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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1Qaav, Jammrv 2 lr47. SfIELTON.MAS01q, COUYJOURN,AL thursday, 9. ... .o,,o. -" m County  : ] ||&apos; .q, pRY'//Y mery Says: = U"' by .iLL o,cKiE U  opens lvlonaay HI a'sO/dBfaatq' : _ -'""-"'"'"'""--_ .... " Inaugural Contest .[ -  i.. i_" i. -: ..... Pin Ass'n Event, , IS THIs. SKNSE,? . so hold the preponderance of Competition in the annual Cit 5 h. tim jdehnet t Coaches of Southwest Vasning'- power Bowling Association mid-season w RINGS TO YOU Enjoy the !ii smooth flay or by 17 imported ents. Same fine IN"H EALTH, H/¢P'PIN ESS AND PROSPERITY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIil II office in Seattle. an assistant city engineer for the City of Aberdeen. and witt the housing project for the University of Washington. Roberson Plumbing I and Heating- P h o n e 6 8 5 222 South Second Street Home Phone 181-J Home Address 528 Cedar quality- 100% .. can grain Try it i :."-Alt% :P eOur first and foremost con- ' .,J :, s,derafion these days ia your 4]$ Quart $2.77 Code No•  .. ' ;: "'=]:],'L, ..... ,' .,..,0o.,,=..,.. I  fam.y-si= ,sundry- our 90 Proof *:'i,. :(;!I spec alty. We'want to help i Dlstnled from 100 Grain Neub'al   :: "i. ,ERKE sIoTIIEaS 0ISTILLERilES[' .FILIil you all we poss,bly can. [R ............... SOST0,.MASS.'; 'ii( He p us by ha/ing your ' i!| . ! bundle ready w len our driv- " 4  ercalls. Ifl N] L : L r I '  lason County Steam Laund y 1. II=  | llJ and Dry Cleaners Phone 88 [ MEMORIAL / ........... TUESDAYS gry? Typical 3 MENU ..... m "Inner Man" at CLARE.NC.E Ca LAN,DKR Pre=!dent 's Cafe S0u00: SilIP ¥OUIt FREIGHT BY BOAT F:AS.T FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN 8HELTON should be routed via Sir. Indian, Ferry D0cR, v Str. Sko0kum Cl/ief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 3 Time Schedule as follows: . ayes Tacoma dMlY*, axc,pL Sundw,.;at  p.m. for .... Ol,ympia and' Sheltgn, &rrlves Sllelton dally, ekeetl¢, Sunday eta Soup rce ;raut ............................ 60 amed Peas ................. 60 crambled Eggs ......... 60 Onions ......................... .80 ..................................... 80 own Gravy ................. 80 Sauce ......................... 80 earn Gravy ................. 85 n Toast ....................... 85, teak ............................ 1.25 =oh Fries .................... 1.40 ...................................... 1.50 ...................................... 1.75 k ................................... 75 ice ................................. 75. Cole Slaw ................. 90 Hot Roll Coffee ning Meals at S CAFE )f Tastiness, Nourishment, FTER TH E 3HOW OR LL GAME On That Date te of Ritner's ILKSHAKES MALTED MILKS OR SUNDAES -lit the Spot perfectly Everytime. r h Is Not Necessary.... to pay an extra price for sometMng reall g, The difference between good pri, an4 pr printing is not in the price you pay b ia the skill of the printer you choose. FoliowingC°unty Ellgineer'Sin FootstepsS°ll The idiocy of the situation lies handicap opens )'X.. MORGAN LUMBER it ranks swelled to eigit teams, ton lxig'h school basketball teams tournament next ..;...' by the recent acidities of Centre- I had sometliag of a headache on in the fact that the two classes ..-Monday evening wimn teams m I[ Arthur G. Ward, 27. son of Ma- TACKLES ROUND li. the Southwest high school i their hands when they met in mid- vote as a group v,'ien 90cA of the the Rayonier league open fire on ........................... ''-- ), son Couuty's engineer, Arthur L. TABLE SATURDAY northern division basketbaL con-: December to re-shahs the two di- time they have nothing in common tie headpin in the first of four Ward, received notiee Tuesday After a holiday rest, Morgan ference lifts the curtain on its visions of the Southwest, basl,ct, on which to act. And don't blame nights of team-event rivah'y. that hc has passed the examination Lumber returns to its Olympia 1947 seaso this Friday