January 9, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 9, 1920 |
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Mrs. Frank Bennett and Miss Alma
Bcnnett visited friends in the valley
• ,,..-. ,
i f
Miss Elizabeth Fredson, who is a
University of Washington student, is
taking a rest from her work and is
spending the time with her mother,
Mrs. Jean Fredson.
Two new houses have appeared in
the valley, one across the road from
the school house is occupied by Mr.
Bunting and family. Mr. Bunting
is operating the mill that is getting
Miss Edna Shelton returned to out nmple for the Tacoma Cabinet
Olympia on Sunday to take up her Works.
school work again. The other .on the Mongrain place
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Leisure and is to be occupied by Mr. Gaodman
Mrs. I,aura Bennett Hartman of heI- and family. Mr.'Goodman is work-
ton and Miss Doris; Itartman of ing witl the company which is get-
Olympia visited at the L. G. Shelton ting out cotton wood.for the making
• of excelsior.
home Sunday afternoon.
Little Edith and "Buster" Shafer The Christmas program at the
of Shelton are spending the week chool house was a great success.
Do we need a community hall? We
Will :Iiall of Monte.'::) has been vis-
iting hi. :C;ter. Mrs. L'. i. l;aunell
the last law da: s.
John Morgan q.:rued 'st week to
iris work in Grah Harbor County.
Mrs. H. D. GulT; er and daughter
Edith Guilty,Jr returned last week from
Suquamish wl,,:re they ,pent thcChrist-
mas vacation.
Mrs. G. E. Hickson, Mrs. Fred Hick-
s,m, ,]uanita l-tiekson and Dell Adanls
made a trip to Olympia Menday to
visit Fred Hickson. who is In St.
Peters hosl)ital with lnllammatory
rh cu nl alltsnl.
|tarold tlall made it trip to town
Mr. and Mrs. J. lqls(m of Isabella
Valley visited at the Ilensel home
Wed n, S(I ay.
5]iSS Igel'thlt Sealllolls rt',tu i'll ed Sus-
day fl"Olll h(2r holoc ill rJaCOlllll, whcl'e
she Sl)eUt .lhe ill,lidttys.
Mrs. ,]ael r. ,lohssto;q aud son Arnold
lll'e bldh ou tile sick list with nlunlps.
\\;V(" hope riley will soon recover.
Miss Hihhlr Crollquist returned to
Tacoma Monday where shc is attending
Capt. Brink ::.d, Bob Johnson are
building a new fioa'!ng walk from
the shm'e to the ;2o::t t the post-
office. We can now ; ')tit to the
float without fear of taking a bath
in the salt chuck.
The Sund boys caught a large
black bear up at the head of Mc-
Lane's Cove. Mr. Blain was a large
one, weighing ",50 pounds. His coat
will be used for a i'ug.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris came our
from Tacoma last week for a couple
of weeks. Mr. Morris and Gene
Ha,,men are on a trapping and
hunting trip, while Mrs. Morris visits
at the postmistress' home.
Mrs. Sarah Baird was ill a few
days last week, but iv up and around
Frank Seiners of the firm of Cites.
Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn Westberg and
daughter, Mrs. Victor West and
daughter, Mr. Lind, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Rediska and daughter Dora and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beck all spent
Sunday aftrenoon at the Chas. Jacob-
son home at Camp One.
Miss Linnea Helin spent the week-
end at home, returning Monday
morning to Montesano to atteml
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Evers, Ass
Bate.man aad Alvah McKibben spent
¶hes(lav evening with Rediska's.
• Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jacobsen and
sons spent Saturday evening xith,,
Frank Helin and fm'nily.
N. C. Nelson was a business caller
in Shelton Friday.
The Van Arsdale Hardware
Company of Olympia intro-
duce to Mason County people
the original Caloric Pipeless
Furnace, the great fuel
saver• Read:
with Mrs. Frank Bennett while their surely do! Ask those of the audi- college.
mother is away. ence who tood throughout the even- Mrs. g. B. Hardy and daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huntley of in - Itordeaux and Mrs. George Mlncher
Shelton called at the Shelton home g" and sons of Everett have been visit-
Ivan Baker has gone to Seattle to ing with McClure's, and returned tO
Sunday evening, receive throat treatments, their hones Saturday. . .
