January 7, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 7, 1965 |
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January 7, 1965 I ELTON--MASON COUN'I JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE
-- i aup Area ; N, ; Past Wi
I ere are Stopping Distances
Computed from Official Tests
Three drivers see stop sign and cars crossing intersection.
They apply brakes at same instant on glare ice at 30 miles
per hour. What happens?
• KI ........ The above ©hlrt, prepared by the Safe Winter Drlvlno
|If'.~|/I move m Sunda ,, IiBII .. camel J " "l]|/ ..... " |mr Washington . .. Olympic ~[~r, League,__ Hwy.7:30~ I~][~r E presents a.m.---ttoly So. .WEI~COMES Cascade,scHOOL safety EV I~[~1~][~l~flL_~]'.. Communioninf°rmati°n The BUILDINGm.~ IT[ RaY.color YOU NEED basA,d Gerald C~]['][ film °"Herman, test__results
by National Safety Council's Committee on Wlntor Driving
Hazards. For each "braking distance" abo~e you should
~~~ add 33 feet, which is distance traveled during average
" " "reaction time," needed to think an~l get your foot on brake
r . o ~,~,~ ~L~:- after seeing a reason to stop. Inadequate traction Is a major
added haz=rd oewlnter. CAN YOU STOP IN TIME?
i i
' P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cote itM~k,~lj~ r
............................... SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1965 "~';~'=~
9:30 a.m.--Guest Speaker Emil Lauber ~'~-'~lt
]NOTICE TO CRI':DITORS '1'0 10:00 A.M.---Topic-- p~l~~y
PRI'LNI,;NT AND 1011,E CI.AIMS By l,'ranees Catto driveways and from overburdened I of their weekend. I were delayed for an hour and a
]NsTATET}tE SUPER.IORoF WASHINGToNCOURT OF THEFoI~ LILLIWAUP ..... Snow, falling rooftops and there is many a story I Meanwhile disaster came to I half while wreckers were getting
MASON COUNTY (IN I'RORATE) softly and quietly m ~y be beau- m ~lmp proff~'ed when needed].M.rs. Evans' brothe~', Jim. Ross and some of them out." .
In the Matter of the Estate of LEE ..... " . , : . " II:O ethel's v¢ll~n Iewel" conveniences lnis wiie o[ ~eattle when their I TZ][E BR[~C,I~ Aolen family of
W. ROBINSON, Deceased. Llll_|l DIlL aCCtlnlttlateG sno\v carl , • ' • . " ~ ' ' •
~'e '~ .............. "" ................... I fo~ heating and cooking. ]summer home on the hillside at/Seattle spent several days after
BEDROOMS HILLCREST NOTICE IS HEREI~Y GIVEN that cOeuse~,~.~.l:,.,~;~xie~,~,e,~. da~a~,:] Workillg" in the unheated post lthe north end of Holiday Beach Christmas at their IndianBeach
Well located, 2 bRths, large the undersigned. R. W. Cottrol! has
been appoinh~d and has qualified as ,,., :. ,. .:~ ~ . . ~,e. I ff: - ' Lilliv o,~,...,0. ~.,~.[was crushed with the snow, prob-[home, retulTdng to Seattle New
reeled living, room hardwooclAdministl'ator of the estate of Lee W. residents of this community after Evans, postmaster and her hus- ably l~ ]?day _n~ght. Because. of Year.s Day. T!m~r daughter, Mrs.
:)ors. Modorll kitclmn, loads of Robinson. deceased; and thqt all per- rnls was aeKnowle(lge¢l Dy nlally O ~ce a~ x cup ~a~,--,,,~ ,.a,~,, , . . , .
