January 2, 1940 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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*— ‘ "' 1 ucbuay, uaiiuaiy u, LIFT
. .7 4 . . 'L .CK K'
Scarlett and Her Real-Life Rhett M B“ M '
.Nlll‘iJJl \Jl‘l'lVIIlQUlV \Ikll1i‘t I .L
__.____... ._——-_. -.,._._,ML . ,4 Wu,
Mrs. Utillus Whittle and 1;
sons, Vernen and Melvin. spe
Christmas with her daughter, i
Carl Goldsby of Black Lake, n
SHELTON-MASON coimir lama
Consolidated With The Shelton Independent
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton. Washington
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By mail in Mason 7
County (outside of Shelton C‘in mail carrier
districts) $2 per year; mon'hs, $1.25; 3
months, 75c. Foreign $3 per year. Postal
regulations forbid residents of Shelton served
'1] city mail carrier from receiving their
.‘ournal by mail. By Journal carrier In Shel-
Mr. z‘nd Mrs. J. E. Sheedy »-
Camp 3 became parents of
baby son born at Shelton hospi
is set and waiting for many great and good things
Eyesterday for treatment.
to come on the scene.
The last half of the old year showed signs of
improvement in general conditions, and was, in fact,
good to many people who were working or at least
not in the lists for whom the times had no place; and
Son; 25:: per month (collected by carrier) or
“.60 per year in advance. ' ‘. .
Published every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon ;' * Clam MCKem‘erv
Rayome" 0’“
-._._,_______.____ r; ploye, was admitted to Sheltol Cl
GRANT C_ ANGLE. J. EBER ANGLE ' , hospital Friday for treatment.
Editor Manager l \‘\ fr” ertion a5
Hember of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association JOHN SELLS
'N BED at ifigp
'--—-———————- -— 71? l John Sells, Jr., was admitted
,, ge 306
iShelton hospital Sunday for trep
“LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY” ' gment. ggfisfilec‘
.n» . ‘ rr~—~——~-—~*———- ' ' o
——_ . - ‘ iCAMP FIVE MAN ILL one 3;}:
Let us hope that the slogan “Life Begins at , ,_
.adlgneiitgbtzmschglfmgarfoi; {£10 pan
Forty” may bear fruit in this New Year of 1940 after i i Year’s Day for
treatmoilt. mints}
.' ‘ —*———~ bil'
ten_ long years duiing which the countiy and most NEW YEAR PATIENT “lira
of its people have been in the dumps, for the stage i Herbie Loop. Jr. son
of c‘eooar'y
iand Mrs. Herb Loop of Seat '
Ii =was admitted to Shelton hosp massifled
\ .
, Eli Penovich of Shelton. W m.
iadmitted to Shelton hospital 6'
I treatment today.
Scarlett O‘Hara of the films, may find her real life
Vivien Leigh.
Rhett Butlcr in Laurence Olivier. star of Wuthering Heights, with 3
whom she has been reported romancing for nearly a year. Mother ,
. l .
there are Signs of change for the better and return 1 of a small daughter,
Mg, Leigh ,5 said to be seeking a divorce , Girl/£3» bEsftIniZi;1
dogspgiet wtas _, Us]
to sounder thinking and fairer dealing. l __ g wich Leigh. Holman, London
barrister. fously myat her 30mg? c ' 0
No one could have dreamed when the 1930 l A ate PT A Meetin 3 m g £325?
decade opened that this great country was doomed Texas Snakes g At
fia'rt'mans Flf’irda L. w. Packard, Rayonicr mung.
