January 2, 1940 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 2, 1940 |
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k -ha .1, - .1-____
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spi __r___ ______—___‘
rvvvvvmvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv I mvvvvvmvmv vavvvvv ‘
\L I C C
, cm. ES For Sale I For Sale _ ' ClaSSlfied Seerce Real Estate
Eteltor ‘ Classified Advertiseme‘nts MAM‘W ’m’. “m”
’ a5??? its 22:81,“?th Folights‘bpllgit livgghfilargiiy-vbzit
FOR SALE: 8-room house suitable
. I, me . ' iI , t b de .Lo
’t d m‘ insertion. Mini mum I tones and fuel supply tank. $75 gar
xaplazrgmgglfsgrpagag (Ema?
ten «2 ge 33c, i Ii cash. Write or call and see. H. rd b,, ffie
Owne" will sell as
I Classified advertisements ac. : I G' Nelson- R-F-D- NO- 1- Probably
you know several is, price reduced. 404 Franklin!
lager! mgr the telephone tron; : 1'2'9‘3t' myths;
iodi‘eisifyoe aegisfrtlgnliigi Street. A—-1-2~tf.
6 members. Cash shou I “f . cm *m 139 1 n- 1 ' i —
'0 I “puny an other orders or I Washlng Maclnne Repalrs a new
delicious tasting antacid
1 :I. eat made before the first powder, acts four ways to give F
‘ the month to save expense and Parts You relief in a i minutes-
“'5 Shelton Real Estate
T An extra charge of ' Locks and Keys cut and fitted.
gonderlfiuitlthef "g‘y itRhelpfs 3'9;
' u ,, .be mad when billin iS- ~ Gun Re airs and Parts “Y a 0 e 0
lsma' ex 0“ O c .
3' essary. came of thanks gm, 1 ‘ p at the Rexall Drug Store
"Gor- FOR SALE- Lots 011 Anglesnde.l
ma I r r The Handy Man Shop dents Shelton pharmacy cleared and unclearcd,
at low
03 mulled Display Rates on . Shelton Wash_ prices and easy terms. IAll con-
Request. Blg Loads veniences within reach. See H.
I _ M.“ WOOd and $ . G. Angle, Angle Bldg.,
1 ~ .
l” v"~"Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbv 'per load 5. I S“ t
;a . x les :1 a i 11 Learn the causes FREE. No obli- I
“I: POtte y gations on your part. Write Large piece of property in
L . . . name and address to The Nitana 0f the city. suitable for inex-
A“-AM-.-IAM I PHONE 380 I , Shelton Electric CO COII 312 Haight BingI
SeattleI pensive rent houses or a home.
:1: |——— ‘_ Wash, $375 cash or $425 terms.
, . - ‘ ll '
- OLDSMOBILE 6 4-door tour- USEd Rafmgera'tor" ‘ l PRES TO LOGq
' S. 1 .
I I ch _ - _ L no ton real estate prices have
5’ angina Very clean sszslfidllileéignlgiaéii‘ggm . - gOOd me 4‘
Il Th 1 I b Mason County Maps been very low but are increas-
. 1e ______ _. ' ’ - I c c can, . ' ,I v .
I = my?“ """"" I See it at the i wood fuel.
ifiiaiuifilnii$§$53 LARGE County Township
m l . OUTH 4‘d00r $410' L b 1 ’ Mere cooks“) f ’ maps $1.00.
Also maps of -‘ ‘ ‘ 9
iy, =v ______________________________ ,. um e1 men SW - , ve or urnace-
o,y,,,p,c Pmmsm puge, Sound, mg your own home-
. ' PLYMOU H l Phone 0 o i , . C . o , , . FOR SALE
,0, I Egg _______ ________________ LARgE‘ SIZE i P 10k em up PPICG
(“may and “m 50“ 1" $1'00‘i7-1iggfismlggggg
iégtfigtaetlh ginger.
