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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 4, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Gun possession: He's guilty of one, not guilty of three A Mason County Superior Court jury returned one guilty verdict and three not-guilty verdicts in the trial of a 20-year-old Shelton man charged with four counts of unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree. Steven Allen Mencer, of 1426 Ellinor Avenue, is scheduled for sentencing on February 5. He was convicted of having a Beretta pis- tol in the bedroom of a residence at 2720 West Highland Road where he was arrested on October 17. Three other guns were found in the bedroom: a Savage .22 rifle, a Winchester .22 rifle, and a Sport- ing Arms .410-gauge shotgun, hid- den in a closet. He was acquitted of those three counts. Mencer lost his right t'o own, use or possess firearms as a result of a 2005 felony conviction in Ma- son County Superior Court. THE JURY was seated on De- cember 20 and began hearing tes- timony on December 21. Detective Jason Dracobly of the Mason County Sheriffs Office said he obtained a search warrant for 2720 West Highland Road as a re- sult of an unrelated investigation and was present when the warrant was executed on October 17. He said detectives remained outside while the SERT, or Sheriffs Emer- gency Response Team, entered the residence. He said he only had a brief interaction with Mencer. He said Erica Rodriguez was in the living room, Debbie Marshall was in a bedroom off the kitchen and Richard York was also at the residence. Dracobly said York was the primary target of the warrant and that Mencer was not. He said SERT officers were used because "we had two convicted felons and we had information there were guns in the trailer." DEPUTY KEN Potts, a mem- ber of the SERT, said the special team is used "when things get a little more high-risk. We have spe- cial training in how we deal with people in a hostile environment." He said he located Mencer in a bedroom. "When I entered the bedroom he was occupying he was laying on the floor on a mattress." Deputy Bill Reed was with him, Potts said, explaining, "We never (Please turn to page 10.) Chute, I thought this field was the drop zone A military parachutist stands in a jumper also landed short of the drop small field on the east side of High- zone at the same time, coming down way 101 . He is well short of the drop on Airview Way, the south entrance zone on the other side of the highway to the Shelton airport. Neither was at Sanderson Field. A second military injured. Superior court roundup: Kitsap man jailed in head-on crash A Kitsap County man arrested in connection with a head-on crash in November in the Belfair area in which two were seriously injured appeared on Friday, December 29, in Mason County Superior Court. Jenaro Fernando.Paseual, 22, of 1312Warren Avenue, Bremerton, was identified in an investigation of felony hit-and-run. He was arrested in connection with a Washington Stad Patrol in- vestigation of a three-vehicle injury collision on November 3 near Mile- post 23 of NE State Route 3. Jerry W. Coleman and his wife, Anita J. Coleman, were driving north on State Route 3 when a 2002 Honda crossed the center line and hit Cole- man's vehicle head on. They were both airlifted to Harborview Medi- cal Center in Seattle. Francisco T. Gaspar was in a Hyundai behind the Honda and was not able to stop, so he rear- ended the Honda. The driver of the Honda reportedly fled the scene on foot and the officer said Fernando- Pascual was the registered owner of the Honda. Detective Dan Presba of the WSP said he got a call from a confidential informant who said Fernando-Pas- cual was staying at 50 Mossflower Lane. On November 7 when the detective went to the residence on Mossflower Lane he reported see- ing a Hispanic male and two young females. He said the Hispanic male denied he was Fernando-Pascual ld told him Fernando-Pascual as inside the trailer. He report-' edly offered to take the detective inside the residence but then fled into the woods. The young women were identi- fied as 16-year-old Taylor O'Farrell, who reportedly yelled, "Fernando," when the detective arrived, and her sister Tyrra O'Farrell, 14. They were residing with their mother Terri O'Farrell. On December 13 Frank Wallmuller, who said he was a friend of the O'Farrells, report- edly provided information on Fer- nando-Pascuars whereabouts and Fernando-Pascual was arrested in Bremerton. Judge James Sawyer appointed the law firm of Jones and Ferrell to represent the suspect, set bail at $50,000 and scheduled