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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 4, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Kamin bids farewell 'reparing to cut a cake at her farewell reception on E)ec,mber,,, 27, is Mason County Commissioner Jayni Kamin. Kamin has represented Commissioner District 3 for the last four years. Ross Gallagher, who won the election for this position in November, is taking office this week. commission roundup: (2c00urt okays sale of Olympic Tool U.S. Bankruptcy Court has ap- !proved the sale of Olympic Tool d Engineering to Synergy Sys-  Is, a prototype and limited-run Chine shop headquartered in drnond. That was the word from Port kttorney Charles "Skip" Houser Lt a meeting of the commission held Tuesday. Synergy Systems :Is owned by Sealaska, a corpora- tion of an Alaska Native people. ! .The client list of Synergy Systems | pleting it within three years. Manke wants to relocate a portion of Capitol Hill Road in conjunction with its gravel mining operation. Production Road just east of the Mason County Recreation Area ball fields will be extended to link up with Capitol Hill Road. Manke will pay for constructing the road, obtain all necessary permits and build it to port specifications. County commission roundup: Kamin given a box full of gratitude at goodbye Thanks and updates were the order of the day at the Ma- son County Commission's last meeting of last year. Commissioner Lynda Ring- Erickson presented Commis- sioner Jayni Kamin with an en- graved box as a token of thanks for her four years in office. The meeting of December 27 was Kamin's final meeting as an elected county official. A farewell reception in her honor was hosted later that af- ternoon. "We've enjoyed working with you," Ring-Erickson told Ka- min. Barbara Robinson, the coun- ty's deputy community devel- opment director, presented an update on the recent proposal to raise fees in the community development department. The commissioners rescheduled the public hearing to consider these fee increases to 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 9. In the meantime, Robinson said, department employees are meeting with the Olympia Master Builders and the Mason County Home Builders' Associa- tion, to provide them with more information about why these in- creases are necessary. "It was my understanding that the fees are a cost-of-ser- vice fee, that they're calculated with the cost of services," Ring- Erickson said. Robinson confirmed this, pointing out how the cost-of-liv- ing wage increases in the de- partment have averaged about 3.5 percent annually over the course of the last three years, which leaves the department at least 10 percent behind al- ready. "I don't think that the 10 per- cent increase will change," she said, adding she believes the county will likely need even more to cover the revenue defi- cit. As it is, her department is trying to request the minimum amount possible to cover ex- penses, Robinson continued. Following further discussion of the details, Ring-Erickson suggested the community de- velopment department sched- ule periodic meetings with the public "so they don't get caught by surprise," she said. In other business, the com- mission: • Authorized Commissioner Ring-Erickson to sign the fol- lowing grant agreements as ap- proved in the Phase Two Home- less Plan: $37,500 to Turning Pointe Domestic Violence Ser- vices for a grants compliance position; $17,000 to Turning Pointe as fiscal agent for Mason County Housing Coalition for the Homeless Plan Coordina- tor position; $25,000 to Mason County Shelter for its shelter renovation project. • Authorized Ring-Erickson to sign the Puget Sound Water- shed Protection and Restoration grant application in the amount of $100,000. • Authorized the Department of Utilities and Waste Manage- ment to request proposals to re- move scrap metal from the Ma- son County Solid Waste Trans- fer Facility and the Belfair Drop Box Station. • Authorized extending the Mason County Garbage Solid Waste Drop Box Hauling Agree- ment for a period of five years until December 31, 2011. • Authorized an amendment to extend the existing agree- ment between Mason County and Mason County Garbage and Recycling for a period of three years. • Authorized the fbllowing resolutions setting the 2007 Current Expense Property Tax levy at $7,818,420, which is 1 percent greater than the previ- ous year; two resolutions setting the 2007 road property tax levy at $8,434,272, which is 1 per- cent greater than the previous year and two resolutions setting the 2007 Skokomish Flood Con- trol Zone District Property Tax Levy at $59,102. • Authorized extending the interim zoning ordinance tbr the Allyn Urban Growth Area until June 30. • Conducted a public hearing and then authorized surplus- sing Mason County property located at 2378 NE State Route 3. • Authorized