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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 6, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 6, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT GORGEOUS 3 bedroom waterfront with garage, bonus room and more. $1,200/month, pets ne- gotiable. John L. Scott, 360-426-3319. J1/6 3 BEDROOM in town on corner lot with fruit trees, 2-car garage. $850/ month, pets negotiable, John L. Scott, 360-426- 3319. J1/6 2 BEDROOM waterfront at Phillips Lake. No-bank waterfront, 2-car ga- rage, $825/month, John L. Scott, 360-426-3319. J1/6 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment in town, wash- er/dryer included. $750/ month includes water, sewer, garbage,and gas. John L. Scott, 360-426- 3319. J1/6 1 BEDROOM apartment ROOMMATE WANTED. includes W/S/G, $650/ Waterfront house on month. Small pet ne- Lake Limerick. Own liv- gotiable, John L. Scott, ing quarters, shared 360-426-3319. J1/6 downstairs, huge house, CASE INLET beach $600. 360-280-8607. front home. 2 bedrooms D1/6-27 and den, 1.5 baths. All appliances, double car- port. Propane funace, fireplace with insert. Large deck with expan- sive water and mountain view. Rent $950. Deposit $950. 360-432-1750. Leave message. P1/6-27 2 BEDROOM chalet. Re- modeled with fireplace and hardwood floors. $795 plus $895 deposit. 40 E. Creekside Dr Belfair. 360-813-5632 or K1/6-27 MT. VIEW 2 bedroom mobile, fenced yard, clean, no pets, no smok- ing, $650.360-426-3557. L1/6 LAKE CUSHMAN 2 bed- room, on 10 acres, pri- vate, W/D, dishwasher, ductless heat pump. 1st/ last, month-to-month, $875. 360-877-9855. H1/6-27 NEED RENTER. $250 month includes every- thing. Near Belfair State Park. Call 253-250-9247. D1/6 Calcd Cont mil II All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, c01- or, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertis- ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our read- ers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportu- nity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUB t011-free at 1-800-669-9777. The t011-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is ,au,L 1-800-927-9275. OPPORTUmTY ROOM FOR rent, $400. Cable and wi-fi included, private bath. Lake ac- cess, gated community. 360-868-2263. B1/6 1 BEDROOM downtown apartment. Maximum 2 people. $450 rent/S450 deposit. Call 360-427- 6919. M1/6 FOR RENT/possible lease to own. 1-year-old, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,300 sq.ft, single-story home in the Mt. View area. Su- per Good Cents. Heat pump with AC, marble countertops and a large master bath with soaker tub and stand-up shower. $1,100 monthly, first and deposit. 360-280-0024, Craig. G1/6-27 TWO BEDROOM, 1 bath. Small pets allowed. $775 monthly. 360-463- 4948. G 1/6 DOWNTOWN APART- MENT. Newly refinished 2 bedroom, 3/4 bath upstairs apartment in downtown Shelton. New carpet, new paint, new flooring, many more upgrades. Almost 900 square feet of private liv- ing with no noisy neigh- bors. Walking distance to most downtown Shelton businesses. $700 month, $700 damage deposit with minimum 12 month lease. Rent also includes washer/dryer and water/ sewer/garbage paid. No pets, no smoking. Avail- able now. Andy, 360-280- 0606. A12/30-1/20 LYNCH COTTAGE. Re- cently updated 1 bed- room house on Lynch Rd. Perfect location 20 minutes to Olympia and shorter distance to Shel- ton. Includes new floor- ing, new paint washer/ dryer hookups. Large covered patio, large fenced yard. Possible pet okay (only upon ap- proval). Water view and Christmas tree views. Cadet heat, no AC, no smoking. $650 plus $650 damage deposit with 1 year lease. Must have references. Available January 1. (Pet deposit additional.) Andy, 360- 280-0606. A12/30-1/20 LAKE CUSHMAN 2 bed- room home with garage. $800 plus deposit. 360- 877-6212. R12/23-1/13 1 BEDROOM, large trailer on golf course recreational lot with fishing lake access. 15 miles from Shelton. Pet okay. W/S/G paid. $450 monthly plus deposit. 360-426-2907. $12/16tfn - ~ ,:,:- ~. ~ PICKERING PASSAGE waterfront. 2 bedroom, W/D. $775 monthly in- cludes W/G. 360-239- 4720. R12/16tfn 3 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath townhome in Shelton. Large unit (1,200 sq.ft), fenced yard, washer/ dryer provided. Small pets negotiable. Cov- ered parking. Nice hous- ing environment. $795 month plus deposit. 360- 701-3888. R12/16tfn 5TH WHEEL trailer for rent, w-s-g paid, close to town, on bus line, cable available, good condition $475.00 monthly, deposit required call 360-426- 2015. #003 E12/23tfn Prestigious 2-bedroom duplexei with den/office, 2 full baths. 2-car garages. Water, sewer, garbage, yard maintenance included in rental. Call 360-462-0171 or 360-490-2837 Visit fbr c.rrent rental rates or cmail: S74S :::::::.:::::: .':".::.:::':: :.~7.:: :: ":.:.'.'.'. : .: : : ": :: :: :::.::: :.:.:.: :.: ; :.:.L 2: L L:.:::: :.:~ :.:.:.L:::.:.:.::: : .2 : :.;;::::.::.:::.:::::.:::.::: :::' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' " "" "" ":::i~!".~ CL, A$SIFi D D ADL|NI iS: ii U [] Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 6, 2011 - Page 3