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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 4, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.® I CLASSIFIED" 15 words or less- $6.50 ,Classified deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 ,Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first insertion only. ANTIQUES 25% OFF everything. Up The Creek ANTIQUE DINING table, 6tapestry cov- antiques, collectibles and gifts. 561 N. ered chairs, $600. (360) 877-9329. J1/4 Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. Call or take a chance and drop by 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (360) 877-9329. J1/4 WANTED BIRD CAGE 24x22x60, inside 30"H, with playtop, bar spacing 5/8. Nontoxic powder coat green, $250. (360) 427- 9153. D1/4 WANTED - LAWN/garden equipment, ................................................................................................... all shapes and sizes. Specifically riding HI-SPEED DIALUP $17.95, Regular mowers, pressure washer, hand tools, speed $13.95 per month. Local access utility trailer. Trade work, or reasonable numbers, free e-mail, www.universal- cash paid. (360) 432-7935; (360) 789- pin #85026. (360) 402-7129. 5570. L6/15tfn D1/4-25 .............................................................................................................. BUYING SCRAP gold and silver and LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort - open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-8632) will continue her winter clearance sale thru the January 15th holiday! This sale features 50% savings on all sweaters, jackets and coats including fur, leather and Pendleton! In addition, regularly priced house tickets are reduced 30% including furniture, lamps, chandeliers, carpets, housewares and collectibles! Don't miss the new inventory including a mahogany curved front bookcase, an antique settee and chair set, a marble topped wash stand, a Duncan Phyfe dining table/chairs and so much more! In addition our artisans have stocked the Lady with reliquary, stained glass, jewelry, handwork, copper sculpture, rare books, gel candles, bath and body products, and hand made lamps and novelties for that hard to find gift. And finally, for those escaping to vacations or cruises to warmer climes, the Lady will continue to offer a selection of resort wear to outfit you for any occasion or costume jewelry, DVDs/VHS movies, designer and vintage clothing and ac- cessories. Big Little, 211 W. Cota Street. B1/4-25 I PLEASE DONATE I your cars, boats or I RV's to the I "Toys For Kids Plus" I program for I a tax deduction. I We pic.up: I ........ (360) 432 2995 DRIVERS: $1,000 bonus when you Captain's table. L1/4-25 haul your first flatbed load. Also seek- ALL NATURAL vegetarian grain fed or- ganic beef 1/4, 1/2 or whole. Lean ham- burger special 20# box, $49.99. Call Art (360) 490-6766. T12/14-1/4 ALMOST NEW Dell Dimension E310 computer. 19" flat panel mohitor, speakers with sub, XP Home, DVD OM and burner (2 drives). 3.0 ghz processor, 80 gig hard drive, 1 gig RAM, $850 OBO or trade for laptop. (360) 432-7935 or (360) 789-5570. L9/14tfn DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus- tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood- ing western regional drivers. Werner Enterprises, 1-800-346-2818 ext. 126. A12/21-1/11 NOW HIRING waitress for 11 a.m.-2 p.m. shift. Apply in person Kobe Teri- yaki, 116 West Alder. K1/4 LOOKING FOR massage therapist. Pri- vate space in new salon. Choose your days. Call Tammy at Bella Cape,i, (360) 432-9950. F1/4-11 VICTIM ADVOCATE. Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney. Closing Date: 1- smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn 12-07. Salary: $3,229-$4,295 month. .......................................................................................................... Jobduties/qualifications/application form LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs use! For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- marie at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut * No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe ° Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deflveries Anywhere rLANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 • LAND203B-4 ,ml available on-line at or call (360) 754-3800 or TDD (360) 754-2933. T1/4 BECOME A familiar face to both your family and Walsh Trucking because you will be home daily! Drive newer, well- maintained equipment, enjoy paid time off, medical, dental, 401(k) benefits and more. Apply on-line at www.walshtruck- Call Joe at 800-422-4080; fax (503) 667-2590; joer@walshtruck- Wl/4 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, Inc. has an opening for a Job Developer/Employ- ment Consultant. Primary duties include developing employment positions in the community for individuals with disabili- ties. Work week is flexible schedule as required. Experience with