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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 9, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 9, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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illuary $9,] admitted '6 Jonday for ' Bottle One Bottle lee us ete {PFC nearly-"i if-n'fz ,, “r. i. ~‘I ’ C a.” ' ' . iii-oz. l- Bottle , a; ' Church's natural juice m ( Fluffo r .h, ». gFrida , January 9, 1942. A Juices (gram "A l . l C 42- Tomato Juice Sunny Dawn, Fancy 18-07.. tin........ Grape Juice Tomato Juice Sunny Dawn, Fancy iii-or. ........... .. Tomato Juice 5'3 “ 'Lihby’s Fancy 8-01. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV -- Tomato Juice 2/ . ‘leby’s Fancy 14-02, ..................... .. ‘ "Tomato Juice g¢ Libby’s Fancy 18—07. .......................... .. Toma-to Juice ‘ Libby‘s Fancy {7—02. .......................... .. Grapefruit Juice all“ T(Win House Fancy 18—02. G i uic 4E0; ...... ........ .. Blended Juice Fancy 18—02. c Grapefruit Juice QC Libby's Fancy 184M. G ' ' a $- aura is I. Pin 1 ' _____ .. 27 Shortenings rl-LliS. vegetable Shortening .. ¢=Royal Satin g u vegetable Shortening... *1 Ke ' ¢ . 63 8"“ ry SW Shortening ....................... . 3—1.". TIN . .l 7 . ‘- a}: . . I. " .‘t ' ‘ Shbrtlegfiro ................... . 3-1.". TIN Sn ' ¢ ______ .. 3.1.3. TlN Canned Fruits Pineapple __._.______..__._.__— Dole's Fancy (ienls ll-oz. tall tin... Pineapple Pineapple Rose Dale, entire slices, 2!)-oz......... Pineapple 1W? Rose Dale, entire sliecs, 15-02......... Pinea le Hills Dale, Egon, ‘le-oz ................... .. Pineapple Libby‘s Fancy Sliced, I30—oz.......... fl 9 Fruit Cocktail 12¢ Sundown, 16-02. tall 2 Fruit Cocktail 2/ Libby’s Fancy, 16—oz. tall .............. .. Fruit Cocktail Hostess Delight, 16oz ................... ._ Grapefruit ,0 (llenn Aire Fancy, Ell-oz ................... .. Grapefruit Libby's Fancy, 20-07.. tin .............. .. _____________________ 12w Pear Halves Del Monte (llloice Bartlett, Till-oz. Freestones, “'esi Farm Peaches, Iii—oz. tall ...... .. Freestones u (‘llatter “0x Peaches, Cling Peaches Del Monte Choice, 29-oz. tin .......... ._ Clin r Peaches ¢ Castle (7§st Choice, 29-07.. 2 ’I‘INS Beverages Snowy Peak 2%¢ Asstorcd Beverages 12—07.. 6 FOR , Snowy Peak Assorted Beverages 32-07...... 3 FOR _ Canada Dry igl/é Ginger Ale, Tom Collins (dep) 28-02 gjizfioda 7—01. 6/ch qts. 3 FOR Sno Cola 6 23¢ Cola Beverages 153-oz. [1237 Farm-Fresh Vegetables Does your daily diet contain all the vitamins you know it should “CE liflowe ': lquash l $th. 4. . .. l'i . "1w; . ,l w .4 K r ' l lr k Oran es ' Fey. Sunkgt. Shop. bag ll—LBS.53 Winesa s A ¢ Ex. Fry. in sap. bag 10438.53 Grapefruit Fey. Ariz. Sunkist ........ .. 10-Lus. Spinach Extra Fancy Tcxas........._ 24.85.13 Rutabaga-s 3t: ‘I Fancy, mild—flavored Tomatoes . Fancy, firm slicing- .............. _. LB. Fanc Gra es Emperor {We grape.” 