January 9, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 9, 1920 |
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Corn Husker Reaps from 25,,,=Acres Per Day,
• :ig: /!
.... :i.: ,: ,..t;2 ¢ K" I
., ' " : " :::: ::' I
, '.',. ... . . :,:;? z ......
That necessity is the mother of invention has long been an establlshd fact, but it is being proved
anew in regard to the agriculturist and the "hired man." Here is the newest, a corn-husking machine
which will husk from 24 to 30 acres per day. Farmers find it ahnost impossible to get efficient help, but
the farmer with a grown son or daughter who can operate a gas engine can clean up a big Job in Just
a few<lays. Or even with limited help, this machine makes possible larger fields In the future.
Between 6000 and 8000 men are em-
ployed in the logging camps of Grays
Harbor, although the car shortage has
put ninny of them out of employnmnt.
A group of bondholders has started
suit against the Wenatchee Valley Gas
& Electric coral)any, asking for $654,-
000 and interest on a general mort-
Under present conditions it costs
the farmer who operates 240 acres
within a radius of six miles of Pull-
man approximatcly $1.91 a bushel to
raise 30-bushel wheat, according to
figures compiled by Dean E. . John-
son of the state college.
After a five-day trip up Mount Rain-
Ier, 116 mountaineers of Seattle, Eu-
gene, Yakima, Everett and Tacoma,
returned and left for their respective
homes. A few members of the Maza-
mas of Oregon and the Sierras of Cal-
ifornia were in the party.
An idea originating with the den.
Labor council of Pasco which now
promises to be carried to a successful
conclusion Im the establishment af a
social club to include the entire city.
Committees from the various organi-
sations of the city are at work n
the details.
The II alleged I. W. W. accosed of
the murder of IAetHenant \\;Varren O.
C-rimm at Centralia, November 11, will
not be tried at Mont,sano. This was
announced by Superior Judge John M.
Wilson after hearing arguments by
George F. Vanderveer, attorney for
the defense, for chatge of venue. It
Is thought probable the trial will be
a:nsferred to Olympia.
About 35,000,000 feet more lamber
was shipped last year from Orays Har-
bor by wa4r than the prevtotm yee,
according to figures compiled• EXclu-
sive of December, which ws one of
tl largest months of the year, fig
,'or which are not yet fully*made up,
shipments totalled 28,414,700 feet.
Approximately 35 million • feet were
hipped during December.
Plnal estimates of the galn, potao
and hay crops in Washington tndloate
i z total area of 3,815,000 acres with a
production valued at $161,098,000, a
reportel, by O. S. Ray, fild agent/for
the federal bureau of crop estintea.
the area this year exeeeds that of
1918 by 180,000 acres while the aggre-
gate value of the crops is more tha
State of Ohio,'Clty of Toied0,
Lucas County, ss,
Frank J. Chancy makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F.J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
|'€I every ('liNe o (l#:rl'[l |iH cannot l)e
('u)'(.d I,y (lleuse of II.\\;I,L'S CATAII{H
Swtu'n to before me and subs('rihed in
In}* pr(.,,qotlce, this 6lh day )f l(,'ember,
A. l). ISS6. A. "W. GLb2AS(IN,
(Seal) Not:try Public.
Hall's Cai:lrrrh l(,dh'in(, is taken In-
torn:lily Iilld acts il 'I)ll! I I!lo HI'rod on
lhe MIh'(1UR Sllrf;tces oI the Syst,oln. Send
for Icslllnonlals. free,
F. 3• CItI¢,Nt,:Y & CO., Tab-do, O.
Sold by all drtlKists, 5,'.
Hall's Family l'lllv for ¢onslipatlon.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
day. the 3rd day of February, 1920. be-
tween tile hours of 10 o'clock in the
forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
commencing at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon of said day, in front of the mtin
entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shelton, County
of Mason, State of Washington, either
by the County Auditor of said county,
'or by a member of the Board of State
Land Commissioners of the State of
,Vashington, the following described
slate lands, together with tile improve-
ments situated thereon, will be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
Application IWo. 10807.
NIC,: of NV, of section lfl, town-
ship 20 north, l'alige 2 West \\;V. t., con-
Ilhling 40 seres, nlore or ]ass, acc:ord-
tllg 1.,.) ill(.* gOX,'tl'nllll'llt 'SUI'VCy thi.reof,
&l)t)rais(,d .'it l(l(Ifl.llt!, • IlIIpI'OVCIIIUII1.S
ltpl,raispd at Sill0.00.
