January 5, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 5, 1967 |
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........... . ....... .+.......I*XW_.
Scout Troop Planning Bottle Drive For January 7 Here Shop
By NADINE RHODES January 7. Several ,cars will be l.d Bunnell is Scoutmaster for arty, as chairman of the Ways
in use and it is planned to can- the troop. It was organized in and Means conurdttee, wishes to
PIONEER -- Agate Boy Scout vass the entire area from Bay- November, 1965. thank all members and residents
Pioneer TPO announces a prof- who contributed to the wardrobe,
Troop 16 will conduct a one-day shore to Pickering ........... in - wa-- hal-- II II • •
bottle drive to raise money for Residents are asked to cooper- it of $300.00 on the LrI_su.s sma. IICKeL% " Y I- nII • •
the group. The date is Saturday, ate freely in this effort, doll project. 1V£rs. Cas. Daugh- nmze me project an ou:- III I iI • •
stanamg succeas. II W I • •
lVI. Kay Sushak and children =- -- i
'l.AJk'm,QJ,k= Wayne, David and Karen, have
RVvzuOsh returned from a holiday trip to i, --
• =ffi . m = , m . • • • Los Angeles. They were guests I" ......
- ot IVr. and Mrs. R. J. Golds-
Couple Return Prom /rnp Into Mexnco worthy ofthatcLty. JUl@51114ll
, ef visit to Bob WIker, son of and
By MARY VALLEY with their son, Arlan s family, homes, during a bri Mrs o,. uro,. - "--
- k . .+. walker, was nome from
....... ,, ..... helping celebrate the fifth birth- the Valley, last wee . Fort Ord over Cristnms Com : I'
• .vwv. -- .mr. aria r.s. day of their granddaughter, Kim. Callers at the Cester Valley e " ...... ::i':i
BolD Sar tz returned Mbnday Rim has been chosen to appear home Frlday were Mr. ana Mrs: , .... ,,,, A ...... ,,+, o,,,, --
kowi . pl tang basic training in the Ar- ...... :
from a two-week trip, which on Channel Eleven's Romver Alvin Hulbert, Shelton, and =,,':: _'", ...... "
- - them as f "" ales - - ..... umwater " ..... , ,,, ,.. ,.o.
roOK _. at" as og Room from Jan. 9-13. Mrs. Tom l.zler or * .............. . >
Mexico. They visited Sarkowitz Guests of and Mrs Arvid and Mrs Ethel Ferrls of Olyrn- rye lel Monaay for SLX monms i
brother, Stanley, in Phoenix Johnson during e holidays were pia. " ahg in teleWpe repair at
and a sister_Mrs. Ed Mathisen Mr. and M_s. Wesley Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter ,or tJoraon, tJeorgm, i Il
in Tuccon. On I. the return trip and family of Edmonds, Mx. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. br. and lrs. Paul Kenworthy .......... ' "+'I
they visited Las Vegas and Reno and Mrs. Ron Shipley of Bothel William Gilbert o/ Hoodsport on of Bremerton and Eric Mitchell : +': ?+ :l
stopping in rne Dalles, Ore., to and Mrs. Johnson's sister and New Years Day. d Vancouver, B. C., were also 11./ \\;/
visit Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barnes. husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ben O1- lye. and Mrs. Paul Hunter holiday guests of Walkers. I
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lyons, son of Point Richmond, Calif. were guests of Mr. anmd Mrs.. A farewell dinner for Bob was Ii :Il
COPIES OF the Constitution, Bill tract for the construction of the addition forner residents of the Valley, Also visiting at the Johnson Keith Hurst on New Year's Day. beld at the Kenworthys in Brem- /
Rights and Declaration of Independence to the Post Office completed some time had the misfortune to lose their home were IVr. and Mrs. Stan Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Priszner erton Sunday evening. +
, the most recent additions to the Shel- ago. Postmaster Jack Gray said the Drag- home by fire, during the holi- Waylett of Bellingham. nf Wenatchee spent the alst- Tickets to "The Sound Of 1Vus- :: ....