2-1.1is.17 v have? There is an easy solution to that problem more fresh vegetables. At Safeway you find a complete selection of “farm—fresh" fruits and vegetables. Every purchase is gua- ranteed to please or your money back. why not eat 10¢ No. 1 Spanish type Sweet Potatoes If. s. No. 1 Jerseys 4-Lns. Celery 36¢ Marblehead 211.03 0r Hubbard Squash .......... .. I; Fresh Lettuce B. Lge, solid and ('risp ...... .. LB. BONDS. Olives, Pickles, etc. Ri e Olives ¢ Libbg Ext. Lgs. 9—01 ................... .. Ripe Olives ' “'yandoite Fey. Med. Chopped Olives c Libby‘s Fancy, 4‘Vl-oz. .......... .. Dill Pickles Sylxan Brand, 26-01. tin .................. .. . . ‘ JAR Rose Dale Brand Split Dills Chili Sauce Libby’s Fancy, 23—02. jar........ Fancy Catsup Snid-ers Catsup ' Fancy 1-1-01. ......................................... .. i 5 Jelly 24noz. Tea Garden, Mix—Fruit .................. .. Peanut Butter ‘Real Roast Il—lb. 16c) .. Peanut. Butter Beverly" Fancy (llllb. 180) ‘2—LBS. 2 ! Apple Butter Fancy “Musselman's” 38—oz.'.......,... a a French Dressing-.5120: ‘ l’ielrc’s S—oi. Mayonnaise Nu Bade (pint 250) ...... .. QUART Sandwich Spread Lunch Box (pint 216) ...... .. QUART Salad Dressing Duchess, fresh! (pint 19c) QUART i *. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing (pint 21c) QUART 3 Bulk Food Savings Red Beans ______—..__._ Fancy Mexican ................... ii-LBS. V White Beans - Small Vv’hite .................. ...... .. 3-LBS. Lima Beans 16¢ Baby Limas ..................... .: ..... .. 2-LBS. Spaghetti _ Real economy herel............ _________________ __15¢ Kraft Dinners 9¢ Macaroni and Cheese 6—01.. PKG. Canned Meats Corned Beef LOAF —— Morrcll’s 12—01. tin ...... _. Hormel Spreads 9 Assorted Meat Spreads, 3-01 ....... .. c liar .................. 15¢ ............ .. 29¢ SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J OURNAL' Yes, we all must stop waste. At Safeway you are usmlred of the finest brands, both nationally ad- vertised and local products, brought to you at the lowest prices in town. you pay more than Safe- way’s low price you are wasting money . . . that could well be put into U. S. STAMPS AND money Canned Vegetables Tomato Paste 2/ Mattina, (#01. size .............. .. 23 FOR Tomatoes 2 ¢ Silver Dale 1:354:02. Del Monte Peas Fancy, blended, 16-01. ...................... .. Fanc Peas 2 Sugar, Belg] blended, 201w” tin ..... 6~Sieve Peas at Happy Vale, standards, 17-oz. Cream Corn 30? Country Home, Fancy ll~oz . . . . . . . __ Cream Corn” 2/2.? Libby’s Fancy Golden, Cream Corn 'i‘ender—sweet,standard Iii-oz. . ..... .. 8 . ' Spinach 1% Emerald Bay, fancy, oz ...... .. Cut Beans 3 for V RN] Dart, 20702. tins ...... .. 3 FOR Diced Carrots ¢ First Mate Brand, 20-01.. .. 2 TIN Diced Beets sit Raylnal Brand, 20—01 ........................... .. ~ Pork & Beans W3 Van (‘amp’s 20-uz. . ............................. Flour Savings Swansdown , (‘akc Flour, 2‘33—111. pkgs. Biskit Mix Fisher’s Brand 2V3”). pkg. Fisher’s Blend 1.98 9.8—1b. 45c; 2'l‘/:—1b. 1.05 . Snow “£38 Gold Medal .10 \9.8-lb. up; 211/.»‘1bs. 1.03.... 