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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Januar 1, 1959 gLVELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown " Shelton, Washin BLUE OX THEATRE Sun., Men., Tues. - Jan. 4, 5, 6 "1NIi NC R EET" Starring Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant SO great together you&apos;ll wish they'd never part again. PIAIS "CHASE A CROOKED SHADOW" Starring Richard Todd, Anne Baxter The tensest tension of any pic- ture in tell yca]s. 'i'he picture that nmkes mystery history. We I,'ivc you 87 minutes to unbafl'lc il. Wed. - Sat., Jan. 7, 8, 9, 10 "THE NAKED AND THE DEAD" Staring Aide Ray, Raymond Masaey, Lili St. Cyr SOUth md hive and wartime ...... e bigness and the boldness of lhe best seller that electrified t million readen's PLUS Walt Disney's Immortal "PAUL BUNYAN AND HIS BLUE OX" a all cartoon fcaturette, the iJ i tall tale of tile giant woodsman and his t-lm, Ox. Special Mat. Sat., Jan 10, 2 p.m. Evening show 6:45 p.m. Admission: Children 35€, Stu- dents 75¢, Adults 85€. 'Watch f, lr Walt Disnc, y's mar- velous "White Wilderness" com- ing Jan. 18, to the 21st. Spec- ial matinee Sun,, Jan. 18, 2p.m. 6:,15 evening show. Admission: Children 35€, Students 75¢, Adults 85¢. i iiiii iiii i I II I II r When the budget i needs a hft... ; II !! !tr ! WITH DOLLARS ;,I;, ,o $soo a u_qagle, eaa get cash for any  la11 t.{.y purpose on Signatm->  "!Ky, er or fur=rose. 't d . Michael Lelser, Manager ...... 4 __ 124 Railroad Ave. -- Phone: HA. 6-4447, Shelton , SW ................... OF SHELTON (MASON MATERIALS CO.) 7th and Park Phone HA. 6-6661 'so '47 USED CARS WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR '59 NEW FORD TRADE.INS SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON EVERY USED CAR 4r " '58 FORD FAIRLANES Fully mquipped - Priced to go. FORD V-8 VICTORIA 2-DOOR This car is perfect. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Radio & Heater - Real Sharp PONTIAC HARDTOP POWer Steering, Power Brakes, R & H. CHRYSLER HAVE 6 GOOD USED SECOND CARS WITH PRICES TO GO TRUCKS , FORD V-8 -TON PICKUP FORD CURRIER SEDAN DELIVERY FORD 1½ TON JIM PAULEY INC. FORD • MERCURY . STH AND RAILROAD PHONE HA 6-8231 I I I I ,I II ii I I MA TL OCK By Dora Hearing A Happy and Prosperious New Year to all, is the wish from your f1()rresi)ozldent. There will be a commt|nity stork shower for Mrs. John Hogben at the school cafeteria at 7:30 p.m., .Jan. 9. Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and family and Ed Hollatz were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. (]arth Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gunderson and daughter,, Nancy and Mary, were (tilH]or guests Christmas of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elvin Hearing. We arc sorry to report Henry Schlal)p, teacher of Mary M. Knight, broke his shoulder, from a fall from his bicycle and is con- fined tn the Clinic Hospital in Shelton. Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford were Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Brehmeyer, Jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family, the latter of Hoquiam, and the four Boothe children spent the past week with their grand- guests of Mr. 0nd Mrs. L. F. Cook on Christmas Eve. Mrs. P. M. Farrell and Mrs. Hat- tic Bateman spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crewell were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Crowell, Mrs. M. E. Crnwell and Mr. and Mrs. Perry l). Crowell and family, Those who enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook were Mr, and Mrs. Gaylen Lamon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gourt and baby of Port Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cook and family of Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Kenmth Howard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stakup and baby. There will bca New Year's Eve watch party at the Matlock Com- munity Church and potluck sup- per and everybody is.welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Meyers of Melbourn spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs.. Wayne Evers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and family and M'. rn¢l Mrs. Ed- ward Valley'and family and' Mr. and Mrs, Sam Diggle and baby Rural Mail Delivery Costs 226 Million Washington D.C. 1 One Ameri- can in every five (33,316,000 of them) has their mail delivered to them by a rural free delivery car- rier. The number of these rural car- riers employed by the U. S. Post Office Department is now 31,465. and they travel an average of 1,- 615,9994 miles every working day of the year to get tile mail to those who live on rural routes. The total cost of providing this service was $226,551,649 in 1958. i|11 ii i ii1, ii Mutual Fund S/rare8 WADDEUL & REED, INC. • ,ncieJ Oederwd|m HERB ROTTER Title Insurance Building Prospectus on Request ........ £! ................. -JA ...L: ' ...................  .... Cl. !! N ......... t Wisdom Subject Of --:qua--um--ew--, divine source ,,,: tr,te wi.