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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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f Page Two E; Those Plates, Al 1939 HEADLINES LACK ‘COLOR’, Warns Patrolman! REVIEW OF YEAR EVENTS SHOWS Continued from Page One JANUARY—$7000 loss as fire levels “White Spot"; Allan Ad~ ams appointed Tumwater Council Boy Scout executive succeeding W. L. Hayward, retired: S. B. An- Maybe those license plates will! stretch the pocketbook a bit at the moment but the stretching will become more severe if State Pa-I trolman Ted Cole or any of his; brother patrolmen find you dI‘lV-‘derson seated as Active Club illg around with 1939 plates stilllpresident; c_ E. Runacres install_ [)1] your vehicle, he warned today‘fed as Kiwanis club president; new "1940 Plates Shoum be on youri’cOunty officers take office; new 9"”. right now and we have. beenlCity of Shelton officers seated; E. instructed to make arrests when‘J‘ Ahem named chairman county we find cars without them,” he commissioners. warned .‘Dr. Eugene Browning named M950“ 9011th (131‘ owners 33:9 Boy Scout commissioner for Ma- lagglllg 311311th behinfl laSt yearslson County; neighbors' quick ac- pace in obtaining their plates forition saves Chesley Pringle home at the 01039 0f 1939's b°°k3 13“ as lamp explodes at Arcadia, Prin- Satm‘day noon. 1475 Plates had gle baby escapes unhurt miracul- been taken out whlle at the same ously. H. L_ Hadsen severely bdrm period the year preVlous, 1517 sets ed by electric barswitch at joint 0f Plates were gone- powerhouse; Bellingham Normal However, plate seekers jammed‘school executive praises Shelton the auditOr's office all SaturdaY,fOl' establishing kindergarten. morning and were ,Cominfling the? Herbert Durand purchases in- pace teem today, mmcatmg ‘hey Itemsts of Allie Robinson in Shel- mdy qlllely make up the de‘ ton Cash Grocery; Reed Shingle flClency Over laSt year; ' {Mill reopens; Walter Eddy seventh *m lShelton Boy Scout to earn Eagle . iBad‘ e in two years; deSpite a case J. E. Angle Family lof umps Kiwanians keep Walt F01“ Month In ArizonalEckert's 14—year perfect attend- fance record clean by a committee Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Angle, Grant l meeting Flt his bedside: annual and Mrs. Melba Sturm left SunJShelton Library report shows more day for Phoenix, Arizona, for alPOI'TOWeI‘S “$9 .few'bOOkS m preli- season of sunshine. J. E. returns'“)us Yeah mmcatmg Uptrend 1“ in a few days, but the family will employment: Pete Eltriem re-elec- remain for a month or more. 1539 PPeSident 0f Rayoniel‘ CYGdit nlon. > 5 Mrs. Arling sannerud wins an- nual Bordeaux spelling bee; son COunty health record out- standing, Dr. S. P, Lehman's an- They Bring comfort nual report to commissioners and Happiness .showa; money crisis threatens FUNERAL DESIGNS AND 5Mary M. Knight school district: Hospn-AL BOQUE-rg lJoe Kaminski killed by log at Delivered anywhere, anytime, 2Kimbel Camp; Mrs. D. M. Willey . elected Tuberculosis League presi- I;deIlli‘tli‘BRUARY F ed H D‘ehl e .1 — r . l r ' Shelton Hardware Bldg' elected Mason County Savings and Say It WITH FLOWERS PM“ 232 270w Loan president; W. A. Witsiers re- elected Shelton Cemetery Associa- —' tion president; annual report Of :Public Utility District No. 1 shows iorofit; W. E. Bourland purchases interests of P. C. Sharp ill Sharp’s ,Grocerv: Sielton Gas Company ivoluntarily lowers rate schedule lfOl' all consumption ranks; Os- ,car Mel] re-elccled chairman of lMaso'l Countv Red Cross chap- ‘ter; Juanita Miller wins American Legion