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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 1, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 1, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 rmy Chaplain to eak to rSO !*.' .... 's y Jan. 8, at eight clock in the Grant C. Angle :hoot, the Parents-Teachers-Stu- ents Organization will have the rivilege of hearing guest speaker, xmy chaplain Capt. Lawrence R. st of Fort Lewis. During the Second World War ha.plain Rast was an enlisted man ationed on the Mariannas Is- rods in the Pacific. Later be- aming a chaplain, he served in oth Korea and Germany. He will ; speaking on a subject of com. on interest to parents, teachers ld students. The public ia cor- [ally invited. Refreshments will be served. Third Man Jailed for Hoodsport Burglary Jackie Allen, 26, Sl¢okomish; is now in the Mason county jail un- der $2,000 bail for his part in the burglary of the Hoodsport food- store on November 26. Two other men who were in- volved in the burglary have been given thl.e year deleted sentences by the Mason county superior court. They were Floyd Allen, Jackie's younger brother, and Francis Bagley. During the Second World War Sa- vold was selected to direct the General Headquarters Chapel choir for General Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmagtown U.S.A.," Shelton, Waahin LILLIWAUP NEWS By MRS. NEll, VAN(;|,: LILI.I\\;VAUP Connnlnily chlb memlmrs don't forget the potluck dinner I)ec. 31 at 6:30 p.m. at Comnmnity hall in Lilliwaup. MR. AND MRS. Lewis Ewms of Lilliwaup mortored to Seattle Christmas Eve to the new home of iheir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nelson and son, who served., a Christmas dinner for the family. Those enjoying dinner at the Nelsons were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans, Mrs. Nelson's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Daniels and sons Donne and Dannc, and Mrs. Evans' mother, Mrs. Florance Ross. Mrs. Ross re- turned home with the Evans Christmas where she will spend the w,eken(l. Mr. and Mrs. Willtam McKas- son, daughter Julia and soil Billy spent C'hristmas with Mrs. McKas- son's mother, Magdelene Beavers, md family in Port Angeles. The McKassons are visiting a few days efore returning home. Mrs. Susie Anderson of Ltlli- wat,p Motel enjoyed Christmas dinner with her and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Amlerson. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of Ltlliwaup had as dinner guests Christmas Mrs. Johnston's parents Mr'. and Mrs. Neff Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Richardson of Hoods- port and John Anderson. IIOOD CANAL Garden Club will be saddened to learn of the pass- ing of Mrs. Mildred Trammell of Board Plant Work Nearly Finished Work is progressing on sched- tile in the final phase of the large modernization program at Simp- son Logging Company's Insulat- ing Board Plant. The plant has been shut down Belfalr. Mrs. Trammell died Sun- day at the Horton Nursing Home in Bremerton after a lingering ill- ness. Mrs. Trammell was president of the Olympic District Federation of Garden Clubs but had to resign last sumer on account of illness. Mrs. Trammell will be greatly missed all the Garden Clubs in the district. since Dec. 19 to permit the work, but is scheduled to resume oper- ations Jan. 2, 1959. The modernization p r o g r a m, which was begun last summer, is being done on the wet end or board forming department of the plant. It will result in a higher quality product. Henry Hansen, master mechan- ic, is supervising 60 men who have worked every day but Christmas Day to get the Job completed and the plant back in operation. Living today is a game of rob- bing Peter to pay Jaul in order to make it possible to stand Pat. NEW YEAR'S DANCE FREE  }Iats and ltorns WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DEG. 31ST at the THE TROPICS Shelton - Olympia Highway O REGULAR DANCES EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9:30 P.M. TILL? VISIT WINNIE IN OUR LUNCHROOM. YOU'LL LIKE THE FOOD THRIFTWAY "S ONE CENT SALE! GET THE EXTRA CAN R ONLY BLACKIE'S LOCAL FARM Fresh AA Canned Food Prices Effective 9 Big Days from Wednesday Noon, December 31, through Saturday, January lOth. LARGE € DOZ. ANn SAVE ON FOO COSTS.: rfor oo .01 f°r l[o0i ' 01 e TASTEWELL ,,T,, T,,..... TItRIFTWAYFREJit PRODUCE SHURFINE GREEN PEAS " • • 6!1 7/I ii;ciPri¢:' Efiect iv: th r: S al:i r di' J ai';'Sin lY)2 5C AIP'PL, III I CI CUT BEANS.. i?E:lVFZ:ER:E:EqN:: 6/Sl °° 7/Sl P{)iAi0ES°°:':*'..50-1b.bag89c 5°Sl °° APPLESAUCE0000o00000000 7/'1 °° 8/'1. w::: o* $ 00 $ 0RANGES...... dozen 29, 6/SlO1 DILL PICKLES 4/I I 5/I. "';;;'°* [ °'°*a;;.:. s,* , .oo. z,* SHURFINE PINEAPPLE..i,z'':o...: *. 5/q°°J 6/'1. ritRIfrWAYMEArS ] 6/99 c] 7/'1.1 lusacon ButterBeans'iii0000'00' 8/'1°°i 9/'1.0 3"00$1 I Tomato 12/Sli13/s1.0 ENERGY ENERGY lS"UeF! "EFLOue Detergent-00 BLEACH I ,0,EV Pears....... 4/SlOO I, oo 5/'1.0, 49' ic) ' ,, ,, 9/I. ]10/1.0 '20 th Century . RIGHT O IJ1HLI[T IS YD * . FROZEN M i A T P I i S 4-QT. SIZE INSTANT "" 31' MILK o. SHURFINE FANCY QUALITY SHUR-FRESH FANCY FROZEN 6 for $1 lO-Ounce Packages.. .... /$ 4 for $1 Beef, Chmken, Turkey--Each •. • 16 rmy Chaplain to eak to rSO !