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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER I NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS . ON STATE LAND | Notice is heren that on Tues- || NOTICq IS Y GIVEN, That dY, the 4th day of February, 1947, on Tuesday, tile 4th day of February, e01nmen(&apos;in at ten o'ch)ck In tile ]947, eommenclng at ten o'clock In the fqrenoon ol said day, in front of the forenoou of said day, in front of the, lnaln entrance door to the county nmln en|ranco door In the County court house in the Clly of Shelton, Court House ill the city of Sbelt,)n, County of Mason State of Washington, county of Mason, State of Wasiling- by the Cougly Auditor of said coun- ton, by the County Auditor of said ty, the tinn,)er 9n the following de- county, i:hc following described state scvtbed state land will be sold at pub- tide lands, together with the improve- |ic auction to the ilighest bidder there- ments situated thereon, will be sold for, to-wit: at publh, auction to the highest bid- APPLICATION NO. 195"/7 der therefor, to-wit: Timber on Et/ of NWA and Lots I NOTE,--No one except (:llizt:ns of l a:nd '2 of section 18. township 21 tile United StaWs. or persons who llorth, range 5 west. W. M.. contain- bare declared their intention to be- ing 154.. ..... 15 acr.s, 13tre .... or less a('-. { ecru(, can purcimso. ,state lands, c, ordlng to the govermnent sUrvey t Application No. 11924 thereoL appraised at $33,25.50. . I All tide ]ands of the second class, Timber on  o.SW¼ an.d Let owned by ti,e State" of Wasllington, 3 and 4 of stlon 18, township  situate in front of, sdjacent to or mirth, range 6 west, W, M,, contain- abutting upon the nor'fl3 365 feet of lug 156,45 acres, morq or tess, accord- lot, 1, section 16, township 20 north, tng t0 the government survey tnereoL range 2 west, W. M., with a frontage appraised at $58,420.00 ... of 5,88 lineal chains, more 9 r less, Timber on SEtA of sectinn lg town- appraised at $50 00 pc(, chain or $294 00 ship 21 north, range 5 wet, W.M., "Api)lication No: 11226 ' " containing 1.60 acres, more or less, Tim tide lands of the second class, sccordln to the iovernl Oil]: sUrVf y t)Wn d b v l   ,It( t)f Wnt}tn,rir n ):'" - g " (d t :"58J:900 ' ' ........... ' ............ o-, lJtareol, appralsll a  .,u. : situate in front of, adjacent to or . To bp.doke " leg:a, qec[i/aI'ea.. abutting upon tile east two thirds ill *O De let( In tl3( / (f iNV-; /€ Of t , Vz . A . width of lot 4 s!ction 22. towushlp NW and N of SW'/, of NI*h (.. 2 o north r--,.e u .,,-t w  it) NW ¢i.als9 ..sped a[e[*.(93/bc.[]ft tn a frontage of 15.16 lineal ehslns, more tile 1 O[ w*/€.ol j.w,, '24 o or less. appraised at $30,00 per chain SW of NWA el wv4 ana umVa or $454,80. of 8EA of NW/ of NWl/. . . Excepting, however, any portion of . Spot burning is to of; aetermlnea the ah0ve described tide lands Includ- oF, inspection. .. ed in an oyster tr/t(:t deeded by the Acccrdln In tile Stale's e "uise n c, ro .qtnle , W,th|tpf-,. Me)..]) f Itlt%q are a) ro?maiely 8 287 000 feet yellow q., Willi.,),l tea-ks Ul*de3 an,Ill onH,m fit', 1,,000 feet dead and down yellow No 3053 fir, 12,975,000 fee.t sapling fir, 552000 .' &ppllcltlonNo 11217 feet Ilemletk, 9,237,000 feet red fir, . The tide, lands of the second €,las, 98400 lineal feet poles, 3,000 feet owned by the State of Washh*gton, pru(:e a, d 705,000 feet white pine, situate'in front of, adjacent to or APPLICATION NO. 10553 abutting open tile west 208 feet of Tinlb,'r on E of SEI/ of NE{ lot . section 21, townlhip 20 north, of section 16. township 21 north, range range 3 west, W. M,, witI* a front- 5 west W', M,, containing 20 acres, age of 3,:¢3 lineal chaills, (nor( or more or le.s, according to the toy- less, appraised at $40,00 per chain or eram(uI ..:t3rvey tliercof, and approxi- mately t7 trees along i.he ner(h line $133,20, Application NO, 11236 of tile NEll. of Slf'Jl/ Of rffectiou ]fi, All tide lands of the secolld class, town.hip 21 north, rang,: o west, w. owned hy tile State of Washington, :M' , app'aiscd t $3 106.00, siluai, ill front of, adjacent to or Subject 'to (,as(,:'t)cnt for right of WaY for logs nff rmd bet(toter(; grant- abt3ttln upon ihat part of lot. 1, set'.- t under apl)ll(.ath)n No, 13900. it(n, 16, township 20 north, range 2 :Subject to applies(tim for right of we,ll, W. M,. lying south of the north 365 feet ef slid lot 1. with a frontage We3, petdlng end,u" applicatiou No. (ff ]5.31 lineal thales, rn(')re or less. i90!;9. '"t , St,z apprai:wd at $40.00 per (:hath or $612.40, 51arked tree:t only on Nit,/j el _  ,.. Application No. 11245 To be dnk(-% r h,,%,,d. Inags to be The Ji,lelands of the second class, (tit for fir(., l;yfiA.,:liotl, owltcd by the Slale of Wtshlngteu, Acto£dill" 1:€, tile 8[at(/s iltti.