Auxiliary“; Americanism Sears Tavern Mt. View Amateur Hour T ' . Ni ht Jan. 4 Contest. hms 92%0 ’ l MARCH—Hood cam; ,'mens Association takes active hand _Beginnlng a New Series— lin battle of state’s sportsmen to defeat proposed return of fish- All Amateurs are welcome to join in the program‘ igrapf! and weakening of Initiative 7; Mrs. Irene S. Reed re-elected TRY OUR SPECIAL lto Shelton school board post held Mexican and lover 30 years; Boudreau brothers Lpurchasc interests of Harry Christ- Hamburgers lofferson in Christy‘s Bakery. change name to Shelton Bakery; UN'ON HOUSE ;Jimmy Phelan, U. of W. football Chas. Silva, Mglg lcoach. speaks to Shelton prep football players at Kiwanis club Sports- | old grandson; Harry Young re— elected Hood Canal Sportsmens prgsident. ater shortage becomes critical in city due to extended dry per- iod, heavy drain on city system; Gene O'Brien, junior high student killed by s’cnoolb‘us in Shelton Val- ley; Ken Blanchard elected Thea- tre Guild president; Gustave Smith, 52, Buol Logging company foreman, killed in fall from high ‘trestle near Jorstad Landing; Shel- lton’s first Music Festival held. with outstanding success with Bobby Wenz winning amateur contest and with Mrs. Donovan Palmer’s original song “Out in the West" being sung publicly for the first time. JUNE~Gene Hanson elected presi~ dent of Shelton Alumni Ass’n; E. H. Fagan, Seattle business man, drowns in Sherwood creek pool on fishing trip; cowboy hat ‘gives away“ Marvin Caikins, 16, Port- land youth, after attempt to hold up Runnymeade Inn near Kennedy Creek, leads to his arrest on down- town street by Sheriff Gene Mars tin: first electricity put through Public Utility District No, 3 lines ‘in Dayton and Capitol Hill areas; E Camas Crown-Willamette p u l p lmill team wins first aid compe- ltition in inter-mill contest held jhere, Shelton Rayonier placing a [close third. l Myrvan \Vivell. Shelton dairy- iman, elected president of Jersey Creamline, Inc., national milk sales agency, at New York conference; Ma_‘George Booth, Warren Chappell ton historvq {win capital prizes in Journal's an- nual sbuscription campaign; Claude Snider, past chairman of lState Game Commission, in speak- ing. to Hood Canal Sportsmens' Assn, said Hood Canal and Olym- lpic Peninsula peninsula residents most favored Washingtonians from fishing and hunting privileges standpoint and Washingtmfiians most favored Americans in same category; John Repllnger elected Activian president; Simpson Log- ging company camp operations suspended for four days as em- loloyes strike at Camp. 5 over hook- tender's alleged discharge, the strike spreading to Camp 3 and the Peninsular Railway shops; :county valuations fall $39,150. Ao— sessor Warren Lincoln’s annual re- port reveals, with property values ldown 393.319; Earl Kneeland home at Second and Pine, occupied by ,Dr. and Mrs. Russell Pickens, burns as sealing parafine spills on kitchen floor; new social se- lcurity building completed at Sixth and Railroad; Willie Young. 5, of Shelton, drowns at Black Lake family outing. I JULY—Court decxsions hold counties responsible for caring :for their insane, causing many counties who had quit' paying pending outcome of case to worry labout where back payments would !come from; three sets of bovine ltwins born on Shelton Valley dairy SHELTON-MASON CODNTA' jOUE i505 Births, 91 mm 1 Deaths In 193 Vital statistics for 1939, kept by ‘ ,Miss Inez Shorter, city deputy, ‘clerk, show life had better than la 2 to 1 advantage over the grim , Iireaper in Mason County. ‘ According to her records there were 199 births within the City of Shelton, most of those at Shel- {ton hospital, while an additional six births occurred in the county i outside of the hospital. During the same period 91 deaths were recorded on Miss Shorter’s books, ‘ 63 within the city, 28 outside Shel- ton within Mason County. guy/u.