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January 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 4, 2007
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Olympic College Shelton - Winter Quarc00 Evening, Weekend, and Distance Learning Classes Visit or call 360.432.5400 to register BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HISTORY English for Speakers of Other Languages classes (from beginning to advanced eve s) are offered at OC Bremerton OC Shehon Belfair and n Poulsbo Students gain skills in speking, listening, reading, and ritlng. :or program information or to make an appointment to attend a new ;tude t orientation, please contact: OC Bremerton 360.475.7278 DC Shehon 360.432.5400/360.432.5471 lfoir 360.475.7278 :ste programa es para personas que no hablon ingles y consiste en nstruir y mejoror sus hobilidades en los secceiones de Uide una cito de orientaci6n par telefono. n Bremerton 360.475.7278 Belfair 360.475.7278 ESOL Orientations: Students enrolling in English [or Speakers of Other Languages MUST attend an orienlation class before enrolling. In this class they will learn about the program set learning goals take placement tests to determ ne the c asses they wiU need, and register. A fee of $25 per quarter is charged. Waivers are available for low-income students. Students under 19 years old must provide a High School Release form. CHEMISTRY HUMAHITIES JOURNALISM ESOL CLASSES MATHEMATICS Orieutution/essessmunt or permission of instructor is required for all ESOL classes. ADESL 030 ESL i: SPEAKING/USTENING (I 6:00p- 8:3Op MW Bellair Boys &amp; Girls Club 0'Brien C 5rr 7150 AISL 040 ESL 2: SPEAKING/USTENING (1 6:00p- B:30p MW Belfair Bays & Girls Club O'Brion C 1- 5cr 7151 ADIESL D50 ESL 3: SPEAKING/USTENING CE 6:00p-8:30p MW BelfoirBoys&GirlsClub 0'8rienC l-So 7152 ADESL 060 ESL 4: SPEAKING/USTENING (1 6:00p-8:30p MW 8elfair Boys & Girls Club O'BrienC 5or 7153 ADESL 068 ESL 5: SPEAKING/USTENING (1 6:00p-8:30p MW Belfair Boys & Girls Club O'BrienC 5or 7154 ADESL 031 ESL 1: READING/WRmNG CE 6:0Op. 8:30p MW ShePB 002 Webster K 5cr 7155 ADESL 041 ESL 2: READING/WRmNG CE 6:00p. 8:30p MW SheI-PB 002 Webster K l-bet 7156 ADESL 051 ESL 3: READING/WRITING CE 6:00p-8:30p MW Shol-P8002 Webster K 1-bcr 7157 ADESL 061 ESL 4: READING/WRITING CE 6:00p-8:30p MW SheI-PgO02 Webster K 1-5or 7158 l,]t[4: | [,]! r£] t ,]1 ' :;  :J/(i/., i [,]  I4 V:14t / r students who need to build their basic skills in preparation to take heGED cuss  hun sklls readm and wntm math , es in commun'ca" " ' ( " g '" g), and GED Preparation are uttered. GED preparation online courses are available, contact Tina Prentiss ( Students enrolling in Adult Education/GED Preparation classes MUST attend an orientation class before enrolling, in this class they will learn atxut the program set learning goals, take placenent tests to determine the classes they wil{ need, and register A fee of $25 per quarter is charged. Waivers are available for low-income students. Students under 19 years old must provide a High School Release form. Brernerton Orientations: Orientation classes will be held at Olympic College Bremerton in the Hea!th Occupations 8uilding, Room 142. These classes will meet for 2 sessions and students must attend both sessions in order to register for classes. Call 360.475.7550 for an appointment or to inquire about additional orienlation dates. Class 4 December 5 & 7 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p,m. Shelton Orientations: Orientation classes will be held at Olympic College Shelton in Room t 12. Call 360.432.5400 or 360.432.5471 to make an appointment or to inquire about additional orientation dates. Financial Aid is not available for Adult Basic Education and ESOL classes; these classes are not counted in delermining student financial  etatus. Only credit classes other than ABE/ESOL can be considered awarding Federal/State Aid. PARENT EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY 'HYSICAL EDUCATION- EDUCATION POLITICAL SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY COOPERATIVE EDUCATION SOCIOLOGY GED PREPARATION CLASSES Odentation/plncermmt or permission of instructor/educational planner Is reqeknd for all GED Preparation classes. ADAGE 009 ORIENTATION TO ADULT ED (1 Prerequisite: Required for all now students in ARE/GED classes. AJ AER Shel-0CS112 gryonlE lo 7101-7102 A] ARR Online PrenlissT hr 1022 Petmissien of instructor required. Must contact by emoi[ ot t pr to enroll. ARAJIE 078 GED PREPARATION LAB CE ARR AgR Online Prentiss T 1-3(r 1024 Pwmisden of instructor equired. Must contact by emoil at to enroll. 079 GED PREPARATION (1 3Op'E'.30p TTh SbeI.OCS 112 Klosoll S 1-6cr 7149 e AJ Online Prentiss T 1-Gcr 1023 missioo of imttudur required. Must conturt by emol ol to enroll. CRIMINAL JUSTICE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION EDUCATION INTRO TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY SS I Online-Gotowww.wool.ofgtostact, 910 HactseC Scr 3016 ART APPREOATION H O to start. $40 McPhatler E 5o 3030 r 103 ART HISTORY/MEDIEVAL - RENAISSANCE H Go to www to start. $40 McPhotterE 5cr 3034  ils ART HISTORY/NATIVE AMERIOtN a I.'wP" I:ISP MW SheI-PB 003 TBA  7306 ei-OCSl14 $20 GollngherC 5o 7300 Ih"'00',=ANTI25 H/SP 5"0(}17:50p TTh SheI-OCSll4 $20 GollaghmC 5cr 7301 kaT 226 CERAMICS III H/SP Pmvlsite: ART 106 110 and 225. 