evening ball conference, the coaches for the screwy doings, Commercial league chtbs follow as a licensed professional engin- City Basketball League tempe- witll Shelton going to Aberdeen, I It came up over Centralia's entirely, on Wednesday night, the four- eer and land surveyor. He grad- titian Saturday by entertaining Hoquiam to Cetralia, Raymond I desire to transfer from th0 The coaches themseh,es, or their team men's major league contin- uated from the en$ineering school tim strong Capitol Ronnd Table to Olympia and Montesano to El- southern to the northern, divJs- association, have no anthority• All ues on Thursday and city league at Wasifington State College last cluh in rite new Shelton gym ms• ion (which might also be said ddbisions are made by the prin- liteups wind-up the team comps- year. For the past year he has starting at eight o'clock. Olympia goes into the npening of Chhalis, too.)• cipals association, and the prin- titian Friday evening. If all night's play favored to capture, As it stood prior to thgt. meet, cipa:Is do all the yetis • So the teams in th6 four leagues take Companybeen withinthetheSimpSOnoffice ofL°gging'w. H. leagnoTie lumberrecord ofdealerSfoar ImaStwins ina the division title and dethrone the ting ' the two divisions each had baby is really theirs g" not the part in the tournament 28 teams Snelgrovc. His former places of defending champion He q u is m i seven teams, but the soxtthern di- coaches, will have competed in the event. occnpation have been the Shelton six starts and are second only Singles and doubles play starts Airport, Boeing's, City of Seattle, to the undefeated Cammarano Grizzlies. Centralia, swRching to visiolwas badly out-of-kilter from SPORT CRUMBS the northern division afte.r play- a travelihg .taadpoiat with the BilL'Ta3,1or, Shelton's mtln bas- Thursday night after the major with a construction engineering club in the league staadings, but are tied with the Elks and ing with the soutlxcrn division I two Lewis county schools being ketball heart throbl was second league teams have finished their the Rmmd Table for second since the present Southwest con-lmore than 100 Stiles away from lifh scorer for the Univers!ty of play with additional singles and . ference was shaped a dozen years place, ago, will be the darkhorse of the i the opposite enci of the division, Washington ir the Huskies two doubles competition Saturday and Vancouver and Cases. Hence series with Big Nine opponents Sunday closing' the tourney. In The Round Tattle iinetp is circuit for known of the their desire to get iu with tke recently, his 43 points being the neighborhood of 120 singles composed o|' former Olympia Tigers other than they have a [ closet" northern division setup' topped,only by the 48 registered by and 60 doubles entries are expect- IERBERT G. ANGLE higli school stars such as Jack capable coach in Waldo Roberts where their longest trips, to Ray - Center Jack Nichols . . . Bill made ed to take part in the quest for insurance As a Business Rigglnl Dick Anderson, anti sev- and will he dangerous for that mend and Slielton: woiald be less 16; field goals in 53 shots, eleve the prize money, Not a Sideline eral others of three 6r fottr rcason alone. years ago antl are regarded as Sltelton's opening night oppo- than half that mileage. ; foul shots in 18 attempts and corn- The old setup was pretty hen.  mi'tted 14 peraon:,l fouls in the four one of the stronger clubs ia the neat, the Aberdeen Bobcats, have dy and convenient as far ' as ] games of the Ohio Stae and Min- circuit, so Morgan I,umber will ot been particularly impressive the northern divlMbn was con- line, eta series, according to Seattle llave to be at its best'to earn in pre-season performances but cerned ahd for the most part its I Papers . . . Peter and Karoi Ken- th dnke over tle Tablets. have" met some strong rivals• The seven entries' wer*e satisfied with [,nedy, the former Shelton school ,,,,, , ,  Bobcats have seven 1946 letter- the status, quO, a