- ! SISTER APPOINTED Mary Carroll was appointed ad- 2 millistratrix to serve under $200' bond of the estate of her brother, l Martin J. Doyle, ill a superior court order signed Saturday by Judge D. F. Wright. Schumacher; Walt Nash installed as American Legion post com-l mander; E. W. Johnson of Orcas? Island, named new manager of‘ Public Utilitv District No, 3 fol- lowing unexplained disappearancci of Elmo Lord; doe deer put or eligible list in certlin parts of Mason Countv for 1939 hunting season; Miss Jessie Knight named permanent Shelton postmaster un- i der new civil service regulations: Mayor C. C. Cole accents appoint— ment as Red Cross roll call drive; ichairman: citv council announced; reduced 1940 taxes after adoptingi '1940 city budget; September wea- lther dircst for that month in Shel— I dav jail sentence meted out to Indian for illegal huntingr follow- ing wild chase in which game! wardens fired shots into tires bc-l forc fleeing car of violators was! i OCTOBER—$500 fine and 30-: halted; county budget 5311.000,l Ishort of being bilanced for 1940:} .Snelton Merchants-Journal ten- wcek football sweepstakes opens; 70 Activians of District 1 clubs; gathered here to celebrate 14th] anniversary of Shelton club, vote! 1940 mid-winter convention to. Shelton. A. D. Hunter, superill-. tendent of Mary M. Knight school.i 'War at Sea: Liner Coiumb Europe’s war at sea came close to American shores as the German luxury liner llumbus was scuttled ‘400 miles off the Delaware coast when a British warship approached. LifeboatSwung over the side a :“v moments before the vessel burst into flames, carry crew members to safe' top, on the U. S. cruiser Tuscaloosa, left, 579 survivors were picked up and taken to Ellis IslandPicture of the burn- ing Columbus, right, was taken from deck of rescue vessel. elected Mason County VJ.E.A.,—‘”"”—"""_“—__TWW president; work resumed on lar c addition to joint powerhouse if Simpson Logging company and v Rayonier, Inc: Puget Sound Bap- V ' ,‘ists As'ociation holds conference lhere with 270 delegates attending lto hear Rev, E. S. Bur-ket, Orien— ltal missionary, predicting victory lfnr Chinese in war with Japan: 250 Legionnaires gather here for 4th District fall conference, hear Dept. Commander Arthur J. Hut- -ton declare American Legion will make unstinted efforts to keep America out of current European war: prelude to PUD. T2 battle for franchise through Shelton seen in Kamilehe meeting at which‘ ten—min county-wide committeef appointed to wait on city council; state examiners warn City of Shelton’s lenient water payment —MUSCUlAf ' RH EU MATIC lmeeting; Donne Brodie appointed farms within a few days, a. rarity 'Special deputy grand jury prose_,in cattle world; W.P.A. workers icutor in Thurston County .hevslin Mason County join nation-wide [still on the job. too); Frénk Histrike protesting increased hours policv must stop. NOVEMBER—cheral flood con- trol engineers hear argllmcnis for River 'in nublic hearing jammingl from scaffold while repairing Ray- (enier blow pit; Frank Willey {awarded citv garbage collection contract; Phil Palmer wins V.F.W. Auxiliary Americanism essay con- ,test; state supreme ’court denial new trial to Bernard Leuch, con- victed Shelton wife-slayer: annual Birthday Ball nets PAINS—ACHES It takes more than “just a