January 2, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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to turn to
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Phone 143
i Shelton Woman's Club.
T,o Meet Monday
Mrs, W. M. Elliott will be host-
ess to tte Shelton Woman's Club
Monday, Janttary 6, at 1:'10 o'clock,
Roll call will be answered by sam-
in¢ "Famous Engineering and Ar-
chteetural Structures?' The stlb-
ject for the afternoon will be
:,Catltedrals: meaning of style in
architecture," which .will be. pro=
seated by Mrs. Don McKay. She
will be assisted by Mrs. Warren
Lincoln. Mrs. Purl Jemison, Mrs.
Villiam Batchelor aJad. Mrs. Ray
Bailey speaking respectively, bn
"Gothic, Romauesqte Byzantfne
and Renaissance Style of Archi-
Wilbert Carte
Walker Park - Phone 591-W
"i wish to appear as an amateur oontestant in the
tanrest to, be'ponsorcd.by the Sheiton Active Glub and
ear for audition when notified, I certify that
never been paid for any performanae that I
have made in my epecialty act.
(Address) (City)
(C¼t oUt and mail to Active Club, Shelton, Washingtorl)
Don't BABY The Old Bus
No, you won't necessarily you
The best is to bring the old
here and let ' put it in
shape for, the winter
can get that new. car.
Then, instead of cequiring a lot of petting
along, it wJ!t let up and go,, and a or like a
real car again. .: =, , '
In Connection with S, L
for Kalser-Frazier Cars and
Fir-at and Pine Ihone 676
!2 i
3or0 ,. ............................... : .............
WEIGHT 25% Wo0L Coop-
Longs ............... : ....... each
(Short Sleeve Shirts to Match)
CHOPPER SH])RTS -- :1:00%
Made by Hirsch-W.eis,
SlOCI FI:L,.,. "H.?t Feted'rl-" V i Watchnightove.,_ two hnaare,l Feten, e,,,hers ana DE,'E, FAM.LY , RA
their family togeH,er for Cl:n'ist-II 0 = A = N = C = I = N - 6 ': it"""
t lllbl00 I A l Attracts200To ....... '
,,,a,, D=,,. ,,iti, tl,o ,,,ption ,,,,, -- " .... " -- -- V.I..
...... %-- "! -/Ba, tist Church .M,.. 1-,,,<. i,, .,,,,in,.', wi,.,, ................... ^. , ,,.. n @-
- r-on w,su ( unable]vD hlbrtl° make Lhel)cyetLeD'ip. r.,md I/:| =r,ou .... ........................
[At Bridal Shower friends gati,ered ,% tlm Baptist: i'i,(il,, iiari,.(); [m,l C:ai'It(m IJey-i| EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT '
t' Miss Betty Horton was tlle re- Clmrch Tuesday evening for a ette hi! fron, li'orks; Mr. and Mrs. !| From 9 P.M. to Midnight '' tee a shipment II
Mr:.;. Mu:(m McAfferty and Mr. /
,ma M,', i,a s,v:;.c" ,dn "fll Memorial Hall
wereCa'mPbell:dl here.°f Skokomi.dt ValIeY/|H Music by General Welfare. Club Orchestra Steel
MT viE00 COh;;,:,00iTY ! : Traps i]
C L U B T O M E E T M O N D A Y I °°'."°°°:°:".'"°"°°%°°°°°:°'*°`%°v
The Mr. View Colnlntnlity Club
Miss Horton Weds
Donald DeVrivs
December 27
The First Metlmdist Churclt witt] ] played and Clristmas carols web's
th m rind of lighted tapers tall stlnff dulinE the ewmin'
standards of glistemng silver .....