lthodgh some [kids who gTe w up to become a pair Ragt'----i" e- 1)  ble men as nucleus for this year's had n6obeoti0h to taking Cen- of American's outstanding figure :ggregation, including the epable, tralia and Chehalis into the' fold. skaters .'rod who will represent the m ou S t;iCky, high-s0r'ing Bob Kevo Int there 'was also a hitch, if 'United States in the world figure ......... akmg: with Ge:ie EdWards, Wal]y Competitio Kee s,oh a change was mad over rap-'skating championships in Swedeu n n Brown, Bob McGiIlicuddy, Jim resentation in the state Imskeball in Felaxiary, are being sponsored With a fancy-looking pot pull- Abrahamson. Rich Caldwell and tournament at the close of each by the Washington Athletic Club ing them, league bowlers are lev- John Smethers, but a non-letter- season Under the present at- in Seattle now•,. White wears tits cling the rest of this week on the man Jack Helland, has been get- rangement, champions Of each di- same No. 55 on his basketball handsome cash p'izes which will tlng starting assignments in Bob- vision go dir,eCtly to the tourn.a !ersey as he did on his Highclimb- be claimed bY the top two daub- cat practice games at a guard ment with second place teams in er football jersey last fall .... hi'th. each division playing off for a Walt Lunsford fm'mer Shelton les teams at the close of the rag- time doubles competition now m Aberdeen Rate,u Favorite third berth. , 'coach and teacher, recently was progress at the Shelton Recrettion Thv Bobcats Will be favorites to Northern division coaches ar- elected to the Centralia school whip the Highclimbers in the op- gued that if Centralia and Cheha]is board by a four-vote margin over alleys next Sunday fright, emng game Friday but Coach wei'e taken into their league that his opponent . . . the first foul he; Over 250 teams have shot in the ragtime through New Years Eve, Chct Dombroski's Red and, Black third tournament berth should Be ha committed in some 20 years aggregation has been improving given to the nort.hen division sec- of bowling cost Al Ferrier 44 pins right along in spite of its record and place team without any play- contributing through two-bit entry fees to a pot which is expected to in a city league bowling match approach or perhaPs even top $200 of seven defeats in ine practice, off and that the southern division recently . . A1 had left the el-  before the event ends Sunday games, and with a strong zone de- being only a six-Learn or even five- leys to go to wait on a customer x¢. ¢O fcnsc may g've the Bobcats a lteam circuit without the Lewis and stepped into rain water -X  €f night. At the present time ,Gcnc rdugh rub, especially if the High- county entries, should be entitled tracked in from outside, and when Lindbrg and Jack Roles still lead i € x¢\\;\" r °"9¢°=O o the competition with their 1339 cliiber offense, which has cIicked to only the one tournament berth, he made his approach to throw his total, set in the early st.ges of smoothiy on only a couple occa- Southern division schools ar- next ball his shes gripl:ed and . ".. :,@ 0xV t  o  ,jo ' the competition, while early this sions so fat', begins to function, gued their enrollments were spilled him headlong across the \\;o. =€ .,X t\\;\06 wcek Ade KOlperraan and Bill Shelton's first home game in larger and therefore they should foul line after he had just posted  conference play will be against continue to have an equal chance a turkey , . . speaking of the Fer-  gq;-'P¢ _@¢ X \\;0' Smithslippedint° sec°ndplaceat the new divisi°n br°ther' Centra" for thethird statep osltion, riors, Hazel has come ou of her , o,pj .j ;v ::,p 1335 pins. lie. the Tigers coming here Janu- How Centralia wound up in the re, tiremeRt and is now rolling lri  ,100 .0j,  ,0\\; Of ary 10. Before that, howeer, the northern division and Chehalis the women's major circuit . . . a   , ,o uo O X4€' T l ph .gci,mbers meet a non-confer- didn't out of the who controversy scout for the Seattle Rainiers and ;0.X  " , ,\\;\, ,yp,] e e one ce cnee opponent in the Chehalis is a story of organized confusion Philadelphia Athletics is interested ,  ,3 ,  r * B i g R del d Berats here Tuesday night, worth passing along according to in Jess Phillips, the Shelton right- ,5 , $@. .