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Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023
TS No: 22—7200 Notice Of Trustee’s
Sale Loan No: ******2185 Pursuant To
The Revised Code Of Washington Chap—
ter 61.24 RCW Grantor: Gustavo Villato—
ro and Carla Villatoro Current Beneficiary
of Deed of Trust: US. Bank Trust Nation-
al Association, not in its individual ca—
pacity but solely as trustee for LB-Igloo
Series IV Trust Current Mortgage Ser—
vicer for the Deed of Trust: Rushmore
Loan Management Services, LLC Cur-
rent Trustee for the Deed of Trust: Mi—
chelle R. Ghidotti, Esq. Trustee’s address
is 144 Railroad Avenue, Suite 236, Ed—
monds, WA 98020—4100 (206) 331 -3280
Trustee’s agent for service is Gary Krohn,
Reg. Agent, whose address is 144 Rail—
road Avenue, Suite 236 Edmonds, WA
98020-4100 Phone: (206) 525—1925 If
there are any questions regarding this
Notice, please contact (206) 331—3280
Reference Number of Deed of Trust:
1785248 Parcel Number(s): 22336—54-
00060 Abbr. Legal Description: Lot 60,
Lynch Cove No. 4, According To The Plat
Thereof Recorded In Volume 8 Of Plats,
Pages 42 And 43, Records Of Mason
County, Washington. This Notice Is The
Final Step Before The Foreclosure Sale
Of Your Home. You have 'only 20 Days
from the recording date on this notice to
pursue mediation. Do Not Delay. Contact
A Housing Counselor Or An Attorney Li-
censed In Washington Now to assess
you situation and refer you to mediation
if you are eligible and it may help you
save your: home. See below for safe
sources of help. Seeking Assistance
Housing counselors and legal assistance
may be available at little or no cost to
you. If you would like assistance in deter—
mining your rights and opportunities to
keep your house, you may contact the
following: The statewide foreclosure hot-
line for assistance and referral to housing
counselors recommended’by the Hous—
ing Finance Commission Telephone:
1-877—894-HOME (1 -877-894-4663).
Web site: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/con-
chase_counselors_forecIosure.htm The»
United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development Telephone:
1—800—569—4287 Web site: http://www.
hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/index.cf '
WA&fiIterSvc=dfc The statewide civil le-
gal aid hotline for assistance and refer-
rals to other housing counselors and at—
torneys Telephone: 1—800-606—4819
Web site: http://nwjustice.org/what—clear
I. Notice ls Hereby Given that the under—
signed Trustee will on 2/3/2023, at 10:00
AM at At main entrance Mason County
Courthouse, 419 North 4th Street, Shel—
ton sell at public auction to the highest
and best bidder, payable, in the form of
cash, or cashier’s check or certified
checks from federally or State chartered
banks, at the time of sale the following
described real property, situated in the
County of Mason, State of Washington,
to—wit: Lot 60, Lynch Cove No. 4, Ac—
cording To The Plat Thereof Recorded In
Volume 8 Of Plats, Pages 42 And 43, Re-
cords Of Mason County, Washington.
Commonly known as: 40 NE'Larson Lake
Road Belfair, Washington 98528 which is
subject to that certain Deed of Trust dat-
ed 6/23/2003, recorded 6/27/2003,, un—
der Auditors File No. 1785248, records of
Mason County, Washington, from Gus—
tavo Villatoro, And Carla Villatoro, Hus—
band And Wife, as Grantor(s), to LS Title
Of Washington, as Trustee, to secure an
obligation in favor of Mortgage Electron-
ic Registration Systems, Inc. Soler As
Nominee For Countrywide Home Loans,
Inc., Its Successors And Assigns, as
Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in
which was assigned to US. Bank Trust
National Association, not in its individual
capacity but solely as trustee for‘LB-Ig—
loo Series IV Trust as instrument number
2166083. II. No action commenced by
the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is
now pending to seek satisfaction of the
obligation in any Court by reason of the
Borrower’s or Grantor’s default on the
obligation secured by the Deed of Trust.