I" - Miss M,,rtle Fisk is with Mrs Miss mma Hensel has been serious-
z - ; ]ly Ill with bronchitis and is absent
• Pearson. She expects to be her I'ro m school this week "
BELFAIR several months caring for the teach- Mrs. I. W. Luther tnd daughter re-
er's children. curned Monday from Tacoma where
Mr. and Mrs. Prussia and family
spent Christmas at Cherry Valley
with Mr. and Mrs. Addleman, former
residents of Belfair. Mr. Prussia re-
turned to take up the work at the
camp, but Mrs. Prussia stopped at
Tacoma to spend New Year's Day
with friends there.
Messrs. Marsh and Lumberg and
families went to Hobart during the
holidays to visit Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Johnson, recently of Belfair. Mr/
and Mrs. Marsh visited relatives in
Seattle before returning.
Mrs. Mar(ha Blair spent Christ-
mas with her father and mother at
Belfair. t
Mrs. Fredson spent the holidays
in Seattle. We all envy her the op-
portunity she had of healing Tetraz-
zini sing.
G. M. Ward spent the week-end
with the Weaver's.
E. A. Harris and daughters Marian
and Marceline are back in the val-
ley after spending a pleasant two
weeks at their home in Seattle.
Young Ralph Wilson is telling the
other boys of the fisher he trapped
on New Year's day. He is quite
proud. No wonder--fisher skins are
listed at $75.
The Weavers are getting acquaint-
ed with their Scripps-Booth car.
The Home Economics Club met
they have been visiting Mrs. Luther'B
sister and parents.
How about the roads? We think
theyr'e a little better, but wonder
what other folks tiflnk about it.
J. Olsen returned Monday from Se-
I ,
Mrs. Banks of Agate, who was cen-
sus taking In this neighborhood, wits
;called to Tacoma Monday on account
lof the illness of her "father.
Guy and Max V/aldberger returned
to their work on the survey near
.Mrs. Myrtle Triggs and little Grace
are visiting at :Mud ]Jay this week.
Adolph Johnson returned to Olym-
pia aftcr spending a few days in our
Somers, real estate dealer of Se-
attle, is a visitor at C. W. Baird's
for a few days. He came out to
look over tie S0mers ranch, n,.ar
Del reit.
A fish boat called at Stadium
feat and all the Stadiumites got a
supply of smelt. They carried them
home by the dishpan full.
A crowd of Stadiumites attended
the dance at Agate last Saturday
evening, January 3rd, and repm a
most enjoyable time. A crowd in a
launch from across the bay got
stuck on a sand bar and had to wait
till the tide came in before they
could go on.
A large delegation of Stadium peo-
ple went to Shelton yesterday by
launch. The men folks are going to
attend the meeting of the Mason
County commissioners to lay their
plans for a bridge from mainland to
Island so the farmers can get to
Tacoma by a shorter route; so there
will be a big pew wow in Shelton to-
Mrs. Hmnan Ahern and daughter
Ester May and Mrs. Price of Camp
One 'called on Rediska's Monday
Frank Helin and son Herbm¢ were
callers in Montesano Monday.
Our school has reopened again
after a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. A. S. King and son Victor
were business callers in Matlock
A. J. Beck spent the week end at
the Rediska home.
A Happy New Year to one and all.
* I
Oscar Afdem returned Wednesday
to his home in Tacoma after spend-
mg a week in the neighborhood vis-
iting his brother Carl.
Leon Larsen has been on the sick
list for the past week but upon last
have seen it accomplish
remarkable results for our
customers. We have installed
it in homes where winter com-
fort was unknown until the
CaloriC came around.