5"QQPI:50p  ' Shol-OCSll4 $20 C-ollngherC Scr 7302 ELECTRONICS ENGLISH SS $30 King S 5u 2050 Required orientation: 5:00-6:00p Tues. I/2 Bremertoo-HL 127 (BI Clnssfenm). Isecoerse(ll08107.3106107) Vdng S  2032 instrtinns induded in course materiels packet at O[ Bookstore. IS'K202 ECONOMICS-MICRO SS Prweqalslle: MATH 099 or above with o grade of 2.0 or above and an Accuplacof dmg cOmprehension test of 84 above of inslrudor. s(ofe or of permission SP- 9:40p MW SheI-TJL 120 (ITV) HOllK 5o 7212 P:IEC 251 PRINCIPLES Of ACCOUNTING I . T°urse $30 Kmg S 5ct 2060 ReqUired orientation: 4:00-5:00p Tues. 1/2 Bremerton.HL 127 (RI Classroom). Pelt.dde.. Cotm, e(1/08/07..3/06/07) King S 5o" 2058 ,vw instructions insbded in corse materials packet ol OC Bookstore. IS4EC 252 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING II Prerldslte:. BS,EC 251 J,r"'"7:15p MW SheI-TJL111 (111/) SnoppR Scr 7213 I'°Urse $30 Srmpp R 5or 2065 Eeqoired erientutioo: 7:00.7:30p Wed. 1/3 Ormnurtun-HL t 27 (BI Classroom). 1/06/07) Snapp R 5o 2068 €ourse materials packet at OC Bookstore. MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING 52 and high school algebra oz its equivalent. ') Snapp R 5o 2071 ;e materials Fxket at OC Bookstore, 260 BUSINESS LAW S30 King S 5or 2079 t:O0.7:OQp Tues. t/2 Bremecton-HL 127 (BI Classroom). : oa,r, L,Ok BETdgT 180 MARKETING 5:00p. 7:15p llh Shel.TJL 120 (iTV) Tanner G 5or 7202 BlOT 187 PURCHASING 8, SUPPLY CHAIN LOGISTICS 7:25p. 9:40p T1b SheI-TJL 120 (11/) Tanner G 5cr 7205 BMGMT 220 HUMAN RELATIONS iN THE WORKPLACE 5:00p. 6:30p MW Shel.OCS I 16 Tanner G 3or 7208 Portnlde Course (1/08/07,3/06/07) Stiff D 5o 2096 Coarse instructions iorJuded in course materials pocket at OC Bookstore. CHEM 122 SURVEY ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY NS Prerequisite: Completion of CHEM 121 with o 2.0 or better 5:00p7'.lSp MW Shel-0C5112 S15 BakmL 6or 7415 Also moots 6:30p. 8:20p T m grem.SC1122 for lab. Fion' our'( ses, 'p se see t e Technology section. CMPTR 103 WOMEN AND TECHNOLOGY Online-Gotowww.vmoLorglosturt. $16 HertelG 2or 2100 CMPTR 105 SMAIt OFFKE/HOME OFFICE NETWORKING Online. Go to www.waol.arg to start. $16 Hertel G 2o 2104 CMPTR 110 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONCEPTS 5:00p- 7:15p TTh SheI-TJL 116 (ITV) Westlund M 5cr 7215 Online- Go to to start. $40 WestJund M 5o 2110 ! 11 INTRO TO OPERATING SYSTEMS Prerequisite: CMPTR 110 or concurrent enrollment. Online. Go to wvnv,wooLorg o storl. $32 Westlund M 4or 2TI5 (MPTR 112 INTRO TO WINDOWS 8:30a-5:30p Sot/20 SheI-OCSI07 DahonD hr 7218 Online . Go to www,wool,ocg to stnrt. S8 HertelG lcr 2118 CMPTR 115 INTRO TO THE INTERNET Online- Go to w' to start. S24 Westb,d M 3or 2127 CMPTR 120 PROGRAkMING CONCEPTS Prerequisite: CMPTR i 10 or concurrent onrollment in CMPTR 110 or permission ol instructor. Online Go to inshudor's web site to storL Hanson O R 5cr 2t36 Instructor's web site: (MPTR 122 APPLICATIONS FOR IT PROFESSIONALS Online - Go to www.waol.ofg to start. $32 Wosdund M 4or 2139 CMPTR 127 INTRO TO MS WORD WORD PROCESSING 8:300- 5:30p So 1/27 SheIOCS 107 Ledgenvood A l cr 7227 CMPTH 128 INTRO TO MS EXCEL 8:300-5:30p 5o2/10 5heI.OCS107 LedgerwoorlA lcr 7229 (MPTR 137 INTRO TO MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 8:30a-5:30p Sa2/24 Shol-OCS107 LedgenvoodA hr 7236 Online. Go to to start. $8 Westlund M lcr 2178 CMPTR 150 SURVEY/MICROCOMPUTING - PERSONAL CMPTR 7:25p-9:40p 1111 SheI-OCS 107 McInlosh B 4or 7240 Online- Go to www,wnoLorg to start. S32 Solos J 4or 2200 CMPTR 154 INTRO TO MS ACCESS Prerequisite: Windows skills and o prior computer class or permission of instructor. Online- Go to to start. $32 8ilodenu P 4or 2208 cMErrR 165 INTRO TO VISUAL BASIC I Prerequisite: CMPTR 120 or permission of instructor, Online- Go to www.waol,org to start. S32 Durr K 4or 2212 CMPTR 172 PC HARDWARE BASICS Online- Go to to start. S40 Hertel G 5cr 2214 CMPTR 173 INTRO TO TCP/IP Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Online- Go to www,wnoLorg to start. 0 Bldckwell K 5rr 2215 CMPTR 190 INFORMATION SYSTEM PROJECT MANAGEMENT Prerequisite: CMPTR 185. Online - Go to www.waoLorg to stast. S32 8ilodeouP 4or 2220 For Conporative Education and Internship Information, call 360.475.7480 or 1.800.259.6718, Ext. 7480. Bremurton Campus Location, ART 122-C Pormissio, of Cooperative Education Conrdiontor required for Cooperative Ednceflon classes; contact 360.475.7480 or !.800.259.6718, Ext. 7480. CO-OP 111 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION SEMINAR I (1 Prerequisite: Conrurrent enrollment with first quarter Co-op Work Exporieofe, Online- Go to to start, $16 White I 2or 1316 Orientation: Wed., Jan. 3, 7:30.8:30p in 6rem-TEC i )1, Poul-OCP 109,ShoLIJL I I I. COOP 123/223 COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE CE Prerequisite: CO-OP 123: CO-OP seminar concurrent with first quarter work experience. CO-OP 223: Proreqeislte: Permission of conperotive education coofdinetor and current enrollment in CO-0P Seminar. R R ARR TBA 1-13cr ## CO-OP 189A/B/C COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER SERVICE CE CO'OP 289A/B/C COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER SERVICE (1 ARR ARR AER McOermatt T 3cr *Cooperative Work Experience and Community Volunteer Sorvke Item numbers are assigned by the Cooperative Education Coordinator and must be obtained stration. CRNH 201 PRINCIPLES Of INVESTIGATION Prerequisite: CRM-J 101 or CRM-J 103, or SOCIO 103 or permission of Instructor. 