January 6, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 6, 2011 |
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A natural gas leak led
to the evacuation of some
downtown Shelton homes
and businesses near Mill
Street for about an hour
early this week.
Strong natural gas odors
were first reported in the
300 block of Mill St. at
about 8 a.m. on Monday,
Jan. 3.
Emergency crews
evacuated the immediate
area'and were able to trace
the source of the smell to
a Cascade Natural Gas
building at the intersection
of Harvard Avenue and
Alleghany Street.
Less than an hour later,
the leak was contained
and evacuees were allowed
to return to homes and
businesses by 9 a.m.
Day iiiii~ii!iiii!l ft.
i 6 iiiii !iiiii{ 15.6
7 ilili iiiiii ! 15.5
s illi iii!iill 15.5
9 iiii~iiiiiill 15.4
10 iii!i~:~iiiiiiil 15.1
11 ii~i~il 14.7
12 ii~O~,42iiil 14.4
i 13 ii~iiil 10.2
ii i ' ii iii! ft. liiiii iiiii ft.
12.5 iii i i -1.3 iiiiii!iii i iiiiiiii 6.8
11.s -0.5 iiiiiiii! ii iiiiiili 6.3
11.2 0.4 [ililili i i!iiiiii 5.'z
10.6 1.6 [ililiiii iii!ili 4.9
10.1 :!i!iiii~M~!i!i!i! 3 i~;i~i~!iii!~!~ 4.2
9.8 I iiiiiii3~ii!i!ii 4.5 liiiiiiii~i~ii!i!ili 3.4
-- l i!i!i!i~I~$!i!i!i!i 6.1 lili!i!iii6:~ii!iiiii 2.7
-- ii~i~iii~iiiiiiii 7.6 Iiiii~i~i~6i~iiiiiii 1.8
ft. ft.
15.6 ] 12.5
15.5 J 11.8
15.5 I 11.2
15.4 ! 10.6
15.1 I lO.1
14.7 I 9.8
14.4 ! ---
10.2] 14 {
Low Tide
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-1.1 ii!i!i~iiiii!
-0.5 iliiii~i~ii!i
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Day iiii!i!:;~i!i!i!il ft. i!i!i!i!~i!i!i!i! ft. !iii!i~!iiiiiii! ft. ililiiiii~!i!i!iiii ft-
6 ililili~i~iiil 12.9 ilili}~::~ili!iii 10.3 -- i!ii~49iii 6.8
7 i!i!i!i~!~i!i!i! 12.8 !i!!!i~i!i!i!i 9.8 iiii~!~iiil -0.5 !iliiiii!!~,~'~lii!i!!i 6.3
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9 iiii!iS:~i!ilil 12.7 ii!ii!8~iiiiiii 8.7 iiiiiii~i}iii 1.6 iiii!i!~(~iiiili! 4.9
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!i!
10 iiii} iiiili 12.5 8.3 3 4.1
11 ili~i~iiill 12.2 iii~aiii s.1 !~:~ 4.5 ~ ~.4
12 ii!ii!~iiii 11.9 ii~iii~i:i~:i:i:il -- i!i!ii~iiiiiii 6 ililJ~ili 2.7
13 iii~ii 8.4 ilililililili!~iliiiiiiili!i -- i~i~i~'2.~i~ii} 7.5 iliiiii~!i!ii 1.8
City community and economic development director Steve
Dose brief the city commission on its planning contract for
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Goins and city planner Jason
the Shelton Shoreline Master
C ty embarks on S
program updat
By NATALIE JOHNSON munity input, especially from those said.
with expertise in Shoreline issues. The county's level of progress
After a slow start, the city of"One of the things we'll be doing may also slow the city down. Steve
Shelton is moving right along in its in fairly short order is establishing Goins, city community and econom-
efforts to update the Shelton Shore- a technical advisory committee and ic development director, said that
line Master Program. that will be a common committeeat some point the city's and county's
Last week, the commissioners that the city and county will use," projects will split, because the city's
agreed to an interlocal agreement Dose said. "It will be a very techni- update should move much faster.
with Mason County to collaborate cal committee comprised of geolo- "We don't feel that our project
in the early planning stages of their gists, hydrologists, fisheries people, will be controversial enough to push
senarate shoreline updates to Goins said.
redundancy for both programs, the disciplines that might have a "We do believe Mason County's will
This week, the commissioners working knowledge of these differ- be very controversial and we're sort
reviewed a $104,000 contract with ent processes." of hitched to that wagon."