arraignment for January 10. He ordered Fer- nando-Pascual to have no contact with the Colemans, Gaspar, Taylor O'Farrell, Tyrra OTarrell, Terri O'Farrell or Frank Wallmuller. Court-certified interpreter Mari- ana Sparkman translated the pro- ceedings into Spanish and English. On Tuesday, January 2: • Nickolas Peter Sallas, 19, of 205 Turner Avenue, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of two counts of assault in the second de- gree. The allegations are of domes- tic violence against his father and brother. Sallas was arrested about noon on January 1 by Officer Brent Dehning of the Shelton Police De- partment who said he was respond- ing to a report of a disturbance at 602 West Sunrise Court. Michael Sallas, who is Nickolas' father, said" Nickolas hit him in the ribs with a tool after the two argued about a truck. Nickolas also allegedly hit his brother, Travis Sallas, in the head with the tool. The officer noted both men had red marks consistent with being hit, with Travis' mark on his head and Mike's on his ribs. Judge Sawyer appointed Ronald Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $10,000 and scheduled arraign- ment for January 12. He ordered him to have no contact with Michael and Travis Sallas, or Peter Sallas, a potential witness, or the residence on Sunrise Court. • James Gerald Byrd, 20, of 111 North Salish Court, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of residential burglary and theft in the first degree. He was arrested about 2 a.m. on January 1 and is suspected of break- ing into a residence at 42 North Sal- ish Court. The homeowner, Ladean Johnson, said when she arrived she saw Byrd leaving by the back door of her residence. When she said something to him he reportedly went back inside the residence and Johnson said she saw him jump out a back window. She said the inside of the house had been ransacked and items with a total value of $7,781 had been taken. Judge Sawyer appointed Jones and Ferrell to represent Byrd, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled ar- raignment for January 12. He or- dered him to have no contact with Johnson, her residence, a potential witness William J. Pickernell or Sterling Arbuckle, a potential code- fendant. • Donald Russell Lyon, 32, of 768 SE Fawn Lake Drive, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of taking a motor vehicle without owner's permission. He was arrested on January 1 by Office Mike Viola of the SPD who said he was investigating a report from Crystal A. Bingaman. She re- portedly said a man named Donnie, a friend of her ex-boyfriend, asked to borrow her 1996 Ford Windstar for an emergency on December 31. She said she told him no and went to bed, but when she awoke she noticed the keys were gone and so was the van. The next day at about 2 p.m. the vehicle was back, she said, adding that she saw the man named Donnie taking prop- erty from it. She said she got the keys back and he took off on foot. Police said he was located on Fo- gerry Street and arrested. Judge Sawyer appointed Jones and Ferrell to represent Lyon, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar- raignment for January 11. Sawyer ordered the suspect to have no con- tact with Bingaman and told him not to go to her residence on Chest- nut. • John Fitzgerald Thomas, 44, of 1110 SE State Route 3, Shel- ton, was identified in an investiga- lXS()N '() N'I' Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 4, 2007 tion of theft in the first degree. He was arrested on December 30 by Deputy William Reed of the Mason County Sheriffs Office who said he was responding to a report from John T. Wilson that a collec- tion of football and baseball cards valued at $10,000 as well as a wed- ding ring and pearl necklace were missing from his residence at 18Fl SE Crescent Drive. The theft was reportedly discovered when Wilson and his wife, Danielle, returned from a trip on December 28. Wil- son said while they were gone his mother-in-law, Rachelle M. Wal- lace, stayed at the residence. Wallace reportedly said she al- lowed her boyfriend, Thomas, to stay with her. Thomas was arrest- ed at at 3331 East Harstine Island Road South and reportedly admit- ted taking the collection and jew- elry. Reed recovered a duffel bag which contained the card collection after Thomas showed him where he hide it in a pile of brush. Judge Sawyer appointed Charles Lane as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar.rigment for January 12. He ordered  him to have no contact with John and Danielle Wilson, their residence, or Wallace, a potential witness. • LeRoy James CorneU, 26, of 3000 Johns Prairie