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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thurflay, Jam[sty 2, 1 _ 9': tiay, January 2, 1, 4,. Ready for You ..................... LODGE INITIATE,q NOW at ! tgs of 25 candidates will be .:ed Tuesday evening. Jdnu- tl,,bY the S{lelton Lodge No. CALVIN WILSON ILOyal Order of Moose The HOODSPORT e.ri of the l;remerton lodgo |be present and will do the me Work. .... 00IE!!t 00gARN HOW gAYER CAN ' "i!!::?!! >" YOU I i tEAL --" --"- -]?al: H jWve does it ,'cmove P, personal and FOOD Usiness troubles? If you tROt to know something .FREIZERI00 ...... ' OUt the healing power of ayei. ts taught in Chris- THEY'RE HERE A'I: LAY all Scihnce come to .,. America's finest lino! Frozen Food Units. AItI,T'". num construction inside a L IREE LECTURE out, 6 inchee of approved sulation, automatic tempef Entitled ture controls. Quick act|er, .... food freezing chambers,  nrl}tiaii Science spacious storage, come@ 'dmnee of Divine meats--these and many 0. "• Mi.a,, features are yours when .1 " ' ' " select a Beall, I°'Penee Middaugh, C g i% (TL  . . . ee them odal ;s feles, CalifOrnia I Beall le America's Finesl €I " ' .. _ of the Board of LargeIt Line of I:oocl Pre I of The Mother Cah, in Wilson Hoodspot Phone HoodsDort 10 or ts Repaired ous ervice at EWELRY Phone 633 CKS - PINE JEWELRY The First Ctmreh Scientist, in Bus- JANUARY 9 ;'In Admirai Coontz, Jr. kudItoriUm rat (00hureh of Christ, Scientist, !  Brriertoh, WaShington i C°rdially Invites You I Lecture on Christktn Science At Bremerton Next Thursday Evening Florence Middaugh C.S., of Los Angeles. California. will delivei" a lecture on Christian Science in tle Admiral Coontz. Jr., Higl School Auditorium at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, January 9. Miss Middangh ls a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother ChurclL The First Church of Christ. Scientist. in Boston, Mas- sachusetts. The purpose of thise lbctures is to give the public tim facts in simple understandable terms about Christian Science. Filyt Church of Christ, Scientist, of Bvemerton is .spbimoi'ing this lecture, aid it is free to everyone. Calvary PenteeostM ChurCh 120 East Pine S;¢. • Sunday Schoo17--9:45 k. ln; Morning Woriiii$---ll:00, iL i/n. Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 8:0 p.m. Friday Regular Meeting,. 8:00 p. m. EVERYON WEL60M Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor .... [ II ' WORSHIP HIM • IN sPIRIT and . IN a'UTH . . Assembly Of God Tabernacle 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M , ReV., Sam M cGill, Pastor Welcome TO THE Church Christ 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Each Sunday ROUTE 2, BOX 315 Shelton C S, Hamilton, Minister First Baptist Church J. O. Bovee, Pastor Fifth and Cota Streets N .... All Services Sunday at Regular Times. ew ear Message by the Pastor at ll a.m. and 7 ,/ All Arc Welcome -- tn tie One sGold  ....... . ,: ;' a ,::: . ' :!:i:i27 I ,,, :,::',' ,: : , :': i  *:'::'? . WORKS AS HiLD SLEEPS , to bring co'offing relief during the night. Often b p mc most misery o g th, Ld is g0nel Olive Lutheran Church Bosto,, Mass. • " • Subject,,GOD,,Next Sunday: • .... SUNDAY SCHOOL AT g:45 . ,°.-U-NDAY MOINiNG SERVICE .AT.,11 O'CLOCK R WEDNESDAy EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK eadi;g Room maintained by this church At 302 lder Stree't, llllllil/aa.,. Pen daily, except Sunday, from 2 1:o 4, o clock. and Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 o clok. All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit SK NoW' the Reading R°°m" CHURCH AT 302 ALDER TREET 6 SHELTON SENIORS COMPETE ..... I FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS .... - ................ Christmas dinner items: Mr. and SHELTON-MASON, COUNTY,,. , ,,,,..JOURNAL,, l,pi Six seniors from Irene S. Reed High School were honored by their fellow students when they were elected to compete with sen- iors from other high schools thru- out the United States and terri- tories for the 121 four-year con lege scholarships and more than 600 fifty-dollar certificates of merit being offered again this year by the Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Board. Chosen from among 110 of their classmates as the students "most likely to make important contri- butions to human progress," these butstaLding boys and girls will try with other Washington high school seniors for the