. • " . -- " Linesl:s prescn were rcv. aRu
tinted greens and white and ye}low } :Mrs Hardwick Harshman, Mr. and
chrysamthemums nmde a beauciltu I ,:" t ,,. ,-;,,-,. --, .....
for the marriage of phorto"iSy"'i''Toe;,"i4id
i Elizabeth Ruth Horton, '. •
M _, o- Mr and Mrs Ral h Herbert Rotter, Mmses Thclma will meet: Monday evening, January O. 0
uaugnter r , " '-- P'd Horton Norine Ferris, Jerrine by the six students home from the
Horton of Shelton and uona! .. ,,^ .... ,, ..... ^. Bible Institute, accompanied by
-- . ...... ' _ ,. - D,,," ,,',,, ,,,mu,' , ........ Hugh Adams. there were Edwin \\;rill6' startiug'be in tlleat skating7::;0' Tterinkmeetingand nil
laymona uevrles, son or-mr ana ' ' dRbae y;L n to
Mrs. E; D0Vries of s, oux 00alls, D0000,Z2"00n ," ,..epner, .00orion LeMaster, Mar.,°
South Dakota. R W Norvold and tle honored Deffinbaug'h, Doris Hiekson Ivyl residouts of Mt. View arc urged to
• attend. There will be }.efresnents O. 4
• The beautitul double ring cere-
mony was read hy the Reverend
Hardwtcl W. Harshman .in a can-
dlelight setting, Friday evening,
December.,27, at. 7:30 o'clock.
Walking dow the candelabra-
lined aisle, escorted by her father
gu est.
Refreshments were served from
a table attractively centered with
a cake bearing the names of the
bride-elect and her fiance.
Daniels and Ray Mainwaring; a
duet by Marion LeMaster and Dof
othea Hurst; a trombone solo by
Roy DeffinbauglL accompanied by
Phyllis Herzog at the piano; a
monthharp number by Bob Def-
finbaugh; a duet by Francis John-
son and Nancy Cox; a piano solo
who gave her in marriage, the
bride was attractive in an aqua
suit, styled with three-quarter leg
o', mut(0n slepve, Hei:' accesser- ]
ies Were black with a hat of. gray. 1
She carried an old fashioned nose-
gay-bouqdet of white chrysanthe-
mums,, centered with a rosebud
and surrounded with tiny white and
pink flowers. ' I
The bride was. preceded down (
the £1sle by. her sister, Mlss.Thel-
ma Herren, as amid:of honor. She
chose, for her sister's wedding a i
dress of perch, wool with black,
accessories, Her bouquet was sim-
ilar to that. of the bride's, but was.|
centered.with pink mums and tied
with pink satin. I
Misses Jerrine Deer and Alto
the tapers preceding
ttired in
blue respect-
both having accessories of
'I.charge of the guest
book was Miss Norene Felh is, WhO
chose, a wool dress of yellow.
Attending the groom as best
man was Robert H0rten. brother
of the bride.
Preceding the entrance of the
hrLdal party John C. Steinberg,
baritone soloist, sang "Because"
aecqpanied at the piano by Mrs,
Stall, berg. As tl£e party gathered
'at, the' altar .of the church,Yh', mxd
.rs. Steiiaberg sang "I L?ve You
Truly" acconipaifled by ars, u-
ctolpll Nowold, Following tl, le.cl0s-
ing prayer, while the couple nelt
before the cross, Mrs, Steinberg
san Malotte's "Lord's Prayer,"
Bri(a! rot{Sic ad wedding parches
were played by, Mrs. orvola, aun
of: the bride,
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Horton wore a dress of grey wool
Jersby. With gold 'trim. Her hat
was gray and hen other accessories.,
of black. She wore a corsage of
red rosebuds.
Immediaetly following the cere-
mony a reception was held at the
home of Mrs. Ethel F!atner. The
bride's lace-covered table was con:
tered:with a three-tievad wedding
Cake "t0p'ped wffh a mlniatul;e.,br ide
and groom under a eddint "bell'.
.Ihe cake was flanked on either
side with tll bluc ad white tapers
in Crystal/holders and low bowls
of yellOW, * daffodils and tiny blue
and 'white. flowers. Presiding at
tle urn Was rs. Ethel Ftatner
with Miss Thelma Herren cutting
the wedding cake,
The bride t0ok her education at
the high school ': in Sioux Falls;
South DaRe{a,' and gradUated from
Roosevelt htgh: school in Des
Metrics, Iowa, She then enrolled
for her freshmn year at Augus,
tana; College in Siotlx FaSlS, spend-
ing. her. sophomore year at Iowa
State College In Ames. Iowa. She
was employed for one year in a
clerical position, in her home town
before chining, to Shelton where
she has been working at. the local
branch of the Seattle F, irst.Natton-
al. Bank.
The. groom also was educated in:
sioux ' FalS afid" graduated' from
the high Schdol tere. H then
efitered:the U/'S, Nayy, where he
,l!ad the. "rank of. l@utdnant (jg)
w, tth:the NaVal'A'r corps. He first
was .tlased in sttl¢ whei'e he flew
th "A2e'tian iplands area', Seven-'
to,on month's 0f his four year Sere- i
ie_' rcord were speht in the Pa-I
ctfte theatrel of w, -I€ is howl
enrolled, tn Augusna College in]
SIOUX Falls, Sduth>Dakota.
iThe. 'young couple left Immed-
iately for Stfl¢, where they de; I
parted, for VIet0rla, B C,, for, a
shOPt' Wedding trip, On New
Years Day'they raft for Sioux
F:al where theywill raake their
new: home, ' , "
Creek. 4.H
Parents and friends of the Mill
re.ek' 4-H club 'gathered. together
in the flew 4-H Club house 'for a
Christmas party Saturday, Decem-
ber 21. Games were playdd nd
gifts exchanged, " Elton' French
asied several, pieces on his clar-
inet 'ad also aec0mpaed the
¢oup in songs.
• The crab presented G, W. Barge-
in{in wth a very. race fbuntain p n
fqi his splendid, Cooperation in
helplng, to build the clubhouse.
R'by Eempton ;rod Bernadette A1-
lea ;&oh the' door prize/. "At the
cloe oJ the evening, refreshmer/ts
W,eg served, an¢l eve.ryone had an
ejdy, able. eveirg; .....
'' Tt6e'present included Mr. and
Mrs. Johi JafiSsen,. Mr. and Mrs
Emil Smith, G. W,. Borgeman, Mr
and Mrs. C. M &lie, n, Karla 5aXm:
sen, Dick BaR€r, Robert Huis-
llgh, Larry' M0rgad. Jim Cock-
ten,: Elton lVreneh,Ronte Fos-
dick, Tom Lee, Clarendon Allen,
Virgini a llen, Bernadene Allerb
Magnolia Allen, Carolyn Smith and
Ruby Kempton,
Miss Balch Is b Betty Newman; a sextette by
Irene Chasc, Artalee Bennett,
Married Friday 00ells, 00etty Nowman, Lor-
Mt. mrence BaO,'o e Brinnon, t'aize Frew and Bobbic Gi]lun ac-
a"'"=':"¢ Mr an" T B companied aL file p(ano by Janet,
c%'TLj'Walt'r eoon%'of QuUi Sanon; a solo, by J0hnnic Cole'
ce.e, were onited in marriage Fri- c00pn00xdi00x,00.00,t:g
da afternoon December 27, be- , Y ' e, ". ,"
folYe 100 guests EeIs tlmn took a :picture of tie
The ceremony was performed in clr.o, for.ty,.m.embers.. "'rs
lovely Olympic Inn on Hood Canal: _ ,:olowlug ms program vt ,..
The building was beautifully' dec= :mma McGee, Herman Alters,
orated with white mus and Crol ald.'Betty Remsberg, Leah
greenery. ,. lerr arid. Lois Myers followed
The bride wore a 10v,ely whitei Chr,in]-wlievprs baptism.
satin gown with train Slid,carrie.d.[ Retiring to the lower auditorium
a bouquet of white m us,:and or- [ for a. 's6¢ial. hotlr Rev. aud Mrs.
chids. Her sister,. everY, was [ Bovee were surprised to learn that
maid of honor ann sn wore. alun]mown'to them the church had 1
white net. gown with zUll, 10ngr ' } ana,,,ed' a recognitlon, service, in
skirt. .', l hon0r, of the 10th anniversary of}
Mr. and Mrs. Baron are well, their ministry to the church which
krown residents of the Brinnonlended Dec, 27th, 1946. Words of 1
area for many years
.... " [ appreciation for the growth of the.
Miss Trula Balch, another sister } church under the leadersl,ip of the I
of the back, was mcnargc o ne eve
"" ' " " ' IB "es were expressed by repre-]
guest, book. " L Duffle' d of / sentatives. }z:om some of the dif-
~' Mr!. and Mrs. sigh! . . I .. /forest groups within the church.
