January 5, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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j Harst'ne:.
L|'r.o From Here Rushed To
Hospital On New Year's Eve
By CARMEN YATES les Allisons were the guests of
._,HSTINE -- During a New
Years Eve celebration at the
Community Hall, sponsored by
Cindy WaRe, Blackie Shadbolt,
brother-in-law to Chuck Bridges,
suddenly became seriously ill
and was taken to the Shelton Gen-
eral Hospital by George WaRe,
wa an emergency ferry run by
Martin Geetsch and Bud Glaser.
While the ferry was waiting on
the mainland for George to re-
!turn another emergency had
occurred. Seeing the unusual
activity on the Island the ferry
crew returned. By the time the
made its second emerg-
ency run, George Waite had re-
returned from his hospital run.
All in all it was a rather hec-
tic night at the hall. Not having
living on the Island too
and going by the nickname
'Blackie' no one present knew
real name. His wife, Iola,
the huck Bridges were
called away suddenly Saturday
when they heard an
of Chuck and Iola's had
in Salt Lake City, Utah.
drove to the Harbor, where
left their three youngsters
relatives and picked up
Bridges St. and headed
Salt Lake. •
A phone call to the Larry
aegers gave those concerned,
tlacki's name and
- his doctor.
things quieted down the
players got back to their
and the teenagers back to
and dancing. The even-
ended with a good old-fash-
singing around the piano
Hilma Wingert providing
music to sing to. During all
excitement, nearly every-
forgot to celebrate the New
when it arrived.
this writing Mrs. Pratt was
to the hospital, but
had returned home the
after he was taken in.
home from Auburn after
they brought Stan's
islet, Mrs. Lena Coffman home
nth them for an indefinite stay
dth them at their home. Their
Harley, of Auburn al-
spent last week visiting his
He is being call-
into the service shortly and
tantedl, to spend this time on the
Snd prior to his departure.
arstine Women's Club will be
rid one week late this month
,Y, in order to give everyone
'Breather', after the holidays.
first meeting of the new year
..,Will be held at Thora Seward's
eme Jan. 12
it| The Nels Batmdgards met Nel's
.prother from Seattle on the main-
t nd Sunday noon and the three
i'J°Yed't n _,New Year s Day dinner
|enIvs on Rood's Canal. He
,.m^r: returned to the Island and
' '(l:u with Nels and Mabel un-
• ,, t,,te 6 p.m. ferry.
[aany McAuliffe caught a
ane .at Sea-Tar Sunday even-
r:_s .at midnight that took him
rag.ht to Dunes Airport in
F"m0n, D. C.
r_ veral people with weekend
*'perty took advantage of the
ung holiday weekend and the
OOd weather New Year's Day
,.aCl Came out to their property.
:,v.e.y Wilson of Kent sent a
of days at his Island Shor-
s Cabin. Up on Spencer Cove
ith the Stieg Gabrielsens and
e Chuck Lubie families were
tlt'N°ticed the Lloyd Goodwins
pt their home at Ballow Sunday.
.Bothvo the Burches and Niemis
[e reweo .,°n the Island over the
uestsn?: The Niemi had as their
[-, me At Voorhees of Brem-
[rmn. The Voorhees spent last
,n_ er traveling in Finland,
,way and Sweden. New
- tn-. ey showed the slides of
:,zr summer travels at the John
'[Z home. Florence Jerrells
.na her company the Bill Bin
,[:vS, also were present to e g-
,.. me slides.
} tDNDAI MORNING the Char-
r r
Florence Jerrells for breakfast.
After breakfast the three watch-
ed the Rose Parade together on
Florence's Color TV.
Sorry to hear Ernie Byers was
under the weather most of last
week. Hope he is lots better
and up and around again by
Capt. and Esther Gorfz spent
New Year's Eve with the Bud
The Tom Tierneys had as their
house guests last week their
good friends the Fritz Grahams
of Sausalito, Calif. The Grahams
arrived a week ago last Satur-
day and headed home last Mon-
day. The two couples always try
to make this New Years gel-to-
getheT an annual occurancc each
year. 1Vstly the Grahams come
to Washington, but occasionally
Tom and Mae travel to Califor-
nia for the annual date.
