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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 2, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 2, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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OTICE OF RESTR/GTIONS ON STATE IlIGHWAYN Notice Is helby given that ill at:- cordanc: with the provi.ions of S((:- tton 65 of Chapter 53, Sessiun ¢.,f&apos; 1,937 of the State of Washington, the follow(rift scctious of Primary $1-alO Highways and licooadary Sta'te ]i/ghway will be (.loBed to 'travel by all vehicle.s, or by ally (,lass of ve- hh:les hereinafter described, for a per- iod of not loss titan 100 days from the: effecilve, date of this order. This ordw shall carlc(H afd ,¢uI)ev. 8(dc any prevlou *)I'der or orders ill conflict (her's)with; provided, however, tb:at tiffs order Mmli not supersede or nmd)fy any restricth'ms now in fol'c( covering limited loads on bridges lo- cated aaywhcro on the ]Jg'hway Sys- t(!olfl a|)llV r(:fcrrtd to, IPItlMAItY WI'ATI! IllGIIWAYS West of Cascade Mountains PRIMAftY STAT]i5 HIGtiWAY NO, 9: Shelton to Port Angeles Route: From . the 'end of eoncrPte pave(hen( north o[ Shelton to Sequim. I . PRIMA RY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 14 : CLASSIFIED ADVRTISII RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1,Ut). 1 week 5tin. LaJwer rates tot larger ntis allQ more InsertionS. Reader nouces Bc per word. 75G nlininltnxl charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 1.00; origins, poetry 50o pet" inch; classltte0 dhlllay rates on request. Advertlsementz accepted ovr tilt) telephone from phone sub- scribrs. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made witlln five i5) days of the first Insertion to save expense of blll. lng, An extra charge of 10e w1U be made when billing Is nccee. sary, PItONE 100 REAL ESTATE SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ,, , , . .| i i REAL ESTATE Classified Service FOIl. SALE: Small tract of land 2 ALL-AROUND ItANDY MAN, Odd miles out on Bayshore facing hiway, jobs, repair work, etc, H, M. Lan- chok:e I)uilditkg lots on Angles(de, dis, Mt. View. St, Rte. 1, Shelton. and 8 greenhous windows, like new, 12-261-2 size 3x,t ft. Phone 760-J4. 12-5tfn FOR SALE: 4-room modern house HEMSTITCHING 10c ARD. Knife and scissor sharpening. Would like to continue with Mrs. Twohy's cus- tomers. Mrs. Fred Elson. 427 Belle- vue. 9-7-tfn Front a junction with PrllrJary State ,-=w,,.). ...... . ........  I-lighway No, 9 on llood (;anal via IP(.)I SALE: 3-1mdroom modern home, ]?Or( Orchard to tile end of pavement Glassed ill porches (m 5 acre tract. lorth of Gig tthrbor and tim branches Close in el, Ar('adia road. Call 151("13 loading to I]arpcr and to Manchester or (-! Lh)yd C. Beebc, Rt, 3, lh)x from Port Orchard. 157, Shelton, £-2-16 SECONDARY STATE IIIGIIWAYS West of Cascade blountains FOIl SALE: 4-roou) InodeTn lion e, part SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. hascllleni, furniture ()oats and 9*Lb: I;'roln a jun(:tlon wiill Primary float one mile t4outtl of Union on State Highway No, 9, 8outiiwest of ltood Cana I. Inquire Williarn Gra- M(,Cleary in Grays Itarbor County it) ham at premises, Reasonabh a ' junction "with 'lh( Slt)lS primary • 1.,).')R state h!fhway, soutlI el Shelton Ill ......... -- ...... Mason CounW. FOR SALE: modern 5-room house SECONDAI,YSTATE IIIGHWAY NO, with basement, oil furnac, e, nice !4A: :From Sheltan northeasterly to view and walking dlstl.m from a junction with P)imar State l-ligh- town 427 tin'viral or call 9W way No, 14 near the ead of lt0od I E12-9.7'---1-}' Lanai in Mason county, t -- SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO, [ FOIL SAIE OR TRADE for Sbelton 14-B: lh'ont a june(tell wiiil Prinmry [ propt,rt}, 7-coon modlrn house, full State t ltglway Nu, 14 near the head ] ecnmnt basement, double garage of Henderson Ba,V in Pieces County I latmdry, room approxiInatel9 foul" to a Junction wHh Secondary State ! acres, nalf cleared family orchard, ']tghway No. 14-A nest the head of five silos, west of Olynll)ia on SheI- 'ic Inlet in Mason County, ion:ulynlpla highway Inquh'e Jm'- ',' LOAD RESTRICTI,()NS " I hal office. J1.