5:00p- 7:1Sp MW SheI-TJL 116 (11t/) Weitzeil C 5o 7310 E(1 115 INTRO TO CHILD CARE Online- Go to to start, Meets 01/04/07 through 03/I 4/07. Online- Go to Io storL Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. SI6 KhodesJ 2cr 3105 St6 RhodesJ 2or 3107 HIST 102 WESTER N CIVILIZATION - 1300 TO 181S S S Telecourse $30 Schoeffec P 5cr 3400 Requiled uriantution: 7:00.8:00p Tues. 1/2 B,emertutz-HL 127 (BI Classroom). HIST 105 THE UNITED STAffS SINCE 1865 SS Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with o grade of 2.0 or above Telecourse $30 Schueffer P 5or 3414 Requited orientutioo: 7:00-8:00p Tues )/2 Bremeton HL 127 (81 Classroom). HIST 230 FILMS IN AMERICAN CULTURE SS Telecourse S3O Meyers J 5cr 342I Required orientation: 5:00-6:00p Wed. 1/3 Bremerton-FIL 127 (BI Classroom). HUt/AN 230 FILMS IN AMERICAN CULTURE H Telecourse S30 Meyers J 5cr 3435 Required urieetation: 5:00-6:0Op Wed. I/3 Bremertoo.HL 127 (BI Ciossoom) HUMAN 204 SURVEY OF WORLD LIT- 20TH CENTURY H Online,Gotowww.wool.ogtostart. $40 Woinwriglzt.I Scr 3440 Moots 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. Online - Go to to stad. $40 WainwrightJ 5cr 3442 Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. HUMAN 290 MASS MEDIA IN AMERICAN SOCIETY H Onlioe- Go to vwm.wool,or to slart. S40 Hewromer R 5cr 3445 JOURN 290 MASS MEDIA IN AMERICAN SOCIETY H Online, Oo to www.waokorg to sturt $40 Newcomer R 5o 3490 Students who hnve never token math classes at 0C need to ronloct the Student Entry and Advising Center to dotermine appropriate placement. MATH 094 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Prerequisite: MATH 090 with a grade of 2.0 or above or snfisiortory placement tesl sc0ro. 5:00p-7:15p . TT SheI.TJL 121 Bondes W 5cr 7442 MATH 107 COLLEGE MATH/LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS 16 Prwequisite: MATH 099 with n grndo o( 2 0 or above, or satisfuclofy placement test score, 5:00p- 7:15p . MW She( UL 12t 8andes W 5cr 7445 MATH 157 CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS NS Prerequisite: MATH 156 with o grude of 2.0 or above. Online Ba(kebuschA 5cr 4673 Online • Go to htlp://foru!,th tar urthel inlormution aboul the cluss (rod how to access the class website. Midterm mid Haul exams will be on campus. IMPORTANT NOT[: The ollne class website is NO1 uvaiiobe through the WAOL system. MATH 166 MATH REASONING/ELEMENTARY TEACHERS I 16 Prerequisite: MATH 099 with a grnde uf 2.0 or above or setistactory placement test score. 5:00p- 7:1Sp MW Shel-lJL 120 (ITV) Kelso M 5cr 7448 NOTE: MATH 166 (Winter) and MATH 167 (Spring) will be offered every other year, beginning Winter 2007. MOA 160 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY I 5:00p 7:50p T Shel TJL I11 (ITV} Spong R 3cr 7242 MOA 180 AIDS/HIV/BLOGD BORNE PATHOGENS CE Online. Go to to stud, S16 Lieseke C 2cr 2519 ,]['[l:['t:i:[']('' I IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII For other computer related courses, please see the Computer Information Systems section. Of TEC 101 ONE-HANDED KEYBOARD CE AJ AER SheI-ARR [udgecwood A 3or 7245 OFTEC IO2 SCREEN MAGNIFICATION (1 AI A]LR Shoe ARR Ledgerwood A hr 7246 Of TEC 103 BRAILLE TRAHSLATION AND PRINTING (1 PrerequisIte: OFTEC 104. ARR ARI Shel ARR LedgerwoodA 3cr 7247 Of TEC 104 VOICE OUTPUT LEVEL I CE Prereqalsite: Keyboard skills. ARR ARR ShelARR LedgerwoodA 3or 7248 Of TEC 105 VOICE OUTPUT LEVEL 2 (1 Prerequisite: OffEC 104. ARR R SheI-ARR LedgerwoadA 3cr 7249 Of TEC ID6 VOICE OUTPUT LEVEL 3 (1 Proreqalsite: OFTEC l05, ARR ARR SheI.ARR LedgerwoodA 3o 7250 Of TEC 107 VOICE RECOGNITION LEVEL I (1 ARR ARR SheI-ARR Ledgofwoed A 3cc 7251 Of TIEC 108 VOICE RECOGNITION LEVEL 2 C[ Prerequisite: 0EC 107 ARR ARR ShelARR Ledgenvend A 3€ 7252 Of TIEC 109 VOICE RECOGNITION LEVEL 3 (1 Prerequisite: 0FTEC I 0B. ARR ARR SheI.ARR Ledgerwend A 3cr 7253 OCTEC 110 BEGINNING KEYBOARDING 5:00p-7:lbp TTh Shol-O(S107 S)2 Cunninghnm[ 3(r 7255 OfTEC i ! I DATA ENTRY SKILL BUILDING Prerequisite: OFTEC ] I 0 or equivulent. 5:00p- 7:15p T' SheI-OCS 107 SI2 (uoninghom E 3cr 7258 OfTEC 112 DOCUMENT FORMATTING Prerequisite: 0FTEC 141, keyboarding proficiency at 30+ NWAM or permission of instru(tor. 5:00p- 7:15p l"Ib ShoI.OCS 107 Cuoningham E 3or 7261 OfTEC 115 SPEED AND ACCURACY KEYBOARDING Prerequisite: OFTEC 111. 5:00p- 7:15p lTh SheI-OCS 107 Cunningham E 3or 7264 OPI1EC 124 ELECTRONIC PRINTING CALCULATORS 5:00p-7:lbp  Shel-OCS107 SI2 CunninghumE 2o 7268 Of TEC 130 ACCOUNTING SIMULATION/SERV DUSINESS CE Prerequisite: 0FTEC 121 or BS.EC 251, Online- Go Io to slort. $8 Solos J 1cr 828(] OfTEC 131 ACCOUNTING SIMULATION/MERCH BUSINESS CE PrerequisNe: 0FTEC 121 or BS-EC 251. Online. Go to www,waol.ofg Io start. $8 5ales J l cr 8281 OfTIEC 132 ACCOUNTING SIMULATION/CORPORATION (1 Prorequisite: BS-EC 252. Online- Go Io www, to storl. $8 Solos J Icr 8284 OFTEC 134 COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING Prerequisite: OFTEC 121 or BS-EC 251 end aFTEr 110 with o grodo of 2.0 or higher, or permission of instructor. Online- Go to to stoft, $24 Solos J 3cr 2626 OFTEC 141 MS WORD SPECIALIST Prorequlsite: CMPTR 150 and keyboarding by touch, or permission of instructor. S:OOp 7:15p l"Ib Shel-OCS 107 Cunninghem E 4or 7283 OFTEC IS2 MS EXCEL SPECIALIST Prerequisite: CMPTE 150. 5:00p- 7:15p TTh Shot-ors 107 Cunningham [ 4or 7285 Onlino- Go to to start, $32 liormoa N 4rr 2639 Of TEC 180 INTEGRATION OF SOFTWARE APPUCATIONS Prerequisite: CMPTR 150 or pormission of instructor. 0nline. Go te to start. SI6 SaJns J 2cr 2650 OfT[C 214 ADVANCED OFFICE APPLICATIONS Prerequisite: 0FTE( 141, OF'TEC 152, and OFTEC 170 or CMPTR 154, koyboerdiog proficiency at 45+ NWAM or permission of instructor. 