schol- ai'ships and certificates of merit which are set aside specifically for this state, They are Herbeit Angle, Bob Okano, Shirley Town- send, Gene White and Shh,ley Wil- son. At 9:00 a.m. Friday, February 14, in Irene S• Reed High School, these candidates will take a spe- cial aptitude test which has Beeit especially prepared for this com- pietition by the College Entrance Examination Board, an independ- ent testing board composed of representatives of America's larg- and Prompt Service ce Your Home. About Our Loan Servi' ? YOU OWN LEE HOME mty Federal m Association tificates of merit in ttfis third na- tion-wide competition. Other factors to be taken into consideration in choosing the win- ners will be the school record, leadership ability, and financial need of the caiadidates. All wflmers will be announced on April 18. ' if one of the boys and girls elected from Irene S. Reed Htgl School wins one of these scholar- ships, he or she will have his full tuition and certain incidental fees paid for four years to any accred- ited college in the United States he wishes to attend. In addition he will receive an allowance of $25 a month during the four school years plus traveling ex- penses at the rate of three cents a mile for one round trip from home to college each year. There will be five runners-up for every scholarship grantel, and each will receive a certificate of merit which, carries it a $50 awhrd payable when the winner enters college. once a student is in college; the only Scholastic requirement for the continuance Of his scholar- ship thruout the four-year period iS that he remain in good stand- TORS V. BRIDENSTINE K. L. PARTLOW H. C. BRODIE :IOLM est colleges and universities. According to Principal Gdorge Hermes, every precaution has been taken by the PepM-Cola Scholarship Board in insure the uniform testing fecesaary for com- plete fairness to all candidates thruout the country. The tests will arrive at his office ip a.sealed package and are not t:o bo opened until the day of the examination and then only in the presenqe of the candidates. Detailed ins:ruc- tions for the testing procedUreS wili.bk,enclosed, and, according to Mr, Hermes, he has been urged to see that the twa faculty mem- bers who must be preceht during the entire two-hour testing priod are thoroughly familiar with each step Immediately following the examination, the papers will b collected, placed in an envelop provided for that purpose, and sent at once for scoring to the College Entrance Examination Board.. That this test be administered fairly and uniformly to all can- didates is imperative, said Mr. Hermes, since it serves as one of ing and progress ormally from year t0 y'ear. If in the opinion of the Board any studelt does un- usually outstanding undergraduate work, he Will receive a three-or four-year graduate fellowship of $1,500. A maximum of five of these fellowships will be granted in any one year. - This nation-wide scholarship progran is planned and adminis- tered by.. a separately ,incorpor- ated group of distinguished educa- tors known as the Pepsi:Cola cholarshjp Board .Foyd, .W. Reeves, Pr'0fess6i' of Adiinistra- tion at the University of Chicago, is its presidenti an! John M, Sial- asker, Deaii of Studdits at Stan- ford University, is director of the program. Through this board, two scholarships are awarded annual- ly in each of the 48 states and the District of Columbia, and one each in Alaska, Hawaii and Puer- to Rico; with 20 additional schol- arships granted to Negro students in those Southern states which have separate school systems for he colored. Added these are the more than 600 fifty-dollar certi- ficates of merit which are given the most importan bases for lecting the boys and girls to ?e to the five runners-up for-each awarded the scholarships and ce r-. scholarship, The Church Of the Lutheran Hour HILLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE high praise from he 1. asqn court- • . Telephone 395-M and 230. ty gl:ahgers, when Int'hlliiig Of- ii fleer Otto Reise took credit for iaY a.m. -- a.m. School 9:45 Morning worship 11 the lovely sunshine ald N TO THE LUTHERAN HOUR Every Sunday at good wea- ther we .had that day, ,a protest a.ra. over KGY, KTW, KVI--2 p i KGY, 6 p rri KO was made by the deputy, J. A. _:_ "":!i; :7.7Y :'?': :7-_ ..... ,," Bjerge. He, no doubt, had been in Mason eotmty ef,0re and knew about out, good weather at times. Methodist Churel00 The McMillen grangers in return gave praise to the ramona ladies "/'Friendly Church in a .Fr.i.ehdly CommunltiP" for the lovely dinner served at Fourth and Pihe noon. Mr. aid Mrs. JeSs Warren, of Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. 