to go through ten long years of depressmn, the long- Get Sore Throats y
Ploy“ was treated at Shelton ' T PI“YMO
. . . . . . l -I , The A PTO S . 1 Cl b pital today for a hand inJury,
est period in its history, With its great powers of Wm “fag: tfie'
h'omgmgf MES ————————— pugs
natural resource ‘and initiative frozen and most of ,Aivin Hartman Friday
afternoon, ‘ Antwerp HasaCcnscicnce UPE
its people marking time lJanuary 5th. Everyone interested Although
Conscience squar~ F0RD 2
C . 7 . .‘is welcome. l near the cathedral in Antwerp, dan CQmp
_ ongress W1 open its new sess10n tomOiiow, l . 1 - gium. it has nothing to
do ,-
With its members fresh from home contacts, and l i ACCEPTS NEW FOSITION ;
ihcfinnonnionitor but is na ’91 Cars l
more mindful of some sadlv needed reforms in laws 5 l Miss Grace E_ngclsen.
,formcr' £5}?1,I°3‘d§”‘,c°‘?“{cn?°; “ems.” G‘
- - " v ‘ ihome demonstration agent in Ma-i ,“ Cl ‘C0 t- “m
“m” 0‘
and administiation, of correction of abuses Which 1 son County. has
accepted the L‘m“fF“‘”d“S'" Bu' S(
have grown up in the name of reform, and, let us :3ng $11210“ in 101;“
Gaunt-glee, »- i .132". Si
. . . . . , r, .
hope, less playing of politics With human misery. --_._ m V W _ __ g
,_,,r___,,_., w __ “(glare Eiigzlhiiz Mzgosiis eCouriiier ',
This is an election year in which politics Will have CO t A t I l clerkv
Said today: Miss Grace has S ‘ SALE-
h _ , . ” , 1 y n l . . . been demonstration agent in Kingj ‘v- Wu
muc pait in eveiy motion, andbetween the wais . Of 5 15- ear. lrlgl e -
Countysmce leaving here. w. 013;:
abroad and the urge to make this year as prosperousI lSCHSSIOIl l . . }
x—ch- Y ckomim‘
as possible it is likely that Congress Will assert more Gra 6 Production D1
n T stln Block I L DECLARED DRUNKARD , . ' v...
of its own rights and give broader consideration to~ . p l es 0 e e g ‘
‘naii/iiiival vdfdiiiir‘dassdifilgie1d figl * F0
the rights of all the people. DiscusSion of_ methods to in- I_ p , V p,
, ,V l Judge D, F, Wright in a superior}; “g
, V . crease productiVity of Mason coun- ‘ ‘. court action instituted
1) Police “
Altogether there is renewed hope that Life Be- ty grape lands. was the main
fea- ‘ i ‘ y l . REN .
l , , I iCh ef Ray StarWieh. , . T.
glns at Forty n turc of a meeting of growers With , .__ artment‘
' ‘glouiéty Agent Clint Okerstrom in l ~SP°USE GETS ESTATE 1 North
e ra eview ch 1.
N p S 00 _ , l i MI‘S- Martha Terrell, Surviving”:
TRUTH VS- PROPAGANDA tn? 1:312:03? liiidflg ilyiigisilfrieif lSP°“S°
“f the late Frank Terrell" FRUITS RENT“
. . ‘ . .' ‘waSgiVen th tire estate of h -‘ us '2
. . . land aISO Oiittlined the ang- ldeceaset huscbaeiild in a superizlr:
Not long ago our Citizens were worried about available
tgogigii‘éagfdlworiafygegii‘ l court Older signed by Judge D. F..
European propaganda in South America. They‘liowing grov‘meont
regulations! iwllght§fl93_ _ ! BEST pmces RENT
. - . ' . y T ‘_ uring the coming year. ‘ ._ '. i .
feaied their Sistei republics would be v. on to ban Okerstmm also pointed
out the ; VISIT 1N TACOMA , HOODSPORT 31‘ Ignite 1
18m, FaSClSIm 01“ Communism. supczior rfesfults obtained from a l gift.
(and gvirs, M, workman] Whine.
