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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 5, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 5, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I I I i i i %,,/,,,, Sheriff - Casey Salisbury i _ _ ... SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN • i LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS i Date: December 29, 2011 Prepared by: Detective William &apos; Adam I Bulletin#: 11-54 i . . . ; . . i The Mason County Sfieriff's Office is releasing the following nfformatlon pursumt tn RCW and the Washington State Supreme Court declsin in State vm Warl......l, which autlmrizes law enforcement agencies to infhrm the public of a sex offimders release when: i! the discretion o: the agenc,/, the release o.f infermation will enhance public safety and protection. The individual who appears on this ndtification has been coSvicted of a sex offense that requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the cnunty of their residence, further, theu! prevmus • . . i criminal hlsto places them in a classification level which reflects the potential to re-offend. This sex offender has served the sentence imposed on !ran by the cottrts and has advised the Mason County SherifI:'s Oflce that he will be living in the location below. HE IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR RATHER, IT IS OUR BIIAEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason Coumy Sheriff's Office has no legal autlmrity to direct wherd a sex o[]'cnder may or may not live. Unless court ordered resn'icfions exist, this oflender is constitufi0aally fi'ee to live wherever he chooses, Sex offenders have alwa'vs lived in our communities, [)tit it wasn't until passaue of the Comnnmity Protection Act of 1990 (w/n'ch mandates sex offbnder reislration) t 1at aw enfbrcenlellt even knew where they were/ivilw. 111 maIl cases law en[orcelndllt is now abtc to sha N ihat information with you. Citizen abuse of this information to threaten, intintidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be tolerated. Further, such abuse could potentially end law enforcement's ability to do comnmnity notifications. Wc believe the only erson who wins iflcontmunity notification ends is the sex offender, since sex offenders derive their power threugh secrecy, ! ou have any information regarding current criminal activity of this or aov olher ofl'eoder i)lease call 91 I. , For other sex offender information, //sn.eo ma and go io: have fishing 427-9099 supplies! SkQkomish Indian Tribal Eterprises (S.I.T,E.) ANGELO WILSON RIVERA NATIVE AMERICAN MALE DOB: 08/29/1967- 5'-11" 200 LBS. I - l BLACK HAIR & BROWN EYES i i Angelo RIVERA was just released from custody and is required to registe as a sex offender for multiple sex convictions. On 11/23/1992, RIVERA ,:,'as coni/icted of Rape 3 d Degree, Mason County Superior Court cause #92-1-00010-5L This conviction stems from RIVERA at age 23, raping a 17 year old girl. On 08/21/1997, R1VERA was convicted of (2!rime on Indian Reservation-Abusive Sexual Contact with a Minor, Tribal Court case #09579085. This conviction stems from RIVERA at age 29, entering the home of a 10 year old little gM and sexually assauhing her. On 10/04/1989, RIVERA admitted to being arrested by, the Squaxin Island Tribal Police for Criminal Trespass where he crawled thorough a bedroom window of friend's sister and exposed himself. He was 22 years old at the time of this arrest. According to a Dept. of Corrections report, RIVERA admitted to past instances of voyeurism by' peeping into female's Windows. RIVERA has an extensive criminal history including multiple counts of Failure to Register, Robbery, Burglary, Theft, Assault etc. RIVERA has been assessed as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the higljest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to r-offend. NOTE: RIVERA is on WA State Department of Corrections Supervision, RIVERA has given his status within Mason Count' s: Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA 1 Happy New Year from & 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 @ At the intersection of Hwy. 101 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Camel Marlb00 _ Assorted Varieties veps0000 S4900 12 pk. 12 oz. cans ......... ' Bud & Bud00 iNiiNiNi!iii'00iil . ..:: ":7"'" " ': ::::.: f :::..::::. i!: :::: :::: : ::.:, : i i:;2:::.. :/: ig!.:f'*: s':°":':a:::':::::  ":  ':":: :::": " :::: :::::::: ::: ....... .:<",  