Said lands will 1)e sold for not less
[1HIll t}le al)l)rais('d vslue :tbov strtt(qt
slid llpon tile tcrnls and conditions fol-
Terms and Conditions of Sale.Not
less than Olle-tolltil of tll( 1)n reh;q so.
rlce nlust be paid at the thne of ssle
to the ofllccr making the sale. 't'hv
)urehascr, if he be not tile owner of
the lnl])rovl!nlcnts, nlust forthwith psi),
to the officer making the sale lhe full
amount of the appraised value of the
improvenlents, as ab(,ve stated• One-
tenth of the purchase price must be
aid annually thereafter with intercut
on all deferred payments at tile rate
of six per eentum per annunl, togeth(;r
with accrued interest on any balance
at the same rate: ovided, That any
)urchaser may make full payment of
principal, interest and statutory fees at
any tlnla and obtain deed or state
patent. The purchaser of Iand contain*
Ing timber or other valuable materials
Is prohibited by law from cutting or
removing any such timber or materials
without first obtaining consent of the
Commissioner of I)ubllc Lands or the
board, until the full amount af the
purchase price has been paid and deed
All sales of state lands are made
subject to the reservations of oils.
gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils
of every name, kind and description,
and to the additional terms and con-
ditions prescribed in tle act of the leg-
islature" approved March 20, 1907, being
section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws
of 1907.
Said land will be sold subject to
the ,.terms, conditions and reservations
of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of
1911, relating to easements for rights*
of-way and the carrying of timber,
stone, mineral and other products eves
the same,
is your best protection
a.a"finst the high cost of
living' l)eeauso it encour-
tlg'es CaFC and COllScrva-
lion in 5'our spending.
You shouhl carry your
money in the
Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks
_-- []
.! i
will give you a new pair of
shoes and save you the expense.
We invite attention to the facet
that in our modern shoe re-
pairing we use only the best
grade of leather. That means
longer wear and a greater sav-
ing, things not to be ignored
in these days of soaring shoe
;eels, .. • .., ,ii[
H. M. Roseholt, Horn Bldg,
Workmen have begun oleartng the
ITound for the erection of a new fish
hatchery at Chinook, which the Wash-
ington fisheries department will build
to replace the one now In operation
there. The new building will have a
capacity of 4,000,000 salmon eggs an-
nually, nearly twice the capacity of
the old plant.
Mayor T. C. Rogers and Glenn Nor-
man, superintendent of the city light
department of Centralla, have return-
ed from Clarkston, where the}, inspect-
ed a power plant owned by ths Wash-
i.nEton-ldaho Light & Power company.
and which It proposes to install at
Centralia for the Sherman Counl
Light & Power company.
Edwin G. Ames, SeatUe Ihlpbuildar,
w appointed by Govrnor Hart at
a member of the state indtmtrial code
mmmision to succeed William Short,
president of the state federation of l-
r, rssigned. The commission now
consists of W. L. Dimmick, Yakima;
$ohn Pattison° Spokane; D. M. Evans,
H. A. Moore and Mr. Ames, Seattle.
O. 8. Larsen, vice-president of the
icandin&vian-Ameriean bank at Ta
Cot, David P. Barrows, who hall
been In.tailed al pPaldent of the
UnlvePlty of California to succeed
Benjamin Ide Wheeler.
In an effort to relieve the car short-
age which is crippling the lumber bus-
mess in the northwest, a large num-
9or of cars have been allocated for
'mmediate service on the three trana-
;ontinental lines terminating at Seat-
tie, W. C. Kendall, director of car
srvice of the railroad administration.
told the Washington eongressional
[slegation. Northwest mills, Mr. Ken-
iall said, have outgrown railroad facil-
,ties, and there is little likelihood that
he production of the mills can be hau-
lied under {he present rail conditions.
Unless the commission appointed to
xamlne wages and conditions in the
,'oal industry comes to an immediate
lettlement of the dispute between of-
clals of district ten, U. M. W. A., and
's Wilkeson Coal and Coke company
)ver the company's decision to operate
|44,000,000 greater than last year.
A new irrigation project has been
put forward with every prospect of
success, according to the backers,
she say that if the application for
ter rights is approved, the sale of
the bonds to eastern capitalists is cer-
tain. The plan is to tap the Touchet
river at Belles and carry the water
through a 12-foot canal down the
rouchet valley and onto the lower
Sureka flat. About 72,000 acres of
land are to be irrigated. The cost of
The above described lands are offered I
II All,lu.b00n, !
for sale in pursuance of an order of
the Board of State Land Commission-
ers. and an order of sale duly issued
and certified by the Commissioner of
Public Lands of the State of %Vashlng-
ton now on file in the office of the
county auditor of said county.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
Notice Is hereby given, that on
• s improvement is estimated at $2,- day, the 3rd day of February, 1920, be- ,
|00,000. between the hours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and four o'clock in the
afternoon, 0ommencing at ten o'clook
in the forenoon of Im.id day, in front m||[n||||||||||||n||||||||||||||||||||||||||[|||||||||||i|||[|||[|[||||||[||||w ''
of the main entrance door to the
- . . • • ...._,.