' I, . prac ice 0 ertilization rare] us- '. ‘SP ris mas in acoma
with. . . i '
ThatanXiety has lessened as we haveobseived ed by local growers. This
mgthod 4,1,5, mam, Mm Heath , . . g “N.
the growmg deSii'e here to understand Latin-Ameri- , consists of the.
seeding of cover' It couldn‘t have been they were i c '. s-
cans better, and a similar warmth of interest onifggpgpfgg “0””; them
Under “1. l singing too much, for snakes ' i
' . . ‘ T ,v 7 l have no vocal Chords. But an . v
then pait towaid us. l\ow we are told that. they, 1 ‘ epidemic of sore
throats has i ..D
struck the reptiles in the Fort , .eiao Tc
11 st
Clarincl’s Probable Origin :
The clarinet is an old instrument.
are tired of the biased and misleading broadcasts
Worth, Texas, 200, and Harry
Jackson has his hands full swab-
The Los Angeles is torn down, a martyr to airship science.
which Europe directs at them. German and Rus-
sian deeds speak louder than their words.
Our own newspapers and our radio broadcasts
have helped to show up the falsity of the foreign
propaganda. Because of our freedom of speech and
press, and the accuracy and moderation of our ex-
pert news—gathering organizations, we have been able
to give them more truth than they have had from
any other source. '
This fact, together with the genuinely friendly
note appearing in other mutual contacts, has been
the most wholesome sort of counter-propaganda,
spreading ideas of democracy, freedom, justice and
international good will—Tacoma News-Tribune.
Americans dislike dictatorships. They are oppos-
ed to Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini. They would like
to see Italy, Germany and Russia become democra-
cies. Yet, despite the American people’s opposition
to totalitarianism, they send neither agents nor mon-
ey to promote revolution in these dictator-riddenl
believe the people of any coun-
try are entitled to live under any form of govern-
ment they wish. Not so, however, With the dictator
states. They send money and men to promote un-
rest and revolution in America. They may-not know
Countries. Americans
It was invented by I. C. Denner, a
German. in 1690. and has been a
pcrmzincnt member of the orches-
tra since then. It may possibly
cient Shawn. because the English
Shawn and German schalmey are l
closely related.
"We never hire
people with '
People who get
and hold jobs know
about mouth hygiene
In business life, just as in the social
world, halitosis (bad breath)——frc-
quently due to food fermentation ir.
the mouth—is considered the worst ol
faults. Employers, with so many tc'
choose from these days, can’t be ex-
pected to retain or hire people who are
Why risk your job, or your chances
of getting a job? There is a quick,
easy, pleasant way of protecting
yourself. Just gargle regularly with
was early on an October
morning in 1924 that the
have some connection with the an- huge zeppdm Zia-3 hfted her
660-foot hulk up into clearing
skies at Friedrichshafen, Ger—
many, floated out over the blue
waters of Lake Constance, the
shell-scarred fields of eastern
France and the choppy waves
of the Atlantic.
Just 81 hours and 5060 miles
later the graceful, silvery giant-
ess of the air dropped down on
the naval air station at Lake-
hurst, N. J., that was to be her
home for the next 15 years.
Bearded Dr. Hugo Eckener, her
pilot'on that initial, epic hop.
stepped from the gondola and
turned over to the U. S. govern-
ment the first, but not the last.
dirigible he was to fly across the
As reparation for the willful
destruction of two undelivered
airships allotted to the U. S. as
World War reparations, Ger—
l many had been ordered to con-
struct a modern rigid airship
capable of crossing the Atlantic
1 and restricted to non-military
l employment.
Born of war, the ZR-3 was
dedicated to peace. Doves were
released from her interior as
‘Mrs. Calvin Coolidge christean
the airship Los Angeles with a
bottle of River Jordan water and
braving bitter cold and the dan-
gers of launching from an icy
field to take a group of scientists
up for a ringside seat at a polar
eclipse. There followed flights
to Bermuda, to Puerto Rico, to
Panama, and into the middle
Twice she flew on mercy er-
rands, in search for the Nunges—
ser—Coli expedition off Nan-
tucket Shoals, and for Mrs.
