January 2, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, January 2,_ 194_r
/ 2Y OAS]7 for u/
machine. Phone 596J. Bll
: FOR SALE: ladies all-wool fl
suit, box jacket. Green. Si=
Never been worn. Reasonabii
[ quire Journal Office. 11,
[FOR SALE: 150 gallon insulate
water tank and Upright h
] boiler, $80 cash. InqttLro J q
1 A-I. All
i FOR SALE: Western
nace, oil or wood, with je
Hot air circulator and con
See G. C. Angle. 11I
FOR SALE: bull block 14xff
bearing. Good condition. Phon(
C. DeMoss, No. 3 Mill Street.
• luc eNmv No.
l'sday, Jailuarv 2, ]947. SIIELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL
,.,--,..----.,.=___ . • _' . _2 - ..... ! ..... _' ...... [". ..... " .......... .......... "" ' . _ .... -. ............... .... . .... _. ": ........... LY ..... . ................................................
ning Belfair d2 to I0 Monday and
squashing McConkey pharmacy,
27 to 18, Friday for a clean slate
in four games with Bill Levett
hitting a dozen counters against
the pimrmacists, Danny Cormier
17 and Mel Morgan 12 against
The season's team and individ-
ual scoring records were boosted
to new highs Friday as Pan(of
iron pmnmeled Belfair by 59 to 20
while Don Underwood was hang-
ing up 27 points, and the tight-
cat tnssle of the schedule so far
found Rayonier shading Olympic
V L pf l)a
Needimm's Men's ...... 5 0 163 103
Morgan Lalmber . ..... 4 0 135 71
Pnntorium Tailors .... 3 1168 95
Burgoyne Photo .... 2 2 87 86
Rayonier . ................. 2 3127157
McConkey Pharmacy 1 3 77100
Belfair. ....................... 0 4 70180
Olympic Plywood .... 0 5 95130
Games Monday
7--Morgan Lumber vs Bnrgoyne
8--Plywood vs McConkey
9--Rayonier vs Belfair
Games Wednesday
7--Belfair vs McConkey
Defense Potent,
Offense Not In
2 Close Losses
Two afore narrow decisions went
against the Highclimb&'s as they
cleaned up all their pro-season
practice games last weekend, los-
ing a one-point 26 to 25 verdict at
Chehalis Friday arid a two-point
B Squad Adds Two
More Victims To
Growing St mg
Two more scalps dangled from I
the High(limber B team's belt af- I
ter 31 to 20 and 35 to 21 victor-I
ies respectively over Chehalis and I
Poulsbo Friday and Saturday, the I
latter triumph atoning for a 32 I
to 25 defeat snffered at Poulsbo[
two weeks ago. I
Big' Norm Buck, who plays the
first half of the B team games to
gain experience then suits up to
be available for reserve daty with
Athletically speaking, ]946
dealt aces generously to this com-
munity in the field of sports with
, clmmpionshi I) hands being played
by a larger than usual proportion
of local muselemen.
Outstanding' performance of the
yea,' in the championship ranks
was turned in by Marl( Fredson
when the Shclton bowler won the
Northweut International Bowling
Congress singles title m the big-
gcst and most important annual
ifin meet of this area at Spokane,
his 685 pin total topping a record
entry list in the open class singles.
Providing (nero thrills to sports
fans, the Shelton Highclimber
football team enjoyed the most
successful season in the school's
history while winning seven of
eight games and the Central Lea-
Page I!
Just as a n-anory-refreghcr,
here are the 1946 champions of
local sports activities:
City Bowling League ........ Active
Club. 13t'..t game-C. A. Custaf-
son, 260. Best total Pete Roberts,
661. Highest average--Bud tVor-
bes and Mark'i'redson, 186. Best
team galas -. Mason Laundry,
1025. Best team total .... Mason
Laundry, 2916.
Comnlercial Bowling League ......
Lake Cushman Resort, Be.kt game
.... Bnd Forbes, 246. Best total.-.=
Bud Forbes, 653. Highest aver-
age--Bud Forbes, 191. Best team
New Cheap
for Heating and Cookin l
Range or Heater ] O Winteriswhist.
