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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1940
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lltl. Sill”! TONJ‘ilx’lgON COUNTY JOURNAL t Page Three so. .. \ . . . . ss‘. _ ‘yg—Er—fomi_ .. __._.___._-*..._._-___ ._ I, l , . ‘1:._ l 9 . . ' ' . ' t - .RS 1 G0 Well With Simple Dress :llrs. Kent s Home 5N8“ 3‘3“ng Time F01 Shelter Shields ‘ 9 0... . . S H _ ,: Canal Womens Meets, H . P 1,, l . ts )0 b cene 0- l dy , . . i arstlne uni .s i In Seattle J all ‘omldencc . The Hool Canal Woman's Clubl + i n. 1:1 - r. l 3 », .’ ., thy. pe I. meeting Thursday. \Vlll. open ut‘: “ thhel I §~ i. i game EC” , 110:30 m the morning instead of. _~_ ,0 your MAXINE BRIGGS, Society tor . . 11 O'clock. as will following meet-' 3' Della Goetscli after phone 274J U . By glrs' g?“ Moans t d tings until further notice. becauscl naught), Island, Dec_ 31 No d dew V ' w- lin Ali—lifelr’icanec'Beau't Frosesecoiivinlm added featu.res to the pm‘ longer Will Hal‘Stlne'S hlgll SChOOl llogra ,' ‘ New Year’s Dance :Micg putnam Engaged {f m her 'own argen an’dg Gin, ‘g‘rams- Mrs- Mllflred Slumerv the istudents be obliged to stand in ,5 wel '15 Very s ‘ .m p well known artist, Will give a;the 0 en while at 9‘ th Mass“! T0 Al‘no'd Stellgel‘ retta the lovel home of Mrs . l p “ lmb ‘01 0 many 3‘ ‘ The Ski club New Year's Eve. 1;? ,’K t ., all .f t tth' talk 0n.five or so: of the fmestiferry after being discharged from ssed hi. >1 ~ anee for the members and them. When .guesm gather“ Thurs' i G” en wa" 6 Pet cc Eel-l artmts 1" SCUlptormg and Paint‘lthe school bus which serves the h pleas fiends held Sunday “Chin. at the day evenmg' December 28' at the! " fall-a double. event. 1.“ the O willy ing, next Thursday in the mOI‘ll- {Agate—Pickering district, for there local emorial Hall was a very'guccess- ‘ home Of Mr?" Helen Rowe to greet' Whul °.f social actwny’ when 8 ing- Ill the afternoon. MI‘S- Grace ,is now a comfortable waiting std—l citing th H affair. The tables were deco. l 3’ former fnen‘l’ M.r5.'.Mema ROW rentertamed 9‘ group,“ fnends at Bani member 05 the Ohm. Will‘tion for the use of these and CtllC—‘I'i receive .ahed with blue are I . d =HaSk1nS, who is ViSitlng here this ,a merry New Years Eve party. talk of Madame Curie and M,.£._ patrons of the ferry ‘ the mai ldnight there dme’s' an at,week from Bellingham, they found 'watching the Old Year Out and peterson of Grapevjew' of otherI The housffi which was used as a; re. howeh There wig: f: bf‘moog’; the party had double significance. lthe New, Y-ear In. Cards madelwomen in sciences. [freight Shed on the dock at Jan! phed Pl nome‘makm‘s for all. Mrsvolrl‘abaririlis‘ The prize at the concluSion Of a Who passmg 0f the Old, and the — lrell's Cove for several years, untilf ie in pa; Rodgers Was general h" d game was a heart and ring at” adyent of the .new ygal 3' most 'the wharf was condemned recent-1’ . . ~ ewag . - cc ‘urman .an ‘t h d with a rinted announce- enjoyable occaswn, while the same 0 l ' V, h. ,, lentionin assisted by Everett Remh- a0 6 P , wou were nest“ at an elabofiate .ly, has been put 0.. slxluS ant . ,arance I . firesident of the Ski club; , Elfin: 2f ghli origagémesnfieggnMiiigl 3 ram“: partg Mohday evening: at inhale? intoloogition nidthetmaln-r .hs ago. . mp on, Bob Pollick, Oliverl e m “a .' l , h. . 6 Re ____,_ V an erry an ing, an se in a v two Lutogra muitan made up the decoration Miss .ai eléeth evle‘aile,e fe :23: for this lovely holiday feast thé of the nebular Dead End Kids. 'I'lans \Viltll’lg‘ to 1use the feiiy._ oy Sing 1 ee and Mrs, Albripht and Perv reFelve e p l 0 r ' . {are united with their traditional: Paul omitu die the hauling Job, 61‘ l 'anht ' mg thls to the Other guests' At I'm“ Of 1940‘ ML Kent' Who! " i th “L'ttl T h G n" land a crew made up of Ed Wilson, a g l‘efr were m charge Ofleach- lace at the lunch table was. illes been COHflned in a Tacoma .