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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 6, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 6, 2011
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r ~ Home is quick to tell amusing sto- ries of life on the road and Continued from page B-1 his year and a half as a car- nival worker, or "carny," as Skookum Rotary is pio- he said. neering the Shelton/Mason Now he's working to- County Housing Options wards his goal of attending for Students in Transition the University of Washing- (HOST) program. Sturgesston and someday becoming is their test case, although an architect or engineer. his participation is not for- Rhonda and Paul Stone mal yet. have two children of their "Officially the HOST pro- own, a daughter living gram hasn't started yet," away from home, and a son Stone said. "I didn't want to Sturgess' age, Jake. He and ask my fellow club members Sturgess say they get along to do anything that I wasn't famously, and are more willing to do myself. I want- brothers than housemates ed to see how practical it now. would be to take a complete "They're one of the kind- stranger age 18-21 into my est families I've ever met," home and see if it wouldSturgess said. work." The Stones are just as The program will be happy with Sturgess has he funded by a $30,000 Rotary is with them, saying that he International District 5020/ is a sweet, well-behaved kid, Gates Foundation Partner- and a welcome addition to ship on Family Homeless-their family. ness grant. The funding Rhonda Stone, the main will sustain the programcontact for the HOST pro- through next December. gram, is searching for fami- Sturgess said that he was lies willing to open their not ashamed to say thathe doors to a teenager like came from a rather unstable Sturgess. Families do not family. His father is a long- need to be Rotary members, haul trucker, who by nature but must meet program lives on the road, a life un- requirements and pass a suitable for a high school background check. aged boy. "Now that the program is Sturgess also said that approved and the money is many of his siblings have all there, we need to start lo- dabbled in drugs and none cating host families," Stone have graduated from highsaid. school. Students involved also "I was going nowhere, I need to go through an appli- was ending up like my sib- cation process. lings," he said. "My nephew For more information, or is five years old and in first to apply for the program, grade, my niece is turning contact Rhonda Stone at two. I'm already worried(360) 486- 4483, Dan Ryder about them." at (360) 789 - 0113, or stu- Despite how hard his up-dent contact Miles Nowlin bringing has been, Sturgess (360) 426 - 7664. Harstine A bundle of five bare root Bitter Cherry will cost you Continued from page B-1 $7. Bundles of the birch and Douglas Maple will also cost Plants should be picked $7 - a great buy. up on Feb. 25, 10 a.m. to 5 So, lets make this New p.m. or Saturday, Feb. 26th, Years resolution to beautify 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the dis- the island with these trees, trict office over by the air- or go out to the nurseries port. If you have questions this spring and pick out call the Mason Conserva- something more exotic but tion District office at 427- with equal spring and fall 9436, Ext. 13. foliage color. Cookin' Continued from page B-1 "What really got me going was I went to a Washington association for the Education of Young Children conference," she said. 'Tnere was a woman there that was representing a group called the Feingold Associa- tion." The Feingold Association, Smith said, has long studied the affects of artificial dyes, flavors, preservatives, and other food additives on the be- havior of children. What Smith found shocked her, she said. "He found that some children that were exhibiting behaviors, for exam- ple autism or ADHD or those things, if they went on an elimination diet, where they eliminated those things, they were fine," she said. Smith immediately knew that she wanted to cut out artificial ingredi- ents from her food, but had to figure out how. "It made me want to cry to think of how many children might be on harsh drugs that didn't need to be," she said. "It's hard to find things that are convenient," Smith said that money really af- fects how well a person can eat. How- ever she convinced the board of direc- tors of the child care center to incur the added expense of more fresh and homemade food. "It's sad but it's more expensive to serve real food," she said. Smith had to switch to buying more expensive brands and making some food from scratch rather than from mixes, which she says in time consuming, but worth the effort. "Not all children have reactions to someone else's pride and joy some- these things, but they're not real, we thing that might be harmful to them don't know the cumulative effects of and even if its later on down the line." these things, some of them are known Smith even makes her own gra- carcinogens, and