$14.75 mv] !ing and blowing
Furnace -- $39.5 1 ..j.ut arou.d fh'
CLARK DOSCHI .er-a¢.dwith
- it comes ice,--
820 Fairmont St ! :ales%slick pavemcntsl
Shelton ,Are your tires in condi-
OLD GROWTH 16-inch
fireplace wood. immediate
Allyn Wood Yard, P.O.
Allyn, Wash.
pies. EDison
57, Shelton C
?meet these wintry
Drop in to-
for the most corn-
and--the best tire
FOR SALE: good
Wagner Feed
FOR SALE: baby chicks.
II. S. approved, from
flocks. Only
Wagner Feed
FOR SALE: thoroughbred ,
weeks old, $15 to $20. Oyst,
Belfair 283,
FOR SALE: 14 foot
trailer. Sleeps four.
side. ${]50. Phone
Me Hiway (Hillcrest)
8---Morgan Lbr. vs Pantoriunl
9--Burgoyne vs Needham
Flaming youth as represented
by Needham's Men's Wear had a
little too much second half zest
for experience and coolness as
represented by Pantorium Tailors
Monday night so the youthful ha-
berdashers ran their winning I
string to five straight with a
tight-checking 22 to 20 victory
in. the city basketball league's ]
most crucial contest so far.
Pantorimn's defeat reduced the
circfit's, unbeaten ranks to two
teams for Morgan Lumber kept
pace with Needham's by winning
two games during the week, skin.
Complete Insurance
Office With
Shick & George
124 N. Ist St. Phone 46.J
FOR SALE: 1934 Master PIY
coupe. Inquire at 600 Park:
Telephone 284J. . ,Y°u may bet these kids are popular. We keep their clothes
FOR SALE: ]937 Ford "85"_ -ot,essly clean--ready to take off to a juke box session or
76"' eeke jamboree at a moment's notice. Keep our number
FOR SALE: 1935 Reo L.W.B. before your youngsters. Phone 86.
witl st(el flat bed and 'bl
hoist. Also 1931 Model "A"
Both in good' condition. PANTORIUM
LoertSeher. Lost Lake Route CLEANERS & TAILORS
Plmne Shelton 762J2.
FOR SALE: "36 Chevrolet speC /, 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86
luxe sedan. Phone Hoodspor
after 6 p.m. or get In tout
M. J. Vail. Laanen.
FOR SALE OR TRADE: 19 "---=-
mouth P-12 4-dr sedan. 35,0 .......
al mileage. Fair" condition. G,. 'L'gtT'k''rTrTr[ PRAIRIE
radio, and heater..Phone 688"r 'J ,S' ll-I I%l 14 "II I SIH' ll-
FOR SALE: 1963 DeSoto seds.; ...... . .......
.. . a' ,,t'va ---- . ............
218AA, Shelton (Isabella ¥
" D A N C I N G
FO]dND: light bay work hor
'hte feet Owner n,ay EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT
horse upon Identifying same e
ing for" ad. at. 1, Box 228A.
LOST: red Cocker spaniel, eV
old. Wears collar and has
tail, Phone 280W. 1332 Ridge
Now Sponsored by
Mason County V. F. W. Post
Playing Request Numbers and
Music To Suit All Dancing Tastes
LOST: Guernsey cow around I
Please notify at. 1, Box 25,
B. Franklin Heus
Courthbuse, Shelton
Phone 312
Dancing 9 P.M. to 2 A.M.
$1 Per Person, Tax Included
Address: Shelton,
Rt. 3, Box 54A
Phone: Shelton
Eliot Electric Equl:
Title Insurance
Phone 645
110-121 South Fourth
Bell Building
Shelton, Washtngto
Plywood, 29 to 28, Monday. The
sixth game of the week brought
Burgoyne Photographers a 22 to
17 verdict over Olympic Ply-
Getting back to the critical
scrap Monday, tne two clubs bat-
tled to a tight-checking 7-7 half-
time score but opened up in the
second half as the clothiers pull-
ed.ahead 15-13 at the third quar-
ter intermission and upped that
edge to 21-13 early in the final
period as Burt Dieldnson, Bill
Coburn dad Bill Chase flipped
home telling tallies. W a r r e n
Woods wax the only Pantorimn
player able to Kick the net, scor-
ing 15 of his team's 20 i)oints.