- By DON IVI;I,E'rll ] dora and goodness will be stressed CLOQUALLUM The ('omnauni-;at Christian Science set'vices Stm- pa rents, n er of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ki g y Eugene, Ore., is spending the holi- days with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kingery, and oh Christmas day the Hiram King- ery family were dinner guests also, Mr: and Mrs. Roy Martin of Elms were dinner gusts Christ° mas Eve of Mr. and :Mrs. Herbert Helle and 0n Christmas day Mr. and Mrs, Max Nilsson were dinner and overnigh guests of the Helins, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cook and family of Hillsboro, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stakup of California, Betty Ann Hellatz of Port An- gales, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCow- an and son Teddy of Montesano, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and fatally, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard and family and Mr. and M_rs. Ralph Cook and fatuity_ were: il Ill & -- Legal eub/ieatmns ,('ALL FOR BII)N Sealed bids will be received until 1:30 p.m.. Janoary 12. 1959 at th* (dT)'ic. of the County ConllzlissJon(r ior ty Christmas paty was well at- tended by the small fry, and adults as well. A program in which each of the con]munity children had a 1)art was enjoyed by all. Santa came in and f(it|nd a gift and candy for each child. Coffee and dotghnuts were served later, Mrs. George Joimson, Mrs. GiN bert Mallett, Mrs, George Leboki and Mrs. Marion Eveleth were among the guests at a Christmas dinner party 'at tile home of Mrs. Vic Kelly in Ehna. f tl V 11 i.'llli fig' Ma,o n Coullty two. fotlr dooF Sl!ClgllN, Specifications and bid forms may bc obtained at the off J0e of the County Enghqq', Mason County Cotlrthous(L The ('ounty contelnplab.s trading in a 1953 PlylllOtl|h flour door sedan. Coun- ty Equilmmnt No. 80, Liceqse No. (')8745 anti a 1954 Pl:¢m,util four door S,qiaIl. (?otlaly Equlpn]ont No. 3. Li- roam. N.. CO8720 in their cxistiag con- dill,re, Those* onits of equipment nlay b. insl)e('tvd at ttao Mason County (7ollr t 11 OU,I% Tile CoUUIy rlm,rv(.s tile right to ro- fi'ct any <w all bids or h., a(:l!ept that bl,.l (l,,otno mgst .a(.ivtntagoous to the (',it nty ROARD (iF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Susi,' E. t'auh,y. Clerk of Board 1/1-8 2t RI,:NO LUI'IO N WHEREAS, certain rt, iolharsat)le ex- )ell(lJturo. havo t),'('n InadP !i'ronl the Road Futld which were not anticipated w]lell til[, bridget, was approv('d and WItEREAS, th('s(" expenditures have d('i)h'tt'd tlw ('ounty road fund budget and, WHEI-(EAS, it aPl)(ars lilat th(, Road q'lllltl IIlldg"!l. I) av t)o ol'or (axpone( IIIII('sS theso reilnburs/tblo receipts are re-budgeted and. WHEREAS. tiles(, reimlmrsablo items total approximately $]0,000.(}0 NOW. THEREFORE. P,F IT RE- SOLVED, that the following stlpl)le- lll('lll[tl I)udgot be a(h)J)t(.'d : Itv*.ipt Roindmrsable OXl)ondituros.... $10,000,00 Ependttures Roadway Maiotenanee .............. $10.000.00 NOTICE OF tIEARING NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN tllat tilt, (OllllllissiOllOV, ilav(! pl'tpar(,d and pla('('(l on fih' their pr()posed budget (.'xteP.siult tu tlXe R)ad Fund far the year 1958. and that a hearing will be h'](t theFeon on Monday, January 12, 1959 at 11:30 A.M. DATED tills 29th day of December, 195s. SUSIE ]':. PAULI:Y Clerk of tile Board Dated this 29th day of December 195. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- NI()NERS. Z4ASON COUNTY, WAStIINGTON Roy Mit(.hell, Chah'nmn Jl)iln Bariekmau C. W. Streckenbach Attest : Susie, E. Pauley Clerk (,f tile Board 1/1-$ 21: NO. 28M NOTICE OF nEA]glNG FINAL AC('OUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STAT Oil' WASHINGTON :FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the State ef 3ESN SIE BOWEN PRITCHARD, Deceased. NOTICe: IS HEREBY GIVEN filet DAYTON A. WILLIAMS and JAMES DRAHAM, as co-executors 9f the ls- tate t)f Jessie Bowen Pritchar¢, hvS filed in this office of, the ie of said Court their final Aeeottat a!llt Petition for Distribution, aeRtnlg the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said co-exe- cutors; and that said Report  Petition will be heard od the 80th day of 3anuary, 1959, at _10:00 AM. at the Court 'ROOm of the Probate Department of said Court at wltlch time and plaee ally person lnterest in said F.state may appear and file objections thereto and contest the ame. DATtiD this 19th day of December° 1958. (SEAL) IAR RT DIT1ETT, Clerk of Masott Couflty By IRENE McGUIRE, Deputy EWIS & CORREA. ttorneys for Estate Bell Building' 121 S<)uth Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 2/4/-->--4L The Tom Kearneys attended a Christmas program in McCleary Sunday evening. Their daughter Arlota of Porthlnd is visiting her parents this weekend. Mrs. Gilbert Malh:tt, Mr. and Mrs. George Leboki drove to Northgate Tuesday to shop. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of Seattle were recent visitors of tle George Lebokis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eveleth and Nancy and Danny are home from Corvallis for Christmas va- yent Christmas witt Mrs. Alma cation. e and Bill near Olympia. FLOYD 6ilSON The next community dance at Mr. arid Mrs. Claude Legacy Cloquallum will be New Year's and family of Tacoma were house- a)l Hodsert TR. ?.$251 Eve. guests over the "weekend of Mr. ----.----------- and Mri*. Edward Valley. Our Hood Canal Mrs. L. F. Cook and Mrs. Paul Representative Stakup and "baby called on  Aug- usta Portman one day last week. KIMBEL MO00OltS Mr. and .Mrs, Lud RossmaJer and daughter, Margaret,, spent Chrysler-Plymouth Cars Saturday with the formers follt near Rochester. internatlana! Truck. Luth r and Ra, Mt. Olive e an and family of Shelton epent  C00ristmas day with 00e,hert Plans Jan. 1 Serv Brehmeyer, St., and family. Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, St., A Special New Years Day scr- spent the Seattle vis- YOU Can Own vice will be held Thursday morn= ing at 10 a.m. The Sunday School iting her husband at Providence this Mac D-30 and Bible classes will be held at Hospital. . Christmas Eve gue:s 0f the 9:45 a.m. and Worship service Blain Bunce family were Mr. and _ q,  starts at 11 a.m. every Sunday Mrs. Leo Pierce and Mr. nad Mrs. morning. Kenneth Thayer of Shelton, and  Instmtions classes will begin on Christmas day for dinner the the first full week in January. Bunce family had their guests, The Adult Class will meet on Men- i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pierc of Shel- days at 8 p.m., Junior class Sat- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank West of low It urdays at 9 a.m. $159.50 Hillm00t Hardware 1209 Olympic Highway I I II __ || BYRNE • BATSTONE WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME 703 Railroad Avenue PHONE ILk 6-4803 Shelton, Washington u i i i III Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Combs of Dayton. Annoyiog Magazine Salesman Told Io Go The Shelton Police Department investigated a call from Capitol Hill Saturday morning concerning an annoying magazine salesman. The police found the young man who said he was working out of Tacoma with a team of salesmen representing a New York Publish- ing .house. The police later found the group and their boss and told them the city had an ordinanoe against house to house selling. Tile group left immediately. "Today nothing seems to suc- ceed like the appearance of suc- cess. i i i i i i I II III II i FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR CUSTOMER'S -- Open Friday Nights 'Til 8:30 COME DOW AND SHOP IN LEISURE u tncX.v-.t , , ', ,,, --- ,  .,','   , i ' I i  ii u DELlltNT PARK MR. AND MRS. ART HAZELQUIST The choir.will meet for rehears- al on Thursdays at 8 p.m. The Walther League Society meets Sunday evening at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. A meeting of the Church Council will be hehi Wednesday, Jan. 7, at 8 Adventists Plan For New Year "I was glad when they said unto me. Let us go into the house of the Lord." Psalms 122:1. Now is a good time to determine to wor- ship regularly in God's house, if possible. The year "now closing was the new year to which we looked twelve months ago May the com- Ing days be profitable, happy, and prosperous in the Lord. Midweek prayer service will be- gin Wednesday evening at 7:30 , and Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. 'aturdayS). A worship service will be held at-11 o'clock on Jan. 3 at which ordinances of the Lord's House will be celebrated, including the Lord's Supper. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th nd Frtmklin J. Beruard Bretlelm, Pastor Begin the new year with the re- solve to worship together as a family each Sunday. This Sunday the Sunday school and adult Bible classes meet at 9:30 a.m. and the morning worship service at 11. The junior chcdr will provide the music for the worship aelwice. The "Martin Lnther" film will be shown in the church at 4 p.m, Anyone who may not have seen this histor|cal film or who may want to see it again is "welcome. Come and bring your friends. The Couples Club of the chnrch meets on Sunday evening at 6:30 at the Keith Hurst residence with Mr. and Mrs. R. Monroe Antonsen assisting as hosts. On Tuesday the junior youth ela meets at 6:30. On Wednesday night at 7 the L4tdies" Aid and BrotherhOod of the Church will have their first mothly meeting under the letd- ershio of the newly elected offl- cers i;or the year. The senior choir will rehearse at 8:15 following the tneeting while the ltmch is being erved in the church parlors. On Thursday the Junior choir 1,ehearses at 3:30 and the senior yeuth class meets at 6:30. On Sat- urday a group of young men from the church will participate in the Men for the Ministry Conference to be held at PLC in Parkland. The month of January will be used to carry out our Stewardship emphasis for the year. Mr. Ed Lehman from Bethlehem Lutheran in Seattle. who will be our organ- lzer, will be introduced to the con- gregatlon this Sunday morning. B,wr CHRISTIAN CHURCH lewis E. Whitney, Mhllster Phone HA (]1-8101 Sunday school and adult Bible