%o, thetve sil31aI,, ill front (,f, adjacent In or art appl' ,>hllltoly (i (II}O l'((q y(qh,w ', 7,00f) h?el deid alan(lie4" y(,lh)w abilities ill)on tbat portion of tot 2, t r 2:1500 fe i yei fir or( • 2(" I,i0- sect on 27 township 2,1 north, range 00(t fe(i,t Y('d 'tit', ['4,(100 fe(,t d(swl) red 3 w(,st, W. ]Vf,, lyinv ,routh of the ;fit" 20{)0 );'.)it i:cdai' 3,000 f(,ct dead nc)t't.h b03 l'(Pi of siti(l lot 2. with a stan¢lillg eedal', and 62:000 f('ct ]l(:la- f'(mtaKe ,if 2158 1 neal chains n3orfi or lea,., al)t)rals¢.d aL $30,00 per chain lock. or $707,,i0. also APIq.ICATION NIL 19568 I Tbat p()rtion of Ill,, tide lands of Tt nber on L¢)Is 1 and 2 ef s(,cti )it .. " t .... ' tr',Sh|, ) ' 9'1 n. -Ill l'lllt*"( 4 *W 4{ It ( S "C )nil '3ass Own((1 Dy [fte State 22,. t ...... t .~:a ....). ;,I .. ' "  . L ' of Wltshing(otl siluate Jn front of, . IL., Conlalnln b,l( acres, tl)Ul'  -,q i.(,t.l| lo or s.bnttin " uon lot 1 or le according it) lh( g V(rnr) ent '.'/,*' ' ',)"I ( ..... dr.;. "')(' *,,:,,',h r,n/ survey thereat, appt aft ed at $7 019..0. o ., *xr a ). ,,,, .,..(..h ,,e (. Al],,conk;tt::. to b*, l.ft.f,i se.,d w<torly line of the right (ff way for l)ltrposts. A SCeO al'a ()lllallijng lit" )' ' :' q € TI;;WII'" NO O o -.;'.-;,-'o'., r. ..... i o i'l tl; I¢ / of • rlmar., .ls.. .'*.g. .. . , a. It' ..... "'tz . ,, ,- .^ ,,, ,llOWn on l:lal No. , b. filed or.rebel m'/_% ot l'i> t,*,.X#.,, ..o,, p.*.. 9 1930 in lit(' offl('e of the Conlmis- ]gtUrn ana$ LO tie lctletl lor /Ire pl'O- : "  . . , v'.,..ds ,.f 1 ) I feetio T' be dock( v lo,'ed s]oner ot rue,,( ..,,..  ,,a, ":-%'"q.H ,'( .... =I  ,  i at $3000 per chahl ,)," $2a7.10, over 80", ....3., .eft ..l ..... "e ..... • ' ' l' £ 3,000 fet don s,..ll ,.e fr, ,00', --. -dP]"nca'(°fI't; I,I,,, ,la... feet cdar 212,000 feet hcntlnck, 90,000 ' Tnc t{ae 19no.:./: t. ' c . . : ., feet white pine, and 1,240 lineal feet :,"e ry fn:)nltt.e olla,W,lIsngt:) (ties .......... ' ¢ .... P 'APPIICATION NO 19421 t abutttng upon that porhon of lot 2, Timber' on  NE of' see{ion 25 section 1, township ]9 north, range - " " "" ["'3 I n e  :::(st W' 3 west W M des(rlbed as follows" town|lt ;:l nO II "a g O W," ) • ' " "  ........ A" ,, lgD ')l,r(  )v o"( o,' less Commencing at the oleander corner ae,,ol..lJn t, to tle ,-0v(rmnei t 8u'vc- en (he sooth 1 ne of said section 1 '),.:,€ . .... ,;h %+ ¢,ra n/(m '" and runnlng then(o ah)ng th( bal- ' (wh,. rln RI}'IA t*f at'-(,,- 9r, Cnwn anc{d govelnn(.nt lt(aud ,1 |In, N 46 "t,l ' ,e, rt h ran*.e 5 west W M :J6 .1, E 281 52 let-t, N 17 06 4) *-*,v  ,- , t. • . " " ' " i, ' ' ¢)r. e ' o ' 4 ') d ' t ..... .,.(. .... (;a o( .--. "v',"( or In,'* E I030.,) f.ct N 40 06 5 L 648 90 2/....,t. (,, * ....... o.'l'e"t -ur,'e- feet, N 16 ('; 45 E 6093(I leer, N ,l,ereof, .pprai.ed at $71,622.59. i) 06 ,45 .] 8(3,22.;::t .a.{id ,th0]t( ,, ,-* m-rtlnate|v 7965000 foet v.l- true point ol. begiuning thence con- %',;, fi"}:4H'000 Iet dead s"'tandin}r and tinuing ah:mg sskt I)alenced govern- ;t',. J.,n'J th.  ao6(in fee) fl t,n- men( meander  line N 52 ° 06' 45" E ',';;;'"40;""2"bl'n9" ?('((:e;];lr" "10000 198 feet, thence leaving said balanced .. ....a -',..idhr, and ,(own cedar governm nt n, eander lne end runnlng  q75 000 f0ct hernloak 220 000 fee{ northwesterly i¢) a point nl tile ccn- JLd'.' .n,,  r, an ',L,I,',J nn 26'5 )n f(,et ter line of a e)unty road In said hit [ ,c ..................... 12, thence S 56 o 46' 45" W along said iPl)ll¢'ATION NO 19.122 , eouaty road center line to an angle mi.he,, o- Lots land o Of svc|l,)n p,'tnt theren, thence. S 42 22 00 ........... v, " " o ,,,*'. ....... ,.)- o ,,,.)h ,'--.,e ,'t*'w-- W along said county road cnter llne '?"  eon|,finl(3t 7767 acres nio*'e to a toint wbl II |SN 37 53 ]5 W '..., h,*u ,*ccovdilw fo the ftve['na'eat t)f the point el Ing|nnmg and thence tli 1'|h. l'*tl3g(¢ 4. Weal W. :[I. contain- aL:,TqlS)o, per ,.'hairier JJ?:u(:,: .... _t . in" ]19.23 tu:rs ill0re or less, aceordl ,, Ex(Fpun, + n(!,.e}eriaan  ori[o, .or .*,. I., (t e ,t),ell r|eni surve v th( re0( ne auove u(ICt'lOeu L ue lanus lut:lUu- on,lraim'd at ,53 ]86 75 " , ed In an 0ysLer tract deeded bY the 'onk; tree and'sirubby trees qn tat% of:Washington June. 8:. ]90I to r )t ky points to bc left for (!Cd trees i ,,.maacoosen Itl},o_er apptlcal.lon  S((,d urea loc3,ted approxllnatcly hi .o,,a. _ ...... . .... l r '0re' 'aPl r xiloaiely 1 245,0(gl feet red . :rig. I . ! .. ' ?J; ' - ' "fir'(')m;r 30" :]4 0 f,,et dean standing east ytu 'ee, (.u tel z, svetlon 17, 1own- " ( ship 22 nollh lal ( 2 west W M aidd,w ;ed 'nr o{:(;r 35 Inch,s: 7- ' ' , ' m': ' . .... ?dano €.,,) mall t"(t |'r ]5 000 feet' wil I a fronhlge ell.06 lineal c,l*ains, ced'a,', 3,t15,000 feet bol)nloel, 377;000 n;orc 0r. lkqatllrais('d a $50.00 I cr f(,'t white pine and 13,200 )nlesl teet l ('haUl ol_oo.y.. Nn 11331 poles AIIplIClItIOn ' ' • ' an*)v .tanllr x,l l(q.)q I All t d  lands eJ Ill( St ('end clams, q, tr her )13 Wt/. of SE/ nd SE¼ of I owned by tim State (ti: Washington, S'" sect, ion . t¢)wns"ip 2:4 north sl.tute fin front of, a dJi,.n.t, to J.)r rsng; 5'west, W.M., cnntainlng ]20 a0u[ur3g npon t}lat })art o, tt) a,LeeT. tV,',r£ n)orc or iss, a(,xordlng t, t 3( tlon ,.. to wnsn|p zi.l :,nor!)