5:00p-7:15p I" Shol-OCS107 CunninghamE 4(r 7292 PARED O16 PARENT EDUCATION COOPERATIVES CE Prerequisite: Child must be enrolled in preschool/childcare center/olomentory school. OC CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND FAMILY CENTER (CDFC) Online - Go to www.wool.ofg to stort. S16 Kim K 1.2cr 3738 Ontino- Go to Io start. SI6 Kim K I- 2or 3739 PHILO IO1 INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY H/SS Telecourse $30 Jokhi O 5o 3770 Required orientation: 4:00-5:00p Tues. 1/2 8zecntun-HL 110 (DL Clossroum). PE-[D 104 HEALTH SCIENCE SS 6:00p+7:40p 111 SheI-TJLI11(ITV) $5 McKayB 2or 7461 PaL-S210 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT SS 5:00p- 7:15p Trh ShoI-P 002 McIntnsh B 5o 7366 Online- Go to to start, $40 Tofen O 5o 3786 PSYCH 101 " GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY SS lelecourse $30 Tofen D 5o 3802 Required orioototioo: 7:30,B:30p Wed. I/3 Bemertoo HL 127 (BI C[usoom). Online- Go to www.woul.or9 to slart. $40 Bofke C 5cr 380(] 0,lir, a to vw.vu010g I0 start $40 rnkr ( cr :l PSYCH 224 UFESPAN DEVELOPMENT SS Prerequisites PSYCH 101. Telecourse $30 SondlorJ 5cr 3830 Eequi(ed orieetation: 4:30.S:00p Wed. 1/3 Bemerton.HL 110/shobon-TJL 120, PSYCH 240 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY SS Prerequisite: PSYCH 101 or permission of instructor. Telecourse $30 Sandier J 5o 3832 Required uriemotien: 4:00-4:30p Wed. I/3 6rornertenollL l lO/Sholloe-TJL 120. PSYCH 260 INTRO TO CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY SS Prorequisite: tither PSYCH 101 or SOCI0 101 or instructor's approval. Online. Go to to stoft. 910 TorenD 5or 3838 SOCIO 101 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY S Telecourse $30 0ofkerC 5o 3852 Required orientotinn: 4:00-5:00p Toes. 1/2 Rrwnerton-HL I 14 (Medie 11/Studio]. Online Go to www, to stoft. $40 Kingston M 5or 385 Porlobld Coofso (I/08/07-3/06/07) Barker C 5cr 3847 Course instructions included in course materials purket at 0C Bookstore. SOCIO ID2 SOCIAL PROBLEMS SS Online. Go to vvw.wuol.ofg to stnrt, 910 Kingston M 5€r 3862 II':[<',t:l[,m,]t'llllllll i i ii i TEC-D 270 3D ANALYST CE Prerequisite: TEC-D 139 or TECD 150, Online- Centoft inslru(tor ut 360.475.7389 to start. Gross L 2or 2764 TEC-D 271 GEODATABASES FOR GIS (1 ; Prerequisite: TEC-O 139 or TEC-D 150. Online- Contoft instruclof at 360.475.7389 to start. Gross L 2or 2765 TEC-D 272 GEOPRO(1SSING WITH GIS CE Prerequisite: TEC-D 139 or TE[-D 150. 0aline. Centnct instrudof at 360.475.7389 to stoft. Gross L 2cr 2766 TEC-D 273 MAP PROJECTIONS IN GIS (1 Prereqalsite: TEC.D 139 or TEC-D 150. Online- Conloft insltuctof nt 3601475.7389 to $1orL Gross L 2or 2767 TEC-D 274 NATURAL RESOURCE GIS (1 Prerequisite: TEC.D 139 of TEC-D 150. Online.. Canted instructor at 360,475.7389 to start. Gross L 2or 2768 TEC-D 275 SPATIAL ANALYST C[ Prerequisite: TEC.O 139 or TEC-D 150. Ooline- Contud instructor at 360.475,7389 to start. Gross L 2o 2769 EDUC 1OI INTRO TO EDUCATION SS Online. Go to to slnct. $40 Sontofd M 5o 3180 Online, Go to to start. $40 Sanford M 5o 3181 EDUC 120 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Online- Go to www.wool,org to start. $40 Sonford M 5or 3184 [DUC 125 INSTRUCTIONAL ROLES OF PARA EDUCATORS Online-Gatowww.wool.orgtostnrt. S,iO SonfordM 5or 3185 ELECT 200 DASIC ELECTRONICS THEORY & ASSESSMENT Prorequisffe: Permission of instructor Polde Course {1/08/07-3/06/07) Szymkewicz M Course instrurtiens in(Wed in course materials packet at O( Bookstme. 5 2362 Students enrolling In English 101 MUST take o placement test. ENGL 101 COMPOSITION Prerequisite: Apprnpriote plncement test score, or completion of ENGL 099 with o grade of 2.0 or better, or completion of ENGL 098 with u grade of 2.5 of better, or permission of instructor. Online - Go to www.waol,org to start. $40 HongN 5or 3220 Online - Go to www.wool.osg to stort. 0 HongN 5cr 3221 102 COMPOSITION Prerequisite: Successful completion of EHGL 101 with o 2.0 or better or its equivalenL Online- Go to to start. 910 Wninwright J 5(r 3245 Online- Oo to www,waol,org to start. 910 Wainwright J 50 3246 ENGL 104 1KHNICAL WRITING Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENGL i 01 with n 2,0 or better or its equivalent. Online - Go to to start. $40 Hoene K 5cr 3265 ENGL 140 INTRO TO UTERATURE H Telesourse $30 MeyersJ 5cr 3276 Required urieatation: 6:00-7:001) Wed, I/3 Bremeton-HL 127 (81 Closszenm). ENGL 261 AMERICAN UTERATURE H Online- Go to to start, 910 Meyers J 5o 3277 ENGL 284 SURVEY Of WORLD LIT- 20TH CENTURY H Online - Go to www.wool,org to stort. $40 WoinwrightJ 5o 3288 Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. Online- Go to wvm.waoLorg to stofl, $40 Wainwright J 5cr 3289 Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. FOR !IGN LANGuAGES-SPANISH FLSPH 102 ELEMENTARY SPANISH H Prerequio: FLSPN 101 or equivalent, Telofourse $30 Newellli 5o 3396 Required orientulien: 4:00. 5:00p Wed. I/3 Bremertoo.HL 114 (Medi TV Studio). GENERAL STilDIES GEN-S IOO STRATEGIES FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS Online - Go to w',vw.wool,ofg to stoft. $16 AdamsonL 2cr 5426 "GEN-S 110 RESEARCH IN THE INFORMATION AGE Online- Go to wwsv.wool.ocg to start. S]6 Mercer K 2cr 5432 GEIFS 140 CAREER PLANNING/UFE EXPLORATION Online . Go to www.wnol,org to stort, $8 RamakerJ lcr 5430 GEOLOGY GEOl. 101 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY NS 5:00p-6:50p TTh Shel-O[S116 SIO McDougollJ 5o 7416 Also meets 7:00p- 7:50p TTh in SheI-OCS ! 