Road, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of residential burglary. He said he would hire an attorney. He was arrested on December 30 and is accused of violating a Mason County District Court order on De- cember 24 by going into the resi- dence of Megan Botkin at 100 East Russell Way. She said she told him to leave but he refhsed and said he was going to spend the night there. He finally left and she reported the violation of the court order. Judge Sawyer set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for Jan- uary 12. He ordered Cornell to have no contact with Megan Botkin, Tif- fany Goeken, a potential witness, or the residence on Russell Way. A woman and man arrested on potential drug charges appeared in court on Friday, December 29: Rebecca Lynn Burkett, 39, of 153 Lacey Lane, Toledo, and Mark Olaf Nicholas, 43, of 280 SE Fuch- sia Drive, Shelton, were identified in an investigation of possession of meth. Nicholas also faces a poten- tial charge of driving while license suspended or revoked in the first degree. They were arrested December 28 by Trooper Rob Atkinson who said he stopped the vehicle Nicho- las was driving fbr having expired tabs and a violation of the seatbelt law. Nicholas was arrested on Shel- ton Municipal Court warrants after the trooper determined his driver's license had been revoked. Atkinson said he searched the vehicle and found a case under the passenger seat which contained several straws, one holding a white powder which field-tested positiv for meth. He said he searched B1 it. kett's purse and found a makeup case which contained a white resi- due which field-tested positive for meth. Judge Sawyer set bail at $10,{30( for Burkett and at $2,500 for Nich- olas and ordered them to have no contact with each other. They ar scheduled for arraignment on Jan uary I0. On Wednesday, December 27 Paul Edward Fuhrer, 32, of 14 0 East Beacon Avenue, Montesano was identified in an investigation c burglary in the first degree and fel ony violation of a no-contact ordex He is suspected of domestic violenc against Jessica Mewhorter-Melen. dez, with whom he has a child. He was arrested on Decembel 22 after a report from Mewhorter, Melendez who said Fuhrer came tc her residence at 931 East Maser Lake Drive East, knocked on the door, and came into her residence. She told him to leave, and when h refused she called 911. He alleg- edly grabbed her arm and took the phone away and hung up. There is a Mason County Distr cl Court order prohibiting contact be, tween the two. Judge Sawyer ap- pointed Lane as defense attorney set bail at $5,000 and scheduled ar raignment for January 9. PUBLIC --SHERIFF- NOTICE Steve Whybark ~ Sheriff SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION If you have any information regarding current criminal activity of this or any other offender, please call 911. For other information on sex °ffenders'http://s°'c°'mas°n'wa'us/ ROBERT FLOYD VANGUILDER WHITE MALE- BOB: 06/14/73 6' 2" TALL- 265 LBS. BROWN HAIR & BLUE EYES Robert Vanguilder has failed to notify the Mason County Sheriff's Office of his change of address; and hc has {'ailed to report in during the month of December 2006 tiJr his 90 Day Address Verification. Due to these registration violations, hc is wanted by the Mason County Sheriff's Office. Vanguilder was convicted of Indecent Liberties, King County 90-8- 02433-6. At the time of the incident, hc was 16 years old and hc attempted to rape a developmentally disabled female friend of his sisters. He had known the victim lbr several years. He held one of the victims hands behind her back while he touched her breasts and vaginai area outside her clothing, she got away and reported the incident. Vanguilder has been arrested in Snohomish County for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, 98-1-01821-1, and had another arrest for a warrant for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender where during the course of the arrest, he pulled two knives from his pants and held Deputies at bay, while threatening to throw the knives at Deputies. He was lbund guilty of Assault 2nd Degree, Mason County Superior Court 99-1-00208-3. Due to these factors as well as being in violation, Vanguilder is considered a HIGH RISK. Vanguiider is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. W__AR_NLN_GL_Do not approach this sex offender. If you know where he is. please call 911 or contact the Mason County Sheriff's Office or any local Law Enforcement agency. Vanguilder is in violation of his registration because his: WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN Paid for by the