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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 4, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ommunity 00alendar Special Events Wednesday, January 10 7 to 8:30 p.m., Karin Strelioff, en- vironmental education-outreach spe- cialist with the Mason C(mservation District, will speak as part of the "We 2" lecture series at Olympic College Shelton, 937 West Alpine Way. Meetings Thursday, January 4 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of ttoodsport, Hoodsport Library, 40 North Scho'd- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- ons, Taylor Station Restaurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. 9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS meet- ing, First Baptist Church of Shelton, 428 West Cota Street, Shelton. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OtfP(,,mds Sensibly) meeting 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting club, Hoodspert Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 10 a.m., Mason County Board of Health, commissioners' chambers. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington anti J streets. Noon, Shelton Retary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. 5-6:15 p.m., Adult Grief Educati(m- aYSupport Group, Faith Lutheran Church 121' , 2 Connection Street. 6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner at 7, prom at 8. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 6:30 p.m., South Mason Relay For Life, Peninsula Crettit Union, 521 Wesl Raih'oad Avenue, Shelton. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio- neer School Gym. 7 p.m., Humane Society of Mason County, Mcl)onald's. 7 p.m., Hood (',anal Lions, Union Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Geneah)gi- cal Society, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 12th and Connec- tion streets in Shelton. 7 p.m., Red Cross disaster meeting fi)r volunteers, Sanderson Field, call 360-352-8575. Friday, January 5 9 a.m., MOPS support group fi)r mothers of preschoolers, Shelton Seventh-day Adventist building, 210 West Shelton Valley Road. Childcare and children's program provided. 10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com- munity Church, Itoodsport. Call 877- 9814 tbr information. 11:30 a.m., Republican Women of Mason County, Alpine Way Retire- ment Apartments, 427-0373. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694, dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 426-4906, tbr infbrma- tion. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxil- iary, Memorial Hall. Saturday, January 6 2 p.m., Mason County Chapter, People First of Washington, Excep- FREE ESTIMATES.' Auxiliary invites Klasell Members of the Mason General Hospital Auxiliary will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, January 8, in the hospital's Ellinor Room. Guest speaker at the meeting will be Shannon llasell of" Mason County Literacy. Those planning to attend this function are asked to make res- ervations by 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 4. Reservations may be made by calling Marge Busack at 426-2049 or Olive Lanman at 426-2879. Kiwanis will hear Chapman Sherl Lee Chapman will address the Shelton Kiwanis Club this Week. Her presentation will t)e about long-term care planning and t , r ake place at noon on [ uesday, January 9. The club meets at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House, 221 West Railroad Avenue. Tramper Sams set meeting Tramper Sams, one of Mason County's Good Sam recreational vehicle clubs, will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Janu- ary 9, at the Bremerton Airport Diner, located atthe Bremerton Airport on State Route 3, about 3 miles north of Belfair. Anyone interested in joining the group tbr lunch and learning about the 2007 activities is cordiallyinvited to attend, the group travels from the Oregon Coast to the Canadian border in their monthly campouts from April through November. Trips are mid-week and last from three to tbur days. Exploring, games, potluck,s, dining out and sharing RV inibrmation are just a few of the club s fun activities, as well as being involved with the Washington State Good Sam activities. New members are welcome and more information is available by calling 898-4509 or 426-6098. MS group sets first meeting Members or'the Mason County Multiple Sclerosis Support Group will have their first meeting of the new year at 11:30 a.m. on Tues- day, January 9, at the Royal Shanghai Restaurant, 2517 Olympic Highway North in Shelton. This meeting is open to all persons with multiple sclerosis, their spouses, significant others, caregivers and/or friends and acquain- tances. Professionals interested in sharing comments or presenta- tions