!]:. ]nKe " z "; nt**crnn|ent Burw.y lbert(" f, appra s(d Weal W, M., ntcasure(I as( ng t e gov- at '$44796 00 ' ernment nl£snde|" (in(, as follows: Coney 'tr(es to bc h"ft for seed, Beginning at .T)(')ini. o F the ,,Ovtrll Ne hul'ntng In %'erv ID zal'd- [ ntcni, lneanuc|" tlno In iron(. L ,.llU cd, Tti 'b( tl;aetor lot I, Which is Nll ° 30' W 9,00 chains f '€ m a point whcr( said nloandt3, line 's Oruise tiler( are is inters(ere4 by a tin( runninff csst i:etl dowil y({IIDW front a pohlt ()rt the west line of Lhe over 30", 3- SE of NIqt6 of adJoin|ng section 4, fir. 35,900 feint whi(ih, is 31.50 chains south ,,f the 2,05,000 feet llemlock, 478,000 no3'thwclt cornea' (if Ihe. NEYi of NEUr and 39 0t)0 fee( poles of said m, ctlon 4, and then('( c,(,ntinu- r 1"a25 '|intr N 1'1" 80' W ah)ng ahl lueandcl" section '.-It(. town- ]lnt 4,03 c, h0:ins more or less, l 3 5 west W M, t angle pohfl, {h("rehl and then('.( N " : or )es, at)- 30' E 0.11 clinics, n3ore or leSS, IO nnt the poiat of intersection <if "l /ice 010.00, whi('h {s pera/bd It) ,nd ]7,50 ch(.hls {north of the south line of lhe SE,, lot NEI/. of 'adjoining see(ion 4, pro- • dtlced tia{ across did lot 1. with a 3 ing|on's ConlpJhd;ndal.ory therettt, of 8tat6 flint)or are it( run out the lin al)l $1V'3 i'eSDfHlf4tbl(' f(;r tre.%)ss in cltse ltr|bvlr |S (:tit on adjacent static-owned ,, land, frontage of 4,14 lineal chain, more or lass, appraised at $'t0,00 per chain or $I.65,60, "') "'all) ApDIIction N,. lJ.. The tld(dands of the socoud class. owned by the Stata. ,if Washington, situate In fronl (if. adjacent to or 100 feet of 22 n(>rth, fr()ntsge isles, nlol'e or less, per !hath or $76.00. he 8 id for not less 1 vahte above stated terms and cmditions Ill(! pur- tile( be not ntUSL T c hilt )t' mlh' tO be issued will • tfi'(! fl n}l, Id "r fh':" | }gh (o e()lstt'l,l(t ' .ltbI'dinff l'¢Jt lt i cross |ht " l}bl)Ve d¢- ;t;i']bet[" t q (:I I*)t" t} e I'emoV;tl of said tbc pu3'- 'tin(t (r, bt w I sol give hiD) nay cx- price ! 19st b(, llatd anmtally jtU'l,qrtl('| on ()vel' t lo {l'II('i, I',el, ,vil]'l lnl(ret on all deferred • I ' ': 'IV(  ltl  I'J ]lt tl) l't}Y31 ! ptlyll)t.'nts a| ttle ral,i ()[ six per con- ",g' 3'X')V-* f(l lt)grh3gg ii)ads"(l ' Iltlt pc' .... anltn" Provided That alw ,,,,, . iT ,) "1 I l't'( .e ovOP ;lnd a(Y )mS ptIvcha:¢2l'. DIav nltl][e foil paylnent of ",i',;)v'';h,,';'ii')ci t "i,H" ul any tl)m print!if)st' i)l|,.)rvst and stain{cry fees t "''" " "" - l,.lei(,{l,., F Ill(', i} $) ( ]]()t' l.]((" g')'lU!)t {It till}' llllle (',ted ohhlin d,,ed. The Itur - .It I)C J ;,t)," {o t})c hol(lcr, ot tit( chas,,r eft |and cunts{chit l, hnb(,r or OF StlC Fir lly tlal)lilg'c CalSe I Dlhel" va]llabh nlal(.rtals is pr()btbited i I)y law frotu ctttthlg or rcn3ovlng any )l)('l oil sad ]slid will I)q' Sll('h l./luber or materials wlthont, first 31ft[ ttlc tlPlIVal()d obt:),bti'lg (,ons(tlt of ill(? C0113olissioner lh(:! (Ol/linis- (){" Ptl )lic Iallds, ill*ill the full anl()unt iu ]13( . lilac- (,f l}le ptlrcllas( {}i'lC( lies be('n patd stal(,))l(q|t o[]al t (|,,(d {st:,liP(l, v taw }1 a,;, ; ,,f, it,e (,F i, *" sales of sial( ,,nds s,,, ,,,t,d,: , ' . ' ',1 ,ie't' |o tile remq'vati,,Bs of ()]is, of sJ:ie'are: Csh i uhv l)aid )2;a,ues, e(,al. (,11'('8, ]uhiera]s and fossils "or ihe da.y of 8ale. of (.,veJ'y nallw, kind and description, "' Tilt purc||aer of | llb)q' ell slate aid to (]lc addi|i()nal lernls and:eop- }nd vi]l have, 5 years w! w}l.leh ditions l)r('scribed ill m',cti,)n 3 of chap- 'to re*icy( said tlnlner, With tlw prn'P t(,r 256 )f the Laws of 1997, ]ge of seeuring cxte|miona of ti|oe Said land w II lie s(,hl subbwt Io ,,, l/b.der the tatutes governing, the h,rllls, t.ndtt ¢,ns alld rekervstt)llS ,,: OTTO A, CASE; ef ci{|)ler 312 of the S(ssiou Laws Coliuubsioner (d' Pttb Jc ]Minds, ef 1()°7 r(*lalillff l ) oaselne is for l-2-9-1fi-2tl-60--St, rigbt-'oi'-way and the ,al, ryinff (,: lit))- .......................... h e V. sloe(, n)nerals and other pro- duc 0ver Ihe salno. OTTO A. CAE, C(}uHni:lslonPr of Publk' Lands. 