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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 7, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 7, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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January 7, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S:A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11. SKOOKUM APPLE. SAUCE 303 Tins MAXWELL HOUSE LB. 73 3 LB. $1,99 St 2 LB. TIN TRAIN 10 LB. SACK ARDEN Delicia ½ Gal. 2 Gal. Tub Duchess =1 303 Tin ........ 4 For HILLSDALE HOME STYLE 2½ TINS SUNRISE QUALITY LBS. BUMBLE BEE CHUNK STYLE ½ TINS ZEE GIANT ROLL FOR WESCO TALL TINS Duchess Cream Style or Whole Kernel or Peas, Mix or Match 303 TINS Duchess Purple 2½ TINS "FRESH AS A DAISY" PRODUCE .... FANCy TEXAs PINK FOR FANCY ROME BEAUTY ......................... : .............. 23 POUND BOX FANCY HUBBARD .................................................................... POUND FANCY FRESH ............................................................ HEAD AA LARGE DOZ. DUCHESS DUCHESS CRUSHED OR ~/2 SLICES G&H 10 LB. BAG " III III ' I I .... HI, NEIGHBOR . . . PEDDLE ON DOWN TO SHOP-RITE FOR DOLLAR BUYS THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Z Heinz Famous Quality 14 Ounce Bottles Minute Maid Frozen 6 OZ. III IIIII Ir I I I I Hunt's Fruit, . . Add Fresh Flavor To Winter Meals No. 300 I Tins Banquet Frozen 8 OZ. Pkgs. II II I Post Toasties, Raisin Bran CEREALS oat F,akes, lO oz. =1 40% Bran FI. 4 Boxes Breakfast Drink .................................... 18 oz, Jar COFFEE Instant Maxwell House .......................... 6 oz, Jar Cut Green 7 303 =1 Duchess ................ Tins Swansdown Serve Cake More Often Boxes CRACKERS NABISCO 1-Lb. $ Pkgs. SOUPS %, Campbell Chicken g s B ( ~/Varieties ~ i Centennial 10 LB. BAG LARGE PLUMP TENDER LB. 39 LBS. VNF STEAK SALE... in VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF . . . TENDER, FLAVORFUL STEAK POUND STEAK WELL-TRIMMED, JUICY, WASTE-FREE VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF POUND STEAK FULL CUT . . . VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF POUND PORTERHOUSE STE,.s ............ : ........................ ... POUND VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF ............................. POUND ;RUMP ROAST OR BONELE,S HEEL OF ROUND ....................... POUND HYGRADE'S BONELESS 79 BR,SKET .............................. LB. OR HAM HYGRADE'S .... 3 OZ. PKG. VNF LEAN - FRESH - PURE POUND BAKERY SPECIAL "HOT FROM THE OVEN" =i 2½ TINS TINS We Guarantee Everything .-- Even Our Smile. Prices Effective Jan. 7-8-9. Limit Rights Reserved. New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. --- Sun. 10 - 7 P By ]?ran('es Sirflmons KAMILCI=IE ....... Mr. and ]~I'S. Herb Nelson have just returned from a weeks trip to Los Angeles, Calif., wh~re they visited their daughter and family over the holi- days. Lots of liquid sunshine they reported. They saw the movie, "IB's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" at Hollywood, in the thea- tre built especially for the movie. "Later on they lind dinner at Co- vens with Mr, and :Mrs, Russ Per ter and Mrs. Thelma Stuart, former residents of the locality. Potluck dinner at Progress grange Friday night, weather ptw- mitring. Hope to see you all there. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Richards of Arcadia Point, spent Sunday eve- ning at the Herb Nelsons. We are all glad to hear that Jim Haines is home nov," from his stay at the hospital. A baby shower was held last Thm'sday afternoon at the home of Florence Taylor, for Florence Petty SteVlens. Attending were Dorothy Todd, Marie Carlson, Gladys Nelson, Mrs. Maria~) White, June'I-~etty, Mildred Black- welder, Grace Petty and Kathy Petty. A family dinner was held at the home of the Eugene Taylors on New Year's Day. Present were the Justin Taylors, the Edwin Taylors and Carol Wilson. Guests at the home of the Men) Lamberts last Saturday night were the Pat Craddicks of Calif- ornia, here for the holidays to visit family and friends. MR. AND MI{S. DAN Wood toured to Grants P,ass, Ore., ow~r theholidays to visit Don and Ruth Mainwaring. Rev. and Mrs. Bill Brown from British Columbia, missionaries to Uganda will speak at: the Kamil- che Church Jan. 12, 13, and 14 at 7 p.m. A film will be shown Jan. 14 entitled "Rivival Con- (]uest". Helpi]kg the Cecil Blackwelders usher in the New were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbm'y, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd. Dinner guests of the Edwin Tay- lors Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Blackwelder. Tuesday evening the Bob Wiles' enjoyed dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Woods. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edwi]l Petty were dinner guests at thO home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stolen of Hoodsport. Mr..and Mrs. Edv:in T,'~ylor at- tended a New Year's par'ty at: the Gerald Samples home. NEW YEARS DAY: the It~rry Simmons' took tht~ day off from redecorating and joined tile lr~t Stansburys, Cecil Blackwlcders, and Lem Coles at the Eldon Todds to enjoy the Rose Bowl Parade on color television and partake of a delicious potluck dinner. The Eugene Taylors and Cecil Blackwehters visited at the home of the Edwin Taylors Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Jerome 131irke spent New Year's Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jan~es Guerin of Olympia. Mr. and ~rs. Claude Petereit had as their.guests over the h(>li- days Mr. and Mrs. Vaw'ick and two children of Portland, Claud- ette Petereit, Sandra Petereit, Mr. and Mrs. McClelland and three children; Donna. Robert and Carol Ann of Hoquiam. They also re- ceived a telephone call from their son, Norman. stationed aL Wel- lington, New Zealand, on Christ- mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Simmons had as guests Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson of Mc- Cleary. Phone Service Out In Dayton Area By Mabel Kidd DAYTON .-- I'm sorry, dear readers but my cohnnn will I)e short this week. As hard as the tlepllone repail~en have worked during all this snowy weather, many are still without, phone ser- vice. -Doris Hiekson left from Sca-Tac Wednesday to fly to Charleston, S.C., where she will be stationed. She ealied home from Chicago be- fore her pa~ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson had been able to make it home. Ore" thanks to ore- nmil carrier, Ralph Klllough for bringing thez mail througll regardless of road conditions. The Clyde Sel:ogl~am's car was damaged Friday night wl~en the garage collapsed from the weight of the snow. They spent quite ~ few hours digging it out. The Cecil. MeLain family were :New Years g3m.~,ts in l, he home o~ Mrs A E. Lemke. The V,Yall Kratcha fa}]~ily were Sunday evening callers in the Scl'O~ hanl honl~, J(.e C. Br()wn celebrated his hilthdav Monday and visited ill Kanileim in the home of his dad, l)an Brown.