III. The default(s) for which this foreclo—
sure is made is/are as follows: Failure to
,pay when due the following amounts
which are now in arrears: Payment Infor—
mation From 10/1/2020 Amount $656.21
Total $15,749.04 Beneficiary’s Advanc—
es, Costs And Expenses Description
9/23/2022 Late Charges Advance
Amount $345.75 Description 9/23/2022
Corporate Advances Advance Amount
$2,237.46 Description 9/23/2022 Sus-
pense Balance Advance Amount
($605.61) Estimated Foreclosure Fees
Costs 9/23/2022 Trustee’s Fees $385.00
Total Due As Of: 9/23/2022 $18,111.64
IV. The sum owing on the obligation se—
cured by the Deed of Trust is: The princi-
pal sum of $45,791.50, together with in-
terest as provided in the Note or other
instrument secured from 9/1/2020, and
such other costs and fees as are due un-
der the Note or other instrument secured
and as are provided by statute. V. The
above described real property will be
sold to satisfy the expense of sale and
the obligation secured by the Deed of
Trust as provided by statute. The sale will
be made without warranty, expressed or
implied, regarding title, possession or
encumbrances on 2/3/2023. The de—
faults referred to in Paragraph "I must be
cured by 1/23/2023, (11 days before the
sale date) to cause a discontinuance of
the sale. The sale will be discontinued
and terminated if at any time before
1/23/2023 (11 days before the sale) the
default as set forth in Paragraph III, to-
gether with any subsequent payments,
late charges, advances, cests and fees
thereafter due, is/are cured and the
Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Pay—
ment must be in cash or with cashiers or
certified checks from a State or federally
chartered bank. The sale may be termi-
nated any time after the 1/23/2023 (11
days before the sale date) and before the
sale, by the Borrower, or Grantor or any
Guarantors or the holder of any recorded
junior lien or encumbrance by paying the
principal and interest secured by the
Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and ad-
vances, if any, made pursuant to the
terms of the obligation and/or Deed of
Trust and curing all other defaults. VI. A
written Notice of Default was transmitted
by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the
Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) at the follow-
ing address(es): Name Address Carla Vil—
Iatoro C/O Goodell Law, Inc., RS. 10 NE
Creelman Lane Belfair, WA 98528 Carla
Villatoro C/O Goodell Law, lnc., RS. PO.
Box 1865 Belfair, WA 98528 Carla Villa-
toro 40 NE Larson Lake Road Belfair,
Washington 98528 Gustavo Villatoro 40
NE Larson Lake Road Belfair, Washing-
ton 98528 by both first class and certi—
fied mail on 8/8/2022, proof of which is in
the possession of the Trustee; and on
8/12/2022 the Borrower and Grantor
were personally served, if applicable,
with said written Notice of Default or the
written Notice of Default was posted in a
conspicuous place on the real property
described in Paragraph above, and the
Trustee has possession of proof of such
service or posting. VII. The Trustee
whose name and address are set forth
below will provide in writing to anyone
requesting it, a statement of all costs and
fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII.
The effect of the sale will be to deprive
the Grantor and all those who hold by,
through or under the Granter of all their
interest in the above described property.
IX. Anyone having any objections to this
sale on any grounds whatsoever will be
afforded an opportunity to be heard as to
those objections if they bring a lawsuit to
restrain the sale pursuant to RCW
61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit
may result in a waiver of (any proper
grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s
sale. X. Notice To Occupants Or Tenants
- The purchaser at the trustee’s sale is
entitled to possession of the property on
the 20th day following the sale, as
against the grantor under the Deed of
Trust (the owner) and anyone having an
interest junior to the Deed of Trust, in—
cluding occupants who are not tenants.
After the 20th day following the sale the
purchaser has the right to evict occu-
pants who are not tenants by summary
proceedings under chapter 59.12 RCW.
For tenant-occupied property, the pur-
chaser shall provide a tenant with written
notice in accordance with RCW
61.24.060. If you are a servicemember or
a dependent of a servicemember, you
may be entitled to certain protections
under the federal Servicemembers Civil
Relief Act and any comparable state
laws regarding the risk of foreclosure. If
you believe you may be entitled to these
protections, please contact our office
immediately. Additional disclaimers pro—
vided by the Trustee: If you have previ-
ously been discharged through bank—.
ruptcy, you may have been released of
personal liability for this loan in which
case this letter is intended to exercise
the noteholders rights against the real
property only. Service of Process should
be sent to: Michelle Ghidotti, Esq., c/o
Gary Krohn, Reg. Agent, 144 Railroad
Avenue, Suite 236, Edmonds, WA 98020-
4100 and faxed to (949) 427—2732. If
there are any questions regarding this
Notice, please contact (206) 331-3280.
Sale Information Can Be Obtained On—
line At https://mkconsultantsinc.com/
trustees—sales/ For Automated Sales In-
formation Please Call: (877) 440—4460
This Is An Attempt To Collect A Debt And
Any Information Obtained Will Be Used
For That Purpose Dated: 9.26.2022 Mi—
chelle Ghidotti, Esq. 144 Railroad Ave-
nue, Suite 236 Edmonds, WA 98020-
4100 Phone: (206) 331 -3280 Fax: (949)
427—2732 /s/ Michelle R. Ghidotti, Esq.,
as Trustee A notary public or other office
completing this certificate verifies only
the identity of the individual who signed
the document, to which this certificate is
attached, and not the truthfulness, accu-
racy, or validity of that document. State
of California ) )ss County of Orange ) On
9/26/2022 before me, Merna Wessa, No-
i I"
tary Public personally appeared, Michelle
R. Ghidotti—Gonsalves, Esq who proved
to me on the basis of satisfactory evi-
dence to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged to me that she executed
the same in her authorized capacity, and
that by her signature on the instrument
the person, or the entity upon behalf of
which the person acted, executed the in—
strument. certify under Penalty Of Per-
jury under the laws of the State of Cali—
fornia that the foregoing paragraph is
true and correct. Witness my hand and
official seal. Signature /s/ Merna Wessa
(Seal) Notary Public My Comm. Expires
Mar 2, 2026
3778 January 5, 26 2t
KAISER, Plaintiff, vs. GMAC MORT-
trustee, and each of their successors
and assigns claiming any right, title, and/
or interest to that certain real property
identified by Mason County Aesessor
Parcel No. 32214—52-04021, and Doe
Defendants 1. through 20, Defendants.
Case No. 22-2—00595—23 SUMMONS BY
DBA ditech.com, DITECH, and TRANS
each of their successors and assigns
claiming any right, title, and/or interest
to that certain real property identified
by Mason County Assessor Parcel No.
32214—52-04021, and Doe Defendants 1
through 20. You are hereby summoned to
appear within (60) days after the date of
the first publication of this summons, to-
wit, within sixty (60) days after January 5,
2023, and defend the above-entitled ac-
tion in the above-entitled court, and an-
swer the Complaint of the Plaintiff at the
office below stated. In case of your fail—
ure to do so, judgment will be rendered
against you according to the demand of
the Complaint, which has been filed with
the clerk of the above-entitle Court. The
subject of the above—entitled action is
to quiet title in that certain parcel of real
property in Mason County, as legally de—
scribed ln the Complaint. DATED this 3rd
day of January, 2023. GSJONES LAW
GROUP, P.S.,Norman K. Short Norman
K. Short, WSBA #22925
3783 January 5, 12, 19, 26, February
2, 9 6t
will be received by the Mary M. Knight
School District No. 311, at the District
Business Office, 2987 W Matlock Brady
Rd, Elma »WA 98541 until 1:00 pm. on
Tuesday, January 17th at which time they
will be publicly opened and read and the
contract awarded as soon as possible
for a 2022 10—passenger Sunset Van to
be delivered no later than June 30, 2023.
Please contact Toby Lane, Transporta—
tion Director at tlane@mmk.wednet.edu
or 360-426-6767 ext. 123 for bid specifi—
cations and questions.
3779 January 5, 12 2t