1-2-9-16-23-30--5t. . " O'l'I( F, Ttel)resentath'os of the Al'llJOll (otln- tY Audii.ur' Office will be at lhc TBILER STORII at B(,lfair, Wsi*., to isane AULo Licenses on Fridays and Saturdays from 1;00 'p.|ll. lO 5;39 p,ttl. as f(lowa :, December 13th tnd t4tlL : 1)ti(etuber 20th and 2Jst, MOTOR 1)e(elnber"27tb and 28th. January 3rd an4 4th.. I{ARRY DEYETTE, B ][ 1NG]7{AM " Auditor. Masou COUrtly. O ) I g.j2-19.,6.--1-2-9o I6-,3-30 - "St. 12-12-19-26--1-'---4t. million horseshoes were ,;old iu 1946 authorizes the Veterans Ad- 1943 at a) avgrage price of 17,5 ministration to accept "terminal tents  slloe. A factory ill Joliet, leave" bonds for the payment of Illl. accounts for re:!{at 70 premiums on all forms of Nation- l r cent or" all lor lm0 zrtde, al Scz'vice Life I4murancc, NO. 1754 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON •FINAL AeCOUNT, R]3PORT AND PETITION OF ADINISTRATRIX FOR 81'I'- TLEMENT DISTRIBUff'ION A N D DISCIIARG E. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TI{E STATE OF WASI[INGTON IN AND 'OR TI/ COUNTY OF MASON, • IN PROBATE In the lIat, ter of the Estate uf Glenn W. Brown. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Nsrvle G. Brown Olson, Admlaiatra- trix of the above entitled estate, has filed herein her final account, report and petition for settlement and distri- bution of the. eat.ate of said deceased. wherein the Court is asked to approve said at:count and report, and make dis- tribution of the estate, and discharge the Administratrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with an order oF the Court nlade and entered on tile 21st day of Decenlbcr, 1946, a hearing will be had before the Court on said fin- td account, report and petition on Saturday, the 25th day ef January, ]947, at 10 o'clock, A, M., on said day in lhe Court Room of said Court in the Court ttouse at Shelton, Wash- ington. Dated this 21st day of Deec|nber. • ]946, . t (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of the Superior Court for Mason County, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Admhlistratrix, Tltb: Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington. 12-26I-2-9-16--4t, OiDINANCE NO. 434-37 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING AN* EMEROENCY AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE O" $2000,00 IN EMERGENCY WARANTS. WIIEREAS, an Emergency llas arls- ea l'squiring tile construction of t3 m;wcrln Angleside Addition to Shel- ton, Washingto, at an approximate (:()st of $2,0(}0, and WHEBEAS,- said- emergenc'y could not have been reasonably foFeseen a( the. time of tile adoption o£ the 1946 budget, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Com- mission of the CKy of Shelton, Wash- lngton, do ordMn as follows: SECTION I: That an enmrgency ex- ists requiring the expend/ture of ap- proxinlstely $2,000 h)r the construction of a sewer in Angleside Addition to Shelton, Washington. SECTION lI: 'lhat the Treasurer of the City of Sllclton, Washington, issue emergency warrants In the sum of ap- p)'oxunately $2,000 'to cover the costs of.the construction of said sewer, SECTION III: That this Ordinance bceome effc, cLlvc /ortllw/th. , INTRODUCED in Regular Clty Com- lnissit)n mceting this 31st day of Dec- ember, ]946, PASSED In Regular City Conlmis- sion this 31at day of De(ember. 1946. F. A, TRAVlS, MaYoz'. ItEGINALD SYH:ES, Con)missioner of Finance and Public Aecountlnff. llOY J. KIMBEL, Connnissioner of Strcets and Publie Utilities, Attest : (SEAL) ALMA K. CATTO, City Clerk. Al)p3"nved: CIIAS. R, LEWIS. City Attorney. ., 1-2--1t. " NO. 4830 , SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY tL L. Alexander and Agnes X. Al- exander, }lusband and wife, Plain- tiffs, --VS. C, W. Brown aad Edith Br,.)w, I-hlsband and Wife, the unkno'll hetl's of C, W, I'h'own. decea.sed, the unknown heirs of ldith Brown, de- ceased, and all otiler persons, un- ]tnown, having or elainHng to have any rlglit, title, estate, lie, n0 illter- eat or equity in and to tho llerein- after described Real Estats, Defend- eats. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: The said, C, W. Brown and Ed- ith Brown, husband and wlfe the unknown heirs o£. C. W. Brown, de- ceased, the unknown heirs of Editll :Brown, dcceased and all otherper - SOILS, unknowl], having or clahn{ng to have any right' title, e)tate lien, interest or equity in and to the heve- hlafter described Real Eatate; yotlt nnd each O ,you are hereby sun,-, nloned to appear witMn 60 days after tile date of the, flrstpublieation of this Summons, to-wit: Within 60 days t after the 26th day of December, 1946, and defend the above cot|tied action in the above entitled Court, and an- swer the Contplaint of the Plaintiffs, and servoa copy of your Answor upon