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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. .,....g.a,a.:a.a---:  '-----.*.---:  ..... -'4=-. CHENILLE SPREADS! You won't believe the low price when you see the rich colors and handsome designs-- strong heeting -- soft pile! Double bed size in solid color with mu/ti- color designs! JUST A FEW OF OUR HEADLiNERsI Cannon Towels--- Table Cloths-- In bright fat - oolor The big bath size you print=! 5¢" x 54% want  in white, white "54" with borders, colors! .................. .98 56¢ 48 x 50 .............. 98¢ r. Priscillas-- Charming and full; 6" headed ruffles; dotted and figured marqtmiset! 2.98 All-Wool Blankets 72" x 90"; 4 Ibs, pure wool! if-year guarantee to resist moths Cretonnes-- In handsome designs; sun- fast, tub-fast, preshrunk twill. _J".,E :gP- -.. Spun Rayon Prints In lovely new colors and designs] Pick your pat- tern here! 11.90 39¢ yd. 69¢ yd. BED SPREADS Colonial type. FuR and twin bed size In rose and bltJe with white design. 4;98 # Cotton SHEET BLANKETS Colored Plaids. 70" x 80". Style Cres. rent. 1.53 SHEET BLANKETS White cotton, Dellwood style. 2.09 Pillow Cases... 49¢ ,,,,, GOLDEN DAWN SLEEPING Double bed size. Of 5% wool, cotton and rayon. BED PILLOWS-- Durable ticking filled with duck feathers. BLANKETS-- 5.49 6.90 GAY SEEI00UCKER PRINT-- In blue, brown, red and green. HEATERS-- , , ,, , M (IRCULAIING AIR ELECTRIC With convenient handle. 1250 watts. 7.15 d flHEI,TON-NISON CO 3OURNM5 " -- m u . ml m I Hmm m U PATIENT IN IIOSPITAL Mrs. Lydia Leggett hns receiv- ed word that her son. Johnny Files of Santa Rosa, Calif., has been in the hospital for the past three weeks, but his condition is improving. He is g. forn|ev Shei- ton resident. VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. G, L. /3adKely of Garden City have been the guests at the home of Mrs. Badffely's brother and sister-in-l'aw. Mr. And Mrs. Earl Leggett. Another visi- tor at the Leggett home recently was Mrs. Carl Knauf of Isabella Valley. Large Supply Materials Available In January for Sgencer FouPAations and Supports PHONE 799-J For Appointmen! or Call at 1416 Summit Drive T-O-T-E-M Curio Shop MILE SOUTH OF UNION Phoffe Union 426 Something New Something Different From Old Mexico Sport Jackets For Ladies Coustder them for your Spz;tng outfit. Sequin Embroic Braid BHlltant Colors Aztec Rings So-called Aztec ring is lae, massive, startling. For men only. A New Shipment of Weaverware Wedding Held In Kentucky Word was received this week of the nlarriage in Louisville, Ky., Tlmrsday, Novenlber 28, at 9 o'clock in the morning of M. Ai- leen Fowle and James M. Town- send. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L [, Fowle of Louisville and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Town- send of Shelton. Reverend Spaid performed the ceremony in the Lutheran ehm'ch. Mrs. William. S. Hart of Kentucky was matron of honor gild Jack Nold was best man. A reception was held in the bride's home following the eere- many. After a simrt wedding trip to Dayton, Ohio, they will malce their home in Louisville where he is a salesman for a lithograph/ng company. EASTERN STAR CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY The Eastern Star Social Club will meet at the Masonic Temple Tuesday, January 7, for its regu- lar monthly 1 o'clock luncheon meeting. Mrs. William Valley, Mrs. J. H, Friskenand Mrs. Glenn Landers will be hostesses for the occasion. XMAS DAY VISITORS Mr, and Mz:.Earl Leggett had as dinner Guests on Christmas day Mrs. Legggtt's brother, Elmer Warden of Touchet, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Rush of Kamilche and their two sons, Billy and aim. Mr. and Mrs. Leggctt and family and Mr. Warden were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose at a New Year's dinner party. JACK• MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS Children and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All Styles Every Wednesday 2 to 6 p.m. Shelton Egles Hall Phone Union 385 New steel wires for on ever-expanding telephone service in rural areus Speeding telephone expans/on in dozens of rural areas throughout Washington, this new steel wire-- de- veloped by Bell Telephone Laboratories--is so strong the number of poles needed can be cut almost in half. This makes for far faster construction. With other type wires, poles were generally placed less than 250 feet apart. Now, ,with the new sfeelwre, the distance can be extended to 400 feet or more. This is only one of many improvements now on the way. Ranch- ers and farmers can expect fewer parties on their lines; fewer rings for other parties and the replacement of crank type telephones with modern