%16 I, The highways described above are 1-- , ch)ed t0 all vehicles whose gross ,'.'eigltt (vehicle and load) shall e- ceed the load limits sct forth below OA/TTT: "rnfr ..,or .,e of sle and to." O#V.r.--V. u QUICK ,tho tires identified by numbers. ;k,:... • Tire Maximnm Gross Load completely furnished. 15 acres river bottom land. 20 cords slab wood, 5 milk goats, ducks, rabbits. Business is establishing $50 a month. $2300 cash, $2500 on terms, Write or sec Jim Lynam, Tahuya, Wn. 12-12-19-26 FO:R SALE: House. on easy terms, $3,250.00. $500,00 down, balance to suit your ebnvenlence. Phone 3909, Littlerock, Wn, 12-19-25--1-2 FOR SALE: lot near hospital, Inquire Shelton Recreation First and Frank- lin. ll-28tfn, FOR SALE: five-room house, incom- plete. Inquire at 518 Park St, F10-10tfn. FOR SALE 3-hedroom house Oll Itillcrest, fire- place, roonly breakfast nook, t,n- oh)sod back porch, lot 60 x 120, gar- age, good view; price $4750. M, C. Zlntheo, Realtor, Phone 257. 80-acre improved farm on Har- sttno Island, regular ferry service; 12 acre cleared( plenty of tbnber, small stream, piped water; 6-room house, good barn, chicken house, family orchard, hayland re-seeded; price includes some Stock, imple- ments and turnlture. A real but at$5,500.00 on tsrms at 5%, M. C. ZINTHEO, Re;,alt,or,. phone 157. High-class  apartment producing. good steau income. For detall see M. C. ZINTHEO, Realtor. 11-7-14 SALE New 6-Room House ) " Interior Not Entirely Finished But Liveable. PRICE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE $3375 H. L. OLSTEAD AGENCY PHONE 30 m i i ii ill i FOI. SALE TO VETERAN New and altractlve d-room ITlodern llouse near West lailroad Aveauo, See M. (2. ZINTI-tEO, I!hone 157 HOMES FOR SALE New homes for G.I.'s on Angle- side. DeMgned by skilled archi- tects. Large window areas, hard- wood loors, 40-gallon auton'mtlc watel." heaters, fh)or furnaces, utility rooms, carports, patios, sunny kitchens, larKe ward- roes, ample storage closets. Better Home Builders Call Dick Kieburtz a.t Phone 160-3" 12/19-tfn ' ' I  II L WANTED WANTED TAVERNS - CALVES - HOTELS If ybi"aFc planning on selliug your business, NOW ,is the TIME to do it. We can sell yore." business, so, phone col- lect, and we will immediately I i IM FOR SALE: lncolne properly on ttill- , eresl, composing three units. Call 15F13 or see Lloyd C. Beebe, Rt, 3 Box I57 ShelLon, 1-2-]6 II FOR SALE 2-room well built house located on water-front lot on Lake Nehwatzel. Includes furniture for living. Has running water in house and electric lights. Will make a fine place for year-round home or summer property. $2500 cash 13 acres of land half cleared, 7-room home, 325 feet of wa- ter-front with all tidelands, fruit trees and grapes. Located on Bay about 12 miles East of Shelton. Cart be cut up into 3 nice tracts for water-front property. $8500.00 5 - room modem1 nlastered home about 5 years old, with fruit room, utility room, and garage attached. Includes ,oil mrculator, incinerator, and electric hot water heater. Ex- Cellent yard with sprinkling system in lawn. All pre-war material and a fine home lo. cated close-in. $8750,00 5-room modern laome and din- ette. Electric hot water heater. Mt Allowed l'or Eaei Ti re - fi.r,n 1100 lbs, 's055. '::::::ZT:ZZT:7:I::: ::TET::::77 14oOoo n,s.lbs. )!i))ii!:ii:} i:iiii:Z Z!!Zii:ii:iii lbSlbs . 8.25 ........................................... 2800 Ibm 9,NJ ................................................ 3400 lbs, 9,75 & 10.() ................................ 4{.)00 lbs, -. 10.,50 & 11.0{.I ........................ 4ROOlbs. * 1],25 & ................................. 5625 lbs. ']2,75 & 13A)0 ................................. 6375 lbs, 13.50 & :$4.00 .............................. 6750 Ibm ' Tire Moximum Gross Load " 2amber Allowed for Eseh Tire 10 ........................................................ ]400 lbs. 11 ............................................... 