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came a member in 1997. 'She family at her side. She was a :
volunteered with the youthresident of Grapeview for 30
ministry there. She later years.
was a leader in the M:asonShe was born November 8,
Brenda Fowler wrestled at Aberdeen High County 4H Club working 1920 to Leon and Vene (Gar-
School and later coached with kids showing llamas rfield Stone) Haman at Cape Jerry Lee Morris Sr:i 74i ~ Decemb~ 28i 20i~ at
Brenda Fowler, 49, free style wrestling at Shel- and goats (a "true passion of Girardeau, Mo. ProvidenceS~P~terH~spitai~01ympia H~~:
died December 20, 2010 in ton High School from 1994 to Kristin's," family states'l. She She attended High School
Longview after a long battle 1995. He also coached soccer also enjoyed camping, ,dutch in Cape Girardeau, Mo. and
with cancer. She was a resi- at Shelton High School from oven cooking, scrap-booking, attended Southeast Missouri
dent of Longview. 1987 to 1989. reading, the beach, !horse- State Teachers College.
She was born May 23, He worked in the dump back riding, her anima.ls and She married Nelson A1-
1962 to Marene (Lester) truck business with his most ofall, herfamiIy, bert Stewart October 10,
F o w 1 e r brother in the early 1970's; She is survived by her 1941 in Mexico, Mo.
and Melvin was a police officer in Ab- husband Charles E. Roy of She was a teacher at West-
Fowler in erdeen, from late 1970's till Shelton; son Alan C. Roy of ~ ern High
Shelton. early 1980's; worked at Dept. Shelton; daughter Katrina ~~ in Ana-
S h e artment of Corrections in A. Roy of Shelton; brothers helm, Calif.
e n j o y e d Shelton, from 1985 to 1990; Matthew V. McCle~ don and~ where she
b e a c h -was an EMT (District 5) infamily of Ore. and Michael~~~ taught mu-
combing, Shelton, from 1990 to 1997Jay McClendon a,nd fam- ~ sic, art and
the dra- and worked the emergency ily of Wash.; fath, er James ~ math. She
Brenda ma club room at Capital Medical D. McClendon of I.daho and ~ ~ retired in :MadeneB:Cole
Fowler and was a Center Olympia, from 1997 mother Judy L. Sander of 1980.
sports fan.to 1999. Ore. Virginia Lee She was
Her mother Mar- Paul en- A memorial service was Stewart a member
lene Gladys Fowler from joyed fish- held on Wednesd,ay, Jan. 5, of the Tim-
Longview, brother John Wil- ing, hunt- 2011 at the Shelton First berland Chapel of Grape- ',~
liamFowlerofLongview and ing, fam- Baptist Church. view and a former member home wi~h family
numerous relatives and close ily, writing For your comzenience on- of the St. Edwards Catholic willbe a m
friends survive her. p o e t r y, line condolences may be sent Church.
Her father preceded her golfing andto the family at www.mc-Her hobbies included art, LaCe h rch
in death, gardening, combfh.com, music, sewing, cooking, bak-
A service will be held at He is ing and candy making at no services.
Noon to 4 p.m. January 15, Paul R. survived Caroline Sue ' Christmas. Contributions to a favorite
2011 at Willow Grove Com-
munity Center in Longview.
Memorial donations can
be made to the American
Cancer Society.
Mildred Louis
Collier Newman
Mildred Louis Collier
Newman (Mickey), 84, died
January 3, 2011 in Van-
couver, Wash. She was a
resident of Lost Lake for 18
She was born May 13,
1926 in Wheaton, Mo. to
Christopher and Veva Col-
Matthews by his wife
Kathy (Ste-
vens) Matthews of Shelton;
son John St. Pierre of Olym-
pia; daughters Lorra Brad-
ford of Shelton and Marie
Montejo of Shelton; step-son
John Stevens of Shelton;
step-daughters Amy Stevens
of Shelton and Brenda Mer-
ritt (Tim) of Shelton and Ma-
gen Houle (Jason) of Lacey;
brother Donald Matthews of
Seattle; sister Beth Bugher
of Port Angeles; 12 grand-
children and numerous niec-
es, nephews and friends.
His younger brother, John
Matthews and his parents,
Caroline S~ae Pierson, 74,
died Monday, January 3,
2011, at the Country House
in Grand Iskmd, surrounded
by her family. She was a res-
ident of Grand Island.
She was born on Decem-
ber 15, 1936 in Seattle, to
Albert and Mary (Wadding-
ton) WoolrJLdge.
She gre w up in the Shel-
ton area 8,nd attended Shel-
ton High School, graduating
in 1955.
She enjoyed trips on Dis-
covery Tours, playing cards
and spending time with her
girlfriends. She enjoyed her
von ne M.
family and grandchildren.
Her family said she was
a great nurturer and spent
many days with her daugh-
ter running a horse rescue
center. They said she enjoyed
taking care of sick or wound-
ed animals and was very
compassionate about them.
She was very fond of her fox
terrier "Spike."