.~. ' - , , I . , . ', lc ' n
1“ dun D 2 dIOOr . Duplicating 201°g5 -------------------- -~ 98¢ The
JOUInail house, double garage, laundry,
pp, Completely rebuilt 50 logs .... .. .. 2.25 * rabbitr and woodshed
2‘) r t
lo As“ (2 d d l SALES BOOKS 100 logs ................................ ..
4.25 FOIIRthLE: papers in bundles {or 11% mugs from city cefit-e';
mi N rs reconditione an i . is int; fires. Inquire Journal $3.50 on terms
that on can
:is 3' Guaranteed. I or Efggzen Office- 8-15-tf- handle. Arrange to
see tbhis now.
i ‘ . one 106 A--. .12 .... c, ' ‘ ~
gaLISON MOTORS i III ; -___ FOR SALE. 8,0,, ,, We“, Herbert G. Angle
,..“ick Sales and Service I We also take orders for all "h iFOR_
SALE. Reconditioned type- Addition. No, 1 Partly im- “‘
. . . I,“ I Bob Ervmlof special__ 8 writers, standard size models.
proved. full acre. easy of access,
I ., PRINTED SALES BOOK I Inquire at Iournal office. 6-13-tf. $350. See H.
G. Angle. tf- U D
Our prices are as low or IOWt ‘ a I,
If you want to
article you no Ion
for—try a Journa
’39 Chevrolet sedan.
Wilbur Peterson at Mt. you.
Calumet shop or. Upper
get rid or some '
I , on t Pa
gel have any use’ Taxes Advertise It? y
lWant-Ad. phone with a' journal Want-Ad. Phone
than outside salesmen can 91ml
mish, 12—26-28-1-2-3t. 100- 100. 7 a
W... . .. -___.—~i___~._- SUPREME JUDGE)
. ' —————___.“_~ I . . .
For Rent M Ma or Indus r I
I _‘ . l‘ l t y .n iUnanimous Decision Says Private
2mm. rumored a Manganese Mlnln Perches mwfumidervnhm-
. Rum l ited Issue Of Revenue Bonds
. ent. Newly redecorated. (168) um,- au f I. . I n
Nonh th St t . D C on (0 lllS Notice, lo-Wlt: l D.
I . our ree. 1g 0 1": c n “,2 December Hill, 1339. or said Claims
811 3. Her Olymplai Dec- 28- PUbhc
s D—.1-2—4—2t. Wm “’1” b" foregfiifiblaffi‘ed-
‘utility district supporters regard-
. ~ i i 0 A. , , . . ,. i. .
RENV~;—-————-—V———I—Iv—d-Ia‘n order of the Board of
00:51”. 15329 ISummit I)rl{8¥%?i%l¥0n,l Fred Nolendorff’ ImaHCia-l
edi'led as. 8' step,forwa.rd' the State
31 . :1‘: a—room unfulnlsllehggggénfisianaclfimgfon Igagonmgfia
an}; Wusihmig‘tiint Administrator of,t0r 0f the Seattle P.-I. wrote
thelsupreme courts “11mg yesterday
-.. ,', l.. S , u . sax gs a ._ . . i I . . _
,l lit weeks . fr70m mg tents-pod on the listn day 01' liecembl'i
(:I‘ix’Xs. n. LEWIS. fou9wmg comment on I'ymplcl that an demon 15
Mt a we“?
hone 18 01 1 5. [1933,Imidermg u“. undersigned Suitc l, Lumbermen’s
Build-jPenlnSula manganese ore deposits 0191mm to Pumhase by a pubhc
l' i I 1-2-4—2t. : sell. in the manner provided by “10‘ ing,
Shelton, Mason County. lin his daily Comment column De-“Utll.ity diStriCt
Of a Privately own‘
RENT _ fi_di 233;}! L(i)ili]lviiSatI \Vil‘sgtlzlsgton. Attorney for
saidcember 28- - led utility “where the purchase is
i t i ‘i t‘. ' . r. . . .