We know that the Caloric
makes good and we are glad
to add our personal endorse-
ment to the Ironclad Guaran-
tee that is given by the manu-
Saves I/' 3 to 1/' 2 the Fuel•
The Caloric heats all types of
homes--bungalow to three-story
house -- dis-
tributes a 1 i
its heat
Mrs. Arthur Robins went to Allyn
to spend Christmas with Mrs. L. P.
Robins. ' +'
The children of Belfair school gave
a Christma program December 19.
The whole community was treated
with" candy, nuts and oranges. All
seemed to have a good time.
Miss Bennick, who has been visit-
ing Mrs. Angel, returned to her home
in Everett Sunday. M. S.
Miss Mary Larsen left for Seattle
Sunday morning. She has been
spending her Christmas vacation at
her home here.--H. L.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beard and
sons Robert and John called on the
Larsen family' Wednesday evening.
The party watched the old year out
and the new year in. Everybody
enjoyed themsleves.--H. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and children
spent a pleasant evening at the
teach,rage January 1st.
LaWrence Bickle returned to school
Monday after being away for three
months. During his absence he at-
tended school at Olympia.
Mr. Larsen and Mr. Ryan have
both made trips to Allyn this Week
to haul feed.
Mrs. Wolf called upon Mrs. How-
ard Saturday afternoon.
While on the way 'to Stimson's
Monday Mrs. Arthur Robins spent
part of the day with Mrs. Howard.
Mrs. Murray entertained Mr. and
Mrs. Henry one evening this week.
After spending two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Starks, Mrs. Win.
Lieseke returned to her home on
VVidby Island MDday. Mr, Lieeke
a'ccompanied her, but returned Sat-
Jeannette Henry, daughter of the
new storekeeper, started to school
:Monday morning. We are alway s
: glad to have new pupils.
Mr. Foster and son Ben Evans
':made their usual trip to church at
Allyn Sunday.
Mr, M. Nelson is visiting at the
Larsen home• Mr. Nelson expects to
do some duck hunting before the
season closes.
Master Louis Sholts returned to
Seattle Sunday after a three days'
visit at the Larsen ranch.
--The School.
, ,
(Too late for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Rolie,entertained the
neighbors Christmas night. The am-
bulnace called for all the invalids
and ripples and all had a very merry
The school entertainmeut on De-
cember 23rd was a treat in every
way. The fllttle folks each doing
their best, the beautiful stage ar-
rangement the elaborate decorations,
the huge Christmas tree, the delight-
ful sol0 by Mrs. Pixley, the operatic
selection by Tom Lewiston, the piano
music by our worthy teacher, aml
last but not least the grub by the
fond parents, made the evening one
of abundant good cheer and one long
to be remembered.
Mr. Salter of Tacoma with r.
Nobles' father and brother Willie of
Puyallup were here for the school
exercises on the 23rd.
Mable Luark and Mrs. Knowlton
went to Shelton Saturday to visit the
The Coldevin family entertained
the neighbors New Years eve, every-
one reporting a good time.
The eorrespondent wishes to cor-
rect an error made in last report be-
fore the unsuspecting public reach
the conclusion that it is one first
class . Mrs. Russell did not
come home as reported but got stuck
in the mud at Bremerton' and re-
turned to Seattle but has since reach-
ed home.
Mrs. Lyle 'Whltcombe of Seattle
spent a few days with the Russells.
We have taken the liberty of send-
ing ticket( fo the masquerade to
various persons whom we thought
would be interested in the success of
the dance. There will be prizes worth
trying for. We want to ask' those
wishing transportation to be in
Union as early as possible ...... .....
Happy New Year All.
; : t, ;:'.,
with Mrs. Gibson Wednesday after-
noon. They did the Hot Lunch Club
a good turn by hemming and donat-
ing dish towels.
Paul Hunter has returned to the
valley after a two months' visit in
Iowa. He says he enjoyed the trip,
but is glad to be back at work again.
The Hunter family spent Christ-
mas clay at the Vail home.
• Mary Bishop returned home for the
The Rendslands from across the
bay 'spent New Year's day with the
Mrs. Albert Newell and Mr. and
Mrs. Bowers of Seattle' were visitors
at the Roberts:home: last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mongrain ar-
rived home from Seattle last week
after spending the holidays there.