8kokomish. spent Chr'mgs with Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank warren and Special Music _ Sermon Topic: "For You"• family. HAPWICK W. HARSHMAN, Minister Mk iind Mrs Dick Kimbel .ad .... sons were here from Tacoma to lfirson#ge 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 spend Christmas and the holidays  . .............. With Mrs._Ki.mbj 1' parents, Mr. ' nd Mrs. E, A. Rfitledge of Alder Brook ranch. Church of Christ, Scientist Miss Betty Slater is home for he holidays. She will go back the 5th 0f, 3aitua.r, to r, esume SHELTON Studies at the U.ntve,Sity of Ore- Branch of gun at Eugdfib. Miffs peggy Slater, The Mother Church, The First Church Of Christ, S¢idntlt Who is now worling in Tacoma, came over with Lee Slater's sis- ters, May and.G.r$ce, to be with the family Ctmtmas eve and day. Alph Kneeland left last Mon- lay for Anacortes to spend Christ- ma With hl. Uncle, C. M, Ander- Tells You ot Answered Prayers* vv vvvv,. r'vvvvv v vv'qrv  vv v v LilliWaup (By Mrm C. E. Hill) Lilliwaup children had an en- Joyable pre-view of Christmas when the Lilliwaup Community Club held a Christmas party for them On Monday even irg, Decem- ber 23. Yuletide decorations and a tall, lighted tree. greeted the children and their parents at thc community hall. Mrs. Clifford Johns was in charge of the informal .program which began :the eniBg. Paul Johnston welcomed everyone with his greeting entitled 'Hello Folks." Marlys, Jenny and Sonja Huff made a pretty sister trio as they sang "Away In A Manger." In costume, Mary Ellen, Walter and Patti Johnston .presented "The Three Wise Kings." This was fol- loveed by group singing of "Little Town of Bethlehem" and other Christmas S0rigs,'with Merrily Hill as accompanist. "Getting Ready for Christmas" was the title of the playlet which revealed the dramatic talent in the Huff and Johnston families. "San- ta's Visit," i-end by Walter John- ton was f011pwed by "Silent Night, sung by Marlys and Jen-' ny Hoff and Alene Williams, ac- companied LL th Pifihd by,Carolyn Debar& '"Tw[s he Nig'; Before Christmas" was. read .bY Carolyn eBard, followed .by ','Tff9 Day Af- ter Christmas," read by Frances Hill. The program closed with !'Good Night" by Walter Johnson and th.en "Sant Caus" (Emmett Williams) took boer. • With,jovial demearkor Santa dis- ributed gifts, which the neighbor- 06d hilli:n had iitirhasid for each other after drawing names. His jovial manner-, hbw.vr, failed to cim0ge the awe flt by the timeliest 6uhgste÷s in apr0aching Santa, who Clung to big sister or Mother with 6fie hand, while re- Ceiving their presents. Bags of candy and nuts were else twn ttie young guests of the club.. A buffet supper Of sandwiches, cake and coffee was served and everyone .enjoyed music contrib- uted by Bill Wilson, guitar, Herb Piedt, piano, Walter Johnson, ban- jo, rs: Earl Parks of Olympia and Fluharty with her son, Arvin, of Seattle had dinner with the Ethcrton's. Mr. nnd Mrs. Russell Stock vis- ited her parcnts at Twisp, Wash. They report two feet of snow and 20 degrees below. Mr. and Mrs. RobeFc Hansen and their two small daughters had din- ner with ]irs. Sarah ansen and Chester. Bob is in the electrical contracting business in Olympia. Mrs. Jane Mitchell spent a coup- le of days in Seattle with her son and family. Mr• and Mrs. Oscar Sund and John Sund had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sund and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Willis (Inga Sund) and daughter, Diane, were there also. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gilbert (Pat Hillman) had Mr. and Mrs. ] Archie Gilbert, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. Denton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Denton (Mrs. Jack Denton is Ar- chie's sister) and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hillman. Mr. and Mrs. William Somers served a buffet supper on Christ- mas eve to Mr. and Mi's. Charles Somers. Mr. and Mrs. ivar Opdal Mrs. Howard Somers' parents), Mrs. Gertrude Miller (MRS. Bill Somers' mother) and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Somers. Of course the four junior Somers children were there too. On Christmas Day they all went over to the Howard S'om- ers' for ditmer. Mr. and Mi's. Walter Eckert went to Tacoma to have Christ- mas dinner with her sisters, Mrs. Bampton and Miss NatScheim. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett with their two sons, Bob!y and Kenny, and Mr. and Mrs. Bampton of Shelton. Six- teen sat down to dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A. A Stratford ate with Mr, and Mrs. Freeborn of Vaughn. Of course their son, Rob- erL with his wife and children were there too. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reeves had Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Corke and daughter, Elaine, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Corks with Bonnie and Gordon for Christmas Eve and the following day. You can see from the above that Grapeview fairly burst with hos- itality during our recent holi- ay. Hattie Baker went in to Seattle a short while before the holidays to be with her brother, S. W. Bark- er, while his son and daughter took a trip to California. Didn't even get a card from her so she must be having a good time. Mrs. Clem Hull (Margie to us) has gone to Whittier, Ctlifornia to spend some time with her hus- band who is stationed there for the time being With our army. Have you seen two nice looking cars using up 0ui' tfighway lately? One belongs to Chef Hansena V ope and. the other to Jimmy el a •Model A Convei'tible. 2 . £aylor, retired, who lives ]own at Echo Beach near Mr. ullmer's, had a fall the day be- .:dr. Christmas and hurthts back. Seems Joe Tschida is kind of look- hag after him. Mrs. Oscar und says she has been getting a letter a day for some time now from her son, War- ren. Looks like the lad might be 5 little lonesome for home. His etters are from ten .days to two weeks old by the time they reach here so he hasn't said anything yet about the .earthquake in Japan. He seems to be out of the danger Hauling Experts ah, Want to know how prayer as midetsiovd in stmn Science hea|s both sickness and sin, read the • "ucies and verified testimonies of healing which appear at each iSSUE of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SENTINEL e Uac this coupon snd lbarn how others are being Sled through prayer as taught in Christian Scicb ,,p,,v,v,vl,,qp'.lr v v v v 'qi,,lr v vv vv v 1V'ql,qP Shelton Valley HAPPY NEW YEAR When yo6 read these note it will already be 1947. A NeW Year in which we will get the chance to either better ourselves or just go back and forth in the same rut for we are told we tton't stknd still. As this copy 6f -ne paper is a day late the first Grange meet- mg of the year will be in the ]past. W hpe ali wh0 possibly could get out atbnded; we have I a new master in Sister Lul J0ie, ! although not new to Sel0n t Grange 403 patrons as she has [lield that office before. The Pierce county McMillen [Grange degree team installed the ! new officers of Pambna and subqr- dinate granges of Masdn county at Shelton grange hall Sunday the 22nd The hall was nicely• decor- ated by Mr. and Mrs. Ai Butler and Mrs. Lula JOnes. The tableau and degree work, put on by the lcMillen degi'ee team, received son and family. On his way back he stopped at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Kneelknd's h0me in Seattle• J. Keith Bennett, called on [riends and old neighbors Thurs- day last. Mrs. Ste A, Kneeland spent Christmis day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. leRosier in town, Mr. and :Mrs. Wayne Clover and their sons Dave and Mke were in Olympia Christmas day. Don't forget the date you have with Shelt0n Grange 403 9 n Jan- uary 10. Cards, eats and good company. The Grange-dommunity party wa A hflg'e success. The young ones received bags of popcorn and balloons. For lunch the ladies served ice cream, cake and cof- fee. The entertainment consisted of impromptu talent. E, A. Rutledge recited about the hart an d ways of the old time cowboy, Bob Hies- ter, accompanied on the piano by Mrs, Corliss, played "White Christmas" and "Silent Night," on the violin, the audience joiping on the s'econd verse. David Jacobs read a piece antl ,Mr. and Mrs. Jess Warren's , little  flaughter spoke a piece and MiSs Horst and Miss Drake Sang a chorus of "Si- lent Night." Mrs. Lee Sister's brother and sister-in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. Tay- lor of Tacoma, and their daugh- ter, MI. Peggie Corliss and her young son were week end guests at the Slater home. Betty ahd Mry .