,nelton were guests a me weu
r " I Roy EellS representing tle treas-
din' and Mrs Duffield was in/ur'= de ....... ' .....
g • . , g< paz'tmen, gave xne reports
charge of the.cake during the re- of the first month's business meet-
ception, ing of 1937 over against the month-
Here January 9
A Negro quartet, tle "Mississip-
plans" will appea%" at the Senior
'High Sclmol ThursdaY, January. 9,
at 8 o'clock under the auspices of
tlle music department of the big
school. Admission for all will
be 50 cents.
The quartet has been well re-
ceived throughout the contry for
e past ten years, accordirig to
mn Sherwood, director of music
:ivitids at the high school, and
this performance is expected to be
Funds from the performance
will be used by the school in ob-
taining robes for the high school
, Mr. and Mrs, Adrian Adam
Tacoma are the parents of a boy,
born December 26. Mrs. Adams is
the former Borgny Olafson.
The V.F.W..Atmiliary will hold
their regular meeting Friday, Jan-
uary 3, at the Memorial Hall,
starting at 8 o'clock.
The Shelton Dance Club mem-
bers and their invited guests en-
ly report for the last jonth in De-
cember 1946. The contrast was
very revealing of the progress
made in the past 10 years. Harvey
.Adams representing the Home-
builders ex]ressed their apprecia-
tion for Bible class v¢ork and pre-.
sented a nice gift. Hugh Adams
represented the young people of
the church of which there were 75
present. Mrs. Chas. Chase voiced
the appreciation of the choir for
the work of Mrs. Bores as their
director. Rev. Ends spoke for the
Adult Bible Clas and the entire
church and presented (is a token
of their appreciation a lovely radio.
A. see0nd,surprise wan the pre-
sentation of a lovely blanket from
the church and a gift from the
Homebuilders to Rev. and Mrs.
Paul Sweeney as a token of appre-
ciation for the fine work done
while working.in the church herc
and a happy New Year wish as
tliy take up their work: at Hoods,
port. A spleddid lunch was served
under, the direction of Mrs. Ivyl
Danields. The evening closed as
the group prayed the old year out
and the new yaer in.
For Every
j v d New Year's Eve dance at
o.e a . Purpose
their club rooms TuesdaY evening.
The committee in charge included
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carlson, SHELTON
chairmen, Mr. aud Mrs, :Carl
Quarnstrom, Mr. and Mrs. W.X. E 'ICTRIC CO.
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snei- Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W
grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Grant, , , , 1
Within A Week of Placing
You Order we can have in
our hands beautiful, plate-
less-engra've genuine Art-
point wedding invitations
a n d marriage announce-
ments, Secial attention
given to silver and golden
wedding anniversary invita-
Phone 100
at the ciom.
}1"..qnd ]Vll's. M. I. Kennedy
and her sistcr, Mrs. Mary Weiler,
enjoyed the Christmas holidays in
Seattle with the son and daugh-
ter-in-law of the former. Dr, and
Mrs. M. E, Kmmedv. Mrs. Ken-
nedy, Sr,, and her sister returned
to oattlc o p,,nd cw_ ___ ":e:,r's.
Office hollr nt tim Sbelton Se-
lective Service ]3oard have been
changed to Tucsdays and Fridays
from 8::10 a.m. to ,':';o p.m. as o:
December 31. The Board also re-
minded that all men are still re-
quired to register on their 18th
birthday or the first date there-
after that the office is open.
Stand at Chevron Gas
Station - First & rata
One.Third Off on
207 Cota St. Phone 664
Bldg. - Shelton
tdar Pads :
and Date Bc
Sheets -
Folders I:
All Transfer Supp
Books - Bom
Office S
118 N. Second $
Your Choice of
Values up to
$2.50 for
On our Bargain
Clearance Table
Vapo Rub
,.o, 59
Keep out" of crowds. If you catch a cold, get after itFrlght
away w, ith tried and poven home treatments. Stock your
medicine Ches With co'ld 'reliefs new so that you will, haye,,
them ready when you need,them most--a[ the first warning
sneeze or sniffle. If a cold begins with chilis fo lowed by' fyer
call your doo.tor immediately.
only one e a year,l:
you'll be
and t
ous ?