\\; e n emo e : Hoquiam's defending champions reports of sports writers who sat header who bore the brunt of Remodeling now under, way atn havein theirbeen'anythingpre-seasonbUtgames.impressivetheir in on that session, pitching the Slaelton Loggers to o < ,¢ j° the telephone company s Shelto It Seem a poll of coaches of the the Olympia Night League baseball ./€¢ e . exchange office will separate the only victories being" against class schools in tbe' two divisions indi- title last suntmer. business office from the switch- B schools, Lebam and Naselle, ca.ted a majority favored leaving board and provide better light- while all their major foes, such the divisions as was. but when the ing conditions for the business of- as Bremerton. Anaeortes, Port motion was made to accept the rice personnel, reports G. R. Gib- Angeles, Kelso and Longview, report of the polling committee, TREE have taken the Grizzlies for rfdes, bons, manager of the Shelton- Centralia Coach Waldo Roberts Olympia di{ision of the company, some of them anything but gen- sneaked in an amendment which CLIFF Heretofore'the two offices have tle. The Grizzlies hardly appear said "with the exception that Cen- TaPPT been in the same room and because able to retain their title this year, tralia play up north" to quote.Joe t=-v- .   of the necessity for darkness although they'll improve as the Fandich. Aberdeen World .spg.£ta . .... WIVELI2S around the switchboard so operat- season progresses and won'f be editor who attended th'e sesmon. Tree and Brush TEXA ors could see the lights on the fai" off the pace• Then came the payoff. Under CO board there has been insufficient I Bears Iigurc as Champs the rules governing the South- Removing S ' illumination for the business office I Olympia's ranking as flag.fay- west Coaches Ass'n, class A and High ClilDbil|g  ERVICE . personnel, a condition which will orites stems from the Bears ex- class B schools vote as a group ..... be corrected by the remodeling perienced material, speed and size, on such matters and the class B First & Franklin project. Coach Chick Rockey having' a vet- 0caches, so Scrivener Randioh Estinmtes Given  - eras outfit strengthened by the gelates, voted for the amettded PHONE 221-J-5 , _ ........ addition of Joe Bordeaux, a Lrans- motion, thus placing Centralla * ..... " .... fez' from Tacoma, attd a lot of in the northern division ahd leav- sze in Bill Day, 6%-f0ot letter, ing Chehalisin:the,$outbP-rn sec .... mart center: tion. Class B Scfi0ols outnumber =' " Loss of its two scoring demons, Class A schools by something ]d Wrona and Jack Ford, weak- 20 Associati0n'. ens Raymond seriously while over to 14 in.the M:ontesano figures to be eeaker this year with only two lett rmen Dewatto NORTHWES" 'NVESTIGAgON SERVlCE00 returBing and its big'. scoring ,vvrv,,w,r-*.vrv - threat of last year Dick Brfk graduated. Elma, ty" g Se I The Dewatto ladies were enter- for last place last year, won't be tained Dec. 19 by Mrs. Jack King any Worse, perhaps somewhat at her home. Assisting tile host- Confidential Investigations and Assistance ess was her sipter=inrlaw, Alm st,;anger with most of its 1946 King. A beautiful Christmas tree club b0x:k, " ' * Qualified - Bonded, Where the Hihciimbers fire,re and Christmas decorations wer .... h" " "t'e L scra used about the rooms. The after- o place m t s etgn -t am am- ,,,,:, . non+' ifi" talkin "*and ble 'is difficult to predict but in hand work o-]ristas pent.% spite of a pre-season showing_ ...... ' ......... =2.,,=,th e Angle Building, Room 8 - -- - : "" - b "% ..... 'to the ladies present: Mrs. ueebee Ph01e 337 an(l DlaCK Snoula GO C nslo rainy ........... ..