett Morken Helen Brown On and afb'r thts date. Dec. 29, 1958, I will not | responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than nlysclf,--Peul S. Challender. 1/1-15 REAL ESTATE f6---gdRN-sT--i--.-iFfTF6iiy-6ii-s+8.[--67(; butldlnls, at Dayton, $3500. Needs handyman. Artesian well, HA 6-8882. Mci2/ll tin FOR SALE: 4-room Hlnerest home, ,e fenced lot, 6-8159900" Phone HA. 6- da. HA. after 8 p.m. ES/27tfn FOR SAL: the H. W Skeleey prop- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone Unlon 411, S6/5tfn F-'0-R--SA_L--TI-im- sized 1  story I I home in town: economical electric II baseboard heat, partial basement, I | large yard with private stream pro-I I tooted by water right. Reasonable|| term to responsible party. Phone || HA 6-3898. Mc8/28 tin I I NEW and USED Furniture Appliances STUDENT DESKS Complete with clocks, pen sets, lamp, and desk pads, with chair $44.95 to $59.95 Full Assortment of HASSOCKS $3.95 to $15.95 Mahogany, Glass-Front BOOK CASES New Coppertone fully automatic BUILT-IN OVEN, was $219.50 NOW $159,50 New Foam Rubber DAVENPORT & CHAIR was $189.95, NOW $159.50 New Armless DAVNNO, $70.50 New 5-Piece CHROME SET, $40,95 Apartment size NEW RANGE, $124.50 New 27-inch RANGE, $154.50 Heavyweight 9x12 Print LINOLEUM, $1,09 q. yd. New 3-Pc Foam Rubber SECTIONAL - Was $349.50 NOW $259.5O New 2-Pc. Flexsteel Construction DAVENPORT & CHAIR was $399 . . , NOW $259 Bedroom Furniture ODDS and ENDS Chests, Night Stands, Beds, Head Boards ALL DISCONTINUED SANDRAN. $1.59 sq. yd. CONGOWALL, 49¢ ft. WOOD STOVES Norwester . . . Ashley Rite-Way . . Franklin . . Montag USED ELECTRIC RANGES, All cleaned and checked $59.50 and $69.50 Ued Frigidaire Refrigerator $69.50 2 b-Pc, CHROME SETS $39.50 BUDGET SHOP ;;21 Railroad Avenue i ............................... Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in* sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request. Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone ,must be paid before the ed of the month. An extra elmrge of 10 i w00rtm when billing let i necemsary. ! - REAL EgTATE FOR SM: Five , mern hote, electrm hot water tank. Skokomish Valley, Phone HA 8-8888. Bll/14 tin IF 8-BEDROOM modern home. 2 baths, all electri Attached garage. I 8 miles from town. Phone HA 6-6574. [ /14 tin i i iii I HOLIDAY SPECIAL A Real Bargain In a ) Fine Home 7-ROOM HOME with 3 bedrooms. also large room upstairs suitable for bed rooms or rumpus room. Ha dining room and breakfast room. Living and dining rooms newly carpeted and newly rebuilt fireplace and hearth. Has full basement with laundry facilities, excellent furnace and walled-in garage, Home has been refinished and is in top condition. Well lo- cated on Hillcrest close to school. Owner has been transferred and wishes to sell. Must be inspected to be appreciated. Priced at $13,500. $ $ $ 5-ROOM MODERN log home with about 5 acres of excellent land. Lmated close-in and a good value at $7500.00. Herbert G. Angle Phone HA 6-8272 m REAL ESTATE TO SETTLE ESTATE, 6-unit motel, 3-room house, outbuildings. Contact his M. ltunlphrcy, 8228 Xavier Way, Everett. H1/1-15 CLASSIFIED SERVICE ACCORDION private lessons in your honle. Stancato National School of Accordion. Mrs. Canada, phone HA 6-8229. 1/1 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool Insula- tion- Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/20tin MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my rest- donee near the Lower Skokomish school. Mondays, Wednelays and Thursdays. Phone Hoedsp, lrt TR 7- 5438. A. F. Oppelt. 8/6tin ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service for both dairy and beef, $7,00 cash. ,- ergreen Northwest Breeders. Inc. Call William Turner. Olympia, col- lect. FL. 2-2118. tin JUITAR LESSONS in private home. Phone HA. 8-8709. L9/25tfn MARGIE SPFCK DANCE School. Tap ballet, acrobatic, ballroom. Regis- tratlon Wednesdays at She Memorial Hall or phone HA 6-3548. 7/31 tin SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone HA. 6-4412. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Olympia. 11/2tin PIANO TUNING and repair. All work guaranteed. Lowell Hart. HA 6- 080. H9/4 tie JES TOPPED, trirmmea, removed. " Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 8-4825. 