Stan Armstrong and Jack Jef-
freys paced Rayonier's narrow
squeeze over the veneermen with
eight points apiece, a total match-
ed by Earl Lumsden of the Ply-
wood. The victors trailed by 6-1
and .12-9 scores in the first half
but gained a 19-18 third quarter
edge which they made stick to
the end.
Needham's (23) Pantorlum (20)
Dickinson 9 F Parsons I
Gardiner 2 F El.Phillips 2
Coburn 6 C Underwood 2
&Phillips 2 G Woods 15
Chase 4 G Fredson
Subs: Needham's Walton,
Morgan Lumber (42) Beifair (14)
MelMorgan 12 F Roberson 2
Levett 8 F Nealy .l
Cormier 17 C Hope 4
Valley 5 G Foster 2
Eacrett G Toombs 2
Rayonier (29) I'13%vood (28)
Jeffreys 8 F Lumsden 8
Kendall 2 F Howarth 1
Kelly 5 C Fletcher 6
Daniels 1 G Hutchinson 1
Steinberg 5 G White 3
Subs: Rayonier--S. Armstrong
8. Plywood--Baze 4, B. Armstrong
5, Moore.
Pantorium (59) Belfair (20)
Ccle 4 f Davis 6
Parsons 10 f Crow 7
Price 7 c Hope 2
D. Phillips 6 g Foster 1
B. Phillips 4 g Thomas 2
Subs: Pantorium -- Underwood
26, Woods 2, Fredson. Belfair--
Robertson 2, Klumb Brown.
Burgoyne's (22i Plywood (17)
Cardinal f Lumsden 3 I
McCann 8 f Howarth 5
H. Graver 6 c Fletcher 2(
L. Gruver g Hutchinson 1. I
Coffman g White 61
Subs: Burgoyne's -- Wilson 5,
Burgoyne 2, LaBissoniere.
Morgan Lbr. (27) McConkey (18)
Mcl Morgan f Sehirmer 3
Williams 4 f Lee
Cormier 7 c Smith 7
Levett 12 g Seiners 2
Valley 2 g B. Viger 6
Subs: Morgan Lumber--Eaton 2,
Eacrett. McConkey'sR, Viger,
'Kitsap Day' Scheduled
Thursday, January 16
Neighboring Kitsap county an-
nounces the sponsorship of a "Kit-
sap Day," Thursday, January 16,
in observance of the Kitsap Nine-
tieth Anniversary. The main ob-
jectives of the campaign are edu-
cational, including history, pion-
eer lore, past development, and
future goals of attainment and
acquainting all with the signifi-
cance of this day in Kltsap coun-
ty which marks the end of 90
years of growth and the institu-
tion of the tenth decade.
Only $595.00 Delivered in Bremerton (Subject to Change)
• Title Insurance
Opposite First National
Phone 23 - ,.
wi00sm00s J
W, A. Wltslers,
Phone 180 - - Shelton,
Aocountlng Tax
123 4th St.
Office at .angle
O Will Plow 5 Acres Daily
lJ2i/'Gal. Gas for 8-hr. use
A Child Can Handle and
POwer Take-Off for Mowing or
Wood Sawing
Mowers. Rakes. Plows - Dozer Blades - Discs
R00fary Scrapers- Springfoofh Harrows- Furrow
!bn , ChrySler
260! Sixth at Montgomery Phone 4210
Ideal for 2 to 40 Acres
O No Clutch to Burn Out
Complete Control with Steerin9
Complete Parts Stock Carried
2.1 to 22 nod to Poulsbo here Sat-
Only one non-conference foe re-
mains on Shelton's schedule, that
the return game with Chehalis to
be played here next Tuesday night,
but that will be after the South-
west conference opener, which
sends the High(limbers to Aber-
deen this Friday night
The Chehalis defeat, the second
straight one-point loss suffered by
the High(limbers, can be laid di-
rectly at the door of inaccuracy
at the fonl line, just as the Bel-
larmie loss was. Shelton cagers
missed ten of fifteen foul attempts
in the Clmhalis game, and also hit
only four times from the free
throw line against Poui'sbo.