salve" to bring speedy relief. It takes a "counter- inimnt" like good old soothing, warm— I ing Musterole to penetrate the surface skin and help to quickly relievethepainful I Presiden'ts local congestion and aches due to colds. $208.37 here. Muscular lumpago. sorenelss End stlfi- I APRIL—Ralph Pigg elected v.., 11838 generally yield PTOmPt 17- ,F. W. post commander; J i m passlistlziz‘dishszdsrt; mash awarded Eagle Scout pause: mummy; 3° is; airlinerarises: man 0C OI'S a nurses. ll l' H «(’{i‘d’ ‘iatl; i“ iris: an xra trong, . gng in com am 18 lby county prosecutor.p to which auditor enters not guilty plea in court: P.U.D. No. 3 applies for $60,000 R.E,A. loan (grant of this loan still pending); 15 percent cut in power rates announced by weSt Coast Power company; citv coun- cil votes $2,500 for dust-laying program during summer; GOV. Professional Women‘s Golden Juf bilee banquet, says employment key to nation’s ills. MAY—Rayonier plant reopens after two-month shutdOWn for re- pairs and poor market (has 0p- erated continuously since); Dr. B. N. Collier and Myron Mpran take delivery of. same, model seaj~ planes in same week; Edward Ca1- low, M. D., passes l'n,Seattl‘e, sec- ond death among original seven brothers of family; I. H. Woods wins co; ‘lnercial class singles) bowling chimpionship at North’- west A.D.C. meet. in Spokane With 672 score: pact between Rayouier and I.B.P.S. 8: P._M.W. renewed for anotlm“ year; 50 families cut from courtv W.P.A. rolls; Mrs. Ada Ogg, 65. pioneer of‘ars in Masbn County, succumbs; Gus“ Graf re-elected Eagles Lodge pre'si« dent; A. E. Rutledge, aged Shelton Valley rancher, saved from anger- ed bull by David Spear, 134359115 Uso only one level loa- spoonful to a up of sifted flour for most Iuipcs. Same price lad if as 48 yea rs a 25 ounces for 7' i Manuhuuud by IDIth powder p specialists who nllto nothung_l3ul balling powdcr- undo! mporymon of export chomitn 5‘ notionhl ropulallon. millions owouuos HAVE BEEN ;"' usm at out: GOVERNMENT .___ COLD WEATHER AHEAD KEEP YOUR HOUSE WARMER AT LOWER COST with I: througho'lymplc'o fén'ewcd. und fleadershlp ofDr. Eugene Brown— ‘ .3 residents petition ; v trict its lMorgan instantlv killed in fall'wiihout increased, pay; commercial. I fishing in" parts of Hood banal banned by state fisheries bureau as result of efforts of Hood Canal Sportsmens Ass'n; 'tentli annual Active Club-Red Cross swimming land life-saving class opens with new record enrollment“ After murdering Vern Almgren ljanitor, with pistdl bullets, Frank Terrell, Watchmail, takes own life with mine gun in double trag- edy at' Rayonier plant, ending long-standing feud; huge crowd witnesses water carnival closing‘ swimming and life-Saving classes; ‘city’s street surfacing w‘ork, oiling land macadamizing, c’ompleted; omer Kjonaas. 24', instantly kill- ed in Comps logging accident; Shelton wins two straight from Everett in opening" inter-district junior legion baseball playoffs: :milk price cutting draws public protjeSt . from. v dai'r'Ymen; P.U:D. 3 extends energized, lines'into Mats lock area: long,’ dry spoilvforces l Martin speaks at BuSiness and City tb‘de‘clarefisprinklihg Yes'tl‘iC-Iman v Saved from drowning ’ tions; ahead of «schedule. . . AUGUST-City, Council protests proposed . blanket state-wide raise lin telephone!rates;‘.p,assing mo— torists turn in alarmpsave Amos Bare. residence on‘._smi_thside Hill 'fiiom complete ' fire "destruction; Bernard R'. L'eucn, .Vexl'pollceman and mill employe,‘hanged at Wal: la Walla for murder.,0f3wife,. end- one of.Mason..COuhty's.most sensational killing eases; Isaac