January 5, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Open House At
W h a t" s Capitol
€ookln Are Next Wednesday
_ -- 9D,.,.D.,m,---- • An open house at the State
Capitol Museum next Wednes-
day from noon to 6 p.m. will be
arrmng the special events plan-
ned in the capital city preceding
the legislative ball to be held the
same evening at the Tyee iV£otor
On display will be the mus-
eum's first Creative Stitchery In-
vitational exhibition with exam-
ples of historical needlework,
intaglio prints, etchings and lith-
Members of the State Capitol
Historical Association and mus-
eum staff will host the informal
coffee and afternoon reception
for which there will be no ad-
mission charge.
A BOWL OF HOT SOUP always tastes good on cold winter
days, but especially following the holiday season when so
many rich foods have been on the menu. Barbara Sny-
der's Boston Clam Chowder fills the bill for all who like
sea food.
Hoe Soup Whets Appefi÷es
After Rich Holiday Foods
Local Girl Scout
Leaders Meeting
• Girl Scout leaders of Mason
Neighborhood will meet at 9:30
a.m. next Thursday in the home
of Mrs. S. W. Vander Wagon.
The group will discuss and
elect delegates to Spring Council
Eagles Aerie
Hosts S÷a÷e
• The Eagles Aerie 2079 was
host for the State Worthy Presi-
dent Johnny Bartell and his wife
Mabel. Also present were State
Vice President Paul Conner, Sta-
te Trustee Walter Reule, Dis-
trict director Lee Cook, and Past
District Director Rod Wilber,
along with officers and visitors
from other lodges. Dinner was
served at 6:30 p.m.. for about
50 people.
Meetings of both the Aerie and
Auxilary started at 8 p.m., 'and
concluded about 9:30 p.m. En-
tertainment f o 1 1 o w e d consist-
ing of Lloyd and Duane Peter-
son and troup from Olympia, fol-
lowed by a comedy act by Char-
los and Clay Keith of Shelton.
Everyone had a wonderful time.
Charles Keith was awarded top
Producer of the year from the
Shelton Eagles Lodge 2079, by
; '• ':¢r the many ric}a foods . :/3 cup diced celery " 'Johnn- n,,t,n .tt Wnthv
.... thing , tastes much =' ' "
.... rgood bowl of hot soup. Ihr,'.' 2.Tbgp: chapped onion. :"'" !' ib waffLarry Kirkpatrick, accord-
4 tsp. chicken fat or butter ing to Gill Mallott, membership
bara Snyder's Boston Clam
Chowder really hits the spot any
cold or rainy winter day.
Barbara's husband, Mary, who
also answers to Mike, is a Dep-
uly Sheriff. They have two
children, Cindy, eight, a n d
Duane, five. Howew:w, in March
there will be another little Sny-
der added to the family group.
She was a Brownie troop lead-
er last: year, but Barbara gave
it up for obvious reasons. Being
a homemaker at heart:, she en-
joys sewing and cooking and
also likes to read.
1 doz. fresh or 10% oz.
can canned clams.
cup carrots, diced
2 cups diced raw potatoes.
2 tsp. flour
A cup cream
Salt and pepper.
Steam clams and pry open.
Drain off and measure liquid
(there should be 1 cupful) .Put
carrots, potatoes and celery in-
1o the chicken broth, cover and
boil gently until tender. Cut
clams finely with sharp kitchen
scissors. Saute clams and onions
in the chicken fat for 5 rains.
Blend flour evenly into this mix-
ture. Add broth and vegetables
gradually, stirring constantly to
keep smooth. Add the clam
broth, cream; and seasonings.
Reheat just to boiling and serve
immediately. Makes about 8
A junior drill team which now
has 10 members has been form-
ed and is in training preparing
'o march in parades in the spring
according to Youth Guidance
Chairmen Curtis Cammack, Aer-
ie, and Shirley Keith, Auxiliary.
Producers Club No. 3 District
of Fraternal Order of Eagles
will visit Sharon Aerie 2079 Jan.
24. State Chaplain Ron Brown of
Raymond and President of Cen-
tralia Aerie 512, Floyd Lowery,
will give talks on Youth Guid-
ance. State Trustee.Walter Ruele
and State Membership Chairman
Lee Cook will also be present,
according to Mallott.
A RECEPTION honoring newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Lentz
Robinson was held December 18 by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Wayne Robinson, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lar-
ry Godwin. The Robinsons were married Nov. 11, 1966
at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. After spending the
holidays in Shelton the bridegroom went to Germany where
he is now stationed. His wife remained with his paxents
to attend school here and will join him this summer.
World War I Barracks and
Auxiliary potluck luncheon, noon,
Memorial hall.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.
PUD conference room.
Yacht Club business meeting,
8 p.m., clubhouse.