Poulsbo's victory evened ac-
counts for a 33 to 30 loss helton
plastered on the Vikings at Peals-
be two weeks ago. In both games
last weekend, failure to stop lone
sharpshooters in the opposition
lineup led to the Shelton defeats.
Roy Peterson picked off 17 points
for Poulsbo, hitting five sensation-
al long shots in the first half and
two more in the second plus a
lay-in. Jack Wood bagged 14 tal-
lies for Chehalis, getting more
points from the foul iine than the
entire Highclimber lineup when he
converted six free tosses.
The Highclimbers made desper-
ate last ditch comcbacl(s in both
games which nearly snatched vic-
tory. Trailing at the last inter-
mission by a 24 to 18 margin, the
Red and Black surged up to with-
in one point of overtaking the
Bearcats and held Chehalis score-
less from the floor throughout the
final quarter and to only two
field goals the entire second half.
In the Poulsbo tussle Shelton
trailed by 20 to 15 as the last
ronnd got under way but pulled up
to a 22 to 21 deficit with a minute
to go but couldn't get any farther.
Results of both games indicates
the High(limber zone defense is
proving effective but Shelton's of-
fensive mechanism still isn't in
gear. I,en Cardinal produced
eleven points against Poulsbo for
half Shelton's total and Carl Sund-
sten paced the Chehalis effort with
The lineups:
Chehalis (26) Sheiton (25)
Shulz 2 f Cardinal 7
Wood 14 f Cartwright
Boone 3 c Sundsten 9
Angel 4 g Anderson 2
Nowadnik 3 g Fraser 2
Subs: Shelton--Buck 2, Hagan 3
Poulsbo (24) Shelton (22)
Drummond 2 f Cardinal 11
Baker f Car(wright
• Antonson 2 c Sundsten 4
Peterson 17 g Anderson
Paulson 3 g Fraser 1
Subs: Shelton--White 6, Hagen,
Buck, Deffinbaugh, Rice.-
Lake Cushman
The best thing about Christmas
this year was the music of the
choral singers who started after
dark December 23 at the home
of Blanch Radtke, who was joined
by the Browns and, to music from
Otto Radtke's guitar, sang at
each house they passed. After
viewing the serenaded family's
tree and trintmings, they, added
one more family to their chorus
and proceeded around the lake,
Bye and bye there weren't any
families left so everybody was
singing and having a wonderful
time. A Merry Christmas for sure!
The Art Gilmores ate Christmas
dinner with relatives in Seattle.
and the Don Brown's at the home
of Mrs. Brown's mother in Ta
Mrs. Otto Radtke entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Walter LaMaster of
Seattle and Emil Radtke of Ta-
coma for the holiday dinner.
the preceding Monday guests for
the evening were lV[r. and Mrs.
Jerry Cornwall of Potlatch, and
to spend last week end came Mrs.
ellis Peterson and daughter Mil-
dred bf Seattle.
The Dave Collins had the most
guests in camp, I believe, as they
totalled 17 at the festive board,
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Collins and
two children of Seabeck, Mr. and'
Mrs. J. D. Lindell and two chil-
dren of Everett, Mrs: D. H. Col-
lins, Sr., Mrs. Ida Hardlsty of
Tacoma, and Mr. and MrS. Albert
Galloway of Olympia. Thursday,
the Collins family entertained
overnight visitors from Seattle,
Capt. and Mrs George Yokum and
nephew, Dennis Phillips.
The Verne Hill, St., family en-
tertained their son and daughter,
Mr. and :Mrs. Verne Hil L Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Oukrop of Bell-
ingham, and Robert MeLachlen.
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Peterson
had as dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Peterson and son Christmas
day. December 26 they had a post-
Christmas dinner of oyster stew
which was attended by Robert
Smith and the Ray Petersons.