are asked to prearrange their visit by calling Debbie Zillmer at 877-6959. Retirees plan to meet, eat Members of the Retired Public Employees Council Chapter 24 will gather for a bimonthly meeting and no-host lunch. They will naeet from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10, at the Mason County Senior Activities Center, 826 West Railroad Ave- hue in Shelton. Lunch will be served cafeteria-style for $2.50 per person. People are invited to come and participate in a drawing for a door prize. NOTI0000 Collins Chiropracti s moved New Location 130 South 3rd • Shelton (corner of 3rd and Cota) BW Igxpandod M-F 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • 1:30 - 6 p.m. 01i¢0 llours Saturday 9 - 11 a.m. Don't forget Delilah Zaniewski, LMP is moving too Healing Hands Massage 790-5580 Collins Chiropractic 426-3787 tional Foresters Manor. 7 p.m., open microphone, Sage Book Store, 116 West Railroad Av- enue, Shelton. Sunday, January 7 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. Monday, January 8 9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road North. 11:45 a.m., Mason General Hos- pital Auxiliary, Ellinor Room at the hospital. 2 p.m., Shelton City Commission Workshop, Shelton Civic Center. 6 p.m., Mason County Optimist Club, Shelton's United Methodist Church, 1900 King Street. Call 426- 0248 for more intbrmation. 6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160, Faith Lutheran Church. 7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and Training Council, 110 West K Street. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Lake Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis- trict 1 chief meeting, Station 1, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 7 p.m., Fire District 5 Citizens' Committee, Station 53, 2520 East Mason-Benson Road. 7 p.m., Mason County Republican Central Committee, North Mason School District Administrative Of. rices, Belfair. Tuesday, January 9 8 a.m., Mason County Hospital District 1 Commission, Mason Gen- eral Hospital. 9 a.m., Mason County Commission, Mason County Building I. 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, boardroom, Third and Cota streets. 11 a.m., Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, El Sarape V (Mt. View) Res- taurant. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 1:30 p.m., Human Life of Shelton, Saint Edward's Parish Hall. 2 p.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com- munity Church, 877-6842. 3 p.m., Mason County PUD 1 Board of Commissioners meeting, North 21971 Highway 101 in Potlatch. 4 p.m., Mason County Transpor- tation Authority and Advisory Board joint meeting, MTA office, 790 East Johns Prairie Road. 5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church. Call 426-0101 for informa- tion. 5:30 p.m., Mason County Children's Dental Coalition, Shelton Head Start, 2412 West Railroad Avenue. 5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 426-4906, for infbrma- tion. 6 p.m., Shelton School Board meet- ing, CHOICE High School boardroom, old Evergreen Elementary School, 807 West Pine Street. 6:30 p.m., Mason County Critical Incident Team, Mason County De- partment of Emergency Management, Enterprise Road, Port of Shelton off Highway 101. 6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board business meeting, main district build- ing. 6:30 p.m., swimming for Simpson Timber Company employees and their thmilies, Shelton High School pool. 7 p.m., Peninsula Art Association, PUD 3 meeting room, Third and Cota streets. 7 p.m., Westside-Dayton Volunteer Firemen's Association, Station 1, 4650 Dayton-Airpm% Road. 7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop ll0, United Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board meeting, Mason General Hospital. 7:']0 p.m., 4-It leaders, extension office. 7:30 p.m., Shelton Youth Football Association, Shelton Public Safety Building, Second and Franklin. 7:30 p.m., Roundtable fi)r Scouting, United Methodist Church. Wednesday, January 10 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel- ton. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan- is Club, Spencer Lake Resort. 9:30 a.m., Port of Hoodsport meet- ing, Port, of ttoodsport Office, 22090 North Highway 101, Potlatch. 1 p.m., Mason County HIV/AIDS Advisory Council, El Sarape Restau- rant, 2503 Olympic Highway North, Shelton. 5 p.m., Mason County Fire District 1 commissioners' meeting, Hoodsport Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire District 1 business meeting, Station 1, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem- ber. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. Thursday, January 11 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, Hoodsport Library, 40 North School- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Lions board meeting, Suzan's Grill, 1927 Olympic Highway North. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoedsport. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and J streets. 'Y ' I 10 a.m., SC )RE small-business counseling available to 4 p.m., ap- pointments 426-2021. and More/ by Blaine & Linda Flaclager Shelton Floor Covering GETrlNG UNDERFOOT Is it any wonder that nylon remains the most popular choice of carpet fiber among consumers? Nylon combines strength and high durability with soft texture, high color retention, stain resistance, and easy maintenance. These characteristics make nylon an easy choice when shopping for deep-pile carpet. If a berber is your choice, however, acryl- ic provides the look and feel of wool, in combination with good wearabil- ity and natural stain resistance. And the combination of nylon and acrylic gives consumers the best of both worlds -strength, softness, beauty. and excellent stain resistance. Then, of course, there is wool. This natural fiber may be the most expensive, but its luxurious feel is unsurpassed. It is also naturally stain resistant. Whether simple of sophistical- ed, formal or informal, a well de- signed floor treatment can do more to express the tone of a room than almost any other element of dcLcor. When you put SHELTON FLOOR COVERING in charge of creat- ing exciting designs for any or all floors in your home, you've taken the first step toward the interiors of your dreams. Stop by soon at 1306 Olympic Hwy So., or call us at 360-427-2822 to make an appointment for an on- site consultation. Accurate mea- suring and expert installation are two key components of success- ful decorating - we excel at both. HINT: Because polypropylene carpets are moisture resistant, they are a good choice for bathrooms, Journal Classifieds (360) 426-4412 New t atients Always Weh:,om, l!!arld of l!!ell I!!i00he00 Back Row: Shirley, Mary Ann, Barbara, Melissa, Lynn Front row: l)r. Bob, Dr. Travis & Alice We wish you and yours all the happiness in the world as you celebrate the NewYear/ We hope 2007 brings peace and joy to all corners of our globe and appreciate your business this past year. Best wishes, friends t. Dr. Bob, Dr. Travis and Alice Hackney and Staff 426-1676 Quality Dental Caring 615 W. Alder (Corner of 7th and Alder) Check our website Call us to maximize your insurance benefit for 2007 Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 00ommunity 00alendar Special Events Wednesday, January 10 7 to 8:30 p.m., Karin Strelioff, en- vironmental education-outreach spe- cialist with the Mason C(mservation District, will speak as part of the "We 2" lecture series at Olympic College Shelton, 937 West Alpine Way. Meetings Thursday, January 4 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of ttoodsport, Hoodsport Library, 40 North Scho'd- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- ons, Taylor Station Restaurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. 9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS meet- ing, First Baptist Church of Shelton, 428 West Cota Street, Shelton. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OtfP(,,mds Sensibly) meeting 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting club, Hoodspert Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 10 a.m., Mason County Board of Health, commissioners' chambers. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington anti J streets. Noon, Shelton Retary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. 5-6:15 p.m., Adult Grief Educati(m- aYSupport Group, Faith Lutheran Church 121' , 2 Connection Street. 6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner at 7, prom at 8. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 6:30 p.m., South Mason Relay For Life, Peninsula Crettit Union, 521 Wesl Raih'oad Avenue, Shelton. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio- neer School Gym. 7 p.m., Humane Society of Mason County, Mcl)onald's. 7 p.m., Hood (',anal Lions, Union Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Geneah)gi- cal Society, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 12th and Connec- tion streets in Shelton. 7 p.m., Red Cross disaster meeting fi)r volunteers, Sanderson Field, call 360-352-8575. Friday, January 5 9 a.m., MOPS support group fi)r mothers of preschoolers, Shelton Seventh-day Adventist building, 210 West Shelton Valley Road. Childcare and children's program provided. 10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com- munity Church, Itoodsport. Call 877- 9814 tbr information. 11:30 a.m., Republican Women of Mason County, Alpine Way Retire- ment Apartments, 427-0373. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694, dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 426-4906, tbr infbrma- tion. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxil- iary, Memorial Hall. Saturday, January 6 2 p.m., Mason County Chapter, People First of Washington, Excep- FREE ESTIMATES.' Auxiliary invites Klasell Members of the Mason General Hospital Auxiliary will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, January 8, in the hospital's Ellinor Room. Guest speaker at the meeting will be Shannon llasell of" Mason County Literacy. Those planning to attend this function are asked to make res- ervations by 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 4. Reservations may be made by calling Marge Busack at 426-2049 or Olive Lanman at 426-2879. Kiwanis will hear Chapman Sherl Lee Chapman will address the Shelton Kiwanis Club this Week. Her presentation will t)e about long-term care planning and t , r ake place at noon on [ uesday, January 9. The club meets at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House, 221 West Railroad Avenue. Tramper Sams set meeting Tramper Sams, one of Mason County's Good Sam recreational vehicle clubs, will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Janu- ary 9, at the Bremerton Airport Diner, located atthe Bremerton Airport on State Route 3, about 3 miles north of Belfair. Anyone interested in joining the group tbr lunch and learning about the 2007 activities is cordiallyinvited to attend, the group travels from the Oregon Coast to the Canadian border in their monthly campouts from April through November. Trips are mid-week and last from three to tbur days. Exploring, games, potluck,s, dining out and sharing RV inibrmation are just a few of the club s fun activities, as well as being involved with the Washington State Good Sam activities. New members are welcome and more information is available by calling 898-4509 or 426-6098. MS group sets first meeting Members or'the Mason County Multiple Sclerosis Support Group will have their first meeting of the new year at 11:30 a.m. on Tues- day, January 9, at the Royal Shanghai Restaurant, 2517 Olympic Highway North in Shelton. This meeting is open to all persons with multiple sclerosis, their spouses, significant others, caregivers and/or friends and acquain- tances. Professionals interested in sharing comments or presenta- tions are asked to prearrange their visit by calling Debbie Zillmer at 877-6959. Retirees plan to meet, eat Members of the Retired Public Employees Council Chapter 24 will gather for a bimonthly meeting and no-host lunch. They will naeet from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10, at the Mason County Senior Activities Center, 826 West Railroad Ave- hue in Shelton. Lunch will be served cafeteria-style for $2.50 per person. People are invited to come and participate in a drawing for a door prize. NOTI0000 Collins Chiropracti s moved New Location 130 South 3rd • Shelton (corner of 3rd and Cota) BW Igxpandod M-F 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • 1:30 - 6 p.m. 01i¢0 llours Saturday 9 - 11 a.m. Don't forget Delilah Zaniewski, LMP is moving too Healing Hands Massage 790-5580 Collins Chiropractic 426-3787 tional Foresters Manor. 7 p.m., open microphone, Sage Book Store, 116 West Railroad Av- enue, Shelton. Sunday, January 7 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. Monday, January 8 9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road North. 11:45 a.m., Mason General Hos- pital Auxiliary, Ellinor Room at the hospital. 2 p.m., Shelton City Commission Workshop, Shelton Civic Center. 6 p.m., Mason County Optimist Club, Shelton's United Methodist Church, 1900 King Street. Call 426- 0248 for more intbrmation. 6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160, Faith Lutheran Church. 7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and Training Council, 110 West K Street. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Lake Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis- trict 1 chief meeting, Station 1, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 7 p.m., Fire District 5 Citizens' Committee, Station 53, 2520 East Mason-Benson Road. 7 p.m., Mason County Republican Central Committee, North Mason School District Administrative Of. rices, Belfair. Tuesday, January 9 8 a.m., Mason County Hospital District 1 Commission, Mason Gen- eral Hospital. 9 a.m., Mason County Commission, Mason County Building I. 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, boardroom, Third and Cota streets. 11 a.m., Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, El Sarape V (Mt. View) Res- taurant. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 1:30 p.m., Human Life of Shelton, Saint Edward's Parish Hall. 2 p.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com- munity Church, 877-6842. 