“va 5'. e , 1 oug . 11‘” EJ J J i d H ~ G1 1‘ ut and tr eShments. ; p . l . h in Universals new dramatic com- - - 011"» Jll all Ill-30 350 P him ' x. .a heart Shaped Place card lelllng hosp‘tal fo' treatment Of xls feet' id no. 11 A M .m h- h in the day Thursday leveling upl mailer :- Clark And of the bethrothal. Miss Putnam ,was able to come and enjoy the Y: {73' d “a. esienlf’fi'». GIWIIC the foundation laying a “0052mm worse 5. *meeondn Graham Enteltain will be a spring bride. l dinner at home withtthem. Oltlherslgggésre e ne~ 3y 0 9 13mm building son's in the building’l vhen R: hleegycfrvening. Jack Clark and‘ The bride-elect is the daughter lzfiflwgrsonée Described . as entertainment .VthCh measures aPPl‘CIXlrflathYi here Egressiviharh entertained with of Mrs. Ellen Putnam. She. has 340C”; of ,r'acon'la; Mr. ‘and which blends laughter. actihh amlleightby twcl‘vo Material Lori wrot . 0 th party. From 7.30 i at ten ded Metropolitan Busmess ,TII S Miller f Pacific Beach_ suspense_ the Story deals wnh the lfloo, and seats we... gained by out i n a. v k egroup met at the home;ColIege in Seattle, and is now‘ V. B fold 01 _ _M, adventures of a band of Streetltmg down. the 3120 of the House'i use”; , l entclark for games and re- working in the license department; ll'I'l” fi'mG' ReuL‘e ,fhoxgrgg’na' P; kids who go to work as messengepiThe building needs to have the, sciatlf f “:0 adjiufnrg itlftetil'1 9:30 til}: at the Stated szpit? l(t31yli;ll.)i231:il Pea'ch. 'Mr‘ and M38 'w bovs ind make good in' spite of 1‘00: relfiaired,t and 123 .COUPle Ft): r 0 e ome 0 She is a gra ua. e 0 e on 1g ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ themselves, Featured in the su -,coa s 0 pain wou improve 1 '7' "like tahthle Graham for the ; school and in a past. Worthy Ad-l :F'ffttléflgpog‘npffi- MrTCéolég’fga‘fK porting cast are Roboiit Am}:— 1appearance. It is an improvement ' ghrefreShments mm more vigor of the Rainbow Girls in :‘Im' A 1(‘1’ angley' .3? Carl'Dick Strong, Marv Cmqislc; Anne Nagell which was greatly needed, and OYSe present. included Shelton and has many friends l0?sUn?oneI-80n’ ympl ’ Jot-y, Larrv Crabbe and will furnish Inuch protection and: issy M135?" $4133 June J01“ hel'e- H .' m b, m f th N w the veteran Swedish comic, El lCOHlfOE‘t t0 fOOt'Passigg’el'S. 651700- . IS oss Miss Iris . .- -olloring c 1r 0 e e . 'iallv in stormy wen .er. . v A nold Sten ex is the son of Mr. , , Biendel. , . , Mfiblefiloria and Miss . anders. u. stenger of Bell-_ “from: 1940.'Mr. and Mrs. AI Logical not i In a large share of Harstme ' .’ Bl“ Andersonv in 1mm and is now employed at 'l‘ll Cllterlamed members 9f 0 ,, .,,_[honld*‘. CthStlnlS was observed 118011, B,“ Stevenson Dale 8. r , Bnthdav Group at dehghuul Armstron- is the kmle in. 1 ,th family mummy), and Sppmu, land; Ben Sopei- Allan'John- the post Office Of that my' lNew Year’s Eve party Sunday age" Of a telegraph compq‘w WM Vlv'lnu-q n the All”‘ii§t Carlson and the hostess and host 1' Mrs' Hawkins and Mrs' Bowel evening . Offers the boys jObs so that onq'lim (2 ‘werca Mr alidhlvlrs Robert . . . . .‘ecuGralmm and Jack Clark re: Ewere joint hostesses. at the affair. ‘ [of their number. Halop. may os- flfloéi‘hmww ((‘u-thflrmo Céiylsm my mac, mystery. Shlrley‘ Posey, 2].- 'V uely' Guests 01 the affmr were Jean imith the smart woman pre- 3' Mrs. Carl Morris 937.“? ginng to reform “Chm”- Bf‘l' {we hm. ‘mmria 9 last summer) year'Old'LOUlSlana gll‘l. demon- ‘3‘r An “Mccaml’ Earlene Cleveland’ Mal" Whether her budget IS fienemtllf tor 1 be Coiled to suit her mood lliiionyDcc 31 Holiday deco- 1‘ 18 MISS Negel as the Dmitv mil _ A,“ “a”. it. .,. 