study meet at 9:45 a.m., with classes for old and young. Churoll services follow at 10:55 with a mlrsery for the little ones. Eve- ning services are held from 7 to 8 p.m. Bible study will resume the first Wednesday in Jartuary at the home of the minister on West Railroad Ave. Next Lord's Day is the annua! meeting of the chlrch, imnediateo ly after the morning worship hour. The Ladies Missionary Circle will meet in Jamlary, With time and place to be announced later. A New Year's Resolution: "For- getting the things which are be- hind and strstching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal tmto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" Phllippians 3:13, 14, cowrrz sore m The gwltt v&Uay aotl of wa- ta0u itste t mm tff the mt p ruct in ¢¢tt,t grtans ousnels pr act* were produced on .the farm of 3o111= li&re, which won him a neflmal award. Shelton Electric Company o t (lay. Scriptural selections in the Les- son-Sermon entitled "God" will in- clude the following (James 1:5,- 17): "If any of yOU lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth t;o all men liberally, and upbraid- eth re)t; and it shall be given him .... Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the :Father of lights, with whom is no variable-: ness, neither shadow of turning." Correlative passages to be read from "Science and Health witl Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Barker Eddy include the follow- Sunday Service rag" 275:17) : "'No wis(h)ln ix wise but His wisdom; no trulh in tree, no 10ve iN lovely, n(I life is Life but the divine; no flood is, but lhe good (led I)cst¢)ws." State: % . . excesMve restrictionn against tile ti'ade of Japan could ('reate ill Japfin condilions dan- gerous to ollr own securi.ty." - ,I ,11 I inl i iii i  Saint David's Ohureh (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert" Bonnet Echollk 00,oe, for the First Sunday in Advent Whole Family Christmas Eve---11:30 p.m. Christmas Day---.10 to li a.m. •|,,,o,, Sunday After Christmas-- • [WS ,Facts Y.P.F..- -6:30 p.m. ..... .... ",: -Fmily Features "New Testament Chriitiadlty' I ,,o Enclosed find my check er ney ocdl', I  SIS 0 Lewis E. Whitney, Minister I 4 mont H} (] I rnenth= $40 I OddsEcoNDFellOWSsT=ErHall I t ' , L  ' ' .... J J J i j Bible School g:45 a.m. ] -J Nm ..... Church Services 11:00 a.m. J and 1':00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ] " ( ......... =*r -stat, a '- i ,',,' ........ , , "ii ......... Good Reading FISHERMEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD 8, COTA SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Fsllowship, Shelton Hotel g:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 .a.m.-- Guest Speaker Coach Jerry Vermillion "Building Future Teams" 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "The Title" t Mr. View Allianoe Ohurch Washington and J Streets Sunday School .................................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................ 11:0(I a.m. Evening' Service .................................................. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service ............................... Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. FIRST CHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunday School 9:0 a.m, Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading roc=n located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. _2.2 ........................................................................................... ' ..................................... 2' ...... i i | nil FAITH LUTHERAN OHUROH Seventh & Franklin Sts.- J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor Sunda' Sehool, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m. Mid-week Service---Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. ] OHURCH OF THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL ii | 910 E. DEARBORN Sunda SahOO! ............................................ 9:45 a,m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p,m. Prayer Meeting ........................ Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor THE METHOIST OHUROH 4tk & .Pine- Pamonage 320 N. 4th -- ]Phone HA g'4174 CHARLE T. HA.TTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.. ChUlh School 9:45 a.m. Snd sesMn 11:0 a.m. 130 East Pine St. Mason Youngiund, Paster Sunday Sohool .................................................... 9:45 a.m. MorninE Worship ................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ......................................... 6:00 p.m. Revival Service ..................................................... 7:00 p.m. L|tn te "REVIVALTIME," Sulday 10:30 p.m. KVI FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th arid Cots • Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor Wednesday, Oeo. 31 --- New Yoars Eve 9 p.m. MARTIN LUTHER FLLM 10:30 p,m. Refreshment and Fellowship 11:15 p.m. Candle Lighted Communion Service Sunday, Jenuary 4 9:4S a.m. Bible Study for the family. 11:00 a.m.-- "TIIE SECRET DOOR" 7:00 p.m.