Allen, 46, ,Skokomlsh Indian. kill< ed {by accidental dié‘charg‘e of. rifle] carried by sojri,f,Wat’réh. 17, in out-of-‘sea'aon hunting accident; se- Tverefire haZar'd forces stop to log- operations); Phoenix Logging 'con‘lpany. second largest. loggin. concern in Mason Qounty and last to held by rail in, Hood Canal alga, closes operations. permantly after 40 years ‘and Contracts re- maining ti ber lhits holdingsto Don‘ Mex. 00910911“ dogponden't over: 111 .health. W. F. (Pat) Robert's, veteran L M. shoe “Mdepartm'ent’ 'employe, takes own fife; Boy Scout ' ‘Titus Exoedition' er ' lug. after ten-year lapse;- Hillcrest better-water Ser- vice for hilltop influential dis- continued" -jhEat a n d drought wave "adth strain On city's mass; rust. on, Sign your contract now -— Price Guaranteed to 7 JUNE 30, 1940 :. wineries Bichfi’éld Oil Corporation ROY J. KIMBEL, Agent "convention at Spokane; ‘ water system; John Rottle' elected ,iitli District American Legion commander at annual department ‘ 37-day 'rilinle'ss period brokeh by shoWers v august 24; "shoe fund drive open- ed with heavy; response. both ‘ cash donations and requests for in jshoe's; DaytOn School district elects .to Send studeht‘s to Shelton i’fpr 193940 termt‘re‘tumin'g Boy S‘cputs of loo-mile, 14eday‘0iym- pic Mountain hike saiv'Olympics ‘5 will forever dery’c-iviliz'stion; silo . attend annual Mason Gaunty‘OId- . timers picnic at Walker Park. SEPTEMBER—mason County __ increase ' capacity by 140,000 gallons withi-l'additions at St. Charles, Stretch ’Island and Werber'g'er plants; opening day attendance in Sheltonxsch’ools '1.- 445 for new reCord; Mason Hotel sold at reported $7500 price to W. M. Givens of Tacoma by M. '8. city hall beyond capaCity; i’.U.D.“ 3 applies for compromise franchise with tl'anf-‘nissio‘l nrivilc'res' only, through citv; new design for Shel- ton postoffice mural ordered: Shcl- ; ton and Maison County .sllakcni with rest of Northwest in worst earthquake in historv. but no serious damage is done locally; J. M Hooper. Northwest Erglcti president. visits Shelton acrici blames presence of wars in Turope l on lack of fraternalism; J. D. Zel- lerbach. vice-president of Ray- Onier Inc. presents five and ten-l year seWice pin“ to 257 emplovcsl of the Shelton plant: Artist Rich- ard Haines writes, saying mural chosen for Shelton postoffice was intended by him for South Dakota poStoffice; estimated 2500 attend two-night Merchants' Exposition in gym staged by Kiwanis a nd Active clubs; heart attack claims outside the Montevideo harbor. q’ +0 ‘ng UK] Vl'b foo 'control work on Skokemish. life of former citv councilman 1 Gene Putnam suddenly; fisher- Robert Brewer, Tacoma in Hood. C‘ana‘l by Harry Hauptly of Un— io'n,> after clinging to overturnedl boat over an hour; Bordeaux P.-l T. A. sponsors unique showing of‘ hobby collections, which is well, l‘attended: 75th anniversary of Mt. lMoriah Masonic Lodge celebratedl ,at‘ banouet program attended by [over 200; Red Cross roll call drive reaches. all-time record at $1-i 159.25, Chairman C. C, Cole an-I -nopnces. DECEMBER—G e o r e Smith 3 swins $25 grand prize in footballi (sweepstakes: incumbent PUD 3 lcommissioners returned to officcl {by landslide margin in first elcc-l ‘fion held in three years: P.TT.D.