We're glad somebody knows when
they've had enough turkey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan had
as visitors for the holiday, Mr,
and Mrs. C. B. McAllister of Ta-
The Linscotts entertained their
two daughters, Ruth and Betty
with their husbands and babies
for several days including Christ-
A slight earthquake was felt
here around 20 minutes to nine
Friday morning.
To those interested, a dancing
teaoher will be at the Hoodeport
school Monday, January 6 at 2
p.m,. and will tart once a wk
dancing classes in tap oz' other
dancing. The teacher is Jack Mof-
o WhO is well known in Shelton
where lm has his own studiO. He
will also take children who ae
under school age.
the first team, got the little High-
climbers off to good starts in
both games by tallying eight
points in each in his two-quarter
stints. Buck and Wayne Clary
scored all the counters as the
Highelimbers fashloned a 14 to
8 halftimc edge over Chchalis,
then Bob Tobey eamc in to help
Ciary lead the second half attack.
Clary finished with 11 markers
Scoring was evenly divided
among four Higtclimbers in the
Poulsbo game with Tobey and
Ken Carlson matching Buck's
-eight, Ctary trailing closely with
seven as Shclton built up a 24 to
12 half time margin which was
too much for Pouisbo's second
half comeback to overcome. The
Rhelton (31) Chehali (20)
Clary 11 F Snoza 4
Carlson 4 F Wood
Buck 8 C Skelton
Boice G Rosbach 9
McPhe.'son i G Edwards 3
Subs: Shelton---Tobey 5, Ska-
gen 2, Wells, Cole, Ashley, Def-
finbaugh. Chehalis --- Debruler 1,
Toy 1, Martinson 2.
Shelton (35) I'#ulMm (31)
Clary 7 F Svare 10
Carlson 8 F Longmate 4
Buck 8 C Hanson 11
Boice 2 G Mariner 5
Tobcy 8 G Naslund 1
Subs: Shelton--Skagen 2, Mc-
Pherson, Wells, Cole, Ashley, Def-
finbaugh, Davidson. Poulsbo
Blazers Drubbed
At Port Orchard;
Play Here Friday
Badly waxed in two traveling
engagements so far, the Shelton
Blazms play their first junior
high basketball game in the fam-
iliar scenery of the new Shelton
gym this Friday afternoon at 1:30
when they tackle one of their
previous opponents, Coontz jun-
ior high of remerton. Coontz
won by a 27 to 5 score at Brcm-
The Blazers got more pointn
themselves in their second start
but so did Port Orchard in a 35
to 11 spanking handed the Shel-
ton juniors last Friday at Port
The Blazer second string made
more of a scrap of it and worried
their Port Orchard rivals a bit
before submitting by 24 to 10 at
the final rest period. Bob Oakley
scored eight of his ten points iu
leading the Blazer rally,
The lineups:
Port Orchard (35) Shelton (11)
Sallee 11 F Dale 2
Dobler 1 F Davidsov.
MalIick 3 C Pennington
Dobeward 13 G Heuer 1
Stantz 2 G Getty 4
Subs: Port Orchard--Boddy 2,
Smith 2, Swearington 1. Shelton
--J. Hupter 2,.Edgley 2, G. Hunt-
er, Warmouth, White, Priszner.
Port Orchard (30) Shelton (23)
VanZee 4 F Dlttman 3
Bell 4 F Richer( 4
Anderson 6 C Oakley 10
Saxby 2 G Rutledge 2
Wagner 14 G McGowan 1
Subs: Shelton--Hunter 2, Ea-
crett 2, Yarr, Cole, Breshmeyer,
Kenyon, Austin. Port Orchard
Erickson 2.
G. C. Gray's Mink
Pelt Earns Fur
Show Cash Prize
G. C. Gray, well known trapper
from Hoodsport, is a winner of the
daily award for correct pelt hand-
ling in the Eighteenth National
Fur Show conducted by the Raw
Fur Mrketing Service of Sears
and Roebuck and Company.
