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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 9, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 9, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i .... : .... : ' " ..................................... THEMAS0N C6UNTY I JOURNAL ' rl, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 192 PAGE FOUR ': ...................... NOTICE Classified Ads .................... ' MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Joe Vall 102.3, " E. ".uman ................. 10.00 ,I. H. Foss .................... 32.00 GRANT C. ANGLE & SON, Publishers Member of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Associations Entered as second-class matter at the postofiice at She)ton. Washington Published every Friday morning. Subscription: Domestic, $2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance (All papers discontinued one month after delinquency) UP VIEW / COMMISSIONERS A CLOSE-  (Contimmd from page l) The people of Grays Harbor COUrt-|Arthur L. Ward, engineer...:.. 85.00 ty have had the trial of the Centralia/caepgii,}cY r v.,.al:. and.. i....I:...C().: 3.40 murderers wished upon them, anu| Mason onnty Journal, same .... 9.00 the only redeeming feature is that w. Johnson Motor Co., same... 6.95 after a close-hand .view ofthedlrty ]rs td.JDef,g.tla%ehl:l)(rssherislf] 22.('0 25.20 work of the red element tne aecen It( v "Ports'traY exp .... 4.55 people of that section will there- ] l'ark'Burnei't, deputy sheriff•.• 4.00 afterthin purge their,, community of any,-}(v :•Joh]ls,OThMltcO;utO.,[ " , 100.0013'5(} .g that , looks red.. uppneU]Shelton Lamldry laumlry for Jail .75 xvitn ample iuntts and navmg unscru-c. F..Vllson, plumbing Jail .... 6.00 pulous lawyers the I. W. W. crim-|L. M. Co.. sup. eng. and jail .... 17.00 inals will ,be able to test every re- Shaw & Borden, sup. Treas ..... 1.79 Welsh-ldchards Co., same ..... 2.62 ason County Journal, same... 3.60 source of the law they deride to save their skins from the penalty due for the wanton killing at Centralia. Hav- ing secured the due change of venue the law permits on affidavits of pre- judice Judge Wilson, who also had the trial wished upon him, has acted fairly in refusing another change to either Olympia or Tacoma. The reds hoped to have the tlJals in Tacoma, and by sneaking methods to avoid Olympia, but the Judge will require the trial to continue at Montesano, and also without delays• Anticipat- ing this the story of the Centralia crime, framed to make the injured innocents of the "wobbly" partici- pants, has been widely circulated over Grays Harbor county to reach all the jurors likely to be called on the case. We may now look for a lnez Shorter, Treas. clerk ...... 31.50 Sadie BeaclL same ............ 12.25 Cathryne Forrcst, same ........ 13.56 Thos. O'Neill, sup. Co• poor .... 7.65 Frok Ralsoni, same .......... 6.12 L. M. Co., same .......  ........ 23.17 Thes. O'Neill, same .,; ........ 14.99 Francis Carr, same ........... 15.00 W. tt. Lunt, labor Co. cemetery. 28.00 Shelton Garage, sup. Co. car,.. 1.35 W. Johnson Metor Co., same... 3.28 Standard Oil Ct,,, sup. Co. Agrlc. 5.40 County anditoF, revolving full(] : Auditor • ............ 1.51 Registration books .. 12.,t8 SUl)eFitll enOent ...... 4.02 T r,:a surc!r . .......... 5.30 Trucks .............. 5.,9 '29.20 J. V. h'l. Jmes, cleaning chin,- 15.00 neys ........................ ' VV. :N:l. llcach, services 1I. O ..... 100.00 _talldlll'd ()il (o., Skip. CO. car;.. 61,3 olympia Garage Co., same ...... 23.70 Th(s, O'Neill, sup. eonrt house. 1.45 I)aeHic Tel. & '1'cl.. Co., services court llouse ................. 