3/13tin SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS 150-gal., 250-ga1., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tin *'May you Hvo Happily ,vor still  An old wish and • sincere o for modern brides; and Just to I your friends know the happy new and where the event took pl and when, we suggegt Inexpensive hut attractive announcements Cell at the office of this paper; R will be a pleasure to show you sgmpl of the latest styles. Let our SmteW Edit lmo Fw lan You don't heal' so much about the man in the street snice auto- mobiles have become so numerous. SPEC/Aff/ COZY 2 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME • . • Excellent residential area, within walking dLs "tace to work and stores. You'll also like the large playroom and new garage with workshop. $8500. A CHEAP ONE Small one bedroom home on Angleside, Including gas stove and water heater. Only $2250 with $200 down and $25/month. SMALL FARM ON MILL CREEK ROAD . , . Here's an ideal place to live--close to town, yet in the coun- try. 5 acres with barn, chicken houses, parlous outbuildings, and vcT comfortable 3 bedroom home. Only $8250 with $1000 down and $50/month. 3 BEDROOM HOME WITH SPACIOUS GROUNDS • • • This' older home is situated in excellent district on 4 lots. You'll like the large living-dining area., fireplace, hobby room, and the new redecorating. $7950 with $1000 down. AND WE ALL WISH YOU AND YOURS A HAPPY NWV YEAR Virginia Charrier • A. Roy Dunn • Shirley Kreifels A. ROY DUNN REALTOB Phone HA 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bids In 195 9- a Horn • Firs t ATTENTION RENTERS .... Start the aew year right by investigating this one. The owrbr now has 4 children and must sacri- fice his 5-yeal old 2-bedroom home at a $1000 loss. Located on & acre of cleared property within the city limits, lflly plastered, inmtlated and electric- ally heated. Call Kurt Mann today. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID .... Look into this one. A 2 bedroom home near downtown, on a huge lot. Living room with fire- plaes, dining room, large kitchen, partial base,sent and garage. $500 down and $50 per month includ- ing interest, With a full price of only $7,500. IS VOUR HOUSE TOO LARGE? .... We have a number of 1 and 2 bedroom homes whose owners want to trade up to 3 and 4 bcdroom homes, If yours is now too large for you, why not consider the possibility of a trade and call us today. $500 DOWN, THREE BEDROOMS .... Save c]ong costs by buying on contrtct carried by owner at $50 per month, See this older home close to downtown SCllools. Full price $4,950.00, 1 YEAR OLD, SUBURBAN .... Everything a family could want in this 6 on 1 modern home. Lovely birch kitchen wilh built-in appliances• two fireplaces, wall to wall carpeting, 1 r,', baths, electric heat, work shop. Call Mrs. Chris- topherson for further details and appointmetlt. GROCERy STORE, GAS STATION, 5 CABINS .... The former owner, nuw deceased, made a very comfortablc living from this businc¢s for 18 years. Has nice living quartera with it and is idea] for 1 person to operate. Look into it today and be in(le. pendent in I959. WATERFRONT REALTY CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First Legal Publications NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 6th day of January, 1959, conunencing at Ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said coun- ty, the following described state tide lands, together with the improvements situated thereon, will be sold at pub. lie auction to the highest bidder there- /or. to-wit: NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become uch, can purchase state lands. Application No. 13111 The tidelands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, :situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- tins po the East 100 feet of the West Us00 n feet of Government Lot 4, Section 22, Township 22 North, Range NOTICE OF SALE OF ON STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that on day, the 6th day of commencing at ten o'clock in noon of said day. in front of the entrance door to the c)unty house in the City of Shelton, of Mason, State of Washington, County Auditor of said coun! thnber on the following land will be sold at p the highest bidder therefore, Application No. F-5263 Trees marked with yellow paper tags, 4(}0,000 bd. ft, of on EVa NW and NW Uon 21, Township "..2 North, West, W,M., containing 120 acreS, I or less. [ Timber will be sold oh a cash [ Mininunn acceptable bid: I At time of sae the pur,'.h Ipay $11,300.00, plus a $2,0{) bl tree, or a total of $11,202.00, in I of cash, money order, or bank draft. The balance the appraised price and the bid West, W.M., with a frontage of I.M lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $75.00 per lineal chain or $114.00. if any, may be paid by personal Excepting. however, any tidelands oil Purchaser must also furnish a the second class conveyed for the cul-bond of $2,000.00 to guarantee tivation of oysters under the provisions Iance with all terms of the bill of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895, through l Time for removal will be one deed issued by the State of Washing- Located approximately 17 ton. to J. A. Hoshor, August 33, 1910, of Belfair. Accessible