1 Mr. 1,. Smites accepted movxe hitch- ' ' ss acan . - . - -~- ,, ' _,, i ,z. i: 'i...}'. .. . Am nggmiqge°‘mc°mp‘e lE11335?rsvfigiglanvalimnmg' Tell: iailgpdfeszvelliglltt isreof golden taupe wool with dark brown rations of spicy green, lent 3 lohve-i ghfgg Eggzeiggelgplde 21 :ij winger, “,l the ishmd and 05k irlleglgrggéier‘mtllgatoxogf h}: ' v “1 J. , . i ’ _ . _. , , w‘ . ' 'l I, n n, . v ' acgonilt’l-ej;_ Dr, and Mrs gar” E‘e 'Bettie Johnson, Dorothy Schmidt, leather buttons, pleated skirt and plain neckline. It plowdes a pal llyicharm t0 the §C<§18101m w fin:..Little Tough Giyhn who don ‘C.l “lithiuaac (:TrlSO‘ll, two oft1 the country. She wound up in Seat_ n 63- COmpte '. eorgel A~ Le'i - ' 1 nd accessories. The necklace at left -Mi. and Mrs. Fran aw ey, w 0. . sons in we fanny wno were onie ,. g I Ev , entertained New Year’s ,and the honored guest Adeline feet background for JeWeS a , , . k1 ce it are Spending the winter at the’brass buttoned lll’llfllV'mS and wash P Um “HIM” , Rude iq employ“ tle With 50 cents and took a V incla with a party. Those present lpumam' "onld give the dress .a more fe.suve an" A beam bib. nee a ' luttmcfive Shake Cabin Remrt (their faces alonl-zr with the Dead ‘,,W‘,‘HF “3MP "Wd M‘m Mbwt, taxi to jail to get a meal and Da {Med her mother Mrs H , ‘5 teame‘i Wlth matcmng bracelet and earrings' _ l imp host and hostess at a roastlEnders indude Han-V Cheaterv Wil' laté‘llit. 1f,.','m p553}; fieééfi who' place to sleep. Police are help- .ter Visivtli?l of Seattle who has been {Mftfnfifi‘ff And ' v—— lamb dinner with all ‘the “fixingsfl’lnam .BenediCtv DaVid Gorcey and .Spgfilth(~fll':,.mtl;m... at' the C Effigy- i'ng her find a job. Miss gegwre for several weeks;T ea L ls ors B h d Lake Isabella Club ‘ R at 1 o’clock on New Year's Di’iy.,Ha1‘l‘1S Berger. “mun home, were 313,, guests atl Mm Ge rgia Valentine, Mr. and; Mr. and Mrs. . rown a Holds Christmas Party Queen 0 OSQS Assembled around the festive} Contrasting With prevmus roles Lthe August (311.180,, place Christ- , c. H. large Drake, Mr, and Mrs, res Christmas. dmner guesml Mg“ The ladies of the Lake Isabella .board were a merry group. The the boys are Show“ Working and mos Ev“. lP'eIllllSllla Tl‘lbes . A- Windsemnbaum' Mr. and Mrs. land mrs' Tusun Btglownf all? (tang ' 0111b met With Helen Keysel‘ f0" ‘hcsteso had provided unique place fightingr on the side of the law. The Hitchcock families met at, RTY no... of .52 a on a A.fRap Enlarged Park Lec 8 S of Dr. and Mrs. ,geies- and Mr' an “1' as“ ' 18 resent and all enjoyed a love- iNew Year's Resolution, which af— thur Lubln from a screenplav by - (.hcock for the Christmas Evg 0mlite h le G P Hit A. McKen'_and Mr: and Mrs. W. inlson and 9°” C ar dy eorgg 1y dinner and exchange of gifts. {’01-de much merriment as each Arthur T. Horman. Ken Gold- partv' and gathered for a big farm 8 9.111» the New zée' Movmg Pictures Of from Seattle wednesJay an Birthday gifts were given “1056‘ tone responded by reading the smith was associate producer on fly dinner the next my, at the, .Indians of the western Olym- ,} y M r lgrk pair were shown ;Thursday Mr. and Mrs. .0. Mar; with birthdays in December and lresolution thereon. Guests at the film. and Elwood Bredell did John Hitchcock homo. Those h," pic Peninsula met last Thursday ochle ‘ sup 1: a e and at a late hour, 3;? €§6P%fiovfilngfiif;ewer§drpmfi?d Sarah Olund received wedding: [this lovely dinner party Were: Mr. the photography, the group were the Paul Hitchcock 3 at LaPush to organize opposmon N ,Mrs. Wilson returned to Seattle ‘Friday. Women's Chorus To Meet Tuesday Tuesday the Shelton Women’s gifts from each member of club. A letter was