-- Guest Speaker BEY. A]KT REALS Picture and Story of Philippine MisMons Januar 1, 1959 gLVELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown " Shelton, Washin BLUE OX THEATRE Sun., Men., Tues. - Jan. 4, 5, 6 "1NIi NC R EET" Starring Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant SO great together you'll wish they'd never part again. PIAIS "CHASE A CROOKED SHADOW" Starring Richard Todd, Anne Baxter The tensest tension of any pic- ture in tell yca]s. 'i'he picture that nmkes mystery history. We I,'ivc you 87 minutes to unbafl'lc il. Wed. - Sat., Jan. 7, 8, 9, 10 "THE NAKED AND THE DEAD" Staring Aide Ray, Raymond Masaey, Lili St. Cyr SOUth md hive and wartime ...... e bigness and the boldness of lhe best seller that electrified t million readen's PLUS Walt Disney's Immortal "PAUL BUNYAN AND HIS BLUE OX" a all cartoon fcaturette, the iJ i tall tale of tile giant woodsman and his t-lm, Ox. Special Mat. Sat., Jan 10, 2 p.m. Evening show 6:45 p.m. Admission: Children 35€, Stu- dents 75¢, Adults 85€. 'Watch f, lr Walt Disnc, y's mar- velous "White Wilderness" com- ing Jan. 18, to the 21st. Spec- ial matinee Sun,, Jan. 18, 2p.m. 6:,15 evening show. Admission: Children 35€, Students 75¢, Adults 85¢. i iiiii iiii i I II I II r When the budget i needs a hft... ; II !! !tr ! WITH DOLLARS ;,I;, ,o $soo a u_qagle, eaa get cash for any  la11 t.{.y purpose on Signatm->  "!Ky, er or fur=rose. 't d . Michael Lelser, Manager ...... 4 __ 124 Railroad Ave. -- Phone: HA. 6-4447, Shelton , SW ................... OF SHELTON (MASON MATERIALS CO.) 7th and Park Phone HA. 6-6661 'so '47 USED CARS WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR '59 NEW FORD TRADE.INS SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON EVERY USED CAR 4r " '58 FORD FAIRLANES Fully mquipped - Priced to go. FORD V-8 VICTORIA 2-DOOR This car is perfect. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Radio & Heater - Real Sharp PONTIAC HARDTOP POWer Steering, Power Brakes, R & H. CHRYSLER HAVE 6 GOOD USED SECOND CARS WITH PRICES TO GO TRUCKS , FORD V-8 -TON PICKUP FORD CURRIER SEDAN DELIVERY FORD 1½ TON JIM PAULEY INC. FORD • MERCURY . STH AND RAILROAD PHONE HA 6-8231 I I I I ,I II ii I I MA TL OCK By Dora Hearing A Happy and Prosperious New Year to all, is the wish from your f1()rresi)ozldent. There will be a commt|nity stork shower for Mrs. John Hogben at the school cafeteria at 7:30 p.m., .Jan. 9. Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and family and Ed Hollatz were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. (]arth Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gunderson and daughter,, Nancy and Mary, were (tilH]or guests Christmas of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elvin Hearing. We arc sorry to report Henry Schlal)p, teacher of Mary M. Knight, broke his shoulder, from a fall from his bicycle and is con- fined tn the Clinic Hospital in Shelton. Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford were Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Brehmeyer, Jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family, the latter of Hoquiam, and the four Boothe children spent the past week with their grand- guests of Mr. 0nd Mrs. L. F. Cook on Christmas Eve. Mrs. P. M. Farrell and Mrs. Hat- tic Bateman spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crewell were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Crowell, Mrs. M. E. Crnwell and Mr. and Mrs. Perry l). Crowell and family, Those who enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook were Mr, and Mrs. Gaylen Lamon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gourt and baby of Port Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cook and family of Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Kenmth Howard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stakup and baby. There will bca New Year's Eve watch party at the Matlock Com- munity Church and potluck sup- per and everybody is.welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Meyers of Melbourn spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs.. Wayne Evers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and family and M'. rn¢l Mrs. Ed- ward Valley'and family and' Mr. and Mrs, Sam Diggle and baby Rural Mail Delivery Costs 226 Million Washington D.C. 1 One Ameri- can in every five (33,316,000 of them) has their mail delivered to them by a rural free delivery car- rier. The number of these rural car- riers employed by the U. S. Post Office Department is now 31,465. and they travel an average of 1,- 615,9994 miles every working day of the year to get tile mail to those who live on rural routes. The total cost of providing this service was $226,551,649 in 1958. i|11 ii i ii1, ii Mutual Fund S/rare8 WADDEUL & REED, INC. • ,ncieJ Oederwd|m HERB ROTTER Title Insurance Building Prospectus on Request ........ £! ................. -JA ...L: ' ...................  .... Cl. !! N ......... t Wisdom Subject Of --:qua--um--ew--, divine source ,,,: tr,te wi.