*.' .... 's y Jan. 8, at eight clock in the Grant C. Angle :hoot, the Parents-Teachers-Stu- ents Organization will have the rivilege of hearing guest speaker, xmy chaplain Capt. Lawrence R. st of Fort Lewis. During the Second World War ha.plain Rast was an enlisted man ationed on the Mariannas Is- rods in the Pacific. Later be- aming a chaplain, he served in oth Korea and Germany. He will ; speaking on a subject of com. on interest to parents, teachers ld students. The public ia cor- [ally invited. Refreshments will be served. Third Man Jailed for Hoodsport Burglary Jackie Allen, 26, Sl¢okomish; is now in the Mason county jail un- der $2,000 bail for his part in the burglary of the Hoodsport food- store on November 26. Two other men who were in- volved in the burglary have been given thl.e year deleted sentences by the Mason county superior court. They were Floyd Allen, Jackie's younger brother, and Francis Bagley. During the Second World War Sa- vold was selected to direct the General Headquarters Chapel choir for General Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmagtown U.S.A.," Shelton, Waahin LILLIWAUP NEWS By MRS. NEll, VAN(;|,: LILI.I\\;VAUP Connnlnily chlb memlmrs don't forget the potluck dinner I)ec. 31 at 6:30 p.m. at Comnmnity hall in Lilliwaup. MR. AND MRS. Lewis Ewms of Lilliwaup mortored to Seattle Christmas Eve to the new home of iheir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nelson and son, who served., a Christmas dinner for the family. Those enjoying dinner at the Nelsons were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans, Mrs. Nelson's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Daniels and sons Donne and Dannc, and Mrs. Evans' mother, Mrs. Florance Ross. Mrs. Ross re- turned home with the Evans Christmas where she will spend the w,eken(l. Mr. and Mrs. Willtam McKas- son, daughter Julia and soil Billy spent C'hristmas with Mrs. McKas- son's mother, Magdelene Beavers, md family in Port Angeles. The McKassons are visiting a few days efore returning home. Mrs. Susie Anderson of Ltlli- wat,p Motel enjoyed Christmas dinner with her and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Amlerson. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of Ltlliwaup had as dinner guests Christmas Mrs. Johnston's parents Mr'. and Mrs. Neff Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Richardson of Hoods- port and John Anderson. IIOOD CANAL Garden Club will be saddened to learn of the pass- ing of Mrs. Mildred Trammell of Board Plant Work Nearly Finished Work is progressing on sched- tile in the final phase of the large modernization program at Simp- son Logging Company's Insulat- ing Board Plant. The plant has been shut down Belfalr. Mrs. Trammell died Sun- day at the Horton Nursing Home in Bremerton after a lingering ill- ness. Mrs. Trammell was president of the Olympic District Federation of Garden Clubs but had to resign last sumer on account of illness. Mrs. Trammell will be greatly missed all the Garden Clubs in the district. since Dec. 19 to permit the work, but is scheduled to resume oper- ations Jan. 2, 1959. The modernization p r o g r a m, which was begun last summer, is being done on the wet end or board forming department of the plant. It will result in a higher quality product. Henry Hansen, master mechan- ic, is supervising 60 men who have worked every day but Christmas Day to get the Job completed and the plant back in operation. Living today is a game of rob- bing Peter to pay Jaul in order to make it possible to stand Pat. NEW YEAR'S DANCE FREE  }Iats and ltorns WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DEG. 31ST at the THE TROPICS Shelton - Olympia Highway O REGULAR DANCES EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9:30 P.M. TILL? VISIT WINNIE IN OUR LUNCHROOM. YOU'LL LIKE THE FOOD THRIFTWAY "S ONE CENT SALE! GET THE EXTRA CAN R ONLY BLACKIE'S LOCAL FARM Fresh AA Canned Food Prices Effective 9 Big Days from Wednesday Noon, December 31, through Saturday, January lOth. LARGE € DOZ. ANn SAVE ON FOO COSTS.: rfor oo .01 f°r l[o0i ' 01 e TASTEWELL ,,T,, T,,..... TItRIFTWAYFREJit PRODUCE SHURFINE GREEN PEAS " • • 6!1 7/I ii;ciPri¢:' Efiect iv: th r: S al:i r di' J ai';'Sin lY)2 5C AIP'PL, III I CI CUT BEANS.. i?E:lVFZ:ER:E:EqN:: 6/Sl °° 7/Sl P{)iAi0ES°°:':*'..50-1b.bag89c 5°Sl °° APPLESAUCE0000o00000000 7/'1 °° 8/'1. w::: o* $ 00 $ 0RANGES...... dozen 29, 6/SlO1 DILL PICKLES 4/I I 5/I. "';;;'°* [ °'°*a;;.:. s,* , .oo. z,* SHURFINE PINEAPPLE..i,z'':o...: *. 5/q°°J 6/'1. ritRIfrWAYMEArS ] 6/99 c] 7/'1.1 lusacon ButterBeans'iii0000'00' 8/'1°°i 9/'1.0 3"00$1 I Tomato 12/Sli13/s1.0 ENERGY ENERGY lS"UeF! "EFLOue Detergent-00 BLEACH I ,0,EV Pears....... 4/SlOO I, oo 5/'1.0, 49' ic) ' ,, ,, 9/I. ]10/1.0 '20 th Century . RIGHT O IJ1HLI[T IS YD * . FROZEN M i A T P I i S 4-QT. SIZE INSTANT "" 31' MILK o. SHURFINE FANCY QUALITY SHUR-FRESH FANCY FROZEN 6 for $1 lO-Ounce Packages.. .... /$ 4 for $1 Beef, Chmken, Turkey--Each •. •