Mason County Sheriffs Office I t 1 ] 1 [ ( ( t t ¢ 1 E oft cas q of r ses q 18, Gun possession: He's guilty of one, not guilty of three A Mason County Superior Court jury returned one guilty verdict and three not-guilty verdicts in the trial of a 20-year-old Shelton man charged with four counts of unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree. Steven Allen Mencer, of 1426 Ellinor Avenue, is scheduled for sentencing on February 5. He was convicted of having a Beretta pis- tol in the bedroom of a residence at 2720 West Highland Road where he was arrested on October 17. Three other guns were found in the bedroom: a Savage .22 rifle, a Winchester .22 rifle, and a Sport- ing Arms .410-gauge shotgun, hid- den in a closet. He was acquitted of those three counts. Mencer lost his right t'o own, use or possess firearms as a result of a 2005 felony conviction in Ma- son County Superior Court. THE JURY was seated on De- cember 20 and began hearing tes- timony on December 21. Detective Jason Dracobly of the Mason County Sheriffs Office said he obtained a search warrant for 2720 West Highland Road as a re- sult of an unrelated investigation and was present when the warrant was executed on October 17. He said detectives remained outside while the SERT, or Sheriffs Emer- gency Response Team, entered the residence. He said he only had a brief interaction with Mencer. He said Erica Rodriguez was in the living room, Debbie Marshall was in a bedroom off the kitchen and Richard York was also at the residence. Dracobly said York was the primary target of the warrant and that Mencer was not. He said SERT officers were used because "we had two convicted felons and we had information there were guns in the trailer." DEPUTY KEN Potts, a mem- ber of the SERT, said the special team is used "when things get a little more high-risk. We have spe- cial training in how we deal with people in a hostile environment." He said he located Mencer in a bedroom. "When I entered the bedroom he was occupying he was laying on the floor on a mattress." Deputy Bill Reed was with him, Potts said, explaining, "We never (Please turn to page 10.) Chute, I thought this field was the drop zone A military parachutist stands in a jumper also landed short of the drop small field on the east side of High- zone at the same time, coming down way 101 . He is well short of the drop on Airview Way, the south entrance zone on the other side of the highway to the Shelton airport. Neither was at Sanderson Field. A second military injured. Superior court roundup: Kitsap man jailed in head-on crash A Kitsap County man arrested in connection with a head-on crash in November in the Belfair area in which two were seriously injured appeared on Friday, December 29, in Mason County Superior Court. Jenaro Fernando.Paseual, 22, of 1312Warren Avenue, Bremerton, was identified in an investigation of felony hit-and-run. He was arrested in connection with a Washington Stad Patrol in- vestigation of a three-vehicle injury collision on November 3 near Mile- post 23 of NE State Route 3. Jerry W. Coleman and his wife, Anita J. Coleman, were driving north on State Route 3 when a 2002 Honda crossed the center line and hit Cole- man's vehicle head on. They were both airlifted to Harborview Medi- cal Center in Seattle. Francisco T. Gaspar was in a Hyundai behind the Honda and was not able to stop, so he rear- ended the Honda. The driver of the Honda reportedly fled the scene on foot and the officer said Fernando- Pascual was the registered owner of the Honda. Detective Dan Presba of the WSP said he got a call from a confidential informant who said Fernando-Pas- cual was staying at 50 Mossflower Lane. On November 7 when the detective went to the residence on Mossflower Lane he reported see- ing a Hispanic male and two young females. He said the Hispanic male denied he was Fernando-Pascual ld told him Fernando-Pascual as inside the trailer. He report-' edly offered to take the detective inside the residence but then fled into the woods. The young women were identi- fied as 16-year-old Taylor O'Farrell, who reportedly yelled, "Fernando," when the detective arrived, and her sister Tyrra O'Farrell, 14. They were residing with their mother Terri O'Farrell. On December 13 Frank Wallmuller, who said he was a friend of the O'Farrells, report- edly provided information on Fer- nando-Pascuars whereabouts and Fernando-Pascual was arrested in Bremerton. Judge James Sawyer appointed the law firm of Jones and Ferrell to represent the suspect, set bail at $50,000 and scheduled arraignment for January 10. He ordered Fer- nando-Pascual to have no contact with