The Skokomish mill has changed
hands and is working full blast. Mr.
Willey and Mr. Harris have taken
Emma and Nita Richert spent
Christmas at home.
J. McKiel of Elma spent the
Christmas holidays at G. F. Weav-
Ned Wivell rturned home New
Year's eve from Tacoma where he
has been for a few weeks: We are
!all glad to see him back.
Maud and Luella Baldwin visited
at the Taylor home Sunday.
Clifford and Clarence Wivell re-
turned to Pullman this week after
spending their vacation at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baldwin
spent part of last week at the Bald-
win home. They returned to their
herod Sunday morning.
Jessie Baldwin left for her school
at Walville Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elson spent
Thursday evening at the Baldwin
Robert C. Johnson left here Sun-
day afternoon for his school at Sat-
A few of the pupils are still out
of school on account of the mumps.
Mr. amt Mrs. Chas. Saegcr and
sons Merrill and Frank spent New
Year's day .with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
A serious accident was avoided on
Rock Creek by the ski]lful driving of
Frank Holman. There were four men
in the buggy when jt tipped over
and the back seat broke, leaving its
occupants on the ground. No serious
injuries are reported.
A 'crowd from here had the honor
of charivaring Louis Scbdufler and
bride (nee Miss Eileen Dugherty)
last week. They were married in
Clarice Hanson, who spent Christ-
mas vacation at home, returned to
Seattle last week to attend school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gronlund of
0roville are spending an indefinite
time with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lord and chil-
dren of Shelton spent Christmas va-
cation with relatives here.
Buster Hanson has returned to
school after some weeks absence.
Mrs. Ernest Gronlund and Mrs.
Nichol Ward visited school Tuesday.
Miss Louisa Ahl spent the past
two weeks visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Oren Ellison of Olympia. She
returned Sunday.
Ernest Grolund, Harry Finch and
Joe Mason have been working on
the school water supply. They have
moved the tank into the further eTd
of the school yard. A water, foun-
tain will also be put into the school
Oscar Ahl and Nichol Ward are
spending a few weeks at Molson.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wonder and
baby re,turned home Christwas week
after spending some time at Monroe.
Mrs. Jas. Bleecker spent the past
two weeks with relatives in Tacma.
She returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gronlund, Mrs. Nieh-
ol Ward, and son Sidney and Frank
Ahl iited at Shel£o.: Sunday .......
vicinity, day. Of course some of our ladies reports was better.
Mrs. Chgs. Grlggs and son Arthur went along, too, as they are on a
were Olympia visitors thls week. shopping tour. Cupid is a busy little fellow it
Mr. and Mrs. Orln Elllson and son Erick Adegard is making improve- seems--Ed. Crossman and Miss
silent Sunday with home folks. Avonda Hasbrook are the next on the
Ir and Mrs .Vm Waldrip spent ments on his ulace. He is sure a .........
Monda'- in Oi"m-)ta " " " - " ..... us oz ne nmgnnornoou young peo-
:€ a' ! • Dtl,y mkl.a. Juoge L+. L;. tfml;l;on is •
Quite a number from Kamllchc at- .1,,. ,l;-,r .... ; ........... + ..... pie to enter the bonds of matrimony.
tended the funeral of llltle Ella :"" , ...... ......... i,.,:.,e,,; " Thev were married in Olympia Mon-
Vhtpl)le Friday afternoon ,)in OlymDla. I nls place,' .riley are ,we busy am - a,,,',.,, n-nm--, th, ,,t,,,-,,t,,.. ,-,,i-*h._.
Ella was a bright and l ring e 1 elors. Mrs Caroline Sund is ira- ,er , , . " "; .... 1-
1To know her was to love her. She Il,ovin her lace rl-ht alon In iNlSSel oaz remrnea item ea e
,,'ill be sadly mts..ed. The family have ..... ..... s " "o Monday after a few days in that city
our syinpatl'iy [Iacl; all t;no l;aCllUnlll;e seem t , . .;
I, ............ ,.,. Ihave the improvement fever. Keep I°ndusmStee r was a 'uest at the
. w the good work going "
I I ". [Kellogg home over the week-end
,:.:, AOATE I *+ i Miss Emma Larsen came from Ta-
i .x% .......... " At [i TAHUYA ' I coma to attend the New Years dance.