Drivers license examiner,
10 a.m. "- 5 p.m., court house
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
PUD No. 3 con-mission meet-
ing, 1 p.m., PUD commission
County commission meeting 10.
a,m., courthouse.
She]ton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
Kiwmus Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p,m., city hall.
Voice of the Low Income Peo-
ple, 1 p.m., PUD auditorium.
School board meeting, 8 p.m.,
Evergreen school.
4-H leaders council meeting,
8 P.m., extension office.
Moose I.zxtge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Me.
morial hall,
. ,,:,:
* High School Spotlight *
• Walt; Wally or "@bier;' Clay-
ton, as he is most commonly
known, will be among the grad-
uating seniors at Sbelton High
School come spring. After high
high school he plans to either
,ttend the Coast Guard Acad-
emy or Washington State Uni-
versity. He has not decided on
a major as yet.
Chief was born Jan. 24, 1949
in Bellingham to Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Clayton Jr. The Claytons
moved to Grapeview when he
was about three years old. He
has an older sister, Pare, an
SHS grad now in her junior year
at WSU, and a younger sister,
Georgia, who is an 8th grader.
Civics, literalure, commercial
law, journalism and student
teaching in
ROU.NO THE_,00 Golden Age Pre-Holiday Activities Of
TOWN'00 Yule Par÷y Pizzica÷o Club Are Varied
TODAY, THURS., JAN. 5 Lions Club board of directors, • Dollar Johnson played Santa
Claus at the December 22 Christ-
mas party held by the Golden
Age Club. Members of 'the or-
ganization have extended their
thanks to him for the wonderful
job he did passing out the ex-
change gifts and for the Christ-
',as songs he sang.
Music, dancing to the Tune
Toppers and cards were enjoyed
by 46 members following dinner.
A program of music was also
given by Mr. and Mrs. LeGault.
7:30 p.m,, Timber Bowl
LPN, 7:30 p.m., nurses cottage
Elinor Chapter OES, 8 p.m.,
Union Masonic Temple.
Eagles, 8 p.m., airport hall.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base-
Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m., PUD
conference room.
Golden Age Club potluck, noon
Memorial hall.
Girl Scout leaders meeting
9:30 a.m., home of Mrs. S. W.
Vander Wagon.
St. Edward's Woman's Club
board meeting, 7 p.m.; regular
meeting, 8 p.m.. at: the church.
you play it: safe this winter. Be
a good driver: have a good car,
and keep it in good condition.
Wilh that tombinalion you should
;'t) ;I ]t)n ways.
i ii ii iiiiiiii i i ii iiii -,
-00hiitltm-- -
winter. He likes to kick a foot-
algebra arc on hail around "any old time".
• Pro-Christmas activities of
the Pizzicato Music Club were
many and varied. The regular
December meeting was held in
the home of Diane Demers De-
comber 19 with Marilou Smith
and Cathy Neth acting as co-
hostesses. Edward MacDowell,
America's first important com-
p:)ser, was honored.
December 22 Pizzicato mem-
b(,rs enjoyed a caroling hayride
party. Care!lag stops included
lhe Shelton General Hospital and
Shelton Manor Nursing Home.
Tr.y favors made by Katie An-
..... UH
School Menu
... don't wait.., try it on the
205 Cot. 426.4302
Page t0, Shelton.Ma=on County Jour-al. Thursday, January 5, 1967
New Guild H
Forms Here i.00o(f//ety
• The ebon mad Oho.o
Guild has been formed and held
its first meeting in the home of Society Editor Marj Jacobson
Terri Makoviney.
Jeben Kind is pronoqnced Da-
bin Kent and is German for,
"Give Child".
Elected to be the first officers
of the group were Kathy Gaskill,
president; Terri Makoviney, vice
president; Claire Warren, secre-
tary; and Minnie Carlson, treas-
A Christmas party was held
in the home of Kathy Gasklll.
Menus for Shelton Elementary
Schools and Shelton Senior
High School
Week of Jan. 9 - 13
Monday --- Sloppy Joe on a
bun, potato chips, salad mac-
aroni, Jello with whipped top-
ping, and milk.
Tuesday --- Potato and beef
dish, baconize green beans,
sliced beet pickles, sandwich,
cookies and milk.
Wednesday Chili con came,
peanut butter sandwich, let-
tuce wedge with 1000 Island
dressing, carrot st icks, kitch-
en made cinnamon rolls and
Thursday -- Escalloped chick-
en, cabbage, carrot and green
pepper salad, sandwich and
fruit and milk.
Fr[dayClam chowder, grilled
cheese sandwich, carrot sticks,
Sruit alad, cake {tad 17tilk.
Supplement your child, s
diet with Plenamins from
Prepp's Rexoll
'2' R.R. :" #hone 426-464
" I
you use a stimulating lotion or
freshener, be sure to use a
non-astringent type.
Most important of all, use
a night cream faithfully, and
be sure to use a protective
product under makeup during
the day. All skins need some
emollient oils to keep them
soft, smooth, and supple.