the Colemans, Gaspar, Taylor O'Farrell, Tyrra OTarrell, Terri O'Farrell or Frank Wallmuller. Court-certified interpreter Mari- ana Sparkman translated the pro- ceedings into Spanish and English. On Tuesday, January 2: • Nickolas Peter Sallas, 19, of 205 Turner Avenue, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of two counts of assault in the second de- gree. The allegations are of domes- tic violence against his father and brother. Sallas was arrested about noon on January 1 by Officer Brent Dehning of the Shelton Police De- partment who said he was respond- ing to a report of a disturbance at 602 West Sunrise Court. Michael Sallas, who is Nickolas' father, said" Nickolas hit him in the ribs with a tool after the two argued about a truck. Nickolas also allegedly hit his brother, Travis Sallas, in the head with the tool. The officer noted both men had red marks consistent with being hit, with Travis' mark on his head and Mike's on his ribs. Judge Sawyer appointed Ronald Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $10,000 and scheduled arraign- ment for January 12. He ordered him to have no contact with Michael and Travis Sallas, or Peter Sallas, a potential witness, or the residence on Sunrise Court. • James Gerald Byrd, 20, of 111 North Salish Court, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of residential burglary and theft in the first degree. He was arrested about 2 a.m. on January 1 and is suspected of break- ing into a residence at 42 North Sal- ish Court. The homeowner, Ladean Johnson, said when she arrived she saw Byrd leaving by the back door of her residence. When she said something to him he reportedly went back inside the residence and Johnson said she saw him jump out a back window. She said the inside of the house had been ransacked and items with a total value of $7,781 had been taken. Judge Sawyer appointed Jones and Ferrell to represent Byrd, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled ar- raignment for January 12. He or- dered him to have no contact with Johnson, her residence, a potential witness William J. Pickernell or Sterling Arbuckle, a potential code- fendant. • Donald Russell Lyon, 32, of 768 SE Fawn Lake Drive, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of taking a motor vehicle without owner's permission. He was arrested on January 1 by Office Mike Viola of the SPD who said he was investigating a report from Crystal A. Bingaman. She re- portedly said a man named Donnie, a friend of her ex-boyfriend, asked to borrow her 1996 Ford Windstar for an emergency on December 31. She said she told him no and went to bed, but when she awoke she noticed the keys were gone and so was the van. The next day at about 2 p.m. the vehicle was back, she said, adding that she saw the man named Donnie taking prop- erty from it. She said she got the keys back and he took off on foot. Police said he was located on Fo- gerry Street and arrested. Judge Sawyer appointed Jones and Ferrell to represent Lyon, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar- raignment for January 11. Sawyer ordered the suspect to have no con- tact with Bingaman and told him not to go to her residence on Chest- nut. • John Fitzgerald Thomas, 44, of 1110 SE State Route 3, Shel- ton, was identified in an investiga- lXS()N '() N'I' Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 4, 2007 tion of theft in the first degree. He was arrested on December 30 by Deputy William Reed of the Mason County Sheriffs Office who said he was responding to a report from John T. Wilson that a collec- tion of football and baseball cards valued at $10,000 as well as a wed- ding ring and pearl necklace were missing from his residence at 18Fl SE Crescent Drive. The theft was reportedly discovered when Wilson and his wife, Danielle, returned from a trip on December 28. Wil- son said while they were gone his mother-in-law, Rachelle M. Wal- lace, stayed at the residence. Wallace reportedly said she al- lowed her boyfriend, Thomas, to stay with her. Thomas was arrest- ed at at 3331 East Harstine Island Road South and reportedly admit- ted taking the collection and jew- elry. Reed recovered a duffel bag which contained the card collection after Thomas showed him where he hide it in a pile of brush. Judge Sawyer appointed Charles Lane as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled ar.rigment for January 12. He ordered  him to have no contact with John and Danielle Wilson, their residence, or Wallace, a potential witness. • LeRoy James CorneU, 26, of 3000 Johns Prairie Road, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of residential burglary. He