- By DON IVI;I,E'rll ] dora and goodness will be stressed CLOQUALLUM The ('omnauni-;at Christian Science set'vices Stm- pa rents, n er of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ki g y Eugene, Ore., is spending the holi- days with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kingery, and oh Christmas day the Hiram King- ery family were dinner guests also, Mr: and Mrs. Roy Martin of Elms were dinner gusts Christ° mas Eve of Mr. and :Mrs. Herbert Helle and 0n Christmas day Mr. and Mrs, Max Nilsson were dinner and overnigh guests of the Helins, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cook and family of Hillsboro, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stakup of California, Betty Ann Hellatz of Port An- gales, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCow- an and son Teddy of Montesano, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and fatally, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard and family and Mr. and M_rs. Ralph Cook and fatuity_ were: il Ill & -- Legal eub/ieatmns ,('ALL FOR BII)N Sealed bids will be received until 1:30 p.m.. Janoary 12. 1959 at th* (dT)'ic. of the County ConllzlissJon(r ior ty Christmas paty was well at- tended by the small fry, and adults as well. A program in which each of the con]munity children had a 1)art was enjoyed by all. Santa came in and f(it|nd a gift and candy for each child. Coffee and dotghnuts were served later, Mrs. George Joimson, Mrs. GiN bert Mallett, Mrs, George Leboki and Mrs. Marion Eveleth were among the guests at a Christmas dinner party 'at tile home of Mrs. Vic Kelly in Ehna. f tl V 11 i.'llli fig' Ma,o n Coullty two. fotlr dooF Sl!ClgllN, Specifications and bid forms may bc obtained at the off J0e of the County Enghqq', Mason County Cotlrthous(L The ('ounty contelnplab.s trading in a 1953 PlylllOtl|h flour door sedan. Coun- ty Equilmmnt No. 80, Liceqse No. (')8745 anti a 1954 Pl:¢m,util four door S,qiaIl. (?otlaly Equlpn]ont No. 3. Li- roam. N.. CO8720 in their cxistiag con- dill,re, Those* onits of equipment nlay b. insl)e('tvd at ttao Mason County (7ollr t 11 OU,I% Tile CoUUIy rlm,rv(.s tile right to ro- fi'ct any <w all bids or h., a(:l!ept that bl,.l (l,,otno mgst .a(.ivtntagoous to the (',it nty ROARD (iF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Susi,' E. t'auh,y. Clerk of Board 1/1-8 2t RI,:NO LUI'IO N WHEREAS, certain rt, iolharsat)le ex- )ell(lJturo. havo t),'('n InadP !i'ronl the Road Futld which were not anticipated w]lell til[, bridget, was approv('d and WItEREAS, th('s(" expenditures have d('i)h'tt'd tlw ('ounty road fund budget and, WHEI-(EAS, it aPl)(ars lilat th(, Road q'lllltl IIlldg"!l. I) av t)o ol'or (axpone( IIIII('sS theso reilnburs/tblo receipts are re-budgeted and. WHEREAS. tiles(, reimlmrsablo items total approximately $]0,000.(}0 NOW. THEREFORE. P,F IT RE- SOLVED, that the following stlpl)le- lll('lll[tl I)udgot be a(h)J)t(.'d : Itv*.ipt Roindmrsable OXl)ondituros.... $10,000,00 Ependttures Roadway Maiotenanee .............. $10.000.00 NOTICE OF tIEARING NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN tllat tilt, (OllllllissiOllOV, ilav(! pl'tpar(,d and pla('('(l on fih' their pr()posed budget (.'xteP.siult tu tlXe R)ad Fund far the year 1958. and that a hearing will be h'](t theFeon on Monday, January 12, 1959 at 11:30 A.M. DATED tills 29th day of December, 195s. SUSIE ]':. PAULI:Y Clerk of tile Board Dated this 29th day of December 195. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- NI()NERS. Z4ASON COUNTY, WAStIINGTON Roy Mit(.hell, Chah'nmn Jl)iln Bariekmau C. W. Streckenbach Attest : Susie, E. Pauley Clerk (,f tile Board 1/1-$ 21: NO. 28M NOTICE OF nEA]glNG FINAL AC('OUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STAT Oil' WASHINGTON :FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the State ef 3ESN SIE BOWEN PRITCHARD, Deceased. NOTICe: IS HEREBY GIVEN filet DAYTON A. WILLIAMS and JAMES DRAHAM, as co-executors 9f the ls- tate t)f Jessie Bowen Pritchar¢, hvS filed in this office of, the ie of said Court their final Aeeottat a!llt Petition for Distribution, aeRtnlg the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said co-exe- cutors; and that said Report  Petition will be heard od the 80th day of 3anuary, 1959, at _10:00 AM. at the Court 'ROOm of the Probate Department of said Court at wltlch time and plaee ally person lnterest in said F.state may appear and file objections thereto and contest the ame. DATtiD this 19th day of December° 1958. (SEAL) IAR RT DIT1ETT, Clerk of Masott Couflty By IRENE McGUIRE, Deputy EWIS & CORREA. ttorneys for Estate Bell Building' 121 S<)uth Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 2/4/-->--4L The Tom Kearneys attended a Christmas program in McCleary Sunday evening. Their daughter Arlota of Porthlnd is visiting her parents this weekend. Mrs. Gilbert Malh:tt, Mr. and Mrs. George Leboki drove to Northgate Tuesday to shop. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of Seattle were recent visitors of tle George Lebokis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eveleth and Nancy and Danny are home from Corvallis for Christmas va- yent Christmas witt Mrs. Alma cation. e and Bill near Olympia. FLOYD 6ilSON The next community dance at Mr. arid Mrs. Claude Legacy Cloquallum will be New Year's and family of Tacoma were house- a)l Hodsert TR. ?.