read from Mrs Short of Hoodsport by R. Nutt. Mrs. Edna Johnson read an ar- Mrs. B, C. Combs resigned from the club as ticle on fine arts. and Mrs. L. D. Hack from Shel- ton; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Stark and son Gene, of the Waterwheel Gro- cery, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Taylor, who reside on the canal, nearby. > A film produced at the reoucst of thousands of radio fans thru- out the country, “Meet Doctor Christian," starring Jean Her- sholt, comes to the Graham Thea- tre next Thursday.. -. . s . t to the federal government’s Ian,' from Ocosta. the Chopin. ‘p i - ‘ m‘tO extend the Olympic Natlonal Iat)“eraéhofiohihegfiéicoilkd [agilit- Park With Strip along the ocean lies of the island. Mr. and Mrs. land a corridol‘ ill) the Queets Riv- John Hitchcock and the children,lftbzaiggiélyvfléagl‘t1281111, Queets .Pauline and Lyle, drove to Taco-, 1” v P l e . accmding , , _ president and Mrs. Ad_a BaSSetti Not on] famous for his art “Meet Doctor Christian" 1,, the -ma Thursdav to visit at the home‘to news [from Aberdeen. V YOUR .Chqrus Whit-meat, at rtafiait 12:: Win 301: in her place‘. Mrs' .Luc" and teachi‘zig ability, Orie Nobles first of a new series of films based of Mrs. Hitchcock’s sister and,! .PegntSdld tile them.“ are deter‘ ‘sgmor or bear 31.5 m. (.31 to weyand was mile Vlce'pres‘dentl of the attractive and popular on the famous radio serial, “Dr. family, the Sewells, for a fewéréme 1d otggtiee: tllilrhnihts u.” ,tice. Rem, bout “53 last of the group. Violet Olund won, Olvmpus Manor, has added a new Christian of River‘s End." It is days while the children were haw-,thr 0 “.0 f' 19 8 said. attend as lg IS a1 9 interested the Penny Prize- l lachievement to his long list of ac- one of the first films to have ing vacation from school. Dr. and ,9] :xpa’}*ldp 0 f ehpark ,woum At Lowest cost To You Chime? for anyone es short time The next meeting 0f the 0111b compliphments, that of a talented transferred a radio character to Mrs, s. D. Briggs from Portland V10 at: th 121-3 0 {l e Qumeult. BRING THEM To Us to 301“ as m .15; vfryt sin in in was With Mrs- EaSte" BO‘Ce 0“ chef and mastery of the culinary the screen without altering its came to the island Thursday af- Qaeeé-d tOh 4 thll aYUte tubes ,the Chgnifi W11 €8ghurch§s gone the Olympia highway. wedneSdayvl arty which was given in a. per- interpretation. In an effort to ternoon to be company for the 3 en 6 e mée mg? GORDON °s,,,,,,:y,°°%~,,e gpmg’ con- and a I’Otluck “memo” was Served i‘ect demonstration of his ability insure true characterization of w. A. Hitchcock family while the, Buyerfimeets seller in the Jour ’S SHELTON RMACY cert will be announced soon, too. ' PHA l Attend Annual New at noon. Each member took hostess gift for Mrs. Keyser and Mrs, Boice. Mildred Schott has 3' l along these lines when he enter; {mined a few city bachelor friends lat a turkey dinner on the Yule- the starring portrayal. several sit- uations were adapted from Her- sholt’s radio scripts. Hence, the John Hitchcoeks were away. [mil Classifieds- The George Carlsons entertain-g ed at. Christmas dinner a group plus tax !Y ,5 Dance In 01 is, joined the club as a new member. lttde holiday, preparing and‘ cook-,theatregoer ‘will view the real of sixteen relatives on IvIrs, Carin __'/ eggverai 10cm peg?! ate ed Miss Jean Clark h Hostess ling the turkey himself. Not .to 1 “Doctor Christian" when he sees'son’s side of the family. Her bro-i F L 0 W E R S the annual New Year’s Dance 1d Friday Afternoon i '150 Gum‘me. by the many “amine l'lm’ , the" and ,ms mm M“ and Mrs'i Tha't are correct and distinctive at the Olympia Golf and Co ry Friday afternoon Miss Jean dinner Dartles bemg .held “Wm-1L, imhestw 9999?”.5“. 31-911.?