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PACE 10 I-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published In "Ohr stmastown, U.g.A.", helton, Washington Thursday, January
, j ,.,.i lu nl i i . ,m ii II -- N L
Visilors From Flood
Area Enjoy New Year's
With Parenls [|em'e
Visitors in Shelton over New
Year's for the first time since
their wedding in May of last year
were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Richard-
son of Eureka, Calif. Mrs. Rich-
ardson is the former Julie Larson.
Unable to make the trip for
Christmas as they had planned
due to flood conditions the Rich-
ardsons considered themselves luc-
ky to get a plane as far as Port-
land where her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Larson, picked
them up to bring them home with
them fo~ the holiday.
The Larson's other daughter,
Janet, was also home for New
Year's. Other guests for the day
included Ray Drebis, Mrs. John
Nordstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stuller mid daughters Viekie and
Our business is a solld thing
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Pizzicato Club
Pays Tribute To
Edward MacDowell
Christmas greens and poinsettias
and red and white flowers. Par-
ents of the couple are Mr. and
Mrs. Olavi A. Aho, Shelton, and
Mrs. June Merriam and George
Mcrriam, both of Atherton, Calif.
Tim bride was given in mar-
riage by her father. She was at-
tired in a white knit street-length
two-piece dress, tim top being a
sleeveless shell with hand crochet-
e,1 touches. She carried a single
long-stemmed white rose with red
velvet streamers. Her only jewel-
ry was a diamond set heart on a
slender chain, a gift of the bride-
M:is~ Susan Norvold, maid or
honor', wore a red street-length
dress with a corsage of white gar-
denias. Gardenia Corsages accent-
ed the mint green knit dress worn
by the bride's mother and the
coral cocktail suit chosen by the
mother of the bridegroom.
Richard Merriam was best man
for his brother. The bride's bro-
thers, William and James Ah0,
ushered. Music was by Mrs. Doris
The birthday of the American
composer, Edward MacDowell,
wa't observed by Pizzicato Club
members when they met recently
at the H. O. Puhn h(,me. Vickl
Valley was hostess of the evening.
Each year througho~t the Uni-
ted States junior chibs affiliated
with the National Federation of
*[t~sic Chlbs pay tribute to the
tna.n v,,bc, is conJidered America's
fi:',~t imp.')rtant composer by feat-
,..,rin.~ his music on their Dccem-
be" programs.
A].~:o presented at tile meeting
were .'eports of interesting Christ-
n'd.),s CllStOrl]s whieh ar~ observed
}n 13uropean and Latin American
countries. Girls giving reports in-
cluded Marilyn Okano, Cindi Sur-
ratt, Shari Gruver, Aleca Ruddell
Diane Frank, Leslie SmTatt, Ca-
thy Neth and Margaret Surratt,
The old Gernlan carol Lo How
a Ro~e E'er Blooming was played
as a clarinet duet by Skari Gruv-
er and Clndi Surratt. Vicld Valley
played Oh Holy Night as an organ
~olo. The program concluded with
the s!ngir~g Of a group of well-
knowr/ carols, Geaneeee Morgus
accompanied the singing on the
guitar. .
Grace Notes, the club s month-
ly news btllletin, made its initial
appearance at this meeting and
Was ent:husiastically received by
club members. Co.editors of the
bulletin were Vicki Valley and
J~anne Osborne.
-The January meeting of the club
will be held in the home of Debbie
Maranviile with Marit Vaula, Nor-
Iwegian exchange student, as the
guest speaker.
/ Tea-Fei Lo--cal
C !Jege Girls .
Home For Hehdays
Local college gh'ls home for the
holidays were entertained with
their mothers at a tea given by
~i~tS MSUSoA~sCHOrbl~came the brmde ,of Robert Merrmam in the Mrs Bernhard Wmieek, and Mrs
dau h er f o the day following Christmas. She ,s the Sm~uel 1~citz December 29 in the
g t o Mr. and Mrs. Olavi A. Aho, Shelton. His parents are Wintecki home on Sylvan Heights.
Mrs. June Merrlam and George Merriam, both of Atherton, Calif.Former music students of Mrs.
The~ newly marrieds will .... make their home in Athertonh following Wlnieekiorees wereincludedthe Missesam°ngGerritheGemsh°n"
his graduation from Wdlamette university th;s mont . ' " nl Dudle'
, , , , Kelly Fredson, 19ee e Y,
The.immediate family of lyr_iss two the day after Christmas. Rev. Lynn.I~vell, Ltz_ S°jmerS,BaMv~lly
~ura , jane t~ucKer, o ..v 3,
~,,~nn ~nr~l Abe and Robert Alan Horace Mounts performed the . - Y ,-..,,~,,,~a x,~vn, a~ls-
~':==:[~'-=~-tended the 4 -m ceremony in the First Methodist~onanna t~u,~,~ ...... ~" "an(t"-Susan
• "';""~"" "~ =' " ale ~usan r~orvotu a
t service of thechurch which was decorated with a ,
candlelight weddiz g • Richman In spite of the inclement
weather 40 students, their mothers
and friends attended.