Frances Grayson, lost in the air-
plane Dawn. Once the Los An-
geles spied on rum runners dur-
ing prohibition, but pictures
taken turned out poorly.
* Il< *
THE dirigible moored to a ship
at sea, landed on the deck of
the airplane carrier Saratoga,
helped evolve the mobile stub
mooring mast to reduce ground
crew from 200 to 60, and picked
up scouting planes that hooked
on her undercarriage in the air.
Disaster often brushed by the
Los Angeles, but never made se-
rious contact. Wrenched from
her mast in a landing, the dir-
igible dragged four of the
'ground crew into the air, all of
whom were rescued. Caught by
a wind reversal, she was the
only airship that ever stood ver-
tically on her nose and survived.
In 1937. after five years of re-
tii‘cmcnt, the Los Angeles heard
imight find it at the city police‘
bing throats. H0 is hoping the
epidemic doesn't spread to the ‘ l
giraffe department. i i
‘55. and ‘
ioattle Freight should be routed via Str. Capitol, Ferry Dock. '
lacoma Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. . f‘
No. 2 '
Time Schedule as follows:
Leaves Tacoma daily. except Sunday, at 5 pm. for
Olympia and Shelton
Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday
Police Holding Girl’s 1,,
Bike Found On Streetsl
Some little girl who has won-l
dered what becrmo of her bicyclei
Police Chief Ray Starwich has
been holding a girl’s bicycle for
the past month or longer whichl
was found behind the city library. 3
The owner may recover it by ideii- ‘
tifying, he said. ‘
The Student Needs
a Typewriter
: . w . . v I - . .
At bu} a?“ money 18 beingcihasted and thin agenizls
l3;:331:h‘ilfggiggliefigcihis fer bade it “Go forth under the open her
frfe. She was to become a l ‘
i 5 one wa , . , , sk and may the winds of heaven l‘tal‘l‘t‘ to
aviatim and submit l i . ~
mere 3’ ,1 attenng the“ 93 S agdlnSt 3, . mentation, said by some
authorities (18:1 gently with thee.” in.» diuminum alloy skeleton to l .
'l cachers like ’60 bceive typewritten papers because they are '
They “7111 get nOWhETe except perhaps. Into PPISOU- to be a major cause
of mouth odors, * ihc mauling machines of science, ‘ * . . - ATT
Democracy may not be Perfect and has its faults but tAhlen
chrComcstheiodorsthemSEIVCS.l SKIES the L05 Angeles Fail??? much as a human
genius might heater, easier to leat and eagler to correct, Also the need
for WW
~' . c ' ' - most instantl our breath be- through were as Often
o! - will his brain to surgeons seek- _ . V ,
Americans have the common shenoe g) knowét is bet com sweeteranlé glow
agreeable. Ifl scured as open, 8,“, the won in; the secret of mental
power. more care in typing means that the student Will naturally turn
tei, in eVery way, than anyt ing uSSia, eimany you value yourjob get igthe
habi, of heaven many times dealt in Howard Hughes offered to Sport b tt ,
of k '