1100 lbs. 13 .......................................................... ]600 lbs. 14 ................................................ -,--_,. 1400 Ills. 15 ........................................................ 100 Ibm 16 ....................................................... 100 Ibs. 1.7 ...................................................... 1600 Ibs. 1.8 ............................................ 2250 lbs. 19 ................................................... 1900 lbl. ' .'.,. 225° 1 bs. ...................................................... 28(t0 Ibm 3.:$ ....................................................... 3400 I bs. 4° ......................................................... 4()¢)o Ibs. 42 ...................................................... 400° Ibm 48 ....................................................... 4800 Ibm 50 .......................................................... 4800 Ibm 2. }Iigl pressure pneunmtie tires shall have, tile same rating' as set forth in the above tal)Ic. 3. NO allowance wilt lie made for any second rear axle (bat Js suspcmded fFOD) the fI'Lule Of S v(d'ticle independ- ent of the rcgulaF dl, iving axle, and eonlnlf)nly kllowilt as a "l{igid Trail Axb.." All<)wanc( will lm llladc loc lltlg'lO tires only, on tbc froth Lix|O ¢)f llY truck. 4. Ttk load dtsLi'tbutlon on any oil( " lx.l Of any vehicle sllalt be uch that it will not load the tires on sam |XI6 tD exeeBs of thc prcscrJhed load set f,',rtb in this order. 5, Sl)t)nld there b(, ovf(lenc that vny truck supplying motive power for ally type ot trailer is inadequai(! to handle wiih mtfcty the speclfhd maximum load for 8ueh trailer, the 'load on th trailer shall be reduced afficlenily to sllow id truck altd trller t, operate wlttt at'ety, Any i loading in excess of the specified ma,xt- tum load will be considered a viola- '. t:on of this order. INIel)RItATION FnrLber detailed lnformatior map be secured at an), tLme fr(.ma the follow- ing p(:rsolls, at the address given: ffelnbers of tt): Wv.shinglon State. Pstrol. (leo. I{. Shearer. District En- € /gJDecr. Sixlh Avenne South & ,I)t)- l(une Str,.(4. Seattle. J. W. ]fa)nlllon. L)itrlet Engineer W(matchec Wash- a!'range o see you and give you an appraisal of your property. Colson's Exchange Ma. 4.806 302 Puget Sound Bank Bldg'. Tacoma 12-19.--,.-1.-9 41 r£-acre of land with fruit trees and berries. $4250.00 Herbert G. Angle Miscellaneous NOTICE: L)eginning SaLm'day, Janu- ary 4, Northwest Evergreen Conl- pany will elose at 1, p, o1, OU Sat- urdays and at 5:30 p.m. on week day8 the, red(tel. N1-2 FOR SPENCER, FOUNDATIONS and .............................................................. supports, l)llone 799-J for appoint- - - ment or call at 1416 Sununit Drive. ington. J, C. Claypo()i, District ]hl- Kilt(!er, 1-h)x j7, Ot),n,pb b Wa.dln/- l.n. Walter F, WJnter, 19(strict En= :iner, d200 Mare Street, Vancouver, W,thtilglon. T, P. Doytc, Dlsirk,t En- gineer, t:10x o2, Yaki)na, Wa.hingtou, . 14. Tillnmn, District Engineer, N. 22(.1 May fair Sh'e(!t, Spokane. 18, Washington, IZAudquarl.ers OH'tee, De- lml'tment of Itlghways, Transportatiou luildlng, Olynllfla. Inland Automobile Asoctation, £qpnkane, Wa:dflngton, Au- roras(ills Club eft Washington, and its brnnch St files, This order Mmll becm)t( offecLive and be ill full force o n and after the 10th day of Jtlnuary, H147 and lbo forego- ing l.eglllatJons will bc rigidly (re(ore- cd.' ' CLArtENCE ]:. ItAIN, Dircct(>v of Highways. , Dated at' Olympia this 16th day of December. 104'(1. 