January 5, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 5, 1967 |
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• ,.,:
That's all the cash it takes for down payment and closing
costs to move into this cozy 2 bedroom Hfllcrest home.
We're sure you'll agree it's a good buy at $7,500. It's
complete with fenced yard and large double garage, and
best of all, it's vacant and we can show it anytime.
Here's a roomy Mt. View home that's all on one floor and
offers many extras for $16,950• There's 1340 sq. ft. of
well planned living area plus an extra large carport, fire-
place, loads of cabinets, built-in appliances, 2 baths and
convenient utility room. Well located among newer homes,
so why not call now for an appointment.
This one is priced at $11,500 and offers much for the price.
First of all, you'll find an extra large living room that's
carpeted and has a fireplace, next there's a cheery kitch-
en-dining area and three good-sized bedrooms, 1 bath and
a separate utility room. Outside, there's a carport, wood
shed and pretty yard. Would you like to see it?
The dignity, horniness and comfort that this spacious older
3-4 bedroom home has to offer. And you will be happy
With the basement, large cheery fireplace, built-in appli-
ances, almost unlimited storage space, natural setting and
many more features too numerous to mention• $17,750,
terms, and you can have immediate occupancy. Give us
a call.
And here it is. This comfortable older 3 bedroom home,
on 128' of waterfront with tidelands close to town on
Hammersley Inlet• There's a cheery fireplace, an efficient
heating system, a good" drilled well, 4 acres and a won-
derful view. $22,500, and shown by appointment.
This large three bedroom home has been redecorated and
panelled, appears in tip-top condition and the large rooms
makes it just' the home for the growing family. There
are two fireplaces, a large family room, electric b/b heat.
$10,500 with terms.
Here's a cozy 2 bedroom Mr. View home featuring new
draperies, electric heat, colored bath fixtures, and much
more. Just $6,750.
To this brand new 3 bedroom home . . . hardwood floors
• • • 11 baths . . . electric b/b heat . , . attached garage
• • • and, the terms are real good, too. $i3,750. Let's go
see it today.
Near Bordeaux school is for sale and is eagerly anti.capet-
lug the arrival of its new owners. There's 3 bedrooms,
hardwood floors spacious living room w,th fireplace and
much, much more. $8,900 is the total price, and very easy
f-rms, ..............
4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, a private study, 3 baths, 2
fireplaces hot water heat all put together in a luxurious
design and set to take full advantage of the sweeping
Olympic view across the rolling pasture• This property in-
Cludes over 50 acres with 2 barns and has been appraised
for much more than the $44,500 it is offered for. Terms
can be arranged to suit most needs.
A home on a large lake tract with southern exposure fil-
tered by lovely < trees down to the pebble beach Striking
design with a huge master bedroom suite and'a private
=-trance to the studio. It's all very pr{vate and if you
Will finish it up yourself, you can buy it for just $25,000.
We have floor plans for you to study and can arrange an
appointment at your convenience.
The out of town owner o this (cry charming home with
a 2 bedrooms up and 1 dowl: plus a full basement has
asked to I#e sent your offer for consideration. F.H.A. ap-
Praised and now listed for $8,750. Perhaps you can as-
!i0eme, the existing contract balance. Payments are just
plus $10 reserves . Ask for Dick Knauf when you
c on this.
1717 Olympic Highway N. Phone 426-3369
DICK KNAUF 426-8110 --- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049
VINCE HIMLIE 426-6501 -- DAVE THACHER 426-8635
hank You
would hke to take this opportumty to
thank all of our customers who pa,tronized our
store during 1966.
We hope that we wil be privileged to con-
tinue erving you with low prices, quality mer-
chandise and personalized service throughout
Worship Sunday
Leg-, 400H°°ns';;i;en, Wedding At Shaker Church
'! NO'rlCF 0 " SA 1
, "Ou÷ of This ,'" *,,,,,,",':
(iN STATE I,ANI) sta
L lait4. of Washington By LOIS PIERCE and later a dinner, returned to Tacoma Dec. 28, y-
;' ' l)epartme.t of Natural lesources I4OODSPORT Miss Carol n trs. Mabel Johns-Jones, was ed overnight there and the next
,,,+,, ,,o,,; \\;
: - Wor I! Buys NotieeC°mmissi°neris hereby OfgivenPUliilc LandSthat on Tues- • . _ -- Y in charge o the kitchen assisted day met the plane bringing Geor-
day, the 31st day of January, 1963, J,ohns .ana Maurice Du Puis re- by John Krist. Jim Jones usher- ge's sister and brother-in-lawMr.