Microsoft Of- rice preferred. Must be at least 21, have a valid WA DL, pass a pre-employment drug screen and criminal background check. Prefer marketing/sales experi- ence, strong employment background, administration/management/customer service experience, college education/ degree. Competitive wages DOQ. Pick up application packet at 2009 W. Rail- road Ave., Shelton. (360) 426-0077. E1/4 NEED DEPENDABLE framers. Hard working with some lead experience. Wages negotiable. Call (360) 432-9190 or (360) 507-4678. A1/4-11 EXPERIENCED COOKS and Bartend- ers openings at Loggers Bar and Grill. Apply in person, 7431 W. Shelton-Mat- lock Road. L12/28-1/4 CLAM DIGGERS needed, current WSDL and ability to pass UA required. Benefits. Send resume to PC Box 1157, Shelton, WA 98584, or fax to (360) 426- 5272. L1/4-11 Journal's Super Crossword Answers R E S A L P A B A S E IS IE T O N STORH DAHAGE? HEW PROJECTS? Remodeling end repair Repuir controctor will work for onythin of volue; for port or full trude 20 years experience Licensed and bonded (zso) 490-5222 REHODK'941JC ]z Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 4, 2007 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY worker needed in Shelton. Previous experience desired, but will train. Work involves use of microscope. Basic math required• Pay depends on skill level. Pleasant atmosphere, steady work, benefits. SSI Cable Corp, 820 E. Hiawatha Blvd., Shelton, (360) 426-5719. $1/4-11 WATER RESOURCES Associate: WSU Mason County Extension is seeking to fill a part-time hourly (~15 hrs./week) position to assist with the organization marketing and implementation of water resource related educational programs. Strong computer and organizational skills a plus. Bachelors' degree and knowledge of water quality issues in the region preferred. To apply please send a ROOF REPAIRS, affordable, call (360) 427-6289, ask for AI Handley. H1/4-25 BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gut- ters, roofs, yard work, garbage hauling, and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. (360) 229-0931 or (360) 229-9442. (360) 229-6984. (360) 229-0773. P11/23tfn STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type work with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn FREE GANDER. Free 1/2 America rooster. Breeder rabbits, $5 each. (36 426-1490. C12/7tfn exper ence, € driver molitic storm . drain c call L Z3/11 resume and cover letter to WSU Mason NURSING ASSISTANT (NAG). Shelto County Extension Attn: Emily Sanford, ! I 11840 North Highway 101, Shelton, WA 98584. Deadline is Friday, January 12th, 2007. Questions? Call (360) 427- LICENSED IN-HOMEdaycarehas3full- 9670 x682. Wl/4-11 time openings. Now accepting children ii iTi yhn2i iii $iii 7__ __ _. _.-C7-7- n for night care. Northwest Nutrition Food Program, large fenced yard, planned ac- Health and Rehabilitation currently has tivities. (360) 427-6705. P12/14-1/4 openings on evening and night shifts. ---- We are seeking an individual who has a LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an open- II Sh good attitude, can work in a team, cares ing, age 3 and up. Great learning envi- for others and will show up on time. ronment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Competitive wages. Come apply at 153 Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. Johns Ct., Shelton or apply online at View School. (360) 427-3763. Rll/ E.O.E. 23tfn • $12/28-1/19 CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. S. POSITION AVAILABLE in medicaloffice; cializing in finish carpentry (includ back office position open with possible crown molding, chair rail, fireplace s: advancement to front office. Computer rounds). Quality painting//wallpaperi skills, medical terminology and some sheetrocking, windows, doors, dect  billing a plus. Send resume to Blind Box fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 45 656, c/o Shelton Journal, PC Box 430, 0237 (Olympia). License #CUST Shelton, WA 98584.12/28-1/4 C981 RE. C11/9tfn ]i RETAIL SALES position, full time. Join our busy, fast-paced marine and fish- ing store where customer service is a priority. Experience with cash registers and multi-phone lines is needed. Drop a resume or application at Verle's LLC. (360) 426-0933. V12/28-1/4 SALARIED OTR truck driver(s), 7-10 days out, 4-7 days off. Dedicated route, dispatched work offered on days off if desired. Paid vacation and medical insurance assistance. Team or single applicants. E-mail hollycareer@yahoo. com or call (360) 426-9549. H12/28- 1/18 TAXI DRIVER, part-time to full-time, evenings and weekends, great supple- mental income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial experience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M 12/14-1/4 MASSAGE THERAPIST or Esthetician room for lease, Chez Beau&s. Ask for Dana (360) 427-8684. C10/26tfn IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for laborers, CDL drivers, starting at $11-$12 per hour