.... ICounty Court House tn tbe city of ! j
2o. b49. I Shelton, County of Mtmon State of
NOTICE OF APPOITMEN T I Washington either by the county 'l 't.-'3Ct
......................... laudit°r°fsaid°°unty°rbyamemberli 00ISHING ll yf' d |
of th. 00oard of slat. 00,od Comm,.- a m rlen s
-- sioners of the State of Washington,
1 the g.o.m. o-* *. ** the following described state lands,
-"" ..... :--**-"''-'''";a'--'" together with the lmpr0veraents situ'/i $-{00I15 ndp th C |
vva.,gon in an, xor ,ne oun Wated thereon, ,'ill be sold at public a atrons e om-
of Mason. In Probate. auction to the highest bidder therefor,
tow. | pl f th S
In the Matter of the Guardianship " : ApUeatama 'o a8 I[] * []
of the Estate of JOHN ANDER- All tide lands of the econl" class, as lments o e eason. ==
SON, Insane. defined by section 1 of chapter 36 of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Session Laws of 1911, owned by [] =
the undersigned has been appointed the State of Washington, situate in [] HANSEN BROS
front of, adjacent to or abutting upon
and has qualified as guardian of the that part of lot 4, section 18, township --
above entitled estate; and notice is 21 north, range 1 west W. M., mess-
further •given to all creditors of said ured along the meander line as follows: i
Begiuning at the point of intersection |||||||||||||||i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||i||||H|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
voma, has presented to the state a ts mine at Wilkeson on an open chop John Anderson, Insane, to serve of the meander line with the north line
life-size portrait of the late Governor )asis, the iseue will be made a na- their claims, duly verified, on the of lot 3 of said section 18, produced Illll i I I
ster The picture is the work of al on "
• . ;ion e which may result in the undersigned guardian, or his attorney west and running thence S. 14, ° W. I.
prague Hathaway, Boston (ass.) pUdiation of the settlement between " of record, and file the same with the 3.20 chains, more or less, to an angle
artist, and will hng beside the p0r- ae' r0verament and miners" Robert Clerk of this Corn% with proof of point13. E. in3.54saidchainsmeanderand s.line;0 ° 4ythenceE. 3.26S'
traits ot other governor in the ezecu .- . .... . . ' . . • sewice, within six months from the chains to the true point of beginning
, " it. l-larllD, presloent oz amtrlct r d " " "
tiv ate of the first pubhcatmn of thin of this description; thence running S.
e r.oom of the capitol building at mid at SeatUe. ' notice, to-wit: within six months 0*45' E. 1.45 clains, S.6 ° E. 5.63 chains,
l:uzmpm. - __ from the 2nd day of January, 1920; and S. 28% ° E. 2.92 chains, to the
terminal point of this description with
• othezvise such claims shall be barred, a frontage of 10.00 lineal chains mess-
• i ' C.I. PRITCHARD, ured along the meander line according
to a certified copy of the government
i , Guardian of the Estate' of John field notes of the survey thereof on
L Anderson, Insane hie In the office of the Commissioner of
Public Lands at Olympia. "Washington,
)" .i Attorney for Guardian, appraised at $6.00 per lineal'chain, or
Shelton, Wash. i 1 8 15 22 4t $60.00.
