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Shelton Elks
New & Improved ....... / .;.
.......... :,,,:.:,..': :AN " !::i,, :i,:::< ' :.L,.,;f ..i::,.. i.:
Week #
Effective Thursday, January 5, 2012
Starts a 50 Blackout numbers called and $250 Prize. The Jackpot
will increase $25 per week and one additional Blackout number
will be added each week until jackpot is won.
Blackout #s Called Jackpot Prize
50 $250
51 $275
52 $300
53 $325
This progression will advance every week until there is a Jackpot
winher. There is no limit on how high the Jackpot can go.
$25 Cnsolation Weekly Prize until there is a jackpot.
Every Thursday Evening
DoOrs Open: 5:00 pm - Early Bird: 6:00 pm
Food & Beverages Available • Smoke-Free
741 SE Craig Rd.
This event is sponsored b the Shelton Elks Lodge #2467 and iOpen to The Public
Proper planting techw00iques
December 2011 was shaping up
to be the driest on record in West-
ern Washington. Although we have
received rain recently, according to
Mary Robson, retired WSU Area Ex-
tension Agent and noted author, if
we enjoy relatively dry soils in Janu-
ary, there are plenty of things we can
plant. Wet, saturated ground can't
be used for planting, cultivating, or
digging, but at the moment many gar-
dens have damp but not soggy soil.
If the soil in your garden isn't
saturated and soppy, January's a fine
month to transplant trees and shrubs,
especially for moving deciduous
shrubs and trees. These plants are
now dormant and winter transplant-
ing gives them some time for roots to
become established before leaf growth
Plants in nursery containers can be
selected and planted into the garden
almost any time. Especially for new
gardeners, planting can be tricky.
For more information on planting
and transplanting refer to FS047E
"Planting Trees and Shrubs in the
Landscape." This helpful bulletin
includes photos of the best way to
install plants from containers, includ-
ing techniques for clipping roots to
prevent constriction once the plant
begins to grow. It can be found at
pubs.Wsu.edu and is offered as a free
PDF download. Use the search box
and type in the publication number
listed above.
Proper planting technique can
mean the difference between life and
death for a plant. Sometimes poor
growth on trees and shrubs results
from roots that grew in circles at the
bottom of containers. If these are
planted just as they grew in the con-
tainer, the plant can actually strangle
from root problems as growth com-
One example we've seen brought
into our offices is a dead pine, over 12
years old. It grew to about six feet tall
and never developed a healthy root
system. The roots were so contorted
that the plant still fit into a one-gal-
lon can, exactly as it was when plant-
ed. Plants are tough and can survive
a lot of difl iculties, but kinked roots
can kill. T,ase out circling roots and
trim off th worst ones, allowing the
plant to produce new healthy roots.
Check catalogs now to order fruit
trees for early spring planting. Be
sure to identify types that will ripen
in western Washington's cool summer
climate Some very familiar apples
such as Red Dehcmus and Granny
Smith will not produce good fruit
here. Less well-known types such as
Akane, Chehalis, and Williams Pride
grow and fruit nicely.
If you hove plant or insect ques-
tions please contact a WSU Master
Gardener on Mondays between noon
and 3 pm at 427-9670 Ext. 687. Mark
your calendars now for the 2012
Country L: ving workshops. The first
workshop q Basic Vegetable Garden-
ing and Rs in Gardens) will be held
on Januar r 28 at Memorial Hall and
there will )e classes the last Saturday
of each m( nth through June: Watch
this colum a or call the Extension of-
fice for the list of class topics, time,
and cost.
Happy New Year!
::::::::: ................ :::00:Mentlon O0(J¢
Former Shelton High School grad
completes U.S. Air Force training
Air Force Airman Dalton J. Ackley
graduated from basic military training
at Lackland Air Force Base, San Anto-
nio, Texas.
The airman completed an inten-
sive, eight-week program that included
training in military discipline and stud-
ies, Air Force core values, physical fit-
ness, and basic warfare principles and
Airmen who complete basic training
earn four credits toward an associate
in applied science degree through the
Community College of the Air Force.
Ackley is the son of Dawn and Jason
Ackley of Shelton.
He is a 2009 graduate of Shelton
High School.
Individual with Matlock ties
graduates from basic training<,,
Air Force Reserve Airman Michael :Ain: h0 comp!ete basic train-
J. Bosch graduated from basic mili- ing earn four credits toward an as-
tary training at Lackland Air Force sociate in applied science degree
Base, San Antoniq, Texas.