rch cabhlets. (Srd bedroom or s, ms havillg claims against the said *h~ ,,: "~ .... " • l u,,,,,~ T,,,,,;,~ ,,U,,,.,,= =.. ¢~.¢ ........ I lllCK O1 lOn~ aisrance COlYlnlIllllC'l-II~.~CKOIS and two children were
~,=~, ,~dowlall Lno, v nave exporlenc- I ~Jex==u x~c~v=~, ~=~Ftctl 111 t.ll .~ UlIU~- I ......... ', I "~.~, ' ', ~ ~ " '
attractive den.) Attached gar- estate or the said (loc,,a.~ed are hereby _~ -- ,,- - , -," - --~a T~... l ual discoltlforts at th~ offlo, q~dlLlOll' ~,vor(I C0tllCl not D(2 sencI tO iWl[ll Ltlell] alia a ll'ielld, Warrep
age. All excellent fal~lilv required 1o serve tim same duly vcri- uu 111 Lne ILl'S! ,ays oz tut~. .~,~.. ..... e ..... . , ' --
fled in dul)licate with the llecessary age fronl snow-weighted rools gila . [ Y ~ "' ~ e • -~ ...... ' "
vouchers attached, u )on theunder........... [ said she was "a'imost flozen" x~hc- I S attle. The new home on which I guest over New Year's Mr '~nd
for $15 000. F!~,A $67.) down ' ' "~ . i at their Holidl • Beach home She I Lhem until Mrs Ross reh rn to J Wahl of Seattle was a house
lailen Lrees; lose all(1 ciisconliortsl., " , , • . r ~l/ ...... .. ' . -' , ' . -" • •
includes' closing costs. Call signed Administrator or Iris Attor-
of several da swithout electricity; she lefL the posLofficeSaturdav t~.oss naa _lust p aja tl}e rest; put- Mrs. Start "Whzte were New
n*!y of I'(~coI'd tit the law office of B, . ; ~ , Y ......... • ~ i af*el noon It tOOl( T .... ~ ..... + ~;. I ChaSe paymenl: aia not; llB.ve el(,C- [ Year's Eve Knests
iJohll Devet'etlX for details. Franklin IietL'~ton Anglel~uildlngt~tCKOI long-instance cempnone ~ . a~,~ ,~,,,,t,~ a, liei " ' ' r - " •
Shelton, Wa.~hingt~m andfile su((l~ .... ' " Ihoul to di~" a "ruth in to wink onI ' ' ty as yet but had range and l Mrs Zoe Sceva arnved home
COlllllnlCaLIOll I.O reassure WOITleCl ~4 • } " • ' .' . , .... . '
iGOVEy LOGGERS chdms togetlu,r will, proof of service ...~..; ..... ~','~- -¢ .... *'~r--thc--Ithe nosLoffice roof Heln ilx clear-ITM electrmal eqmpmen~ they[from v;s]ts with relatwes n: Ta-
iSkokomish Va lay with the Clerk of the above entitled .............. '::~ "" "~"~-~ s-2~ [in"~ "the snow came frown Russell J expected to instal1. coma and Salem Ore. in time to
Court within six (6) montlm after the were amollg' IAle l'eStuts oi now t6 , •• ' • ,,, r • ,,
~: Crew bus goes by the door date of the first publication of this that started in this area New Smith, who lives at Lilliwaup LflhwaupCommumLy Club's become sno~ed m on New
) ,) , • .
acre garden spot. 5 rooms notice, to-wit: 21 December 1964. or Year'.~ ~v,~ nnd fell cnntinuouslvJFalls and commutes by Dlane lnmnthly pothmk supper and bus-IYeat''n Eve, along with most Lil-.
all claims not so presented and filed ................... -- , . ~ - . " . - • ~.
p us hath. Includes large living will be /orever barred, for 29 hours and for several per- from hm law office in Port Ange- mess meeting, scheduled for Jan. }zwaupmns. W~th her zere her
yoom, bright kitchen, utility. R.W. COTTRELL, iods thereafter les Smith and his son vohmteered 8 has been cancelled. Damage to orother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
~ttached garage. All for $4,500. Administrator of the Estate ~ .... ;~ .,.,.,'**.~ ~ .... h of N" I LO help clear snow at the post I the long shed in the rear of the Mrs. Ed Knox and two children
With $575. down. $50 monthly. Address:el Lee W.Nat,l.Robinson,Bank of Deccased'Mason Lure" ......... tha~7 ...... maKes~" ~"~ all"~ ..... men " 'n';;', I ~ff;,,,, I club, ,,,°~Tounds, .~ , and, to the hall. chim- ] from Tacoma. whose~ visit with her
Call John Dex;ereux 'for sho~- County, Shelton. Washington and brought forth the warmlyI A4: home there was no water, Ines: .~el~j~epo~ted; Apatt.y!)lan-IWaZ,.leng~l~?/~ed because of^t}}e
:]rlg. l B. FranlclinHeuston, ' ic" , . ne(I10y tale ClUD ior l'~ew xear's ~cavy ........ ttu. u~ ~,~ev¢ ~u~l'~
generous efforts of nezghbors and even when elech ~ty came on at ~, " D • I ""
................... ~ h-,,~ ,,~/Holiday Beach Sunday as ,mm,~ I Exe had be'an cancelled lat.e last/ ay, blot~e,-m-law Ed got busy
3 BIG BEDROoMs) Angle Bldg..Shelton, Washington ~= ....ra,~8~,'~ ~u u~ .... v ~,, a a, ~ ~ W' ' t O " "
• th • ) week lth a s ~ vel and ne]ghbms came
12/24-31 1/%14 4t each other It brought forth the I t'oubles reqmred e serwces ¢fl " I .......
: 2 blocks to H{llcrest lV[arkets. " ........ ~ s ~ -" ~i' Moments after C W Cheatham l re the rescue win; some work
heroic efforts of regumr ann ex-Inn emcuucmn J ~g oz waterZO'l .... ' - • • .-
isThese' bedrooms., are truly larg.e tra crews~ fighting the effects of ] drinking were carried frohl th0. ihad gone to tile club shed, which ] cm~neSTuesda . .
pacmus hvzm-,, room .... .t. ,~,... '~, '~
, y aftra Ch~mtmas,
tile snow in road and power main- [Lilliwaup Motel and ~aLer from [they had rented for storage pur- . . ..'. 2 ' ... ""~ -
place, dining room with buffet. • " '" --" '"os':" .... ~ ret-'rn-'~ '~ hi- nearb-" ~ spen~ m ~amm ure, wm~ um z~-
~Venetian shades. Breakfast HIMUE REALTY Lenance These men worked 12/the creek ~or otner purposes Tney]p ............ C ..... 3' .... ' + ' ....