the undersigped attorney for the Platutlffs at him office below stated; and in ease of your failure so to do, Judgment will lit: rendered against you according to the demand of thc Conlphlint, whlcll has been tiled with the Clerk of the said Com't. The ob- ject of. thls action is to quiet the Plaintiffs' title in and to the follow- ing described ]ands situated in :Ma- sol County, Was111ngton, to-wit: , Government Lot 5 • S[ection 21 Towllshlp 20 :North, Rango 2 West, W,M., excepting, therefrom the West 10 acres, more or less particularly deeribed as follows: Bglaning at the meander corner to Sections 20 and 21, said Township and Range running tlt(n.e9 South, along tho West line of said ot 5; 6.33 chains, more or less, tu the corner to Seetlons 20, 21, 28 and 29; thence East along tile, Sec- tion line, 1,0,52 chahls; thcncs North to the meander line of I-Iannnerslcy's Inlet; thence along the meander line tu (), Southwesterly direction to Ihc Point of beginning; a no excepi|ng therefrom public road rigllts-of-way, and to perpetnally bat" and enjoin you mid. each of you from asserting any right, title, claim, equity, lien ! B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for Plaintiffs Offlee and Post Office Address: , Court Itouse, Shelton, Washington. 12-261-2-9-16-23-30--2.67t. NO. 1881 NOTICE TO CRED/TORS TO P]tI,SI,:N{I AND FILE CLAIMS IN "IIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtIE STATE OB' WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN I'ROBATE 113 tim Matter of tile Estate of Mer- rill Saeger, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Adntlnjstratiou on Ll'o Es- tate of Merrill Saeger. deceased, were granted In the undersigned on the 21st day of Det:cnlbcr, 19'16, by tile said Super{or Court. All persons having vlaiu)s against saJd t slate "are required to serve tl3enl, "wil[I the 13ec(¢sary voucbel?s, u])on [bc undu'signed at the SaW Office of Alden C. Bayley, TIHe Ill- uran('o Building, Sht,lton, Was}3{ng- ton, that being Ill(; place aes3gnatcd for ibe h'ansactioa 01 the DllShlesS Of tl')e estate, within six n)ontlls after tlm date. or the first lmblieation of fills notice, lo-wit: within stx months after tlm 26th day of Dccenlber, 1946. ,and file the same with lhe Chu,k of this Court, together with proof Of such selWh,c, or t,hc will be foreve, r barred, Dated this 26th day Of Dccombor, ]9t6. (;I(HL'It'RUDI, I S, SAEGER, AdalinJstrstl'lK Of the Estate of :Merrill Sacgor, Deceased, ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Altorncy for Adnlinistratrix, Title ll3Sllralles Building, t:th(-I ton, Washington, 12-26--1-2.9-161t, NO. 18"17 NOTICI,I TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPEIIt)}I COURT OF THE STATE C)F WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the EsiaLe of ]%{]n- hie MeF,)rl'au Sergeant, Deceased. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN: That Toni Sergeant has been appointed and has qt|altfled S a d)n!nistrator of the (,state of MInnle .eerran Sergeant, dot:eased, and that tile creditbrs of said deceased and ef said estate are required {o se3'vp all ('lalnls against the said dec(ascii and the sam esllle on O'Leary and Meycr, aLl(/rne4v for .mhl adntinistrator, at Suite 1., Ha- %ional Bank of Cot31nlerce Buildin Olynlpla Wasi|ingion tile place f)l" tile transa,ctloa of the Dnst31ess (If said esb3te, snd file the sallle "with (I e eh.rk of i tc above enJt{ed court, to- gether with pl'oo f of sul,,] 3 service, Within six (6) n)onths s.ftev lhe dale of the first publics(ion of this Not}t:,{ to Creditors, to-wH: within slx (6) nionths after tile I9th day .of Deccm- ber, 1946, or said clahns wt/l be for- ever barred. TOM SERCEANT, Adnhlistrator of tile 19State (;f l/lll]e ceVl'el3 Serg0a:lt, 1 Deceased, 12-19-26.-I---t SHELTON.00N-6OUN00 JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' £ssociat.loa and National Edltorlal sociation Entered a second-class matter at the pirate(lice at Shelton. Washington WILFORD JESSUP and WILLIAM M. DICKIE, Publishers Bessie Bolen, Business Managcr Union Christmas Day was celebrated quietly here with a number of /family dinners. There were close to 60 relatives gathered at the Henry Morris home for the an= - nual Chi'istmas dinner. At the Douglas Grout home was Mrs. McKenna of Tacoma, cousin of Mrs. Grout, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schcel and the Curtis Grout fam- ily; the William Graham family and Mr, and Mrs. Eggers were at Sam's and Grandma Graham's, Mrs. Judd Elliott's mother and sister of Seattle and a nephew from Spokane were at the Elliott home. Besides the family was Philip Johnson at the Nosewor- thy's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mer- cier of Seattle came out Christ- mas eve to be with his mother, Mrs. 