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Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 4, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ounty's Up 2.9 percent from the budget the Mason County Commission boating program is getting its own account passed for 2006, the 2007 budget totals $90,283,832. Commission- rribalr°up'i: ers unanimously approved the : budget during a regular meeting West on December 27. mous, The county's Current Ex- Third pense Fund indicates a balance of $30,355,384. New this year is the cohol- i Sheriffs Boating Fund, an account that will handle revenues and ex- penditures for the sheriffs boating program. In setting up this fund the commission moved financing of the boating program out of the sheriffs general office budget. Commissioners also approved funding a clerical position for three months in the Department of Emergency Management, an operation which has been a divi- sion of the Mason County Sheriffs Office. Prior to passage of the budget, the commissioners took comments from Sheriff Steve Whybark and District Court Judge Victoria Meadows concerning budget mat- ters related to their elective offices. Whybark said the Mason County Jail needs more money to address the health problems of an aging inmate population and Meadows made remarks indicating said dis- trict court needs more money to provide adequate defense for peo- ple who don't have a lot of money and find themselves accused of a misdemeanor crime. The commission indicated it may revisit these issues at the beginning of this new year. Final changes incorporated into the 2007 budget towards the end of the old year include: • Eliminating a vacant admin- istrative assistant position in the budget, finance and risk manage- ment office and a vacant seasonal aide position in the facilities and grounds department. . Establishing an indigent de- fense department funded by state (Please turn to page 21.) Wh ere caring counts. Feel the difference.T00 orfum[00e5 I Public Hospital District Recommends Re-Districting to Best Serve Local Communities As part of a year-long planning process to ensure it is prepared to meet future needs, commissioners of Public Hospital District No. 1 (the governing body of Mason General Hospital, Oakland Bay Pediatrics and North Mason Medical Clinic) of Mason County recommended December 19, 2006, that the Hospital District boundaries be realigned to better meet the healthcare needs of Mason County. A public hearing will be held Monday, January 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Port of Allyn to hear comments from the community. Following the public meeting, the hospital commissioners may approve the boundary change after a second public hearing. The final decision being made by the Mason County commissioners will be held on January 30 in Belfair. "Employees and community residents are encouraged to attend the public hearing to speak in favor of the re-districting effort because it will allow the district to invest in the hospital's core services, make the system stronger and better meet the healthcare needs in our communities," said Bob Aplel, CEO of MGH. Areas recommended for removal from the District would include the north portions of Belfair and the areas north of the Hood Canal that include Tahuya and Dewatto. According to reports, residents of these areas use other hospitals, particularly Harrison Memorial in Bremerton, over Mason General Hospital. The change will reduce the geographic size of the Hospital District and will allow it to bring better alignment of services with the needs of the remaining population. "As part of the planning process, the commissioners and hospital leaders looked at who is using the hospital's core services now and who is likely to be using them in the future," said Hospital Commissioner Scott Hilburn. "We also studied access to care patterns for current District residents. As a result of this process we have begun to make a number of changes that will strengthen our core hospital and clinic services and improve access to a wider range of services." Some of the changes already completed or in the process of being made at MGH include: - the addition of a third x-ray room and the purchase of new x-ray equipment - digital x-ray and MRI capability will be added in 2007 - new information technology will be added that will give patients and providers the benefits of electronic medical records - continuation of the recruitment of new physicians to the community - a new information system at the two clinics was recently added along with the hiring of a Clinic Director to help streamline clinic operations. The District continues to invest in and improve clinic operations to best serve patients there Special purpose districts such as Public Hospital District No. 1 of Mason County were created to give local populations the ability to invest in needed infrastructure and control operations through locally elected boards. "The people who reside within the newly drawn District boundaries directly benefit from its existing healthcare services, including the provision of high quality, 24-hour emergency care," said Hilburn. "Residents will have a continuing interest in maintaining an excellent hospital as well as local access to other needed healthcare." I In keeping with our Mission Statement, " protect and promote the health of the people in Mason County while extending respect and compassion...", Mason General Hospital wants to help