DOE. Pick up applicatioJs at The Roof Doctor, 1131 W. Kamilche Lane, Shelton from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday- Friday. Located just off U.S. Hwy. 101 across from Skyline Drive-In at Taylor Towne. R12/21-1/11 MASON COUNTY PUD No. 1 Commis- sioners are seeking candidates for the position of Manager. Bachelor's degree in public administration, business, engi- neering or equivalent. Minimum of five years experience in management within a public utility. Comprehensive knowl- edge of principles and practices of the utility industry, including knowledge of utility operations, financing, and plan- ning. Demonstrated management abil- ity through the work of others, including knowledge of management principles, union negotiations, ability to delegate authority and responsibility, and skilled human resources management. Experi- ence working constructively and openly with a board of elected officials. Ability to communicate and work effectively with employees, the public, the media, civic and business groups, organiza- tions, government agencies and legis- lators. Salary: DOE. Excellent benefits package. To Apply: Contact Human Resources for an application packet at (360) 877-5249 or email debbiek@hctc. com. Application materials must be re- ceived no later than 5 p.m. January 15, 2007 to be considered. P12/7-1/11 repai DOGS LOVE school with Septem:. klers Morn (30+ years professionaltrainer azr bris author of best-selling training bool (360) Group classes, convenient private le: H8/2, sons and behavioral consults. Manner! Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 43 [ 3633 M11/9tfn '. aspe( ganiz Cons (360) THE GIFT of music. Guitar and Bass lessons in your home. Professional musician with 5 years teaching expe- rience. $80 per month for 4-40 min- ute sessions. Call or email Will. (360) 426-9692 - A12/14tfn MUSIC LESSONS in cello, 'bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ juno.corn for available times. P5/25tfn 23 PEOPLE wanted to lose 5-100 pounds. All natural Herbalife. Free well- ness evaluation. Call Karen (360) 898- 0004. L10/26-1/11/07 i COMMUNITY YOUTH SERVICES Where Youth Sucteed Make a difference in a foster youth's life and earn $1,000/month Community'Youth Services is looking for foster families and respite/short-term foster families in Mason, Grays Harbor, Lewis and Thurston counties to care for adolescent foster youth. Families must be caring, structured and willing to attend trainings. Foster parents receive monthly stipend, 24-hour case management, crisis support, respite care and ongoing training. For more information on how you can make a difference in a child's life, call Amanda at (360) 943-0780 x104. MINIATURE POODLE puppies, AKC/ ACA. Black, 6 weeks. Gorgeous, sweet, loving, $500. (360) 427-4316. J 12/14-1/4 DACHSHUND PUPS. $250 males, $300 females, 8 weeks old. Call (360) 796-3290. M1/4-11 DACHSHUND PUPPIES, long-hair and short-hair miniature. Male $550, females $650, AKC registered, purebred. Vet examined, short-term health guarantee. Also 2 adults. (360) 490-4212. A1/4-25 BEAUTIFUL MALE AKC German shep- herd, 2 years old, free to loving person/fam- ily ASAP, moving. (360) 427-2866. M1/4 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af- fectionate companion cats and kittens, reasonable adoption fee includes al- ter, immunization, testing and parasite control. Cogtac't us at (360) 426-2455. Website, K1/4-2/22 STORM REPAIR. Roofs, tree remo repairs. Insurance welcome, mob I# included• (360) 349-8631; (360) 420 7257 NUTTCCS954MJ. N12/28-1/18 ' SHUFF'S FENCING. Family owned IO cal fencing company specializing wood fences. Willing to build any styli Licensed, bonded, insured. Call for a fr ! estimate. (360) 427-2914. $12/7-1/25 CAN FIX anything and can build anY' thing. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 ¢ (360) 490-8008. P11/16-1/4 YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowine' Baby needs diapers, so rm motivatedt C# Dan for your outside chores. (360) 43 i 7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn JOEl'S LANDSCAPING. Brush cle ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flowti' bed cleanup, barking. Free estimatt Year round• (360) 970-7063; (360) 43 1900. G 12/14-1/4 HAVE A tree down in your yard? Fr|! removal. Call me at (360) 427-77',- Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16ffn HANDYMAN - FALL clean-up, ChristrnJ lights installed. Insulating pipes/windoW. Gutter cleaning, pruning. Skilled lalA Landscape maintenance. Benjamin, (3 426-0084. B1 l/2ffn " STORM CLEANUP. Can clean up liml trees, debris and haul it away. Free e timate. Phone (360) 426-4504. Ask f Randy. H12/21-1/11 JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed oChipping °Bonded • Stump ° Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 II IIII .... J REPAIRS PLUS ][ Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, To Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 Nationwide Warranty ,.. O 462-0403 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton .® I CLASSIFIED" 15 words or less- $6.50 ,Classified deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 ,Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first insertion only. ANTIQUES 25% OFF everything. Up The Creek ANTIQUE DINING table, 6tapestry cov- antiques, collectibles and gifts. 561 N. ered chairs, $600. (360) 877-9329. J1/4 Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. Call or take a chance and drop by 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (360) 877-9329. J1/4 WANTED BIRD CAGE 24x22x60, inside 30"H, with playtop, bar spacing 5/8. Nontoxic powder coat green, $250. (360) 427- 9153. D1/4 WANTED - LAWN/garden equipment, ................................................................................................... all shapes and sizes. Specifically riding HI-SPEED DIALUP $17.95, Regular mowers, pressure washer, hand tools, speed $13.95 per month. Local access utility trailer. Trade work, or reasonable numbers, free e-mail, www.universal- cash paid. (360) 432-7935; (360) 789- pin #85026. (360) 402-7129. 5570. L6/15tfn D1/4-25 .............................................................................................................. BUYING SCRAP gold and silver and LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort - open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-8632) will continue her winter clearance sale thru the January 15th holiday! This sale features 50% savings on all sweaters, jackets and coats including fur, leather and Pendleton! In addition, regularly priced house tickets are reduced 30% including furniture, lamps, chandeliers, carpets, housewares and collectibles! Don't miss the new inventory including a mahogany curved front bookcase, an antique settee and chair set, a marble topped wash stand, a Duncan Phyfe dining table/chairs and so much more! In addition our artisans have stocked the Lady with reliquary, stained glass, jewelry, handwork, copper sculpture, rare books, gel candles, bath and body products, and hand made lamps and novelties for that hard to find gift. And finally, for those escaping to vacations or cruises to warmer climes, the Lady will continue to offer a selection of resort wear to outfit you for any occasion or costume jewelry, DVDs/VHS movies, designer and vintage clothing and ac- cessories. Big Little, 211 W. Cota Street. B1/4-25 I PLEASE DONATE I your cars, boats or I RV's to the I "Toys For Kids Plus" I program for I a tax deduction. I We pic.up: I ........ (360) 432 2995 DRIVERS: $1,000 bonus when you Captain's table. L1/4-25 haul your first flatbed load. Also seek- ALL NATURAL vegetarian grain fed or- ganic beef 1/4, 1/2 or whole. Lean ham- burger special 20# box, $49.99. Call Art (360) 490-6766. T12/14-1/4 ALMOST NEW Dell Dimension E310 computer. 19" flat panel mohitor, speakers with sub, XP Home, DVD OM and burner (2 drives). 3.0 ghz processor, 80 gig hard drive, 1 gig RAM, $850 OBO or trade for laptop. (360) 432-7935 or (360) 789-5570. L9/14tfn DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus- tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood- ing western regional drivers. Werner Enterprises, 1-800-346-2818 ext. 126. A12/21-1/11 NOW HIRING waitress for 11 a.m.-2 p.m. shift. Apply in person Kobe Teri- yaki, 116 West Alder. K1/4 LOOKING FOR massage therapist. Pri- vate space in new salon. Choose your days. Call Tammy at Bella Cape,i, (360) 432-9950. F1/4-11 VICTIM ADVOCATE. Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney. Closing Date: 1- smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn 12-07. Salary: $3,229-$4,295 month. .......................................................................................................... Jobduties/qualifications/application form LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs use! For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- marie at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut * No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe ° Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deflveries Anywhere rLANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 • LAND203B-4 ,ml available on-line at or call (360) 754-3800 or TDD (360) 754-2933. T1/4 BECOME A familiar face to both your family and Walsh Trucking because you will be home daily! Drive newer, well- maintained equipment, enjoy paid time off, medical, dental, 401(k) benefits and more. Apply on-line at www.walshtruck- Call Joe at 800-422-4080; fax (503) 667-2590; joer@walshtruck- Wl/4 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, Inc. has an opening for a Job Developer/Employ- ment Consultant. Primary duties include developing employment positions in the community for individuals with disabili- ties. Work week is flexible schedule as required. Experience with Microsoft Of- rice preferred. Must be at least 21, have a valid WA DL, pass a