16 for ldb, GEOL I SS NEW/GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 16 Online- Go to to slurL 910 Matins S 5cr 4426 Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23 Olympic College Shelton - Winter Quarc00 Evening, Weekend, and Distance Learning Classes Visit or call 360.432.5400 to register BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HISTORY English for Speakers of Other Languages classes (from beginning to advanced eve s) are offered at OC Bremerton OC Shehon Belfair and n Poulsbo Students gain skills in speking, listening, reading, and ritlng. :or program information or to make an appointment to attend a new ;tude t orientation, please contact: OC Bremerton 360.475.7278 DC Shehon 360.432.5400/360.432.5471 lfoir 360.475.7278 :ste programa es para personas que no hablon ingles y consiste en nstruir y mejoror sus hobilidades en los secceiones de Uide una cito de orientaci6n par telefono. n Bremerton 360.475.7278 Belfair 360.475.7278 ESOL Orientations: Students enrolling in English [or Speakers of Other Languages MUST attend an orienlation class before enrolling. In this class they will learn about the program set learning goals take placement tests to determ ne the c asses they wiU need, and register. A fee of $25 per quarter is charged. Waivers are available for low-income students. Students under 19 years old must provide a High School Release form. CHEMISTRY HUMAHITIES JOURNALISM ESOL CLASSES MATHEMATICS Orieutution/essessmunt or permission of instructor is required for all ESOL classes. ADESL 030 ESL i: SPEAKING/USTENING (I 6:00p- 8:3Op MW Bellair Boys & Girls Club 0'Brien C 5rr 7150 AISL 040 ESL 2: SPEAKING/USTENING (1 6:00p- B:30p MW Belfair Bays & Girls Club O'Brion C 1- 5cr 7151 ADIESL D50 ESL 3: SPEAKING/USTENING CE 6:00p-8:30p MW BelfoirBoys&GirlsClub 0'8rienC l-So 7152 ADESL 060 ESL 4: SPEAKING/USTENING (1 6:00p-8:30p MW 8elfair Boys & Girls Club O'BrienC 5or 7153 ADESL 068 ESL 5: SPEAKING/USTENING (1 6:00p-8:30p MW Belfair Boys & Girls Club O'BrienC 5or 7154 ADESL 031 ESL 1: READING/WRmNG CE 6:0Op. 8:30p MW ShePB 002 Webster K 5cr 7155 ADESL 041 ESL 2: READING/WRmNG CE 6:00p. 8:30p MW SheI-PB 002 Webster K l-bet 7156 ADESL 051 ESL 3: READING/WRITING CE 6:00p-8:30p MW Shol-P8002 Webster K 1-bcr 7157 ADESL 061 ESL 4: READING/WRITING CE 6:00p-8:30p MW SheI-PgO02 Webster K 1-5or 7158 l,]t[4: | [,]! r£] t ,]1 ' :;  :J/(i/., i [,]  I4 V:14t / r students who need to build their basic skills in preparation to take heGED cuss  hun sklls readm and wntm math , es in commun'ca" " ' ( " g '" g), and GED Preparation are uttered. GED preparation online courses are available, contact Tina Prentiss ( Students enrolling in Adult Education/GED Preparation classes MUST attend an orientation class before enrolling, in this class they will learn atxut the program set learning goals, take placenent tests to determine the classes they wil{ need, and register A fee of $25 per quarter is charged. Waivers are available for low-income students. Students under 19 years old must provide a High School Release form. Brernerton Orientations: Orientation classes will be held at Olympic College Bremerton in the Hea!th Occupations 8uilding, Room 142. These classes will meet for 2 sessions and students must attend both sessions in order to register for classes. Call 360.475.7550 for an appointment or to inquire about additional orienlation dates. Class 4 December 5 & 7 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p,m. Shelton Orientations: Orientation classes will be held at Olympic College Shelton in Room t 12. Call 360.432.5400 or 360.432.5471 to make an appointment or to inquire about additional orientation dates. Financial Aid is not available for Adult Basic Education and ESOL classes; these classes are not counted in delermining student financial  etatus. Only credit classes other than ABE/ESOL can be considered awarding Federal/State Aid. PARENT EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY 'HYSICAL EDUCATION- EDUCATION POLITICAL SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY COOPERATIVE EDUCATION SOCIOLOGY GED PREPARATION CLASSES Odentation/plncermmt or permission of instructor/educational planner Is reqeknd for all GED Preparation classes. ADAGE 009 ORIENTATION TO ADULT ED (1 Prerequisite: Required for all now students in ARE/GED classes. AJ AER Shel-0CS112 gryonlE lo 7101-7102 A] ARR Online PrenlissT hr 1022 Petmissien of instructor required. Must contact by emoi[ ot t pr to enroll. ARAJIE 078 GED PREPARATION LAB CE ARR AgR Online Prentiss T 1-3(r 1024 Pwmisden of instructor equired. Must contact by emoil at to enroll. 079 GED PREPARATION (1 3Op'E'.30p TTh SbeI.OCS 112 Klosoll S 1-6cr 7149 e AJ Online Prentiss T 1-Gcr 1023 missioo of imttudur required. Must conturt by emol ol to enroll. CRIMINAL JUSTICE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION EDUCATION INTRO TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY SS I Online-Gotowww.wool.ofgtostact, 910 HactseC Scr 3016 ART APPREOATION H O to start. $40 McPhatler E 5o 3030 r 103 ART HISTORY/MEDIEVAL - RENAISSANCE H Go to www to start. $40 McPhotterE 5cr 3034  ils ART HISTORY/NATIVE AMERIOtN a I.'wP" I:ISP MW SheI-PB 003 TBA  7306 ei-OCSl14 $20 GollngherC 5o 7300 Ih"'00',=ANTI25 H/SP 5"0(}17:50p TTh SheI-OCSll4 $20 GollaghmC 5cr 7301 kaT 226 CERAMICS III H/SP Pmvlsite: ART 106 110 and 225. 