make healthcare affordable. If you need financial assistance with hospital expenses, please call the MGH Business Office at (360) 427- 9547 for more information on: - 25% Discount - Property Tax Adjustment - Uncompensated Care Continuing Education classes offered for Mason General Hospital employees, medical staff and the community during January: • Orientation for New Employees • Basic Life Support Certification Course for Mason General Staff • Strong Perifax for OB Staff • Annual Clinical Staff Safety Education • Online Cognitive Skills Development for the Clinical Staff • Mock Adult Code Blue Skills for Clinical Staff • Basic Cardiac Life Support Course for the Community • Mock Pediatric Code Blue Skills • Mock Neonatal Code Blue Skills • Pre-Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Arrhythmia Recognition • Advanced Cardiac Life Support • New Computer System (Kronos) Ongoing Training • Region-Wide Consortium Critical Access Trauma Training For more information, contact Tom DtDonna, R.N., MGH education director, at (360) 427-3609 (from Belfair (360) 275-8614). • Congratulations to Tlsh Jordan, anesthesia department, for being selected "Employee of the Month" for January. • Treasures Thrift Store recognized Evelyn Nauman as Volunteer of the Month for November. Congratulations! The Karen Hilburn Breast Cancer Fund is available to Mason County women who are non- insured or under-insured for breast cancer screening and treatment at Mason General Hospital. Call MGH at (360) 427-3648 (from Belfair (360) 275-8614) and ask for Women's Health in Diagnostic Imaging. F Treasures and Treasures, Too! Thrift Stores are now on-line!! Check out our web site at www. and see what we have! I Or drive on down: Downtown Shelton on Railroad Ave. Treasures is open 9:30 a.m, - 5:30 p.m, and Sundays from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Treasures, Too is open Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m, and is closed Sundays. Donations are accepted Monday - Saturday from lO a.m. - 5 p.rn.," Sundays by appolntment only. We need volunteers. Call Sandy at (360) 427-3858, Our Mission Statement We take every possible action to protect and promote the health of the people in Mason County while extending respect and compassion as we serve each individual. Mason General Hospital Bay Pediatrics Mason Medical Clinic Where caring counts. Feel the difference. TM TTY/TDD: (360) 427-9593 • Equal Opportunity Provider Translation Services Provided • Se habla espafiol MGH (360) 426-1611 * From Befair (360) 275-8614 NMMC (360) 275-4084 • From Shelton (360) 426-8405 OBP (360) 426-3102 Mason General Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations MGH's Visiting Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. daily. Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19 ounty's Up 2.9 percent from the budget the Mason County Commission boating program is getting its own account passed for 2006, the 2007 budget totals $90,283,832. Commission- rribalr°up'i: ers unanimously approved the : budget during a regular meeting West on December 27. mous, The county's Current Ex- Third pense Fund indicates a balance of $30,355,384. New this year is the cohol- i Sheriffs Boating Fund, an account that will handle revenues and ex- penditures for the sheriffs boating program. In setting up this fund the commission moved financing of the boating program out of the sheriffs general office budget. Commissioners also approved funding a clerical position for three months in the Department of Emergency Management, an operation which has been a divi- sion of the Mason County Sheriffs Office. Prior to passage of the budget, the commissioners took comments from Sheriff Steve Whybark and District Court Judge Victoria Meadows concerning budget mat- ters related to their elective offices. Whybark said the Mason County Jail needs more money to address the health problems of an aging inmate population and Meadows made remarks indicating said dis- trict court needs more money to provide adequate defense for peo- ple who don't have a lot of money and find themselves accused of a misdemeanor crime. The commission indicated it may revisit these issues at the beginning of this new year. Final changes incorporated into the 2007 budget towards the end of the old year include: • Eliminating a vacant admin- istrative assistant position in the budget, finance and risk manage- ment office and a vacant seasonal aide position in the facilities and grounds department. . Establishing an indigent de- fense department funded by state (Please turn to page 21.) Wh ere caring counts. Feel the difference.T00 orfum[00e5 I Public Hospital District Recommends Re-Districting to Best Serve Local Communities As part of a year-long planning process to ensure it is prepared to meet future needs, commissioners of Public Hospital District No. 1 (the governing body of Mason General Hospital, Oakland Bay Pediatrics and North Mason Medical Clinic) of Mason County recommended December 19, 2006, that the Hospital District boundaries be realigned to better meet the healthcare needs of Mason County. A public hearing will be held Monday, January 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Port of Allyn to hear comments from the community. Following the public meeting, the hospital commissioners may approve the boundary change after a second public hearing. The final decision being made by the Mason County commissioners will be held on January 30 