IOr suit .IunéurntishcA, tg‘rolflrtihiEmmy “It 13th day‘ of [Jamaing
1249325, '35,, 1-2-9I va You have heard a great dealito be financed by
utility revenue
,pinee 1340 agggth p ighonelgggoifggeniggn 113315;, tggyngg’c h‘. N
,about the potentialities of the bonds” .
IV . . .1_2‘4_-2t. from Idem or a": Court .vHO-qse E No. 1017
|Olympic Peninsula manganese de- 'The right of public utility com-
~ i -- : Sl-ifihféimti Sal? triangulation... 0.. m... poets m the past
year and win .miseoners to bonds
1 .. i», s e. I . n '- . - , n
I Yvyvvvvvwvvvwvvwl than the minimum price stated. in. mgfifglr‘ou POE
heir much more as forces, public'WiLhout an election has been _the
"'-‘ d ,,.low. plus advertising and crulSm In the Superior Court
or the Stute‘an, pfllaFE, now at work, press bash for argument nearly
an e COStsI 10 1h? mgmm and best model1 of Wastington for Mason
countyIlthelr inquiry into the huge near— theiedistricts were created.
r-w . all 0i the right- title. and interest In Probate. iby deposits
The" dis ute was aired at the last
. “MMQMA‘h‘ «said Mason County, in and to t fiIN THE MATTER OF THE
ESTATE] M ' ' -. - p . i
a I I I followmg- dosenbed real prerrityIOF JOHN A_ SWGFMELDI Damaged.
anganese Ll classed as an es- sessmn of the Legislature and was
i~°-n IBUY._ (frag; pétti‘sficd in said County and sta nymgorllglgv
is IBEREBY (éwENI Senna! war material, hence locallthe principal issue at
recent pow?
. scrmg suve . I I. i'. ioi‘cnzi‘lli A minis-. eposits have
captured tho inter- or district elections several can-
. i vi, AV :1 . .7 u sxvi , tratrix With the will annexu r ti . . ' . .
i . . . .
ed wreath). WU“: llgguig. -E'szc/fnofiigfltfgwm,v gfogjity 61‘
Estate of Jolln'A. Shet'l’icldf liming-lest Of govelnmental
fluthonues‘ldldatgs rlsmg and fanmg on this
, 53nd price walrizte261(4-4£ Tacoma 40., fee, Wm“! swig, yvlguhtas
I{llcdlwitlh 1the Clerk 01' saidiThe metal also is essential to mod-
_- ---_ ‘- ‘7 . v -‘Q,i'-.,'r, mi": 1 ii'- ~9- fl
gumal'. M ' '“' "‘
i'fiéplbylgl/llt-oiyzlé' £010 will: 53"" f0!"
Djbglnltlblltlgl131 Lils‘ltxllgglllllt 15m procesnek] ateel
marlufa?" The supreme court’s “lung in"
< GIRL ’ ' ITS Maw/i 01' SI‘Jl/l: NV; of NIP/4 of you"
10 approve the same. distribute .ure’ and Lh3.0“.tcn.t to thh It vowed
the DToposed PurChase 0f
. . .,. CED W18 3 .3314; swig of NEIA of Slfiié,..,\ilie property to
Iihose tliorcio vii-.15 employed 1? Indicated in thelthe Grays Harbor
Railway and
.» v ork. Adults preferred. ex._ right-or-wayI of City of Tax 01.10.“
and to discharge sgiid Ad-lcurrcnt report of the United ' i
-. reference“ Wilma Frame (mm 200 feet map; Ell/2 01 $514
I'nlnlstratrix. and that sum Ema] R,._ St t (I b a I iLight company
properties by Gravs
,‘Rt 3“ 1 2 1t’ of Null; Or sniI/h exchpt righl~ Durt and Petition
for Distribution 3 0” “‘03” .Of l‘nnes‘ Harbor PUbHC Utility
DiStriCt N0-
ick. cont Stlect. —— .I (It-way of any of Tacoma 2060. agl 21c gifim
o’n §§ixrday the film] Ccntrasted With a domsstic nro- 1
i igt xii; all 'i Section -i ,' , uur. .. at the our ‘ .. g . ,
I v6v-nvvvvvvv rvml Teopwnslivilp(21 Nolth. Range )‘1 10 OC10(‘rkIln
the i‘oronoon in tho guano? “,1 00tgbf)‘. Of “499101021 The IrUIlng
reversed the lOWer
I which WI MII contalning‘ 212.28 :ggllg)nR0V0vlg,I/:ll [310 Court House,
in 0‘13 0 019 CO“ mmngt§5 1L1 cent court Judgment, which perniant—
acres. more or less. ‘ I’ .v ,5 lllg on. '01‘ more manganese. C.