' " " .............. ' home he was called b'" Paul ~ tony oz net son, JaCK ~ceva, Mrs
to 14 hour shifts under tne most [nact omy ~ne nrepmce zor neat. | , . ' y ...... ""
i'oom and utility: Very nice
!kitchen. Healthfui hot water trying conditions in trying to .re-[Lew shovelled endlessly and, be-] Gerkensmeyer of the Lilliwaup [c~CfV~nre~urnea to raceme; ~.c-
p e z Dy ~ne Yx~lox zamuy
store normality to our area. [coming worried about the long [Motel and told that the roof had t .... " ...... " .~
• • " d "n " • of ill Hntl nor SlStel'-ln-lRW 2,11"s ueorge
i NEW LISTING!! [ . ~. .... "~.'~Z:'..=='~ _T'- ........ /ned one un with a counle of two-/spectim had ended none too soon I "'?"? ..........................
,r~TO~r ~w.(~vil Air Pc-]beams in their hvmgroom, prop-[crashe ] . Hm Sunday touz ....... ,,, ,,,, ,~,o,,^-,, ::,,^ +^^~.
'FHA $500. down includes clos- -/. . " /"~h^iz -aza~e "o~ -loo with ala tr~p to Vancouver, to vimt her
ilng costs. ' [ Low Down Payment-- ] trol and w~vn ~Je[ensu, ~uu, vu, .- ~- ,-
15500 down is all it takes for [ unteer workers came out and op-IDY-zours. [~;.~ ~ ~,~ ~.v,,~.~,~.., ~ .... Ibrother George Wadsworth, who
in m " 1 o 1 I know p~xup ~cts~ct~ ~ ~% wc*~ uuw,, . : . . .
~3 BEDROOMS MT. VIEW | you to move into this spic and i crated gas-driven generat g o- [ We are the on y pe p e [..,:,~, ,,. .......... ,~+^a ......In ] m awaztmg an operahon m the
• e re char e dee with a cou le of eel o sLs in the ~ • ' " 9:15 A.M.---Co ffee Time ~~~
: Top quality home like new. i span 2 bedroom home. Even I bile pow.r units to g P/ P g P " /q-~ s ....... h'-orhood ~ "oat i U.S. Veteran s Hospztal.
T~ao~ ~i'Xter~S. 1'~ baths, dinin~ |the drapes and carpet are in-|'freeze units and save.tl~e lo~s ofilivingroom", said Faith. As theil~o~'me~o~, 'nin~Sboats be]'o,~in; to] A post-Christmas visit wiLh the
• P ace and 2 car ar- i eluded. Everything is in excel- i meat and other storea zooa ~o~ iweight of the snow was removea/. - '. . r, : . .-. 7" *" . I families of her sons Bob acid
Kimbel and Lauzence Bedell of fzom the zoof one of them slipped Jonn ~enz ann ~en ~ec~ went, ----,
age. $20,750. FH~ $1,500 %- ]lent condition. It's vacant soi " ~ [ " ' ' [ .............ea ~'" Mz ....... ]Stanley Smith, in Port Angeles
Shelton were among those work- and fell over, breaking a glass[~'w"" ~ .'~."'~.'Y "~ _ ~' -~]was ,,~a~,,~d h,, M,'~ Mnt|i~ Rn~lr
dles. . i you can r~,ve rlght in. Lo- i ing in this vicinity. Sig Anderson, [candy dish on the coffee table. I~na~Z~hancaldlSD:e~:eo~Istcnerhn°m.°]lund, wl~o returned home New "D " "
i cated on a large lot with good [ ' " .... - ..... ................. - eClslons
& Results"
:5 ROOMS ANGkESIDE | Olympic view. See it today at | with his own mobile power plant, | UNDER THESE conditions, the [ EI ~ •... '.' [Year's Eve. Mr and ]V[rs Krona "
, Y , . [:~ • . " . . LD()I~ I¥1I'~. J~aCKlUnO Wll;n i;nenl
Ideal for a Couple tired of only $9,500. [ was ~lso bus aiding neighbors [Evanse~ had house ,masts Over / UP TIlE R[V, ~ ell ~acuroay~ .......... - .... : -~
emer enc In , night fue destroyed the oyster
Withapartments'2 largeKlng size bedroom, I and others in the g Y.. i night New Years Eve they had l_ _ : • ".='" .. I for the Port Angeles visit and her ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CtIURCH
every neighborhood men were to Mr. and M, rs. Virgil Crosby, old |house ownen ~y unvcr ~z~.ay..?lois on Stanley, drove her back t~
be seen shovellingsnow from i friends from Seattle Faith's me- |erie was at the pmn~, ~u~ the zire ILilliwaup T-hursdav Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington
1V[assive centr#l Island fire-NEW LI6TINGII ~--/'~-r "lVIrs Flolence" Ross and a/is said to have been caused when l -- -- ~ -' .... The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, ,Priest
'room,:place' Spacious Care free living If you have $1,100 you can pur------ , one , . ' " Another wrec age zrom ~ne sea-
' 'fiend the h~gh hde hpped over a bottle
oak planked floor, de- chase the equity in this spotless . Then on Saturday ............ ~den, heavy snow was the cabin
O[ wnl~e gas WnlCn go~ into ~ne
lightful dining room Cathedral 2 bedroom home and assume in- ~ It II~AV I~I~Itlltl ~ Ithe Alex McGregors of Seattle | .. ; .... i used by the Nell Vances for a 9:30 a.m.---Church School & Adult Bible Cla~s
| igflMrllll ~ e ~ puot light oz an Oll stove
beamed ceiling Compact kitch- terest F.H.A. loan at just $56.50 ~ J~n l~l~J ~who cm~e via Bremerton and th i" i " I guest house and worlcshop. Son- 11:00 a.m.--Divine Worahip .