Two weeks ago the Jim I_hr-
ers attended the wedding of Su-
san Rogers and Mike Albarado
at St. Ann's Catholic church in
Seattle. Susan is Jim's great-
niece. The reception was held
at the Rayonier Club and a buf-
fet served at the bride's parent's
Even though it may be a wee
bit late I'd like to mention the
wonderful Christmas program
Mrs. Morton lint on with her
six young pupils. I'm sure every-
one that attended enjoyed the
evening very much. Putting on
a program with just six young-
siers mus! be no easy task. When
I was passing out verbal I)ou-
quets prior to the program I
overlooked a very much deserv-
ed one, and that one should have
gone to Mrs. Morton's biggest
helper, Florence Jerrells who
helped in jus[ about every de-
And while on the subject of
the school and the children, I'd
better mention the very n i c e
thank you letter that was receiv-
ed from Richard Gordon and his
family for the Christmns tree,
and greens, the Harstine pupils
sent to Houston, Tcx. The letter
was very apprecialive of the gift
and especially the thoughlful-
of Bremerlon Spent last Salur-
day with Joe's folks the Hugo
Glasers. Monday the Loren Sim-
m.ons of Gig Harbor sl)ent Ihe
day with the Glasers, Mrs. Sire
mens' parents. The whole fam-
ily is very happy with lh(' way
their, father, _Hpgo.samc through
the surgery he had a couple of
weeks ago, and how good he's
feeling since he returned home.
New Year's Eve Otis and Dell
Dwyer, Dick and Bonnie Glaser
arid ourselves went out fo Day-
ton to attend a New Year's Dance
The music 'was provided hy a
groul) called the 'Ramblers'. We
all enjoyed ourselves very much
and had a wonderful evening.
After the dance we spent the
rest of tile night at the Dick
Glasers. Since Sunday was a
working day for Glenn we had
to head for the ferry landing s:)
Glenn could take over ferry dut-
ies after Bed Glaser was kind
enough to bring the ferry over
on the first run. Then he joined
his family who had come across
"o drive to tIoquiam to have din-
ncr with Donette's f,qks Sunday
afternoon. They also called on
Donnie's twin sister, Mrs. I:Xm
Brrnett and her family while
,'hey were down that way.
l%nday following Christmas
I!arlan and Patty Jerrells left
on a trip to California. They'll
visit Harlan's mother and olher
relatives. They also plan to see
Nell and Julie Jerrells and their
daughter, Paulctte, so they can
report back to Grandma (Flor-
ence) how much she's grown
since Paulette was here last sum-
met. Harlan reports for his Nav-
al duties the 10lh of Jan.
Helena Rubinstein
Estrogenic Hormone Cream with Progesterone
Ultra Feminine is the only hormone cream for-
mulated with the natural female hormones,
Estrogen and Progesterone. When Ultra Femi-
nine supplies these hormones to a mature skin,
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duced and a younger look may be attained
Once-a-Year Sale!
7.50 SIZE, NOW ONLy 4.50
• ..and Young Touch ® Hand Lotion with Estrogens.
Now Only i.75 for a 2.75 Value.
Lilliwaup: Grapevlew:
Communi÷y Club Has Ne,v Year's Par÷y 1966 News Highlights Are Reviewed
• LILLIWAUP -- Starting with
card-playing and ending with
dancing, members and friends
of the LiUiwaup Community Club
greeted the New Year together
at a gay party in the Lilliwaup
Comm'unit'y Hall. Following the
pinochle game, a lavish buffet
supper table was arranged and
dancing started to music furn-
ished by records. It was a most
successful, no-host, no-committee
party, attended by about 40 cele-
brants. Since this was the third
successive try by the club to
hold a New Year's Eve party,
with previous ones cancelled be-
cause of snow, all were jubilant
over the mild holiday weather.
Nine tables were in play in
the early part of the evening.
Prize winners were: Mrs. Fred
Martin and Svend Bragstad, 1st;
M:i-s. George W. Moake and Joe
Huntley, 2nd; Mrs. Henry Mour-
ik and George Moake, pinochle.
Frank Hambaugh won the door
(ff Nbw Year's Day, l,Ir, and
M-s. IIarry Hays of the Lilli-
waup Motel, were on their way
to Sea-Tac airport with their
son, Jbhn, for his take-off to re-
port at Travis Air Force Base.