I. o .n _o _ - i , . ".1: 1-‘g,-, . c u n' i ,r'x.
. m Itali has produced under totahtacamsm—me ofusmaAntisepticmomingl
£221 Stay on. out 0 91 l 01 - . .- -
! erton Seal‘chllght. and night, and before all importantl sacrifice to
government (‘T‘tl"fl- ' low the Los Angeles dies as she
: .__.\_, engagements. Lambert Pharmacal my, she had acquired the
l'.""n".l lived. giving herself up to eX' . I a
I BRIDGES “WHITEWASHED” company’ 8" Low/M“ Liliei‘ufiieful
m" “f m "Segfége‘vgfi; 3:533:533333 Most college coirsesv
nowadays require that work be typc- Atteln
. . .9 i r
v In’ January, 1925, the (liz'ilr'h 1. w: dowager dirigible is
worthy . .1 ’ our b. - ' r ' , i ._ . E
D Land-es who was selected to conduct the l made her first newsworter
tiny ‘ 1 i” a long line of descendants. “llbteni so If y 01 gnl ls
pldnnlng to go on to couege thcy ‘ Ann"
h i -' earl H -- Brid es ~th 1' wh h made 1 HA l V ”" ‘W
mu need a macmm PM
edllng on any gA’ a lenp 0 as _ or 5 For the most inexpensive, yet Art
more trouble than any merican, rules that_he is (an BREATH) imost effective
kindness-getter vl L B b F 1939 A
i not a communist, after taking the word of himself 'Try a Journal
Want-Ad; phone 100} ast a _y 01 .
as well as a lot of others in sworn testimony. ” -' l While 110
parents have Steppedl . iv ' I ‘ S
i‘ . ,. i . . . , i x evw r -i r .- w - ~ ,
i The Whole proceedmg was a Joke and no one ex_ ’£:,1§agiri,hyeite if;
.1133, i2: 225; rcanVc have s 1 good ieconditioned QpLWlltle for sale 01
,2, ;
: so ed- that an thin would come of it but a ‘5white- ers. Arthur
Cloutier of Shelton: “ ‘Presiden
r. p _ , y ., . ‘hr tbl‘hdf’ l‘ t 8°
3 washing? and recommendatlon for 01131281131111); lziabl: gr 191;?)n
tileziiniiifani v . “833m
and Madame Perkins was saved the need for dec1s10n 5 daughter having
arrived at Shcl- Charge per month of“ egg}
on the deportation of Brldges from thls country. : ton hospital 12ft
Saturdaj’evening. wayfnlc Co
Congress, however, Will not soon hear the last iHUGH THORHEY EARLY (TW°
“1°th renta' credited 0" Purchase 0‘ machinc) torn. * =
of this and some other questions that Will not down RESIDENT, VISITING -_
I .‘ I . I ~Ian .m
and issues that must be faced regarding subverSive ‘. Hugh Thom,” of
Vancouver, 8 With
movements and followers in this country, and set- -. . ‘B. C. was a
holiday visitor to tore; :
_- . . ' L ,° - ; Shelton, coming to see Dave Bar- 1 ' r
t1ߤ $3311? in 01 dei to protect itself from-within I , mg Mr?
yilhlsfegen figs? 112a,; , Refilgégi t
n v re , ant r i arre 0 or a ‘
a L , Angeles, the latter driving here‘. ' 0113;! Ch
.IT THIS 2-POUND FAMIlY-SIZE 10!" l to take their “Hole f0" 3
short' \e 3i“
SLrangc Cmicicry Appropriately Named Stay on his Wily home. M1’~ Thm‘n-
g0Ve ‘ M
One of the strum-test graveyards 53319? iSIilnd- l” the 50”“ Pacmc .
' Icy recalls that he was a resident s re rnor
on , 0 North American continent is occull. I'UCPiVCd “5 "lime
from the I . , “f Shelton back In 1892’ althOUgh ‘ his bdef p
at Litiuiiluahi. Mexico. Several thou- fact that it was
TCTJISCOVt—‘I'Ed 0n “#1- .thoth-léeflé: 23?? 23:}! vyfigfe
if)th y SC
.., u, , .5, . . guy . .,_1~2‘b gg a in ii in h ' eisl
1:21.“.fir?forts : ‘Sliil‘t‘lilfi...f. :2; Jodi “We”
Sealer-«moved wrapper u w. s
.i .,.i . ii -P ‘l (- :_ j” ‘_
--—~——-4————~-——--——< ,, L 811
watts. ‘le prehistoric gigantic statues. H____ , ‘ Phone 100 for a
Journal wmm_Ad l K4011: