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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t-N-G VELFARE CLUB Y NIGHT dnight ,,dl Club Orchestra LECTRiC Phone 664 e prevalent, Take care! Guard dy resistanceJ Avoid 'fatigue. y from those who have oolds. tch a cold, get after it right, tome treatments. Stook your s now so that you wil haYe =m most---at the first, warning as with chills followed by fever, onJy once a year,! / / January 2, 197. RAPPERS! a shipment Steel Traps No..0 to No. 4 WOKOJANCES ENTERTAIN DURING HOLIDAYS Mr. "rod Mrs. J. W. Gibson and daughter, Clmryl, surprised :Mrs. Gibson's parents. :Mr and Mrs. Fr'nBc %Vokojance when they ar- rived in Seattle by airliner from Los Angeles to spend the holid'lys. Alxo the Wokojance home de'in K C'hrisl.mas were Mr. and Mrs. Phiili ) Br:dford and i'anily 0|" o(lro woo:.: :, :,o-, ..... . FAMILY CHRISTMAS PARTY [ The home of Mr. and Mrs, Tom I t(neeland was the scene of a fam-] ily Ciwistmas 1)arty Christmas Eve ' I he following gathered there : /Vallaee Kneeland. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glover and family, Mr. and :Mrs. Ralph Paulson, Mrs. Mary Shelton and son, LeRoy, of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Lea Spin setil Mr. and Mrs. Tom Myers and family, and Phil Johnson. Sheiton Lodge No. M I.O.O.F. Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. HALL Visiting Menlbers will be Cordially Welcomed ELLIS WELLS, N.G. GLTY CALL, Secretary "" Ruby Rebekah Lodge Mee-'e-- Scond ad Fourth Fridays Elizabeth Simpson, N.G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary I SOCIAL EVENTS Calendar Pads and Stands and Date Books Sheets Accounting Supplies Folders - Indexes All Transfer Supplies Books - Bound and Loose Leave request Sheltonians to delay renewing their magazine subscriptions un- til they have been contacted by the salesman sponsored by the Rainbow group. The salesman. who will be accompanied by a Rainbow Mother, will begin mak- ing calls on January 6 and will continue for one week PAST MATR)NS MEET The Past Matrons Club .of O. E.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Duffield, Thursday, January 9 for a 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. McCulloch will be assistant host- es.q. CALIFORNIANS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kale of Sacramento, Calif., spent the Christmas holiday with Mrs. Kale's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsey. The Kales will leave Shelton Friday. On Christ- mas day the Kales and the Lind- says joined Mrs. Arvilla Wiley and her daughter, rs. Harold Haw- ley at Mrs. Hawley's home at Bayshore. MRS. BUTLER AWARDED CLOTHES HAMPER The Capitol Hill Club members awarded the clothes hamper they had been filling with articles the past several months to Elizabeth Butler Christmas Eve, Decem- ber 24. OFTHE YEAR MUSTS c00oo FETED AT LUNCHEON On Wednesday December 23, the R. C. Spanish Study Club met at the home ef 1i's. HarryAlexander.' A Christmas tree and exchange of presents were enjoyed hy those present. not seriously. 'ASON COUNTY lj sell' Appr°ximately 40 guests call" ed during the morning to enjoy W.C.T.U. POSTPONED S-TATIONERS the coffee and cakes. Due to the holidays the Wom- t Assisting Mrs. Hackle were Mrs. an's Christian Temperance Union I D. W. Johnson and'Mrs. G. L, Us- will meet one week later, 3anu- wald. ary 10. ' PENSION UNION ELECTS .rj, Office Supplies and Equipment , Washington Pension Union Lo- BILL DICKIEEATTLE j cal 181 held election of officers Bill Dickie spent Christmas in / 118 N. Second Street Phone 602 last evening, January 2.. At the Seattle with his parents, Mr. and close of the evening games and Mrs. J. T. Dickie. refreshments were enjoyed. RETURN FROM SPOKANE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graham have returned to Shelton from Spokane where they spent the Christmas holiday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Per- dne. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO CONVENE THURSDA] St. David's Episcopal Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. C. I. Pritchard on Fifth St,, Thursday, January 9, at 2 p.m. All members and friends of the Guild are in- vited to attend. OREGONIANS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hopkins and children, Shirley and Dickie, of Sweethome, Ore., visited Mr. Hopkins' mother, Mrs. Belle Hop- kins; hls sister, Mrs. T. R. Rowe and family, and his sister, Mrs. Elmer Bradberry and family. CHRISTMAS DINNER WITH PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Duffield en-I joyed Christmas dinner with his 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I