'Fryberg, and a few friends came m for the evening and on Christmas day there was an early family dinner. The Brunstroms had "Open House" Christmas eve, also. The Nelsons and Masons went to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Forman in Shelton for dinner. The Andersens went to Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Snyder to Tacoma as did Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The Wy- ats went to Belfair to be with her parents. The .lamisons went to Olympia for dinner at Leroy Jamison's. Gene Maffit went to Ehna to be with the Moor(s, who returned here with him, the day after. At the McGhee home were ten at the family dinner. Mrs. Orabelle Avey had dinner with the Avey's in Seattle and came out after Christmas to be with her family. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin McGhee and Robert moved to College Place during the week where they will all attend college. Mr. and Mrs. McVay had a fam- ily dinner at home. With them were Dr. and Mrs. MeVay, St., of Seattle. and Mrs. MeVay's fa- ther, Mr. Patrick of Elma. The John Nagle, Instructor, Washing- Thompson's and Howards had din- ton State College, Pullman, ner at Camp Three with Mr. and Nomination Committee: Albert Mrs. Ned Rucker and family, Rutledge, Farmer, Littlerock; Dorn which was in the nature of a BroWn, Farmer, Woodland; Heath farewell for the Howards, who Hall, Farm Forester, Kelso. moved away last Friday. Their Johnson states that all who are household goods were shipped to interested in farm forestry in their ranch at Ellensburg but Western Washington are invited to they, with their daughter Heath- attend this meeting, er, motored to Phoenix where i they plan to stay for several months before settling at Ellens- burg. They had planned to leave - 00rm00,r Kamilehe here 00efore Christmas but had so D,,:A • many things to take care of, could Passes not make it. They were too busy, Mrs. Margaret Quinn Leahy, a, as was everyone in the community former Kamilche resident and aunt I at this time of year, for any activ- e( Clarence, Maurice and Leo [ ity in their honor which a number Quinn, died Sunday in Seattle tel- I had hoped for. lowing a prolonged illness. She] The Roland Marc family, who was 92 years of age. , [had been living in a cottage here, Mrs. Leah was born in Livcr- Saturday moved into the home pool, Ohio, on May 16, 1854. In formerly occupied by the How- 1888, after her marriage to Pat- rick Leahy, she came to Washing- ton to settle at Kamilche. In 1909 she moved to Puyallup. Besides her nephews, she is sur- vived by her son, Jerry of Olym- pia; six grandchildren, Mrs, Mar- garet Ojeda, Mrs. Gertrude Hal- land, Mardello and Charles Lee of Tacoma and Robert Lee of Pale Alto, Calif,, and ten great grand- children. Funeral services for Mrs, Leahy were held in Puyallup on Tuesday. Subscription Rates: $2.50 pcr year in advance; 6 months $1,50: outside Mason COunty $2.75: Canada and ForeiKn .3.50. Piekering v v vv v, vv,vvvvvvvvvvvvv Ms'. and :Mrs. Earl MacMillan spent Christmas in Seattle with Mr. MacMillan's mother. Mr, and Mrs. Lantz Wiss have gone to Norfolk, Va.,to spend a couple of months with their son, Lt. Com. David H. Wiss and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts and daughter Nadine and Jim Crick, of Brooklyn, were overnight guests last •week at the Ralph Howard home. Mrs. Roberts is Mr. Howard's sister. Tony How- ard is lmme from the state uni- versity for the two week's holiday vacation. Miss Mabel Wylie writes that she is nicely situated for the win- tor in the village of Black Moun- tain, No. Carolina, in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and that she is enjoying wonderful scenery and considerable sunshine. :Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Peterson spent Christmas in Tacom with Mrs. Lucille Wright and family. The Ralph Howard family and Amos and Emily Babcock spent Christmas Day at the M, L. Fess- let home on Harstine Island, NO. 4824 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE QF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY W. A Gleason, Administrator, Es- late of" G. R. Milbourn, deceased, Plaintiff, --VS. Anna M. :Montgomery. George N. Montgomery, Ruth . Kunzie, Char- lea 13. Montgomery,, Pearl R. Glass, Martha Ann Montgomery, tile un- known heirs of Charles R. Montgomery and the unknown heirs of Frank H. Montgomery and to all other persons unknown, claiming ally r/ght, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real property described In the complaint adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiff's titlo thereto, Defendants. STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE ABOV NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the ,first publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 12th day of December 1946, and defend the above entltletl action In the above entitled court, and answer the complaint to the plain- tiff, and aervea copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his office below stated: and in easo of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to the dcland of t])e compl.aint, whic}} has been fileu With the CleFK 01 saia court. That the cause (if action her(is is to quiet title ill the estate of G. R.. Mllbourn, to the following described real property: SEI of SE of NWI4 of See,, 2r TWp, 23, N. Rge, 3 W.W.M,, subjec"t to the terms and conditions reserved to the Riverside Thnber Company° a corporation, togethe with the water righ thereto under permit No.' 3324, sitated In the tounty of Mason, State of Washington. JAMES MUNRO. • Attorney for tile Estate, Office and Poat .Of£eo Address: ,,. tBr}i' Building i "on'  " Bremerton, wan ngt , ' '" :,"Date of first publication, Decembbr 12, 1946. 12-12-19-261-2=9-16 Farm Forestry Session Jan. 7 The next meeting of the Weste Washington Farm Forestry As- sociation w.lll be held Tuesday, January 7, according to Allan Johnson, president of the associa- tion. The meeting will be held at the Winter Room at the Western Washington Experiment Station, Puyallup, Washington, beginning at 10:00 o'clock and adjourning at 3:30 p.m. The program includes the dis- cussion and adoption of the con- stitution and by-laws of the assoc- iation: the election of officers for the ensuing year and the develop- ment of the Farm Forestry pro- gram for 1947. Commitee reports on trespass and association policy will be discussed, Mr, R. M. Turn- er, assistant director of extension, will summarize the discussion. Tle following committees serv- ing during the past three months are: Constitution and By-laws: Mike Webster, State Division of Forest- ry, Olympia Walter Thomson, United States Forest Service, Port- land; A. M, Richardson, Extension Service, Tacoma, Trespass Problems: Ralph Roll- let, Extension Service, Kelso; Mar- 'tin Syverson, Forest Service, Port- land; Jack Liegel, Farmer, Shcl- ton, Program Development: Orval Jess, Farm Forester, Olympia; KIMBEL MOTORS Fctory Approved Chrysler - Plymouth -, International SALES- PARTS SERVICE We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment In Our NEW SERVICE BUILDING AT SOUTH FIRST AND MILL STREET Electric Welding I PHONE And Brazing I 465-W Motor Testing I by the Latest •Sunmaster 'Method Means No Guess Work i J Bremert0".Tac0ma Stages The Finest In Motor Coach Transportation PORT ANGELES - SHELTON - OLYMPIA South Bound Port Angeles ................ L.v. 9:15 a.m. Sequlm .......................... 9:45 a.m. Quilcene ........................ I0:40 a.m. Ltlliwau p ...................... 11:31 a.m. Hoodsport .................... 11:41 a.m. She)ton .......................... 12:10 p,m. Olympia ........................ Ar, 2:45 p.m. Connection To and From Bremerton at Junction Connect{on To and From Port Townsend at Quilcene BREMERTON - SHELTON - OLYMPIA North Bound Ar, 5:35 p.m. 5:08 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 3:18 p.m. 3:12 p.m. 2:45 p.m. Lv. 2:05 p,m. Leave Olympia NORTHBOUND Leave 8helton 8:30 -a.m. 10:45 a,m. 1:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m, 9:00 p.m. DAILY Leave Bremerton 8:15 a,m. 11;00 a,m. 2:00 p.m. *3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. • 8:15 a.m. 9:15 a,m, 11:30 a,m. 2:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 8OUTHBOUND Leave Shelton 7:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m, 12:30 p.m, 3:30 p.m, 7:00 p.m. * Via Allyu * Nb Sunday or HoUday service, Charter Work a Specialty CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AGENT Depot at First & Grovl' ' I Phone 162 1;  ards. The Dr, Roemers and the Ralph Callows went to Hoquiam for the holidays. Dinner guests at the Andersen home Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cornwall of Potlatch and his mother, Mrs. Elsie Corn- wall. Mrs. Will Morris of Potlatch was in town Saturday calling on old friends. "The Christmas Tree Gang," which included Mr. and Mrs. Har- ley Neldon, James Wright, Scott Neldon, Mr. and Mrs, tester Ben- nor, Otis Teig, Harlan Blake and Bob Pierce, retnrned home dur- ing the week. Mrs. Bonnet was ill while in San Francisco but all the rest seemed to have thrived very well, Mr. Bonner and Mr. Blake left immediately after their return for elk hunting. The beautiful Clarence Blagen residence was seriously damaged during the recent cold spell when overhead plumbing broke, innud- sting