The airman completed an intensive,
eight-week program that included
training in military discipline and
studies, Air Force core values, physi-
cal fitness, and basic warfare princi-
ples and skills.
through the Community College of
the Air Force.
Bosch is the son of Rolene Springs
and stepson of David Springs of Mat-
He is a 2005 graduate of Thomas
Jefferson High School, Federal Way.
SHS dance
team to
hold Jr.
I:rf orticipants will
rm at Jan. 20
asketball game
Shelton High School will
hold a Jr. Dance Camp in
Registration will be from
5:30 to 7 p.m. on Jan. 10 -
12 at SHS.
,Theoelasses will be held
rom 5:30 to 7,p,m. Jan.
6-20 with performance on
an. 20 at the half time of
the basketball game.
Each participant will re-
ive a T-shirt, decorated
air ribbon and CD of the
erformance music. For fur-
er information call Karen
White at 426-7771.
Conservation District to offer native plant workshop
Reserve your seat for located at 450 W Business
Mason Conservation Dis- Park RD near Sanderson
trict's Native Plart Work- Field, from Highway 101
shop being held from 6 to turn onto Sanderson Way
8 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 10 and Right onto Business
at the Mason Conservation Park Road.
District office in Shelton Enjoy a slide show and
hear about the characteris-
tics and needs of the plants
that are available for sale
at the 2012 Annual Plant
Individuals can order
plants online at www.ma-
$oncd.org or pick up an or-
der form at the workshop.
For additional informa-
tion or to register contact
Jen Thurman-Williams at
427-9436 Ext. 13 or (800)
527-9436 Ext. 13.
................ Grace Baptist Church
: ii: :i: : i l i ... for the faith of the ospd
l!,,i!ii? i Times of Services:
iiiiiii!iiiiiill SundaySch001 ........................ 10a.m.
:!i::iiiii SundayM0rningW0rship ...... 11 a.m.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SundayEveningW0rship . ........ 6p.m.
::: WednesdayPrayerMeetmg.... 7p.m.
]ii!iiiii!i!iiii Aga Grange Bldg, on Agate Loop Rd,
Contact us:
Mailing address:
: P0 Box 1025, Shek0n, WA 98584
" Phone: (360) 462 1611
g. E-marl: pastdr@gbcsheIton.0rg
; ggl vv.gb cshelt on.org
:.:,: Lzsten on
ii*: :': Sunda B 9:30-lO:OOam
' 9:30 a,m, o 728 Railroad Ave,
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service :.:,
A .......... iemporar, ........ ke A ...... tradilional ..... ice ::m.[[ :!
Ihal beginsat SI00 AM lhal beginsat
-" . Praise Band . I raiserleaD3 10145 AM
• ('ontellporaly Message Choir " "
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both services
, Wednesday Night Service
9:00 I Celebration Servie { ': 7:00 pM [ Mid-Week Service
Nursery to 2 Yoar's.
10:30 A I Celebration Service Children's Classes
/ Attended Nursery
I SOuLFiR YOUTH, 6111 1 I Grade
i Children's Classes
41oo ,,q I Gateway to Recovery The pHrp°se °f dO/ is to hen)
ChHdcdre l'rovided ! people become go$ through Worship;
, Witness, Warfare, ant] Work for His Kingdom.
405 S.7[h St., Shelorl PHONE ] 360-426-2758 WESSITE ] ww, gatewayct:com
Fai00 Lutheran 00ureh
Christ-venUred Church
Shelton United Methodist Church
: ?:i:!i:: ......... ! ...... .i: ....
.................. ..............
, Youth Group, Children's Activities, Spiritual Growth Cla sen
° Adult Choir * Small Groups ° Bell Choir
• Intergenerati0nal Ministrie!, Dynamic Worship Experience
...for love of the world!
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.
The p Sh elWn hired Methodist Church
Call 426-4412
to place your ad
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m.
Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m.
Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 am.
Office 426-6353
Davcare 427-3165
Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m.
Worship for all ages
Senior Center a 826 W Railroad Ave
rg 360 426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Suncay School for all ages
• NightChurch 6 pm 419 W. Railroad Ave,
• Domingo La Iglesia Bautista 6 pm
Servicio en Espagol
• Wednesdays 6 pm
Youth Church, AWANA K-6, Adug Clas,es
dusves 6 pm El grupo de los Latinos d6venes
;t. David's of Wales
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Conversational Bible Study
office phone: 426-8472
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are we!comet.)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St,, Union 98592
Page B-2 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 5, 2012