Post Office. The glass-enclosed docu- anal plans for the display were included in
nts were put into a wall in the lobby the addition, but, the installation was de-
ntly as a finishing touch of the cn_- lay..__ed until recently.
ouple Back From Trip For New Year's
L -- After spend- ed as her dinner guests on Sun- corned in the New year at at-
a week visiting with friends day, Mrs. Enema McDonald, lock Grange playing for a dance
'L_Yakima and Portland, the Proctor Heffington, Norman Mof. along with their son, Walter ana
.__.me Burkes returned Satur- fett and lr. and Mrs. Elmer Helen's brother, Melvin Sparks
r mtImU'emev * usher in the new loffett with children, Danny of Olympia.
quietly at home. and Nancy of Tacoma. Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Ellen-
. Florence Taylor entertain- Ira and Helen Stansbury wel- berger of Burlington were over- Mrs. George Valley and daugh- were Terri Turner, Dale Down- days. beans, whipped jello, milk. I.
L night guests Friday at the home ters of Island Lake. Other dinner ing, Janet laranville and Joe Information regarding the ,Thur"lay -- Imemade veget- .: , L ,
Mh.-_ • of Mr and Mrs Edwin Taylor. guests of the George Valleys Snyder. church program may be obtain- able soup, crackers, jan sand- :r:
acmOCK'. " "
i Ed and Betty Johnson of Olym- were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Valley Coming activities of the church ed from Gordon Bennett, chair- wiches, cake, fruit and milk. *
I . pia and ten and Vi Cole of Shel- and Tammy of Alderwood Man- include: man of the board of trustees; Friday -- Fish sticks with hot
etP^,. D^.:J..-. u. r = ...... [ ton were Monday dinner guests or. Epiphany family service and Hal W. McClary, chairman of buttered rolls, buttered green I iI
[ vn I I ll lblUlll b I-UIII II at the home of Harry and Ella Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson burning of the greens, 7 p.m., the board, or F. W. Herrick, lay beans, butter-scotch cookies, ice ,
Simmons. The Carson Simmons spent Monday in West Seattle, Jan. 6. leader, cream and milk. Y III=..,a!l- .I
NELLIE ROSSMAIER Mr. and lVrs. Raymond Shorn- and the Harry Simmons' also
AT_-- ing of Aberdeen called at the visited in the afternoon. YEAR I
:k-''+_ "_ -n's. race :v- Herb Brehmeyer Sr. home New lVO%. AND lt%S. HARRY Simo It '0 '0 "0 '0 '0 "0 '0 90 '0 40 '0,0 ,ll-
F,:g,;o. =md er day o o up e du- om e e,,, +
ters-[ .... " ghter, Susan, who spent her holi- ..ana00v£r00.00:monroaa ; Fnrst OF tr=
+, ,,,_+.s. rtazet Leman, days with the Brehmeyers at their nome in Shelton.
: .... oae£mn asse • - " i [] Im
P d away Fro- s
"rI__V.'ItO..l P ..... r. and Ma" . Claude Legacy Monday evening, M.r. and Mrs. '
jp,. ue mneraL was nero in and family of Tacoma were week- Ira Stansbury motored to Olym-
Tuesday. Our sympathies end guests of her brother, Mr. pia to dine with M!r. and Mrs.