‘ lNo. 1 rc-clectcd without opposition: FUD. No. 3 abandons plan for crossing citv. skirts city limits with connecting unit which al- lows cnergization of long-con- rtructed Skookum Bav extension in .time for approximately 40 CuS-' tempers to have lights by Christ-l mas; report 'of state examiners anprcves finances and operation .of City of Shelton government; 1939 tax payments' in first eleven nwnfhs $54 000 ahead of entire 1938 collections; 137 carloads ofi Christmas trees shipncd throth Shelton Northern Pacific depot for“ ln‘ew all-time record in this area: Vern Miller elected Activiln president; Dick Eddy clcctcd lChamber of Commerce resident for 1940: terrific rain and wind istorm whips Mason Countv with lfirehose force, depositing 6.71 in- lches of rain in 72-hour period and iflooding Skokomish River and ioth'er streams over their banks; Young Mr. 1940 won’t have m i MARRIAGE ilCENSES l n as. Clifford Bristol. and Edith iCl‘aik. 28, both of Shelton, at Se- attle. Doc. 30. Dean \V. lVilloughby, legal, Portland. and Nica Hogan, legal, I'Shelton, at Montesano, last week. li‘HRIST-‘MAS TREE TRIP OVERI1 firhomas Rowe ejected Mt. Moriah, Miss Thelma Soljestad returned lrMastC master for 1940; Johnito Shelton Friday after a two- Schmidt, colorful old seaman. pas—,v’et‘k trip LO“ Ari-330103 Whel'c ses; Mrs. Anna Morgans Beach {she represented Charles T. Wright 7ft, yields to failing health, funeral ; in Clnistmas tree transactions in ' one of largest here in many years; ’which the Shelton attorney is in— .Mrs. A. H. Anderson repeats hcrltel‘CStOd- HE Shipped seven C‘rl-‘T-i $25 000 donation to Shelton Hos—filoads of trees to California this. pital endowment fund; county’ieason- lcommissionerti appoint nine-mcm-v ber County Planning Council at‘ l‘lequest of county civic organiza— tions; Shelton merchants reportl 1939 Christmas business compar-i NEW’ YEAR’S VISITORS Mr. and J. T. Dickie and daughter. Alice, of Seattle were; New Year's Day dinner guests at Her raiding days at an end, the German poeket battleship AdmiI‘ _ estuary off Uruguay, a flaming hulk of smoking, thlstEd steel. The 10,000-tonlocket battleship was scuttled by her own crew rather than face internment or the guns Of an allIEiarmada waltlng her jsurviving spouse, Wrs to v.» u. Still left to prey on merchant ‘sh Deutschland. and Admiral Scheer. Capt. Hans LanngqrfT, CQmmijndel‘ {if the SJttled warship, com- mitted suicide in Buenos Aires a few days after the Sinking. Hls crew was Horned by Argentina. icome Mr. will ._ ,___....'4—~—— \, ,Pa ,.-__ .- us Scuttled Girls. Coosi . do: EritiShMScore 'l‘uesday, January 2, 1940. ROY ROGERS. Continued from Page One f pointing out the benefits to b l lderived ill the way of confidence '( ill one‘s self, as well as the pe 2 sonal satisfaction to be gaine " - A throng of some 300 you'[. piers besieged Rogers after ' lmatinec performance, and delu him with requests for autogra New Ye all of which he signed. as wel Is Very ltalking personally with many I The ‘5 lthe children. He expressed hi, Ange f, Iself as being very much pleas gendsl land impressed with his local 3, emom [ceptiozl on both visits, citing th 111 affa ln’lOl'e than 400 letters receive ated W. ,from local fans as one of the mai nidmghi reasons for his return here. ‘hower. ; .A number of autographed pi. Wise—ma ‘tllres were given out, one in pa. ." 7tOClgers [ticular which bears mentionin At Rogers' first appearance if [Shelton some two months ago, .little boy, son of one of the lot.‘ lininistel‘s, received an autografi, Led picture of the cowboy singlv' [On his way home a larger l: lmade fun of his picture and tr. ., Ito take it away from him. "' ithe ensuing battle the smaller l V got a black eye, and worse 3‘ , hispicture was torn. When Rt, crs heard Of the event here is terday he immediately wrote. message to the lad on a ‘ 3,- special picture of himself, sent it to him in appreciati- his loyalty. ' Dave Johns Witnesses Rose Bowl Grid Cla ‘ You’d have had a difficult [finding him among the more i _» l90,000 who attended the ga.