a total of $3,479.09 in grants as recom- mended by the Veterans Assis- tance Fund Screening Commit- tee. Soap and things are needed for homeless Mason County Homeless Co- alition is gearing up for the 2007 Homeless Count during the week of January 22. Census takers are planning three hot-lunch events in partner- ing with local churches that are already providing some hot-meal services in Shelton, Belfair and Union. They will also meet with people at the food banks through- out Mason County. In anticipation of this effort, the coalition is asking the community to help provide money and goods that will be dedicated to person- al-care bags to be distributed to those participating in the census. Needed items include unopened hotel/motel shampoos, condition- ers, lotions, shaving creams and soaps, safety razors, tooth brush- es, travel-size tubes of toothpaste, adhesive bandages, feminine hy- giene products, diapers, socks and caps. Young people in the community will be putting these care bags together. Items may be dropped off at Turning Pointe, SOCK or the Mason County Shelter by Wednesday, January 17. For more informatio1% call Patti Sells at 490-4714. acludes Microsoft, Boeing, Nike, ] o :kheed-Martin, General Dy- anics, Honeywell and the U.S. e partment of Defense. Preliminary plans call for the iployment of 50 to 100 at its 13 .qton operation. In other business on January 2: • Commissioner Marlene Tay- lor Was named chair of the com- mission for 2007. During a re- 'brganization of the commission J br the new year during Tuesday !fternoon's commission meeting, q3o nmis sioner Rick Byrd was ap- Pointed vice chairman and Com- l nissioner Jack Miles appointed l re lsurer for this year. They 'Cheduled a commission retreat or Tuesday, January 30, at Glen kyr Motel and RV Park just north I If I'Ioodsport. The retreat will be roa] 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ] • Commissioners voted 2-0, !! With Miles absent, to approve an : agreement with Mason County ['iraber Company to extend a road !!ii )riVing the way to allow Manke hrough port property at the Johns -rairie Industrial Park. i Last February, the port com- Vaission entered into an agree- raeat with Manke calling for the "Orapany to start construction of lh(, road within a year and com- i • i [Ttk will meet l !.The Mason County Transporta- Ion Authority Board will meet at , on Tuesday, January 9, at ( Mason Transit business office, sql East Johns Prairie Road. For l aore information, call 426-0899, i lbt ensi(n 118. I t i:i BatteriesPlus Hats off to our great community, Mason County The 60th year of the 40 et 8Journal Christmas Basket program showed a small increase in the number of baskets we gave out this year. This year we made up 703 baskets for the less fortunate of families of Mason County so they could have a nice holiday meal this Christmas. With donations of over $21,541.11 we were able to feed over 3,400 with over 1,600 of those being kids 16 and younger. Cost of the basket project this year was $22,745.85. This included over 7,500 pounds of turkeys, apples and oranges, milk, and all the other trimmings that go along with a Christmas dinner. To all of the hundreds of individuals, civic groups, fraternal groups, church groups and all our businesses of Mason County that gave to this very needed project, once again I cannot say enough "Thanks" for your caring for the less fortunate of our communities this holiday season. Thanks to Shelton Fire Department and all the others who helped in our getting the names for the baskets. Also a great job in getting toys and gifts for all the kids was done by the fire department. Thanks to Bob's Tavern "Toys for Kids" program and the Log Cabin for the help in this great project. Would like to also "THANK" Patty and her "Teddy Bear Brigade" for all the stuffed animals they gave to all the kids. What a fantastic job her family and all their helpers did. Thanks to SOCK for the use of the armory; Associated Grocers for the use of the trucks to get the tood down to the armory; Shelton Red Apple for getting the food for the baskets; Dairy Fresh Farms and Franz Bakery for all their help also. Also to The Shelton Journal for collecting the money and acknowledging all of our fantastic donors. You all helped in getting this big project done. Special "THANKS" to the 40 et 8 men and women for all their help in getting the baskets ready and handed out; Boy Scout Troop 110 for a "FANTASTIC JOB" they did in getting the baskets out to the cars for everyone and Oliver Petty tbr unloading the trucks tbr us. Also to my wile, JoAnn, for all the hours she put into this project, and to all the others who came and helped. What a fantastic community we all live in. Again I say to you Mason County, "Thanks so much tbr your caring for our needy." You can all stand proud of a job well done. May 2007 bring prosperity to all. 