‘1Fred J; “'alck‘ from Seattle were for all occasions club Saturday evening: *' d (nay-k entertained for a numberl ,he also conceived the idea of deco- the eyentsand o a small :over-night guests, and other. Holly Shipped to an points l Nations and dug deep into table Minnesota town. ers olt portrays members of the party were Mr. - " ' in " and 1 star . l‘ . ‘ -, intuplet5 TED W‘suucu of Mrs. LeCompte, and the, hosts. ham;BlV.£itss BMtyrttle Iglopl'aralr Sagd __ 231:2; esltécks “wgrr: df‘lg’tgegnmg'" Olllllémalldmg the cast are two Elf-It‘ltglgoeiggh 1:]? .thaznils lallggs Rein . , Miss e a 3 one rom . . .; . 5m" y , a “A only A Ry "no ‘Entemm New Year’s Miss Mary? Katherine Lincoln from Even the roses get a kick out of around the fesgviefifirdonwfi: figcgg’fifnstinghbofiftli?’1.53:3 thglimel “gash-Chairlifmizgsr)? gt} ‘ I "FEASSHEIOOK Day With Buffet Dinner ' CBS in Tacoma; Miss Pat DiCk- being around MargarEt Huntley’ even celery was Marcia Clark Young Miss Parsons, eight years Simmgrlirse vfere Mr and Mrs Got“; Mr‘ and Mrs‘ W' A' MCKenZIe lnSOIl 0f Whitman: MlSS Fl‘lillceS‘ 18-year-old brunet beauty, Who menu Of .course “ 'Exchan'e old 1 s the mischievous ou cr- ‘ ' :l entertained With a 6:00 bliffet din- t k. y -1‘ 1, f th 1940 of the Union Telephone 3 i Pay . , .V n5 don Simmons and the chidren, A ‘ M da The evening was Lylln~ Who '18 a mg a muses WI] rel°n as queen 0 e was called in to act as hOSteSS 91‘ member 0f 3 Promment fam- Dixie Lee and Jimmie, of Vesta ER” , “er on 3" training course at the Tacoma Pasadena Tournament of ROSGS- 'Among the ily,-while Miss Lovett portrays the' Mrs, Geo. A. LeCompte made up a party including Mr. and Mrs. George Drake, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. of her former high school class-I mates who were home for the Christmas vacation. The guests (decorations, and when dinner was served steaming hot—so hot he 'one of the most important roles of his lengthly career. It is his and Mrs. Frank Wright fro m Anacortes, Miss Dianne Goslow of FORREST GARDENS Call 305 or 112-W We Deliver . . . lay a number .of creation of the thoughtful and 1w- Seattie Mr and Mrs. Vincent Kreienbaum, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. included MISS Josephine Needham had. tlme '50 ,P . . ooled .t, r. h “canal” is -d ‘ - , f . C 6mm! “MR-"5mm. lMcKenzie, Mr, and Mrs. A. Wind- from the Western Washington . muSical selections Whlle 1t 0 "mm 3 Ian D 331 Stiecker and daughter, Joy, 0 ERIN NLY sor Johnson of Seattle, relatives momma ‘ ispent viewing pictures taken by School of Education at Belling- General hospital and the hostess A co—edat Pasadena Junior Col~ before eating and all. the time lat this formal affair. guests were: Waldo Chase, the .to make for a touching and warm- already famous July Price, Dr. Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. vvvvvvvvvvvv and Amos Babcock from Grant. The Lee Carlson family, includ-‘ .. . Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie on their Miss Clark from (‘ps At the 1 ch -9 fve feet six and . . l i h t . . “Willow recent tri to California, after 4' ' - eg?’ “ e 1‘ ,1 ’ wood block artist of the canal, Christians nurse, 8. c arac er (33- mg MISS Ema fyom Seattle and, Carllsmf . ’which twoptables of cards Were in 5335135193: fifgrgg’v’la’d dehcmus weéglls n?’ m? .bhile‘glgy egg: John Anderson and Corwm Chase gablished for tWO years in the ra- i can from Oh,um had metmas play. Mr. and Mrs S. A. Hatcher _,4___ ' an 15,maJ0rlné’ E“ :13 of Shelton, and thus the canal io‘ser es. Ch _ t. dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. 