$251 Eve. guests over the "weekend of Mr. ----.----------- and Mri*. Edward Valley. Our Hood Canal Mrs. L. F. Cook and Mrs. Paul Representative Stakup and "baby called on  Aug- usta Portman one day last week. KIMBEL MO00OltS Mr. and .Mrs, Lud RossmaJer and daughter, Margaret,, spent Chrysler-Plymouth Cars Saturday with the formers follt near Rochester. internatlana! Truck. Luth r and Ra, Mt. Olive e an and family of Shelton epent  C00ristmas day with 00e,hert Plans Jan. 1 Serv Brehmeyer, St., and family. Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, St., A Special New Years Day scr- spent the Seattle vis- YOU Can Own vice will be held Thursday morn= ing at 10 a.m. The Sunday School iting her husband at Providence this Mac D-30 and Bible classes will be held at Hospital. . Christmas Eve gue:s 0f the 9:45 a.m. and Worship service Blain Bunce family were Mr. and _ q,  starts at 11 a.m. every Sunday Mrs. Leo Pierce and Mr. nad Mrs. morning. Kenneth Thayer of Shelton, and  Instmtions classes will begin on Christmas day for dinner the the first full week in January. Bunce family had their guests, The Adult Class will meet on Men- i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pierc of Shel- days at 8 p.m., Junior class Sat- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank West of low It urdays at 9 a.m. $159.50 Hillm00t Hardware 1209 Olympic Highway I I II __ || BYRNE • BATSTONE WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME 703 Railroad Avenue PHONE ILk 6-4803 Shelton, Washington u i i i III Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Combs of Dayton. Annoyiog Magazine Salesman Told Io Go The Shelton Police Department investigated a call from Capitol Hill Saturday morning concerning an annoying magazine salesman. The police found the young man who said he was working out of Tacoma with a team of salesmen representing a New York Publish- ing .house. The police later found the group and their boss and told them the city had an ordinanoe against house to house selling. Tile group left immediately. "Today nothing seems to suc- ceed like the appearance of suc- cess. i i i i i i I II III II i FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR CUSTOMER'S -- Open Friday Nights 'Til 8:30 COME DOW AND SHOP IN LEISURE u tncX.v-.t , , ', ,,, --- ,  .,','   , i ' I i  ii u DELlltNT PARK MR. AND MRS. ART HAZELQUIST The choir.will meet for rehears- al on Thursdays at 8 p.m. The Walther League Society meets Sunday evening at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. A meeting of the Church Council will be hehi Wednesday, Jan. 7, at 8 Adventists Plan For New Year "I was glad when they said unto me. Let us go into the house of the Lord." Psalms 122:1. Now is a good time to determine to wor- ship regularly in God's house, if possible. The year "now closing was the new year to which we looked twelve months ago May the com- Ing days be profitable, happy, and prosperous in the Lord. Midweek prayer service will be- gin Wednesday evening at 7:30 , and Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. 'aturdayS). A worship service will be held at-11 o'clock on Jan. 3 at which ordinances of the Lord's House will be celebrated, including the Lord's Supper. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th nd Frtmklin J. Beruard Bretlelm, Pastor Begin the new year with the re- solve to worship together as a family each Sunday. This Sunday the Sunday school and adult Bible classes meet at 9:30 a.m. and the morning worship service at 11. The junior chcdr will provide the music for the worship aelwice. The "Martin Lnther" film will be shown in the church at 4 p.m, Anyone who may not have seen this histor|cal film or who may want to see it again is "welcome. Come and bring your friends. The Couples Club of the chnrch meets on Sunday evening at 6:30 at the Keith Hurst residence with Mr. and Mrs. R. Monroe Antonsen assisting as hosts. On Tuesday the junior youth ela meets at 6:30. On Wednesday night at 7 the L4tdies" Aid and BrotherhOod of the Church will have their first mothly meeting under the letd- ershio of the newly elected offl- cers i;or the year. The senior choir will rehearse at 8:15 following the tneeting while the ltmch is being erved in the church parlors. On Thursday the Junior choir 1,ehearses at 3:30 and the senior yeuth class meets at 6:30. On Sat- urday a group of young men from the church will participate in the Men for the Ministry Conference to be held at PLC in Parkland. The month of January will be used to carry out our Stewardship emphasis for the year. Mr. Ed Lehman from Bethlehem Lutheran in Seattle. who will be our organ- lzer, will be introduced to the con- gregatlon this Sunday morning. B,wr CHRISTIAN CHURCH lewis E. Whitney, Mhllster Phone HA (]1-8101 Sunday school and adult Bible study meet at 9:45 a.m., with classes for old and