5"QQPI:50p  ' Shol-OCSll4 $20 C-ollngherC Scr 7302 ELECTRONICS ENGLISH SS $30 King S 5u 2050 Required orientation: 5:00-6:00p Tues. I/2 Bremertoo-HL 127 (BI Clnssfenm). Isecoerse(ll08107.3106107) Vdng S  2032 instrtinns induded in course materiels packet at O[ Bookstore. IS'K202 ECONOMICS-MICRO SS Prweqalslle: MATH 099 or above with o grade of 2.0 or above and an Accuplacof dmg cOmprehension test of 84 above of inslrudor. s(ofe or of permission SP- 9:40p MW SheI-TJL 120 (ITV) HOllK 5o 7212 P:IEC 251 PRINCIPLES Of ACCOUNTING I . T°urse $30 Kmg S 5ct 2060 ReqUired orientation: 4:00-5:00p Tues. 1/2 Bremerton.HL 127 (RI Classroom). Pelt.dde.. Cotm, e(1/08/07..3/06/07) King S 5o" 2058 ,vw instructions insbded in corse materials packet ol OC Bookstore. IS4EC 252 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING II Prerldslte:. BS,EC 251 J,r"'"7:15p MW SheI-TJL111 (111/) SnoppR Scr 7213 I'°Urse $30 Srmpp R 5or 2065 Eeqoired erientutioo: 7:00.7:30p Wed. 1/3 Ormnurtun-HL t 27 (BI Classroom). 1/06/07) Snapp R 5o 2068 €ourse materials packet at OC Bookstore. MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING 52 and high school algebra oz its equivalent. ') Snapp R 5o 2071 ;e materials Fxket at OC Bookstore, 260 BUSINESS LAW S30 King S 5or 2079 t:O0.7:OQp Tues. t/2 Bremecton-HL 127 (BI Classroom). : oa,r, L,Ok BETdgT 180 MARKETING 5:00p. 7:15p llh Shel.TJL 120 (iTV) Tanner G 5or 7202 BlOT 187 PURCHASING 8, SUPPLY CHAIN LOGISTICS 7:25p. 9:40p T1b SheI-TJL 120 (11/) Tanner G 5cr 7205 BMGMT 220 HUMAN RELATIONS iN THE WORKPLACE 5:00p. 6:30p MW Shel.OCS I 16 Tanner G 3or 7208 Portnlde Course (1/08/07,3/06/07) Stiff D 5o 2096 Coarse instructions iorJuded in course materials pocket at OC Bookstore. CHEM 122 SURVEY ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY NS Prerequisite: Completion of CHEM 121 with o 2.0 or better 5:00p7'.lSp MW Shel-0C5112 S15 BakmL 6or 7415 Also moots 6:30p. 8:20p T m grem.SC1122 for lab. Fion' our'( ses, 'p se see t e Technology section. CMPTR 103 WOMEN AND TECHNOLOGY Online-Gotowww.vmoLorglosturt. $16 HertelG 2or 2100 CMPTR 105 SMAIt OFFKE/HOME OFFICE NETWORKING Online. Go to www.waol.arg to start. $16 Hertel G 2o 2104 CMPTR 110 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONCEPTS 5:00p- 7:15p TTh SheI-TJL 116 (ITV) Westlund M 5cr 7215 Online- Go to to start. $40 WestJund M 5o 2110 ! 11 INTRO TO OPERATING SYSTEMS Prerequisite: CMPTR 110 or concurrent enrollment. Online. Go to wvnv,wooLorg o storl. $32 Westlund M 4or 2TI5 (MPTR 112 INTRO TO WINDOWS 8:30a-5:30p Sot/20 SheI-OCSI07 DahonD hr 7218 Online . Go to www,wool,ocg to stnrt. S8 HertelG lcr 2118 CMPTR 115 INTRO TO THE INTERNET Online- Go to w' to start. S24 Westb,d M 3or 2127 CMPTR 120 PROGRAkMING CONCEPTS Prerequisite: CMPTR i 10 or concurrent onrollment in CMPTR 110 or permission ol instructor. Online Go to inshudor's web site to storL Hanson O R 5cr 2t36 Instructor's web site: (MPTR 122 APPLICATIONS FOR IT PROFESSIONALS Online - Go to www.waol.ofg to start. $32 Wosdund M 4or 2139 CMPTR 127 INTRO TO MS WORD WORD PROCESSING 8:300- 5:30p So 1/27 SheIOCS 107 Ledgenvood A l cr 7227 CMPTH 128 INTRO TO MS EXCEL 8:300-5:30p 5o2/10 5heI.OCS107 LedgerwoorlA lcr 7229 (MPTR 137 INTRO TO MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 8:30a-5:30p Sa2/24 Shol-OCS107 LedgenvoodA hr 7236 Online. Go to to start. $8 Westlund M lcr 2178 CMPTR 150 SURVEY/MICROCOMPUTING - PERSONAL CMPTR 7:25p-9:40p 1111 SheI-OCS 107 McInlosh B 4or 7240 Online- Go to www,wnoLorg to start. S32 Solos J 4or 2200 CMPTR 154 INTRO TO MS ACCESS Prerequisite: Windows skills and o prior computer class or permission of instructor. Online- Go to to start. $32 8ilodenu P 4or 2208 cMErrR 165 INTRO TO VISUAL BASIC I Prerequisite: CMPTR 120 or permission of instructor, Online- Go to www.waol,org to start. S32 Durr K 4or 2212 CMPTR 172 PC HARDWARE BASICS Online- Go to to start. S40 Hertel G 5cr 2214 CMPTR 173 INTRO TO TCP/IP Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Online- Go to www,wnoLorg to start. 0 Bldckwell K 5rr 2215 CMPTR 190 INFORMATION SYSTEM PROJECT MANAGEMENT Prerequisite: CMPTR 185. Online - Go to www.waoLorg to stast. S32 8ilodeouP 4or 2220 For Conporative Education and Internship Information, call 360.475.7480 or 1.800.259.6718, Ext. 7480. Bremurton Campus Location, ART 122-C Pormissio, of Cooperative Education Conrdiontor required for Cooperative Ednceflon classes; contact 360.475.7480 or !.800.259.6718, Ext. 7480. CO-OP 111 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION SEMINAR I (1 Prerequisite: Conrurrent enrollment with first quarter Co-op Work Exporieofe, Online- Go to to start, $16 White I 2or 1316 Orientation: Wed., Jan. 3, 7:30.8:30p in 6rem-TEC i )1, Poul-OCP 109,ShoLIJL I I I. COOP 123/223 COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE CE Prerequisite: CO-OP 123: CO-OP seminar concurrent with first quarter work experience. CO-OP 223: Proreqeislte: Permission of conperotive education coofdinetor and current enrollment in CO-0P Seminar. R R ARR TBA 1-13cr ## CO-OP 189A/B/C COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER SERVICE CE CO'OP 289A/B/C COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER SERVICE (1 ARR ARR AER McOermatt T 3cr *Cooperative Work Experience and Community Volunteer Sorvke Item numbers are assigned by the Cooperative Education Coordinator and must be obtained stration. CRNH 201 PRINCIPLES Of INVESTIGATION Prerequisite: CRM-J 101 or CRM-J 103, or SOCIO 103 or permission of Instructor. 5:00p- 7:1Sp MW SheI-TJL 116 (11t/) Weitzeil C 5o 7310 E(1 115 INTRO TO CHILD CARE Online- Go to to start, Meets 01/04/07 through 03/I 4/07. Online- Go to Io storL Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. SI6 KhodesJ 2cr 3105 St6 RhodesJ 2or 3107 HIST 102 WESTER N CIVILIZATION - 1300 TO 181S S S Telecourse $30 Schoeffec P 5cr 3400 Requiled uriantution: 7:00.8:00p Tues. 1/2 B,emertutz-HL 127 (BI Classroom). HIST 105 THE UNITED STAffS SINCE 1865 SS Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with o grade of 2.0 or above Telecourse $30 Schueffer P 5or 3414 Requited orientutioo: 7:00-8:00p Tues )/2 Bremeton HL 127 (81 Classroom). HIST 230 FILMS IN AMERICAN CULTURE SS Telecourse S3O Meyers J 5cr 342I Required orientation: 5:00-6:00p Wed. 1/3 Bremerton-FIL 127 (BI Classroom). HUt/AN 230 FILMS IN AMERICAN CULTURE H Telecourse S30 Meyers J 5cr 3435 Required urieetation: 5:00-6:0Op Wed. I/3 Bremertoo.HL 127 (BI Ciossoom) HUMAN 204 SURVEY OF WORLD LIT- 20TH CENTURY H Online,Gotowww.wool.ogtostart. $40 Woinwriglzt.I Scr 3440 Moots 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. Online - Go to to stad. $40 WainwrightJ 5cr 3442 Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. HUMAN 290 MASS MEDIA IN AMERICAN SOCIETY H Onlioe- Go to vwm.wool,or to slart. S40 Hewromer R 5cr 3445 JOURN 290 MASS MEDIA IN AMERICAN SOCIETY H Online, Oo to www.waokorg to sturt $40 Newcomer R 5o 3490 Students who hnve never token math classes at 0C need to ronloct the Student Entry and Advising Center to dotermine appropriate placement. MATH 094 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Prerequisite: MATH 090 with a grade of 2.0 or above or snfisiortory placement tesl sc0ro. 5:00p-7:15p . TT SheI.TJL 121 Bondes W 5cr 7442 MATH 107 COLLEGE MATH/LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS 16 Prwequisite: MATH 099 with n grndo o( 2 0 or above, or satisfuclofy placement test score, 5:00p- 7:15p . MW She( UL 12t 8andes W 5cr 7445 MATH 157 CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS NS Prerequisite: MATH 156 with o grude of 2.0 or above. Online Ba(kebuschA 5cr 4673 Online • Go to htlp://foru!,th tar urthel inlormution aboul the cluss (rod how to access the class website. Midterm mid Haul exams will be on campus. IMPORTANT NOT[: The ollne class website is NO1 uvaiiobe through the WAOL system. MATH 166 MATH REASONING/ELEMENTARY TEACHERS I 16 Prerequisite: MATH 099 with a grnde uf 2.0 or above or setistactory placement test score. 5:00p- 7:1Sp MW Shel-lJL 120 (ITV) Kelso M 5cr 7448 NOTE: MATH 166 (Winter) and MATH 167 (Spring) will be offered every other year, beginning Winter 2007. MOA 160 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY I 5:00p 7:50p T Shel TJL I11 (ITV} Spong R 3cr 7242 MOA 180 AIDS/HIV/BLOGD BORNE PATHOGENS CE Online. Go to to stud, S16 Lieseke C 2cr 2519 ,]['[l:['t:i:[']('' I IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII For other computer related courses, please see the Computer Information Systems section. Of TEC 101 ONE-HANDED KEYBOARD CE AJ AER SheI-ARR [udgecwood A 3or 7245 OFTEC IO2 SCREEN MAGNIFICATION (1 AI A]LR Shoe ARR Ledgerwood A hr 7246 Of TEC 103 BRAILLE TRAHSLATION AND PRINTING (1 PrerequisIte: OFTEC 104. ARR ARI Shel ARR LedgerwoodA 3cr 7247 Of TEC 104 VOICE OUTPUT LEVEL I CE Prereqalsite: Keyboard skills. ARR ARR ShelARR LedgerwoodA 3or 7248 Of TEC 105 VOICE OUTPUT LEVEL 2 (1 Prerequisite: OffEC 104. ARR R SheI-ARR LedgerwoadA 3cr 7249 Of TEC ID6 VOICE OUTPUT LEVEL 3 (1 Proreqalsite: OFTEC l05, ARR ARR SheI.ARR LedgerwoodA 3o 7250 Of TEC 107 VOICE RECOGNITION LEVEL I (1 ARR ARR SheI-ARR Ledgofwoed A 3cc 7251 Of TIEC 108 VOICE RECOGNITION LEVEL 2 C[ Prerequisite: 0EC 107 ARR ARR ShelARR Ledgenvend A 3€ 7252 Of TIEC 109 VOICE RECOGNITION LEVEL 3 (1 Prerequisite: 0FTEC I 0B. ARR ARR SheI.ARR Ledgerwend A 3cr 7253 OCTEC 110 BEGINNING KEYBOARDING 5:00p-7:lbp TTh Shol-O(S107 S)2 Cunninghnm[ 3(r 7255 OfTEC i ! I DATA ENTRY SKILL BUILDING Prerequisite: OFTEC ] I 0 or equivulent. 5:00p- 7:15p T' SheI-OCS 107 SI2 (uoninghom E 3cr 7258 OfTEC 112 DOCUMENT FORMATTING Prerequisite: 0FTEC 141, keyboarding proficiency at 30+ NWAM or permission of instru(tor. 5:00p- 7:15p l"Ib ShoI.OCS 107 Cuoningham E 3or 7261 OfTEC 115 SPEED AND ACCURACY KEYBOARDING Prerequisite: OFTEC 111. 5:00p- 7:15p lTh SheI-OCS 107 Cunningham E 3or 7264 OPI1EC 124 ELECTRONIC PRINTING CALCULATORS 5:00p-7:lbp  Shel-OCS107 SI2 CunninghumE 2o 7268 Of TEC 130 ACCOUNTING SIMULATION/SERV DUSINESS CE Prerequisite: 0FTEC 121 or BS.EC 251, Online- Go Io to slort. $8 Solos J 1cr 828(] OfTEC 131 ACCOUNTING SIMULATION/MERCH BUSINESS CE PrerequisNe: 0FTEC 121 or BS-EC 251. Online. Go to www,waol.ofg Io start. $8 5ales J l cr 8281 OfTIEC 132 ACCOUNTING SIMULATION/CORPORATION (1 Prorequisite: BS-EC 252. Online- Go Io www, to storl. $8 Solos J Icr 8284 OFTEC 134 COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING Prerequisite: OFTEC 121 or BS-EC 251 end aFTEr 110 with o grodo of 2.0 or higher, or permission of instructor. Online- Go to to stoft, $24 Solos J 3cr 2626 OFTEC 141 MS WORD SPECIALIST Prorequlsite: CMPTR 150 and keyboarding by touch, or permission of instructor. S:OOp 7:15p l"Ib Shel-OCS 107 Cunninghem E 4or 7283 OFTEC IS2 MS EXCEL SPECIALIST Prerequisite: CMPTE 150. 5:00p- 7:15p TTh Shot-ors 107 Cunningham [ 4or 7285 Onlino- Go to to start, $32 liormoa N 4rr 2639 Of TEC 180 INTEGRATION OF SOFTWARE APPUCATIONS Prerequisite: CMPTR 150 or pormission of instructor. 0nline. Go te to start. SI6 SaJns J 2cr 2650 OfT[C 214 ADVANCED OFFICE APPLICATIONS Prerequisite: 0FTE( 141, OF'TEC 152, and OFTEC 170 or CMPTR 154, koyboerdiog proficiency at 45+ NWAM or permission of instructor. 