nation’s. . . . . __
. 2. minimum price Moo reil'l crfifig'iggam“ "1‘s 1W1
day Of 1’0c‘3’nber'lCOnsunling industries importcdlgugnnlgntllfg
Utli?ch(::£rég§1t£§%rtll file
I . . I2 I, I ~ n , . i . . i v '
AAA-4.--.ML Ilr‘fgliJgI’gIT’m“ ‘1‘!“"15'"?
& OF . Malena] EIE'GELSEX. 9:0 101“? tong. containing 57w
'decision affirmed the lower court’s
. _: OMER L. DI ,i ,3. . . I .‘el‘( 0 said Court.l ons of man anesc. .-
' .
; Treasurer Or.Mason Comatgus, R, Law“) I I I Should con “tegt ‘h It
Y diul’ing the bonds should not be_
i a I I (sn‘n) luite 1, Lumbermcn’s Blllldlng, . , ‘1)” n au‘ on
‘91 lenJomed.
: E. mg 19, 26, 1939 and Jan '2. 1940-3t-lhejton-vMason Icounty.
\Vzisllinglon. ifIV the claims made for the Olym-, The higher court’s
ruling. an
~ ' . . I I' ‘ ,' monies, for said, Estate. ' ,plc
deDOSIts by those. who havcl. ,.~ . - w '
g and unions nlnc ud 0 (Mel on
. .L'c ACCOUNTANT " 69»)- '; 2' IZ'P’ZG'
1'2‘1'9'4t- lmado preliminary surveys there Sqi‘d" J g
I “ .~ '. ‘l' . M“, I“, it ' "“ ' . . .
' hm Bi'dg' can St. 'lmorlbr .IN gunning Elvrv that"
‘ No 1345 Tligmsrhtglc' dotlbt ml: 8' may”. “From the
Cum" record m “115'
~.. 3. ,. s i. .t -‘ m i. i i .u:-; ism on ma m. “'1 -- '_
. Phone 245 .Il pursuant ,0 and in confomny my. magnet;1 .ro canon-ans
Goveg’nmmt éppnam mng mung it appears the (utility dlS I
_I an order or an, Board of Co n, , ,thomuge, or Court of the State, I , i
I « ltilct) commisswners acted in good
“7“ m" I-Comniissioncrs of Mason; (390 .ggfiw’ag‘lmn in and
for “Intense” serious m its (1991“) in nm'lfaith; no abuse of
discretion has
' State of Washington, dul'ymi'és 0'. ’ .. v 3011-.
