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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 5, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 5, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County-City Record COUNTY BUILDING PERM]TS • One betiding pern'dt, to Har- old E. Danis for a carport and slab, $3,000, was approved by the Mason County Commission at its Dec. 27 meeting. FERRY R Receipts from the Harstine Is- land Ferry for the week ending Dec. 24 were $112.50, the Ma- son County Engineer's office re- ported. MASON OOUN'/ JU8TICE OOUI Appearing on the docket in Mason County Justice Court be- fore Judge Glenn Correa dur- ing the past two weeks were: Wuhington State Patrol Hobart Hedrick, Jr., Box 578, Sbelton, reckless driving, illegal possession of intoxicants, $106 fine, license revoked 30 days; Gary Schneider, 1914 Jefferson Shelton, improper lane of travel, $12 forfeit; Leone M. Smith, St. Rt. i, Box 165, Shelton, negligent driving, $29 forfeit; Kenneth Rovack, U. S. Navy, speeding, $12 forfeit; Evelyn Mesplie, Rt I, Box 309, Shelton, defective equipment, $12 forfeit; Joseph  Brown Jr., St. Rt. 2, Box 52, Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $50 fine, suspended, license re- voked 30 days; John B. Whiten- er, Rt. 1, Box 314A, Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $50 fine, license revoked 30 days; Patricia Shay, 626 E. Ninth, Port Angeles, speeding, $12 forfeit; Gordon W. Bennett, 1815 Adams, Shelton, exceeding posted speed limit, $12 forfeit; Leander Giest, Rt. 2, Box 300, Shelton, speed- ing, $12 forfeit; Jack Ring, Box 376, Suquamish, improper pas- sing, $12 forfeit; George Dinovi, St. Rt. 1, Box 458, Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $50 fine; Robert L. Bjork Mecleary, no operator's license on person, $12 forfeit; Milton Choate, Rt. 1, Box 573, Shelton, driving while license suspended $56 fine, 30 days in jail, 15 sus- pended; Gary L. Johnson, Rt. 2 Box 67, Shelton, $100 fine, sus- Hardy, 1932 NW 24th Portland, negligent driving, driving while license suspended, no operator's license, $124 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended; Wayne NoU, 1135 Callahan, Bremerton, speed- ing, $12 forfeit; Harry Hays Jr., Box 8, Lllliwaup, no valid Wash- ington vehicle license displayed $12 forfeit; Norman McMahand, Rt. 2, BOx 998, Shelton, failure to stop at stop sign, $12 forfeit. Sheriff's Office Joe Einarsson, Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $50 fine, five days in jail; Ronaid Dodds, 303 Kineo St., Shelton, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, 20 days in jail, 10 suspended; Juanita S. Ellis, 310 N. Decature, Olymoia, speeding, $24 forfeit; Gerald B. Howard, Clearwater, carrying loaded weapon in car, $50 fine, rifle confiscated 60 days. Game Department Sherman Harris, 911 Marion, Brenerton, possession of game unlawfully acquired, $50 forfeit. helton Police Lamont Wheaton, 1212 Edge- wood St., Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $78 fine, five days in jail, license revoked 60 days. SHELTON POLICE Eugene Stansell reported some- one shot at his car. Marvine Cline reported about $90 taken from his service sta- tion. William Bristol reported a wheel taken from his car. Windows were reported brok- en out of the Junior High School by rocks. Harry Calkins reported a tool shed entered and a prybar taken. Mrs. A. Almaden reported her front door catch lock taken. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Harley Johnson reported the Golden Pheasant Tavern enter- ed and cigarettes, beer and mon- ey from machines taken. Frank Hall reported damage to a vehicle. Robert Ingrain. reported a cab- in at Sunset Beach broken into. Chris Craney reported a boat drifted away. The Harkinson home on the FIRE DEPARTM3ENT Jan. 1, 1:07 a.m., d fire in a car belonging to Frank Monroe, 1729 Washington St. 8HELTON POLICE COITRT • Appearing on the docket in Shelton Police Court before Judge Rolla Halbert Tuesday night were Roseva Howe, 1114½ Ridgeroad, Shelton, no operat- or's license; Jerry L. Marcy, Rt. 3, BOx 441A, Shelton, failure to yield right-of-way, negligent dri- ving, $75 forfeit; Errin K. Barn- hard, 822 S. First St., Shelton, $56 forfeit; David L. Nevitt, 304 N. Second, Shelton, drunkenness $25 forfeit; David A. Smith, St. Rt. 1, BOx 44, minor consuming liquor, disorderly conduct, $50 fine, $2.50 costs; William Allen, Rt. 1, Box 242, Lakebay, speed- ing, no operator's license, $32 forfeit; Leo G. Henry, St. Rt. 1, Box 171, Shelton, minor consum- ing liquor, $50 forfeit. John Jansson, 77 Dies In Seattle • John August Jansson, 77, died in a Seattle hospital Tuesday. He was born March 27, 1889, in Sweden and lived in Shelton from 1922 to 1965 when he moved to Seattle. Most of the years he lived here he was employed by Kimbel Igging Co. Mr. Jansson served in the U. S. Navy during World War I. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. Friday in the Batstone Fun- eral Home with burial in the veterans' section of Shelton Me- morial Park. Survivors include his wife, Bernice Jansson, Se"-ttle; one daughter, Mrs. Karla J. Harris, Seattle; one son, Donald C. Jans- son, Huntington Beach, Calif. ; and four grandchildren. Dorothy Eads Dies Saturday • Dorothy Floy Eads, 62, died A CAPACITY CROWD filled the lobby of the National Bank of Mason County dur- ing its formal open house in the new quar- ters at Third and Cota. The new building enables the banking firm to give full- service to its customers including a drive- in window. Modern safety deposit boxes are another feature not offered at the or- iginal location. Allyn Resident Taken By Death • Guy E. Sharer, Star Route 1 Box 162, Allyn, died December 28 at 71 in Shelton General Hos- pital. He had lived in Mason County since 1939 and was born Oct. 18, 1895 in Oakland, Kans. Mr. Sharer was a veteran of World War I. He had operated a Hydraulic Repair Shop in Allyn the past few years. The funeral service was held at 1 p.m. last Friday in the Bat- . stone Funeral Home followed by cremation. Survivors inchrde one son, Richard Sharer, Allyn; a daugh- ter, Mrs. Kolene Liska, Long- view; six grandchildren; one brother, Ernest Sharer, Kelso; and one sister, Mrs. Letha Jones Weather High Low Precip. December 29 50 40 .50 December 30 50 38 .01 December 31 48 46 January I 50 44 1.02 January 2 47 39 .15 January 3 50 32 .86 January 4 48 33 .74 1£ ,, gnow Readings are for a 24-hour per- iod ending at 8 a.m. as reported by the Rayonier, Inc. weather station. Recurring rains Thursday thru Monday with total amounts more than normal and chance of a rainless day about Friday. Tem- peratures near normal with highs mostly in the 40s and lows in Marriage Licenses • Applying for marriage lic- enses in the Mason county au- ditor's office thJs past week were Perry A. Rose, 20, Shelton, and Leslie Saintignan, 18, Olym- pia. Clarence H. Walker, 55, Brem- erton, and Clara Walker, 