38.00 lot of maudlin sentiment from the "parlor Bolsheviks" amt near--but 'r.wn or Shclton, water rent not very near--"Americans." I A..m,n4-;,;,: ' 'tei.' "e,:il'e'e." ';Co: Farm ....................... A BELATED CLEAN'UP licit Drug Stere. sup. Co. poor... l St. l?eters ltospltal, care same.. Th • " us)...h-s finally and ]J' E. Connolly, sup. Co. Farm.. .. e adml.nlstr.:-:-.-- ..  ,, |C. H. Hilh'oan, labor Co. Farm. raner Carolly acte¢l in a nalon-wlue | L M. Co. sup. Co. Farm ....... Shelton IAght & Power Co. same 26.84 24.00 24,00 3.52 62.00 10.75 5.00 84.77 round-up of the dangerous alien lead- Fir l)rug Store, sup. Co. l'arm. .63 ers in the movement to overthrow w• w. Barrett, same .......... 2.20 Thos. O'Neill, same ........... 7.70 our government and its long-estab- 1,'. c. Tilley, exp. Fair ......... 3.50 lished and proven civilized principles. -oaa District o. 2. Several thousand of Communists and Alfred Dickinson .............. 39.00 Reds of various degrees, but all well H. L. Rendsland .............. 16.00 C. Bates ....................... 30.00 supplied with Russian gold and busily' j. H. Deer ..................... 4.00 18.00 engaged in plotting strikes anti all E. E. Thompson .............. sorts of troubles for the American Geo. T. Johnson 16.008.00 people and industry in general, have v. E. Paul ..................... E. L. Kellogg ................. 8.00 been gathered by government agents Thos, Doak ................... 16.00 and are being corralled at Ellis Is- Arthur Moran ................ • 16.00 land for examination, the aliens for Tom Moran ................... 8.00 M. b. Jacoby ................. 8,00 deportation and the pervert Amer- M. B. Sehumacher ............ , 44.00 11.00 leans for trial by their states for ,. H. Hilton .................. sedition. We are as tardy in getting E. Cronqulst ............... 68.008.00 'into action as we were on getting in J" Malaney .................. .•. Grist Johnson ................. 14.00 to war,--but better late than never• w. T. Budnig ................. 8.00 A• Peterson ................... 4.00 Chester Ro'senberg ............ 4,00 ,las. Scales .................... g,0(i Hoed Canal Mere. C(, ............ 60 H. ix.'. (Iriggs .................. ES.{i0 IG N. GrigKs .................. 40. i0 7l il.e Horley .................. 68.00 1,. H. Jacotm .................. 64.00 Arthur ( ri 'gs ................ 16,00 \\;Vill Criggs ................... 4.00 C. Yonng ..................... 30.00 Alex Scott .................... 34.00 ,laxq C-le Jr. ................. 1(L50 Precin'ct Registration Officers for Mason County, Washington. Notice is hereby given that the CONFINEMENT CASES taken at following are the names of the Pre- my home on West Cola street. cincts, Registration Officers in charge, Mrs. N. F. Betts. 2-6 and the place of Registration, in the various voting Precincts in the coun- LOST--Two Ford tires, one mounted ty of Mason, State of Washington: on rim, between Webb hill and Place of Ol.mpia on highway last Satur- ,lame,q F,'azier ................ 56.00 Precinct Officer Registration (lay. Finder please notify Tom Ca.l l;'razter , ................... 52.00 (qmrley Frazier , .............. 2t,(i0 ',Allyn, J. A. Peebles, General Store- Wetlb, Union, or this office• 1-16 b'rnnk l.'razier ................ 26." Arcadia, H. L. Miller, Residence, Ar- .lorry l'razier . ................ 21;.00 cadia. FOUND--Auto tire near Kamilehe. Dave Whitener . .............. 8.00 Clifton, S. A. Watson, Residence, f'erey "Whitener . .............. 4.00 , Owner may have same by proving Joe Martin .................... 4g,00 Belfair. praperty and paying charges. P. Gene .-Martin .................. ]2.00 Cloquallum, Mrs. A. E. Ashley, Res- O. Swanson, New Kamilche. it Ted Cole ...................... 