They were accompanied by
John's wife, "Torchey," and his
brother, Jim. From Travis, the
next stop for the Lilliwaup air-
man is exlx, ctcd to be in Viet
The ttays drove their daughter
in-law to Edmonds for a visit
with her parents and went on
for an overnight stay at the home
of Bellevue friends.
During John's leave the fam-
ily wen! to Portland, where his
grandparents, Mr. and Ma-s. Har-
ry Hays, Sr., held an open house
the evening of Christmas Day to
honor the young couple. Attend-
ing were many relatives and
friends, including an uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Faulk-
nor of Le Grande, Ore., and their
son-in-law and daughter from
Sealtle. Mrs. Faulkner is a sis-
let of Iiarry Hays, Jr. and is
direch)r of m'usic for schools in
Le Grande.
Another serviceman and his
family heading for the airport
after New Year's was Bill Camp-
hell, son of Mr. and lrs. Ern-
es! Campl)ell of Shelton, and ne-
phew of the Start Whites. The
Whiles and Campl)ells saw Bill
off Monday night for Ft. Hood,
Tex., where he was recently
transferred from Georgia.
Many of their holiday gather-
ings eenlered around the young
;{I,'.n)an. &t the Start White
hom<'bCw Y¢,B['s Eve wme the
e newlywed Mr.
and Mrs. 13rdce:'plin, Mr. Ap-
lin's daughter, Mi's. Carol Ann
gchols, and her children, Kevin
:'nd lCathh,en.
New Year's l)ay l]lma and
Start White enlertained h i s
cousins from Bainbridge ishmd,
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Senkpiel.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Moake
entertained Dec. 29 for guests
that especially delighted M r s.
Moake. Dinner guests were her
lwo sisters, Mrs. Margaret Good-
pasture of Olympia, and Mrs.
Edna Dyer of Anaheim, Calif.,
',lso a hvoflmr, Sanford IJJrd of
Kelso, and a sister-in-law, Mrs.
G n'don Lord of Ld)nwiew. The
weather COOl)erated with the
hosts, giving lhem a beautiful,
sunny day for showing off the
L'.l}|'geous Canal country.
Lon Wehbs and 1V[rs. Allie Ahl,
his mother, included spending
Chrislmas Day with Frank and
Georgiebel Morris in Olympia,
with other mend)ors of the Webb
family. Guests included T o m
Webb of Union, lhe W. L. Webbs
and sons, Gary and Mark; the
L. C. Lindells (Jean Webb) and
,'atlhlers, Barbara and Kath-
ie, also Mrs. Nell Eads of Shel-
Steelhead fishing in the Ham-
ma Hamma river has not been
very good so far, reports Lon
Webb. One of the three months
of the season is already gone by
and very few have been caught
compared to other years, accord-
ing to I_am, who lives near the
Mrs. Lloyd A. Reeve entertain-
ed members of her bridge-lunch-
eon group Wednesday at her Tri-
ton Head honie.
1. and Mrs. Jack Sceva and
three children of Salem, Ore.,
were u the latter part of the
week for a couple of day's stay
in their Indian Beach cottage.
He i a ground water geologist
for the State of Oregon and is
the son of the late Mrs. Zoo
Greetings from George and
Toby Reid, former beach resi-
den*s here, carrie at Christmas
time from. their vacation spot in
Desert Hot Springs, Calif. The
Seattleites were enjoying their
winter sojourn in the desert.
John Auto's neatly pruned and
lighted front-lawn holly tree,
higher than ever, added to Lilli-
waup's festive Yuletide appear-
ance. Holiday Beach h o m e s
were brilliantly trimmed in col-
ored lights and the clubhouse
was the scene of holiday gather-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston
invited several neighbors in ear-
ly New Years Eve and later in
the evening Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Cheathan were their guests.
Corrlments on the three tall can-
dles by the Johnston's front door
brought forth information that
Jack had made them from bed-
frame posts which he had paint-
ed red and topped with colored
With but the normal amount
of ditching work to do, the Ca-
nal area has been "fortunate"
this season, according to Main-
tenance Supervisor Charles Dil-
lon. Despite the heavy rains,
highways road crew has had a
minimum of slide trouble.