She is survived by her sons
Nelson Stewart II (Carlene)
She married Marcus Pmr-
son on Au- of Olympia, Robert Stewart
gust 26,(Yolanda) of Louisiana, Leon
Stewart (Kim) of Kansas
church or charity are appro-
Waters (Vonnie)
Yvonne M. Waters (Von-
nie), 45 died December 22,
2010 at the Good Samaritan
Hospital in Puyallup after a
lengthly illness. She was a
resident of Shelton.
She was born on August
30, 1965 in Fremont, Neb. to
Robert and Kathleen Waters.
She attended Timberland
High School of Lacey and
Capital High School of Olym-
Grove, Ore.
She worked 'as a mother
and homemaker. She was a
volunteer for Mason County
Transit and Washington
State Capitol volunteer tour
guide in Olympia.
Her husband and parents
proceeded her in death.
She is survived by her
daughters Pamela Pratt of
Vancouver, Teri Johnson of
Burien and Debbie John-
son of Vancouver; son John
Newman of Concord, Calif.;
nine grandchildren and four
A graveside service is
planned for January 8, 2011
at Forest Hills Cemetery,
Cosmopolis. The officiant
will be Reverend Bill Van-
Memorial donations can
be made to Childhood Can-
cer Association, 433 NW 4th
Ave. Ste 100, Portland, OR
Don and Faith Matthews, 1956 and She worked as and in
lier. preceded him in death, had four and John Stewart (Annette) home caregiver and in 2009 Daisy Gillard or Joshua Oli-
She earned a Bachelors A celebration of life will be daughters, of Lacey; daughters Patsyshe won the award "caregiv- vas, 22630 Yeager Rd Mon-
D e g r e e held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, They lived Stogdill of Grapeview ander of the year" from the state roe, WA 98272.
from Or- Jan. 8, 2011 at the Agate in Seattle Ginger Kral (Kim) of Colo- of Washington for the out-
~~ egon State Grange. and moved rado; 30 grandchildren, 21 standing care and supportWilliam Flint
~~ College in Memorial donations may to Ew- great-grandchildren and one ~ she provid- (Pete)
great-great-grandchild, ed in her lo-
1949 in be sent to the American Caroline ing, Neb. She was preceded in death ~~1 calcommu- Yarrington
nomics.h me eco- ParkerHeart AssociationRd Denver,1280coS" Sue Pierson wherein 1958they by her husband Nelson, son, nity for her
[~~ S h e 80231 or the American Dia- farmed. She lived in O'Neill Jim Stewart and son-in-law, ~ D. S. H.S. William Flint (Pete) Yar-
m a r r i e d betes Association, 1730 Mi- from 1976 to 1984 where she Mark Stogdill. clients, rington, 67, died December
Mildred N o r m a nnor Ave, Seattle, WA 98109- worked at the Legion Club A memorial was held on ~ S h e 28, 2010 after a long battle
Louis Newman 1024. Front Desk as a hostess. Monday, Jan. 3, 2011 at the ~ lived for with cancer. He was a resi-
n^ill^ ~ J~e 12,
C~ ~ " ~' ~ ~ The family would l~ke to She moved to Grand Is- Timberland Chapel, 460. E. : many years dent of Shelton for 30 years
Newman ' :q949 in thank the good Samaritans land in 1984 and worked at Mason Benson Rd, Grape- Yvonne M. in Shel-from 1972 to 2002.
C o t t a g e who stopped to help aud ad- Shopko, Family Dental Care view. Waters ton enjoy- He was born March 15,
Paul R.
minister CPR to our loved
one. We would also like to
thank the staff at Mason
General Hospital and Dis-
trict 5 Fire Deptart;ment for
their care, compassion and
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at www.
Kristin Lea Roy
Kristin Lea Roy, 40, died
Wednesday, December 29,
2010 in She]ton. She was a
resident of Shelton for 16
She was, born May 1, 1970
in Bellewae to James and
Judy (Dye) McClendon.
S h e
spent her
years in
and later
moved to
where she
Kristin Lea attended
Roy C a p i -
tal High
School and then graduated
~.~om Tumwater High School
in 1989.
She married Charles E.
Roy on March 17, 1990.
They lived in McMin-
nville, Ore. for two years and
then moved back to her old
hometown of Tenino. In 1994
she and her family moved to
She worked in the medi-
cal office field for 15 years
and was currently employed
with Northwest Surgical
Group in Olympia.
She attended Shelton
First Baptist Church where
she was baptized and be-
and then Hobby Lobby.
She attended Trinity
United Methodist Church
where she was active in the
Women's Club. She was a
member of the Extension
Club and was also a 4H
Leader while her children
were growing up.
She is survived by her
daughters and sons-in-law,
Julie and Doug Lechner of
Grand Island, Chyrel and
Mike Hall of Red Bluff, Ca-
lif Connie and Joseph Walz,
of Kearney and Melodic and
Chad Funk of Clearwater,
Fla.; sisters and brothers-in-
law, Joanne and Don Cress
of Shelton, and Pat and War-
ren Turner of Nyssa, Ore.;
13 grandchildren and 16
Her parents preceded her
in death.