40  8-Journa/hristmas Fund Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11 Kamin bids farewell 'reparing to cut a cake at her farewell reception on E)ec,mber,,, 27, is Mason County Commissioner Jayni Kamin. Kamin has represented Commissioner District 3 for the last four years. Ross Gallagher, who won the election for this position in November, is taking office this week. commission roundup: (2c00urt okays sale of Olympic Tool U.S. Bankruptcy Court has ap- !proved the sale of Olympic Tool d Engineering to Synergy Sys-  Is, a prototype and limited-run Chine shop headquartered in drnond. That was the word from Port kttorney Charles "Skip" Houser Lt a meeting of the commission held Tuesday. Synergy Systems :Is owned by Sealaska, a corpora- tion of an Alaska Native people. ! .The client list of Synergy Systems | pleting it within three years. Manke wants to relocate a portion of Capitol Hill Road in conjunction with its gravel mining operation. Production Road just east of the Mason County Recreation Area ball fields will be extended to link up with Capitol Hill Road. Manke will pay for constructing the road, obtain all necessary permits and build it to port specifications. County commission roundup: Kamin given a box full of gratitude at goodbye Thanks and updates were the order of the day at the Ma- son County Commission's last meeting of last year. Commissioner Lynda Ring- Erickson presented Commis- sioner Jayni Kamin with an en- graved box as a token of thanks for her four years in office. The meeting of December 27 was Kamin's final meeting as an elected county official. A farewell reception in her honor was hosted later that af- ternoon. "We've enjoyed working with you," Ring-Erickson told Ka- min. Barbara Robinson, the coun- ty's deputy community devel- opment director, presented an update on the recent proposal to raise fees in the community development department. The commissioners rescheduled the public hearing to consider these fee increases to 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 9. In the meantime, Robinson said, department employees are meeting with the Olympia Master Builders and the Mason County Home Builders' Associa- tion, to provide them with more information about why these in- creases are necessary. "It was my understanding that the fees are a cost-of-ser- vice fee, that they're calculated with the cost of services," Ring- Erickson said. Robinson confirmed this, pointing out how the cost-of-liv- ing wage increases in the de- partment have averaged about 3.5 percent annually over the course of the last three years, which leaves the department at least 10 percent behind al- ready. "I don't think that the 10 per- cent increase will change," she said, adding she believes the county will likely need even more to cover the revenue defi- cit. As it is, her department is trying to request the minimum amount possible to cover ex- penses, Robinson continued. Following further discussion of the details, Ring-Erickson suggested the community de- velopment department sched- ule periodic meetings with the public "so they don't get caught by surprise," she said. In other business, the com- mission: • Authorized Commissioner Ring-Erickson to sign the fol- lowing grant agreements as ap- proved in the Phase Two Home- less Plan: $37,500 to Turning Pointe Domestic Violence Ser- vices for a grants compliance position; $17,000 to Turning Pointe as fiscal agent for Mason County Housing Coalition for the Homeless Plan Coordina- tor position; $25,000 to Mason County Shelter for its shelter renovation project. • Authorized Ring-Erickson to sign the Puget Sound Water- shed Protection and Restoration grant application in the amount of $100,000. • Authorized the Department of Utilities and Waste Manage- ment to request proposals to re- move scrap metal from the Ma- son County Solid Waste Trans- fer Facility and the Belfair Drop Box Station. • Authorized extending the Mason County Garbage Solid Waste Drop Box Hauling Agree- ment for a period of five years until December 31, 2011. • Authorized an amendment to extend the existing agree- ment between Mason County and Mason County Garbage and Recycling for a period of three years. • Authorized the fbllowing resolutions setting the 2007 Current Expense Property Tax levy at $7,818,420, which is 1 percent greater than the previ- ous year; two resolutions setting the 2007 road property tax levy at $8,434,272, which is 1 per- cent greater than the previous year and two resolutions setting the 2007 Skokomish Flood Con- trol Zone District Property Tax Levy at $59,102. • Authorized extending the interim zoning ordinance tbr the Allyn Urban Growth Area until June 30. • Conducted a public hearing and then authorized surplus- sing Mason County property located at 2378 NE State Route 3. • Authorized a total of $3,479.09 in grants as recom- mended by the Veterans Assis- tance