12-26---1-2-9-- 3L. DISABLED VETERANS! If You're Experiencing Difficulty Obtaining Civilian Work... REMEMBER! ; The Regular Army May tlave Just the Open- Jllg For You! There are over 100 different class(flea(ions open fot enlist- ) men t,)ccrnbat disabled vet- clans of World War 15 in th ArmV+ Only 23 o£ these clas- sifications require pl'{viotls qua.lifted experience. This op- t,)orttlnlty for enlistment is parLicularly aLtractive if you lutve an MOS g'rade in any of 23 classificatiolls. ]{erc'8 a good, sound, financially at- tractive wtty to Lcp up your eal'Ilillgs. The Regular Arniy )leeds M,raiglt thinl{inl:; <,(mibat diS- ab]ed veterans wllo possess, or a]'c trtmable in, certain critically m:,edcd skills and who meet ottler e]ig'ibility vc- qllirelIle,]lts, l)lVOSti.ttte at yOlll" l]e;lrcst Army RccruitinK Slat|(eli imnmdiately as tl)ese clllistt]lonLS arc rapidly being fitlcd, C'hcck in-,-talk it ovct;. I I*OTICE OF SALI OF STATE LANDS $9-26 NOTrCE IS HEREBY GrVEN, That oa Tueday, lhe, 41h day of ] (,bruar 19i7, eomnlenctng at ten o'clock in the fovcnoon of said day, ill front of the zaaln entrance doo' to Ibo County Court II(,)use, In Ilm city of Sh(dl.on, cotlnty Of Mon Slats of Washington, tly th(; County Auditor%ff said county, the following deserib(d state lands, together with the improvements situ. ated thereon will bd aold at puhlic sue(tea to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: NOTE--:No one except citizens of the United Staie, or persons who have declared their inten|h)n to become .'tlch, can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO, 19465 SE¼ o SE% of se(;tlon ,6, own- slap 1 north,' railge 3 west, W. M., ec)ntaining 40 seres, nlove or less, ae- eordinff to tho governcnt survey ttmreoL apprais,d at $500.00. Sul)ject o cas('nlent for right of W/IV for Courtly oed pendhlg nnder No, 18841. NO. 19525 : section 1.6, town- west, W. M., less, ae- survey 19588 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- Srlgeratlon Equipment, I-Iotas freez- ers, locker plants, mlll¢ coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, portable coolers, power meat saws, "Cat Line' of Garden trl:tors. Kohl- or. Power Plants. Prl'ces rlght-- quick ,deliveries. MISKELLA RE- RI GERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9890, OlymPia. on the Highway at Mud Bay "Y". P.O, Box 612"/7-tfn2 WILL TRADE: 20 shares (par value $100 ea.) Georgia Hotel stock Vancouver, B.C. for any- thing you offer in Mason county. stnTey $600.00. NO. 11|57 Section 6, township 21 2 w6st. W. M..,ontatn- 2S, Inore OF less; '(accord- (O the ov)!rnnl ?st • 8ur%e therc- appraised aL $4,400,00, ,: . ,.)t 4 0f ec|Ion 36. townsllip 21 norih, l'allg( 2 web, t, W, ., contain- i r;: 23 50 ac 'ct, re(ire o ' less tc- cording" to tl govP.rnlnent snrvey tbel'c,)l, appralsod st $'l,'100.00. Said lands will b* sold for no( less lbttn lhe appraised valse, shove alated 3U(I npon t]l tlrlllS sad conditions for Not it'll/4 [hall o]l('-t(.|llh Of' tim I)tzr- c]laet. I:)rh'e lnllsl bc paid a( ill(; lhne of sale. 'Ix]u) pro.chest,x, tflle be not i [W;tbu,d'vMue of (he improvcmellts: ag abovc :dated, On(>.(enlh of tit() pur- ('ham, pries must be paid amnlally • tlwreaftcr with intcresl on all deferred /,ayments at the rate of six per cen-i tUlYl p}r anl]tllnq Pl,ovJdf!d, That Slly I ),UI'chas'I' nlay llllke full p:tylla,nt of [ pl'illCtt)/1, illl('l'O,[ ;lilt] btlatutory fceI.| id, any ti|ll(' ail(l oblain deed. Tim |)Ul'-| (,has(',r of land contstnhlg timber or] oillvr vatltsJ.)le, mutt:rials is prohihitd | ]'V ]tl'W fF01tl l'u([]ng Or )'oloo'sing any | llch limber or nmterinls without first / obtaJnlng consent of the Colrtn)issh)n- er nf l'hlblhi Lands, uulil Lhe full tun- 'oulll of the purcbata( t)victr has beeI) p/lid *)ed deed issu(d, All sales of 8/ate l:|n(1;,¢ are lnade s ll)l ( Io (he l,!sevvttlh)ns of oils, gis- t's, "COil(, ores, l)llll(l';t]l and fosill (.if eV(l'}, na tffL kind ILnd d(sc'll)tion and IO the additional t(l'lli8 and eondllions proscribed 111 section "l of eilal)(cr 256 of the Laws of tb07, Said la Id will I)(' 8ohl subject, to Lhe tel.nil, condtlions and rese),vation: of ehapttn. 312 of the 8essiou Laws of 1927, relating to ea)emcnts for righls-of-way and the carrying uf tlrnber stone, rnin- eraIs (lad ither products ,';ver tim same, - OTTO A. CASE, Como)issioner of Public Lands. 