young. Churoll services follow at 10:55 with a mlrsery for the little ones. Eve- ning services are held from 7 to 8 p.m. Bible study will resume the first Wednesday in Jartuary at the home of the minister on West Railroad Ave. Next Lord's Day is the annua! meeting of the chlrch, imnediateo ly after the morning worship hour. The Ladies Missionary Circle will meet in Jamlary, With time and place to be announced later. A New Year's Resolution: "For- getting the things which are be- hind and strstching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal tmto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" Phllippians 3:13, 14, cowrrz sore m The gwltt v&Uay aotl of wa- ta0u itste t mm tff the mt p ruct in ¢¢tt,t grtans ousnels pr act* were produced on .the farm of 3o111= li&re, which won him a neflmal award. Shelton Electric Company o t (lay. Scriptural selections in the Les- son-Sermon entitled "God" will in- clude the following (James 1:5,- 17): "If any of yOU lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth t;o all men liberally, and upbraid- eth re)t; and it shall be given him .... Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the :Father of lights, with whom is no variable-: ness, neither shadow of turning." Correlative passages to be read from "Science and Health witl Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Barker Eddy include the follow- Sunday Service rag" 275:17) : "'No wis(h)ln ix wise but His wisdom; no trulh in tree, no 10ve iN lovely, n(I life is Life but the divine; no flood is, but lhe good (led I)cst¢)ws." State: % . . excesMve restrictionn against tile ti'ade of Japan could ('reate ill Japfin condilions dan- gerous to ollr own securi.ty." - ,I ,11 I inl i iii i  Saint David's Ohureh (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert" Bonnet Echollk 00,oe, for the First Sunday in Advent Whole Family Christmas Eve---11:30 p.m. Christmas Day---.10 to li a.m. •|,,,o,, Sunday After Christmas-- • [WS ,Facts Y.P.F..- -6:30 p.m. ..... .... ",: -Fmily Features "New Testament Chriitiadlty' I ,,o Enclosed find my check er ney ocdl', I  SIS 0 Lewis E. Whitney, Minister I 4 mont H} (] I rnenth= $40 I OddsEcoNDFellOWSsT=ErHall I t ' , L  ' ' .... J J J i j Bible School g:45 a.m. ] -J Nm ..... Church Services 11:00 a.m. J and 1':00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ] " ( ......... =*r -stat, a '- i ,',,' ........ , , "ii ......... Good Reading FISHERMEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD 8, COTA SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Fsllowship, Shelton Hotel g:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 .a.m.-- Guest Speaker Coach Jerry Vermillion "Building Future Teams" 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "The Title" t Mr. View Allianoe Ohurch Washington and J Streets Sunday School .................................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................ 11:0(I a.m. Evening' Service .................................................. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service ............................... Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. FIRST CHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunday School 9:0 a.m, Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading roc=n located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. _2.2 ........................................................................................... ' ..................................... 2' ...... i i | nil FAITH LUTHERAN OHUROH Seventh & Franklin Sts.- J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor Sunda' Sehool, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m. Mid-week Service---Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. ] OHURCH OF THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL ii | 910 E. DEARBORN Sunda SahOO! ............................................ 9:45 a,m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p,m. Prayer Meeting ........................ Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor THE METHOIST OHUROH 4tk & .Pine- Pamonage 320 N. 4th -- ]Phone HA g'4174 CHARLE T. HA.TTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.. ChUlh School 9:45 a.m. Snd sesMn 11:0 a.m. 130 East Pine St. Mason Youngiund, Paster Sunday Sohool .................................................... 9:45 a.m. MorninE Worship ................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ......................................... 6:00 p.m. Revival Service ..................................................... 7:00 p.m. L|tn te "REVIVALTIME," Sulday 10:30 p.m. KVI FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th arid Cots • Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor Wednesday, Oeo. 31 --- New Yoars Eve 9 p.m. MARTIN LUTHER FLLM 10:30 p,m. Refreshment and Fellowship 11:15 p.m. Candle Lighted Communion Service Sunday, Jenuary 4 9:4S a.m. Bible Study for the family. 11:00 a.m.-- "TIIE SECRET DOOR" 7:00 p.m.-- Guest Speaker BEY. A]KT REALS Picture and Story of Philippine MisMons