Gray's carefully handling mink
pelt brought him one of tle $5,00
daily awards, as a result of its
being udged one of the tlree .bent
handled skins among all pelts re-
celwd a,t Sears RRW Fur Market-
ing Station in Seattle on Batulay,
December 14th. and in addition en-
,titles Gray to consideration for one
of the major awards, including
$1,000 first award to be selected
at the final judging which will be
held in April.
Correct pelt handling--the prime
purpose of the fur shows--has
proved to be of vital importance to
trappers due to the fact that rail-.
lions of dollars were formerly
wasted througl careless, incorrect
skinning, stretching and drying of
furs--dollars which could readily
have gone into the trappers' pock-
ets instead of being cast to the
winds. Well-prepared pelts com-
mand more money than poorly
handled ones--thus increasing not
alone the earnings of the trapper,
but the value of our country's na-
tural resources. Sears Fur Show
was established to stress the point
and, thus. to encourage correct
pelt handling.
This season's 18th National
awards aain totaled $7,590.00 in
cash. including 918 daily $5.00
awards, ten major awards amount-
lag to $1,950.00topped by an
eagerly s0ught-after $I,000.00 first
award -- plUS twelve sectional
awards for complete fur shipments
aggregating $800. All awards are
for pelt handlin only, not kind or
value of skin. Every pelt shipped
to Sears, during the term of the
fur show, is automatically consid-
ered for one or more awards.
gue championship. The High-
climber baseball team of last
spring hunk up a slightly lense,"
athletic feat in cap(ruing the nor-
thorn division Southwest Wash-
ington high school baseb&ll title
but lost to Hoquiam; the sonth(u'n
division winner, in the inter-divi-
sioa playoff.
Another baseball championship
was brought home to Shelton
wheu the. town team Loggern
breezed in with the Olympia Nig'ht
League title l'lst summer. Shel-
to]t'q junior . Anterican Legion
baseball club fell one rtm short
of the Fourth District junior le-
gion title by losing to Puyallup,
7 to 6, in the district playoffs.
Bob Tobey's southpaw-pitching-
team ranks with the outstanding
individual athletic performances of
19t6 here.
While not directly c0nncetcd
now. Shelton felt at least partly
claimant to Peter and Karol Ken-
n('Gy as its own as they won for
the third consecutive year the Pa-
cific Coast senior pairs figure
skating championship and reach-
ed the finals tar the second year
in the national championships.
Harold Anker came within a
split-second of being the state's
hig'h school 100-yard-dash cham-
pion when he placed seccmd in the
state meet in that event at Pull-
n-au last spring after "going thru
a prep track schedule with only
one loss to an opponent in the
century dash.
Two other Shelton prep ath-
letes received signal honors during
the year. Carl Sundstcn beinK
chosen to play in the annual All-
State high school baseball game
at Seattle, and Gone White being
selected on the All-St'ate senior
football team which will play in
Seattle next August.
Two long-standing jinxes were
Ibroken during the year, both in
basketball, when the Highclimb-
[ ers ended a 31-game losing streak
rin Southwest prep conference play
with a 2o-.:, victory oww Montd-
Isano on February 18, while just
a week before that the Highclimb-
ers' 36-25 win over St. Martins
Preps, a non-conference rival.
ended, eight straight years in
which Earl Jordan had watched
Higbclimber basketball teams on
an average of five or six games a
season without ever seeing them
• The year brought, a new foot-
ball coach to Shelton. a new foot-
ball grandstand and the razing
of the old gTandstands at Lpop
Field. It did not bring the lights
which all sports fans here so fer-
vently hoped it would, nor are the
game---Mell Chevrolet, 980. Best
team total----Morg;m Lumber, 2,-
Women's Bowling League ........
Mac's Corner. Best game-Edna
l)binson, 228. Best total--Edna
Robinson,' 563. Highest average .....
Inez Dodds, 150. Best team game
---Pastime, 905. Best team total ......
Mason Lanndry, 253:t.
Mixed doubles (bowling)- (lib
and Rubye Frisken,
City Bowling Associati6n tourn-
ament: Team winner- -Reed Mill.