1 ..2-9-16-23-30--.5t. U the Journa 21assffieds-- they really get results, All reasonablt offers will receive consideration. Write Box IV( c-o Journal. M12-12-26 Sta/e of Woshington OFFICE OF SUPEItVlSOIt OF ]IYDRAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF WATER R1GIIT APPLICATION :NO," 7563 TO WHOM IT :MAY CONCERN: Notlco is hereby given thaLThe Little Lllltwaup Cooperative Water co., Inc., of LiIliwaup, State of Wush- ingtm h under date of ,Deeembcr 6, 1946, l.iled with the State Supervisor of I-Iydl/aullcs. Olympia, Washington, an application for a perndt to divert the publlo waters of Little Lllllwaup Creek tributary of }Iood Canal, in the amount 0f 0.75,, second.£oot, subject lo existing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of each year for the pur- ]osc of irrtgatiou and continuously ' domestic supply and fire p'otee- n¢ that the iipproximate point of ,ersiort is located within SEW of 4 of Seclhm 25, Towns(tip 23 N., age  W.W.M,, In :Mason County. map showing ]he hlcation and plan said dlv(wslon and the place of the use ts on file. in the off leo of ItYdraulics, together with ms is, required PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER for truck and auto motors. Work eve- nlngs and Saturdays. Ernest Booth, 411 Harvard, phone A78-J 6-20tfn. Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS %1 On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 I I SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissor and Garden Tools of all kind Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cots PHONE 243 I DON'T READ THIS Unless Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone l12-W 1221 Franklin Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Killmer Electric OIL CONVERSION UNITS Mezzanine Floor HOTEL OLYMPIAN Olympia, Wash. ,,, ,, . --- 5 types to change your wood or coal range" for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els. CALVIN WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 II KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W F. K. McCUTCHEON S-I-G-N-S PAPER HANGING Phone 28 Ill I I -'1 FOR RENT FOR RNT; Beautifully located on North Bay and state hlghway 14A at Allyn, Washington. known as Bays(de Ats. Management furn- ishes usual furniture and furnish- of I to make, wlth|n aft(,r date of last , date is ffanuary Wltn,!ss my handand official seal the City Of Shelton calls for and will tlis 14th day of December, A,D, 1946. on Tuesday tle 14th day of January, (SEAL) RODNEY RYKER, :[947 open bids for 480 fmt of 16-inch State Supervisor of Hydraulics, tranMt pip(', with one coupling and two ]2.26--1.2--2t ruhber rings with each length of pipe. Bids to be delivered to the City Clerk ('AI,I, F'OI? BIDN FOR GASOLINI'' on or before the date of opening. - NOTICE 1S ]HEREBY GIVEN. tl]at 19 Dated46. this 31st day of December bids will bc received and opened by the Board of County Colnnllssh)ucrs ALMA K. CATTO. (,f Mason County, Washington, on Monday, January, 6th, 1947, at ll:00 A.M. fit tile €)ffice of (he Boa(d In lbe Coul't Heus6 ill Shell oil. for furnisll- :NOTICI, TO I)REN|,]IT CI,AIMN Jng gsoline Lo ]lason County far all NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN tl al its naeds, and Including su(' school all c'lahns against Mason County 1or dlstrlets as wish to avail themselves ill0 year 1946 must be In the hands of the benefit of this contract, ,,)r of the Auditor of Mason wouny not the year comn)eneing Sanuary 1st, later than Janua?y 19th, 1947, tn order 19,t7. I lhat they may be allowed at the Janu- DATED Htis 16th day of December. ary meeting of the Board of County Commissioner& The law requh'es tllat 1946, tOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- delinquent clairns he held uIlt, ll tile SIONERS.OlV MASON COUNTY. fallow ng yea)', 1948. , .,' WASHING'-PON. HARRY DEYETTE, " LIAtRY DEYETTE, Ig-26--1-2--.21, Ctcrk o£ the lluard, 12-5-tfn WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT: couple, one cllild, urgently in' need of four or five room house. Prefer Llncohl school district, Plone 272J, m H1-2-90 NOTI('I OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that's. Classified Service BURGESON RADIO I'{EPAIRING ser- vice on all makes homo and auto radios. Across front .Iunior High school, 1221 :Franklin. Phone 112W. Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Klllmer Electric. Thursday, January 2, 194 assified Ads ...... -'" i''-----'°" 1 : WILL P*Y CASa for sod " € EHIMY FOR SALE: one light weight Vaughn machine. Phone 5965. BI] drag saw and one wood heater. Call evenings at 829 Franklin. Gll-28tfn FOR SALE" ladies all-wool 2 ' " suit box "jacket Green SII " - -  --  KITCHEN cabinets linen closets, store Nvv hoe. .,r R.nhh .... ' .... rk .......................... -" w-- ]fljSg;.w :nxtures, anu custom mm we • -uire Journal Office 1,, ; made to order. For free estimates .... Phone 217R2 or 217R3 Peterson I ................. Bros "  ltfn • ur A,.: lbU ganon lnsutate .u. o:*.-, water tank and tpright h_! i:?t ;5 !:r: F-OR SALE: large Midwest Ca, inette ,oiler, $80 cash° J, radio, $50. Maroon davenport with "'*" matching chah., spring construction. 9 X 12 blue wool rug and mat. Three FOR SALE: Western oblonl end tables. 5-piece dinette set, ligut noo ,1 n. vntl ith i ISjlLrner CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and ,neat wood $300 :Htgh chair and pad ."n ' ."'" ."" "" .... ":'" ?_' ¢ k., 'h.)..,..,. sc-les 500' o air clrcutal;or ana cox 11 "/111. w,, -,-,--  ........ veI's  ' f  " 3" Brand new seat co • to It '6 See G. C. Angle. 11-. coach, all makes, $20. E. A. ttarris ..... St. Rt. 1, Box 69, Skokomlsh Valleyx±= FOR SALE' bull block :) "a¢' X M. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE on medi- cal contracts, old age assistance, or direct wlth you on your doctor's order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second and Railroad. 10-3tfn. ,NYLON HOSE MENDED: Runners and snags. Phone 217112. Pl2-5tfn. USED TIRES: passenger and truck WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- recapping and repairing. Sam B. rim guaranteed. Vern Davldson, 903 Smith Co., Legion and Cherry, Elllnor, Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tfn Olympia. Phone 7753. U, S. Tires and batteries. 11-15tfm ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and HEMSTITCHING: I0e yar, also but- supplies. Free pickup and delivery, tonltoling. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- Jack Manley, only authorized tac- eadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadis and tor representative, Phone Hoodsport Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tfn 2W. or ICllhner Electric, phone 654. 7-IStfn, GENERAL GARDENING: shrub and tree pruning. Phone 3.t8, F. M. Foster. F1-2-9 IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery ELECTRICIANS cortact C. L. Col- Grange-Hall. Good music, good time. llns, Business Agent, 1512 Division. W5-30tfn. Phone 240W. 3-30tfn OFFICE& BUSINESS SUPPLIES "Cash Registers - Safe. - Letter and Legal Steel Files Burglar Chests - Posture Chairs - Job and Payroll Tire Clocks Inter-Communication Systems Repairing On All Kinds of Typewriters, Adding Machines, Cash Registers, etc. H. D. BAKER & CO., INC. 410 . South Franldin Eugene A. Sloan, Mgr. Sales and Service - Olympia, Wash. Telephone 8044 12-12 1-2-4t NEW BEARING SERVICE ,rMay January 2, ]947. J I I I I I* . , WE HAVE ADDED A "NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 II II IF YOU HAVE CAR TROUBLES COME IN AND SEE US Ignition, Carburetor and General Overhaul Fender Repairing and Painting TIRES AND BATTERIES FAY AUTO 513 Park Street BULLDOZING, LANDCREARING, EXCAVATING No Job Too Small, No Job Too Large CALL VIC ZABROSKI Phone 627-J For Frec Estimates, No Obligation SatisfactionGuaranteed CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING " Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. I CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine --Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING I I rinding. Have your locker meat cut y an experienced meat cutter. Beef, pork, veal and elk and deer in sea- son, Cut, wrapped and trlmming 14 x 2'( 604ground'Dearborn.SC pound.Phone Don381M. Wllliams9.12tf] bearing. Good condition. PhonI . FOR SALE: wood circulating heater. C. DeMons, No, 3 Mill Street.?I )*. L p],...