.,d ' Said lands will be sold for not less
l{g ' than the appraised value above stated
i ' No. 506. and upon the terms and conditions for
; #g'\\;\\klII[#Ek , zwwz o' ,,,,,-,,a, .=.. a',',, lowing:
TI I OOl11O Of Bale.--Not
i /t.k2 IOT A14 ETITZON O]f DZS- less than one-tenth of the purchase
: /F''Z TRIBUTXO'. " price must be paid at the time of sale
to the officer making the sale. The
! I m • ////a,msnutwt¢,.x_ llnbl&'k._ In the Superior Court of the State of purchaser, if he be not the owner of
the improvements, must forthwith pay
ill A JlWil >.iil ,Vahlngton for Mason Count,. (In
to tlo officer making the sale the full
amount of the appraised value of the
t maws-wmi ' " Ii.: In the Mt.tor of the lqstate of EMIL improvements, as above stated. One-
' 'rl '[] "l [| ,i{t'-,,--e ,.. E. LI'VELY, Deceased: tenth of the purchase price must be
paid annually theroafte wta interest
• --.L "],11'" NOTICE 1S It1]llllY GTVEN that on ell deferred payments at the rate
' ' " lt [Clara A. IAvely, the executrix of the of six per centum per annum, together
Iwittl accrued Interest on any baian,.'e
"" " I1" "a, IL-II , II , \\;V/ . l e.-.tatc ,,r 1:n,u r:. l.ave,y, dec,,asod, has at the snn,e rate: eroaed, =hat auY
principal, interest and statutory fees at,
any time and obtain decd or state :
1 V VMm mm m=mvm m.m v lie 8lid l}h'd witil tim Clerk of tile SLI-
11 • llerior Court of said County tlld Slate, Imtcnt. The I)lll'ChtIser of land contalll* i
l'ln{ovll'g all.v sllc}l tllDbvr or nlatci'lals
IIW/llrl II. llW/ll(tt' ip,-*l,tl,,,, r,,r ,,lst,.,,,,,,,o,; .,.,,d t,,at S.t-
aLabVaLa@.ls iLVdV-PtJt . [urday Li,e ]Ttil dllY of Jtllluary, 1920, without first obtaising COltSent of tile
IConmlisioncr of Public Lands or the
- fat 10 o'ehck n 111 st the ('lUl.t ]{coin board, until the frill al/lOl.lnt '-)f th0
The right kind of printed forms will help your business ot: ou,..:thl st;'l,,,,,;'or i:'ou;.t at Sh,dLon, purchase l, rlce has bee,, paid and deed
• " " " in' sad (? unty ha < I)con duly appointed
prosper by sawng your time and keeping your records ...... I Isucd.
J All ssles of state lands are made
• re h e -- by our Superior CourL for the scitlo-isubject to the reservations of oils,
ln p pars ap . nl,,,it of the ]i'tnal lleport, at which }s'ec°alnn.::Sl,pi(r." a.:,.., ",•,. c:als ndn.',.¢;,!}s
Uur servme as pnnters Is not limited to taking your repo, t distribute the Droperty to ltm dtllons prescribed/n li 'ran 'n
order and putting some ink on paper according to heirs or imrsons cntith?d to the snmel le}islattu'e approved larch 20, 1907,
behtg scci.ion 3 of challter 256 of the
and discharge the l:x,cutrlx. Laws df 1907.
Said land will be sold subJecec to
Vit.noss thu Hen. ]l. 1,'. Vrbvbt, Judge the terms, conditions and reservations
, t i t t
Single Fare $1.51'. Round trip $2.72
(Daily except Sundays)
Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma p. m.
The morning trip connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle
boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton
should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m.
Seattle shipments should be delivered to City Dock.
Make H A R R Y FO RD
Dealer in Rough'and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings,
Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook
the fact. We can save you money. Lct us figure with you.
A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards
at Shelton.
your directions.
I II Ilqll I I I I I I I I
We are able to make suggestions for business printing of the sahl Supt, rior Conrt, and the of el,st, tot 109 of tho Sesslon Laws of t ,
seal nf said Court atllxed this 20th 1911, relating to easements for rights. II'
that may save considerable money for you. Our plant d,,r o; December, a99. of-way aml the currying of Umb,,r.
• stone, mineral and otier products over € t
ia completely equipped and we carry a stock of I"IATTll,] E. I{UCI=I3R-GAI.FIIL1), the same. Blacksmithing_..Horseshoeing
Connty Clerk and Clerk of ttc Superior The above described hmds are offer- "Protection That Protects"
ed for sale in pursuance of en order
./,o[wuO/. Court. of the Board of State Land Commis- Life, Accident, Health3 in 1.
il@l FITCH & ItNTSON, stoners, and an order of sale duly, NORTHERN LIFE '. "..". HILI31AN
i [ issued and certified by the Connnis- ;
"[lie Utility BuMn# Paper Attorneys of record for Executrix. stoner of >ublic Lands of the State of INSURANCE CO. has leased the Pldl Horn bIack-
Office and postofllce address: Rooms Washington now on file n the offiee l The Home Company of Seattle smith shop, mad is now doing
in order to give you the qulcket service possible. 601-2-3 Bankers Trust Bldg., Tacoma, I of the cOunty auditOr of said county, i G.E. Kellogg, District Agent,
I CLARK V. SAVIDOE. ! blacksmithing, h o r s e shoeing
Pierce County, Washington. | Commissioner of Public Lands. and general repair work.
13-26-i-16-4t 12-26-1-30-6 ' -
............. '" ' IBIBJLw_,, "