=., ..... ,m L ' ' better than last Year in lefigue ,am: tre$:tta.eaUwer:qn;rb: :,lM?r.roa0h a00 won" I t:c: and made mers of ; Hou,s  to 0 P.M. Da,,, o, .y Apoo,ntoot But considerab|y more will be )club" Dinty refreshments W ' know ate Frida,'s' oenin  I served late in the afterron. -s  .... 'o se  e r - I. The Toni Mathias familY, have ,,,v , ,,,,,,,,, , .-= -* J""  ..... , + +h o]1 while house sent at least that long. ,,,'?, £,,?y_ ?: _"+'* ..... r . __--. { on me Jenz prate. - ::/{" " '" -" : " .................. Anna and Dick King spent. " " " Christmas with' rdatives in To'- It costsan unskilled and careless printer just as much to do a sloppy job as it does a good printer to do a job w0rthY of his ability. We have been printing for many ),ears, We have, kept up with the changing trends of printing style and*we feel that we can safely say that our work competes with the best, not only in quality but in cost. WHEN YOU NEED PRINTING AGAIN GET YOUE FULL" MONEY'S, WORTH AT Parties, Dinners, The j OUR N AL 07, 4h Sir.set n 5-Gallon Lots ' Cream WOULD YOU PAY $5.00 or a ur coat? It would cost many times this to re- place yours if it were los% stolen or destroyed, yet "All Risks" Fur Floater Insurance costs but 85¢ per $I00--minimum $ Z-or. Qne year. 8helton, Wuh, Tonight -. Friday January 2 - 3 Jmes Craig Butoh 3ehkins "BO,S RANCH' ' ' Matinee fFom 2. P. M. New Year's Day Saurlay Only • January 4 2 FATURE "TE UNKNOWN" Weaver. Bros. "smA OF • m  ozAPS, Sunday - W, e4neay January 5 -8 Barb Stanwyck Va OI IVERS" Not Recommended for Children Thursday Sturday JanuaFY 9 - 1,1 2 FEATURES 'gOE PALOOKA CHAMPn "FMTU IN  Fsm" c°Tme Bible school of Dewatto was[ given a party by their, teacir, [ Anna IZing ach p upil recelved[ a gift from their teaOer and 're] freshments ' We'r enjoyed after ] games were played. I Gordon Gnningham and wife.[ were guests of his father, Geor61 Cunningham, 'Satfirday. " ...... [ Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Gleas,oJ spent tle Christ,as holidays tn[ Olympi with' their; daughter andS] family, Mrs. 'G. R. Tipt0'n. " " I A group of Seattle, I¢Ppl¢ ae,,I spending this, week enl at tle] Lee Baxter: hqm.,  ] Cecil 1ance is spending some] time with hi uncle Mpntoo,Nnc¢, 1 Mrs,,W. , 'Gles01i' apet 'sev:i eral days in the Olympia. Hopil. Guests at the Jack King's for • r in's alents Chrmtmaswer,M.K g P.' from Tacdma and; Mrs', ' Kings, fa= ther Alexandpr 1eir of ea,ttlO. lV[r. Meir spent several days with his daughter. Tlm Stanley Pierce children were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Pierce over the holidRy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack King, Mrs, Toni Mathias and Gee. Cunning ham welre, business visitors in Shelton Flqday, All the people of Dewatto wish to thank the,county commissioners, sheriff and road" crew fdr the good work done in this section the past .year, eBp¢ially since the rainy season started, We have snow now and the roads are icy and slippery, and we hope they. keep watch dyer out" roafls, Rex Tipton *Isthe'guest of his grandbarents( Mr,. apd:ra.L W. A,' : Gleason. The S£','lare Ki'ff ffhg• area Lakes are the Madwt'.a "an& 'North' A!heriea's bil,hrghL Th,y mus be'bbtkfned'anfl'Ld T0r he Amcerican people.Cltleag Slp. -v-- Asbestos Cement ' Jl and , Roe mg COUl n Angle Bldg. Phonc :10,1- To Match Sta Money I Monday, County Commissioners I R, p,r • s € n t  n g T i • S . n d a r d F i r passed a resolution to allow for{ louran¢¢.Company o| ltrtlord. Conn. $320.90 to covet" the balance due  1 I 'r°m *°' *w° *"="' 1 /j I ,oiling projects. One of the pro- | jects has been completed and the[]] other project will be coming np' I for bids soon. | AAdaAaa aAAAAaAaAAAAAAAAA A AAAAAA A A INSULATION - WEATHER STRIPPING To Keep Out These Wintry Drafts We, Take Pleasure In Anngu!lcing aL New Glass Service Call us and we will send an expert glass-fJtter to replaoe broken glass and windows in your business location or your hom.. Lawton Lumber Co. 420 6OUT..H FIRST STREE PHONE 5( Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson, Proprietors Phone 100