comm' c'ng at ten o'clock in the fore- cited m eir marriage vows at the ed. At the reception following the an(1 tvtrs. awin . tur. ru.
i noon of said day, at the Port Orchard
District Headquarters, located at Port L:)wer KOkomish Shaker Church wedding Mrs Georgia Miller Pottstown, Pa., who unu spena
, n Orcha n (ounty of Kitsap State of last Saturday afternoon before a and family and Elsie and Betty about two weeks visiting t h e .-
Washi gt n, by the District Admln- crowd of 400 guests. The marr- Wilbur assisted Mrs. Johns in Yocoms here. "¢":-' ,' : .:
istrator of said District, the timber on -' .... - ..........
Sage was taped for television, servin guests Three years ago, Kurtz a vic-
the following de, scribed state land will . g ....
Af÷rac÷ive be sold at public auction to the high- and will be shown at a later The giant wedding cake was tim of Multiple-Myelomn, was
eat bidder, to wit:
Application No, $1575 date. The State Historian was made, and decorated, by Mrs. given six months to live by doe-
Iwy Creek No. 2 located approxi- a guest and took notes for an as- Joe Bourgault. Cutting the cake tors in the east. Then a new 'i, t t ,i7!it!!:
mLely 20 miles by road west of Bel- \\;:i "'i/ e) ! '
Homes i '. The sale is composed of all tim- thentic account of a typical Shak- were two very old friends off rmedicine discovered by doctors
ber bounded by sale area boundary er Church wedding, the Johns family, Mrs. John has greatly helped Kurtz and he i ,i
ontagSpartsand propertYof the following:lines in Unitsl/z NO,swIA1 The bride is the daughter of Bonn, Oakville and Mrs. Candy was able to make the trip by '.'; J ; illj .....
SWA SE/ of Section 8, NW% NEff, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Johns, Low- Wilbur, La Conner. In accord- plan(;,
NE[( NWA, E*h NW¼ NWIA, S er Skokomish and the groom, ance with the Shaker custom ............. .
NWA of Section 17, all timber bound- o L '. vkr. an( tvrs, o. w. ooapaster
ed by sale area boundary tags in Unit the son of Joseph DU Puis of Mrs, Theodore Pulsiier oiierea and daughter, Jan, returned last
No. 2 on part SWV NEff, part SE Rochester and Mrs. Hazel Du prayer over the wedding cake. Friday from a week spent in
NWA, andUnit No. 3 on part SEA
NWV, part NE4 SW£ of Section 17, Puis-Stron, of Oakville.
all timber marked with yellow paint There were many lovely wed- California. The rrmin points of
adjacent to sale area boundaries on The minister officiating was ing gifts from those attending interest visited by the Goodpas .....
part SEW SWA of Section 8, part EV Theodore Pulsifer St., Hoodsport the wedding, and gifts from rel- ters were Disneyland, Marine-
NW of Section 17, plus all right of
way timber marked with yellow paint Vocalist was Bill Martin, Sedro atives in Canada, Oregon, New land and Knotts Berry Farm. All ,,
on part S% NWW of Section 17, all in Wolley, Serving as Matron of York, South Carolina, Texas, Cal- were glad to get home to green-
Township 22 North, Range 3 West, Foursquare Church
W.M., containing 75 acres, more or Honor for her sister was Mrs. ifornia and from all parts of er and cooler Washington.