Mrs. J. H. Holthusen and dau-
ghter Pat of Tacoma spent Christ-
mas day at the home of Mrs.
Holthusen's son-in-law and dau-
ghter, Mr. and M!rs. Richard Bat-
es. The Bates family drove into
Tacoma to bring them to their
home on Indian Beach.
M,r .and Mrs.John R. Aaro
and son, John, spent New Years
Day in 'Seattle. They had din-
ner at the home of her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Bloomquist, and stayed
overnight at the home of another
daughter, Mrs. Win. Germeau,
where they were joined by son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Mx'Nally. They returned
home Monday afternoon.
New Year's Eve Parties Here
Bring In The New Year
i & Frank|i.;
• UNION - Happy New Year
to a'l. This year the sun shone
brightly and the mountains
shone majestically. It was very
different from the two previous
years when the snow was falling
and all were worrying about the
weight of snow on roofs and shov-
eling the white covering from
paths and driveways.
New Years Eve parties are in
the news this week. Mr. and Mrs.
Rollie Waiters saw the N e w
Year in by inviting friends and
neighbors in for a party. Those
helping to keep the vigil were
Mr. and Mrs. IVax Dean, IVh'.
and Mrs. Bill Timm, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Bailey and Mrs. Phyllis Bes-
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carney at-
tended a dance in Dayton and
danced the New Year in. Friends
went with them and they were
IV[v. and Mrs. John Lund of Mon-
tesano, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hill
of Wenalchee and Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Combs of Shclton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook also
brought the New Year in by in-
viting friends and neighbors in
for a party. Enjoying the even-
ins were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Coles, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bue-
chel, h'. and Mrs. Lyle Gard-
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wojohn
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball.
New Years Day was the scene
of a family dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank D,'m, Mr. Hert)
Allen, Ronnie Allen and Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Goldsby were all
MR. AND MRS. J. E. Bishop
returned home Friday from a
two week trip that took them
down into California. They visit-
ed Bishop's brother, Emmett
Bishop of Bayside, their grand-
daughter, Kathy Motherwill in
Eureka. They went on down to
Santa Aria where they spen!
Christmas with their daughler,
Wilda Clark. Before heading
back up north they went to Es-
condito to visit friends from Ta-
coma. The Bishops found driving
conditions excellent and had a
very enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Keller
celebrated New Years at a party
in Shelton and were back in town
to hear the guns at Midnight.
New Years Day Bud Wyatt and
Helena Rubinstein
Emollient Moisturizing Emulsion
ii I
l.imitcd Time only
While Uhra Feminine Hormone
Cream, used nightly as directed,
supplies the hormones Estrogen
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Uhra Feminine Emulsion is ior-
mulated with different ingredi-
ents to help replenish your skin's
enmllient and moisture needs dur-
ing the day.
Light-textured and non-greasy, it
has unique emollients and mois-
turizers to help keep your skin
and make-u 1) fresh as nmrning.
Introductory Sale!
WILl, SELL AT 7.50
Mrs. Pauline Wyatt had dinner
with them,.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob (]win spent
Christmas weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Bingley in Centralia.
The Holiday Season drawn
to a close and schools starling,
Monday was the day of del)ar-
lure for the studenls going back
to colleges and universities,
throughout the slate. Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Timm were off to Bell-
ingham to take Diana back to
school. Mrs. Dorothy Kelsey took
Charlene back to Seattle in 1tlo
;1 fl ernoon.
• GRAPEVIEW -- Your corres-
pondent wishes you all a wonder-
ful New Year and offers you a
brief look at the highlights from
last year's cohmms:
.... January -- Doris and Juli
January -- Doris and Juli
Stock moved onto new home on
Treasure Island.
Chimney fire at the Bob Bat-
tles home brought ot volunteer
fire department "on the double."
February -- A. Hall Shepard
long time resident of Grapeview
passed away in a San Francisco
Flu bug in full swing during
March -- Pare Milner was cho-
sen one of Shelton High School's
Top Ten scholars for 1966.