lplcv the new and coming power ' e in, . . 1- 1 th
. . . . o 9111‘. .THEAVIAT'TER 0]" THE ESTATE ' (I .00 n
it own, a pubic sac o. e
$313333." bllhécrlaéh tggyii‘hiiersifflgé l".W’1LUA‘M
OSCAR KING. lie- T950UT933"’”1‘9 Piaf”
N0”.hw“5t,'bcnds Wis not irequu'ed by law:
I. to sell, in the gnann‘er provide wi. afi?‘]I-J. _ in the
development of local iridiisI-' and it follows the trial court was
. -> INSURANCE law (Section 13 .-Chapte'i‘26.3i b.‘ -‘ Notice
is hereby,gi.\'0n that tlie‘try, and manganese in all likcll- In ht }
m b 1d h“ ldl
. . _,on.._ , e I lg in 10, mg ceissou
I. .II 19”), the undersigned. will... dei grief?! has been appointed and
1 d 'l b ' ii
Ii“ Is. I . , ugly, I 1 .I . , l loo Wll c a strong contender not be en
omed , .
. I , .aiulduy. the 13th day of Jail 3m s.,I allied its innocutrlx. ol the
, ' . J . . ,
‘ .v w. G, 1940. at the hour of ten ofcloclfime ,tate‘oi William
Oscar King, he. £01 recogmtlon. ‘ i In answer to the plaintiffs. con-
. the ti'flfienllni'lfifl‘thISaéd adfiyhgfis-e- Im allied;
41:21:; lall 1301:0135 Illuvin'g. I Itenfion that the purchase couldl
>i l‘rrm 001' 0 o r '- yams ' , s sa coexist-i 'ri ‘
‘ .._____. . e . .
at: Angle Building Hui, Citonf Shelton said} countyuggg rpby,
rut-1.11111“ 10 50].“. 1h“ sari“: l l’ . . . not be made
Vii-H.101“. first, submit-I
State..oirei- for sch-hound less, 0“ ly‘ i'erlfind, on said
i-xecuirlx 01" I ' I I ting the propOSltion to the voters,l
- ‘ [he'minlmum price Slated b}! _l' attorney of record at tho
ad- 1 0 e , h -t 'd-
i». . . . . opts. I . ,. . L t e com 5211 .
. I plusodvertismg and cruising 'CIanl‘ess 1?“ 0“ stated. and
llll‘ the ' 'nTh 1 (.- b1 i
~ ‘ if to the highest and best IbiddéTiI unlewilh UH: Clerk of said
(Youri. I SHELTON, \VASH. . I CICQnC u-Jlm} ‘5 meIScapa eiI
, 01‘ the right, title, and intert-stjm0 gather
'Wllh'plool' of such Srirv—'l 3v UISI Dept. of Commerce
|' the legislature did not intend to
x N C. Sall}‘B'd'gmonl callgtl’l" in lamllirdgel'
{IWIll'hll‘lirssllx willnulfi “mm. m” l‘ L ‘ limit the
DOV/01‘ Of pUbliC Utility
.v . :0“ owmr case i: rea ,- . e OI )u calm i" th' ‘ ———
. . . . .
IORNEY AT LAW 1Is,iti.laite.0§‘irl said County and b“. “'
silica-Ingilgflclslmicrwill bUUlJElrl‘t'zf . dilStnct
iolnm;s$“¥}1§:_sem the pur‘
5. . '. :' ' -‘ ' é. a ' '. ' 10 Insurance;
2" C ase c c. O u 11 l S ex-
Insurance Building towlv‘ill'i/ N13: « , . T .11.. Vey, ii , V , .
...iw 5.26 a.m. 3.3 ft. i i . , - I
I I I IL, ./I Slé 3,311,” Mr. “ding! , Shelton. Washington, . . 1
. First National Bank KIWI/4' A”; SW34 Nié £51516 tutory at:an for
nomrosidvm I)I.‘..,I‘ues. High 12.04 .i.m. 15.4 ft, Cept (a ibto
tliotse Dutblic ultillt es
all in Section 7. Township 2, utrlx. I in” LOW 7:13 pImI 2IO ftI ovsne y
a Cl y or we, w ere. a
Shelton North, lit-.ngc$12 West; ‘2':($1‘g§'0,_ illalte
Olfuggn-st publication Drcltm- general indebtedness is to be in-
minimum lirlce . .00 per acr . . r 'J. , , ' , , . rred w i 11 in r
n the General
00). plus advertising‘ and Claiming}, ‘ lat-iii. FAY Kl\lli, l'
High 1:17 am. 11.5 ft, indebtedngscs ova theudistricf abovel
(mslfi N, I I, T‘AXOCHIHX of said lizstatoflw'ed Low 631 am
4'3.ft 11, . . ,,
OMER. L. DIOAW ' Address 011; Puget Sound Bank; II I r, ' '
" ‘lthe 11/; per cent limit.