49—Lns. Kitchen Craft 11.69 9.8-1b. lle; SEN/ribs. 89c Harvest Blossom 1.49 Flour, 21%»1bs. 790 Baby Foods, etc. Baby Foods Campbell’s 3 tins . SOUPS (most kinds) 3 TINS -1 Cam bell’s . SOUI’S. gigs. and Mushroom TIN Tomato Soup 8¢ Campbell‘s famous soup! .............. .. Heinz/Soups Full line (IO-oz. 3/23c) lfi-oz. 2 FOR Rancho Soups 59¢ Four tasty kinds! IOJ/é—oz. tin... Federal Milk ()r (‘Hl‘llilllL l-lVg—uz. ti '1‘le Pet Milk 3 l e. ¢ (‘va‘rautionfi Borden, Darigold,‘g]i(;Rafi 8¢ ‘ Tea and Coffee Lipton’s Tea . _¢ Black, '/_-—1b. 450 .................. .. '/l—LB. Canterbury Tea Black, '/=~ll>. 30c ...... .. 1-Ln. PKG. ' ‘ Pennant Tea 11 Black . . . what a value! .. Tea Bags Canterbury, Black 2:") BAGS 35¢ .. 0 Pl . ‘ An way Coffeelw iglf Pure Brazilian 3-lbs. 55c Nob Hill Coffee De Luxe Blend, —1bs. 45c l—LB. Edwards Coffee Premium Blend Z-lbs. 53c LB. TIN i . Maxwell House Coffee, 2-1bs. 61c ...................... .. Drip or Reg. 2-1bs. Gilc ...... .. LLB. Soap Values Camay, Lux b¢ llil‘ilf? . 19¢ 35¢ WY SW... . 29¢ Large sil‘le ii for Su-Purb Soap Pure Granulated 50—oz. 39c... 24—02. Oxydol or Rinso or RINSO regular 24-01. pkg. ...... .. Ivory Flakes or Ivonv sxow ...... .. lZV2-oz. pkg. Prepared Foods Meat Balls Faultles‘s 16-02. ...................................... .. Corned Beef 2 HASH _ Libby’s TO‘é-oz. Corned Beef ' ¢ ‘uAsu — Libby‘s 16-01. .................. .. ¢ Fricassee Lynden Chicken Fricassee, 29-01.... Safeway Guaranteed Mea T2393- ...................... .. ¢Sausa é ‘ Pure Pork LB. ¢Pork Steak Lean .......................................... .. LB. ‘- ¢Bacon Squares For Seasoning .......................... __ LB.1 1 ¢PorkSausa e lllldfi/(fil’uro Poul: ............ LB. Salt Pork . ¢ Lean streaked ...................... .. LB.22 ¢Bacon Hormel‘s Slice, j/_»-lb. cello... EA1 3 follicular 39¢ Hens For Stew or Fricassee ...... .. LRSI Bologna or Liver Sausage "BLI'E F001) STAMP ITEMS Dairy Foods Butter Tasty Pound fresh prints Butter Dairyland 91-score prints Large Eggs MediumEgigs Cottage Cheese Fresh Bread- ‘ ¢ i Julia Lee Wright’s... Lge. 1‘1/zv1b. Durigold full cream ...... .. rm: LB. Cream Cheese Fresh Milk "Country—Fresh" ...................... .. QT. Miscellaneous Jello Dessert or Puddings, full line 3 PKGS. Jell Well Desserts 'or Puddings Cat Food 3 I'KGS. l QC» l’uss‘n Boots, 8-01. tin .............. .. ll 11.... 3 FOR l’ard .Brand, 16-01. Stro‘ngheart . I ,_ Dog Food, No. 1 tall ...... .. 3 TINS New Leader, FreshL... 2-LB. PKG. Flufficst Brand, 1-1b. pkg. .......... .. ' Soda Crackers Marshmallows Powdered Sugar Cane Su ar ' Fine Granulatedg. 10~LB. CLOTH Sea Foods Sardines Domestichwrapped, B'A-oz... 2 FOR “Trmsun‘r” natural, Cove Oysters Sardines For Stews, etc. 5-01. tin .ts Mutton Steaks and Chops ...... _, 2-LBS BeefSFeak- 35¢ Leg Mutton in Short Ribs Lean, Meaty ............................ ..LB. 1 S Belgona 19¢ Ring EACH Lunch Meat Assorted ...................................... ..LB. ___________ 31¢ Leg Lam“ .. 29¢ Polish Rings m Spiced Sausage Frainkfruters Large Juicy ...................... .. LB. Page Three 39¢ LB. i 40¢ i LB. Butter Darigold 93-seore Quarters in etn. 1- 4c Fresh .................. .. DOZ. (ll-ade “A” .................................. __ noz. 17¢ ‘1 Kraft .............................................. .. LB. ,