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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 7, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 7, 1965
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January 7, 1965 ----. SHELTON--MASON ,COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shetton, Washington A colorful salad is (;11 the dock- eL for this week's menu. Kr.'-ul My- ers Marshmallow-Orange Salad is one she (/]LtCll IlSOS for enterLain- J ing. It is a prepare-ahead dish, leaving you free for last minute details. Fran is the wife l)f Tom Myers (at:,o confusingly known as Col win by part ef their friends).' They have two boys, Reid, two, ann Scott, six. Homemaking consumes most ol Fran's lime lint she does occas- ionally fill in part-time in the Simpson Timber Co. office. She likes knittillg an(] bowling and is a member of the Shelton Jaycttes. MARSHMALLOW-ORANGE SALA 1 pound miniature marshmallows 11/.', cups unsweetened canned orange juice 1 small can crushed pineapple (drained) Heat juice to boiling point. Pour over marshmallows in a bowl. Mix till marshmallows are melted. Pnt in refrigerator until thickened Whip V,., pintwhipping cream without sugar.Fold into arang~ mixture. Add pineapple.. Pour in• to mold. LOW-ORANGE SALAD will brighten your winter as well as assist with menus for entertaining. Fran Myers finds this combination of canned orange Juice, marshmallows, Hneapple and whipped cream makes a tasty dish and a color- one. With her in the picture is two-year old Reid. EDITOR'S NOTE: We reported last week's cook, Juanita Myers, as being a member of Ellihm Chapter, Order of Eastern Star , Her affiliation is with the Charity Chapter in Elma, rather than the local one. By R'od Olsen COLOR SCHEMES can find their inspiration just about anywhere in a room . . . but it's well to re- member that. good decora- tors do have a SCHEME in mind. Good color propof tion and inter- don't just happen. color trick is to hegin with te floor. 'The current popu- trity,of area rugs might be respiration. Tlley provide color accents over floors or carpeting at little cost. They might colors you can pick out repeat in walls and draperies, }ishings or accessories, thus zing the room. to wall Carpeting, wheth- multi-color or solid tone, can be the springboard for c¢.,or Scheme. Don't. be [raj0 of light or bright colors -tile modern fiber earpetings Wonderfully easy to clean td soil resistant. m you have carpeting ii~- save a small piece. n you select upholstery .e having small swatches Carpet, draperies and oth~,r r~cs will help you choose new to complement the exist- eohu. scheme. service in every phase home furnishing is our Stop in anytime . . . be afraid to puff up Cushions or relax in the to test theh. comfort. yourself "a t home"! always welcome at OIsen 328 Cola St. SENIOR CLASS Vice President Jim Donahoe is featured this week in the spotlight. Although he was born in Chehalis Jim has attended Shelton schools since he started his education. He is undecided about his future as yet. Jim Donahoe will be among the members of the 1965 ,graduating class at Shelton High school. Al- though he is especially interestea in world affairs, Jim has not made his mind up definitely what he wants to majm" in in college. He also has not decided for sure which college he will attend. In school Jim is a member of the lettermen's "S" Club, Latin Club and Thespians. He is vice president of his senior class. Out of school he is active in the Bap- tist Youth group. In his sophomore year Jim made his letter ill golf but was unable to turn out last year be- cause of a conflicting work schedule• Chehalis was the birthplace of this week's senior ill the spot- light. He moved to Shelton about 13 years ago so has attended local; schools throughout his school ca- reel'. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donahoe, Jim has one older bro- ther, Jerry, who is an SHS gradu- ate. Personal ,statistics reveal Jim is 5' 8" tall, weighs 135 pounds and has brown eyes and dark hair• His birthday is August 7 and he likes sports and world affairs. Classes on his schedule include Latin II, literature, world affairs civics and biology. During 1964, members of the U.S. Coast Guard were responsi- ble for saving nearly 3,000 lives and rescue of ships and cargo val- ued at more than 2.1 billion dol- lars. OUAmJNI[[$ 2:el~:C2:;eev2~n~a sR::l:~ki:s b:~::v:s that ~eminine® is her greatest - " '" ,pccial offer to introduce it to more women. Your first jar will convince you that you can look T Feminine every ,;.h,, e~^ ~ ....... . younger. Us~ Ultra • ~ -..~ .... o~,; mr yourselt the oeauty benefits it will bring youl Large Size 60-Day Supply Reg. 7.50 NOW ONLY 4.50 Guarauteed to make you look younger in 30 days-or money back.* ' SAVE 3.00 and for younger-looking hands, save on Young Touch, Hand Lotion with estrogens... 2.75 Value - Now Only 1.7.___.$ Prices plus tax', Limited time LORRAINE DEMLER BRIDE IN OREGON CEREMONY Firemen Lauded = For Aid To Santa A JANUARY 2 wedding date was chosen by' Miss Lorraine Dem- ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle James Barnett of Shelton, and William Louis Lang, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Joel Lang of Lake Oswego, Oregon. The Langs are making their home in Pullman where both are students at Washington State University. and silver bells. Serving were the and Miss Emily Sageser passed Mesdames Anderson, Roy Dunn, Eugene Moore, Cynthia McKean, Nancy Sageser, Leln Putnam, Her- man Brunke, Darwin Palmer and the Misses Sharon Sorenson anti Jean Lindstrom. Miss Katy White and Mrs. George Knutzen took charge at the guest book and Miss Kathy Lang, sister of the bridegroom, the groom's cake, Following a short ski trip the Couple will return to Pullman where they are working on their masters degrees at Washington State University and he has a teaching assistantshtp. The bride is a graduate of Shelton High school and both~ graduated from Willamette University. Baskets of white gladioli, stock and chrysanthemums decorated St. Clare's Catholic church in Portland, Oregon fro' the January 2 wedding ceremony of Miss Lof raine Troy Demler and William Louis Lang. The double ring rite was per- formed by Father Maurus Kelly for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle James Barnett, Shelton, and the son of Mr• and Mrs. Wil- liam Joel tang, Lake Oswego, Oregon. When her father gave her in m'~rriage Miss Demler wore a candlelight pcau de ~oie in a slim floor length bell detgiled with pearled aleneon lace motifs at the waist, front skirt and on the wa.t- teau chapel length train. Bias banding edged the batteau neck. line and elbow length sleeves. An English silk illusion veil was caught to a matching peau de sole circlet trimmed with pearl ana crystal and stephanotis in a semi- crescent shape. Miss Patricia Dunn of Sheltm was the bride's maid of honor. Her floor length gown was in pea- cock blue shade styled with a bel shaped skirt and elbow length sleeves. An emerald green' bow and watteau train was caught at SPRAY 16 oz. Size ¢ Reg. $1.79 the back. A matching open crown circlet was accentuated with & VINYL ASBESTOS 9 x 9 short waterfall vail. Gardenia.u an0 white roses made up the semi- crescent of her bouquet. Stock I0¢ Dressed ill costumes to mate~ ti~e maid of honor were brides- Limited Ea. maids Mrs. B~uce Sehultheis of , Salem, Oregon, Mrs. Lynn Bar- nett, sister-in-law of the bride ELEf)TRIf) SAW from Tacoma, Miss Linda Pond of 7" BLADE San Jose, Calif., Miss Karen Gel- lerman of San Francisco, Calif., Reg. and Miss Glenda Kraft of Corcor- ¢27.9K an, Calif. The bridegroom's best man was Frank Swayze of Walls Walla. Ushers were Ran Fahl and Chuck Black of Portland, Ken Cruden of "--Reg. $10.95 $8.95 Ventura, Calif., Frederick Fogg of ............. Seattle and Lynn Barnett, bro- %','--Reg. $14.95 ............ $12.95 the,, of the bride from Tscoma• '--Reg. $27.95 .. ........... $22.95 Ave Maria was sung by Miss Jul- ie Levin of Portland. For the occasion Mrs. Barnett chose a soft gold street length jacket dress with gold and bone accessories which she wore with an orchid corsage. A peacock blue silk shantung jacket dress was woru by the bridegroom's mother ~;ith a blue and green featlmred hat and an orchid corsage. The Oswego Country Club was decorated with white taurus, stock, gladioli, roses and ivy for the re- ception which followed. A four-tiered wedding c'tke on pilhtrs was tot)ped wiLh three t)earl FIBER. GLASS INSULATION FOIL ONE SIDE 1 ............................. 05 sq. ft. 2¼" ............................. 06 sq. ft. ......................... 07½ sq. ft. 3 pc, Complete With Fittings $, Firemen To Gather Discarded Yule Trees The Shelton Fire Departn~ent has started its annual pick-up of discarded Christmt~s Trees this week. Trees should be placed either in the parking strip or in the alley where they will be picked up b'v the fil'mnen. The pickup will begin as soon as street eonditiens permil. TelePhene Numbers Here Show Increase .The ]mmbe.r Of teleplioni~s in ihe ~lhelton ~exchange increased by 475, from 4,922 to 5.397, during 1964, Pacific Northwest Bell re- ported this week. I The number of phones in i:he Bclfalr exchange increased from 1,103 to 1,197 and at Hoodsport from 438 to 472, PNB reported. In progress is all addition be- ing built onto the Shelton ex- chahge. DOOR, FRAME & HARDWARE KNOTTY PINE PANELING ,¢ 1 x 6 Lin. Ft. PRE HUNG DOORS, $, Mahg. Ine, D,oor - Jamb & Hardware i i u.m l Folding Mahogany 1" SLAT with VINYL =1 , $13.95 I i ii ~ i FIBER GLASS PANELS 26" x 8-10-12 WHITE IC Sq. Ft. i WALL FASHION LATEX AND ENAMEL Reg. $4.98 & $5.98 'Phe Shelton City Conmfission receive(1 a letter at its meeting Tuesday fr,)m tile Chamber of Conlnleree expressing appreciation PRE-FINISHED MAHG. 4 x 8 - IVORY OR BROWN PAGE 3 1964 --WEATHER--- 1ST AND PINE 4~6-4393 "lttgh Low Prt~qp. Dec. 29 38 31 1.08 3" snow Dec. 30 40 29 .14 1" snow Dee. 31 39 32 ,04 ~" snow Jan. 1 38 33 1,18 ki" snow Jan.2 41 33 .67 ~,~"snow Jan.3 41 31 ,03 Jan.4 41 31 .23 ~" snow to tile Shelton Fire Departmenl Jan. 5 43 33 .47 for its efforts in Santa Claus' ap- - .................................................................................... )earanee hele before Christnlas. ' The l~'iremen brought Santa to fis quarters on Railroad Ave. on the fire truck and assisted in oth- el' ways. Street Superintendent Robert Temple repotted thal street crews were able to keep the snow plow- ing and street clearing operations pretty well under control during the recent snows. TI'I~E (?OMMISNION took under: advisement a proposal from City Supervisor Pat Byrne for replace- merit of some of the sewer lines in the downto~u] area over the next several years. Byrne reported that those sewer lines which connect the Mt. View area to the line to the sewage treatment plant would need re- placing as Mt. View develops. Every noble activity makes room for itself• ---Ralph Waldo Emersoe. F"ull-time position immediately available to qualified woman. Varied responsibilities in at- tractive surroundings with op- portunity fay advancement. Extensive public contact re- quires above average appear- ance and personality. Minimum typing speed 50 wpm and short. hand desired. Beginning salary $305, per month with liberal fringe benefits. Apply to Mr. ~i " Johnson Simpson Timber I Company Personnel Office, I SAVE 10% to 20% or MORE. Every mattress and box spring set in our store is on sale. This includes discontinued models, floor samples, or slight freight damage. Also Simmons Beautyrest and Englander Tension Ease. All sizes are on sale too. Twin size, full size, extra long models, queen size & ldng size. Supply limited! ACT NOW --- FREE DELIVERY -- CONVENIENT TERMS Ga, l. APPLIANCE 328 Cola St. Phone 426-4702 i i i COMBINATION STORM AND SOREEN DOORS Reg. $29.95 ALUMINUM SCREEN. DOORS $, WITH GRILL [ iiii i Plastic Tub Enclosure SWAN DESIGN $33.95 iii , u CHINA LAVATORY WALL HUNG J Ull, i ARMSTRONG 12 x 12 GOLDEN SPRAY OR' SANDRIFT ¢ Reg. 20¢ sq. ft. GARBAGE CANS 20 Gal. Reg. $3.69 .............. $3.29 Gal. Reg. ¢a. a ........... ,..$4.95 , i I i ' STAINLESS STEEL Reg. $39.95 21 x 32 SELF RIM Reg. $89.90 $ Reg. $20.80 IN-WALL TYPE I i V & BUILDERS SUPI Y 426-8279 ::,