A feature of the party was the
presentation of pink carnation cor-
sages to the girls. Refreshments
were served.
The Gl - e- s T0 Be
Feted Saturday
An open house will be held from
1 to 6 p.m. this Saturday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Valley Grange and are members
of the church of: the Latter Day
Saints where Mrs. Glaser works
with the Relief Society and he is
an elder.
About 150 friends greeted the
newlyweds at the tmme of the
bride's parents following the cer-
emony. White wedding bells and
gardenias were used throughout
the house from the swag in the
entry to decorations on the Christ-
mas tree and gift table. Red rib-
bons completed the Christmas
A white orgaz~dy underskirt with
red taffeta or?r-tied at intervals
with bed ribbons and white gar-
PHONE 426-4522
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President Vice President Secretary Manager
denias graced the reception ta-
ble. The wedding cake was all
white and topped with an orua-
ment of white bells.
Serving were Mrs. W. D. Mc-
Dowell and Mrs, B.V.. Christy,
aunts of the bride, Mrs. Lloyd
Landstrom, grandmother of the
bridegroom, and Mrs, R. W, N'or-
vold. The bridegroom's stster, i%~lss
Lyn Merriam took charge of the
guest book and Miss Johanna
Goldschmtd attended the gift ta-
The bride, a graduate of Shel-
ton High school, also attended
Willamette university where she
was affiliated with Alpha Clfi
Omega. The bridegroom attended
San Rafael Military Academy and
will graduate this month from
Willamette university where'he is
a member of Pht Delta Theta.
They will make their home in Ath-
erLon, Calif.
December 12 Eagles
Card Party Winners
Receiving high scores for the
men at the December 12 card
party held by the Eagles lodge
were Roy Moore and Vernon
Stuck. Women's hi'gh scores went
to Jenny Stuck and VI Laugen.
Cora Hill took traveling pinochle.
Hostesses were Dorothy Eads,
Clara StuCk and Jean Dorsett.
The next card party will be held
this Saturday night ff weather
permits. Clara StUck and Bertha
Johnson are chairmen of the com-
The St. Edward's Youth Club
will hold a potluck dinner meetin~
at 6 p.m. Friday in the church
basement. Milk will be furni$t~ed
Plans will be made for the clUb'V
annual outing in February. All
candy money should be turned in
by this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Zack D. Wheat
of Denver, Colo., have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Nancy ,Lynn, to Airman Donald
Edward Tobler, son of Lt. Col.
(ret.) and Mrs. 3. A. Tobler of
Mis~ Wheat is a graduate of
Jefferson High school in Denver.
tier fiance is a graduate of Olym-
pic College in Bremerton. A Jan-
uary wedding is planned.
UVE BETTER ELEGTRIGALLY The Mason County Chapter :No,
Daughters of the Pioneers of
will not meet today a~
Society Editor • MarJ Waters Pho,e "426-4412
! iill !.ii;i¸¸. !
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THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Esther Rosalie Johnson to R,onald
Shipley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shipley, Aberdeen, has been
announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson of Shelton.
Miss Johnson is a member of the Weatherwax High school faculty
In Aberdeen and her fiance is a student at Seattle Pacific college
from which he will graduate in June..Plans are being made for a
July wedding. (Photo by Dean's Studio)
Rebekahs, Odd Fellows
Joint ln affaE n Is
$chedu!ed []ex ffeek
Regular meeting of Ruby Reb-
el~ah Lo:lge No. 75 will be held
this Vriday at 8 p.m. in tim Odd
Vellow,~ hall. Noble .Grand Mrs.
i:)eln~al' Cole annou)lces that a 6:30
p.m. l)oLluek dinner will precede
the meet.ling. Officers "ue reminded
of the inslallation practice at 8:30
).m. next Wednesday.
Joint installation will be held
Jan. 15 with Shelton Lodge No.
62 of tlie Odd Felh)ws. Elective
offiecrs to be' installed are Noble
Grands L'~wrenee Kent and Mrs.
Maybell Daniels; vice grands
Warren Edinger and Mrs. Dale
ttieks; Recording Secretaries Alan
Moss and Miss Mary Dobson; Fin-
ancia! Secretaries Bueford Rose
and Miss Dorothy Schwietering;
and Treasurers Oren EllL.;on and
Miss Nellie Nelson.
Action may not always bring
happiness; but there is no happi-
uess without action.
--Benjamin Disraeli
terrific Music
The Banjo King
Bennie plays many
md all requests,
Members Only
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