• 2,nn Slater. accompanied them to Tacoma when they left on Monday. The girls will visit with relatives and friends. .%" Our clea, tie Idx truks will move your. furnishings safely to a new hoiie, under insured carPicr handled by hauling experts at reason- able B;ates anywhere in the state. SHELTON TRANSFEl00 ..... ' 'MI t _ : ...... ' ............ ° HONE 196 For Your HEATER- CR(JULATOR - OIL STOVE- FURNACE wE,, FL UP OUR TANK RQMTLY WITH BETTER BURmNO, MORE DEPENDABLE ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL FOR YOU We Have a SUiPLY f S0R4GE KS from 50 to li000 gallons for new oil burlier installations Friiken Oil Co. Maon ct>unty Distributor for ASsoclate¢ Oil Produots zone. however. Hc says to say "Hello" to everyone and to wish cvcryone the season's greetings. John Sund came imme from his work in Tacoma to have Christ- mas witl his folks. We are sorry to hear that Gm'- doi Peterson is on the sick list and we do hope he will have a .peedy recovery. Helen Finger has trod a touch of bronchitis during her lmliday vacation. The Grapeview Women's Club is quite proud of itself in having just one more installment to make :o complete a year' care for a war orphan in Europe. Mz'. and Mrs. Levers and son went to Portland for New Year's. We heard from Mrs. W. V. Beard who is part owner of the old MeN aney place here. She said they must have the highest place in Kent kWash.) as during the recent flood their home and the high school next door were all that wasn't, under water. They always look foard to the time when they can move to Grapeview. Grapeview Community ClUb Will meet on Fi'iday evening, Jan. 10, t the school house, • We foi'got to say last time that VII'. and Mi's. Bush furnished, the mrs foi. the children at the school house hfltei'tainmenL Ahd did you sec that cute little bit of drama at our Christmas party at school? Whbn Shta was passing the treats around it seems thei.e Was 0xe little 'gil:P who'was sbbbiiig in her didd's ai'ms. S}/i- ta forgot her every time. The lit- tle 'girl' was all hhdlle B.0 in tier daddy s arm, the daddy oflnclfig her up and own on his knees. Fi- naIly Santa looked up and aw hs tableau, went over to tile tree, got one single walnut arid tdssed It across the room at the weeping 'child.' Well. when everything cleared up, we saw it was 'Daddy' Etherton holding 'Baby' Swede Johnson with a small girl's hat on. Such clowns. Thanks for your 'fiews iterps. They look good in pr:nt, don't 0u think ? HOME LOANS Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates , NO DELAY M00t000n c0imty Savings & Association Title Iniurance Bldg. MORGAN LUMBER CO. i I I OFFICE QUARTERS AT 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY PHONE 656 IO HAULING AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone 52 w A NEW FiST OF THE FAMOUS !'ILVER STREAKS" iMr you Who Want a new motor ear--all of you; everyWliere--regrdleis o the car you may now be driking --we wish the finest Wish we know howto maE--A NEW P oNTIACI we wish you a iiew Pohtiac because it Will bring you the most complete mot0rihg en. joyment you have ever experienced. It i big, comfortable, luxurious, easy to drive an! easy to handle. We wish you a new Pontiac becatie it Will bring you dYeMable ad troble.Jrae per bi'mance, It Js engihe'ered With the Utmost ,igiihe for dtail and built vikh the are and preeIiori yOU might expect 0nly in much higher-priced cars. Its performance has made more than a million friends of more thatt a million owners. We wish you a new Pontlae because it will bring you extraordinary economy f pct. ation. On the record, Pontiac requires it vei minimum Of service and upkeep eltpen,e. And, finally, we wish you a new Pontiac because it will bring you pride of ownership unequalled at anywhere near the price. It is a car to be proud of, in every snse f the wordsmah, beautiful, modern, and wiih marked individuality of appearance. Truly, When we wish you a new Poniae ,e make you the best New Year's wish we know how to make! SHELTON MOTOR CO. Sou00h FirSt St. R.B. Dickey Phone 188 [ # ........ ];7;' ........ m ...................  ................. ........... t t • . . and we put your car in per- fect shape for winter driving! Our mechanics will go over youi  car with an eagle eye and you may be sure that your auto will get service "plus" when anyone of our experts check it! Drive in today ! SHELTON GARAGE 24-Hour Wrecker .Service UNION OIL PRODUCTS First & Cba