4.00 idence, Cloquallum. Dwight Lambert ............... 8.00 Cushman, W. T. Putnam, Residence FOUND--Purse on street. Owner C. H. Hillman ................. 2.30 L. M. Co ...................... !.00 Lake Cushman. Wallace Johnston Motor Co ..... 101.08 Dayton, Mrs. Ada Ogg, Residence may have same by proving prop- C. J. :Irving ................... 9.00 Dayton. erty and paying for this adver- John Mnrray ........... ' ....... 4.00 Detroit, W. O. Eckert, Postoffice, De- tisement. It S. A, Watson 8.00 Sam Atken ................... 8.00  troit. W. E. Tlmmpson .............. 63.00 .Dewatto, Wm. M. Nance, Postoffice SALE--Range, heating stove, R. W. IAneoln ................. 51.19' Building. kitchen table, chairs, cupboards, Zoad and Erldgs. Eells, Mrs. Fred Bell, Residence. etc. Inquire H. P. Jones, Shelton. C. H. Hillman ................. 6.00 Harstine, John Goetsch, Residence, State Highway Commissioner... 13.58 Parrot & Hahn ............... 750.00 Harstine. FOR SALEFull blood Thompson 1,. M. Co ...................... ].08 Hoodsport, Phillip Abbey, Postoffice, strain Rhode Island Red cockerels. Fra.ncs Carr .................. 3.80 Hoodsport. John L. Pearson, Shelton. J. A. Cole Jr .................. ]3.12 New Kamilche, Mrs. Annie Ell)son, Feenaughty Machinery Co ...... 96.16 Herman Wyatt ................ 8.25 Residence, New Kamilche. FOR SALE.--1916 Ford Touring car, C. H. Hillman ................. 7.50 Lilliwaup, Geo. R. Aaro, Postoffice, good rubber, good mechanical 'con- Shelton Garage ............... 12.50 Lilliwaup. dillon. Right price to quick pur- \\;V, E. Thompson .............. 10.50 Matlock, Carl Jacobson, Store, Mat- Rall)h lAneoln ................ 10,50 chaser. Shelton Garage. lltf Morris Johnson ............... 120.88 lock. %V. Johnson Motor Co .......... 21.77 Miller, Julius F. Jacoby, Residence, H. L. iendsland .............. 6.50 Hoballa. SALE--Six weeks old pigs, tester 1)tckinson ........... :.• 6.50 Northside, Thos. Moran, irice $5.00. Thos. Berg, Allyn, Wash. Game. Box 91. 12-26 Shelton Oarag( ............... 30.72 R.F.D. No. 2. Speolal oad Edna. Pickering, J. E. Jones, Residence. Earl i?, Dickinson ............. 5.00 Potlatch, Lena Butt, Postoffice, Pot- FOR SALE--Rhode Island Red roos- H. E. Munson ................. 2.','5 latch, ters for brceding $2.00. Also Frank Frttzier . ................ 2.25 b'rank Livingston ............. 8[;,25 Satsop, R. Trenckmann, Residence, others at 25 cents per pound. C. A. ]vl. Johnson ................ 5{;.25 Elma R.A. O. Malmberg, Route 2, box 88. Henry (h)ldsby ................ 42.75 Skokomish, Fred Hanson, Residence. ..... Iwiaht I,ambrt ............... 36.00 Southside, Mrs. H. E. Loop, Resi-BALED HAY FOR SALE--S30, oats J. II. lh!mons ................. 40,50 Morris Johnson ............... 45.12 dence, Shelton. $60 per ton, at Webb Ranch, Union. \\;Vm. Thonpson ............... 3(;.75 Tahuya, J. H. Rolie, Postoffice, Ta- • 11-14tf B. W. Lincoln ................. 11,25 huya. blugene Martin ................ 9.00 Union, Lucille Hill, Hauptly's Store, Steve Thrasher ............... 77.63 Floyd Fredson ................ 9.00 Shelton, No. 1, 2 and 3, Fred Tegt- MONEY TD LOAN on the monthly Gunder Grdai ................. 9.00 meyer, Johnson's Garage. Olympia Building ])an Pinagor . ................. 9.00 The voters in Procincts No. 2 and Roy Greenwood ............... 36.00 R. N. Griggs .................. 4.50 3 who live outside the incorporated c. Young ..................... 31.50 limits of the Town of Shelton also C. N. Canning ................ 27.00 register with Fred Tegtmeyer, Town E. L. Kent ................... 4.50 Clerk. A. C. Kent .................... 