ca.t.',ii • ii: 3-piece Chicken & Jo 83.50 Winston SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health Next to "1 read the Journal all year long for just s37. It's the cat's pajamas." ][ Sheton-Ma.rr County |! N Calt 426-4412 to subscribe today! .... Out of County $51/yr, i Out of State $61/yr. ' Shelton diver Houston Dean practices a forward so half-twist dive during practice on Friday, Dec. 30. SHS swimmers tra By EMILY HANSON The Shelton swim team used the two weeks of winter break to train hard. Co-head .Cgach Chad Youngquist said the three-hor long practices held Mon- day through Friday during break were at- tended by an average of 20 swimmers and that each of them worked hard and would be seeing their times drop over the next few weeks of meets. "They trained harder during winter break so we'll cut back to two-hour prac- tices to provide a recovery," Youngquist said. "Their times should drop over the next two weeks. We had a lot of sickness over break, though, so some may not get faster when I expect them to." He said that some swimmers, like freshman Chris Frost, were present at every practice over break, adding that he thinks Frost will be dropping a lot of time in the upcoming meets. As part of the team's more intense training schedule, they would do an ex- ercise during which each swimmer would do laps in the pool while dragging a milk crate through the water behind them. "Pulling the crates is a monumental challenge and when they pull something heavy, they have to get their hands deep and pull with power and with lever- age, otherwise they don't go anywhere." Youngquist said. "This applies power to good technique. It also adds novelty to hard work because hard work without something interesting makes the guys get complacent and bored." During this exercise, the swimmers have the option of using paddles on their hands. "They choose to use the paddles be- cause it's more leverage and helps them dig into the water' deeper," Youngquist TODAY: Shelton at Stadium, 3:30 p.m. dium High Scho "Gig Harbor toughest meets both next week, practice on Fric the school that a in Tacoma trans: Despite the Youngquist said ing forward to t[ "We look for cause the team and when we go good teams, eve good race," Yore good pool with bl tition will be goc Co-head coac structs the diw worked pretty w "The first we week is a little s days," Phelan s ary is long for have their ll-di the full list of di for league and the normal dual Because of th said the diver t as many as 12 m DON'T GET CAUGHT UNPROTECTED! Shelton Athletic Club Presents: EFFECTIVE SELF DEFENSE FOR WOMEN Learn successful self-protection techniques for all situations. This is a beginning class for women only. Sign up now for four weeks of classes. Starts January 14 th 10 February 4 th Classes are eac h Saturday Time: 12:00 (noon) - I:30PM Cost: s60 °° Instructor: Clan Jacobs of Jacobs Fighting System. Over 25 years of experience teaching self Cefense to the military and law enforcemlnt. Sign up at the Shelton Athletic Club 360-426-1388, Space is limited so sign up now. Come dressed in gym clothing. Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County, Journal - Thursday, January 5, 2012 Just South of Downtown Shelton c Stop in today at 707 South First Call 426-1388 or email us, sac@ Check us out on the web at sheltonatt Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-gpm, Sat & S Journa photo by Emily Hanscx , mersault with a m hard explained He said this exercise is done for between 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the Swimmer. As of press time, the results from t;e High- climbers' meet at Gig Harbor on Tuesday, Jan. 3 were not yet available. The team is set to swim next at, 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 5, at Sta- *l. md Stadium will be our of the year and they're ' Youngquist said during ay, Dec. 30. "Stadium is 11 of the faster swimmers !er to." tougher competition. he and the team are look- e meets. yard to away meets be- gets to start off of blocks off blocks against really ry swimmer will have a gquist said. "Being in a ocks against good compe- d for the guys." h Rob Phelan, who in- ;rs, said the dive team ll over break. ek was strong and this ower because of the holi- id. "The month of Janu- the divers because they e meets - they have to do zes as a chance to qualify listricts - in addition to meets." ;se ll-dive meets, Phelan ,am will be competing in eets this month. n Highway 3 Street leticclub.c0m an 7am-3pm