Nell Owen Visited the Mcacham It I] She was a guest at the Afdem home
ranch last week, returning to 13rem-/, < ./for a couple of days.
orion Sunday. ....... Mr. Lundy and daughter l,ulu left[ Mel Dobson was a guest at the
iJranK l al()c(' ue ,vcnl; to SeatI.le ' • ' U • "
" ' lop Seattle I uesday lnoloinl4. I,U . r
Monday morning on the Simpson, after will ,,o from thor( to Oklat,)lna to Doak farm Monday and Wuesda). H
spending the holidays at home rnakecr home w'ltt her father's sis: Imotored from Montesano in his car.
There was a watch party at Wg's "tar " " I '
pla(e New Yeai s eve rhme er( ' s s r
!: :'. 7- "' 7,-" ,'..-:" ,.';: i lr. Coombs and Toni Lewl.ston ul,.u i Mi'.S Jewell Duncan spent New
,lrYnie°Pwehtlne;'e olieerCnti:)'en)PalaYd went to Seattle f,,r a couple ,,f day,< Years <lay and the week end w "o:
• . p p e i Y' ltm I urdy was a 'Pahuya visitor / ..... .. ... . .
cards. About half past twelve re- last week [IyI1SS ]lleen ,JIDDS OI neion.
freshments wcre served, and after a "trs.=Klmwlton made a buslnesstripl Mrs. S. A. Wall is now visiting
while all went home after having a ,^ S',+on T-e-a.--. /. . , ....
n - ' ,,., u u.r. iner uaugner, Mrs. uncan.
'oo ume. The last boat will leave Union Sat-
James Nelson of Tacoma is the urday night for the masquerade at 9
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Llbby. o'clock sharp. As the transportation
Mr. and Irs. Llbby had a large
crowd at their home for dinner on
Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and family
from South Dakota. and' Mrs. Bates'
mother, Mrs. Hennlngsen from Puyal-
lup, spent the week with Bates.'
Mr. Bates tore down part of Libby's
old work shop last week.
Charles Edgerton was visiting his
mother and sister during the holidays.
Mac Frost was called to Tacoma
Sunday, as his brother is very ill.
Some .people of Agate c0mmuniy
celebrated the holidays by .having the
Mrs..Diggs ' and grandson La:wrence
,Tolnson are visiting relatives in Olym-
Jim Nelson is visiting at the Libby
home for a few daYS•
Mr. Bates went,to Olympia in hls
cai and brought back a load ,of feed.
W'. Libby of Sedro W'oollcy will be
at Grange Saturday night to install the
new officers,
Robert and Graham -Binns of Pull-
man visited the Grange at its last
A party was given at the Banks'
residence in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
George Wtss. Thc evening was spent
in playing cards and games. About
midnight a bountiful luncheon was
served, including the large wedding
cake. Everyone had a good time.
Mr. Jacoby went to Tacoma Tuesday
morning and returned the same day.
Mrs. Lantz Wiss was a visitor at
the sehoel housc Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby and children
spent last Sunday with -Wialey's.
Mr. and Mrs. V¢oodall and daughter
Clariec went to Seattle the 26th nd
havc not returned yet.
Solon Evans was & caller at the In-
man ranch last Sunday afternoon•
Mrs. ,Vm. Marshall was a caller at
the Huston ranetl January 6th.
liss Eva Blake spent NeW Years
with :Miss Ruby Shellield.
' XAtSTIlq "t
Mr. and Mrs. V(eslcy Harris of Ever-
ett, spent tie holidays as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Haskcll. The
ladles are sisters.
Adolph /ikie. who since his vctorn
from Uncle Sam's service has been
living on the Cowan ran(n, l,-" prepar-
ing to move bis family to the old
¥ikie place at Jarrel's Cove.