139.75 John Harrison : ............. ... 13.50 H. A. Conklin 22.50 Herbert Swanson ............. 10.50 A. C. Kent & I'rank Livingston. 20,00 L. M. Co ...................... 42.85 Ioy Cart •:•..'. ............... 7z,00 Mike Hurley .............. •.. 67,50 Glen Widpple .......... . ....... 31.50 Chas Griggs .................. 54,00 E. A, Pike ............... ' ..... 63.00 R. N. Griggs .................. 47.50 Wednesday, January 7, 1920. Moved and carried that F. Rendsland be ap- pointed Road Supervisor for Road Dis- trict No. 7. The following bills were allowed: Cnrront Expenso. Wm. B. McMurray, sup. Agrlc. and Co. car ................. 12.30 M. W. Johnson, justice fees ..... 2.40 M• W. John, son, same ......... 2,50 M. W. Johnson, same ......... 3.00 .... 2.40 J. W, Hadley, witness ........ Chester Rosenberg ............ 16,00 j. Macey, same ................ 2.40 Alfred Llnton ................. 20.00'Oscar Sttckney, same ......... 2.40 A, G. Peterson ', .............. 40.50 iienry Latham, Juror . ......... 1.20' Alonzo Itule .................. 8.00 Emil Paulson, same ........... 1.20 Joe Vail ...................... 12.75 Chas. Paine, same ............ 1.20 oad Die,riot go. 3. M. %V. Johnson, Justice fees .... 2,40 W. S. Taylor .................. 18.00 M. W. Johnson, same .......... 2.50" T. r. Mel)onald ............... 16.00 W. W. Barrett, plumbing, eoUt:t W, T. Mann ................... 4'001 house ....................... 12.34 8.00 ITrick & Murray, registration C, l. Buxton .................. 16.00 224.98 Thos, Buxton beoRs ....................... Walter Buxton ................ 8.00 Mason County Journal, supplies Thomas McDonald ............ 4.00 sheriff ....................... 53.45 Chas, Colvin .................. 6.00 Capital City M. & B. P, Co., sup• Dan Brown ................... 56.00 engineer . .................. .. 5,24 Ralph Hoibrook ........ ....... 28.00 I W. G Rex, sup CO. Park ........ :, 5.00 L. J. Brown .................. 12.00 Emma B. Hichert, Supt. clerk..• 30.40 Gene Martin .................. 28,00 1.0u Joo Martin ................... 14.00 F. C. n, Vi|ley .................. 56.00 4.00 20.00 16.00 2.10 John C. Valley ............... 2.75 C. O, Decker .................. 36.00 H. E. Ford ............. ' ...... 48,00 Joseph Valley ................. 27.00 A. Buechel .................... 2400 Richard Buechel ..... .......... 6.75 J. G. 1McRae .................. 32.00 D• McRae ..................... 8.00 J. S. Carman .................. 16.00 • G, t{owell .. ................ 8,00 G. C. Kirk .................... 8.00 die Roman .................... 4,00 G, E. I-Iickson ................. 10,00 Fred Hickson ................. 11.25 G. C, Kirk .................... 1•00 oad D1stxot o. e. L. M. Co ....................... 68.85 Standard Oil Co ............... 5.12 Lester Dickinson .............. 6.50 'Sadie M. Beach, same .......... [IAtrhry -oad lsttot o. 1. ,.t .... r Eells ....... ....... .... 3.00 Deyette ..... ..... ; ..... 56.00 A. Goodman ............. ..... Jack Penny ................... Guy Jameson .................. Fred 1roberts ................. 20.00 Ed. Ahern ..................... 16.00 Joe Vail ...................... 8.00 Victor Roberts ................ 124,00 W, H. Johnston ............... 130.00 J. A, Edmiston 100,00 W. Tanner .................. 70.00 t( E. Tanner ................. 36.00 A. Jacobson ................... 100.00 • N. Jaeobson ................. 36.00 W. F. Ault ................... 16.00 Wm, Deyette 103.50 W. L. Edmondson ............. 20.00 B. C. Gibson .................. 16.00 J. C. Mongrain ................. 4.60 A. L. Mongraln ............... 