5:00p-7:15p I" Shol-OCS107 CunninghamE 4(r 7292 PARED O16 PARENT EDUCATION COOPERATIVES CE Prerequisite: Child must be enrolled in preschool/childcare center/olomentory school. OC CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND FAMILY CENTER (CDFC) Online - Go to www.wool.ofg to stort. S16 Kim K 1.2cr 3738 Ontino- Go to Io start. SI6 Kim K I- 2or 3739 PHILO IO1 INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY H/SS Telecourse $30 Jokhi O 5o 3770 Required orientation: 4:00-5:00p Tues. 1/2 8zecntun-HL 110 (DL Clossroum). PE-[D 104 HEALTH SCIENCE SS 6:00p+7:40p 111 SheI-TJLI11(ITV) $5 McKayB 2or 7461 PaL-S210 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT SS 5:00p- 7:15p Trh ShoI-P 002 McIntnsh B 5o 7366 Online- Go to to start, $40 Tofen O 5o 3786 PSYCH 101 " GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY SS lelecourse $30 Tofen D 5o 3802 Required orioototioo: 7:30,B:30p Wed. I/3 Bemertoo HL 127 (BI C[usoom). Online- Go to www.woul.or9 to slart. $40 Bofke C 5cr 380(] 0,lir, a to vw.vu010g I0 start $40 rnkr ( cr :l PSYCH 224 UFESPAN DEVELOPMENT SS Prerequisites PSYCH 101. Telecourse $30 SondlorJ 5cr 3830 Eequi(ed orieetation: 4:30.S:00p Wed. 1/3 Bemerton.HL 110/shobon-TJL 120, PSYCH 240 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY SS Prerequisite: PSYCH 101 or permission of instructor. Telecourse $30 Sandier J 5o 3832 Required uriemotien: 4:00-4:30p Wed. I/3 6rornertenollL l lO/Sholloe-TJL 120. PSYCH 260 INTRO TO CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY SS Prorequisite: tither PSYCH 101 or SOCI0 101 or instructor's approval. Online. Go to to stoft. 910 TorenD 5or 3838 SOCIO 101 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY S Telecourse $30 0ofkerC 5o 3852 Required orientotinn: 4:00-5:00p Toes. 1/2 Rrwnerton-HL I 14 (Medie 11/Studio]. Online Go to www, to stoft. $40 Kingston M 5or 385 Porlobld Coofso (I/08/07-3/06/07) Barker C 5cr 3847 Course instructions included in course materials purket at 0C Bookstore. SOCIO ID2 SOCIAL PROBLEMS SS Online. Go to vvw.wuol.ofg to stnrt, 910 Kingston M 5€r 3862 II':[<',t:l[,m,]t'llllllll i i ii i TEC-D 270 3D ANALYST CE Prerequisite: TEC-D 139 or TECD 150, Online- Centoft inslru(tor ut 360.475.7389 to start. Gross L 2or 2764 TEC-D 271 GEODATABASES FOR GIS (1 ; Prerequisite: TEC-O 139 or TEC-D 150. Online- Contoft instruclof at 360.475.7389 to start. Gross L 2or 2765 TEC-D 272 GEOPRO(1SSING WITH GIS CE Prerequisite: TEC-D 139 or TE[-D 150. 0aline. Centnct instrudof at 360.475.7389 to stoft. Gross L 2cr 2766 TEC-D 273 MAP PROJECTIONS IN GIS (1 Prereqalsite: TEC.D 139 or TEC-D 150. Online- Conloft insltuctof nt 3601475.7389 to $1orL Gross L 2or 2767 TEC-D 274 NATURAL RESOURCE GIS (1 Prerequisite: TEC.D 139 of TEC-D 150. Online.. Canted instructor at 360,475.7389 to start. Gross L 2or 2768 TEC-D 275 SPATIAL ANALYST C[ Prerequisite: TEC.O 139 or TEC-D 150. Ooline - Contud instructor at 360.475,7389 to start. Gross L 2o 2769 EDUC 1OI INTRO TO EDUCATION SS Online. Go to to slnct. $40 Sontofd M 5o 3180 Online, Go to to start. $40 Sanford M 5o 3181 EDUC 120 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Online- Go to www.wool,org to start. $40 Sonford M 5or 3184 [DUC 125 INSTRUCTIONAL ROLES OF PARA EDUCATORS Online-Gatowww.wool.orgtostnrt. S,iO SonfordM 5or 3185 ELECT 200 DASIC ELECTRONICS THEORY & ASSESSMENT Prorequisffe: Permission of instructor Polde Course {1/08/07-3/06/07) Szymkewicz M Course instrurtiens in(Wed in course materials packet at O( Bookstme. 5 2362 Students enrolling In English 101 MUST take o placement test. ENGL 101 COMPOSITION Prerequisite: Apprnpriote plncement test score, or completion of ENGL 099 with o grade of 2.0 or better, or completion of ENGL 098 with u grade of 2.5 of better, or permission of instructor. Online - Go to www.waol,org to start. $40 HongN 5or 3220 Online - Go to www.wool.osg to stort. 0 HongN 5cr 3221 102 COMPOSITION Prerequisite: Successful completion of EHGL 101 with o 2.0 or better or its equivalenL Online- Go to to start. 910 Wninwright J 5(r 3245 Online- Oo to www,waol,org to start. 910 Wainwright J 50 3246 ENGL 104 1KHNICAL WRITING Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENGL i 01 with n 2,0 or better or its equivalent. Online - Go to to start. $40 Hoene K 5cr 3265 ENGL 140 INTRO TO UTERATURE H Telesourse $30 MeyersJ 5cr 3276 Required urieatation: 6:00-7:001) Wed, I/3 Bremeton-HL 127 (81 Closszenm). ENGL 261 AMERICAN UTERATURE H Online- Go to to start, 910 Meyers J 5o 3277 ENGL 284 SURVEY Of WORLD LIT- 20TH CENTURY H Online - Go to www.wool,org to stort. $40 WoinwrightJ 5o 3288 Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. Online- Go to wvm.waoLorg to stofl, $40 Wainwright J 5cr 3289 Meets 01/04/07 through 03/14/07. FOR !IGN LANGuAGES-SPANISH FLSPH 102 ELEMENTARY SPANISH H Prerequio: FLSPN 101 or equivalent, Telofourse $30 Newellli 5o 3396 Required orientulien: 4:00. 5:00p Wed. I/3 Bremertoo.HL 114 (Medi TV Studio). GENERAL STilDIES GEN-S IOO STRATEGIES FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS Online - Go to w',vw.wool,ofg to stoft. $16 AdamsonL 2cr 5426 "GEN-S 110 RESEARCH IN THE INFORMATION AGE Online- Go to wwsv.wool.ocg to start. S]6 Mercer K 2cr 5432 GEIFS 140 CAREER PLANNING/UFE EXPLORATION Online . Go to www.wnol,org to stort, $8 RamakerJ lcr 5430 GEOLOGY GEOl. 101 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY NS 5:00p-6:50p TTh Shel-O[S116 SIO McDougollJ 5o 7416 Also meets 7:00p- 7:50p TTh in SheI-OCS ! 16 for ldb, GEOL I SS NEW/GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 16 Online- Go to to slurL 910 Matins S 5cr 4426 Thursday, January 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23