'winning high score. Those pres- Enjoy New Year's doesnt Sufier mom 3y ever' boasts of another genius added to Meet Doctor ris ian was and Mrs. Everett SImOIlS- . , , , ent included Mr. and Mrs. Jas. At Timberline Lodge J the many, d‘recmdlgy fiqfiardvxmhaus an’d At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samtued cleaning l Amunds, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Miss Cora Barber, Miss Alta B If ' . M 9 M, th . A festive air -prevalled Frame.“ yd. in}: ephens' Its Gerald ,Iieeflham Chr‘sm‘as dm‘ Give; you the be“. . . Conkey, Mr. and Mrs. Butcher and Johnson, Miss Helen Ottini and ‘ e an an S 0 01 at the hospitable bottle of Mr. an ,RKO R‘.‘ 1° 9 e “le- lle!’ gueSIS melu‘led Mrfita’fdAMr‘f'l .Phon to, o d . JTeéPibf, the hosts, Mr. and Mrs, McKenzie. 'Miss Margaret Kane enjoyed New Succumbs In‘ Seattleland Mrs, Harley Neldon Monday. lJohn ngley and dang inN Inna, e U! river Year’s weekend at Timberline , when a family dinner was served. from Portland, Ore. and Miss Maev Mr‘ and M“ 3"" fson‘ We ll do the rest. Mr- And M’s- Fred Dav“ Lodge. Miss Barber remained Death of Mrs. Ada F. Poul, pion- which included a large ~ turkey Dorothy Dunn from Olympia, wed- and son, Leonard Lee, Bert Evan- Are Honored Friday there Sunday and Monday and the eel. Bremerton resident, in Seat_ with an the trimmings Those en- nesday and Thursday, an en son and Joseph Vylasek, all resi- j0y~ KN” WE' ‘ M“ and Mrs- Fred DaVisv re' others returned to Portland Sun- tie last Frida brou no in- ' e feast were: Mr. and inga delightful visit together. dent-‘5 0f the ifilalld- ' , and if; SHORT 0,, WORDS cently marriedywere honoied .Fri' day. ‘to a Belfair Twine gvllilelg 01:: of Van Horn and family Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Morris and MrS- ,Gertrllde Howard spent 3 lleve g 9“ Service! We be- day evening “nth ‘1 Chgrwan at jher sons, Henry Poul, resides, of Hoodsport; Mr. and Mrs. Ed family spent the weekend and New the bomb” w’,th her fncnd' Mlssl '- ‘ ' ' “lentils mmg pmth thorou h the Peter Dams h°me 1" Grape’ A“““’““ To Me“ i Mrs. Poul was 76 years old and Wcolsey and daughter. and Mr. Year with their parents, Mr. anlehOda' Eaton. m Seattle STEHmlfl "NW 8 (LEHNERS { . need8 \“ to you’,‘ cleanig view. There was_a large attend- Next Wednesday . idied at the home of a daughter and Mrs FranCes Wright of Un- Mrs. Geo. Russell at Nachos, east! Jourfi'al Wamdms ,6! cash .Hn' ’ [tone Warner it! Depe not just; tnhin b % ,ance present of friends from Shel- The Activettes Will meet Wed-,Whom she was visiting in Seablion. ' . of the mountains. . from those who want ys‘ur “Dom arty-“dim. era Tlld oh Pantofi g a on item and Grapewew. Mr. and nesday evening, January 10 at the “.34 Funeral services were held Bright lights were shining fro Mrs. Earl Kent who has been] Wants" _ w v allots! um Clem“ iMl‘S_ Fred Davis returned Thurs- home of Mrs. Max Marr for a this afternoon in Bremerton. the many windows in homes on confined to her home. suffering ' .5 g {CH S. l day from a wedding trip spent in Canada. Neighbors Of Woodcraft To Meet On Thursday Thursday, the Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet with Mrs. Mary Silvers on Capitol Hill, at 8 p. in. There will be installation of officers. ‘ ‘ mane'hfirhwfuukfiion.“ I’»0.,h.,.uo,,~’.ouu ‘ MTS- Thelma Carlon‘ NAMED DISTRIBUTOR FOR Aulfme/wlf FOUNDATIONS "Tn"; of-I.Charis Adjustable Foundations lexibitToundations are happy to an- the_ appointment of Mrs. Thelma Carlon as bill-9r for‘these nationally famous gar- .0 -~....---.... Se .car'ml has recently completed an intensive he m°dern figure analysis and figure styling. ' ' p"OVIde an up-to-the-minute, personalized P1 iuhre l""W'Ovement and Home Corsetry Service. VoUndthuPeriOr features of Charis and Swavis minded "'5 are well known to most fashionably «sign women. The patented adjustable Charis M w and the unique lightweight contour control av's M76" advantages not found in other gar- i Mrs- Carl ments ma -. at 1324 Edgéi‘vood, Shelton, Washington lTel-ephone 476J "Distributor for Shelton" on, no matter what your special y be. You may reach her, after t"~‘eoon'IMM‘~Ioofl°.