Duffield in Bremerton. } WEDDING NULS Ii FOR TWO COUPLES [ Christmas Eve, Justice W. A.] MaRoon performed two wedding i ceremonies. One was for Ray Orion Bufflngham of Kamilche 'and Emma,Lois West of Shelton. The other was for Jack Mitchell of Shelton and Mary R. Carter of Bremerton. GEORGE MERRICK HERE George Merrick returned to Shelton Monday from New York where he has been in the Ray- onier Incorporated office for the past four months. REPAIRING Luncheon was served to the tel- SHELTON VISITORS lowing :. Mrs. Charles Johmson, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Olyn Kent of Ava- Nellie Nelson, Mrs. E. C. Lemley, lon, Calif., were the guests of Mrs. Mrs. C. M. Patterson. of Tacoma Kent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiN and the hostess, Mrs. Alexander. liam Von Bargen over the hull-. days, The Californians left Shel- GUESTS ENTERTAINED ton on Friday, December 26. AT COFFEE HOUR Something new in holiday en- TAKEN TO HOSPITAL tertaining was the coffee hour Mrs. E. B. Spring has been re- given Friday morning by Peggy moved to the Shelton General Hos- Ann Mackie at the home of her pital. She is ill with the flu, but parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ifla- Olympic Motor Sales AUTOMOTIVE Cub Pack 10 Plays Santa Claus For Needy Children At Pack lO's regular monthly meeting on December 20, Cubs played Santa Claus for needy boys and girls by bringing in a' lrge number of toys which they had repaired or constructed. These toys were turned over to Mrs. Kelly of the Mason County Relief for distribution. The Pack meeting was featured by a Christmas party with the exchange of gifts between Cubs and refreshments being furnished by the Lincoln P.-T.A., sponsor.of the Pack. A number of Cubs re- ceived advancement and several new boys joined the Pack. They are as follows: Nell Selestad, new Cub Bob- cat; Larry Miles, new Cub, Bob- cat; Tommy Miles, new Cub, Bob- cat; Michael Byrne, new Cub, Bobcat; Dennis Pevey, %Volt; Frank Simmons, Wolf; Bill Smith, Wolf with gold and silver axrow; Phil Kieburtz, Wolf with gold ar- row; Toby Halbert, Wolf with gold and silver arrow; Fred Patterson, gold arrow on Bear; Peter Ken- dall, Lion; 3ohn Kinsey, Lion. The Pack meeting was well at- tended by both Cubs and parents, there being 65 or 70 persons in attendance. qvvv VVl vv vF v v vvv v vv vvv (By Dellrue Thompson) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glencross and family of Seattle spent Christ- mas with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Garlan Cross- white and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Squires, Sr., and son, Eddie, spent Christ- mas with relatives iu Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heming spent Christmas in Seattle with Mr. Heming's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,less Foster of Port Orchard were callers at the Garlan Crosswhite home Sunday. The South BelfaLc Chlb had a surprise party on Edward Johnson Friday evening, the occasion being his 26th birthday. The evening was spent in games. Mrs. Zuber, the hostess, served the hmch. Alice Johnsor and Mrs. Lawrence Sickle baked the birthday cakes. Mr. Johnson received many beau- tiful and useful gifts. Marie Crosswhite was shopping in Olympia Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Garlan Crosswhite attended a house warming party for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson of Silverdale Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gene DeMerio and daughters were guests of the Bill DeMerio family Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. George Pope and family and Mrs. Pape's father, Mr. Bemetsen, spent Christmas in Seattle with relatives. Little Mark Mechem is in the hospital in Bremerton but is better t this rWriting. ' Mrs. Lucy held an open house to her friends on Christmas Day. Mrs. Foster is always doing nice things for people. Mr and Mrs. W. B, Thompson spent Christmas with their son, Jack Thompson, and wife and daughter, Shirley Ann, in Port Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pamley and family halve moved to Wapato, Wash., recently. The family will be greatly missed from our com- munity. The first 1947 meeting of the Boy Scouts will be held at the school house on Jan. 6th. Let's have a good turnout boys. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bead had a family reunion Christmas Day. Those attending were Mrs. Mc- Manaman and Mrs. Dorothy StoL- en of Tacoma, Robert Bead of Seattle, Billy and LeRoy Bead of Bremerton, Roy, Charles, Benny and Winefred Bead of Belfair and the four gra#dchildren. Mrs. Mc- Manama ts Mrs. Bead's mother. This is the first time the Bead family have been together "£or 6 years so this was a very happy occasion for the family. By a recent survey of Belfair by the writer, I find Belfair has had a very progressive 1946, Many new business firms have been alded to the already progressive community. Among new firms are the Vicel Lumber Company, with John Wenz as manager. Mr. and Mrs. Stuyts have an up-to-date dry goods store, and they are always ready to serve you in their pleas- ing'manner. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have  new grocery and meat tr- Rt: "ALSO in connection is 'afe, and Mrs. Olsen is always ready to' serve you a good meal. L.E. Adair has a new transfer business, also a filling station. Mr. and Mrs. CIifford Canaday have a new attractive care called the "El Plato." Gee. Pope has built a new building 50by 90 feet to replace the one that burned this year. When completed it will be an up- to-date store building. Mr. Pope Mason County Post No. 1694 Veterans of Foreign Wars Regular Meeting Friday, January-3  8 p.m. Memorial Building Lyle O'Dell, Cmdr., Phone 6F14 J. H. Gray, Q:M. Adj. Phone 352J era in it. Ray Moore is complet- ing a bfilding to be used fo build- ing batteHes.fl'he Belfair Fire De- partment has nearly completed a building' 20 by d0 feet to house the fire 'truck. At tle intersection 6f the old Belfair highway and the Hood Canal highway we have an attractive filling station managed hy- Martin Johnson. On the north shore road close to Belfair we have a new garage which is always ready to serve tim pnblie. David Crosswhite has built up a paying chicken busi- ness, And last but not the least, Belfair has organized a commun- ity church under the management of Mr. Bates. At present church is being conducted in the school house, but hope to before too long have a community church build- ing for services. There are also many homes built and remgdeled, and so it looks like Befair. the largest town in the world for its size, has had a progressive 1946. Let's let the good work go on. Veteran N. P. Official Retires After 49 Years Retirement Wednesday, Decem- ler 31, of F. R, Bartles. "Seattle, as general manager of the Weste District of the Northern Pacific Railway'has been announced this week. At the same time J. F.. Alsip was named the new general manager, effective January 1. Alsip moves up from the posi- tion of asstant general manager. C. H. Burgess takes up the duties of assistant general manager. Battles' retirement terminates an active railroad career of 49 years, nearly forty of Which were with the Northem PaCific. Alsip takes over genera] management of Western district operations in the territory where he has spent 37 years since beginning as a dis- patcher in the Tacoma division. ' " I i Large SUpply Materials Available In January for Spencer Foundations and Supports PHONE 799-J For Appointment or Call at 1416 Summit Drive I i ilml i "tl 1918 1932 A HERO 140 JOBS 1946 1950-51-52 A HERO • Mason County Post No. 1694 VETERANS d FOREIGNWARS '*' " Of the UNIIED STATES ] P, O. Box 204 THANKS SINCEREL v For your PATRONAGE We lave, been forced tomove from our quarters for the past 5 years at 2nd and Grove Streets, and because we have been unable to find suitable new 00luarters must leave Shelton. Our business associations during these past 5 years in Shelton have been most pleasant and we are leaving this community only because forced to do so and with sincere regrets that we cannot:stay. We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and apprecmtion to all who have made our stay in Sh00lton pleasant and profitable, and to wish you all a Happy and prosper- ous New Year. OUR NEW BUSINESS LOCATIO: IS NOW 311-313 N. CAPITOL WAY OLYMPIA Reg. $3.79' STEP 3.03 LADDER All Metal Reg. $2,49 HOUSE AXE 1J99 Reg. $12.50 HYDRAITLIC BUMPER JACK .. 10.00 Reg. $9.25 DEFROSTING FANS ..................... 7.40 Reg. $1.69 AUTO TIRE PUMPS .................... $1.35 Reg. $1.85 MONKEY WRENCIiIIS ................ 1.4.8 Reg. $1.95 HERCULES HACK SAW ............ $1:.56 Reg. $2.25 SAMPSON TIN SNIPS ................ $1.80 Reg. $2.55 4-WAY LUG WRENCII ................ 2.04 TROUBLE LIGHT Reg. 7:45 Fluorescent LIGHT FIXTURE Reg. $3.98 Auto ELECTRIC SLEET SItlELDS ...... 2.78 R eg, $2.73 PAR-PAK ZIPPER'BAG .............. 1,91 Reg. $1.14 LEATHER KEY CASES ................ 80¢ t WalI! New Tires ? ASK ABOUT THE We Wlll Recap Your Pro== ant Smooth Tlrel for Yogt Drlvtng Safety Whmn New Firoltono De Luxe Champion= Are Available to You We Wlll Equip Your Car end Buy Your Recappad Tire Firestone DELUXE The Tire That Trays RUBE COHN AUTO PARTS PHONE -'OLYMPIA 9368