ESA Adolfson, a Seattle-based plan- Dose said that such a commit- He said that the city is prepared
ning firm for planning and consult- tee could help the city and county to pause their update to wait for the
ing services, assess current practices and make county to catch up.
"We've gotten off to a slow start way for change. Despite how closely the two
but we're planning to ramp up pret- Dose said that the goal of the proj- groups are working together on the
ty quickly," said city planner Jason ect is to simultaneously preserve project, the city and county will not
Dose. "What you have before you is shorelines in the city and county, have the same shoreline program
a standard contract for services." and plan for new development, after this is all said and done, Dose
The update to the shoreline mas- "That's not as easy as it sounds, said.
ter program is both mandated for because development by nature has "We will have coordinated, but
the city and fully funded by the an impact on the resource," he said. separate regulations in the end,"
state. In July, the city commission While they must finish the update he said. "They will be rooted in the
authorized a $125,000 grant from by June, 30, 2013, there are several same science, but they will be sepa-
the Washington State Departmentfactors that hamper the city's abil- rate."
of Ecology for the planning portion ity to set definite deadlines, includ- The city commission approved
of the project, ing science itself, Dose said contract, and plans to formally
Throughout the project, the city, "Science expands science is adopt i "fiVtlS /r'Japuary 10 tneet-
and county will be looking for com- very prone to new information, he ing. t'
What will the coming year bring
for the residents of Mason County?
Every New Year brings hope for better health and brighter
opportunities for ourselves, our families and our community.
But what will 2011 have in store for the people of Mason County?
Our Elected Officials are on the fast track to allow construction of a
Biomass Incineration Facifity that will change Mason County forever.
Did you know?
According to their SEPA application, the proposed ADAGE Mason LLC plant will
be 150 feet tall with a smokestack 170 feet tall. The current height restriction for
Mason County is 45 feet. Should we allow our County Commissioners to pass a
variance to allow such a tall structure?
The SEPA application submitted by ADAGE Mason LLC does not adequately
address the risks of Fire, Explosion or Disaster Preparedness in the event of an
emergency. Will Mason County's First Responders be able to protect the residents in
harm's way if the unthinkable should occur? Accidents are not unprecedented in
facilities of this type.
The application states that the Plant Roof alone will cover 2 acres and the fuel
storage and handling another 3 acres. The plant will burn of 600,000 tons of
wood per year or 68.5 tons per hour, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day,
producing 18,200 TONS of ash, 441 TONS of a air pollutants and 600,000 TONS of
C02. HOW can we accept this Incineration Plant as a "Green" neighbor to homes,
schools, our hospital and Playfields?
The Public Comment Period is now underway for the ORCAA (Olympic Clean
Air Agency) permitting process and your input is important. Public meetings will
be held on January 31 at 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Submit your written comments in
advance to ORCAA at 2940-B Limited Lane NW, Olympia, WA 98502.
ATTEND a Community Forum at
The Shelton Civic Center
Wednesday, January 19th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
And learn more about what you can do to
make 2011 a great one for Mason County!
SEE the complete letter to Barbara Adkins of the
Mason County Department of Planning, requesting a
full Environmental Impact Study by going to:
then click on the link at the top of the page.
.:: :~ :~!i!~i~e: : :
a New
Concerned Citizens of Mason County
P. O. Box 1114, Shelton, WA 98584 For more info call: 360-868-2251 or 360-432-8203
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Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011