Otto Erickson, recently from :Ho-
qutam, has been visittng relatives on
the Island fpr the past few weeks.
Mtss Ethel Crawford. teacher of the
South End school, has resigned her
position. Miss Crawford, .so Madam
Rumor says, will henceforth special-
ize on one pupil.
A. Bachlund, Mrs. Gus Carlson's
brother, is spending his vacation on
the Island.
Irving Wingert, of Portland, is vis-
iting his. parents.
:Mrs. J. W. Adams. of Olympia, ac =
companied by two children, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. C. A. Kind-
red, for a few days last week.
H. Berg,son and son Ed. brought a
scow]cad of lumber across from Olym-
pa last Friday.
:Harstine has direct communication
with Olympia again, but it does not
do Jar,eli's Cove much good. Glen
:Harris of IJallow runs a launch three
times a week to the Capital City.
The Harstine ferry has been "born-
ed." The Bergeson boys ferried an
auto across the straits last week.
Paul -litchecok, who Is reputed to
be something of a speed fiend, had his
auto on the Island during the holidays
and he treated his friends to some wild
Joy rides over the I-Iarstine boulevard•
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews made a trip
to Olympia last Friday.
C. A. Kindred has his logging camp
running full blast now. The camp
moved' Into Jar, eli's Cove about the
Mrs. E. Harriman went to Shelton
ednesday to have some dental work
done. " '
"Mrs. Andrew Johnson, who" wenl,ulr
to Tacoma some time ago to consult
Mr. and Mr. Marvin Tillman re-
turned from Tacoma Saturday.
will be heavy we advise everyone
wishing transportation to be in Union
as early as possible. There will be
confetti and all the necessary pro-
visions for a fine time, and good
music. All dancers must wear a mask.
A poor cow is like a broken down
motor. She consumes plenty of fuel
yet produces little energy or food.
through only
one register;
no h eat -wast-
ing pipes, no
trouble to in-
We often
complete the
entire job in
one day with-
out any in-
with your
present heat-
mg system.
Let us give
you the
names of some of the nearby users,
so that you can investigate the,Cal-
oriC in actual use. We will gladly
giv you full information.
318 E 4th St.
Manfacturl bT
Polson's Portable Drag Saw
Polson's Portable Drag Saw is a time and labor saving device which
will do the work of ten men in sawing logs into stove or cord wood
lengths, cutting shingle bolts, etc. On the farm the machine is in-
dispensable. It lightens the burden of farm work, and makes land
clearing a simple tsk. Its advent has marked the elimination of
much of the tedious labor which has heretofore been attached to
farm life.
The large cutting capacity and the low cost of operation demonstrate the practicability of
this machine saw on the farm or in the logging campwherever wood cutting is a part
of the day's work<.
Strength and durability, combined with light weight and low cost of operating are
qualities which have been obtained in Polson's Portable Drag Saw, after several years
of experimenting.
The machine is equipped with a 4 h. p. water cooled gasoline engine with a friction
clutch. The friction clutch is of the internal expanding shoe type. It enables th operator
to start the engine without setting the Saw blade in motion. When the saw has been placed
in position, and the operator is ready to start cutting, he may gently engage the clutch,
allowing the blade to commence cutting gradually. •
The,4 h. p. gasoline engine is two-cycle water cooled and runs at 600 R. P. M. or
100 strokes of the saw per minute. The gasoline tank has capacity of two gallons, or
fuel' enough to cut twenty cords of wood. A six-foot saw blade is included in the regular
equipment. Extra or longer blades can be furnished at an additional cost.
Fifteen to thirty Cords of wood per day is an average cutting capacity of Polson's
Portable Drag Saw. The machine will cut through a
2-foot log in 1½ minutes 5-foot log in 7 minutes
3-foot log in 2 minutes 6-foot log in 12 minutes
4-foot log in 4 minutes
, We have these saws in stock and sell them on 'contract as follows: The price is
$165.00, $50 down and the balance in five equal monthly payments.
. ]
I Li i
'):7 ¸.