2.00 The Seattle Post Intelligencer is- sued a big 124-page "industrial" edi- tion on Wednesday, which probably used more white paper than all the country weeklies in the state would require in a year. The 'communities represented all contributed handsome- ]Y, and the P.-I. cleaned up a bunch of money, so will not miss the lack of bouquets from the country press. "BALLING UP" THE CENSUS While a number of the census enumerators are at work in county districts, it appears that several of the districts are not yet provided for, and will probably be covered later by those who complete their districts. This is reported to be the case of Shelton, Precincts 1 and 2 to be enumerated by Miss Eula Daniels after completing her districts, the appointed one declining to sel,e and no successor being appointed. Who will cover the rest of town is no t known, but it is hoped that a com- plete fair enumeration will finally result. The census seems to be about as badly "balled" as other affairs which have fallen to this ad- ministration. , o&d Dlstrlot 'o. 7. F. Rendsland ................. 56.00 No ..... C, E. Llndstrom ............... 47.00 'OTZOI TO ODIOlS. l. W. Randall ...; ............ 51.00 In the Superior Court of the State of [John Shefner .................. 64.00 Washington, Mason County. • :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 34,0068°° In re the Estate of CALVIN P' 8AE-[Geo." C. lundy ................ 24.50 GER, Deceased. ]C. P. Lundy .................. 8.00 Olaf Coldvin Notice is hereby given that Frank]  . . ................. 10.00 W. Tuell has been appointed and has lt ? 'P°in'':]:::::]]i]:: 76.5012.00 qualified as executor of the above eno Iwm: attis ................... 44.00 titled estate, and that all persons hay-1John Murray ................. 48.00 |rig claims against said deceased or his i R. W. lrvt=ng  .................. 12.0040.00 .tate, are required to serve the .me 'Ain" ................ i'.:: 4O.OO A. L. Wolf ................... 20,00 Win. O. Elils ................. 20.00 p. W. Nance .................. 52.00 P. W. Nance .................. 52.00 R. Nason ..................... 52.60 John Murray .................. 17.45 Ditriot o. 8 M. C. Fezer ................... 1.50 . Trenckmann ............... 60.00 :Z. T. Gregory ................. 76.00 k. E. Elphick'. ........ ¢....-... 45.00 lack Wraith .................. 4.00 I..E. Wraith .................. 12.00 .'ry Jones & Co ................ 3.90 J. J. Ladley .................. 34.05 A. R• Skillman ................ 14.00 n&nat tffhway :Frank Livingston ............. 6.25 A. :M. Johnson ................ 18.00 John Harrison ................ 18.00 Steve Thrasher ................ 5.63 W. G. Rex .................... 28.50 E. C. Leisure ................. 7,88 Win, E. Thompson ............ 14.44 ]d enry Goldsby ................ 5.63 1¢. W. Lincoln ................. 3.38 John Plemons ................. 3.8 1-1. E, Ford .................... 59.20 1.. M. Co ...................... 508 M. F. l'ixley .................. J.75 ,las. l)avison .................. 4.{}(} ]Aan Anderson ................. ,%(.0 V, A. Noblos .................. :;2.00 John Salter ................... 2I;0 1 , F. Butler .................. 2(}.00 C, M. Pixley .................. ,.00 John Mcl)onald ............... 2,) 00 H. E, Stumcr ................. 22 60 John Hawk ................... 148.38 Harvey Hall .................. 72.00 Leonard Hawk ................ 24,00 Vilas T. Hawk ................ 8.00 Marcell Williams .............. 20.00 A. O. Nelson .................. 12,00 G. V. Nelson .................. 12.00 Iohn Harrison ................ 35.00 Frank Livingston ............. 23.00 S. R. Thrasher ................ 3,00 J..H. Piemons ................ 23.00 G. E. Truman ................. 