Miss Debora Jean Cox, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Cox,
of Mason Lake, was selected by
classmates to be their princess
in the 1966 Mason County Forest
April -- Grapeview School's
Mothers' Club hosted a success-
ful dinner dance at the new fire-
Bill and Judy Staudt won first
place in the Mr. and Mrs. Bowl-
ing League of Shelton, and
brought sponsors the Grapeveiw
Grocery a beautiful trophy to
M.a y -- Grapeview School's
fhml won first prize in its di-
vision in the 1966 Paul Bunyon
,)arade in Shelton.
Grape Nuts won awards at 4-H
demonstration at North Mason
Kim and Art Nicklaus, Janie
Progreba, Steve Rehard, Mike
Benson, Peggy and Nancy Ewart
and Clareen Hanson were the
The children of the Grapeview
school had a lovely tea and pro-
gram for the mothers.
June High school graduates
are Pam Milner and Fred Lulz.
Pare won the United States Army
Walter Reed Scholorship award.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckert com-
memorate their 62nd wedding an-
July Fire department holds
annual picnic on Les Rice's
beach. Grapeview has success-
ful Teenage dance al fireball.
At -- Carol Swanson be-
comes bride of John Ewart Jr.
Local 4-H Grape Nuts attend
encampment at Panhandle Lake.
September -- Walt Eekert cele-
brates ggth birthday.
October -- Grapes sold out
fast very good quality but not
many this year.
VFD Ladies Auxiliary h a v e
successful "Hunters' Breakfast"
Mr. and Mrs. William lfayben
become year-around residents of
Treasure Island.
Diane Campbell becomes bride
of Clem Wells.
November -- Diane Caldwell
became the bride of Danny Rob-
Charles Oak won Thanksgiv-
ing basket at Mothers' Club
game night.
December -- Mrs. Amelia Dav-
is passed away at the Shelton
General Hospital.
Chief Clayton was named hon-
orary Captain of the Shelton
High School football team and
awarded a trophy.
The VFD and Ladies Auxiliary
with Ruth Wells as chairman,
planned a New Year party at
the firehall that was a gala even-
ing or all who attended, and
that was quite a crowd. After
an evening of good fellowship,
a m"idnight supper was served.
Our new firehall has certain-
ly been used and enjoyed all
year, by many organizations in
our community.
Drop-in and out guests have
kept our community roads active
with friends and neighbors vis-
iting each other to toast the New
Bruce and Sue Fulmer went
to Seattle this week for the sad
occasion of Bruce's grandmoth-
er's funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. BOb Battles plan-
ned a dinner to coincide with the
New Year's football game and
invited Lynn and Jan Stev-
enson of Belfair to enjoy it with
Judy Staudt is still quite ill
with the flu, and has been in
bed since the day after Crist-
dents are returning to studies
and probably need to rest up af-
ter the busy vacations at home.
1-1b, Pkg.
DOG or CAT 15 oz. Tin
"' B&M
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Clayton St.,
spent Thursday at the Lake
Washington home of his brother
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Norman IVore
returned New Year's Day from
a Christmas trip to Texas, where
• they spent the holidays with
their son and family. They re.
port that they drove in snow all
the way from. Texas through Ore-
:Miss Suzy Fulmer became the
bride of James Cower in a rec-
ent cereraony in San Francisco.
Suzy is the daughter of Mrs.
Peggy Fulmer a long time resi-
dent of Grapeview. The newly-
weds plan a three week trip to
Texas to visit the groom's par-
ents. The young couple then
plan to make San Francisco
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nicklaus had
a party at their home last Wed-
nesday of old friends and class-
mates to honor Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Hill who were visiting from
Ellensburg. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Cleveland, M_r. and
Mrs. Cecil Crow, Mr. and M:rs.
Rudy Homan, Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Baze, Mr. and Mrs. Don Zamzow
and Mr. and Mxs. Jim Reeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard John-
son, former residents of Grape-
view now residing in Allyn are
very proud of their granddau-
ghter, Dorothy Geiszler. Dorothy
is a senior at Western Washing-
ton State College and recently
won an award. She will start
student teaching the winter quar-
ter. She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Geiszler.
Don't monkey atoll
with tirol
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.... Thursday, January 5, 1967 - Shelton-Maon County Journal - Page 11