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Shelton depression
group starts anew
By NATALIE JOttNSON said, "Mason General, Tues-
The holiday season can be days at 7 p.m."
a particularly difficult time Sauer said that the credit
for people prone to depres- for the resurrection of the
sion, said Ron Sauer, found- group should go to its new
er of the Shelton branch of leader Darrela Standfill.
Depressed Anonymous In- "She's been the ramrod
ternational said. to get it going because she
used to attend the group,"
"During the thanksgiv- he said."
ing and Christmas holidays
is known to be one of the Standfill said that she
worst times for depression, felt she owed it to the group
period, not just in Shelton, that helped her to get it go-
everywhere," Sauer said. ing again.
"After the first of the year, a "The group has helped
lot of people recognize that me and I want to help oth-
depressed feeling when it ers," she said.
doesn't go away, that signi- Sauer said that the De-
fies there's something more pressed Anonymous pro-
going on." gram, a modified 12-step
This January, the Shel- program allows people to
ton based branch of the 12- discuss their depression in a
step group will restart a reg- friendly, understanding and
ular meeting schedule after anonymous atmosphere.
a long hiatus. "One of the things about
"The de- me is I don't
pressed anony- care who knows
mous group is a I was depressed
or not, but a lot
self-help group
that believes of people have
that you can't a problem with
that, a big prob-
just sit around lem," he said.
and expect de- "We only use
pression to go first names."
away, for most people it
doesn't happen, it can't hap- Sauer described the pro-
pen," Sauer said. cess of talking through ana-
Sauer said that the lyzing a person's depression
group fell into disrepair and through an onion analogy,
started slipping over the saying that you have to peel
back a lot of layers to get to
past year. Eventually they
stopped meeting altogether, the root of a problem.
In the last month, dedicated "It's like peeling an on-
members have rebuilt the ion," he said. "What de-
group, he said. pressed anonymous does
"Now it's meeting back in is help you start peeling
its original place, original them."
For questions, call Dar-
date, original time," Sauer rela Standfill at 470-9149.
"It's like
peeling an
The second city hall was ,built in 1932 when the old city hall/library located on Fifth and
RailroadAve. became too crowded. It is now occupied by the Shelton Fire Department.
Photo courtesy of the Mason County Historical Society
Christina Marie Piarker and Cody Alan Hill to marry
Christina Marie Parker and
Cody Alan Hill of Shelton are get-
ting married at 6 p.m January 11,
2011 at Shelton Christian Center
in Shelton. Brian Hellenthal will
perform the double ring ceremony.
Following the ceremony the
family will have a reception.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Parker of Lacey and he
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Roberts of Shelton.
The maid of honor will be Man-
dy Cullotto; bridesmaids, Mellisa
Dukes and Donnalyn Roberts. The
best man will be Troy (TJ) Duty;
groomsmen George W. Roberts
and Andrew Auderer. Ringbear-
ers; Eric Del Borque and Ryan So-
lano; flower girls Talia Santos and
McKenzie Duty.
Both Christina and Cody gradu-
ated from Shelton High School.
The destination of their wed-
ding trip will take them to Union
Hot Tub Cabins.
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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011