52,00 A. W. Johnson ................ 100.00 %rthur Johnson ............... 48.00 J. A. Edmiston ................ 16.00 Roy Cqusins .................. 4.00 O. Bishop ..................... 58.00 Walter Bishop ................ 14.00 Arvid Johnson ................ 8.00 Paul Hunter .................. 44.00 Ernest Eaton ................. 32.00 Harold Hunter ................ 60.00 i Fred Bell ..................... 40.00 J. Jemison .................... 32.00 Zo Dttrlet o. g. Waiter Daniels ................ 4.00 load Dttot No, 3. Win. Maipass ................. 36.00 Earl Malpass ................. 16.00 on the undersigned executor personally, or at his place of business 201 South :Howard Street, Spokane, Wash., or apon his attorneys, Messrs. Troy & $turdevant at their offices in the Olympia National Bank building; at Olympia, Washington, and file the samewith the clerk of the court prop- erly aworn to, together with proof of uch service, within six (6) months the date of first publication of this notice, or else the same will be orever barred. FRANK W, TUELL, Executor of the estate of Calvin P. Saeger, Deceased. Date of first publication, January 9, 1920, 1-9-1-30 4t NO ..... OTIOE TO C:REDITORS TO IE CLA:tS. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County, (ln Probate.) In tho Matter of the Estate of ANNA S, JOMNSON, Deceased• NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN, That Letters tcstamenary on the Estate of Anna S, Johnson, deceased, were grant- ed to the undersigned, on the 20th day of December, 1919, by:(h0 said Superior Court. 1,::* All persons )laving clainqs agatiist said estate, are required to serve them with the necessary vouchers, upon me at th office of County Clerk, Shelton, Washington, within stx months after tho date of the first publication of this notice, to'wit, within six months after the 9th day of January, 1920, and file the same with the clerk of this Court together with proof of such ser- vice, or they shall be forever barred. Dated at Belfalr, Wash., this 9th day of January, 1920. EMIL L. JOHNSON, Frank Malpass ................ 18.00 W. L. Mil]er ................... 26.00 oad ;Dtstrtot 1o. . Phillip Abbey ................. 16.53 C. W. Browner ............... 88.00 T. B. Smith ........ . ........... 38•00 John Branstrom ............... 20.00 Ed.. Hiller .................... " 56.26 M• Hanson .................... 8.00 Leon Mason .................. 4.00 J. H. Hiss ..................... 8.00 W. T. Putnam ................. 4.00 L. Wonder . ................... 8.00 John Aaro ................. .. 16.00 Joe Young .................... 24.00 Joe Dan ...................... 12.00 W. A. Morris .................. 8.00 Kenncth Pulsifer ........ .. .... 8.00 James Nimrod ................ 4.00 )toad and tdg'e. I). E. Barrett ....... , ...... '... 4.09 W• -W. larrett ................ 2.90 Permanent ighway. Ect, Krise .... ................. 10.80 Speoial oad ond. Thomas ()'Neill" . ............... 60 C. H. Hll]man ................. 5.95 G. P. erot .................... 45 A. ]uechel .................... 4.5@ Game Commission. Jessie 1(night, P. M ............ 43.44 C. S. .obertson Co. ' ........... 13,00 lason County Journal ......... 19•50 Soelger & IJurlburt 1no ......... 1,00 Jq enry Smith .................. ]25.00 Tom Chapman  ...... , ..... 4•, . 16.00 Cnrrsnt Expense. M. F. ](night, deputy clerk ..... ]2.00 Moved and carried that Cost Bill of the Defen(lant Victor Pierrard be not allowed as the Jury was not Sworn. Moved and carried that Engineer be instructed to draw plans and Speci- fications for the Sunnyside Skokomish Bridge, and report to Board. Engineer filed reports om the Sack- rider, Lake Cushman and Matlock- Satsop :Roads. Date of Hearing for the Sackrider :Road set for 10 A• M. February 2, 1920; date of hearing for Lae Cushman Road set for 10:30 A. OSCAR S. JOHNSON, Henry Goldsby ................ 