via public road. under application No. 2583. Application No. 13116 Completo contract The tidelands of the second class, be examined at Pol owned by the State of Washington, Headquarters, County Auditor's situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- and Commissioner of Public tins upon that portion of Government Oiympia Lot 5, Section 24, Township 20 North, pplication No. 59g Range 3 West, W.M., lying West oil All Douglas fir marked with I the East 547,80 feet, as measured along["C," comprising approximately the north line thereof, with a frontage I bd. ft.. located on part NW% of 6.71 lineal chains, more or less, ap-ISW%, Section 32, Township 21 praised at $55.00 per lineal chain or [Range 5 West, W,M., conrail $369.05. |acres, more or less. Annlleation No. 15124 I Timber wii be sold on a 1o The tidclnds of the second class, i bai?nimum acceptable bid per owned by the State of Washington  hd *"-2 o €or Doul situate in front of. adjacent to or abut- -'At tlme-of ee  the urcas-e tins upon the East 120 feet of the -,ak - densit af lfl/- f tJ West 920 feet of Government Lot 4, ,q;.cl {,..'i+." 7-'.t/',m Section 22, Town. hip 22 North, Range $1,372,50 of this deposit, plus West, W.M,, with a frontage of 1.82 bill of sale leo or a tectal of .€I lineal chains, more or less, appraised ..... • e - *e form "€ o at $75.00 per lineal, chain or $I3650, • .'.t'., e '.;'' l,';+.  .t" .'. .:b. Excepting, however, any tidelands of .he "balance'of the "required the second class conveyed for the cul- le on .. h .aid h "  ,¢ tivatlon of oysters under the provi- Pm'cnaer must also furnish ! slons of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895 bond of $500.00 to guarantee through deed Issued by the State of ance with all terms of the bill Washington to J. A. Hoshor, August Time for removal will be six 23, 1910, under Application No. 2883. Appllcat/on No. 13237 The tidelands of the second c]ass owned by the State of Washington. lying west of the west line of a tract of tideland conveyed by the State of Washington for the cultivation of oys- ters, under provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895, through deed issued July 19, 1904. to Andrew Getty under Application No. 2958 and said west llne produced south, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that part of Government Lot 3, Sectmn 23, Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., lying east of the west 252.5 feet there- of, with a frontage of 7.74 lineal chains, n|orc or less, appraised at $55.00 per lineal chain or $425.70. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions following : Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, ,must forthwith pay to the officer making the. sale the full amount of" the ap- praised vahle of the improvements, as above s|sted. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred )ayments at the rate of six per ce.ntum per annum: Provided, That any pur- chaser rosy mako full Payment of principal, interest, and statutory fees at any time ald obtain deed. The mrchaser of land containing timber or other valuable materials is prohib- ited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Com- missioner of Public Lands, until the full am(rant of the purchase price has bccn paid and d,,.cl t-mind. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and condi- tions prescribed in section 3 of chap. ter 256 of the Laws o? 1,907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations o chapter 312 of the Session Laws el 1927, relating to easements for rlglrts, of-way end the carrying of timber stone, mineram ann other product over the same. BERT I., COLE Commissioner of Public Lands. I2/4-I1-18-25-1/1 5t NO. :961 NOTICk: OF HEARING FINAL |] REPORT AND PETITION I I FOR DISTILIBUTION i i IN Tile SUPERIOR COURT OF THE |I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR II MASON COUNTY II ,. Probate II In the Matter of the Estate of AN- I!NIE R. KING, Deceased. II NOT/CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARGARET KING WOLPERT and VICTOR B. KING, as executrix and executor of the estate of Annie R. King hae filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court the|r final Re- p)rt and Peiitlon fro" Distribution, ask- lng the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the per- anus thereto cnlitlcd and to uischarge said executrix and executor: and that said Report and Petition will be. heard on the 23rd day of January, 1959, at 10:00 A.M, at the Court Room of the Probate Depa*tment of said Court, at whteh time and p|ace auy person in- tere.ted in said Estatc may appear and file objections thereto and con- test lhe same, DATED this 191h day of December, 1958. (SEAL) ItAH }lY DEYETTE, Clerk of ,said Court By IRENE McGUIRE, Deput LEWIS & CORREA Attorneys for Estale Bell Building 121 South Fourl Street Shcltou, Washington 12/35--1/I-8-15--411, No. 7488 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT oIe THE STATE OF WASHINGTOM FOR MASON COUNTY KATI1ERINE M. STUFFLEBEAN, Plaint iff. ..... vs.