less, comprising approximately 663,000 John Krist. Bridesmaids were, Washington, unable to attend. 910 East Dearborn
bd. ft. of Douglas fir, 12,000 bd. ft. of Mrs, Jenny Jacobsen was join-
emlock and 18,000 bd, ft of pine, or a Trudy and Yuvonne Du PuSs, For travel, Mrs. Du PuSs, Lewis B. Wylong, palter
total of 693,000 bd. ft. . Sunday, January 8
Minimum acceptable bid: $15,211,50. sisters of the groom, Gall Hicks, chose a chic empress style white ed last Mnday at her home by
Timber will be sold on a cash or in- cousin of the bride and J a n lace dress with a dark coat and Mrs. Mac Dean, Mrs. Max Sch- Sunday School ...... 9:45 aJn ,'GETTING AT THE ROOT
stalhnent plan basis. Timber must be Hays, LiUiwaup. Best man for accessories. The young couple midt Sr. and Mrs. Matt Kaare, Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. OF PROBLEM DRINKING"
who came bringing a cake to
removed prior to June 30, 1968•
On or before January 31, 197, at the groom was Alfred Batson, went to Oregon to spend a week's celebrate Mrs. Jacobson's birth- C.Y.'a &Cadets ...... 6:00p.m KIRO, Radio, Seattle
10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a Oakville. Ushers were Dave Doer- honeymoon before the groom, a Evening Service ...... 7:00 pxn 7:15 a.m. 710 K.C.
minimum deposit of $1,521.15 in the
form of cash, money order or certified ing, Francis Twiddy, David Du Yeormn Third Class on theUSS day.
Bible Study (Wed.) 7:00 pJn
check, Said deposit shall constitute an PuSs, the greene's brother, and Constallation, returns to duty at A New Year's Eve dinner and , , , ,,,,, ,,,
pening bid at the appraised price.
on award of this sale, the respective Steven Bradley Johns, brother San Diego. evening party at the newly de-. , , ,
ieposits sball be returned to the un- Of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck tanning corated and remodeled Valley
tuccessful bidders. On the day of sale, I . ,, , ,,,, ,,, ,
the purchaser must pay the balance Ring bearer was Raymond announce open-house Jan. 7, 1 to Center Club building at the June-
between the bid deposl[ and the full Krist, flower girl, Nellie Johns. 5 p.m. celebrating the opening tion was hosted by Mr, and Mrs Mt. View NORTHSIDE BAPTIST
bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee,
or may, if the purchaser so elects at Carrying the bride's train were of their new cafe' in Hoodsport. A1 Jonson for 25 friends and mere-
the time of sale, pay an additional Mary Johns and Terra Wwiddy. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE Yo- bers of the Jonson's family, The Alliance Church CHURCH
in unt, to bring the total amount of
.h deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal Bell ringers were John Benn and com spent Christmas in Cuper- newly remodeled building, al- Sunday [chool ........ 9:45 a.m. Welcomes You to Its Services
• 5' of the full bid price based on the Riley Pete, both of Oakville, tino, Calif., where they were though not corrpletely done will
:r se estimate. This balance may be joined by M:ar, c Phillips at the when finished seat 100 persons Morning Worship ...... ll:00a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a•m.
paid by personal check. Purchaser Bruce Miller and Kenneth Pulsi- Worship 10:45 a.m.
must also furnish within 30 days of for. Candle lighters were Mrs. home of Mrs. Yocom's and for eating or dancing. Besides A.Y. F ..................... 6:00 an.
date of sale a surety bond of $2,000.00 Evening Service 7:00 pJi. Affiliated witil
to guarantee compliance with all terms Lee Cush, Mrs. Horton Catoe- Marc's uncle and aunt, Mr. and the main room, there isa kitchen ....
of the bill of sah). All checks, money / Prayer Hour (WedL) 7:30pa. Southern 13nptist
orders, etc. are to be made payable to man, Taholah, Mrs. Blanche Bat- Mrs. C. D. Phillips. The Yocoms and restrooms.
the Commissioner of Public Lands. son and Mrs. Bill Martin. Alex C. Motes, P/.fitcr 123 West C Street
k __
ACCESS ROAD REVOLVING I+'UND: The Fl°wer girl and train car'$3o.00 to be ,,aid on the day of sale. ' i ,:,ason ..... - .........
Accessibility: via Department of NR- riers were dressed in turquoise
tural Resources access. I Busi.ess Directory ,.,,,o. ASSEMBLY
Complete contract nd specifications colored chiffon. The Matron of
nmy be examined at Port Orchard Dis- Honor wore a floor-length dress ...... -'
trict Headquarters. County Auditor's of deep turquoise and the brides- OF GOD
tiff ice, and office of Commissioner of maids wore blue to blend with
Public Lands, Olympia.