~nne Large paved daylight base-per month. There is an extra large thosts were surprised to see them, | Fire Sunday morning bm~ed to in-law Jack Johnston came from The Church is always open for meditation and prayer.
COZY & COMFY [since they had thought they knew |tile ground a house aclx~ss from Indian Beach. after valiant; efforts~
fenced yard as well as lots of
--L, rec room with 2nd fire-
place. Oil furnace. Must be seen other plus features. $7,600 Is the This one is a three bedroom. . of the ~snow. They lost. their way. Beacon Point R~sort,. owned by I on the roadway_ there, came to '
modern home on Angles,de hill. land got to Poulsbo, and when they |Harry Smith, resort owner. De- their rescue and cleared their res- FAITH LUTHERAN CHURC~
to be appreciated. $13900 FTIA full price so why not see it soon. Its features inolude carpeted liv-[asked about H,,o~dsport, ,their in- |tails were not available at this[ide~ce roof to avoid further trou-
$600 handles. Call John Dever-
eux for apPointment, . I~ Ing noom with raised hearth fire-/formers said, Oh! Youre going/report time (Monday) as tele-ible for them.
p ace, dining area is also carpeted. ~over where they are having the iPhones at Beacon Point are still J Jim and Tim O'Neil were among
: We have several good 3 bed- i If you have just a little money i There is a very pretty color bath ideep snow." This side of Twanoh ]out of order, ithose who manned shovels o~ 7th and F2"anklin
room Country Homes with lave | (about $600) good credit and i with tub and shower and many up State Park they saw many trees | Monday morning Lilliwaup Me- fronds and roof ~obs They cleared
to date features. The kitchen has[down and attributed it to the wind [tel was still a busy place with ]the ~'oof over the "t~itchen of the Family Worship Service: 8:30 a.m.
acreages an~ ~,~-" 1
tO 191/ ' ,-, mupmg acres, u
$4O~. [ lots of ambition here is the [ Classes: Sunday School & Adult 9:30 a.m.
spot for yo~. This well teen- Ip enty of room for breakfast ta- thRL other areas had ex. perienced, roof .shovellers. Emel ..Andersen |LilliwauD .... Communit;v Hall which , . .
ble and there's even an extra V2 ] "They were all good sports", land John Clark were aiding Paul [had a tremendous amount of snow 2nd Worsh,p Servtce 11:00 a.m.
otto. up to $12,000. " i ted Mt. View home needs minor I
• i repairs and painting to make it i bath. You'll enjoy the nice yard, [said F~ith in relating the story [Gerkensmeyer, proprietor, on the ]that had slid down over the ad- "A Growing Church in a Growing Community"
Call 426-4666 [ a very cozy 3 bedreom home. [ extra large 2 oar garage and the ~ cottages. Paul had ingeniouslY.t [joining_ slantinff_ metal, roof to add
in the I convenient location. Full price is i ..... [contrived his own snow plow, wz h ito the burden on the kitchen roof. Carl J. CaHsen, Pastor Phone: 426-8611
i extra large living room. An at- I $15,500 with terms to suit most [ PVR~'R~'=~S=mU /a board fastened to the front ofI "__ ............
' 6ue DanlelsEVenlngs Call ' 1750.1 [ u= m~ ling and clearing every available i P. mma, ;|o .k ;ema
r John Devereux 426-8544 I tached garage too at just $6,- I any buyer. Better have a look! [ I:AURI'/IURJ L |his old Ford, and had been scrap-I
426-3434 "--" L TIN '< " .... moment. , ~MIVIIIIIIHHII~ UH¢IlilIII~H
N ,w ,, ,n / LtghLs c~me to Lilliwaup and 1=.. IIJl. m. MiSSOURi SYNOD
• I D" • NEW LISTING!! . " ZZY" 7." miss th~s one / /were welcomed heart;ily by resi-[[UI nU¢lll ruilu Ilalll~U
A G E N C Y youl~°mebetterwith inspecta choicethisVleW?well Thenbuilt about 5 clear. The home is a 21aDouc_ - ~" roues'" ~%zrom ~ne~Lon "~a"|dayL~ ~ Beacn got emctrm~y on ~tm- ~ShelLon will direct the February Sunday Schoo! ................................................................. ....... 9:45 a.m.
bedroom cottage with lots of pos-i... ~ ...... ~-~-~ vc,.. e,. -Ida-Y: ...... /Ho ,'t Fund drive in Agate, :Mrs. Adult Bible Class ................................................................. 9:45 a.m.
REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 2 bedroom home now. There's lots ........ .;~;,;+;.~..... --~=v~-"',......" ......... ..... .... ,.,,+.... | .... ~ v..-'..:.. ...... ~" ~ "" " /r "'~" I ~vmcn, go(m naturea., z,,n came INat Wa]dri~i of Shelton, Mason, Morning Worship ..... ~ ........ .,. ........ . ........ ~i ..... 8:30 ram, & 11:00 a.m.
119 So. 4th --- Bhelton, Wash.of room plus lots of quality to .~.. , .... o ........... ~ ....|terms Dy pa~y wno is zn~e es~ea iwhen because of uhhty troubles iCount.~ chaiITnan announced this
make this a home you will love o~he; ';~T~all" out Sb'u~d'inas'. "";t;s/in rehabfl,tatmn and clemung up ineighbors gathered for Lhe prim,-[week.~
to own. There's 100' of high bank ,^~+;^.. ;~ v ~;,o. ~,~,~ ~:^,, ,,, |the property. Has garden tract ann/Uve comforts of heat and water, / Mrs Fitzthum mother of three
fngntage (easy access to beach) ~"::'=~' ~-'-¢'~"'~,~=~'~"hi's'~' :~ ]fruit trees. Priced at $3,250.00. |bobsLed by others. O11 Snllday a ['Is a, ]~ember of i'he P T O and the You are cordially .invited to worship with us.
,~lg~ plenty of room for garden ng - u ...................... , , .... , ....
., .... • .. s~. .......w~^ has | |group were a,L the b rank Ernest |T.utheron Women's Missionar,~
~;ail us for more information. . ........ v ................ HOME . . ~- ....... a .... ......
....... ~ ¢,~ ~nn ~*,o,,, ~o .,.a [ANOTHER SUBURBAN _ [Smith home inch]drag Mrs. ]Leamle
;'~"';;~,F;7,,,"~;"7¢"'r':u",~':,~,~':"| 4-room .h(mse close in wi. t h_ 2|Smith,s stepfather and mother,| M~rs 'Harry Colas Union mar-
I NEW LISTING!! ., [ .......- .............. - ....... |bedrooms, fenced yard and ~r~nedlthe Sig A,idersons. The Smiths | chant " will di'rcct ,he camnai n in ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH i
~i~,,,~ M~, SHE,T~J,¢ FINEST I. ' .... , : ~" . . ~." rP Y ......... lher community Hoodsport and
Want lots of room that s easy I lwell Can be purchased on terms |--la"ed hosts tlso to the Vel~e T i , " " "- ~" • Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington i
...... - /~o reuame party,vr]ceaaL ,,i,-|Redman,s of Hidden Cove, the[Potlatch vohmteers will Work un- The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest [
],on the budget? Then see this [ COL/?.NIAL _ . . |000.00. |Fr:;nk Gills and WaIL Murphy of]der tl~e leadership of Mrs Barb- 7:30 aml..--Holy Cormnuniol:~
I spaoious older home that's close [ z/2 Dams ann a aressmg room, S " • er .... 9 "
Wi R I .... " ......... " [ l, Pnng 'at . • _ . ] ara McDowell Shelton schooltea" . :o0 a.m.--Church School & Adult Bible Clas.