50, Shelton. Clarence Willardson, 36, Camp Pendleton, Calif., and ]Yargaret Billings, 41, Long Beach, Calif. Everett Hope Jr., 21, Shelton, and Pamela Kramer, 17, Port- land. Randy Yaple, 17, Sequim, and pended, license to be turned in North Shore was broken into Saturday in Shelton General Hos- Salina, Kans. the 30s. Michelle De Long, 18, Seouim. until Jan. 10; Thomas Edwards and a rifle taken, pital. She made her home at Box 452, Shelton defective equip..:, T.h Dudley-FleurY service sta- g320 Laurel, street. Mrs,, Eads  "'|m'''''J''B'--, "'m'4' ............... ,,,,t $1 fn.t,. .......... .1 .... r'_ not, ......uon at Belfair was br?ken into. was borr M.ay 24, .'904, in Seattle V . :.. :  _  . ','. ten, Rt. 10, Box 408, Olympia,.. P UI. No. 1 reported about 400 and "hhd'rifidb fie'gr'lidrre here :i , ...... , -fore.Wide Pre.lnvenforv_, _ _ , ..... urtline. €19 frfit' Gerald R ree o= copper wire taken, the past 19 years, y - -'/h'' It-" 1"-'1'4 helton" C#rtified Manufacturing Co. re- She was a member of the VFW  ...... '" ; :  " "' [ ¢=ri', X-"l"-n--'t-'.T  ' ported vandalism Auxiliary and the Ea les Aux Hspeeding,andlv, BOx$17 forfeit;373s" Harold°"UceneG. mez.H°°dsportt oz .... gas SchOOlana a reportedfire extmgthe- eriliary, and was a Gold Star Mx)th- rasher from a school bus Young, 812 N. 5th Sheiton, speed-  .... ; The funeral service was held e  tmUcK :ngeiman reporvea van ing $12 forf it; John G. Denn'son, " at 1 n m Tuesday in the Bat- St Rt 1 Box 15 Hoodsrrt daiism to a construction build ...... %. "-" ....  ..... " ..... - ' ing at Hood Canal Junior High tunc funeral mome warn ttev. speeding, $12 forfeit; Baptis Der- " W. A. MacArthur of Olympia improper lane of travel, 512 for- . L,yze tooaras reporea a break ton Memorial Park. in on the North Shore felt; Creorge Watson, 110 York • Survivingareherhusband, Ed. ,  '''- mdllllBllllll Dr., Aberdeen, speeding, $17 for- 8UPEndeD ,-,-,-,,, ward Eads Shelton; one son feit; Dan Kozlowske, Rt. 3, Box ........... Donald J. 'Eads, Portland. a ' ..hE..a;;z°E7 S 376, Shelton, no valid Christmas New Cases daughter, Mrs. Molly Stacy,' Ta- | , Bottle of 12, Reg. $1.49 ...................................... NOW $1.19 ! Tree permit, overheight load, $24 Copeland Lumber Co. against coma; seven grandchildren; two t' REMINGT-O-N- LEKTRb2Onlv--C°rdl's'Sh"r--NJC IV, Reg. $38.95 .......................... NOW $30. '| fine, $10 suspended; James Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Beal, ab- brothers, Lloyd and William Her- Churchill, all lights and turn sig- stract of judgment, shey, both of Olympia; and one nais obscured by load, Rt. 1, Box Mell Chevrolet against Mr. and sister, Mrs. Fannie Tennyson, i 3 Only Blue Sky, 10-Transistor I 44, Shelton, $12 fine; Phililp W. Mrs. Willard Wivell. debt. Olympia• ' ; AM-FM PORTABLE RADIO, Reg. $29.95 ................................ NOW $19.95 i V 12-Transistor i AM PORTABLE RADIO, Reg. $12.95 .......................................... NOW $8.95 -. I / Regular Price on / l i I| NAME BRAND / . / t WATCHES 1/2 PRICE L DI[' 1 Only  Mercury Transistor Portable i RECORD PLAYER & AM RADIO COMBINATION, T i Reg. $59.95 ................................................................... NOW $49.00 t 5 Only -- With Leather Travel Kit i • Lady Arrow Blouses • Skirts j SHAVEX "CLASSIC" RAZORS, Reg. $19.95 .......................... NOW $13.95 i 1 Only ' l . FLORAL PLANTER LAMP, Reg. $4.29 .................................... NOW $2.98 | 2 Only V i•Pantse$ weatersec°rds I  2"QUART SAUCE PAN' Reg" $5"88,' 1-QUA RT4 Only -- CombinatiOnSAUCE PANSpeciaI'wITHReg" $7.75MEASURING ............................................ CUP .................. NowNOW $4.49 '$4.48 ] i 1 Only  Stainless Steel I • Rain Coats LAZY SUSAN WITH HEATED CHAFING DISH, l Reg. $16.98 NOW $12.95 I //13 F " . Full Bed Size, Many Colors STEAM " THERMOL BLANKETS, $6.95 Value .................................. SPECIAL $4.98 i LUX ALARM CLOCKS, Reg. $3.29 NOW $279 4 Only  Model No. 10921 ............................................. I & DRY IRON, Reg. $13.95 .................................. NOW $10.95 I A 3 Only  Model No. 10819 • " ........ y AUTOMATIC IRON, Reg. $6.95 .................................................. NOW $4.95 | 2 Only  Deluxe Automatic • SUNBEAM "VISTA" MIXER, Reg. $35.94 .............................. NOW $27.98 I NO RETURNS or EXCHANGES on SALE |  1 Only- Name Brand A/ I AUTOMATIC MIXER, Reg. $29.95 ...................... : ..................... NOW $21.95 MERCHA:NDISE  2 Only -- Reg. $24.95 I .. '_gR$ t " I ,,, SWIN G-A'-WAY CORDLE " 'V _L, NOW$18.95 ' ,i' i .Ple 2 - Shelton.Muon County Journal - Thursday, Jantmry 5, 1967 out-of, or whatever the case may be. Anyway we are at least half here for the start of the New Year. You should be all here though when you shop in Shelton this week, 'cause some of the best buys of the year (any year) are available right now, just be- fore inventory. Buys like these: George Valley, owner of Fens & Valley Appliaace Center, .has top buys just a-wait'n for you to stop in and save a fistfull (of cash that Is)... That Semi-Annual Women's Shoe Sale is starting it's second great week at Miller's Shoe Dept. and sales are terrific. If you want a good selection of top qual- ity shoes at a low price, better hot foot it right on in... Eldon Kahny, manager of Penney's, announced this week that the Pixy Photographer will be in Sbelton on January 12 thru :14. Better mark those dates on your calendar• . . Ken Chapman, owner of Ever- green Drug Center, is holding a Pre - Inventory Clearance Sale that is store-wide with low-low prices that are hard to believe. ti • With the holidays over, every- So hard to believe that y '( body seems to have successfully ter trot right in and see f0tl[, aft* negotiated the trials of the Rose self...  IrE S Bowl, Orange Bowl, Cotton Bowl Jim Pessimier, manag fc and whatever other "Bowls" Miller's, has just the ssleln a they may have gotten into or been iook'in for. .a a je g • ' it t:o Sale! And what a sale e Savings galore, all over f just wait:n for you to • oSt and choose... Jr 'iior Gene I-anson, manager wjPhor man's, has a January Cleq,, that will astound you. off on ninny ladies many to rrtention here waltz right on in and gander... Art Mell, owner of Mell rolet, has a white sale in ress right now! Better you can progress down in style... That's --30--- for this remember to SHOP IN AND SAVE! You'll be did ! Scientist Si • "Create in me a clean O God; and renew a right within me." This verse 51st Psalm is the for Christian Science ion services on Sunday. son-Sermon is rifled ment." Y*O,U:R SAVINGS EARN % I 8It ON 90-DAY TIMI00 CERYIRCATI00S OF DEPOSIT W That e Right! If you live in Mason County, yotI savings can earn this new higher rate of five per cent per annum. W PUT YOUR DOLLARS TO WORK TODAY! Your Home--Owned Full Service Bank National Bank of MASON COUNTY \\;:.. 34":tc:O::cOU NT i N,U R ED TO $15:h000°:: :2