To be sold at Port Orchard District the darker tones of the matron 1521 Monroe Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor
Headquarters, oR Tuesday, January 31, of honor's dress ....................
1967, at 10 o'clock a.m.
Any sale which has been offered, and The bride, given in marriage
for which no bids are received shall - ; SUNDAY SCHOOL .................................... - ........................... 9:45 a.m.
not be reoffered until it has been re- by her father, wore a bridal- Auto Glass Florist MORNING WORSHIP: Rev. R. Morris Devin ........... 11:00 a.m.
advertised, If aU sales cann°t be °f" gown of white lace, floor length, I ] Cut Flowersand Plants for CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS CHURCH6:00p'm"
fered within the specified time on the ................................................
advertised date, the sale shall continue and she carried a white flower • ]Bbqrt IRstalUo All Occasions EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7;00 p.m.
on the following day between the cross, in place of a bridal bou- .........
hours of ten o'ch)ck a.m. and four quet. Mrs. Johns, mother of the JIM PAULEY, INO. HOLIDAY HOUSE
()'clock p.m.
Said timber on said land will be sold bride, was dressed in a baby- FLORISTS
for not less than the appraised value. 5,11,Raii.d ,,.,--- IUTI!EIIfll - ------
,'s appraised by the Commissioner of blue colored metalic dress with 422 NO. First 426-6493
Public Lanffs in the manner provided black accessories. Mrs. Du PuSs- FAITH
bv law, a notice of which is now on ,,i ,
file in the office of the Auditor of Stron, mother of the groom chose
Mason county, and District Administra- a black suit and white accessor-
tor of said district, ies. ,00J00to Parts Heating nh
Commissioner of Public Lands Among the many guests was • Automotive Machine Shop • Safety Check Family Worhlp 8ervlce: 8:30 a.m.
1/5-12-19-26 it the bride's great grandmother, • Parts for all cram and trucks • Clmm-up
• Minor & Major Repairs Claues: Sunday School & Adult 9:30 a.m.
Mrs. Margaret Cagey of La Con- • 24-Hr. Service on Part 2nd Worshlp Servlce 11:00 a.m.
INVITATION TO BID nor. 8TARKEY'8 HEATING Christian Worlhip, Education, Fellow=hip Service
Sealed bids will be received at the Festivities began on last Fri- Lu Flelda Auto Parte, ino. 8ales & 8ervioo "A IERIENDLY GROWING CHURCH"
office of Bennett & Johnson, A.I.A., day evening with an open house 1211 8. lit St. 426-33S1 1409 Turner 4-4673 'Carl J. Carlson, Pa.sr phone 426-8511
Architects, 602 Capitol Center Building, dinner which proceeded a meet-
Olympia, Washington until 4:00 p.m., , , ' ' --==--'
P.S.T., Thursday, January 12, 1967 for ing by the members of the Shak- - .... =-'--
the constrtlctlon of a Multi-Purpose .00"to ........ ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH
Buildlng for Southside Elementary er Church. A breakfast followed Repahg I House Painting
School to be located at Arcadia Road, on Saturday morning and then I • Major Overhauls | I Interior and Exterior
saidMas°nbids'C°untY'will thenWashingt°n'and there andbe pub-the a wedding dinner climaxed by I • Braktm & Ignition I
licly opened and read aloud.. Bidders the wedding and reception. Sun- l • Welding & Time-ups | | l Work Guaraltteed Rev. John P. Turnbull, Interim Pastor 5th & C0ta
and others properly interestec are in- day, (New Years) a breakfast | Special Winterizing I | All
vited to be present at the bid opening. • ] KMA S ]
Bids received after the time fixed for SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1967
opening cannot be considered. | ED8 8ERVlGE | I Phone 42S.4.2
I 142 W. Cots 4-3 J 9:30 a,m.--Bible School
2. DOCUMENTS - • ' "'
Specifications, including bid require- LeEal Publicatlonl .:oo a.m.--"The voice o, i00o00ing WorshiPl
merits and contract forms, and draw- ....-..--_.._ ,., 6:00 p.m.Youth Groups I Broadct+st over |
God" 1280 - 11:00 am. !