-. RICHARD L. STU*LEBEAN. DcfendaeL STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID RICtIARD L. STUIeFLEBEAN. DEFENDANT : You arc hereby sninnloncd to appear i wilhtn sixty (60) days aft+:]" the date of the tirst: publication of this sum- mons, to-wit, within sixty [61t) days after the 4th day of Decemher, 1958, and defend" th above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, snd answcr the complaint of the plaintiff, and SCI'VC a ,'opy of yellr answer npon lhe undersigld attorney ;it his of five be- low 81at.ed: nd tn *mc of yonr failure so Io do, ju(lgn]cnt will be rendersd against YoU a( :ord ng In |he denmnd of the complatut, which has been filed with ihc clerk of said court, Located approximately 16 northwest of Sholton. Accesslbillty: Purchaser must into road use agreements with sou Logging Company and Lwis, copras of which are,on the District and Olympia Conlplete contract be examined at quarters, County Auditor's Commissioner of Public Lands, pta. Said timber on said land will for not less than the as appraised by the Fubtm Lands in the manner by law, a statement of on file In the office of the said county. BERT L. COLE Commissioncr of Public NOTICE OF srt, CIAL Allyn Fire Protection District Mason County, Tuesdayl Jaaugry NOTICE IS HEREBY on Tuesday, January 13, 1959, a ,lection will be h,hl in the nanied Firc Dislrict for the stun to the qualified electors 'irc District th( Iollowing lion : PROPOSITION NO. 1 Fire District Bonds, Shall general obligation of the l,'ire Proteetmn District Mason County. Washington, be in the amomlt of $15,500.00 lesser amount as can be sued undcr the statute ltmitaiions of tal purposes only, other plttccnlcllt of equipment, to rtdlund %500.(}0 pax value of ing Coupon Warrants of the dated May 1, 1957, issued tot l>urposes onJy. other than the ment of equipment, and to new fire truck and nec . nicn thereforc, authorizln ancc of general obllgatiol dancing, suel indebtedness, the pal ann interest thereof to be from annual tax levies in the 40 mill tax limitation; and ing Resolution No. 5, adopted bee 18. 1958, all as more provided for in a resolution the Board of Director trict No. 5 on the bcr, 1958, BONDS ............................... YE BONDS ................................. NO The, polling place for said election shall be at the Alyn tlousc. Said polling places shall be 8:00 o'clock A.M. to 8:00 BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTORS: SUSIE E. Auditor of Masnn Ex-Offlcio Director of tions." No. 3016 NOTICE OF IIEtltlNG ON REPORT AND PETI' FOR DISTRIBUTION [N THE SUPERIOR.COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY In be Matter )f the COIl tstes 6f HENRY RAYMOND SIE RAYMOND, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI' William H. Raymond, Adminl of said combined estates, has lhe Clerk of said Court bls port and petition for dist ng the Court to settle and the same and lo distribute the ty to the persons thereto to discharge the Adm: NOTICI IS FURTHER said final report trlbutJon will be 80th day of January. hour of 10 a.m., at the the Mason County Courthouse ton, Washington. DAT'.D THIS 29tb day of 1958. ItARRY DEYETTE C]erk of Said Court By: Irene MeGuire, Deputy RORERT L, SNYDER Govey Building Shtlt on, Washington Attorney for said cstates, i/l-3-1| No. 3073 NOTICE TO CRED IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OY WAStIINGTON MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Mat of the MOSES J. ceesed. NOTICE IS HEREBy lhe undersigncd has been and has qaalifled as the E the Estate of Moscs J. Dul de,:eaed, that all persons claims against said deceased by required to serve the sa Verified, €,11 the undersigned tri× ,)r hm" alhlrncy of record ddress bel(w stated and file That lhe cause of sction bcrehl is with tbo Clerk of lhe said fl)r a divorce hctween the parties abovo gelhPr w/th proof of such P.anled wherein Plaintiff alleges (lulol in SiX lllolllhl 8fief the date treatinent (n tile pert •,f lho defen- firsl puhlieslioe of this n0tce dani. siiie will be barred, II // GLENN E. CORREA Yirst publicetion: I) e c e m b Attorney for Plaintiff 1958, Office slid Post-Office Address: /s/ tfatlie E. Dul Bell Building Executrix 121 South Fonrth Street Shclton, Washington IGLENN E. CORREA t2,/<1-11-18-25-1/1-8 6f [Att°rnc'Y for Estate ........ Officc and Post Office Address I Bell Rldg,. 121 South 4th Slreet r /Lreaming is all right a,s long tShulton, Wauhington a you keep wide awake doh it.