instruments. It all adds up to better service for the people Who suppw food for you and tile world. And it's sdIl another exmd Pdle of how, in an expamibn program that will almost ouble our plant investment in Washington, we are working to provide a better, more far reaching tele- phone service than ever before.., so that the telephone tead/ly becomes more Valuable to every user, An ever.improving lephone service at the least cost cousistent wltb good Wages.and working #onditions or our employees and a reasonable return to the thou- sands of IJeope who have invested in the business, / The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. * 10 South Third - Shelton - Phone 497 I I II ...................................... : ......... :,:.:::_-- :- ..... : ........... ,, Holds 1500 Pinochle Hand Saturday Evening Mrs. John Hardin had the honor of holding a 1500 pinochle hand Dayton Club Holds Christmas Party The Dayton Ladies Sewing Club celebrated the Christmas season with a dinner party held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Loetseher. A full course dinner was serv- ed gt one o'clock from a table attractively decorated in the Yule- tide motif. Guests seated them- selves according to the names on the fir place=cards placed around the table. During the afternoon the cheer sisters for the last year were re- vealed and new llalnes were drawn. All the ladies present then exchanged gifts. Assisting the hostess were Ruth Blundon, Hazel Layton and Lola Loertscher. Those. in attend- anee were Nell McQueen, Grace HatciL Mabel Kidd Hazel WiN liams, Edith Luther. Gladys Lind- holm, Mollie Morris, Gertrude Scotte, Ernestinc Berry, Rose Den- nis, Fern Jennings, Gladys Munz, Dolphins Rischel, Marguerite Lem- ks, Bee Bailey, .Martha Moles- worth, Es{elle Bunnelle, ,Illdred Lows, Ann Walden. Tavy Killough, Dolores Dennis and the hostess. IIoodslmrt Church Welcomes Rev. Sweenmy The Hood Canal Community Church at Hoodsport is proud to announce that beginning on the firstSunday in January there will be a new pastor, Rev. Pmll Swee- ney, formerly assistant pastor at the First Baptist Church in ShelJ ton. Roy. Sweeney, who has accept- ed the call as full time pastor at the Hoodsport church, is a graduate of M:oody Bible Instltute and had been in Shelton for about g year. Members of the Hood Canal church are looking fmvard to the good work of Roy. Sweeney in the coming year. An invitation is ex- tended to all residents of Hoods- port to visit the church and join in welcoming Rev. Sweeney to his new work. Pre-Nuptial Dinner Honors Couple Honoring their daughter, Eliza- beth, and Donald DeVries of Sioux Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Horton entertained with a pre-nuptial dinner at the Colonial House last Thursday evening, December 26. Guests present in- cluded Dr. and Mrs, Rudolph Nor- vald and son Jan; Mrs, Ethel Flat- net, Miss Thelma Herren and Rob- ert Horton Miss Elizabeth Her- ton and Donald DeVries were mar- ried at the First Methodist church of Shelton, Friday evening, Dec- ember 27 at 7:30. They will make their home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. TACOMA VISITORS HERE MY. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Logan and children Sharon and Bob, of Tacoma were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Logan and M'and Mrs. O, L. Oppelt, RE-ENLISTS tN NAVY Sm I/c Byron Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Lord, has just completed a 60-day terminal leave after six years in tile U.S.N. and plans to re-enlist for foul' addi- tional years, He took part in the Pacific battles, speut 8 months in the Aleutians mid during the past year was in China and Japan. Mr. aud Mrs. Lougiman Honored Sunday Night Mr. and Mrs. Claude Danielson entertained about 25 guests Sun- day evening, honoring Mr, and Mrs. Roy J. Loughnan of Dar- rington who are visiting frietds and relatives here this week end. At the close of the evening, deli- cious refreshments were served. Appraisers Appointed Judge D. F. Wright appointed George N. Adams, Richmond H. Saeger mid Helen F. Lewis as appraisers of the Calvin Horace Iann state, during Superior Court aturday. GIFFORD ESTATE Judge D. F. Wright appointed George N. Adams, W. A. Breed rind Joe Hanson as appraisers of the Vernon S. Gifford estate dur- ing Superior Court Saturday. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Ronald V. Ashcrof 23, of Den- ver, Colo. ; and Dorothy ,i. Cram' or, 24, of Union, December 23 at Shelton. Donald R. DeVries, 23, of Sioux Falls, South DakOta, and Elizabeth Ruth Horton, 21, Of Shelton, December 23, at Shel- ton. Lester E. Cooper, 40, and Ester M. Dobyns, 26, both of Seattle, December 26 at Shelton. BAtLEYS ENTERTAIN IN NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bailey served Christmas dinner to rela- 'tires and friends in their new home. The romns were decorated with red candles, holly and the annual Christmas tree. Those enJoyirg the dinner were Mr. nd Mrs. J. W. Rayson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rayson and family, Betty, MarJorie md Pete, Louis Lumsden, Dave Ra]son, Bob Dunning, Bob Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Vashon Is- land 'and the Bailey children, Au- drey and Billy, W.S.C.S. TO MEET JANUAI¥ 8 AT 1 O'CLOCK Woman's Society for Christian Service will meet at the Method- ist Church parlors Wednesday, January 8 for a 1 o'clock potluck hmcheon. Coffee, cream and rolls will be furnished by the hostess- es, Mrs. H. W. Harshman and Mrs. W. A, Brodt. Mrs, John Steinberg will be soloist. WOODCRAFT GROUP TO MEET MONDA The Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet Monday evening, JanU- ary 6 at 8 oclock at the laome of Mrs, Susie Pauley, last Saturday evenlng dttring a dinner and evening of cards at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Castagno on Bayshore. Other guests present for the evening were ,{r. and Mrs. War- ren Lincoln, My. and Mrs. Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edler of Chi- cago who are visiting her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs Edgar Cole, and the hosts and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Castagno, David and Donna Jean who iv home for the holidays from Washington State College. I Ttmrday, Jamlar 2 19: • .................. Y:-___ Ready for You NOW at CALVIN WILSON HOODSPORT aday, January 2, 1947. • ..' E LODGE INITIATES ass of 25 candidates will be :ed Tuesday evening, Janu- ,by the Shelton Lodge No. Lyai Order of Moose. The I )eri of the I;remerton lodge a[i present and will do tlie m Work. • mumm HOW HEAL YOU Beall " • ' 0, ;do  sChristian Selmlce A A  r at, Solve personal and HoPlN, AS WE r v v Jw {,Uniness trotibles9 If you STEP INTO, THE NEW i  B!_ i liB, Bi a' ht to know something YEAR, ,WE LL LEAVE -- u =OUt the heahn owel of .rK=== ,., 'gp ' OUR PAINS AND '! ray'er S tAtlght in Chris- ACHES EHtND THEY'RE HERE ATLAt aa Science, come to AND EXCUSE OTHERS ... America's finest line  THEIR MISTA_P,E$ Frozen Food Units. Alut :;. EVF..N AS %VE RE hum construction inside ,, ! ]i] LECTURE HOPING TO GET BY out, 6 inches of approvedt  ' sulation, automatic tempel , ' Entit ed turo controls. Quick actI iibttah S(iience food freezing chambers, t " '4 spacious storage complt [l leiiie Of DiViiie WiTH OUR OWN F/ L ment-the, and many O ...... MI,A,, nlect a Beall. .i Io}enee' Middaugh, C.S.b, ee toda?l  geles, Cahf0rn|a M2: t Largest Line of m f theTheBoardMotherOf i('  "" The First Church Y, JANUARY 9 Admiral Counts, Jr. /i, udtoritim RADIO ELEtTRI( Calvin Wilson Hoodspot Phone HoodsDort 10 or : of Christ, Sei st, Washington 0rdially Invites You Alarm Clocks Repaired .Prompt Courteous aService at RAY'S JEWELRY 117 Cots Street Phone 633 NEW WATQ S - CLOCKS - PINE : ,:.,:,.,/ .,. First Bap| J. O. Rover, Pastor N .... All Services Sunda,. ew Yeai" Message by the ] All Are " When Your UttleOne Cat©hes Cold est-known home remed you can use tO relieve distress of ehildren'S,oldS iS arming, soothing Viks V aP0RUb. I starts tO w0rR ustally... and keeps wdrug fo hour to bring relief  She hHd tes! NO wonderttothrS alway use Vicks .ap0UD when colds strike. Fii ;for, too! AT IBImTtM¢ ,rgb throat,, WORKS 'A HiLO SLEEP s chest andacklth Vi0k$ to bring cmtffortiug rcltf VaPoRub. Its reLief-bring- during the night. Often l#, ir action starts instantly morning most misery m to relieve dlJtre,,, the oold l,o g0nel WC00S HOME LOANS... Olive Lut "/'he Church of t HILLCREST - HIGF Telephone 3 9:45 a.m. TO THE LUTHEI over KGY, KTW, K 00irst Meth¢ "/'Friendly Church In Fourth SiJnday Scho Morning War 8peel; Sermon Top I-IAPJ:)W:[CK W. I-] Parsonage 820 N. 4 Church of SH[ Bra The Mother Church, The FI Bosto Subject N "G 8U- SUNDAY SC .-NDAy MORNING S to Build, _ 00V00N,N, Reading Room maintairmd b Buy or Refinance. opo, daily, except and Wednesdays fro • : All are cordially invited t( rail A |m|B the Rea ASK nun00_ • • • ** :.=: ---_ _ You'll Have Courteous and Prompt Service When We Finance YoUr Home. Come In Soon for a Chat About Our Loan Servi LET US HELP YOU OWN A DEBT- FREE HOME Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Tells You Answere, -- If,YoU ;ant to know uhntin Sciiace heals be .a'tteles and verified testim m each issue of tim CHRISTIAN SC e ,ne, this coupon and aled thiough prayer as DIRECTORS CARLTON I. SEARS V, BRIDENSTINE G. W. DRAHAM K. L. PARTLOW ? HAZEL WALMER H.C. BRODIE FRED IOLM g