Doubles winners--Mark l'redson
and Al Drummond. Singles win,
net--Ned Snelgrove. All events
winner--Bill Smith.
City basketball league -- Btu'- I
g'oyne Photographers. Individual'
scoring leader--Bill Levett, 120
City softball league--Rayonier
and Morgan Lumber tied.
and Sporting Goods
Bowling - Sporting Goods - Tobaccos - Beer - Wine
- " I III .............
IIigh Sehool
i - ;i 2 Games Starting at 7 P M.
New helton Gym
Adults 50¢, Students 40¢, Children 10€ (lnol. Tax)
pronpects of getting' them in 19,t7 .......................................................................................................................................
what could be tel'reed definite. Re-
fusal of the C.P.A. to approve
Shelton's application for construc-
tion of a new baseball grandstand
also clouded an otherwise highly
happy sports year for local fans.
60 State Cities
Plan Memorials
Of the 235 Washington com-
munities responding to a survey
conducted by the war memorials
committee of the Governor's Ad-
visory Commission, 80 per cent
indicate that individual plans call
for a "living" type of memorial
to commemorate the state's fallen
heroes of World War II.
The committee's information
shows that 60 cities have planned
some type of memorial while 52
have shown no interest in the sub-
ject to date. Of the 60 communi-
ties active in the field, 29 have
started or will shortly begin con-
A total of six cities have com-
pleted their projects, with Ana-
cortes, Kalama and Stanwood
having constructed athletic fields,
Harringt0n a memorial hall, Wap-
ate a memorial park and plaqde,
and Quincy a plaque alone.
)lympia City League
Played In
Shelton New Gym
Featuring Shelton's Home Entry
Saturday, Jan, 4 - 8 P.M.
G. C. Gray's Mink Pelt Earns
Award for Pelt Handling in
Sears 18th National Fur Show
This third feature is the real reason
Read How You, Too= May for Sears 18th National Raw Fur Show
Win an Award as High with 942 Ca,M awards, totaling
$7,590.00, • -, .
as $1,000.00 This Year! Last season, TraI)per t, orrest
Slabaugh, of Ligonier, Indiana, won
Proving again that "better pelt the big $1,000,00 First Cash Award o/}"
handling pays," this local trapper got his stllfully handled mink pelt. Just
an extra $5.00 in cash--one of the think how handy an extra $1,000.00
Deity Awards in Sem 18th National cash would be for yo, this year!
Fur Show--and, besides, a chance to
' share in the big major awards! Get In--It's Easy
42 Awards $7,590 Cash What this trapper did, you too can
do--whether or not yell sell your furs Every fur you ship to Sears, during the
es, a total of 942 cash awards for through Sears Raw ,lr Marketing term o! the Fur Show, is automatically
fur shippers-942 opportunities to Service. For Sears Fur Show offers, this consldered for awards.
share in $7,590.00 in cash. season, a total of 942 different cash 0nly the handling of pelts count;
aretenmajorcashawardsranging awards, including tim Idrst Award of not the kind of fur, not ts value. .
This season, why not try for soma
from $50.00 to $1,000.00. $1,000.00 for the best handled pelt of all. b{g cxh'a inoney? Remember, everybody,
SECTIONAL CASH 2/AIID . Pays You 3 Ways has all equal chanve. You have every-
There are sectional awards, too thing to gain-nothing to lose. . t
for complete shipments of fiveor rst, every award is ln additisn to the When your furs are ready, s_hip th_aral
morepelts--oneawardof $250.00; cash Searsget you for your pelts, to Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Raw rut
eleven of $50.00 each, , Second, Sears can be depended on to Marketing Service at the nearest of
ly, there are 918 daily cash awards obtain for you top prices, these petals: Chieago, Philadelphia,|
of $5,00 each, for pelts received award,Third'carefuleVen handlingif you don'tenhancesWin thean emphis/Dallas, Kansas Cty, or'
Seattle. rhousand of trappers haj
earned awards, YOU CAN, tool
during the Fur Show. value of Your furs
, ,,,,, ,, , , m, , t Ill lilt U ]11[ I I [ III [/. ...... i?']3 ,