‘ [but Shelton had a representati at the annual Rose Bowl footb Gm} l game in Pasadena yesterday. .vfictivay I He was Dave Johns, proprietow‘r lof the Shelton Auto Body co Ar'AndM pally. Mr. Johns was accompa “5 Hosts Elinor Chapter No. 177 0. E. s. . CARD PARTY a... C JANUARY 9—8 p.m." 343’s... Bridge, 500, Pinochle ‘ I .' 3,ng Dre MASONIC‘TEMPLE ‘ r w“ Umon on Nai Raiders IF‘ . SHELTON. WASHINGTON Two shows every night Starting at 7:00 PM. Matinee 2:15 p.m. Saturday and sunday Adm" 10¢ and 25¢. plu- tax _ Sun. Mon; Tues. .v al Graf 3.3;: 53x55 in the River Plate l Having ierVeC "fDRUMS ALONG " Wile... THE MOHAWK’” Mn.M with Claudette Colbert, Henry Fonda "And—- “FIVE TIMES FIVE"_ with the Dion Quintuplets Wednesday Only PAY-NITE . . . “CALL A MESSENGER” . -. with Little’i‘ough Guys, Rob‘ Armstrong, Mary C‘al'lisle. And good short subjects . . ’Thui-sday"0nl'3i ' , ippin‘g arelep sister ships the New Dehty Treasurer , ,Ass'llles Duties Today! Effectiyeitoday, Nolan Mason, BARGAlN NIGHT . . . .forl'ner de ,y county‘auditor, be- ' Adults 1.5,? Each - l _ came depu county treasurer un-‘ And Two Good- Featu're‘Pi'ctu' der TreaSULr Omar 1" Dion’ sue- DR; v ,. CHRlSTIAN” ceedlng Mr; Gertrude How'ard, rc- l and t Liiigfineil. THE ROAD To a for one four- year term'under Auditor Harry Dexette, son is familiar with. “g 0“ ally companions of his own age around When the world welcomes the New Year, for most young- sters will have been sent to bed. Little Janice Sande, seven months 01d: 0f WOOdside, L. 1.. will be tucked away in‘her crib when 1940 is ushered in, so she’s doing her celebrating early. ..__..._.—w l INDIAN SENTENCED l - David L:Chancc, Cherokee In- dian, was sentenced to 60 days. in the county jail by Superior Judge vD. F. Wright Saturday after he ‘llad entered a guilty plea to a icharge of petty larceny. for purse stealing. LaChznce was given 60 4 days additional in which to refund jtho $14 stolen. ESTATE SET ASIDE t0 the surviving SPOUSC, Carriev‘M. .Burnott', by Judge D. F. Wright .in a superior court order signedi Saturday. VVlLL IN PROBATE The estate of Ralph Truman Stewart WPS admitted to probate and Mrs. Louella Mae Stewart. appointed the home of their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr, lllld Mrs. Bill l Dickie. ing favorably. in many instances ahead, of 1937’s volume, best of ithe 1930 years. .exccutrix by Judge John M. Wil- son in a superior court order he signed last Thursday. The entire estate of the. late. A; 2 Mark E. Burnett was set aside ' . . , . , , . n . “fifty foinymzl gfziars. For thei GLORY :tentimlglvut‘ igectetiwwitialthe Roys eefiifixgl Frearic Mnghv Warner !eDe\ not‘ logging an on company affairs Baxter, Lionel Barrymore‘ Piano 0, in ‘a boom ping role. * ‘ fillers ,wlv.‘ Wt. Assamese l l The I. and Sl l "Ounce I lcoal ( l "lents. E .1 Mrs. , °°Urse . , . he w THIi CoUNTRY leads the world in telephone service Figum because it leads in telephone research. ' '03-'36 r . . ,- ’ , . ‘ n a , The constant mm 15 to give you, at all times, not .' ‘ 31lnded onlythe best and most telephone service at the lpw- Mesa; : est Possible cost, but service in the spirit ofa friend. ‘ rents- , i ' .' Call ' Tholhands (ll-Scientists, engineers and their ' ‘ require assistants are constantly at work in the Bell P'M-i ,I‘elslihonc Laboratories to make the scrv- id lat“, clearer and more economical. Tilt pACIFIc TELEPHONE ANS-TELEGRAPH ‘c'ouPANv c" Telephone-Shelton 497 AR 130 SO. Third St.