rextended to the family. Ed Valley and family Glenn Long
Fsd cl Mht:dth ,r,- ,,a Mrs. Lud Rossmaier was Fri- Little Skookum Ladies Club
Roger-S"paldi: ......... day dinner guest of 1Vrs. Bert will meet at the home of Ruth
lss ,,,,- _ " . Morris of Olympia former school Wallin for dessert luncheon on
..onnle Goodbtlrn 1 s e 0
::i'"°''+lllle",s me weez .... wlth t h e Grimmteacher remember d as Doris Thursday, Jan. 12. i!: ,
:b.d''7vhie h,r m,+ho ,- • .... . It was a full house at the Dan
th hospital--,il the'fl=u. ` ` so?arUguta :imistmana Wood residence over the holidays
pa rel'lEfl-ye; 8t<nt Tn., P . . with many of the family mem- i
a. mgt h [;'pr- nd m . d m. , be om. Don, uth and os
,o , .... " -or[man oz bnei[on r e w Mainwarin- drove u" from
-R_ an--Ms.I. C. Ford. Yea.rs-Dy they were dinner Grants Pass, Ore Sue nd Kar ' --
,:-,;v, ;:ean d Mrs ,h Lerstcher of Elma. ege in Portland and the Ray '
i.leYer Sr. " ..... MATLOCK LADIES CLUB met Mainwaring family of Alaska.
' d ls.. aarles LaBrec at the hall with Mrs. Mnx Cash Dance Saturday night at Progo , w !
F'iday evening guests of as hostess Wednesday. Next ress Grange to music by the
:liP.; arid Mrs. Ed Valley. meeting will be Jan 11 at the Tune Toppers of Shelton. +O save
l,'r" and 1Wrs. Lud Rossmaier, hall with Mrs. Bob Dawson host- The Ed Taylors joined the ! i:"'" >' :!":' ":"
.illad Mr..sZ John 1VcGarvie, ess. Harold Sutherlands and the NIT FULL +
'W e,pJun.._d_ of Shelton were The Dayton Pinochle Club will Jerry Samples on New Years /
]ears fli'nner guests of M. be held Jan. 7 at the home of Eve for dinner at the Falls Ter. F i.. ..... !ii!![i:i:i::..... .... .i ........
Infall DVS ON YL, JAN. 12-13-14. V I+:" :"::::":::* 'oI+ :: "'/
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,+! . i '.I II::::;i !)" i:i':'. ":::::':? ::' ) FIRST WITH THE iFEATURES WOMEN WAN
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1 I+'] PHOTO ALBUM WITH s6 2 ,
+ " ! I : . '
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+ .lJ# -- +':+++' AUTO. WASHER SAVE , c,v.o,+
i! i l"b --'t 1 'M • | HOTPOINT40-inch tAA PAAAOO ( • V2-TON | I
:| 'ii Deau[lIUl b x l .i FLEETSIDE
+ ++,, | J AUTO. RANGE + SAVE bZ Z0 w,,
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i ' ..... . . PICKUP
i:+ ,Xi' 1. JL H_+ " ' ' __ __ _ ,' : Long Wide Box, With: l l
I I HOTPOINT " SIN A $II .41 IIOO I It %;+,"p.':r,::+;;p I /
' System, Padded Dash
+ +. .+ ,,+++. v ! REF.-FREEZER SAVE IU fO w,,
,+ F,+.\\; for only v .+,.o.,........oo I I
i I!: ,... ,,.:.:.+: ...... +:!f!. Non-glare .
!I ... W dr- o lights Y ' Y Belts, T raft I, Hmzal I /
+ !f.;.'i!!iii:' '(! ............. ':.'¢::.. • Switch, Heavy Duty / /
..Jll get • - -- -- • +tear Sprlng,. OaUll I I
=i+i * I JY natural I rrl I I m o II I I I rv ! .+o.+o,+,-,,,,.,++,-.w,,..,w,.. I I
++|: ':ii I V." .roll'- Foam Seat, Five 8 1S-
++ + +++ I I:i:LL3 01: VALLr.I I . II
' !i J tiful photo., ':worth more than a
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i: ii I thousand words." Get a completely
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' i I ' You will not be urged ,to buy but if
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+! IXY PIN-UPS EXCLUSIVELY AT ,INNIY,I per tmfly +will be pho*ographed a,n,|¥ Applianoes • Color TV • Furniture • +tereo "
I+ L ""O'OR,,H =R H O U " " " ..... p I U' e '=h ' Y:O,.