4.00 Executors of said'Estate. ]Ployd E. Fredson .............. 24.00 TI-IOS. M, VANCE, J. E, Eaton ................... 14.00 JULIA E, WALl)RIP, Henry Hanson ................ 36.{)0 Attorneys for said Estate, J.H. Davis ................... 18,00 Olympia, Washington. 1-9-30-4t Leon Mason ................... 20.00 t,,. .... ..... lllt'/=l.b .... M. February 2, 1920 and Date of Hear- Let Us Frame That Christmas Picture Choose from our new stock of frames, one that will set off that gift picture to the best advantage. The Heckman Photo Shop SHELTON LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first class work. FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. The books will be open for regis- tration the first Monday in January, January 5, 1920. In witness whereof I have here- unto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this 2nd day of January, 1920. IONE W. DOYLE, (Seal) Auditor Mason County. i i ent plan. 'Loan Assn. Apply Mason Coun- ty Abstract & Title Co. 10-17tf FOR SALE IThe New Year SALE--90-acre farm in Mason County, near Shelton. All good land. 50 acres fenced, 23 'cult)vat- ed, 27 pasture. Good well and running water for stock. House, barn, team, cows, igs, chickens, hay, grain and potatoes. R. F. D. and one mile from school. Bot- tom priee for quick sale, and terms. Apply this office, L216 FOR SALE.--NW of SW, Section 15, 19, 3 W, 40 acres of good land near New Kamilche, is for sale at reasonable price. Inquire of Carl Cedarh0!m, Camp 6, or this office. LOG600-0FF [ IT PAYS Logged-off land for sale to actual] to raise purebred O. I. C. hogs. settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up I am offering for sale purebred according to location, topography and[ sows and pigs of all ages. Your eharacter of soft. Liberal terms of __, _ ___ _ :_ch°ice from the.largest, herd section, of ptnent and interest on deferred i'erarehgomm$6tup ptyments at the rate of six percent ,-- ........ " E.I. ivi2Lk.d'12IV1, l;ou;e Z per annum. Liberty bonds taken in 1 9 it payment at .ar. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY promises to be a most prosperous one for Mason County in every line of endeavor. Our particular field is to "know'" real estate titles, and we are equip- ped better than ever to smwe yo efficiently, courteously and pro.mptly ABSTRACTS TITLE INSURANCE GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES OF TITLE MASON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPk00? (Under State Supervision) BHELTON. WASH. SHO FOR CHILDREN Children's shoes must please the young folks by their appearance. Theymust allow the natural development of the feet and must be moderate it., price, and long wearing at the same time. We know that these qualities are found in the lines we carry. The "F00T-SCHULZE" for girls and the "BILLY BUSTER" for boys. In shoes for the boys .we have the toughest lJroblem to solve. They must be well made and of the best leathers to give the wear that they should give; for we know that all boys are hard on shoes, and they must be good. Our shoes for boys are proving sat- isfactory. They may be a little higher than some grades but the lasting qualities prove that they are the cheapest in the end. We have them in various styles and at prices that you will be willing to pay. Lumbermen Merc. Co. ing for Matlock-Satsop Road set for 2 p. m, February 2, ]920 Monday, Engineer filed :report on the Stretch Island Bridge. (Continued next week) t -. . s )..- ,*4', 7 \