pre-employment drug screen and criminal background check. Prefer marketing/sales experi- ence, strong employment background, administration/management/customer service experience, college education/ degree. Competitive wages DOQ. Pick up application packet at 2009 W. Rail- road Ave., Shelton. (360) 426-0077. E1/4 NEED DEPENDABLE framers. Hard working with some lead experience. Wages negotiable. Call (360) 432-9190 or (360) 507-4678. A1/4-11 EXPERIENCED COOKS and Bartend- ers openings at Loggers Bar and Grill. Apply in person, 7431 W. Shelton-Mat- lock Road. L12/28-1/4 CLAM DIGGERS needed, current WSDL and ability to pass UA required. Benefits. Send resume to PC Box 1157, Shelton, WA 98584, or fax to (360) 426- 5272. L1/4-11 Journal's Super Crossword Answers R E S A L P A B A S E IS IE T O N STORH DAHAGE? HEW PROJECTS? Remodeling end repair Repuir controctor will work for onythin of volue; for port or full trude 20 years experience Licensed and bonded (zso) 490-5222 REHODK'941JC ]z Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 4, 2007 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY worker needed in Shelton. Previous experience desired, but will train. Work involves use of microscope. Basic math required• Pay depends on skill level. Pleasant atmosphere, steady work, benefits. SSI Cable Corp, 820 E. Hiawatha Blvd., Shelton, (360) 426-5719. $1/4-11 WATER RESOURCES Associate: WSU Mason County Extension is seeking to fill a part-time hourly (~15 hrs./week) position to assist with the organization marketing and implementation of water resource related educational programs. Strong computer and organizational skills a plus. Bachelors' degree and knowledge of water quality issues in the region preferred. To apply please send a ROOF REPAIRS, affordable, call (360) 427-6289, ask for AI Handley. H1/4-25 BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gut- ters, roofs, yard work, garbage hauling, and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. (360) 229-0931 or (360) 229-9442. (360) 229-6984. (360) 229-0773. P11/23tfn STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type work with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn FREE GANDER. Free 1/2 America rooster. Breeder rabbits, $5 each. (36 426-1490. C12/7tfn exper ence, € driver molitic storm . drain c call L Z3/11 resume and cover letter to WSU Mason NURSING ASSISTANT (NAG). Shelto County Extension Attn: Emily Sanford, ! I 11840 North Highway 101, Shelton, WA 98584. Deadline is Friday, January 12th, 2007. Questions? Call (360) 427- LICENSED IN-HOMEdaycarehas3full- 9670 x682. Wl/4-11 time openings. Now accepting children ii iTi yhn2i iii $iii 7__ __ _. _.-C7-7- n for night care. Northwest Nutrition Food Program, large fenced yard, planned ac- Health and Rehabilitation currently has tivities. (360) 427-6705. P12/14-1/4 openings on evening and night shifts. ---- We are seeking an individual who has a LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an open- II Sh good attitude, can work in a team, cares ing, age 3 and up. Great learning envi- for others and will show up on time. ronment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Competitive wages. Come apply at 153 Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. Johns Ct., Shelton or apply online at View School. (360) 427-3763. Rll/ E.O.E. 23tfn • $12/28-1/19 CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. S. POSITION AVAILABLE in medicaloffice; cializing in finish carpentry (includ back office position open with possible crown molding, chair rail, fireplace s: advancement to front office. Computer rounds). Quality painting//wallpaperi skills, medical terminology and some sheetrocking, windows, doors, dect  billing a plus. Send resume to Blind Box fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 45 656, c/o Shelton Journal, PC Box 430, 0237 (Olympia). License #CUST Shelton, WA 98584.12/28-1/4 C981 RE. C11/9tfn ]i RETAIL SALES position, full time. Join our busy, fast-paced marine and fish- ing store where customer service is a priority. Experience with cash registers and multi-phone lines is needed. Drop a resume or application at Verle's LLC. (360) 426-0933. V12/28-1/4 SALARIED OTR truck driver(s), 7-10 days out, 4-7 days off. Dedicated route, dispatched work offered on days off if desired. Paid vacation and medical insurance assistance. Team or single applicants. E-mail hollycareer@yahoo. com or call (360) 426-9549. H12/28- 1/18 TAXI DRIVER, part-time to full-time, evenings and weekends, great supple- mental income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial experience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M 12/14-1/4 MASSAGE THERAPIST or Esthetician room for lease, Chez Beau&s. Ask for Dana (360) 427-8684. C10/26tfn IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for laborers, CDL drivers, starting at $11-$12 per hour DOE. Pick up applicatioJs at The Roof Doctor, 1131 W. Kamilche Lane, Shelton