The Short Story
Is Subject For
Writers Group
• "Witlng the Short Story"
will be the topic for study at the
January meeting of the Writers
Workshop to be held at 1 p.m.
next Thursday in the Hoodsport
home o Mxs. Emery Winters.
The group is sponsored by the
Fine Arts department of the Iood
Canal Woman's Club and invites
others interested in writing to
join them. They meet on the sec-
ond Thursday of each month.
Robinsons Have
Both Sons Home
For Holidays
• A2 C Lentz Robinson and
AJ-C Rocky Robinson both were
able to spend the holidays in
Shelton with their parents, Mr.
and lVlrs. C. Wayne Robinson.
They also visited their sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Erick J. Erickson. in Seattle.
Lentz is now stationed in Ger-
many where he will be for the
next three years. Rocky has re-
ported to Cinese language
school at Presidio of lVonterey,
Calif., where he will spend the
next six months.
MR. AND MRS. W. E. BOAD, Shelton, have
engagement and February 4 wedding plans of their
tar, Cindy Lea, and Floyd L. Barnes, son of Mr.
Clifton Barnes, Kamilche. Both young people are
High school graduates. She attends Grays
and he is a student at Centraiia college.
i • PT.
Chief's school.+schedule this so- & Railroad , '
master, iil
,',., ,
He serves as treasurer for "S"
Club and Key Club at school i! i EM[ ANUA[
and is a member of Acolyte
Guild of St. David's Episcopal :::: . '
church, and of EYC. ":':
Chief is a three-year letterman ::::
in football, having played quart- ::::year. lettered WOMEN'S SHOES
He is playing basketball for the iiii
third year and lettered in that
.port last He also !iii
in the track high .jump event
in both his sophomore and jan- iili:
ior years and will be turning !ili
out once more in the spring.
A 5 foot 8 inch, blue-eyed !il
blond, Chief likes to spend his !i!
spare time in the summer water i!:i
skiing and snow skiing in the :.:. /.,,..
i00il /
',i',i. L
:i:!' ,,!,,
tonsen were presented to Manor !:i: ""
residents. After caroling mere- iii!
bers returned to their club court- iiii
elor's he,no for games, a gift iii :':.
, xrhange and refreshments. :::: !i
(This question and answe .:.:,
series on cosmetics is brought ,::::
to you as a courtesy by Nell's
Pharmacy to help you in your i!ii Selections Still Very Good
choice in the pr°per c°smetics i! SAVE 20o/0 to 45o/o
for you.)
Q. Is there sue. a thing as
a soap designed for special ::::
weather conditions ? ::::
A. Not to my knowledge, iiii
.:::.:. . ,.o:.x+=+:+.,,:+,.,:,..,:*,.:,:...;;4,';. :+: :., :.,,: .,:: :..+:. z ;z: :;: :: :* z, .: . ::, :: ::.. :: ::::,,::: :'.: . : :: t¢ ;:::'. : :. : :. :: .:::.: :: ::: ; %,.:::: :, ,.. ,.. :. ::, *.,
though soap designed for dry !i! *:: :':: :: ...... *:":::::: ...... ....... :' * ........... :: :' ......... : ....... :' ::: :: *: : '::::::::" ........ ............
sOmeadrYsoaPcleanstngWeather.benefitis meant agent.duringt° beit cOldusedcan al-as°r Select From These Famous Bran
)vays be supplemented with C Town &Cou,ntry Dress ]k S,ocia,ites
lotions, creams, or astringents
as the weather dictates. , Red Cross ' , Cobbies
Creams and lotions, for ex-
ample, should be used during , Skooters Shindigs
cold or dry weather. An as-
tringent is a useful product :.:. , Americana r Enna Jettick
TO CORRECT DRY SKIN i:!:: Cotillion €, Italian Imports
Q.I have a dry skin. How i!!}
A. To replace the natural
oils lost by the skin, be sure
to use only products which .... 690 to II
a,.e ,o.mu,00te00 ,o*'0r, iii 90
When cleansing your skin,
use a creamnot a lotion. If lli
!iii Regularly 9.99 to 15.99
i! ! !ii;,:!# i;,A,:::/i!i;I!*.,':''tlt
!iii: Operated by Christensen's for Shoes, Bremerton . ,
..%%,...,.,..,.:.:,:,,,,.,,,..,,..,,.,..,.,..,..,,,,,..,....,,..,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,:,:,,,,,,,...,,,,. ,,,.,,,,,,....,, ,,,.... ,:,:.:,'.,..,,.,,, ................. .,.,.., ........... ... ,.,. ....... ... ,-, • ,,
• ,.., ........................... ,,,,,,,.,,o, ............ ..o.,.,.,.,...,...,.,o.,.........,..,s., .... *.2%.**.......o...... ...... o.,.,.....,.,.,...,.o.,.,)