| to school and stores that is i'='~ ........ • ............... v .... , ~ ~ ~,~,~*),~t~- ~he JaCiC Carlos ~ • ' 11:00 a.m.---Divine Worship [
3 generous bedrooms all carpeted [DOWNTOWN LOCATION - [~,,~. ,, ..... n; ....... q~ to a snow' jc : .. ......... The Church is always open for mcditation and prayer, i
| priced at only $8,000. There are ] ....................... net
with ,h~ host ,,u~li*~ ~vai,~k,o i.~ m~_r~,-,.~o /,.,,T.; .~,t,.v~,,,..~ '" t'~ ' * "/ AsKing" Ior COIYIITIllnll;y SUppoz~
~I I with fireplace, basement, good i u , u ,y. _?= ,,:=, =.=
uI This fine, 3 Bedroom plastelea [from Tacoma on samraay attar-Iman x)ointed out that heart and
I 3 bedrooms, a huge living room I Th'-"liv:n~ "-=ore ~"~ :L-21-c'-'"Ynd |a ot=~,nuu,v,o . . |hooded pile of wo?d,, tl~ere came |for the coming drive, the chair-
ili~'~i "]~:SP*C" |oil furnace and $450 is all itireal warmth_, inere's .... a Olnlng.|home is iDeated convenlently inoon," ' Mrs. Cattos' broth~re John ib]ood "vessel dlseas0s account- " for NORTHSIDE BAPTIST 0HUROH ]'
| takes to move you in. Like to | room, ............. moaern and tunctlona! ]downtown. Hardwood floors, flle:'." ,- |and family and her soil °'In-law ~md ]half of all deaths anlong Ameri-
state ~ K|,cnen ............ wltn separa,e oreaKTast iplace, dining area. large utlhty|dauKhter, Dr. and ML, s'..~M tC]C |cans between the ,ge, of 45 and
room I Know yOU II lIKE: cnls nome ace ~c lldren of Ta c n o
. ' ...... iRoom, built-in storage Sp [Knutsen and two ch' -[64 More than 54 per e t f all
Trom the tlnle yOU arlve into the aze ust came in thezr
~- WATERFRONT, NEW L,,STING!! ......... |radiant hot water heat - ]coma. The KnuLsens . |deaths in this country are caused
!ALGER PARK We can t find words to describe .tne east. ann ,.s pr,c.eo w.eu o~- |sell at $18,750. Call & arrange to led until Sunday aftern.oon....All | State Heart Assoc- ,
omvewa.y, in!s .m a .home o~.. only |a few of selling points. Priced to [fom,-wheeled drive Scout ~Io stay-[by heart cardlovascular disease. EAST E ST. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST I
!e have JUst'listed 1:his 100 x 750 this dandy 3 bedroom, 2 bath
lOW replacement vame at ~zz 11 V~rloLlS snovellln~" d more the
,atPr°Perty of ',~h01be. no-bank home ................. '7 |~ee it today. [pitched in o ' ~ _ iiation has devote , n $1,-
~uu._ many o.tner mxurms--must | . [jobs, including the carte house/066 000 dol)ars to heart research Sunday School ............................................................. ....... 9:45 A;M. i
i0~rTrOnt only 1PBth of a mileExcept that it's an excellent buy see. to apprecm~e. ,aeat TOr exec-]ANGLESlDE EXCLUSIVE /and guesthouse roofs. 'rneYlce tin 'this area. Ptlbhc" su. pport of
,,'" ctty limttg.~ Has a tar. at $13,950. Has a family room and utwe. ] 2k suverior custom 3 bedroom |brought food, including ~ big ~t- [the heart fund has givdn to the Worship .................................................................................. 11:00 A.M, i
~Y(:ine.:i'~°artes/anuest 2.3beach.bedro°mweil'The60price'fruithousel~ trees,$13~on Canpayment.be purchased with a low down APARTMENT__ MANAGERS ] 1Rndsca~]h°me , o~lvj 8 j,~earSlargeOld . BeautifullY100 x 100 [toltle~ heaL,°f beef-vegetableand were mde~" souP,d ..we'c°merea°y | vancedPe°ole- OfheazLthis. dmgnoms'SLate the. ca, enmSLpossiad" Evening Worship .................................................................. 6:30 P.M. I
WANT~..u ..... ]foot lot-~hi°ne#cehent home is in |guest.~. Like the rest oftme "ou.t- Ible' t'l~e chairman said. SMALL ENOUGH YO , I
~t~'u/n our..oplnl0n, Very fair. IT CAN'T .-- , I ..... , ...... /like new condition. It has a age |side world , they . .. | .........
, - u~, on tnils~one right now. we Will mAKe an attractive oT- ' 1 r " were not zuhy
IIf~ ~=~, ... _Sn°w forever: Make plans___.. In°w [ ,er ,o a coup,e wno WOUla like t0/ .............. hea*" ................ ant o, t.e ,oca,, BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU
mana~ ehelton's newes* ~ *in izzrepiace, convement emcu~ ~, /await: t,t L.~ t~2~ con " 4
I~vACRES~~' MILE FROM ,e ,, , anu • -'lar ................. ;n,~ srmce /snow troubles but became -| In May, 196 , the Coast Guard
est apartments. ~s must be a [ ............. ~nn,~,h tn come to check [placed m operatmn the world s --!
wife C ~mgLe g'arage wltn snop -v .................... ----. " "'" R 'VAL ' ' I
"" ', " I I
couple so the an be there/ ........... | .....~,=^..~ ~udin~ the John/fn'sL ~tom-powered hghthouse in
an excellent piece of
hound but With a sadl ne lec ] ~_nt for just $7,350.00. ] most of the time. We also have a / |Robinson creek cabin'. That had ]Chesapeake Bay, Md. It is antic-
t)Use , Y g ted I I number of these fine units left for | -. |alrea(t'v been cared for by W. B. iipated that ultimately automatic
.--_7 .'~ good drilled well but I I rent. There are 1 and 2 bedroom NEW, 3 BEDROOMS, DEN, |.... Y . . /¢.......... will ..........
,;,~t)o,y sWipe.d.' ~he:pump. It's on
"t~y~r~,~d01aaa~,~d:.*an~ ~he price is i ~ $50 monthly. Ceil, apartments each with Wasting-]FAMILY ROOM /W~v~gn: ~]):n~°~ot°r~oYn remained l[;e"m~;,;ned lig'~a'tP~:~.~}onsmn~L °n~
~appointment~ I house range, oven, refr geratoq, i Here is a SDacious 3 bedroom/i. ,h.~. she has been|use.