__ UT In good condition. See P. A. Rose .... : at Mell Chew.olet. 1-2-16 :FOR SALE: good breed of puppies. OIL Reasonable. Six .weeks old. Phone ________ ,:,J!IW* RIIRNEIZ 1 - 554R after 4 p.m. L1-2-16 for Heating and FOR SALE: one tarp 12 x 14,1937one.v_88- He,C tlnter is whist - ton hydraulic truck jack, Range or pickup, 1304 Edgewood (Cornel" Fail'-  mont and Edgewood). BI-2 $14.75 ; FOR SALE: boy's bicycle in good 5,  the condition, $18. Phone 3F25, Inquire Furnace -- $39. , )' 'Fcorner--and with Rt. 3, Box 202 (Arcadia Road).B1.2.9 CLARK D(SCT'II'/'! it comes ice,- FOR SALE: haled alfalfa hay. A .... '': ee%$1ick pavements! Lemke, St. Rt. 2, Box 96. Phone ' your tires in condi- 14F35. 1-2tfn. 820 Fairmont St. Shelton 12-261-1 tl  'meet these wintry FOR SALE: 5 h.l). butboard motor, OLD GROWTI 16-in ]' $25. John C. King, Rt. 3, Box 217 ch woo,€ [lenges? Drop in tO- (Arcadia Road). 1-2-16 fireplace wood, immediate dI:lI, Allyn Wood Yard, P.O. B_o Allyn, Wash. 1 Lp w,for the most com- A FOR SALE: Engll t:ald-the best tire pies. Ell(son Brothers, R bute:, GIFT THAT LASTS 57. Shelton (Kamilche Valle':, FOR SALE: ./I Wagner Fed Co-mpaffy, 219'. ' , Nice Singing  FOR SALE: baby chicks. Guar d#.# C A N A R I E S u.s. p 'oyed, from hi p; flocks. Only one grade--h)I Wagner :Feed Company, 219 Ist.  & SON Mrs. E. Latzel bredFOR SALE: C0 Hiway (Hillcrest) weeks old. $15 to $20. Oyster  PHONE 615-R5 Belfalr 283. 1 [E 585 , FOR SALE: 14 foot' FOR SALE: mill "wood, approximately trailer. Sleeps four. two-cord loads, $15. Phone 597. J. side. $650. Phone Meyer, Box 37, Shelton. 12-12--1-2 5 p.m. FOR SALE: one uscd Colonial wood FOR SALE: small oil T,]SII range with coils, it good condition, stove. Write J. B. Schott .... .L llltk_ Phone Hoodsport 11W4 after 61 fair. M. J Van(danes -%': FOR SALE: two-wheel Schult FoR, SALE: black and bloods ti, or- house Factory hull( oughbred cockers. Call in afternoon, people. Good condition. R., Mrs. E, Julian, Rt. 2, Box 259, Shel- lin, Lake Nahwatzel. ' ( £1WJ.M k. ton. 1-2-9 FOR SALE: one Economy King cream BUSY separator, electric driven, with ms- USED CARS tel, $75. One buz saw with 2 h.p. -.- gas engine, A-1 condition, $40. Eignt v-.,...v, Muscovy ° ducks,Box 98515"(nearA" W, Ramey, FOR SALE: 1934 Master P] " coupe. Inquire at 600 Park. St. Rt. "' Dayt°n)" 2- -9 Telephone 284Z, 1 'YOU may bet these kids are FOR SALE: house trailer. /942 model FOR SALE: 1937 Ford "85 ' Potlessly clean--ready to t Glider, 22 £eet, Price $1,200. See sedan. Good shape. Phone 76: ¢ke Jamboree at a morn( Mr. Manley at Fir Drug. 1-2 ieOR SALE: one (lump bed, like new. FOR SALE: 1935 Reo L.W., .befOre your youngsters. P 12 ft. bed, $125, One garden trac- with steel flat bed and ,l', tor and attachments, plow, rake and hbist. Also 1931 Model "A" cultivators. $70, Hanuner mill, like Both in good" Condition, :PANTORIUM -< new and 50-it. 6-inch belt, $90. Rt. L(,ertschcr, Lo0t Lake Rout0, i CL] 1, Box 25. foul" miles south on Phone. Shelton 762J2, . ' Oly2}pie - hig,lway k ,, Wl-2-9 FOR SALE: '36 Chevrolet 215 S. 2nd St. luxe sedan. Phone R E B U I L D OIL. HEATERS after 6 p.m. or get in M. J. Van Laanen. Phone 284-R All Sizes "12-5-26-:--4t. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FOR SALE OR TRADE: Ask for Duerden at mouth P.i2 4-dr. sedan, sCHNEiDF al mileage. Fair condition. Erickson's radio: and heater. :'.Phone ,' Phone Bremerton 2680 FOR SALE: 1936 DeSoto ......... 616 Pacific Avenue tires. Roy McLuea ....... 12-26--1-16-4t 218AA, Shclton DAN CONVERT ou TCHEN aNE to oil. See the new Therm silent LOST A r'' Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and :" Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7758. FO]JND: light bay work EVERY SAT 11-15tfn. hlte feet. Owner ma FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets, shone 595. 7-4tfn LOST: red Cocker old, Wears ,€ BRIGGS AND 8TRATTON mr cooled tall, Phone 280W, 1332 ,:, NOW 12-2d-tfn gas engine. Smith and Binger, Le= glen Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7769. ll-:5tfn LOST: Guernsey cow around  Mason Coun Please notify Rt. 1) Box 25, FOR SALE: hand croclleted baby sacques, caps, .boottees and soakers. '..