Services will be held at 11
a.m. Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011
at Gollaher Chapel in Trin-
ity United Methodist Church
with visitation one-hour pri-
or. The Reverend Melanie
Adams will officiate. Inurn-
ment will be in the niche
wall at Trinity United Meth-
odist Church.
All Faiths Funeral Home
is serving the family.
In Lieu of flowers memo-
rials are suggested to the
Alzheimer's Association or
to Trinity United Methodist
Condolences may be left
at www.giallfaiths.com.
Virginia Lee
Virginia Lee Stewart, 90,
died Monday, December 27,
2010 peacefully at home with
Memorial donations can
be made to the Foster C, hil-
dren Community and Family
services, P.O. Box 1459, Port
Orchard, WA 98366 attn:
"Lakedays" or The North
Thurston Humane Society,
P.O. Box 168, Belfair, WA
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at www.
Helen Bulduc
Helen Bulduc Veerkamp,
91, died November 2,5, 2010
at home in Coos Bay, Ore.
She was born May 11,
1919 to Joseph E. Bulduc
and Elizabeth Baker in
The family moved to Bel-
fair in 1921, where she grew
She graduated from
Bremerton High School in
June 1935, then attended
Seattle Pacific College and
several years later graduat-
ing from Univer sity of Wash-
She married Antonio
Guarnieri o n December
26, 1936. They lived in The
Dalles, Ore. and had one
In her retirement years
she was acti ve in VFW, Pur-
ple Heart A'o xiliary and Odd
Fellows Au ~dliary.
She is survived by her
daughter Maria Miller of
Veneta, Ore; sister Estelle
Foster of Belfair; four grand-
children and several great-
She was preceded in death
by her parents and husband.
At her request there were
ing her
green thumb with plants,
and her childhood friendship
with her best friend Sandra
Bares, while also raising her
much loved daughter Madi-
son Grubb.
She is survived by her
daughter Madison Grubb
of Shelton; sister Michelle
E. Waters of Albany Ore.;
brother Justin W. Dalley of
Olympia; mother Kathleen
M. Pickaver of Nottingham-
shire, UK and nephew Jef-
fery Waters of Mo.
Her first-born Melanie
R. Waters preceded her in
A memorial service will be
held at 2 p.m. on January 11,
2011 at the Gateway Chris-
tian Fellowship, 405 S. 7th
St Shelton, WA 98584.
Teri Gaylene
Teri Gaylene Workman,
53, died Sunday, December
26, 2010 at Mason General
Hospital from complications
related to leukemia. She was
a resident of Shelton for 27
was born
27, 1957 to
Daisy Mae
and Loren
Teri S h e
Gaylene m a r r i e d
Workman Glen Hu-
lett. Her
first marriage to Mike Olivas
ended in divorce.
She was a bartender at
the family's business for
many years.
She is survived by her
mother Daisy Mac Gillard
of Shelton, sisters Linda
Hanson of Colville and Dana
Goldsby of Shelton; brother
James B. Workman of Ta-
coma; sons Joshua J. Oli-
vas of Monroe and Mathew
C. Hulett of Boston, Mass.;
daughter Sarah J. Olivas of
Tacoma; father Loren Work-
man of Enterprise, Ore. and
granddaughters Eli and Tic
A Celebration of Life
will be held at Sliver Creek
Church in Mossyrock. The
time will be announced at a
later date.
Memorial donations can
be made to Love of Teri c/o
1943 to Flint and Madeline
Yarrington in Jackson, Calif.
He married Charlotte
England in
1962. The
ended in
H e
moved to
ton in 1972
William and worked
Flint as a logger
Yarrington and fisher-
man until
Paul R. Matthews, 56,
died Wednesday, December
29, 2010, in Shelton, he was
a resident for 27 years.
He was born January 2,
1954 to Donald and Faith
(Bayha) Matthews in Aber
He graduated from Aber-
deen High School 1971 and
attended Grays Harbor Col-
He served in the U.S. Ma-
rines during the Viei nam
He married Kathy
Nachtneble September 9,
1996 in Shelton.
He played footb,all and
he retired in 1960. For 15
years he was a full time Min-
ister of the Gospel of Jesus
He enjoyed mushroom
picking, smoking salmon,
chopping firewood, taking
his grandchildren on nature
walks and spending time
with his family.
He is survived by his son
Thomas Yarrington (Staci)
of Olympia; daughter Dori
Hainline (Doug) of Shelton;
four grandchildren John Yar-
rington (Kim) ofLacey, Dani-
elle Willson (John) of Lacey,
Dustin Hainline (Ione) of
Lacey and Daryl Hainline
(Cassie) of Hoodsport; four
great-grandchildren Ivan
Willson, Liliana Willson,
Aidyn Hainline and Jaryn
Hainline; brother Richard
Yarrington of Stockton, Ca-
lif.; sister Betty Burgess of
Pioneer, Calif.; several nieces
and nephews and his partner
in ministry Terri McLane of
Pioneer, Calif.
He is preceded in death by
his parents and niece Cyn-
thia Yarrington.
His children will hold a
private celebration of life at a
later date.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011 - Page B-7