said he would hire an attorney. He was arrested on December 30 and is accused of violating a Mason County District Court order on De- cember 24 by going into the resi- dence of Megan Botkin at 100 East Russell Way. She said she told him to leave but he refhsed and said he was going to spend the night there. He finally left and she reported the violation of the court order. Judge Sawyer set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for Jan- uary 12. He ordered Cornell to have no contact with Megan Botkin, Tif- fany Goeken, a potential witness, or the residence on Russell Way. A woman and man arrested on potential drug charges appeared in court on Friday, December 29: Rebecca Lynn Burkett, 39, of 153 Lacey Lane, Toledo, and Mark Olaf Nicholas, 43, of 280 SE Fuch- sia Drive, Shelton, were identified in an investigation of possession of meth. Nicholas also faces a poten- tial charge of driving while license suspended or revoked in the first degree. They were arrested December 28 by Trooper Rob Atkinson who said he stopped the vehicle Nicho- las was driving fbr having expired tabs and a violation of the seatbelt law. Nicholas was arrested on Shel- ton Municipal Court warrants after the trooper determined his driver's license had been revoked. Atkinson said he searched the vehicle and found a case under the passenger seat which contained several straws, one holding a white powder which field-tested positiv for meth. He said he searched B1 it. kett's purse and found a makeup case which contained a white resi- due which field-tested positive for meth. Judge Sawyer set bail at $10,{30( for Burkett and at $2,500 for Nich- olas and ordered them to have no contact with each other. They ar scheduled for arraignment on Jan uary I0. On Wednesday, December 27 Paul Edward Fuhrer, 32, of 14 0 East Beacon Avenue, Montesano was identified in an investigation c burglary in the first degree and fel ony violation of a no-contact ordex He is suspected of domestic violenc against Jessica Mewhorter-Melen. dez, with whom he has a child. He was arrested on Decembel 22 after a report from Mewhorter, Melendez who said Fuhrer came tc her residence at 931 East Maser Lake Drive East, knocked on the door, and came into her residence. She told him to leave, and when h refused she called 911. He alleg- edly grabbed her arm and took the phone away and hung up. There is a Mason County Distr cl Court order prohibiting contact be, tween the two. Judge Sawyer ap- pointed Lane as defense attorney set bail at $5,000 and scheduled ar raignment for January 9. PUBLIC --SHERIFF- NOTICE Steve Whybark ~ Sheriff SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION If you have any information regarding current criminal activity of this or any other offender, please call 911. For other information on sex °ffenders'http://s°'c°'mas°n'wa'us/ ROBERT FLOYD VANGUILDER : : WHITE MALE- BOB: 06/14/73 6' 2" TALL- 265 LBS. BROWN HAIR & BLUE EYES Robert Vanguilder has failed to notify the Mason County Sheriff's Office of his change of address; and hc has {'ailed to report in during the month of December 2006 tiJr his 90 Day Address Verification. Due to these registration violations, hc is wanted by the Mason County Sheriff's Office. Vanguilder was convicted of Indecent Liberties, King County 90-8- 02433-6. At the time of the incident, hc was 16 years old and hc attempted to rape a developmentally disabled female friend of his sisters. He had known the victim lbr several years. He held one of the victims hands behind her back while he touched her breasts and vaginai area outside her clothing, she got away and reported the incident. Vanguilder has been arrested in Snohomish County for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, 98-1-01821-1, and had another arrest for a warrant for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender where during the course of the arrest, he pulled two knives from his pants and held Deputies at bay, while threatening to throw the knives at Deputies. He was lbund guilty of Assault 2nd Degree, Mason County Superior Court 99-1-00208-3. Due to these factors as well as being in violation, Vanguilder is considered a HIGH RISK. Vanguiider is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. W__AR_NLN_GL_Do not approach this sex offender. If you know where he is. please call 911 or contact the Mason County Sheriff's Office or any local Law Enforcement agency. Vanguilder is in violation of his registration because his: WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN Paid for by the Mason County Sheriffs Office I t 1 ] 1 [ ( ( t t ¢ 1 E oft cas q of r ses q 18,