Fund Screening Commit- tee. Soap and things are needed for homeless Mason County Homeless Co- alition is gearing up for the 2007 Homeless Count during the week of January 22. Census takers are planning three hot-lunch events in partner- ing with local churches that are already providing some hot-meal services in Shelton, Belfair and Union. They will also meet with people at the food banks through- out Mason County. In anticipation of this effort, the coalition is asking the community to help provide money and goods that will be dedicated to person- al-care bags to be distributed to those participating in the census. Needed items include unopened hotel/motel shampoos, condition- ers, lotions, shaving creams and soaps, safety razors, tooth brush- es, travel-size tubes of toothpaste, adhesive bandages, feminine hy- giene products, diapers, socks and caps. Young people in the community will be putting these care bags together. Items may be dropped off at Turning Pointe, SOCK or the Mason County Shelter by Wednesday, January 17. For more informatio1% call Patti Sells at 490-4714. acludes Microsoft, Boeing, Nike, ] o :kheed-Martin, General Dy- anics, Honeywell and the U.S. e partment of Defense. Preliminary plans call for the iployment of 50 to 100 at its 13 .qton operation. In other business on January 2: • Commissioner Marlene Tay- lor Was named chair of the com- mission for 2007. During a re- 'brganization of the commission J br the new year during Tuesday !fternoon's commission meeting, q3o nmis sioner Rick Byrd was ap- Pointed vice chairman and Com- l nissioner Jack Miles appointed l re lsurer for this year. They 'Cheduled a commission retreat or Tuesday, January 30, at Glen kyr Motel and RV Park just north I If I'Ioodsport. The retreat will be roa] 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ] • Commissioners voted 2-0, !! With Miles absent, to approve an : agreement with Mason County ['iraber Company to extend a road !!ii )riVing the way to allow Manke hrough port property at the Johns -rairie Industrial Park. i Last February, the port com- Vaission entered into an agree- raeat with Manke calling for the "Orapany to start construction of lh(, road within a year and com- i • i [Ttk will meet l !.The Mason County Transporta- Ion Authority Board will meet at , on Tuesday, January 9, at ( Mason Transit business office, sql East Johns Prairie Road. For l aore information, call 426-0899, i lbt ensi(n 118. I t i:i BatteriesPlus Hats off to our great community, Mason County The 60th year of the 40 et 8Journal Christmas Basket program showed a small increase in the number of baskets we gave out this year. This year we made up 703 baskets for the less fortunate of families of Mason County so they could have a nice holiday meal this Christmas. With donations of over $21,541.11 we were able to feed over 3,400 with over 1,600 of those being kids 16 and younger. Cost of the basket project this year was $22,745.85. This included over 7,500 pounds of turkeys, apples and oranges, milk, and all the other trimmings that go along with a Christmas dinner. To all of the hundreds of individuals, civic groups, fraternal groups, church groups and all our businesses of Mason County that gave to this very needed project, once again I cannot say enough "Thanks" for your caring for the less fortunate of our communities this holiday season. Thanks to Shelton Fire Department and all the others who helped in our getting the names for the baskets. Also a great job in getting toys and gifts for all the kids was done by the fire department. Thanks to Bob's Tavern "Toys for Kids" program and the Log Cabin for the help in this great project. Would like to also "THANK" Patty and her "Teddy Bear Brigade" for all the stuffed animals they gave to all the kids. What a fantastic job her family and all their helpers did. Thanks to SOCK for the use of the armory; Associated Grocers for the use of the trucks to get the tood down to the armory; Shelton Red Apple for getting the food for the baskets; Dairy Fresh Farms and Franz Bakery for all their help also. Also to The Shelton Journal for collecting the money and acknowledging all of our fantastic donors. You all helped in getting this big project done. Special "THANKS" to the 40 et 8 men and women for all their help in getting the baskets ready and handed out; Boy Scout Troop 110 for a "FANTASTIC JOB" they did in getting the baskets out to the cars for everyone and Oliver Petty tbr unloading the trucks tbr us. Also to my wile, JoAnn, for all the hours she put into this project, and to all the others who came and helped. What a fantastic community we all live in. Again I say to you Mason County, "Thanks so much tbr your caring for our needy." You can all stand proud of a job well done. May 2007 bring prosperity to all. 40  8-Journa/hristmas Fund Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11