7:00 p.m."The Bible, the Word of i i ....
i: 's, may be examined at the follow- Landscaping
t! ; offices: Associated General Con- No. STS Beauty
rotors' offices in Seattle and Taco- NOTICE TO CREDITORS I | • Lawns, rockeries, trees, Epi
tma, Washington, the Plan Bureau, So- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE • Complete Hair Care .........
attic and Associated Sub-Contractors of STATI OF WASHINGTON FOR • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches .J shrubs
J • Top o11, tilling, levelg , . , ........
Tacoma, Washington, and the Olympic MASON COUNTY • Merle Norman Cosmetics J • lre Estimates
Plan Service, Olympia, Washington• In the Matter of the Estate of WIL-
Bonaflde bidders may obtain one set LIAM S. REMPEL. Deceased. • Free Demonstrations St. David's scopal Church
only at the office of the Architects, ly E. Rempel is the appointed and J I UNSET LANDSCAPING
Bennett & Johnson, 602 Capitol Center qualified Administrator c.t.a, of said ELAINES BEAUTY SALON I Herbert Baze 426-4718 Fouh & Cedar, Shelton, Washingeon
Building, Olympia Washtlgton, upon estate. All persons having claims 46.4
deposit of a check payable to the Archi- ag tinst said deceased are required to 6"&4.al The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest
tect In the amount of $25.00 Should a .erve the same in duplicate, duly ve,'i- -- The Church is always open for meditation and prayer
bldder wish additional sets or parts o! fled. on said Administrator c.t.a, or
-- IH
sets, he may obtain them by paying his attorney, Robert L. Snydcr at the ' asonry 7:30 A.M•--Holy Communion
the cost of reproduction, address below stated, and file the l00ldo=in00 9:30 A.M.--Church School and Adult ]Bible Class
sme with tile Clerk of said Court, to-
3. RI!]FUND OF DEPOSITS gether with proof o1" such service, with- ! .ald C|earJnl $ oad Bu|ldlng • Fireplace 11:00 A.M.--Divine Worship
The full amount of deposit made for i six months after the date of llrst EXvating • Grading • All Brick and ,,,,,,, ,,,, , ,,, ,,, , ,,, , , j ,,,,
one set of documental will be refunded publicatioin of this notice, or the same I Terrao|fl $ LeYe||fl •Bleck Work
to bonafide bidders upon return of the will be barred.
Architect'sd°Cuments offlcein gOOdat orC°ndltl°nbefore thet° ttmethe 5, DATE19(;7. of first publication: January OAVE'S BULLDOZING MASON'S MASONRY MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN
set for opening of bids. There will be RAY E. REMPEL Dave Dick Phone 426-2278
no refund for the return of additional Route 2, Box 1856 426-4360 * 8helton
sets or parts of sets. Plan holders who Tacoma, Washington -- ,,,,, , " MISSOURI SYNOD [
do not submit a bonaflde bid and do ROBERT L. SNYDER , EDWIN C. ZSCHOCHE, Pastor t I
not return the documents at least three Attol'n?7 at Law , 206 E. Wyandotte
days before the time set for opening 125V 51. 5tll -- Radiators I
hi(is will forfeit the full amotmt of Shelt,,n. Waslington 1/5-12-19 m Chiropractor SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 196"7
their deposits. Radiator Repairing & Rod Out
SPECIALS J ..... ..................... i
RY ORDER OF: • Office Now Open Auto Body Repairing, Painting Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m,
Southide School District No, 42 328 Franklin Street and Glau Inetallatlon. Morning Worship ................................................................. 11:00 a.m.
ly: Mr. Cmq Visminas, C]erk2/.l/5 Theme; "The Dead Sea Scrolls"
2 • Phofte 426-8060 WHITEY'8 AUTO BODY
- , Priced for J.L. DEBBAN, D.C. In rear of Kimbel Motors
Year End 00oo., =+--Dosed Th.00 00ho.e 4200..000 ' Kamilche Valley ........ Assembly :
.,u. (le0000nce! 6ml. SouthofSheltonenFreewaytoOlympla
Cleaning Service ------ Rental Serviee MARVIN MOE, PastOr
J Camet. - Wall to Wall ,J Almost Anything Anywhere
J Floors - Stripped, Polished ] Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumpe Sunday School ...................................................................... 9:45a.m.