“vooo"~om“fl"W'WV "co-6' .cllAlus “coarn' - ALLEN ~:¢'"w"v' LL. TOWN '8 PA: ‘Tuoefn'eon'f KnoJM‘" \IM'.W"MIO' ders, 6 :30 supper. GARDENING- SERIES STARTED TODAY; WEEKLY FEATURE DU (Editor’s Note—~Beglnning to- day, the Journal will present a. weekly article on gardening pre- pared by Herbert Pruvey, head gardener of the University of Washington Arboretum, which should prove timely and of in- terest to all Mason County resi- dents who keep up home gar- dens. Any questions which readers my care to submit may be sent either to the Journal or directly to Mr. Pruvey by addressing them to the NEWS SERVICE, University of Washington, SE- ATTLE. There will he one ar- ticle each week during the com- ing year in this series. Mr, Pruvey knows his subject thoroughly, having started his gardening career as a boy ap- prentice in England. After sev- eral years in various public and private gardens there, he moved to Canada to become head hor- ticulturist with the Domiur'iou experiment station on Vancou- ver Island. About 18 years ago he moved to the United States. Now citizen of this country, he joined the Arboretum staff two years ago.) PREPARING ROSE BEDS AND BORDERS By Herbert Pruvey University of Washington Arboretum Gardener l l l l l l at the ishould be remembered, namely, that a cool and rich soil is neces- .sary for rampant growth, and full sunshine is needed to offset fun- gouo diseases, such as mildew. :ctc. Thus large amounts of cool I or pig, and large quantities of strong. stiff clay are needed for ‘best results. To obtain the best roses. beds lcr borders should be trenched. Dig a trench two and a half feet deep by three feet wide the length of the desired bed or border. into this trench, after lobsening the base with a digging fork, place ‘a four-inch or five-inch layer of relay and barnyard fertilizer. Then fill in a layer of soil of about the same depth and alternate with clay and fertilizer and soil until the trench is filled three. to four inches above ground level to pro- vide for sinking. Tho rose plants should be heal- rd in immediately. Very long, or broken roots may be pruned back time of planting, leaving; pruning"- of the taps until late March or early April. If wood is shrivcled, the plants should be completely covered with earth to assure strong growth. In pruning, cut out the weak inner wood and wvcaker crossed branches and short- en the l‘cniiining strong growth The preparation of rose beds or} the In preparing the beds and lJ01‘-: two ' important features to (lll(.‘-Ulll‘(l ii‘ quality is desired i borders is definitely a winter 0c- lone-half if medium quality and cupation, the best time, in state of Washington, being fmmtity is preferred to quality December through February. quantity, and two-thirds if quan- barnyard fertilizer, preferably .cow , the canal New Year’s_ Eve. Hap- py laughter and gay v0ices echomg on the still night air, as many merry watch parties Were being held, while a dance at the Masonic Hall in Union was a mum at— traction of the holiday entertain- ment at the passing of the Old Year and ushering in of the New. Completing one of the nicest and most profitable business in the history of the Christmas tree in» dustry, salesmen who have been. in the south selling trees for At- torney Chas. Wright, are return- lng to their homes. Harley Nel: don, among the first toreturngln time to enjoy the New Year with home folks, Lester Bonner of the Rest While Park returning with him. The young'ladies employed at Kuett’s Tavern, entertained a few friends at a Christmas party, after closing hours Monday evening, when a Christmas tree and ex- change of gifts * were highlights of a very delightful evening. Those present were: Miss Cecelia. Harris and Miss Edna Jensen, former cm- ployes of the Tavern at Union, but now of the Charleston Club at Bremerton; Jim Lake and Otis Teig of Union. l ‘- Mr. and Mrs. E. L- Whitsou have returned from a holiday vo— cation visit with friends-at cor.