from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday- Friday. Located just off U.S. Hwy. 101 across from Skyline Drive-In at Taylor Towne. R12/21-1/11 MASON COUNTY PUD No. 1 Commis- sioners are seeking candidates for the position of Manager. Bachelor's degree in public administration, business, engi- neering or equivalent. Minimum of five years experience in management within a public utility. Comprehensive knowl- edge of principles and practices of the utility industry, including knowledge of utility operations, financing, and plan- ning. Demonstrated management abil- ity through the work of others, including knowledge of management principles, union negotiations, ability to delegate authority and responsibility, and skilled human resources management. Experi- ence working constructively and openly with a board of elected officials. Ability to communicate and work effectively with employees, the public, the media, civic and business groups, organiza- tions, government agencies and legis- lators. Salary: DOE. Excellent benefits package. To Apply: Contact Human Resources for an application packet at (360) 877-5249 or email debbiek@hctc. com. Application materials must be re- ceived no later than 5 p.m. January 15, 2007 to be considered. P12/7-1/11 repai DOGS LOVE school with Septem:. klers Morn (30+ years professionaltrainer azr bris author of best-selling training bool (360) Group classes, convenient private le: H8/2, sons and behavioral consults. Manner! Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 43 [ 3633 M11/9tfn '. aspe( ganiz Cons (360) THE GIFT of music. Guitar and Bass lessons in your home. Professional musician with 5 years teaching expe- rience. $80 per month for 4-40 min- ute sessions. Call or email Will. (360) 426-9692 - A12/14tfn MUSIC LESSONS in cello, 'bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ juno.corn for available times. P5/25tfn 23 PEOPLE wanted to lose 5-100 pounds. All natural Herbalife. Free well- ness evaluation. Call Karen (360) 898- 0004. L10/26-1/11/07 i COMMUNITY YOUTH SERVICES Where Youth Sucteed Make a difference in a foster youth's life and earn $1,000/month Community'Youth Services is looking for foster families and respite/short-term foster families in Mason, Grays Harbor, Lewis and Thurston counties to care for adolescent foster youth. Families must be caring, structured and willing to attend trainings. Foster parents receive monthly stipend, 24-hour case management, crisis support, respite care and ongoing training. For more information on how you can make a difference in a child's life, call Amanda at (360) 943-0780 x104. MINIATURE POODLE puppies, AKC/ ACA. Black, 6 weeks. Gorgeous, sweet, loving, $500. (360) 427-4316. J 12/14-1/4 DACHSHUND PUPS. $250 males, $300 females, 8 weeks old. Call (360) 796-3290. M1/4-11 DACHSHUND PUPPIES, long-hair and short-hair miniature. Male $550, females $650, AKC registered, purebred. Vet examined, short-term health guarantee. Also 2 adults. (360) 490-4212. A1/4-25 BEAUTIFUL MALE AKC German shep- herd, 2 years old, free to loving person/fam- ily ASAP, moving. (360) 427-2866. M1/4 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af- fectionate companion cats and kittens, reasonable adoption fee includes al- ter, immunization, testing and parasite control. Cogtac't us at (360) 426-2455. Website, K1/4-2/22 STORM REPAIR. Roofs, tree remo repairs. Insurance welcome, mob I# included• (360) 349-8631; (360) 420 7257 NUTTCCS954MJ. N12/28-1/18 ' SHUFF'S FENCING. Family owned IO cal fencing company specializing wood fences. Willing to build any styli Licensed, bonded, insured. Call for a fr ! estimate. (360) 427-2914. $12/7-1/25 CAN FIX anything and can build anY' thing. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 ¢ (360) 490-8008. P11/16-1/4 YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowine' Baby needs diapers, so rm motivatedt C# Dan for your outside chores. (360) 43 i 7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn JOEl'S LANDSCAPING. Brush cle ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flowti' bed cleanup, barking. Free estimatt Year round• (360) 970-7063; (360) 43 1900. G 12/14-1/4 HAVE A tree down in your yard? Fr|! removal. Call me at (360) 427-77',- Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16ffn HANDYMAN - FALL clean-up, ChristrnJ lights installed. Insulating pipes/windoW. Gutter cleaning, pruning. Skilled lalA Landscape maintenance. Benjamin, (3 426-0084. B1 l/2ffn " STORM CLEANUP. Can clean up liml trees, debris and haul it away. Free e timate. Phone (360) 426-4504. Ask f Randy. H12/21-1/11 JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed oChipping °Bonded • Stump ° Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 II IIII .... J REPAIRS PLUS ][ Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, To Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 Nationwide Warranty ,.. O 462-0403 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton