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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 5, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 5, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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cal Youth In Viet Nam S÷an Wycltt Dayton: Discarded L00Ont Line Action Visits Here " 'L°cal Youth Home From Vief Nam Service Yule Trees To LEIKU, VIETNAM (10) -- miraculous, nobody's hit". was Lt. Frank White's an- to his conpany comman- r ffter the lieutenant and two l from. his platoon one of them a Shelton, had been pinned ,  for 50 ngnutes only 15 feet | a a North Vietnamese ma- 6 e gun firing from a bunker. i hite, 23, of Bronx New York, latoon leader of the 3rd Pla- of Company B, 2nd Battal- . 35th Infantry, 25th Infantry. sign. Along with his radio- phone operator, PFC Edward ' ford, 19, Shelton, and PFC t Wilson, 19, of Lake City, 3. a rifleman Lieutenant 0 te had gone some 30 meters tt rent of the platoon to check ' ethe bunker L! e trio was "only 15 feet from emplacement when the ma- gi e gun opened up on them they were unable to turn el URING THE 50 minutes that Y were pinned down about thousand rounds were fired URDAy, 2:12 a.m. 10.1 ft. 6:30 a.m. 7.6 ft. 12:12 p.m. 12.6 ft. 7:48 p.m. -1.3 ft. JAN. 7 3:24 a.m. 11.1 ft. 7:54 a.m. 8.4 ft. 1:00 p.m. 12.1 ft. 8:36 p.m. -2.1 ft. /DAY, JAN. 8 4:24 a.m. 12.0 ft. a.m. 8.7 ft. 9:06 1:42 p.m. 11.7 ft. 9:24 p.m. -2.5 ft. Day, J',.-N. 9 5:12 a.m. 12.6 ft. 10:06 a.m. 8.7 ft. 2:30 p.m. 11.5 ft. 10:06 p.m. :2.6 ft. BDAy, JAN. 10 5:54 a.m. 12.9 ft. 10:54 a.m. 8.5 ft. 3:24 p.m. 11.2 ft. N 10:48 p.m. -2.4 ft. SDAy, JAN. U 6:30 a.m. 13.1 ft. 11:42 a.m. 8.3 ft. 4:06 p.m. 10.8 ft. ' .... 11:24 p.m. -2.1 ft. AY, JAN. 12 7:06 a.m. 13.1 ft. 'i 12:24 P.m. 7.9 ft. 4:48 p.m. 10.5 ft. : .... ,,,- ,'v ,e uo"O I I" y  -IAE  2 bedroom home on o10 miles southcat of Shelton 3, ._jeet of waterfront, $100 per • tLIl, Call Htmlie B.ealty, 426-3369. 1/5 SIAMESE KITTEN each. 5 weeks old. PhoSe f°r sale, 426-2866. ,* R SPACE for rent on rivate "9.tnC lot. Close. In' . $30 er Pmlonth dt t _C;. R. Brown, 581 Pleasure ' oeuevue. SHerwood 7-2628. ._.___ B 1/5-12 - OTPOINT refrigerator, god aQtg Condition, 8 cu. ft. $2 or er, Call after 5 p.m. 426-8520. E 1/5 Yr 6"---ECTRIC RANGE, $20.00. ater d52 allon electric water • .uu. none 426-8168. L 1/5 at them. The rounds landed all around them but niraculously no one was hit. The company commander call- ed White and asked him where he wanted air strikes to hit. The platoon leader replied, "About 65 meters from where I am." Four jets came in but the air strike failed to knock out the enems, bunker. Wilson's grenade launcher wouldn't effectively de- molish the bunker either. White told the two men to cov- er him so that he could get the bunker. Wilson said, "No, I'll get it with a grenade," and charg- ed the bunker under protective fire from the other two men. He hurled two hand grenades in- to the bunker, knocking it out. He then continued on into the fortificatioh finding two dead North Vietnamese soldiers. He crawled out the front aperture carrying a red hot Russian ma- chine gun by one of its wooden parts. The men were then able to pull back even though sniper fire continued in the area. Timber Sale • Talmo Inc., Gig Harbor, with a bid of $11,450 was the high bidder on the Goat Ranch Di- ameter Thinning timber sale by the Department of Natural Re- sources Dec. 27. The sale was the only one in Mason County for December. • With the 12 western states as his assignment, small wonder Start Wyatt hasn't visited Shelton since 1952, when he spent only six hours here. He did last week, though, for several days, renewing old friendships and visiting brother Ralph Wyatt and other, kin, on an infrequent recess from the demanding duties of assistant director of first aid, small craft and safety service for the Am- erican Red Cross. He works out of the San Francisco office but doesn't see it or his home at nearby Millbrae very often as he piles up huge hunks of mile- age, mostly by air, covering his 12-state territory. WYATT WAS a 1937 graduate of Shelton High school, a foot- ball and basketball letterman with an avid love of swimming, which eventually led him to the Red Cross. He worked closely with the Shelton summer recrea- tion program' here when it was being initiated in the late 1930's, especially with the swimming and life saving phase directed by Carl Jensen, but also with Red Cross first aid classes. He became an official Red Cross staffer in 1947 and since then has spent 2 years in Europe and been assigned to field offices at Billings, Montana, and Fresno, Calif., before his present duties out of San Fran- cisco. His wife and four children, ranging from seven to 23 years of age, live at Millbrae, Calif. (See Sideline Slants for more about Stan Wyatt.) ] :)u 13 • SPECIAL SALE OF FINE COMPLEXION CARE ESSENTIALS enjoy these savings howl Cleansing Cream,8 oz. eg. $2.75 ..... now $1.65 .]€in'Freshener, 10 oz. reg. $2.25 ..... now $1.25 Bkin Firming Lotion,5 oz. reg. $2.00 . . . now $1.25 Young Promise' Cream, 4'A oz. reg. $4.0(I. now $2.35 Vibrance' Creme Masque, 2 oz. reg. $3.5o now $2.00 Phone 426-3456 or 426-4456 EVERY ONE SOMETIMES! -- SAVE NOW -- WOOD STEP LADDERS 5 Foot Reg. $6.00 6 Foot Reg. $7.20 NOW 54.9S NOW $5.95 WOOD EXTENSION LADDERS 16 Foot Reg. $17.00 18 Foot Reg. $19.00 20 Foot Reg, $22.00 .ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS 16 Foot 20 Foot 24 Foot NOW $10.95 NOW $12.9S NOW $14.95 ONLY $15.95 ONLY $19.95 ONLY $23.95 • DAYTON .... Gary Combs, son cf Mr. and M.s. Cliff Combs, ar- rived home on Saturday from California. He hag Ixen serving in Viet Nam aboard the U. S. S. New Arrivals Shelton General Hospital My, and Mys. Don W. Ireland 1613 Summit Drive, a boy, De- cember 30. Mr. and Mrs. ]Serald Baze, Route 3, Box 233, a girl, Jan. 1. My. and Mrs. IViclvin C. Morg- an, 1309 May sweet, a girl, Jan- uary 2. Buck and has an E. M. 2 rating. The family was so happy to have him with, them until Wednesday. Cliff, Gary, Denny and Keith all called on Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs shortly after his arrival. Jan. 7 is the date for the next meeting of the Traveling Pin- ochle Club. The place will be the Matlock home of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Mrs. Bess Jewett of Everett is the houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams. All community ladies interest- ed in belonging to a birthday club are requested to meet Jan. 9 at Dayton Hall to discuss this possibility. Refreshments will be •provided. New Year's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kidd were 1YIs. Esther Kidd and Mr. Archie Kidd. Dropping in later to visit with My. and Ms. Kenny Evans and children of Waldport, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. John Rock and family of Westport, Ore., were weekend guests in the home of MY. and Mrs. Cliff Combs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Killough and Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Brien spent Christnas day in the Elma home of Mrs. Evelyn Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Wnrren Williams had as holiday dinner guests My. and Mrs. Gary Cole and child- ren, ]Vr. and Mrs. Mel Cuzick and daughter, and houseguest, Mrs. Bess Jewett. Arriving from Portland Mon- day to spend a few days with the Merlin Short family were Mr. and lYrs. Roy Beugli and Mike. Be Gathered • The Shelton Volunteer Fire Department will be picking up disgarded Christmas Trees for city residents Sunday. The) ask that those who have trees they want picked up have them, placed by the curb or edge of the sidewalk where they will be as easily accessible as possible. The pickup will start about 8 "a.m. and will continue until com- pleted. THE STATE PATROL asks that you do nre than to just assume all of your vehicle lights are working properly. Men's and Boys' Dept. Van Heussn Famous Vanaplu=  Wash & Wear MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Long and Short Sleeve -- Reg. $5 NOW $3.59 ea. or 3/$10.50 A complete range of sizes In Van Heusen's most popular shirt. One Group  Men's Cardigan & Pull-overs FAMOUS BRAND SWEATERS Values to $18.95 NOW $7 Famous Brand Men's SOCKS by ADLER Reg. $1.50 NOW 99c pr. or.6 pr./$5.50 One Large Group BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Both Long and Short Sleeve Values to $4.29 NOW $2 Entire Stock  Cardigan and Pull-over BOYS' SWEATERS Values to $11.95 NOW $5 Royal Guard  Reg. 79c BOYS' SOCKS NOW 59c L Infants' & Children's Dept. GI RLS' COATS Sizes 3-6x and 7-14 GROUP 1, Reg. Values to $17.90 NOW $10 GROUP 2, Reg. Values to $22.95 NOW $12 GROUP 3, Reg. Values to $30.00 NOW $18 3 Groups, Cardigans & Slip.overs GIRLS' & BOYS' SWEATERS Sizes 3-7 Sale Priced at $2.50 - $3 - $4 One Large Table INFANTS' WEAR REDUCED AS PRICED GIRLS' DRESSES GROUP 1, Values to $5 NOW $3.29 GROUP 2, Values to $7 NOW $4.29 GROUP 3, Value= to $10 NOW $6.29 GROUP 4, Values to $12 NOW $8.29 3rd & Railroad Yule Tree Industry Story Told • The Mason Count) Chri gas Tree industry vo(.ei\\;'od • n- wide publicity through a U::. ::d Press Intern,li(mai story in .> cember Clil)pins from Christmas is- sues of the Saginaw, lVich., News and the Atlanta, Ga., Journal and Constitution both carried the story. The clipping from the Michi- gan paper was brought to The Journal by County Agent Harold Van DeReit, while the Atlanta issue was supplied by Postmas- ter Jack Gray. The story in the Atlanta paper was accompanied by a picture taken in a local Christmas tree yard during the harvest opera- tion. Gifts & Housewares Dept. ONE GROUP STATUARY PLAQUES Lamps & Persian Copper  Reg. $10 - $69,95 1 Group Flemmish Flower Arrangements " Reg. $5 - $15.95 ONE GROUP CRIIKLE GLASS Includes: Beverage Glasses, Juice Glasses & Sherbets with Pitchers to Match. , Reg. 60¢ to $2.95 ca. : ALL 113 OFF ONE LARGE GROUP POTTERY Includes: Ashtrays, Vases, Candle Holders, etc. Reg. $2-$6 One GroUp Artificial Flower A'rrangements Reg. $2 - $8.95 ALL 1/2 OFF Spee|al Sale JEWELRY ,. Hundreds of Items! Values to $15.00 // SEMI- ANNUAL PRICE Yardage & Linen Dept. ONE LARGE GROUP YARDAGE Values to $6.95 ONE GROUP BEDSPREADS Values to $34.98 , ALL 112 PRICE Entire Stock SWEATER KITS -- 1/3 OFF Entire Stock -- Reg. $1.69 KNITTING WORSTED NOW 99(: skein One Group  Reg. 79€ KITCHEN TERRY'S NOW 55c.ea. Ladies Ready-to-Wear & Sportswear Dept. One Group Sportswear PANTS, SKIRTS, SWEATERS  1/3 OFF One Group Sportswear PANTS, SKIRTS, SWEATERS  1/2 OFF One Group  Values to $4 BLOUSES NOW $1.50 One Group Values to $8 "' BLOUSES ,, NOW $2.S0 2 Groups  Values from $6.99 - $11 LADIES PANTS NOW $2 and $4 One Group  Reg. $16 KNIT SKIRTS NOW $3 One Group WESTBURY DRESSES -- 1/3 OFF FOUR GROUPS LADIES FALL DRESSES Group 1, Reg. to $15  NOW $8 Group 2, Reg. to $25 NOW $12 Group 3, Cocktail Dresses, Reg. to $25 NOW $12 Group 4, Dressy Knit Suits, Reg. to $46 NOW $30 Ohe Group  Reg. $5.95 PLASTIC RAIN COATS  NOW $1 One Group  Reg. to $37.50 DRESSY RAIN COATS  NOW $22.50 One Group cARCOATS, Reg. to $40  NOW $25 One Group SHAG COATS, Reg. $27.95 -- NOW $11 4 GROUPS LADIES DRESS COATS Group 1, Values to $46 ;-. NOW $25 Group 2i Values to $70  NOW $35 Group 3, Fur.trimmed Cloth Coats, Values to $10  NOW $59 Group 4, Fur-trimmed Suede Coats, Values to $125  NOW $75 Lingerie & Accessories Dept. One Group LADIES HANDBAGS  1/3 OFF Once-a-Year Sale DOROTHY GRAY LIPSTICK Reg. $1.00 ea. NOW 2/$1.10 One Group Values to $30 LONG 'ROBES -- 1/3 OFF ONE LARGE GROUP LINGERIE Includes: Slips, =-Slips, Petti Pants, Slippers, Baby Dolls, Waltz and Long Gowns 113 OFF. MILLER'S HOSE -- NOW 3/$2.25 Roe. $1 oh i Thursday, January 5, 1967 - Shelton.Muo County Journal - PNI'$