Treasurtr 01' Mason GUI-mfg bugs/311?}; ’l‘acomu, l’ioi'on
C(iuiily.,Jan- 3 ijh Pim.
I I. I. I! , SEAL) ' ‘ i . «svingmnh ‘ ow . _ . .
. ' cc. 19, 20. 1939 and Jan 2. 19,49'3,t' 1'00
yMfigé‘ZLIljllLt i l __._H p_ Cilicao-o’s Bin
ORNEY A1- LAw *— Iorne “Ir ‘4818. ‘0 I I i I _ II I
_,l, i .. Puget bounl Hunk IZiilldl r, '- n i s - ' _r‘* o i a
‘.e i ‘
I , I (no) I, I, more“ (blunt ‘11., Ta 1” Ten It_oei, it “34,0 It
, "in w iuul cost of City govern
y. Washington.
I: .
bér, 1930,~0rdci-ilig “the 'undel‘s'lffiw
“5,30”. in the. ‘lnanlflet‘ -1)l"0V'?dIel AW
19,“,- (Sectlon 133. Chapter 263., l‘ 0
of 1927). the undersigned .WJLM
Saturday. the 13th day? or Inn“ 9
1940. at the hour of ten OCIOC ma,-
thc forcnoon of said day, at 0
front (100i- ,of we (:ourt- HOW :=
N o a: I 6 1m 249.20. 1.2-9-“. ‘In the Journal Want-Ads. merit in
Chicago is $149,981,000.
lNOTICE lS ugliest ta, . _ _ . ._-
pursuant to an n co 0 m onnznflxcn NO 31 i . o o I‘ a
i ,ord‘r of th' Boar of 0°“ ', -- 4 .-
Jammisfsioem. we: is. “ngfiIN;NGAEN§EC§ggING g Hypnosn Relieves Chll
lrth Pain
Iitté‘iefi‘o‘l’iilt“fit’iiia‘il€yol“new ' 3-1333
zxrzmixlranr. or . -. I .
Angle Building
WHEREAS, on emergency
t could not reasonably have
Seen at the time of the adoption
the City at" Shelton Budget for
.ycar 1939, requiring an l-_\;p(indj-
- '37 _ y . - v . 1- County 8“ o of approxlniatIi-ly $1700.00 for
Phone 3 2g;Iti)fitrmygfimgafifimat not lesfbr on the City
hil'l‘CLS In
‘than'the minimum phcu stated [hie amount budgeted therefor;
‘ low. plus adw'rtislng' iind Gruiim. '
00515. to the highest and best HFIREAS. any emergency (‘ltusod
‘ ';‘ , ' i .- I i (i, and 1'“ floods and storms
l‘l‘flull‘vn mi,
.1 ' ffféqflfifi"§.,,H“M,1i,fifl‘C313,”, ill 3“_
ilcdialc restoration oi lhv- (Elly
In t; the following- described rcnl liml’d ccts to :1 crmdilism 0‘
' “My situated in said county 3“ dilng all
('Xln‘lloltlli’l' oi approx-
‘ .4 ' smi'e. to-wit: ‘ tcly $1700.00;
The Southwest- quartcn ($.90 ),
of Section 2. Township 19 301%“
.eiidént may have to
i i ' ‘ ‘iLLows-
Ran e r West. W. M., . QRDAID. as” ht I I .I
. egg? Oceans on his fishing niinlm§n,”price $125.00 meg; 9.1”»
I . wm‘ing' All this Britt" advertlsmg and liogl‘floyltyI .
(liturc' of $1500.00 in chccss (of
Commqtion 93 the Treasurer of MasOn Calm ‘
way-I lc coast is Scaring the (SEAL) 1.1: That tho City or
__..- lion issue liimergl'nttv' Warrants
Iho sum' of zippl-oxmlatcly $1700.00
. t. l , ,
Dec. 19. 26. 1939 and Jan 2. 1940 3 $101105
" a: in .
l‘o,r labor on
‘ ’ tli. ur )051' of meeting such
' sla‘reports a surplus or 1’0 ‘ Illrgl'ficsl'? aim]
for the imriio-diatc
' he ’ ht t' Stutfin a 5“ 9i ' ' H i (711'
Sll‘m‘l“ i
Ilans mig 1y In the Superior Court 01 11 . n”, aolntlou of it o a
._ With them. 01‘ amazon ror Masai: 9?“ li- igigiiIQi‘
,gf¢‘.}!}“‘f*{~,,,. mm,“
,' i. j ‘ :3 In. “bit-Of, "TATE ‘3‘, l l I. i"
1‘} ." ‘ C“
' , .0 v L ‘i‘ v LTHE ES’ I become i-iimzthv in the mil-il-
,“ $.91," grandparents be- Dec?3'i:5£_ i' qud time
provided by liztw. I
.7 Ruffian to laugh on Sun- NO’TICEV (is iHEEEgg‘Y bse‘h a? ‘
' at before Jack that the l-n crs gne I as '3 Ai- in: l. e
v a was ' i d has ualified 1* ra .
.‘ 0n Charlie McCarthy gg‘fifi‘gfi? of thoq Estate ofh’gmfln
SSED in Regular CounCll Meet-
. air Johnsom Deceased, and i t the Iihe 21st diry of December. 10.}9.
\. ' . .r w “. ns having. i-Ciujms again-“id are APPROVED:
go o 4: I .. versok . I ._ . . mamas i C. C. COLE.
Vern . i - said Lstatc 01 the said I .. same. . "I C] f Sh
rel-i or of Ohio islgiv—I “flaw ,muimdm jag”; tag” m,“ i,
MayxerghSTe l y o lilton.
’ ‘S'boet Pmblemsifb ‘at glfldyergféflgd effigy; I one:va
IW. LANchns, Hypnosis by telephone relieved Mrs. Marie MaIttersteig of pain
5' Scouts dont Wear acme).- of' Record gt theifiddgubh (31ng 0f
the (“W M Shi‘lton- childbirth as she underwent the delivery without
anesthetic in. a
' 'érfihaftfr eggi'fn;v,3hndp,§o of serf— SIO‘éFIi-EWISI
sort of “dream.” Her husband holds the telephone, above, while.
3'33"}? smile, with the 31x Attorney 01‘ Shelton. ] Mrs.
Mattersteig gets a hypnotic treatment over the wire from Dr.
’ he above entitled Court- \V’ t EAL)
f the firs R. Leo Gaynor, Los Angeles psychoanalyst.
4911mm «classified-
i . - —___——
$1.3“ to SELL you’ll have I
I“ ~’i‘i'lo'riths after the date 0
I In describing the functions and
I- White Finns, fled Battle in
FIND A total 0
lN S. W. lllSTiZliI‘l
lOlympia Man Director, To An-
nounce Staff Qualifiers Short-
1y; Aspirants Training
The sixteenth decennial census,
relating to business and manufac-
tures is scheduled to get under
way in southwest \‘Jashington this
iweek, according to John Hudson,
district loupervisor, vgl'th offices
in Olympia.