J Windows - Tulle - Upholstery | Folding Banquet Tables Morning Worship .............................................................. 11:00 am.
| & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. Christ's Ambassadors ......................................................... 6:00 p,m.
I "SHELTON'8 OWN" Evangelistic Service ......................................................... :..+ 7:00 p.m.
| Wakefield Cleaning Service J LEW RENT8 ' Thursday Bible Study and Prayer .................................. 7:30 p.m.
'65 IMPALA 2-Dr. H.T. I 426.476 i 16 E. 4th, Olympia, 357-775t Cooperative: Assembly of God
, i i i H HH I
t '64 VALIANT Sedan ...... M00rH6DIST CHURCH
• '64 RAMBLER Classic Draperies ..... Tire Service THE
.... Wagon J • Custom Made • New OK Tires G & King Streets
,63 COMET 4-Door . Free Estimate • Recapphag REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER
IHOMELITE [ .+o and 11:00 a.m. Worship Seliees
• '6262 TEMPEsTVOLKSWAGENwagon J.• WOrkc, PENNEyGUaranteedco. OK• USedTIRE 8TORE 9:,45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p.m. Youth Felk)wship
'62 DODGE Wagon los RR Ave. Ph. 426.8283 Mt. View Ph. 42e.4 ...........
• N I Hm, III I I
'61 PONTIA( Sedan Drugs - ['ravel 8o2 Alder St., Shelton, Wash.
Jil p0wdul, fttinl Xt. '61 FO--RD Squire Wagon I • Helena Rubinstein • Air - Rail - Steamship Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a.m.
Double luel I ell €@adt, suto. .... • CosmetlcB • Bus - Hotels - Tours Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m,
matk • (hlln dlinL 0nly 14 '59 FORD Custom • Prescriptions • No Extra Charge for Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to
• Hypo-Allergic Cosmettce Our Service 4 p.m. Mort. & Frk Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45.
tollnll, lelllrlnllcKIIn,¥0Clll '58 0LDS 4-Dr. Angle Travel Rel. (enter
¢t thmlk 1' Imdwd in 10 . ............... : NEI L'8 PHARMACY ....... .............
• Trucks 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 426.8272401 Railroad Ave.426,4134 .......... FIRST C][ISLT C]['][[(]B[
T it-IImltlll - -
............. rcexiia and YEke Boulevard
-- Interim Minister from Pdget Sound College of the Bible
'66 ECONOLINE Super- ElectrioM TV Service ' Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m'. Family Service 7:30 p,m.
, Van I • Falrbanlm-Morse Pumps [ • Radio - TR' Worship ................ 11:00 a.m.
64 GMC Handi-Van- | . 00l.00tm n.t00 I • Phonograplts Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p,m.
[ • Westinghouse Appliaces j • CB 2-way Radio Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service
'62 'ORD V2-Ton Piokup, SHEI.TO N ELECTRIC ¢O, " RSHERilill $ ClIIII ............ +
--Bill and Jeannie Clifton I11 " '61 D--0--DGE /2-Ton I 419 Rlilroad Pr. 42e.e I LEROY'8 TV SERVICE
J Mt. View Ph. -3172
Pick-Up , " '" t
'59 GMC /2-Ton Pick-Up Floor Coverings ' i ]['vio P.U.D, AUDITORIUM - 3rd & Cots
'55 FORD 2-Ton Pk.-Up , Linoleum |
IAIr00ERMOToR Ji Pauley's t .<..+..=+o [ ,
, SHOP :.. m I ' =x.. oo,o. .v ,..,= . -
• Fornllt Theme: "AN ABUNDANT LIFE'
Mt. VhLw Ph. 426-229
• OviNIIIorut Ph. I BILL - BOB - BUS - DICK Subject: "The Role of the Chamber of
. We 14111 it_ D& D I.ECTRNI,C Commerce in Small Communities"
I I III .[.<+th & Railroad 426-8231 , , -
Thursday, January 5, 1967. Shelton.Muon County Journal, Page 13