3 p.m., Mason County PUD 1 Board of Commissioners meeting, North 21971 Highway 101 in Potlatch. 4 p.m., Mason County Transpor- tation Authority and Advisory Board joint meeting, MTA office, 790 East Johns Prairie Road. 5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church. Call 426-0101 for informa- tion. 5:30 p.m., Mason County Children's Dental Coalition, Shelton Head Start, 2412 West Railroad Avenue. 5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 426-4906, for infbrma- tion. 6 p.m., Shelton School Board meet- ing, CHOICE High School boardroom, old Evergreen Elementary School, 807 West Pine Street. 6:30 p.m., Mason County Critical Incident Team, Mason County De- partment of Emergency Management, Enterprise Road, Port of Shelton off Highway 101. 6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board business meeting, main district build- ing. 6:30 p.m., swimming for Simpson Timber Company employees and their thmilies, Shelton High School pool. 7 p.m., Peninsula Art Association, PUD 3 meeting room, Third and Cota streets. 7 p.m., Westside-Dayton Volunteer Firemen's Association, Station 1, 4650 Dayton-Airpm% Road. 7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop ll0, United Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board meeting, Mason General Hospital. 7:']0 p.m., 4-It leaders, extension office. 7:30 p.m., Shelton Youth Football Association, Shelton Public Safety Building, Second and Franklin. 7:30 p.m., Roundtable fi)r Scouting, United Methodist Church. Wednesday, January 10 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel- ton. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan- is Club, Spencer Lake Resort. 9:30 a.m., Port of Hoodsport meet- ing, Port, of ttoodsport Office, 22090 North Highway 101, Potlatch. 1 p.m., Mason County HIV/AIDS Advisory Council, El Sarape Restau- rant, 2503 Olympic Highway North, Shelton. 5 p.m., Mason County Fire District 1 commissioners' meeting, Hoodsport Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire District 1 business meeting, Station 1, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem- ber. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. Thursday, January 11 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, Hoodsport Library, 40 North School- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Lions board meeting, Suzan's Grill, 1927 Olympic Highway North. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoedsport. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and J streets. 'Y ' I 10 a.m., SC )RE small-business counseling available to 4 p.m., ap- pointments 426-2021. and More/ by Blaine & Linda Flaclager Shelton Floor Covering GETrlNG UNDERFOOT Is it any wonder that nylon remains the most popular choice of carpet fiber among consumers? Nylon combines strength and high durability with soft texture, high color retention, stain resistance, and easy maintenance. These characteristics make nylon an easy choice when shopping for deep-pile carpet. If a berber is your choice, however, acryl- ic provides the look and feel of wool, in combination with good wearabil- ity and natural stain resistance. And the combination of nylon and acrylic gives consumers the best of both worlds -strength, softness, beauty. and excellent stain resistance. Then, of course, there is wool. This natural fiber may be the most expensive, but its luxurious feel is unsurpassed. It is also naturally stain resistant. Whether simple of sophistical- ed, formal or informal, a well de- signed floor treatment can do more to express the tone of a room than almost any other element of dcLcor. When you put SHELTON FLOOR COVERING in charge of creat- ing exciting designs for any or all floors in your home, you've taken the first step toward the interiors of your dreams. Stop by soon at 1306 Olympic Hwy So., or call us at 360-427-2822 to make an appointment for an on- site consultation. Accurate mea- suring and expert installation are two key components of success- ful decorating - we excel at both. HINT: Because polypropylene carpets are moisture resistant, they are a good choice for bathrooms, Journal Classifieds (360) 426-4412 New t atients Always Weh:,om, l!!arld of l!!ell I!!i00he00 Back Row: Shirley, Mary Ann, Barbara, Melissa, Lynn Front row: l)r. Bob, Dr. Travis & Alice We wish you and yours all the happiness in the world as you celebrate the NewYear/ We hope 2007 brings peace and joy to all corners of our globe and appreciate your business this past year. Best wishes, friends t. Dr. Bob, Dr. Travis and Alice Hackney and Staff 426-1676 Quality Dental Caring 615 W. Alder (Corner of 7th and Alder) Check our website Call us to maximize your insurance benefit for 2007 Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17