- nation. _ ._ Enjoying a holiday VlSlt With relatives and friends on, the can- al near Union. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt and family left Tuesday, ‘re- turning back to their home at iFort Dodge. Gene Stark returned to his studies at Pullman Monday, after spending the holiday vacation With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Stark of the Water Wheel Grocery Miss Mildred Stumer and Miss Plants should be not two feethuth Dunbar, who reSlde in all apart. in bed: or l’J'il‘ilI‘l‘S and rows apartment at the Andersen homeuand Friday in Bremerton', visitii should be two feet. apart in beds. entertained 'Mlss Florence 'Woll’lhel‘ daughter. M193 Maui-WW. from an injured shoulder, is much improved, which is glad news to her many friends. Residents of Union and com— munity were greeted by the first snow of the season Friday morn- ing which fell during the night, while the snow-capped mountains in- the distance reminds one that Old Man Winter is lurking around the picturesque Hood Canal, Concluding-a delightful visit with his family over the Christ- mas holiday, K. C. Lange left Tuesday for Toston, Montana, where hels engaged in construc- tion work.~ w Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitson have returned to their Mt. 'View re- sbrt' home near Union, after a. pleasant visit over the holidays at their old homeat Carnation. Mr. -Whltson, whowas recently injur- ed. while loading logs, is improved and ablezto' resume his work again. [Mrs I,‘ N:-.-Woods of Fernwood. spent week with rel- atlves and friends ianhelton. Captain Sarah is improving his property by building an addition tothe cottage near where he re- sides. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day re- turned Tuesday from a pleasant visit over the Christina week with his ‘son at Montesano;. ' ' Mr. and-,Mrs. Walter Roundtree and family ‘from Belfair, were guests Saturday, with the Groop . Brothers and John Jard at Fern- wood. , Miss Gertrude Streeter returnr ed to Seattle Friday, concluding 'a pleasant visit over the hoildavs with‘ her sister, Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Wright. Mrs. Lud Andersen. Miss Ruth! Dunbar and Miss Mildred Stumer visited with Mrs. Ed Bierbrauer Friday afternoon. Mrs. Al Martin spent Thursday 18’ g l l DO NOT TREAT MEASLES T00 CASUALLY co.) Measles u-not’ so dangerous in itself, but is often accompanied by complications that are very serious. It is one of the mast highly contagious of diseases, and most serious for children from 6 months to 6 years of age. and adults. Direct contact is not necessary. It can be contracted by going into the same room with a patient. Keep visitors away, especially those with colds. A child sullering from measles‘is suséeptlble to colds and pneumonia. because of the violent inflammatory reaction present in the lungs. . If your child complains of light hurting his eyes, show redness and puffiness under lids. keep hi school and call your doctor. Pl‘o‘cct others from contagion. by not allowing visitors and advises otherwise. l'_:.:p child in until the doctor i RICHRRD LORENBERG, Prop. THIS Is No. _o! smrs "TELLING THE PUBLIC ABOUT 11:: Dacron- .~' illiyi; l‘rlwrnpiuvih l~ llll \‘imi llllt‘l rlnil [Xirril Um liiminw and the eyes m home from