in Belfair. "Employees and community residents are encouraged to attend the public hearing to speak in favor of the re-districting effort because it will allow the district to invest in the hospital's core services, make the system stronger and better meet the healthcare needs in our communities," said Bob Aplel, CEO of MGH. Areas recommended for removal from the District would include the north portions of Belfair and the areas north of the Hood Canal that include Tahuya and Dewatto. According to reports, residents of these areas use other hospitals, particularly Harrison Memorial in Bremerton, over Mason General Hospital. The change will reduce the geographic size of the Hospital District and will allow it to bring better alignment of services with the needs of the remaining population. "As part of the planning process, the commissioners and hospital leaders looked at who is using the hospital's core services now and who is likely to be using them in the future," said Hospital Commissioner Scott Hilburn. "We also studied access to care patterns for current District residents. As a result of this process we have begun to make a number of changes that will strengthen our core hospital and clinic services and improve access to a wider range of services." Some of the changes already completed or in the process of being made at MGH include: - the addition of a third x-ray room and the purchase of new x-ray equipment - digital x-ray and MRI capability will be added in 2007 - new information technology will be added that will give patients and providers the benefits of electronic medical records - continuation of the recruitment of new physicians to the community - a new information system at the two clinics was recently added along with the hiring of a Clinic Director to help streamline clinic operations. The District continues to invest in and improve clinic operations to best serve patients there Special purpose districts such as Public Hospital District No. 1 of Mason County were created to give local populations the ability to invest in needed infrastructure and control operations through locally elected boards. "The people who reside within the newly drawn District boundaries directly benefit from its existing healthcare services, including the provision of high quality, 24-hour emergency care," said Hilburn. "Residents will have a continuing interest in maintaining an excellent hospital as well as local access to other needed healthcare." I In keeping with our Mission Statement, " protect and promote the health of the people in Mason County while extending respect and compassion...", Mason General Hospital wants to help make healthcare affordable. If you need financial assistance with hospital expenses, please call the MGH Business Office at (360) 427- 9547 for more information on: - 25% Discount - Property Tax Adjustment - Uncompensated Care Continuing Education classes offered for Mason General Hospital employees, medical staff and the community during January: • Orientation for New Employees • Basic Life Support Certification Course for Mason General Staff • Strong Perifax for OB Staff • Annual Clinical Staff Safety Education • Online Cognitive Skills Development for the Clinical Staff • Mock Adult Code Blue Skills for Clinical Staff • Basic Cardiac Life Support Course for the Community • Mock Pediatric Code Blue Skills • Mock Neonatal Code Blue Skills • Pre-Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Arrhythmia Recognition • Advanced Cardiac Life Support • New Computer System (Kronos) Ongoing Training • Region-Wide Consortium Critical Access Trauma Training For more information, contact Tom DtDonna, R.N., MGH education director, at (360) 427-3609 (from Belfair (360) 275-8614). • Congratulations to Tlsh Jordan, anesthesia department, for being selected "Employee of the Month" for January. • Treasures Thrift Store recognized Evelyn Nauman as Volunteer of the Month for November. Congratulations! The Karen Hilburn Breast Cancer Fund is available to Mason County women who are non- insured or under-insured for breast cancer screening and treatment at Mason General Hospital. Call MGH at (360) 427-3648 (from Belfair (360) 275-8614) and ask for Women's Health in Diagnostic Imaging. F Treasures and Treasures, Too! Thrift Stores are now on-line!! Check out our web site at www. and see what we have! I Or drive on down: Downtown Shelton on Railroad Ave. Treasures is open 9:30 a.m, - 5:30 p.m, and Sundays from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Treasures, Too is open Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m, and is closed Sundays. Donations are accepted Monday - Saturday from lO a.m. - 5 p.rn.," Sundays by appolntment only. We need volunteers. Call Sandy at (360) 427-3858, Our Mission Statement We take every possible action to protect and promote the health of the people in Mason County while extending respect and compassion as we serve each individual. Mason General Hospital Bay Pediatrics Mason Medical Clinic Where caring counts. Feel the difference. TM TTY/TDD: (360) 427-9593 • Equal Opportunity Provider Translation Services Provided • Se habla espafiol MGH (360) 426-1611 * From Befair (360) 275-8614 NMMC (360) 275-4084 • From Shelton (360) 426-8405 OBP (360) 426-3102 Mason General Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations MGH's Visiting Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. daily. Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19