-'.....,-.,..,.-.,..w.r..." ,-']%/l'.lB.wr..Ut_Ln Assortment On nana or oraers taken. I'1 ll,] BROS. J Mrs W * Brodt 121 E Cedar 00ROFI00ION00 Street. Phone 582J. 10-24tfn w ,,,..,,- Playing Req! PHONE 26 for home milk delivery. --., M11-14tfn. Music To Suit FOR SALE: hospital' bed, complete B. Franklin Heus with mattress. Just like new, $90 cash. Inquire Journal, A-1. All-7tfn ATTORNEY:AT.LA 1 LUNCH AND BO' FOR SALE: rebuilt '37 Pontiac mo- tor 6 also '36 Plymouth, both guar- Courth0use, helton, Dancing 9 antec'd. :Fay's Auto Rebuild, Park Phone 312 St. Phons 284R. 12-19--1-2 $1 Per Per,, WANTED ' wI,L TAZE cAR of children by the A.K. day ill my own nome. 1411 Railroad. Phone 272R. B1-2--2-6 Personal|zeal RAY'S WANTED CEDAR LUMBER Service JEWELRY Wanted rough fiat-grain cedar Address: Shelton, clears, green or dry. Prefer Rt. 3, Box 64A O 2Va" x 3" and wider x 6' and Phone: Shelton longer. Also accept 1" and 2" Prompt Watch hy same length. Ship by truck Reoairin or carload. Cash on delivery. Seattle Hardwood Floor Co. CRAIG P. 0 616 Aurora Ave., Seattle, Wn. ELECTRICAL ENGINI Garfield 1274 Eliot Electric Ec 117 Cota Street WANTED: a good home for a Chin- Tltle Insurance Phone 633 cse Silky Bantham rooster. Free. F. W. Bishop, Rt. 3, Shelton, 1-2 Phone 648 WANTED: young couple, 11o chil- dren. wish 'to rent furnished house or aparuncnt in Shelton. Perma- CHARLES ncnt residents. Phone 541R. R, M11-7ttfn. ATTORNEY AT WANTED: watcll charms and fobs. Inquire Journal office. 10-10tfn 119-121 South Bell Building Shelton, Only $595.0( WANTED TO BUY _ ON E SECOND GROWTH TIMBER ALDEN C. And Poles To Log ATTORNEY AT LAI ,L;._ CLIF] Will pay top prices. Opposite" Titl InsuranceFirst National : :'d¢ill., Plow 5 Acre, ' W Z1/-Gal. Gas for l Phone 23 = - Contact Vic Zabroski, iA Child Can Her Phone 627-J, Shelton WITSIF.S '! 0Pemte 12-26-tfn FUNERAL .Power Take-0ff ' ___._ L.lnsed i Wood Sawing WXNff%D:I.xierlene--d woman for general housework and care of one W.A. W|tslers :'0 child. Room, board, good salary. In- Phone 180 - - Shelter, V M .ulro 00ournal. ,-00l-tfn , --wers. R( WANTED: women to worR as oyster ' cullers at oyst.r Bay. Ca, l long dls- orp'€-:a- lance, Oyst. Bay, collect, ask for ELLIOT B. ( Oscar Zandell. 10-1S-tfn THE GIFT BOX WAITRESS and kitcllen help wanted Aoo0untln Tax Set 200 West 4th Apply }lotel 8heltoa Coff, ShoP.5.4tfI" Bookkeeplnl 8yltelYll Olympia, Wash. WANT TO BUY: old horses for. Mink 1234th St. feed, iUyers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tf WANTED: ALDER. MAPLE, TOP PRICES. honest scale, short haul. INSUR&NCl Brame Mill, Lynch Road and Hi- way, four miles south of Shelton. 8-29tfn. " II NOTICE TO PUBLIC: I am still do- ,, ANGLE at Moni inff, clock, gun and jewch'y repairing at my home, B, S. Bargcr, Of:Ce at Anglo " 205 N. 5th St., phune 681W, ' ....... 12-19--1-9 _ - .,, Stoves and Furnaces IngS, hot and cold running water. efrlgeratlon, elctrt lights, oil V A C U U M Iurner and. lunal'y:, facilities, .artmen prlcea trots $25 to :$6!.5.0, C L E A N E D Ckblna $15 and $17.50. W. A. Beaz. ley. Manager. 3-28-tfn III | II r Fod LOCKERS I Phone 236-RX MT. VIEW LOCKERS Open Week Days 7:30 a.m. To. 6:30 p.m, H. F. BOYSEN, PHONE 62-R W]L--L-':kI 'free' rent of IA UTO BODY REPAIR furnished house for part-ihne care ,it youuste, toddle sed couple WELDING, PAINTING preferred. Inquire Ritner s Care. GLASS WORK so EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 H I! Clerk of the City of Shelton, Washington, 1.2-tJ--2t. Auditor Mason Count:(.)9'l I-2-9--2t. • Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair Appliance Repair Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX ml ii L i i SWEDISH MASSAGE Zone Therapy And Mineral Bath MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton" 4s,8 MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP - O BPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-tfn