the home and contents, ne- cessitating removal of floor coy= erings and furnishings. The dam- age is estimated as being up in the thousands of dollars. At pres- ent the Blagens are with their daughter and family, the Wesley Fishes of Portland, where they wtl remain over the holidays. Another home to suffer severe damage from tlae same sourc was the Don Walker place next door!to the Alien Raus. Overhead plumbing also broke and caused much damage. new high was established for the largest number ofChristmas cards and letters by MI"s. Ethel Dalby who received close to a hundred, many of which were from young fiends who had known .'her hospitality down thru the years, or whom she had be- friended: SAVE TIME ! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY - BREM'ERTON - SEATTLE 12:55 5:00 *5:45 *5:45 6:15 6:15 *7:00 *7:00 7:30 7:30 8:15 8:10 8:45 8:45 9:25 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:45 10:35 11:15 11:15 11:50 12:00 12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 1:15 1:00 1:45 1:45 2:15 2:30 3:00 3:00 3:45 3:30 4:15 4:15 4:55 5:00 5:30 5:30 6:15 6:15 6:5 ?6:45 7:30 *7:00 8:00 t8:30 %7:30 8:00 ?8:45 %8:45 79:15 *9:00 *9:30 %9:15 710:00 10:00 10:30 %10:30 11:15 "11:00 111:45 %11:30 11:45 , * Daily Except Sunday " Sunday Only $12:40 on Monday morning (Sunday night) BLACK BALL LINE T Drunks, Speeders Vie For December Totals With drunks again heading the list of arrests for the month of December, and speeders a close second, Police Chief Paul Hughey reports that there was a total of 81 arrests made during the month, compared to 103 in November. The arrests include 26 drunks; 22 speeders; 19 parking violators; five disturbing the peace; three each for failure to stop at arterial stop signs; two for carrying con- cealed weapons and one each for indecent exposure, reckless driving and vagrancy. Viola Daniels Editing Newspaper In Alaska Word received from Seldovia. Alaska, brings Sheltonians up to "date on the recent activities of Miss Viola Daniels, former local resident. Miss Daniels is now pub- lishing the "Frontiersman," a twice-weekly publication at Seld - ovla. • Miss Daniels was. formerly a staff writer on the Anchorage Daily Times and was, at one time, associated with War Department publications at Ladd Field and Fort Richardson, Alaska. Mount Vernon, the shrine of all Americans and home of George Washington, located on the Po- tomac river near Washington, D. C., was built in 1743. BOOK BINDING Libraries and Schools Songs and Prayer Books Perlodlcals, Magazines Newspaper Files --Old books repaired and rebound. Prices Reasonable Karl Krupa Bookbinder Route 1  Box 114 • Raymond, Wash. Enjoy the smooth flavor by 17 imported ents. Same fine quality- 1009'o can grain. Try it 4/ Quart $2.77 cod, No. 3 Plot i0Jg woe liquot,tol 90 Proof i Dffikl from 100 I[RKE BROTHERS BISTiLL[RIE$: BOSTON. MASS. " AMERICAN LEGI0 MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MEI00ORIAL 1st and 3rd TUESDAYS ungry? Here's a Typical EENING MINU ...... "Sure to Satisfy the "Inner Man" at Ritner's Cafe Rice Tomato Soup Entree Boiled Pig Hocks - Sauerkraut ............................. 60 Baked Chicken Loaf - Creamed Peas ................. 60 Diced Frankfurters and Scrambled E9gs ......... 60 Grilled Calves Liver and Onions ......................... .80 Roast Leg of Lamb - Jelly ..................................... 80 Roast Sirloin of Beef - Brown Gravy ................. 801! Roast Leg of Pork - Apple Sauoe ......................... 80 i'i Breaded Veal Cutlets -'Cream Gravy ................. 85 ,,:' Pan Fried Pork Chops - On Toast ....................... 85, Large Veal Porterhouse Steak ............................ 1.25 Boneless Rib Steak - Frenoh Fries .................... 1.40 New York Sirloin Steak ........................................ 1.50 Large T-Bone Steak .............................................. 1.75 Grilled King Salmon Steak .75 Halibut Steak - Lemon Slice ................................. 75 Fried Willapont Oysters - Cole Slaw ................. 90 Potato Vegetable Hot Roll Coffee Eat Your Evening Meals at RITNER'S CAPE For the Best Combination of Tastiness, Nourishment, variety, fair prioe AFTER THE SHOW OR "BALL GAME Or On That Date One of Ritner's MILKSHAKES MALTU MILKS OR SUNDAES Hit the Spot Perfectly Everytime. Ice Cream Packed for Parties, Dinners $1.40 ,er Gallon' $1.25 Per Gallon in 5-Gallon Lots ' Ritner's Ice Cream Ba 2, 194-7. IIiIItnltll)lUUllll County Says: = WE HOPE TO YOU • | HEALTH, 14/PPIN ESS AND :'PROSPERITY IIIIIIIIIIIIIlill Rol 222 County " I and Dry Cleane P ¥OUI BY I FREI( DOOR DEL Is N It cost: do a sloppy his abilits. We ha up with t • that we ca: ,, not only in T : , Phone 10(