Drapesandwa~t~wa~carpeting'iramblerw~t~-denf~rthe~Laster~s-t°`'~`'`'~`~'~'`[~`````~tmaswithher~ CON(IUEST i
till ...'I! ~.. ~iad *^ " i .... I' "%Y'*'~, S=.~ ...... ~_ "
HOW ABOUT THIS? ,,e ~,, .... , .... ave you see ,oz tne house a large famny room ,s~,, .T~I~. t --
~e" VIEW 15, Everything on ,one floor here. l
70 minute 16 In
Three,bedrooms ,den, kitchen with ? buyers Ioo ing S
trredeSe to°WnersA are "being trans, built-in appliances, dining "L' off
bedroom. ~lz°na and their lovely the Fpaolous living room. Complete for the right home If you have -=--- ...... P~od floor;, ]r t: ....... d" night before II Sunday School ........... .9:45 ,.. I with sound taken in Uganda East Africa i
Ice Ft"'_.n°me must be sold atwith a most attra~ive fireplace " u u ~ ~;~za~e. ,uruwu u "neu weoneuu y n
Mor in Wor
one to sell why not let us know. ]~'re"lac ............ ner lot are [New V-~r'~ ~r~m a holiday trip [] Morning Worship .... 11:00 am. ]
|n-'~ "fP,ace, built-in oven and wall of striking Arizona sand. I'm sure we can get a quick and |~',o~ ¢~,~,,~,+~,s~+~,,*-uLstand-[to Sac~.~,~,~o~Calif. They were ll C. Y.'S & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m i I
=-, ,,uom k ~one. There's an extra large dou- r , J"~ ....-- ~ ""= ~'"=" ........ ' " ,
• ea, 1V..Y itchen and family THURSDAY, JAN, 14, 7 P,M
satisfacto y sale for you. Don t ].. ,, ¢,~o÷ .... ,~ ~ , ~=u;,c, nrice, i~one ne~.,.h, ~ month and vimLed [i Evening Service ._. 7:00 I
~rane ~,_~=~ns, attached 2 oar ,e garage too. F.H.A. appraised wait Call nowl m~ ........................ ~ ¢ a" ~--a -- r son, Robert, p ..... ~' '
A~:.' ,;"~n-T.enced yard and Pat- at $,B,750. • [ $19,525 w,'th $725 down L t the homes of thei '-- law -n= ]1 ~,~,~lbl~ StudyStu~y ,We,~;;d;; ~0 I
a," at"$18,000Jc nas beenreducedl., • .=S00 to J WHY ,PAY RENTIII . I ......... ~ ==r~ "OOM ? |plus closing costs. See it today, |rlaines,oaughLerandMrtheirand Mrs.S°n'm'st. n." ~.- ~'!u II s w.o,o.. . .... ,,,to; I Special Services
7 p. . T S. Ja 12 &
,:hore~i~Yto move in. Call us forcs splc ana span I When Just $350 d(~wn and $35 I Here s an extra large 3 bedroom ] Y" |thon,, An..+~.er son Foster Haines II " .... "~;;;~ .o I m oy_ n: I
] monthly will make you the I home on HIIIcrest close to stores [ ]of ~" .... ~_L"_,=~ inined the fam-|.~: Thllrs., Jan, ]4 with mlsslonsrles |
"u ~ooay. , OM ~,,, .u.tcx~.-.., ~--
| prOUd owner of this modest but I and school. You II enjoy the big /A REAL BUY IN A 2 BEDRO |flY ~ath~ ...., Christmas time.|,-- ,
living room with fireplace. The| Here is an excellent buy in a / "~e countSed~11 c~rs stalled inll MT. VIEW
dining room pius the breakfast ,home priced below its 1963 pur-'ditches between 1~.ugene and Rose-|| A||;¢~..~,~ t-ql...~.nlN ' BILL & GERDA BROWN
te -UP?
>re:an^take the equity in our I than you WOUld expect for $3,-I ]
1 3"/4 bath, built' law home, It ~ KAMILOHE OOMMUNiTY OHUR
I garaa, .,- . -ins, attach.
' Mt. ~l';W".r~_~la.ce and it'== close LoT8 OF LOT8 ....
=~noo=. Call us. Maybe you would like to build (Just east of Shelton-Olympla freeway |
:~4~4 I/, MILE FROM )'oUr OWn 'home... Take y0UP ir~ Kamiiche Va,ley) |
pick of these 3 sites. No. 1. South" . .
e;:;~a~ta.~.~e tract with an un- Hill""' I=xcellent IDeation, some | t
view, 90' x 120' lot, water and EVERYO.,. WELC..ME
lg°;~a;~'l-'100df::tsf::lna:°g:la:n- "='' an on --- sewer inoluded for only $1,250. o wIII talk[ ME V / ....