neurotoxins," she ham crackers. She shared her recipe said. "I don't have a right to feed with the Journal. i!i!iii!ili!iiiiiiiiii!ili!i!i]iiiiiiiiii]iiii tlie!mixtue resembles Alijah Owen Lowry Alijah Owen Lowry was born December 28, 2010 to Melanie Carolyn Gumm and Jacob Daniel Lowry of Lac- ey. He weighed eight pounds and 11 ounces. He was born at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. Orion Miles Gallegos Orion Miles Gallegos was born December 25, 2010 to Krysta Leanna Meyers and James Francis Gallegos of Lacey. He weighed seven pounds and three ounces. He was born at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. Elliott Scott Gessler Elliott Scott Gessler was born December 21, 2010 to Brianna Pearl Chandler and Scott E. Jorge Gessler of Shelton. He weighted seven pounds and eight ounces. He was born at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. Gavino Tiger Tinaza Gavino Tiger Tinaza, was born December 24, 2010 to Nydesia Eveningstar Bowleay and Gavino Tiger Tinaza of Shelton. He weighed seven pounds and 10 ounces. He was born at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. Shelton-Mason County Feedback Survey :: :: : Thank you for reading the Journal. Please take a ::.:.:: !:: minute to complete the simple confidential survey below. It is very valuable to all of us here at the Journal ::i :: and we will review every one. Please drop off at our office - 227 W. Cota St Shelton -- or mail to :. ii :RO. Box 430 Shelton, WA 98584 !~i i'iiiiiii~!ii~i~ii!ii~iiii!i~ ii~i,':,~: ' ' How 1 2 Based on your overall experience, please circle the number below which best indicates how you would score the Journal in each category. 0 is the lowest and 10 is the highest and best score. Please tell us why you answered the way you did for each of the questions below would you rate the NEWS coverage & content? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How would you rate the SPORTS coverage & content? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How would you rate the REGIONAL coverage & content? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How would you rate the DELIVERY & CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I am: Male Female Regular Subscriber? Yes No Age Group: 0-25 26-40 41-60 61-80 80+ Nearest City/Town: Shelton Belfair Matlock Hoodsport Allyn Union Thank You for your feedback--- we truly appreciate it. E 0 1-11 Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Activi- ties Center at 826 W. Rail- road Ave. The senior center hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thurs- day and from 8 a.m. to 3 Noon, lunch: spaghetti w/ advanced line dancing. meat sauce Noon, lunch: chicken par- 1 p.m bingo, mesan 2 p.m treats from Fir 12:30p.m game day. Lane 1-3 p.m. watercolor patint- ing class Friday 1 p.m. pinochle. 8 and 8:30 a.m tai chi. p.m. on Friday. The center's 9-11 a.m open line dance. Tuesday telephone desk (426-7374) is 9 a.m.-1 p.m sewing cir- Foot care by appointment closed for lunch from noon cle. 8:05 a.m gentle, restor- till 12:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m.-l:30 MCSAA ative yoga. member holiday party and9-11a.m intermediate/ Thursday pot luck advanced line dancing. 8:05 a.m gentle, restor- 1-3 p.m open painting.9 a.m.-1 p.m. sewing cir- ative yoga. 6-9 p.m. Washington old cle. 9-11 a.m intermediate/ ad-vanced line dancing. 9-11 a.m EZ Craffers. 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. blood pressure by Providence 11 a.m bridge signup the day before. time fiddlers Monday 8 and 8:30 a.m tai chi. 9 a.m beginning line dance. 10-11a.m intermediate/ 10:30 infor, and assistance - Merridee Noon, lunch: ham 12:30 p.m bridge signup day before. 1:15-3:45 p.m. chronic dis- ease class ,)Potl @ W. Clement 8/13/1923 to 1114/2010 M. Clement 4/13/t925 to 12/17/2010 ,fthe Rev. Paul and Mrs. Ruth Clement would like to express their deepest gratitude to all the following for the wonderful friendships, dn'dness and loving care bestowed upon their parents during past years ==specially in recent weeks prior to their final passing. Faith Lutheran Church Family Tramper Sam's Club Alpine Way Retirement Home Employees and Staff Mason General Hospital Providence St. Peter Hospital McComb Funeral Home May God bless you all r~ Wednesday 8 and 8:30 a.m tai chi. 9 a.m beginning line dancing. 10 a.m intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing. Noon, lunch: baked ziti w/ cheese 12:30 p.m game day. 1 p.m pinochle 1-3 p.m. scrapbooking: holiday and winter pages. A Request to come together CELEBRATION OF LIFE Bill Keyzers Loving Father, Grandfather, Brother, Son and wonderful Friend to all Please join us When: th January 15,2010 (Saturday) =::=:: ::: 2:00-5:00 pm ~.:ill :i ~ Location: The Pavilion at Sentry Park 190 W. Sentry Drive Shelton, WA 98584 Open mic testimonials prepared or spontaneous by anyone who wishes. For more information please contact: Wendy Lawson at Phone # (360) 481-9517 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011 - Page B-5