Counties included in this dis-
trict arc Grays Harbor, Eliason,
lThurston, Pacific, Wahkiakuni,
iLewis, Cowlitz, Clark and Ska-
,mania. .103th C. Necley, of Ab—
ll’lgl‘ludSOll ill the
erdeen, is assist
idistrict office.
The business census in the dis-
trict, Hudson said, will be done
by 14 cnumerators and is expect—
ed to take approximately three
lmonths. Enumeraloi-s. the super—
ivisor said, must have h:l(l experi-
,ence in accounting with u busi-
‘iicss background.
Train Eiiunioz'azors;
Candidates for appointment as:
cnumerators have taken 3 (101111...
in technical instruction at the
district office and qualifiers, up
to the number needed, will be
[sworn in this week. Hudson said.
Separate forms for the census
have been devised for such busi-
nesses as retail, wholesale, serv-
ice, amusement, hotel: construc-
tion, mines and quarries, Hudson
said, so as to facilitate the cen—
sus work and take little time
from the business men as possible
and yet obtain a complete report.
limitations of the district census
bureau Hudson said the office is
merely the record keeper of the
nation’s population, resources and
economic activities. It is purely
a service bureau with no regula—
tory functions, he said.
Reports Confidential
“This means that the facts ga—
thered are unbiased
by fear on the part of the per
sons submitting schedules of any
regulatory objectives of
and uncolorcd ,
— l
Census 1
' Joe Ruddy \C‘au 1,650 Times
Durllig 27 years of swiirlliiing
l competition Joe Ruddy, of lhe New
iYork Athletic club scored 1,650
, _.
ibureau officials," he said.
If “All the reports are confidential
innd are seen only by authorized
Iiccnsuti cmployes. Information ob—
;taincd by census cnumcrators may
.not be used for purposes of tax-
I'ation, regulation or investigation.‘
“Enumerators gather only such
1facts for which the census bureau
deems there is ample justification
Sand. for which there is a real need.
Business leaders in the census
I-g‘roups were consulted in determ-
‘ining the nature of inquiries.”
DS; _______ _.
I The Rainbow Natural bridge, in
isouthern Utah, is so remote from
Troutes of travel that fewer than
3,000 persons have visited it since
lit was discovered in 1909 by By-
ron Cummings, University of Ari-
,zona scientist. The bridge of sal-
‘mon pink sandstone. rises 309 feet
above a small creek, is 2’28 feet
from base to base, and iii 40
feet thick at the top of the arch.
I ‘simgum; oiui spew ‘uauxl
i pausing ([iodoid uaaq sail poom
all; ii 02c qil.“ suodsap pun sag
-i;neaq Join) Smalls slug, 'lllgil o:
pasodxo ileum .1010?) .(JJCllS .io umqu
ileplofi’ i2 souzoaaq incl 1m will uaqm
I 13123 usgiglild I!) S; pocxi .Cuufioqr'm
l 92‘: (33;; 53311;“)
--~ I'LL 821751
White war rages in the Arctic snows wh
the gloom of long northern nights.
natives of this frozen region. flee
Finnish troops,
Gloom of Ar
ere ghost- like Finnish soldiers fight the Russian invaders in
Perplex‘ed bv the strange ways of civilized man, the Lapps. top,
across the icy plains toward Norway to escape Red bombardments.
loft, WCul‘ white uniforms as camouflage against the snow, left, but
most Soviet sol-
diers. right. are garbed in conventional dark war suits.
Parade of‘planes for the war in
workers fill a Royal Air Force 0
few of which are shown above p
of one of the bombers.
{tory Turns 0
ut 250 B0
bers for Britain
Europe rolls steadily out of Lockheed plant at Burbank
i‘der for 250 bombers. Britain will pay $27,000,000 for t
artially completed. Worker, left, camouflages control sur
, Calif., as
he planes, 3
faces on tail
Another. right. adjusts motor mounted on wing of plane.