No, 2. East HIIIcrest . . . 100' x turkey on a trade. He owns this|HO ALUE || I J
)rdersream. Callin tk-'~ middletheof Westa nlceit just30°" $1,000,1°t withTermsWatertoo...and sewer for comfortable 2 bedroom home on[ 1Vfodest 1 bedroom home o./I SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD I FIRST
Ua. for details. No. 3. Ellinor 8treat, but lives in Puyal-[Angleslde, located on spacious|l 130 East Pine Street Mason Younglund, pastor I CHRISTIAN CHURCH ii
If you prefer the country thenlup and wants to either sell or[¢prner lot. Has large living room]| ~' . -. ' .......... i A2eadia and Lake Boulevard ' I
BEDROOM, FIREPLACE thi.s may do. 1~00' x 400' lot with trade. He even would take an ac-[and family stze kitchen. Excellent[|~unaay ~cnool Classes rot All ........................................ ~:~::) ~'"" I Charlel D. Wlgton i
'thlLLCREaTa large 3rd waterfront access' for $1,750. reage in the Puyallup Valley if]value at $5350. [| Morning Worship ............... : ................................................ 11:00 A.M. i I~lble School ...... 9:45 a.m. Youth M¢~eLL~p 5:30 pJ~l~ |
i_:. bedroom in the ~ Wed d - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wednesday -- Bible Stuay and Prayer -- 7'.30 p.m. I
t,c An excellent garage, work- i WANTEDI! I YOUauto,naVeboat,Some.trailer,AISOor woUldwhat havetake ] THREE BEDROOM HOME IN /I ChvriSt SEange stAmbassad°rS'c Serwce'. ................ ......................................................... 6:007100 PP'M'IMI il Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family ~ervice 6:31) pj~ |
'°P' fenced Yard and I° Th isa nrlh~ ~n~ [I l Child CAre Service Available at 11:00 Servlee j
you as trade for down a m nt nes ay Family Night 7 O0 P M
c? shrubs. The Pri-e i ads of I 3 bedroom home on Angleside-- I P y e . t EXCELLENT CONDITION
a we can "e" " s $7,500 Iunder $15,0OO--2 bedroom on'r,cel'l:nt-°PPg°tuni'tyr~:r-;°u ai;--,,,~,.,~.o.,.,~z,~.Lm.~;:uifl'~I~°c:~e*duC]-°s-e'nt°h}°w~n:' ~oa~r~r/L .....
entional morl;agYe°u a 90% con.i bedrooml Angleside,homeUnderon Mt.$9'000View-- un-~ll a e s,ort on cash. Why not stop in / ._ _ = .:... ~" ,_/I
talk this one ,over I'm sure i°Kler home. 1.~arge uunty room m|i I l et.m ..........,,..,. THE METHODIST
I der $12,000---Rural 2 or 3 bed-I weandcan work somethlng'out. /attach.e .garage. Clean ,~co~o~-/I rillS/ bAl'il~/ ,URUKUll
I room with 5 or more acres---I /cat electric neat Extra Duilmng/! North 4th and Pine StrFet~
ANN REAL ESTATE ' bedroom rental an)'-i ,m= ........ L |for sLorage or" O, th:lren's play-|l Rev. E. (3. Knautz, Pastor 5th & ~ta
I place. ....... " I • A, ROY I]I@NN _4 and the owner Wlll/I "Ov ~'fre~ Sandoval, Minister of Christian Eduoatlon REV. HORACE H. MOUNT8, MINISTER
8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship S~rvlces
-~_ [ consider trade for sm~.ller lome/I SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1965 Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School for PJ1 ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowaihp
Phone 426-6363 ~ | in town. See this home ~oaay. /I Broadcast Over ........:
121 Railroad Ave.. HiMLIE REALTY ,~, Ral|road /~'J" | _ - |i 9:30 A.M.--Sunday School i~ll..,, i ill iS ~ N i
SHELTON ff~ 1'16 No. 2nd / Angle Agency /I 11:oo A.M.--Morning .Worship ,, I lll ,) RRST O HUROH 0 R T, IE TIS
EVENINGS CALL' L~ Phone: 426-3369 Eves. call: ~ [ 426-8272 /I "NATURAL MAN S PROBLEM
ViNCE HI M LIE | Jack Stewart 426-4794 [i 6:00 P.M.~Youth Groups 1280 _ 11 .00,, a.m. Sunday302Schoo]Alder11:008t"a.m.Shelt°n'__ ChttrWash'.h 11 a.m.
A Roy Dunn 426 4601
KURT MANN--426.3228 Evenings: 426-6501 ...... [ Dick 'Angle 426-6188 |1 ~,.N~ ~ ,, -,,~'~ UA~,V ..... o~,~,E=,, Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m.
~~I~~~H~ Mary VOSI~ ........ 42"-8074 | Herb Angle 426-4134 || .......... "-- ""~ '_"...' ............. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to
• , / |l Wed. 7:00 p.M.--BIIHe Study Fellowehip & Prayer 4p.m. ]~on. & Fri. Wed evening 6:45 to 7.46.